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H. BELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TEHMS OF TENTII VOLUMH. 7illa;e sulwcribcrs oqo Jlail -ubscribers. . . "j Individuals and Conipanies who take at uieonice l'75or 1'50 cents ifpaid 0() riioie who take of I'oslridcrs . "' H doc paid at llieend of tlie year ZJ . . No paper. discontinned until nrreara-e. are paid cep, atll.e option ofUa propr.ctor. ISocon, nct ith. or payme. t rn.dc ,o Carr.ers cash keep.ns rMPclm:inicaUonmu3tbe nd.lresscd totliced tor fosT I'aid MISCELLA.NEOUS. SUM.MEIt. BY WILLIS CAYLORD CLARK. The Spring"s gay promise melted in to thce, Fair SammerUand thy centle reign is hcie; Thc enicrald rotes are on eachleafy tree; In the blae sky thy voice is rich and clear: Andthe freebrooks have songs to Uess thy rcign They leap in rausic rnidst thy bright domain. Thegales, that wander froui the clouded west, Are burdened with thcbreathofconntlessfields; Thcy teem wilh incecte from the green cartb's breast That up to heaven its grateful odor yiclds; Hsaring swect hymns of praise froa many a bird, I3y nalure'saspcct into rapture stin'd. In such a sccne the sun-illumined heart Bounds like a prisoncr in his narrow cell, When ihronrjhils bars the moming glories dart, And forest anthems in his hcaring swell And, like the heaving ofthe voiceful sea, His panting bosom labors to befree. Thns gazing on thy void and sapphiie sky, O, Snmmer! in thy inmost soul arise Vplifted thonghts, to which. the woods reply, And the bland air witli its soft rnelodics; Till baskirg in sorae vision's glorious ray, I long for cajle's plumes to flee awny. I long to castthis cnmbrous clay asidc, And the impure, unho'.y thoughtsthat cling To the sad bosom torn with care and pride; I would soarupward, on unfettered iring, Far throngh lhe chainlcrs of the pcateful skies, Whcre the fount of Summer's brightness lies ! Ldckja'X. It anptvirs thalar.cmedy for UU horrible diease hns at becn discov rrel. TheJournal ofCommcrce rctordsa . ure hy tlie applicali'm of clectriciiy. The jiatienl wns a young woman, ir, wlinm t he diseasc had bccn br.mght on by cold and fa tigue, and thc j.iws had bccn closed fivc days. The cler.tro-gtdvanic apparatus was appiicd to boili anglos and liad not made for ty rcvolulions bcforc thc coniplaint wascn tirely rcmovcd. Tiumtv Ciitrcii, N. Y. isfiisl progressing to complction. Thc following arc ils dinien- Lcnlh oiilloout. 192 fect; brcadlh, do. 83 G; IciiKth inside,' cxcluivc ciftowcrnnd ohanccl 103; dcplh ofrhaiicfI,33G;bre:idlli ofnave, 3C ; licight do. C7 G ; sqimre oftow rr, inclmliiic IiuUn-wc, -13; liciIit of towcr iiiid sjiire, 2S0. I'hovisg as At.iBi. Aclcrpyman alCam bridge prcachcd a s-ermon whicli one ofhi3 atidilors rciiinii'iided. 'Yes. Eaid a genlle inan to whoin it was mcntioncd. 'it was a ECniion. but hcsiole it." This ivas-lold i tlie prcaclicr. Ile rt'tcnlcd it. nnd rall rd upon thc gciillcina.-i to retract what he sjiid. 'I ani lioleaid the agcroFKor.'ver v aptto retract iny words. hutin thi? instanre I witl. I said vou had stolcn the scniion. 1 fiiid 1 was r.Ton , for mi rctuniing hoine and rcferritii; tu tlie book whence I thoughlit was takun, 1 lonnd it there.' Critic. V.'ONDKUFIJI. I.AN'D SblDE IX TJ1E TOIVXOF WAKSAU', ULSTBK COUXTY. A correfpondent wriling from Ulstcrsays; 'Xc-ver, uiihiu thcrecollcctions of ourold- rst rituens, hnsinturegivciisucli awfol dem instratinns of lnr frcalss in this icinity as liapicuctt hcre a. few wccks s-ncc. Ou th nisht ofthe lliird of May lj-t, a largf trjctof I.iiiJ. coaiprising a portiou of iho f:irms of J. it. 15. DiuioaJ. anJ Janifs fi. Bruyn, hruke Iijoc. acil wasrarricd hv theforcc ofitsoivn gravity aboat 1G0 yards, carrying wi;h it frtiit tree, and various othcrs of largc si.e, some still stauJing ia thcir upright position, olhers lom from their beds and scattcred ia most lie.-aiiiful coufusiou. What has caused this ruptuie, no one has as yet asccrtained. oujht heard of thc inove of this inass of niatler, s.ue asoncuflhc ucighbors says hi heard thc sound of a "rushing mighiy ind." The flrst intiniation we had ofany thing unconimon haviug takcn place wc found that thc earth had broke loosc about SO feet !ro;n thc stag'c road, laadiugfron.Kiiigston to V.'ortsboro. running parallel uitli the road, fur about 120 yards, formiiig a chasm, at thc point whcre it started, of about 100 feet per iiendicular. Thc v.hole body coutaiuing a bout 60 acres ofland. In its uassagc itcrossed lhe Roudout s!rc!im. liicrall v clearins the b;d ofall obstructions, i:id dcpiisiiins iis contcnts lo the heiaht of , iiout i.j lect ia the ueil or thc streair. lor a- . placcu it m Her hann. . , nn 1 - r - . . ..I'.r.. . 1 - b"ilt 1U0 ynrds. furming a ilam at onc dash across lhe whole sttcam imperviouas niasnii rv could inake it. The waters abote proved ahat has always beeti colisidercd impossililc, nnmely, their power of running up strcam. This it continued to do for thcdistance of a lout two milcs. to a place callcd Ilixou'sdam, herc aftcr findiiig its Icvel, it recoiled wiih he help of human hands, and its own powers, it forced its passage Ihiough the adjoining lacds to fiud its old chanuel bcloir. C. T. D. While writing Ihis I am informcd by one ofouroldestinhabitanis that n similar occur rence took place about Go ycars ago- X Y. Kvt. Post. Cnors, Harresting Whe'at is now in prog' ices in Virginia and Jl?rIand, and the yield is geuerally ood more than nu average. Wc luvc adviccs from Western Illiuois that lhe Wheat looks well in that region also the stalks are nat very lux- tiriant, but tbe heads long aud full. Corn is !uoking better every whcre since thelatcrains, in J thc average product wiUliegood. OUio and Michigan may have a short yield of Whcat, Imt we hnpe no serions deficiency. In our ute, we trust there will be no lack, except iruir.appears to beprettii thourougbly dcs i.oycd by the rcpcatfd heavy frosts ihrough ut the whole country north ofthis lattitude. Along Lake Erie, we hear thattbere will be j" panial yield, but none at all a few miles back. Tn Allmnv n... r:.: , V WMIJ, llll. V.lllX.1. JUJ O ... illss prospect cenerallv is an "nnd as nsual-at "si mougn many thiugs are backward, zarden vpppraliTAP !. i i 1 1 ! iid garden vegetables have been badly bittenTto tP 7X.t ""' ucsiroycu Dy tne irost. iritvnt. j VOL. X. The Golden Clasp; or, the Per juredGoldsmith. BV PROFESSOR J. II. INGRAHAM. PART I. A modcst and cxceedingly prelly young girl, plainly alu'red. cntcred one ofthe gold- Emtlh's stores on Btrcet, and Eecing that a genileman wns emjaged with the proprie tor.shc timidly thrunk nside ncar tlie door unt'il lie should bc at leisnrc. The aEsiatnnis wcre also oecupicd witli cu'stomcrs whose dress and appearanrc showed thcm to belong to the class ofthe rich, and so ihe was Eufi crcd toremain for Eome time Elanding tlicre before eIio couUl bo attended lo. Thcgcn tlcnian, wlio' was a fine, noble looking pcr son, witli a mnarkably polished addreEss, seeing hcr wailing, courtcously stood asidc, and Eaid to thc goldsmitli 'Do not occupy yourielftvithmc noiv, Mr. Broocliard. I can cxamine llieEe watchcs by mysclf while you ecc what l!it3 young per-t-on wanU who hasbecn wailing so long and paticnlly, to get an opportunily to addrcss you.' 'What do you wish, Miss ?'nsked the gold smiili, withalook which convcjxd a reproof to Iicr for interrupting hini uhilc engaged witli a cuslomer of morc value to him. The girl licEitatinglyapproaclicd tliccoun tcr, and taking from hcr bosom a Emall gold clasp, bcnt ovcr to him, and Eaid in a low trcmbling voicc ., . i-. ' i i. i .'n , i n ;, . J "" . . - ... uiciil-u mi: vurbui v.ui. iin iitin , cmat, who was pront, and he turned to ! obscrvchcrfacc,and hcarlhc rcply ofthe goldsmi.h, to this limid and painrully ul.ercd rcaucft. The cotdsmilh took thc rlasn , scornfully buween his fingcrs, and thcn , t irowinir ltdown. said Eharn'v, to Her slighlly flushed at the rude n.anner oriiis re- ply. 'I don't kr.ow what yon may value it nt,'hc answcrcd, wilh a rold laugh, glancing at ' Col. AlcIIcnry, w hom he Eaw sevcrely obsrr vinc him : 'I would not like to rivc you cx Ehillings for it.' I But. Eir.1 plcad the girl, unconscious nfbe- ingeverlicard, 'I nttist have seven dollarsto- j day, and I have no otlicr way otgclting it, : andl wasiuhopcK,sir, that youmight lctme j have that snm on it ; for I will ccrlainly come , back nnd lake it up again.' 'I tell voii,' answcrcd Jlr. Droochard ah- , "rilv. 'I keen no pawn broker s shop. Go to the Jews !' 'They won't give me but two dollars, sir, ndl wantsev?n.' i 'And eo you think to gct it out ofme ?' ;n. ;, .t n1.n,,t tn nt!.mm ! but. as 11 not Unowingwliallurtlicrargumcnl , to ur-c, hcsitatcd, ard was turning Elowly 1 r ,..i,.ei,n Mioln.i lini-nll nn,l nnin ..), ... 'Sir' she said. ina low, thrilling voice or ; cnrncst cntreaty, W mothcris lying very I ill, nnd our rcnt is due at 12 o'clock to-day, nnd the ncrsons wc ecw for having disap- pointcd ns in our pay, I have no oiher rcsonr ccs but this! Oh.sir,wilI you lake this chisp, only for n lew days, and 1 wil. tncn repay you i X Jiis is no pawn uroKers snop, giri; anu ncic .!' suuuiu uu uui,wc vaiucu uso .,,v m,, ,,1.. nv,,, :,i, m,,,,, , suliscnbers, irit iva?, that thingis not worlh livo dol- highly.' I LTh? 1 1 Ji 1 y Ti professors w Jan--.' I 'Thc clasp! oh, oh! I have not seeu it. sir. ' cePlfd tl,c d 0lha-lCOT,l,,,,;'5f7ai.riT It is of ;ncs.imable value to w, sir-in- Shc took it ip again.' I "e " r"?.,0.d'U' ' suhs.ancto dccditis the onlything valuable tlmtl have' 'Pidyou sec hcr!' " "1" i aa emirc answcrcd she, carncslly, and hcr cheelt e?, ohycs! 1 had my cyes ou hcr, and ! ?-' ., """" n.c iucuiui . Ir j do so, aud that I was not deccivcd iu my cs hard felt that Col. JlcHcnry's timation of you.' Mr. I'roor evcs wcre upon him, wailing an ansiver.and ! as hc trh-hcu him lo think him a man ol hus i-iie-is, f tvhirh incniit in his nolion a man wi:houta I.cari, ) he answcrcd promptly and' slernly, 'Xo. Uoyouihink we are simplc lons hcrc lothrowaway our money in this way. If you have nothing more to say, plcasc sland asidc for customers. WcII.Col., what do you think ofthose walchcs? La lcst importalion full jewl'd r.nd warranlcd in 11II points I will scll you lhe one you just laid down, for ouc hundred and iiincty-livc dn'lars.' Thc ffcntlcman. howevcr, was not hced- in" Ium. but watclnnc the young gir! wnom 1 . esaw 'v.ugu.Cc0o.ei,.H.u....i..w..j,. leftit iherc' droopin" slcn, npproachcd thc door, llcr .J . . . facehadslruckhim fori.sswert in.clligei.t f.'iV ' " " Iovclincsr, and licr modesiy for him had an . ke ' 1 P 3"- irrcisliblccharm; but hcr pleaorpovcrty, ; , cll. my tli.ld, I have notgot it; but I and hcr cloqucnt nppcal lo the tradcsman, f,lc,ve lIle SolJsmith has. Let us go to deeply intrrestcd his fcclings and cnlislrd i ",m- , , . , his sympalhics in her bchalf. He hadsilent- i jncir amval; Mr. Broocliard demcd ev lyobscrve.l lhe pron-rcss of her intcrvi-w 1 1 er !"vmgseen ltsmceshewcnt out, and that wilh hi n, wilh cmotions ofcontcmpt for thc j saw her take it with her and place it in onc, and pily lor lhe olhcr. her bosom as she Icft the shop. fhc young Herhandwas on lhe kr.ob of thc door, 'ady iurncd palc, and was inconveivably dis wlien, ndvancing Inwards her - j tressed. 'You askcd, I hclieve, lor seven dollars?'! 'Come with me; I will find the clasp for hcsaid, wilh a gentle inteirst in his tone ! thatat onceawakcncd hopein hcr hentt,and brought lhe light lo her eyes and thchuclo her chccks. as she diflidcnllv answcrcd 1 cs, sir. 1 would not Have bccn so doiu and urgcnt but- 'Nonctoo much eo. There is a ten dol- I larnote I have nosmaller bills' And he j 'Sir, you arc too kind- Notaword. I am happy todo youa-scr- Takc thc the clasp, Eir; tl.ough I am Col. McHcnry stopped with hcr at a justi ashamedtooffcrilto you, since lhe gentle- ce 3 ffi5e' a,,d l".' dri? made h man rays it is so valueW. But to me it is I complaint. and in a very few mintites Mr. valuable as life, andl foolishly thoughl u j Abraham Broocharf was brought by an ofii must be so to others.' ccrinto lhe prescnce of a magistratc. He 'Idonol wantit, child, answered Col.jMc- I appenred to be in great trepidation, and was Henry, feclingly pultini' the hand aside , i'ale as ashes ; for hehad been suddenly ta which urged itupon him. kcn without from behind his coun- 'Iudccd, sir, you must lake it, for I shdll t?r. leaving his shop in charge ofhisaston fecl in some degrecless under obligation to a , isbe'l assistants. Col. McHcnry and the stranger. Bcsides, I wish to call and redeem i J0UDS l3dS having been sworn. deposed Ihat it. Will you give me your addicsi, sir ?'and ! iheyboth had seen the clasp on lhe show as she spoke, he still dcclining the jewcl, she case. where each went out and Icft it, thc for laid it on the show-case. ! merfurlher deposing ihat he had not gone 'Oh, no matter but if you instst the Uni- ted Stales Ilotel.' 'Thank you, sir; you can never kcow the blessings to others that will follow your kind ness to me to-day." Thus speaking and looking upon him with an cxprcssion of graiitude in hei eyes, she left the shop, forgetting tbe goldeu clasp, which she had left upon lhe show-case. Will yon look at ouc of thesc watches now, Col. McHenry ?' superciliously asked lhe goldsmitli, wiihout Iiftiug his condcmned cyes. No sir,' answered the gcntlemau slernly. And taking hisglovesandcane from the shop ofthe avaricious goldsmitli, who, too close to risk a trifle to rcheve the wants of a poor family, probably lost a large amount hy the large purchases his wealihy customer might have made, as well as his own sclfrespect. its shell before the hroad sun orbenevo- lence. Xow there gocs a man who throus away MIDDLEBURY, his money upon vagrants, bccause I kecp 'Yes it is tbe same,' auswcred Col. Mc mhictosiipport my lamily,' said tlie gold-i Henry. smith, lookin- aftcr him. 'He thiuks ine a 'And did you ever see it before, sir; de miser, and I think him a fool. Oh, licre is ' manded the jusiicc sternly, holding it intlie thatcbsp'jfier all! She left it for him on dircctiop ofthe goldsmitli, who had seeu itat thc sliow-caae, aud he was too proud to takc , tbcfirst, and wns anpallcd witli fearaud cou- itaway if hesaw... Seven dollars! It is Hc opened ,t as he spoke, and taking .ip a convulsions upou the floor. benefit8 0f .onderrui discoverv. Ex slnrp lustrument, tned the Gnencss ofthe He was mafevv weeks aftenvards taken pcrimcuts have been made SUCCcS;fully i,i Kold iroin pnson.tned andcondemned (atvtnutv: v j :r . :.. .l tt. -..j o... ....i. hJIJHT. J T. 1.1.t. f ! .sgoodold Mexicait gold. It rnigbt but his reasou fursook him, aud instead of have costouce twenly dollars. Ahiwhata 1 I ulint n starot diamonus witlun it! hecxclaimeil. as, working about itb a pnint of steel hcdis covcred a cavity. 'Twclve large dianionds ofthcpuccst ivaler! This is indeed valua ble ! me see they are worth at Jeasl fivc hundrcd dollars ! What talue to ask so much' Ko, no, shc cotild not, cithcr, for sheuouldnot have Iet it go forso sraall a sum, or else asked for ucarer ils value. I suspccisne wns ignorani 01 inis cavuy, wmcii . 4.L' i.i.ii ... 1 uetecteil oniy Iiy nccidcnt, sqe lias proba- blrstolen it, and rtill never come for it. Ali, ah, Abraham Broocliard, thou hastmadca pood moruiriK's work ofit! he said, exultiug- ly. to himself. Then looking round among his shop-boys, to see if he wr re unobeerved, he carefully, yet wit'i a chcerlcss 'air, lockcd the clasp in liis private drawer, and taking out the key, placed it in his pocket. .He hadhardly done so, whcn Col. JlcIIenry re-entered, and . i . , i i i east his cvcs unon the show-cascfor the clasn vihich he recollccted. after gomg otit, the :.l u.l 1.:. j I...7 i:.t. --. i.- : : ; 7 i --- , .,' , -raha.n Uroochard was very busily engaged the watclies in theirdoe-skm cov- Wf 'Snorance- At lengtli Uol. Wcllenrj spoke. 'That young person laid her claspon the case.sir, wnicu 1 ncgieciea to tnKe up. ji said at the timc, you'd nevcrsceyourtcn dol- t,, I1IU . 1 0 ... ... . and thcn glanciug nround the Ehow-case aiu, as if iu scarch of it, lic quit thc shop. PART II. Srvcral days had elapscd, and Col Henry had quitc forgotton the circumstan ccs just narrated, whcn, ashc was passing dowu Arch slrcet, hc felt hisslccve suddenly pullcd by somc ouc whmn hc had heard run- 1 inng uelnnu 111m, and looking round nelic- lield, witli a chcck glouingfrom thc pursuit, thc youug girl hc had sccn at the goldsmiih's , !'J?; Oh, sir. I am so happy to have found you,' shc said. at once addres-ing hun, as he r"" " ... ...... 1 "? tn.iuieu iuSciniy pay, by otlicr work have camcd cnough ton and rcpay ..., ,i, , t,;.n., , u ,n ' k'""- ,Ub RO"J you did, sir, lhe suncring you rchevcd thc cvil your timcly aw avcrtcd. llcre is llie money, sir. 'Xay, my good girl, I do not waut it. I made joii n prcscnt ofit at thc timc and did not cxpect yon to rcturn it. I am howcver Ind to Iiud you liave liad thc ilispositioti to lou must take it sir;' sue said wilh in genious earncstncss. 'Ishnuhl bc distrcssed to belongcrundct pccuniary obligations to an cntirc strangcr. licsides, sir, I would like my clasp, if you plcasc 'Did you not take itfrom the case where you laid it down?' he askcd, with surprise nnd justly dirccted suspicion. 'Xo, sir; indccd, sir, I hope it is not lost. It is of r.ounlless value to me. It was given to inehy by " By a swectheart!' hc added, siniling. 'Ile isnow ileail, sir,' she answcred with overflowing eyes. 'You do well to value it. I did not take it you, said Ool. Mcllenry, olTeniig hcr his arm and lcaviug tlie goldsmitli's nitli rier. . 'I do hope Ishall find it, sir;' she said, thcy walked. 'It was Rupert's last dving I gift! It was given, o him inCuba by aVich I ladv whose lifi he liad saved bv resruin? her from tile waier. He was a sailor, sir. and nj i(.e toleave ine but his memory, andmy poor clasp. Oh. Mr. if it is lost I shall ucver 'forgive myself foroflering to pledgc it. Btit, s;rt0ar cxtremity was very great ' tlirce steps Irom tue door beloie he returned and found it missing, and no one in thc vi cinily but tbe dcfcndant. Thc goldsmitli was then called upon lo bc sworn as to his knowledge ofthe facts. Hc approached the staud. where the magistrate held theBible, and laid hishands upon itwith a percep'tible tremor of his whole body; but tbe love ofmoney was stronger than the fcar ofthe law, and hc took the oath. It appear cdas ifhe would havesnnk through the floor whenhedid it; but lhe momeut itwasdone, herecovered his audacity. At this moment, an ofiicer, who, at lhe gnggestion of Col. Mc Hcnry, had been privately dcspatched by the jnstice A'ith a search-warrant to lhe shop of the goldsmith, now entered and placed some thing in the magistrate's hand, afterwhisper ing hriefly to him. 'Did you eversee this gold ornament be fore ?' askcd lhe magietrate, bolding up tbe "clasp before the young girl. uii, it is my clasp il rsniy clasp: sne cricd, springing loiward. VT. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1845. nernation. . Int cad ofrer Wing. he wiercd a 1 h f r-i II r tfC ho o n n i f ' -tnrr in i rti.l li..o the gnlloivs, he isnon-raving in a mad house. Thus was avarice atid parsimony and indi!T- erence to tlie suuerings ol otliers punishcd m this life; thc acts of thisfellish man shoiving to all how the acquisitiveuess wrongly direc tcd is fatal (o the posscssor. oui. juciieury provcu to oe a nncneior: n 1 , Tr , , ii. , and, thougli a little turned ofthirtv, his heart was keenly alivetoall the fincr scnsibilities ofournaturc. Hc could fcel for the dowu- irouuen poor, auu sympalliize wilntlie unlor lu natc. To this trutlinoue could more posi- tiv .civ aul uia..,uejounBmena oi xne -go - den clasp, for cretwo moons had waned, J sherejoiccd in the euphouic title of.Vri.Col. , IMclIenrv, surroundcd witli all the npnliance ofwealtli that a grateful heart likeliers could enjoy or eveu desire. Her poor afllicled , mother was well providcd for.when shc soon : rccovcred her health and happitiess, aud prosperity sniiled upon all. ; Retrieutivi: Jcstice Our nolitical Ah- olitionists, who nianaccd to defeat thc elrc- ? ol.Mr.Clay,l,avecaug,,t,aTar , ins ranier is alreadv tinder the fiflh . n n.l , ,V. rapier is already tinder the fiflh rib. They ae, ,vhore lefore Ile,.,kcs residential J denounces them. Hc can do so wi imu he I i,. r: ,:.,i r.i . .. consbnicv .' ,f' 1.:' . , 'u-.Ii.i :r .1 . . ; i., , , . 1 T ' t . ' P- . r , - rora-n" ! nhcimltf IPt ntlllPir rnnililrt onmnt unn tn .w... ..6 vailthem. They liad thcirrcason unimpaircd and claimed to have thcir cnnsience in full play. Thcir work of mischief and miscry I' was ueliuerateiy pinnncd nnd dcliucralcly cx ecuted. Had they bccn ihcavowcd advncates . nf AfinoTnfltin nml Onor,. w. ...... ........ uu u.u.vij, 1111,11 V.UUI1I 11UI have more eflectually promotcd their aims. They merit, so laras the cleclion is concern cd, lhe lasiing gralitudc of lhe South. Thc rcbukcof thc new Prcsideut is the unkiudcst cut of all. It was cnough that thewholc Democraticdelcgalinnahandoncd them on lhe Texas qucslion. Thc fruit of thcir nuptials witli this party lias turned to ashes. Thc hridaj rohe has changed to ashroud, and lhe marriagosong has became a knell. Thc mor al germof Ihcircause.howcvcr, still rcmains and will takeroot, thnugh they have, in their suici-lal fullics. ihrown 011 thcm the mildcw of death. llriiig thcn thesc germs to the Iiht thc light ofconscicncc. Lt-t past ofTenccs be stecpcd iu pcnilencc. Lct not lhe plead ing riglus of lhe oppresscd be again sacriliccd onthe altcrof uuhallowcd ambitiou. IMaec this causc ouce more where God and the humaii conscicnce placcd it in tlie snnctua ryoftrulh and humanily. Lct it not again bc pollutcd by thc brcalh of lhe dcmagogiic, orbcbetraycd hy its avowed Irieuds. Phil. NoTtlt Amtrican. GOD THE SOURCE OEMORAL BEAUTY. nr pr.or. maffitt. There is an imimate conncxioii betwccn menlal and intclc'ctual cultiralion llih sublimc emotions that are dcrived in their saviug pow- 0 uuijr irum me love 01 uou slicd a'lroadin the heart. As God is the sourcc of moral beautvaiidnerreetion.Pvnrv 1' " tiful. cvcrv Ihinirluihonl.;.,.,! ZrCLu!, Z mav claim' nearer nnd nm ,m ... .-. 'V' imnn,lan.r:: n i.k'.l;. ' w, JitDilUL'U III 11113 scicnce, in its grailations. fonns lhe stcnniijf stoae to lhe tcmplc of the Univc L InT ti, who reveramly ascenil thcm climbs nearer to j his God. And literature, rich wilh lhe spoils ' oflhc past and lhe uudvinz tronhies nf ncniits. laysits clioicest offcrings on the aller of au ' Ciiicaco. The coarscs qualily bejng the adoring heart. , hulk, hut little, if any rcnchcd :30c pcr Ib, thc Elnqucnceand poclry rTave twained their . ,0P Pricc immortalcreations.subIimeIy awfulin gloom ' Ver.nox, Ohio The wool tradc hasbecn andglory.arouud the brow uf tbe man ofsor-' ptctiy activje during the last wcrhc. Thc rows. Art has mouldcd lhe rock into hrealh- pricc given is from 20 lo 30c per lb. -mg foj-ms of life, and pcopled th'ccauvass with T , . , , r , beingsoverwhomdealhhasno power, only ST.Locis-An incrcased number ofwool in honor of the trascdv of Calrerv. A rM,J. huycrs give the markct a mnre buoyant epir- has rearetl tlie solemn temples. cloud -Pttowers gorgeous pa.aces. ,h.Pf,h? sub- iiuieciuoiionsni ournoly rcligion might lin- ger in tliem hkc a scnsible presencc. Beu-, tyhasveilpd lier sunny eyes before the far Palmyiu. The article alone has deprcci sccn gleamings unearlhly lovcliness. Faith aled in value atleast one (ourlh. Q.ualilie3 like the dove from tbe atk, has gone oui on which last year broucrht from 35 to 45 ccnts, her far wandering wings, aud has returned nowsell from 23 to 23 cls. wiihout rindingsoundings en lhe ocean of the i !udcntedGhe-r.a;.rrel,aS ' "l?lehui:a .P?rcdouthcrseas and Strctched her ilvpr rlvnn nrni.rl thro,t nr, ..i.utu Hc, onicrnvers, pruuu (ijreat Ol n hich Mercy might enact the drama of sal rr?iTjD,sish,tora,aud!euCe tlm i" angcls and archangels.lo the rcmotest circles oflhc limillessampilbeatreof Heaven. j : - -r - j Weobscrve thatMr. Van Ness is rccom- 'Nocompromisebutalthecannon'smoulh.' mcndedfor iheMadrid Mission. The'Eve- And is this lhe nlnelcentli centnry, and do ning Mirror' warmly cxpresscs the oppoint we live iu a christian land lo hear eucIi a rncnt and savr: u.i.i..i.u. na uua , aic U(iiiuii9 lXUIIir themselvcs Chrislians to for"et lhe Iawsof humanily and give loosc lo ther passions ? Are rcvenge and hale to be greaicr arbiters in the scitlcmcnl of dispules amonir men. than pcace and good will? Can justice find no othci means of defence than the legalizcd, and is Irulh eo fccbleinthe dercnceofrights a's to be poivcrless in the vindicaiion oi claims ol our own? 'The cannon's inuulh' ncveryctofitsclfEettledone dispute. It is, wc know, a rcsistless ar-u- ment wilh ;ucn ofresislless passions, and with nations of ambitions dcsigns. It has, nexttothe pcstilence and Ihe earlhqtiake, the grcalest power over tho. livcs ofmen. It can sacrifice hecatombs ofmen ntablow. lt can make wivcs widows, and childrenor- phans. It can grind the faces ofthe poor by a taxation Ihat becomea oppressive enough to drive men can turn bcauly lo ashes, rejoicing to sorrow, and life lo death. The power of desolalionis all ils own, but since theword began, we rcpeat, 'the cannon's mouth' alorje never yetseltlcd one principle I it never can. rExpress. J AGRICULTUKilL. AGRICULTURALD1SCOVEIUES. SOMETIIINO 5E1VUSJER tiik SuN Elec- purposes than before knolvn, or even ima- tricily issoon likely to beput tn more uscful I'kIUU 1IIU II UUl IU IJIU UUllUU CIILCtmU. ,:c ?ttcnlinn ... iea5t haB he(, rp(pnli .',,. . . . - . ' sively turned to thc sohject, aud'we hopc soonto have prooTol tncsuccess or the ex periraents made here. As thc manncrof ap plyiug Electricity to Ariculture is simplc and the uses inost benefiruil, ourreaders will Hlll-i IU OUIIIIi (IVL be intcrestcd iu some accouut oftho process i, : ,i, .?,,,! ..r . ,.r..i ...,:..., .,i ... n..i...i.: a..d Gcoiogical Societv ofthe West Riding f Vn,i-.l,. n ,m!,,b,l thnt il.u uia. uiniuiic atm03 lhcrcia power aU may llscand uot. as ; gome experiraetit3 made somc expenraents mnue among us through the iuterventiou ofthe galvaoic bat tcry. THE NEWLY DISCOVERED LAND TpvnMTnP . Rt,iNUAHJK. j The Gcrmaii papers git'a cutrency to the statcniciit that Mr. Llebig, the celebrated ted Professor of Chemistry at the Univcrsity nf Glessen, has discovcred a mincrrl sub stauce. which when couihiucd witli guano, 11 1 r.i . . r.-.;i:..: will produce one of thc most Fert iziogma- ' , ... ,, , ,1 ntircs k:!ovn. It 13 addcd, thatajoiut stock covery bcing made, fonned lor the purpose of carringou upon a large scale lhe inaDufac turc of the new compound. Among tlie ars uowcvcr, seven 1 cmincni ho, according tothc Impartiat eout that thc application ofthis thc culture of lands nill produce revolution in ths agnciillunil sys onc acrc ofland may bcrendcred as produclive as Iwo noiv are, not only is lhe first cost ofthe land savedto the proprietor, but hnlf the labor ofthe cultivator. It will be in fact cquivalent to giving laudholders, two toevery one now posscsscd. "Thisl.i3t considcratiou, in this new country, where land is morc abundant than labor, we are un able properly to'appreciatc. But cvcn here, in tln: Unilcd Stalcs, iu thc counties adju ccnt to all lhe Atlantic citics, land is of grcat value. and if cvery farm, through the opera tion of this new mnnurc, may bc rcndercd eqnal to two, we may begiu to cstimat'c its value in thc old, crowdcd countries ofEuope. Thcagricultural iutcrcst islhe grcatest inter estin the world, and ivhatcvcr relates lo iis impruvcmcnt is ofthe first considcratioD. AVe Icarn by the Charleston Mercury that a plantcr at Chalhain has preparcd an acrc of ground.afier the abovc plan. The experi ment cost little or uolhiug, and maybe made hy any pcrsnii wiih little oruo trouhlc. All theory isin favor of lhe plan, and it would sceni that experimcnt also favors the idea. Dr. Forster, of Findrassic Hoursq nearEI gin, had thrashed, wcighcd. and measurcd his clcctric ctiltured clicvalicr Iiarlcy, andlhc produce, was thc cnormous quantiiy ofiol bushels, orl3 quarters per acrc? The tall corn was all mcasured, and cacli hushcl weighed 5 1 1-4 lbs. The weight of lhe straw was 9,300 lbs. per acrc. The cosi of elcclric apparatus is II pcr acre; whicli will last for 20 ycars. IZjw:s. Potatces. We arcin a fair way ofhav'ug Potatoes cnough frorn thc landof Potatncs, if our crops fail at home. The Irish papcrs say lliat, forfifly yearsthc potato crop ivas nei'er. ' nownlo ncso wiueiy sown in ii.e souiu 01 I rclana' ilt 50 earl' a ?"0 r,,,e sc;lson' a.s , '". ."'e presciit je?r. Tlns imnortnn; lirr.nclt "I'liisbandry tth:ch uscu to extcmi to tlie .1. . vt :m i. r.' 1 1 . r .1 1 1 rn J before ,'lcsecoU(l cck ofMay. THE WOOL TRADE. , """"f"-"'"" Tafi f?. lSTr'.h , i v " uiSSVA -53 lhe nua,ilcs,he'dcaIer3 givl the fol Clevelasd The prires paid for wool araiing 1ua'"' ollowing auarterBlood, 22 FuIIblood.' 32 zr , , , man has cvcr becn ir.orc popular at the Spanish Courl than Gov. Yan IWes. His wife.a young, accomplished and lovely woman. is of Spanish birlh. Her family are among the first ol that country, and cyery onoknotvshow i.nporlam it is that the Iady ofan ambassador Ehould be popular at the courtto which he is sent. nshjngton Ir- vimj, it is asscrled, is t tircd of his mission, loiuc-iclc, and piningforhisEhady old home- 6tead on V"5 IJ,.'dson1 "1d "h,'Ic hc.remal.ns there a-amst his will, his diploir.atic dutics are denriving ua ofthe cnchanting produc- tions ofhis pen. Everv thing Eeerns to pomt towarda the Spanish llission(m the cvent or Mr. Irving's ivishmg lo relurn, but not other- wisc.) as thc bcst appomtment possible, for Mr.Vances, Uie Adininistration, andthe countri" Ges. McDorriE. By late accouots wc are happy to lcarn that Gen. McDufie's heallh is improving. It is thought, however.i ihat h will ncrcr be able lo rcsume his nub- i;c duties. comI,oied most part oriandiin Eng- comnimi;cationwi thmarUc ..cheapincompar- NUMBER 0. THE GALAXY. Wednesday, July 2j 1845, TIIE OPPORTUXITY. Thc attcntion of a frce commnnily is now solicited to nu enligliteocd vicw of its own iuterests. What purports lo be an opportu nity to secure and promote them, and that immensely and at trifling coinparative cnst, is ofTercd to it. Thc cost of transportation of our coQimoditics td nijrkrt has to bc de ducted from the pncc at which they scll. It lcsscns, of course, sonTctimcs it consumes the profits of supplying thcm, and Icaves the producerno bettcr for hisiodustryandinvcst incnt ofcapital. A chcap conveyance car rics thc commodity to inarkct. at the hcstad vantac. It coinpetcs wiih thc best ctpjally, audif there is prufitin the tradc, thc produ cerknnwsit. It tells ton upon the prospcri IV of tho conutry to whicli he belougs. His barns, orch irds aud improvcd crops of evcry kind show it, and thc mcmbcrs of his family renlizc thc bcucfiH ofaa iucreased income. Ths rcligious privileges of a com inunity in sucb circumstanccs arc bcttcr sus tained, arc more valuable and profitable iu re turn, and thc higli-wny ta and school-tax audthe suslcnaace oftho poor thc sacredcst of Christian obligations, arc freely nnd fully I mci, auu reneci nonor as wen ai uearni 011 , , . ., 1. 11 tho?e ho sustaiu thcm. .It is persoual and 1 . . . .. , . , ' ..,J . mct, aud reilect honor as well as benefit on U3 in it. The niirlhcrn canal has to a grcat extcnt furnishcd ihis ndvaulagc lo our cum- muuitv. Werealizeits bcncfils: we cniov much "from thcm. We can value tliem, and see where the intcrest of our country lics, if such anothcr goou is odercd Quick commuuicatinn, too, is valuable. The lop of lhe mtrlitl is at hand to him who has constant and immodiate acccss toit. Thc fluctuaiions ofthe day reach him, and whcn properly is down hc holds it, aud when it ri sesheis ready to. selU ! a great inarkct high priccs are coostantly rccurrinz, and the hichcst. if low, must bc at ths comuiand of the ucarcst producerdTthebest article, A cominunicalion constatily opcn. also, is ofincstimable value. Thosc who cnjoy this kuow it, and rcapiisbcncfits, while the large proportinn, who competc with them or sup- plantlhcmin summcr, arc shut up in thc bondage of winter, witliaiy&trnnfon oftrade. In the full there is a glut or all.couiitry corn mndiiies in market, before spring a scarcily, IVilh commuuicatii)n nlivays open.lhe cost of storage, and evcn msurancc clnclly, is avoid- cd. the nrodiiccr ol evcry kinu has his lianrts at lihcrty, while his canal compctitor surks the fmsers he faUtd in the full, or failed lo fal. It is notalawof tradethat every tnanufacturer is fullv supphcd in thc lall. or cvery provision merch.inl. It is the customarv course of busincss, subordinatc to thc coudition ofcom munication. Cheap transportation brings lhe rcturn sup plics cheapcr, more ofthose commodilies in rctuniwhich the homc-prodiicer must pnr- chasc, or a cash cquivalent. The cost of the carriase ofihese is paid by him Ccnsiant commuuication makcs thesc rc- turns at alltimcs acccssiblcto hun, aud thcj are not alwaye thecheapcst in pricc whcn the throng of piircliascrs in market isgreatcst. Arc thcse thTags too obvious to bs statcd? Ate they too true lo be helievcd, and are ihcy not lhe very essence of thcpriv ilege of an acccssiblc market, wiihout whicli we can labor, like theGermans formcrly in thc fcrtilc val!eys of interior Ohio, only for our appelites. An opportunily of improvcmenl in this cs seutial rcspcct then is J ourgood sensc afsures us it is so, and trecancommand it. Our best market is ouerrd to us, at tno cheapest, qnickesi, most coustai.t access, of which our indiistry and capilal uiay avail if our rnterprizc but say il. 1 hebcnclils will rome to .tli; a universr.i cflort may secure ihsm Suppose the CVn tral roiltc sliall bc before us. shall we be be hind our own sense of ouriutcrcsts? Sup pose we bc fiircsl.iilcd in Hoslou by thc favor ofthe Fiichbutgh company. shall ihcir trick crv drgrade us? Would we impovcrish our- selvcs? Is thc first rauk m agriculiuial rc spectability not worlh maintaining ? Wc have villagcs, which with eqnal faciM- j les nrcommiinicatinii and acccssi:le equ.iuy i to ihe capital of lhe east, will themsclvrs be cnme cenlral points nf industry, and llicm selves snpply a prosperous home market for mucliof lhe proiluciian oi a ncu couniry. The ndvantaes of civic prosperity will sdiine in thcm, iu the means ofiiitelligcnce and cdu- calion acccsible equally to us. J liedistr:cl, now s'udded bv ihem. will morc ihan sharc in thcir prosperity. for thcy arc but tivals for Us business nnd must compele wilii tne morc extcnded unrket of older, morcstable, aud morc populouscomnuiiilits. The tolls ofthe caual navigalion of Xcw York area burden upon iheagricultural prn duciion of Vermont. The Empire State levies a tax, heavy in-the aggregalc, upon thc very sall she furnishcs, nnd flour has bccn delivcred cheapcr in Vergennes through lhe rircrs of Uanada llian it coniu rcacnus iiy me canals of our rich sistcr Stalc. TheOgdcns burgh Rail-Road, bunlened by no Stale im post and nithTiut a singlc trar.shipment, nill transmit it to (Montpelier ot) MidiHebury cheaper stiil. This is the rcule by which the great West will supply what we used, acd take from us our casiipgs. ma.-ble, and nian uf.icturcd goods, to which this routc givcs to New England lhe chcapcst coromunicalion. An elemenl ofthis opportunily may be lost s'mhl of. if not alluded lo in a view ofthe sub- ject, so protraetcd thit it ought to be com plele. The prupcrity of easlern Mnssnehu setts.sccurcd for thc prcsent by ablesherto oflerhcrassistanceto consummatc this great enterprize. It may be djvidcd, but with our owu proportiouate efiort it may be amplc. The ihiug desired byher aid will be cflcctcd, and if lhe cost be moro"or less to us, what care we if its value overbalance it iu most geiicrous measure. Thc sceptre of agriculture rcmj'ms in our hand. The homesteads of Western Vermont conticue to indicale an assured and unequalled prospor ty. Edncation will continue to gladden the circle of our hoiueholds, religion will re tain the beuefactor's seat, in the dignity ac orded to her by true and bumblc hearts, grateful for the liberty the brought from lhe pi ecepl3 of ihe lestameat of God, and indepeu dence. ihe soul of the spirit of freedom in the bills. -Udden srill ihe. bosom) of those vho I 11 II II l 1.11 lllill Ul tllUC 11U IIIU3I (.UIIIIIiL. IS rUELISIIED EVERT WEDESDAT SIOtMSO l.t STEWART'S BCILII1.NGS, BY JL'STUS COBB, bt wnojf aZ.v oroejis rcn pkistiko .HAMDBILLS, Cnttis, Of every dcscrintiou will he nenilv fishionably exccutcd. at short notice. realize and prize ihe blessiugs th.-y enjoy. They nny secure ihcm at tlia opponunity wluch is olTeted, but a slusgish heart was raeant for thcboom iiot of A VEKMOXTER. 2Vr the CalaTTf. rflSDICAL. At thc mccling ofthe AdrTisonConntv !W- ical Socicty ou lhe liih inst., the fullowing gentlemeu wcre c.'ected ofiicersof lhe Socie y rortheensuingyear; I)r. Rice having de clincd a re-e!"ct'nin. D. C. STOXE, M.D. Presidcnt. HOUATIO SJtlTH, M. D. Vicerres. J. A. Alle.v. M. to. " v J. Rick, M. 0. vCeusors. J. MAxntLn, ?il. D. ) S. P.L.vtrkop. Sec'y and Trcastsrcr. On relirin: from thc chair. in npmrrlnnrr. wilh a rule ofthe Society.Dr. Uice gave an Addrcss on lhe imporlanccof consinm aud carcful reading by ercry pracliiioner on thcobIig:ition which rcstson thc piofes- siou to the cmnmr.mty. lo each olhcr and themselvcs, keepwell iiifotm cd in lhe cxlcusivc and constauilv imrrovin scicnce of nicdicinc. The discoursc was charjclerizcd bv rnnml sense, medical erudiiiou aud clear iliuu-lil. lt was rcccived wiih special alteniion, ai.d lhe sciilimeutsadvancril cannot failof haiing prudurcd a salutary and Ijslin; imprcssion. l)r. Maxficld I'rccutcd aspecitiien in mor bid Anatomy : The stomnch and duodi num of an individua! rccrnlly i'cceatcd ith Can ccrof thelattcr organ. Thc sluniach wp mupli cnlargcd and the ccatsat:enuited The duodenum was carrinumamus, indi.ratcd and ulceraied Ihrough "us whole iulcrior sur face. Xcar its connecticut with lhe stoniach or pyloric oriSrc wns cirsiimscribcd iiiduia lion about lhe size of o rrown-piccc uleern ted, liating cvcrtrd cdges prcciscly like hofo of ihis discasc w hich appcar on lhe (X'rrinil -surfacc ofthe body. '1 he pancrens atid livir panicipated to a conaidcrsMe cxtvut in the same ifiscasc. Dr. Allen, bcing rcqucsled to conlint'r tho stateinpnt oflhc case, rcmarkcd hc was the morc nnxious lo get the impnrlant facU in this ca before lhe profesion, hecanc the presciit instancc alTordsn valtiaLle illuslnfiLn ofthe inlpnrtance ofinedication cvciiiii .hcso iucuiablc diseast-s. Iu lhe irccnt glonrny instanceTiotnillHlanditii: the dcasc whicli has produccd such orgaipc chaugcs as wb have prescuted, liad bceu in progress for a long timc. ilsadvnuccinonl had bccn retnrdcd. Thc conditiun oflhc pnlirnt remlcred riim panilivcly comforlablc. and his life oliviously proloiigrd scveral inonlhs by lhe judiciuus ndaptntioii of rcincdinl iiicasures. Seven monlhs )rcced:ng lhe final cvcnt, Mr. Tull, the man from nlioin thc prepara tiim had been removtd, hccameso rhirciiiclv cinnci.iled from thc coustant rcjnction of fnoil from his slom.ich, aud rcpeatcd paroxym of spasms and pain in lhe epigastric region lut he appearcd but a stcp fruni dealfi. The rcstricliou of his dieltuthcmotb!ai.d and nmyl.ireoiis kind, nntacid I.ixatives and lhe uso of Nilrate ol Silvercombinrd wilh II, Extraclof Ilyosciamus iV'c., grcatly lehcvcd his snlieriugs, and for a timc apprarcd lo af ford mncli promNc, liuttlicdlinrilr I'u'liiiinip ly assumed ils poctilinr viofcacc auJlcnmna ted with ils usualch.iracterislics black vou it and its putrcxoiit aud nCcusive odor. In cascsaii.ilagoiis lo thc ouc undcr con- sulcraliou, he rcinarked.he wcsconlideni from hisouii expciicnce nnd obscrvntrim ihat iu canccrous local minifrstations uhetlicr ioler nal orcxlcrnal and in Ivput inuch guoil may be done by a iiidiciuiis use ol rcincdics. Thosc ailinenls !nd gcncrally from ihcir ou sctbccu regardi-d, hupclos; nnd, thcrcforc. like thc iinforiuuatcleprnus of formcr liinrs. had been neglt-cicd. This course. it may be rcmarked, is d'-rogatory to thehnmanity and br-ncvolence pcrtaining lo this profcssion. iml btLsMi-s,iii)prnemcii!-. ofindical science llaeIlown tlot iu many iu:ai!crs nl'.eredealh cannot be avniilc.l, ir. paiufiilly advancing prngrcss may l.c grcaily miligaicd hy profes sional reurcrs. Aml llusf. niih lhe con solaliuns whirli reliina nllbrds rcudvr the king of lcrrors powrr'e$. Tho Sociely wcnl into roiiiideratiiin of "nbjectsiu lo ihi-ir inirroal .iir.drs uf thc p"romotion ol" prr:ir.d mco'il siiruie and was addres'scd l v .llf'srs. Ciism'II.'iiii;!:. l W "' "-Mri. )r l). bmuc was f" 'rc 3 mechcr.1 I Iicms ;ii ibt neai is- "; A sps c imcn of hvptrrfropiiv of lh heart wts" next prrscnled aml a m.ccinct liutory i.f the case from u hom il was reiiiovi-d kss gi on. Thc immediale cause of death in ih: iiistancc wns l!cpalizaliiin ofsoni por on of each Iung and cougeMion of llie renniniit!; purtions, cousliliilin; pulmonary -A;iop!LXj. Uuring Ihe last day.-i of lift th.'re was piihnoii' Ty hcrnnrrhage ihclrue pa'I:n!,i. ical condilion ofthe heart and repiniti.rj ..r gain was well iliar.nti rizcd bj ll:c .h;ical signssomc mcmhs l.rfnrciteaih. Ai ihis p riod, rcinnlies ofcvrry desrripiion roi.ld only miligale lhe sufTrrings ar.d protr.:tt ihe fa -,t event. Thcca-c was of immcnc intcrest. Jnne.Sa. 185. CKLSUS. GRAVE TRUTH FITLY SPOKEX. The Charleston .Mercury, tbe. leading or gan of Calhounism, i:i commcutiiig mi lhe ihe transformation nf "Thc G!obe" inio "Thc Vuion," holds thc following lan gcage: "Mr. Blair has bcn unduubledly one of ablest cdiiors in the coiinlry.and altachedsin cerely, we doubl not. to priueiples but t the same liuie. in ihis ivay of writing, coarsn cvcu scurrilloti devoted to party, propec ive, blind lo the faulis nf favoriies. haiiug the very virtues of cuemies. With him pariy wasfirt. mjddie and last nnd fidelity toitna an assoriation of meii, not an einbodwneoi u( faith, consiituted his bcau of orlhoilojT. Heuce, when Stie sovereignly caine in coii was Ircason, whcn it came to support Benlon, it was thc esscure nf puro Democracy. But Icl this pass. Tho tendency nf il)e Globe has been lo make iho inlcresUof pariy usurp lhe place ofiis prini pkt and a very obvious rrsult lias betn lo conrert all the olHcc and expendiluresof ihe governmeut into a graud party tre.isury, out of whicb a party of demagogues are tobcfed. Such an army exisls on both sidrs ; a vast mnllitude who create ncarly all thc tunnoit of our elections, and v.hoso sole i.ilcrest in politics isnotoriouslythe hope ofufHce; hn demand proseriuliou.wben they are oul, and denonnce it wben thay are in; -wfip ;crc( Ia