Newspaper Page Text
H. BELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERM3 OF TENTII' YOLUME. t Hlaje ub;cribcr, n "i ..i. : i . S2 oo ; 200 Indiridaals amt Comp.mie. wbo ukc at tue ouice SP75or 130 ccnw ifpaiJ .aonll... rhofe wbo take of Folri lcr . .-.u If not paid at llieeuJ oftlic vcar . No papen diico'.tmiieil umil arreamS arc pa.U ' ' ,: ,r,i,, nropnctor. Noconiract .. :.u ...... aJe lo lirriei t...n, .criji.i., ur ctl.crni,'e allouct ecpt acntcJ lo l'J tUs AIPcoram'inications mut bc adrlrcsscd to tbe cd tor Tost Paid. MISCELLAKEOUS. HYMN OF THE CITY. Sr WILLUM CCLLOf ERTAXT. Not In the solituac Alone may man commnnc with hcaven, or sce Only in savage wood And suasy Tale ihc prcseut Deity; Or only hcar his voice Where the winds whispcr and the wavcs rcjoice Evcn hcre do I tchol 1 Thy stcps, Almighty ! herearnuht thc crcwd Tiisoush t:e great ciiy rollcd, Wilh evcilasting inurmur dcep acd loud Choking llc trars that trird '.Vongil ibc proud piles, the work ofhumankind. The golden sunshinc comcs Frsm the round heavca,&on iheir dwclliDgt lics, And lights theiriniicr bomes For them Thou fill'st with air the unboundcd skics, nd givcst thcia the storcs Of occin, and tbc harvcstof itsshorcs. Thy spitit is n round Quickcning ihe restless mass that swceps aloag And this etcraal soucd Voiccs and fooifalls tif thc numbcrlcss throng Likc the rcsounding sca, Or like the rainy tempcsls, srcak of TLce. And when thc honrs of rcst Come likc a calra, tif on thc mid-:ca brine, Ilushing ils Lilloivy brcast The.nuict of thc raomcnt, loo. is Thine! It brcathes of Iliin vrbo keeps The rast atid hclpless city whilc it sleeps. "OF SUCH IS THE K1NGDOM OF 1IEAVEN." A Uici old tcgsar, with his hal in hand, Xcslccled fcy tlic boy passers 1 y, I noiiccd shyly ata corr.crstar.d, AViih moisture fallinsfromhis sightless cyc A child cameby a laushics little creature With joy and innoccncc in cvcry fcature, Skippin; fardi gaily to an apple stind, Shc aw ihc Lcgar and Lcsnc lcss gay : Then flung thc bit of silvcr in hcrhacd Into ihc uld man'a hal, ar.if n.:i away ! Qj" Wcll, Nimrod, Iioiv ionz 'crc ihe Cliiljren of Israel in ihe nildcrncss 1" 'J'ill they lotmd ihcir tay out."' "Wlio uas east iuto thc Huu'ideu.7" Van Aniburgb." ' Who was cumpcllcd to seck rcfuge in tlie laudof Nnd!" Gov. rw." "WliyJ" . ' , ' lircau se he got up thc King's cbenezcr, and I'rovidenct would not prolcct hiin!" ' That '.itldo, Xiinrod, fur tliis trcck." 'OpfnsiTin is thk Lifk Tr.ADK." Tn thc I'iilabnrli papcra wc liud thc follnuing ipiriltd card : "Wm. Thorn .mconnccs hehnsc. ircys bcen in a liabit of furiiisbiug inediciiic gratis lo llic poor. Secin; ;t annmincrd by o:ne ol oiirdnis:itiIiatlheyill2ivi'ii:pj iciue gratis lo svfftrins posr thr firc, Dr. Thorn lukcs tli.a incthod to girc uoticc that to cl.i33 he will, from this timc out, givc doublc doscs rraiJ." Morjios:. Ths Teniple is fnmlicd at Knnroo. Otber public buildiuss now nre to go up, aud for tlic coutribulimis of iuoncy propcrty and labnrwillbeaskcd. Thcridcrs atc noiv plauniugMi great hotel, the Nanroo Iioase, and Ihut, facrcaftcr, says llic Sl. Louis Era, will bc ihc subjecl of ihcir iiicndicaul deniands on thc body of Ihrir followcrs. When nicn ate so far uudcr llie inRurnce of religious tcachers, that llicv no lonzcr kuow that their souU arc thcir on, they bccoine hi-n ers of wood aud drawcrs of watcr, for ! ihe basest cnih The cclcbratcd Dr. Thynne cclcbrated Elmostas rauch for liis love of good liviug as for his professional skill callcd 011c day upon a ccrtam ccCentnc nobleman, uiiom he fuiuid ntting alone ata vcry nicc dinner. Aftersome time, the doclor, rccc.v.n" 1:0 partakc of it, said, ' My ilear Lord :r, . nrd. .f I wero i say. rray. I m your lurcliMitis place, I sliould sav, '1 ray DoclQj-, do as I ani doinr." "A tboU9aud pardops foi thc otnisEiou.'' crlcd his Inrdsbip, -pray thcn, dcar Doctor, do as I am doiug go hulnc and cai vour own dicacr." The'JitfrufBosto.runprovcs. It.snear- er 10 I'unca man an iiins wc nave scen. The last uumbcr speakius of ibc new Post Oflice balanccs. says; "Thc bcst that could have been choseu for the iutcrrst of ihe public, aud all who pay postace, isihe balaucc of thc Post Oflice b.mks which was uevj; f.a-jnn tu beliifircr of thcdepartuicnl." "I'U pay you for this'" cried a man to a rnguisl. boy. who liad stuck up a ludicrous hdudoill on his door. "Oh, 110 sir; I do'n'tchargc nothmg," said lhc lad Tcry iauocenlly. 11 , ., . 1 - , Scraps fron an English Paper. Bcwarc how you scek faine witb your pen. It must be a long quill, imlecd, that will en sure Ktcrary distiuciiu.i ihis s:dc thc inve. Deatl.islhe only sign by whichihe public arc ledto appreciaic an auinor. lt n nccessnry that tlipy shoubl first sce you cxpirc bv wav of proving your chim to auy sy mpalhy." War iciik Amtr'tca. A pleasaut annouce mcnt appenrs in a Livcrpool paper. A pack ct ship from Amcrica has hroughtto Englaud HA 17 lililps nui! 1 0 pnkkci nf filinp.npr T'lm war, thcrelorc. bctwpeti the Iwo couiilries has ' bcgiiD, as thc Yankccs are not only "pcgging" iuto us, but "lcatherig us." The Eshmoagcr says the public have be comc more likc shark thau flat-fish. Tlic gunrdians ofa poor-Iaw union in Es ecx have coinplain.) that ihe stones furnish i'd foi tue pi:,ers to bren.k- are not liard 'uougn. incy could rcmedy this byiiot.cou-!! f f " ib.v i aD s,t,n! excipt as hard as atiriem. - VOL. Gsn, Scott and John Brant. A I11STORICAL TALE. rrit. ! . t . . The inc.dent wc are about to , rc h te oe- forlunate balilc ol'Quceiisiown r ' vii3 fought on llic 13th ofOctober, 1812,atul w-as cneoftheniostsliarply tontcstcd in lliu ivliolc war, tbougli tlic lorcc on citnLT sule was iiiconsiderable. Thc objcct ol llic Gen cral in connnand,Van Renicllacr,n-as speci ficnllv to milii posfcssion of llic lieilili of Quecnsioivn, tlien to ir.ove iipon Fori Kiiig- nra. and thcrc lake un qunrlcrs for llic ivm- i ! lcr m llic cnemy scounirv , uut ainorc un- n.1 in luv. ti.i. j L , ,.n:... i, .i;E1KPr .hnlhad'hrlallen !l.G American arm- bclroit Thc Bri.Uhforcc al Gncenstown, wasun- denhe commnnd ofGen. Brock : 'tbc com- mand tnon Va ted cliicfly cnrli 350 sironir, undcr Lictil. Coloucls Chrysticand Fctiwirk. Gcn. Scolj, lhtn: Lit-ul Colnncl, in roiiiinand ol a rciu:cn! of anillcry elaliuncd at SrhoIIrr ncar Bulhilo, rnis a o!untccrin llie c.tpcdin'nn ; but as he could not contcnt lo uniic his rank, uhirli would givc liim llic ron.niand ovcr Col. Van Rciifilarr, wlio hcld :i romniistioii only in the niililia, ii arrangcil ihat lu-s-liould nol croFS ihc rivcr, hut rciunin l Lcwie-lon, nnd tberc usc liie-arlillcry tosuch udvantagc as inighl bc prnclicnble. Tho cx-cdiiion was unfiirlunalc in llic otitsct. Erroucous inln'-ninlioii had licin rc- ccivcd ol Gcn. Brock's dfpnrlurc for Dc- iroit llie imentiori to suri'rise ihe fiicmy was Iruslrnled ai:d in llie vcry bcgiiiiiing of the conflict, aficr llic landiiig, Cfoloncls Van Rensellacr, Fcnwirk nnd Clirystie, and Captnins Armslron, MalroJm and Wool, wcre wounilcd. Thc Briiisli Iroops wcrc drivcn from llie ground. al ihc point ofllic bayonct, butat ihccloscnf lliis lirtl Lrush it was found ihat Capt. Wool, whoee ivound wns rliglit, trai found to bc thc only scnior ofiiccr cnpablc of doing duly. Col. Van Rcnsi-lluer Iiad rereivcd no lcss llian six i . ii ..r...t.:i. ,.n,. fn,....n i nuuuua. Ui lllllLll 111.11. vt, awitii. Intclligcncc ravagc a.nong .l.coffi- ccrs bcin- rceeived on ihe Ameriran side - -Co!. Scott wasgratificd in his desirc ,0 takeanac.ive parfin ll.c conflict; lic hur - .iedar.r0!iS ll.c rivcr and assun.ed ll.e com-! mand. Onliis arrival lic found ihat thc ! hcii;hts liad bccn clcared oftlic 11 batlcry crowncd llicin fusioii Ii iv-k iusfifipr lhi n-miNe 0Pi,u l "rJTT "' : 1 ; ut l nat i--oi. acou nrrncu upou me i llniiili that Col. Scott nrnvcd upon ground. His first clTort was lo collcct llie forcc and bring il into ordcr; ii. doing which he found that it consistcd of350 rcgulars and 267 vol uuiecrs. Turnins alipnlion ncxl, to a int'cc ofcnniion whichliad bcen tpikotl by ihe I5rilili bcTnrc thcir flight, and wbicl. l.c hopcd to makeavailable, his monicnlary ab ?cnre was takcn advnnlagc of hy a largc body of Indians, who rushcd suddeuly upon ihe Auirrican Iroops. and iere upon llie pniut of scallcring llicin in wild disorder ulii-ii Col. Sciili arrivcd just in timc tokrcp thcm Etcady nnd rcpulsc ihe sav.igrp. Thc lcader of ihis band wasa young lndian,rich ly :itiircdin ihe roslmnc cf ihe red mcn, and rcmnrkablc for his daring aud ac- livily. His nnrcc was John Brant, oihrr wio callcd Aliyoiur.iighs ihc youngrEtEon and Eurrcssor ofllic I'anitus Joscpli, llicfiirmiilablc parlizan of thc war ofllic r. vnluiio.i. That cclcbraled pcrsonnge had dicdin 1S07, when John Brant was tliirlccn ycars ol age; bc ivas ihcreliire, b'it just eigblccn whcn hc !cd his warriors lo batllc at llie hcighls offiiii-cnEtoivn. Thc ficld was hcld hy ihc Amcricans fcv cralhours. whilc Ihc BriliEh uiiilcd forroin Ibrccinr.nls; but Ihcy ivrc continually bar rasscd by thc Indian;, who n.adc rcpealcd flylnir allacls upon llicm, in uhicli numhcrs bniirofuiilitia nnd regnbirs werc killed or wour.dcd. At lonnili Gcn. Shcaffr.on w honi ihc cnnimand devolved aficr the dealh of Gcn. Brork. was spcii advanrinirnl thc liond nfSOO. Col. Rensellacr who b.dcrjssnl lo I'e Canada side afier thc hnnic, ! i,Ft,l i X. ofllic cxpcdition was givcn to Solo- . Z?" . -. L- ' ,n Rcnscllacr: and his forcc consis-1 " "ul Tu" ' i .' A .u,c ",c , of.nililia, fupporlcdby twocorps,' .I:"'r..."' 3"u r AiPrirnnsluwl W n.railpd in luni bv Gcn. I "o'1' "''' nn nnPy ltfiancc,all with up-;a Brock in pcrs.m aud drivcn lo thc cdgc oflhc ra"e'1 nriw anu alineriiig hciyhls ; whcnrc, hoHcvrr. llicv rciurncd by f.0"1"-.rrom ", e- o pass.on uhirli 51 .. . -. , ... i ihpv b.lil bcc.i lliruun. llic Iliili:inn klmvlv I a Eurrcssliil rally, in wmcii Xiruck was K.iicu, i . , , . , ' . , ,, . ... ." , , ? " ilronnril Ihcir arms nnJ rcl.rpd. .1 lic ofiiccr I uml uu tn-ons uierciinon uijpcrsci. ... con-i , ' , ., :, . , - bnck on asccrinining lhc approacIiiilGcn.i9Bi,0'w;IIR j0H1, ,ilc wondcrs rcvealcd sjliraue, aiiu cxrncd nll ins cloquoncc nnd ; ,hem ,lilh pel, moullls aud staring eycs. 1 land coolncss asyou would announccahorse u aimost as ...cco-cure.l as tlie r..mous lanihonly in endeavonng Io prevn.I on Ihe lca a !,; 00kiii2T:irr.ierarose, and, nith t0 scll. ."ahaker lierbs." Slock ofnll k.nds will, 1 mihlia undcr his command to push ncrois lapparenly mucli diflidrncc, bcgcd lcave to jand aclually rfo fallrn ou this bay. It is a j and rCECuc ihe gnllant litile hand of Iheir I eofirm lhc lectitrer's state.nenls. bv thc re- Tom Marshall and Gencrnl Jaclson. Wc ' f:,ct l!1?1 oxe" u"St ia ll'c fa" iu only slore counlrymcn. nowniiurli prcmng dnngcr ;,. f :.:,.,.,,, ,., rprp'nilv it. ,nnr,,i --Vc ti. T ..:..-.n. T.n,i condiiion. sbcllcred and fcd with n 1 rs Col. thcir otvn counlry and for two hours . - i j ii- ofan oppoFmgforre Euffic.ont o crush thcm ata smglc hlow.wlule also willim sisht wcre m. , , , . , , t , I iccn hundred Amcr.cans who imgl.t cas i y nuvi. KiiiiL'ti in Ecasou 10 runei 11 nui iu annihilatc thc cncmy. ..J.. . - . But llicre was no waxxring in thc lilllc. companv thus nbandoncd lo Ihcir falc. A 1 . . :.. .i-.. r. i..,i;.,.. ..... .,m ICirtill III UIC I1II.1; lll llll. I IIIIIIU113 ll.l- iiimi. , ..- ,., ,., ... ,:i: ihe hcisjhls, and ihcy rosolvcd lo sland ihcir . M.t- mi-.i 1 I nut in vain. 1 ncy werc not nniin.i 1 ground a long as l Oiih!c. This ihcy did ! " " . nnc "'' 1 1 '.nmJ "n.5 "D"5 lbrFouicli..,c.unliI acluallydislodgcd bylhc!""1' thecattle. nnd I hed, llicre rame hayonct, whcn llicv Fcnimhled down ns lieEt on a iremcndnus ibundci slorm. It bgliteu- ihey mi"ht lo ibc 'walcr's cd"C closclvriur-1 r' ''!"P enongh to put out a mnn's cye., rnd 1 , ... 1 - I ....... fl.... 1, n. ,,.tn llm lmli.n Burc ny uic indians. Thcrc wcre no linnts lo carrv llicin ofT: farihcricsiKiancn was hopelcss, aud it wns agrced to mrrem'.cr. Tlircc flngs of trucc . wcrc scnt nol m Fucccffion, but r.t vcr rc- As I was goins to tlie barn, 1 met a man iiiost not aud Ai.ibr.sler, bullicd the bcnate whcn lurriPil, having been Ehnt bv thc Iiidiuus. '' foot hich coinins tnwards mc. I never' callcd to forit. He beal Julin Qi.iu Col. Scolt ihiMi rcEolvcd lo go bv liiniFcll, ' had seen such a tall crilter iu all my IJfc he- ; cy Adan.s iu the race for the I'residencyvand bcaringa whilc cravnt faFlenpdtoIiissword: fore, and I heguu to feel so.ter scariblc at crusbcd ihe "monstci hank" uuder tbc'hcel he ivas ncconipnnicd hy Townson &. Chrys- I e. Thcv ivere ri'pcaiciiiy urcil nlbvihc! ' .1 - f.i: U..I ,Mnn,l ,,urt Tlm,. ' Jliuiillir-. UUI i.ciuiiiii ........... .., i,i. 10 illc lUUitluu nimmn. 'uu uwiuntuMij ."in - cncountcrcd and allacked hand to hand by j yard two ofihcrcd mcn. in onc ofwhom ihcy rcc- "The strange Inoking animal answcred in - . .....!, r..t nn.l n.r;in IpnHpnn thp'n i -. n.i'. vi... r-nli. connirls ol llic niormng, mujusi ai uie uoi- tcsl of the EL'iiggle aBrilisll CrCant inlcr - Tincpil ihp rnmhnlnnts wprfi sepnralcd. nnd Col. Scoll Icd to lhc rrcfcnre ol Gen.j Slionflrt 'Tliplpme nritirrpnilftrtvprfinnirk-1 Iv asrecd upon ; and as eoon as the Indians "W'l.y, yes. falher." says he. "I s'po'e 1 1 Sciota river,rcar Columbus.and plantcd lhc lion at dilTerenl lime aud by diflercut per p"ni.lilt,opo,.i,nlip.i K.-.l.ptrTtM.M.n'lipsnniri.... rt in.f n;.i,r r - J.. r .:.- i. u . sons from tweuly to ihiriy ycars ago. It is a .L. ". ...Uycre.u.,r., rc madc pnsoners with Scott were an tJT' hundred nnd thi'rtv rcmd.irs. nnd 154 voTun-' . m, -'. ... i cciE. i ncy werc mnrcned tncsnmecvc- incident occurred and u full acrount of ffhich is givcn in Stoite's 'Life of Brant,' as foi loivs : 'Jnet nt twilight a little girl cntered the " r 1 1 1 IIIlHolll UHIHU S K""-ll.,l Ul- patlor wilh a messagc that Eomebody in lhc baUdesired fo c the 'tall officcr.' CoL - ...,,....,. Cr loiiowea, ine peupic -ui e.vij nui, wuysin, cru quarieren ai n fmnu mvcrn, a;)j Ihe uext ja- ihe lecturer upoii electr.ciiy : chj ril 7 nc w GrTSCnL " ?UaDO aU'0nS ,Be t MIDDLEBURY, Scott ihcrcupon stcpped out oftlic pnrIor,un- armcJ of eours'c into tliu Iiall, which was 1 dark and narroiv, and withatl inconimoded 1WI11 tl BlltlllVilV, UUI IVHUi WUH .113 UII . , 0 f f . h- hislM.t lin.bcd chipf! Tlm Cnlnn..! i,nd elmttlicdoor bcliind liim whcn he lelt tlic narlor. hut thcrc was n prnlini l etnnilinT at ;i. .,, t... ...i. i.-.i .i ii.t..i thclndiar.s m nn in Thr Ib.Av visiior Etcnnc.I ui to tlic Coloncl wilhout ccrcmonv : and ihc votinL'er, wlio alonc spokc Enslisli, nimlu a brief inquiry as to tlic number of , j j .. '""'.' , lial s u-hich Iiad uasscd throunh his clothes. . .. .. . , ,. , .. . z . ; mtima ins thal Uicy bollt had bcen finnrat ' "ul hlle tlie younglnU eubsequentiy Eccxued to bc llie import ofwuat IZZu 1 P'T0 TCly ,'mC d i'm ' P.oIoncl b'.""i ar'." nnd allcniplrd lo wlnil person, adding a scornful cxprcssion rellcc- ling uiion llic inuiun's ekiii as a raarKsman, aa lieliiiughiin from liim. iiieiiiuiansurciv insianuy noin u:rKanu. toiiiahawk. whcn. wil l Iheranidilv ol Iii? it - ning Scotl, who lortuna.clv cspicda liumbcrofsuordssl.inillll.' altllCCndo! lllC pnssagc, Eeizeil one from its irou Eheaili uml pluccd himsi'lf in a polurc ol dcfcnrc aainst llic iiienacing !ndiiin. Asht'stond ii i 1 1 1 i.s picturcsquc utlitudc, Scolt willi liis Mvord rcaily to Eirike, nnd ihc Indianswilh ihcir loniiihnu'l.'nmiil dirht in tlicair.froivniiig (lcfianrc ni cnrli ot'ier bolli parliis await ing the first blow Col. Cciiin, Ua had bccn Eent with a gnard tocondurt Scott to thc Gencnil'e quartcr lo supper, spraninlo llicpassage and cricdhold 'Holdl' Com prchcndiugnt aglancclhc dangcrou3 posi lion of Scoll, hc inlcrfcred at onrc, by siiarp rcmonslrnnce, nnd ulso by wcapon in his dc fcnce ; Jnrobs cxnfpcratcd,turncd upon Col. J Coflin, and ultcringa incnacc,Iiis conipanion J aounguan.cmy iurne.iiooi.tcrvcii.c1iiEuc of lbencwcomb.;t Tlic sccnc was onc of thc mosl cxciling chanicler. Thc Indians thus Iiaving turncd upon Coflin, onc ofthcm 1 , . 1 .r n 1 n 11 o ... . ., cxclauned, 'I w.ll kill you ' Scott inslantly . "s sarc whcU waf. I,ea,7 ani U 'Wniinl, m ihat a detccnding bfow would , 'a n.Ilen boih orihew vag,-s at onrc, and 5?"ed oul' i y rile I will kill you bolh !' UtUll. lllUI"llUllb lll OUwil iiccuuill illlll 111b und llint thc pra monieiu incy eioou irowning, uie picr ccncni'v and ' r'n" cJ'C30fl,c Indians glancing willi wild ' takcn 'bv n ' and sav!,Sc fury- t irool but ihc 1 While Scott nnd Coflin alikc lookcd upon J l,.pra momem Hiey siood, llic picr 'vi.o inus cnmu to ine rcscnc was :iic aiu oi Gcn ShcafTc, whosc crrand was lo conduct ' , , . ... ., . . ' iiiu .tii(fut;i iu uiiincr, ut:u miu iy ii.iiu-- -ft.i"i luiiiniumt, .iiuii ,mici.iiuii. 114. lyarrivl probably savcd his life. Beyond J So-and eo lclls iiis Iriend, M.Such-n-one, loubt it wns no part ofllic young chicl's de-. 'Imt eIiewanitomarryliiseon,ondM.Sucli iignlo inflirt injury upon ihc capiive Ameri- ' n-onoollcrs his dauglilcr: llic two old gen r.nn coiumandcr. Iiis charnclcr furbids ihc j tlcmcn thcnlalk over llie furluncs ihcycan id. ii.fnr hc was as cencrous iunl bcncvolcnl Kiyf, aiul, if ihcy ngrcc on llie itiomemmis in Iiis fcclings as hc was brave. Having jsoint. Ihc young peoplc arc prcecnlcd to e.ich cxhauslcd mucli animunilion urcn ihe Cnl. I odier, nnd Ehorlly alier marricd. Tlicrcnrn during llicdoy, lliis visit was 0110 ofcuiioti- i ty, toasccrlain how nenr Ihcy had nccom- plishfd ihcir obifct. Like-Castiuy, , tlur In- 1 dinn bcars nnsvt iitiilio -fiinl bcara firc, tho uut nlways cnld ns soon. It was thr sanic will. Rroll. Nciihcr would allow ofpcrsor.a! frccriom; ihc Coloncl iliil hot fully romprc hcnd Ihc objcct ol thcir visit, and a smijen cncounlcr ihat liad wcll nigh provc J faial, was thcconscqucncc. A MAXGROWX BY G'JA'p AND . ELECTRICITY. A citizcn of this placc, wh'd-; rcccntly oc a tour iu ihe Sialc of New York, was indocrd to make onc of thc audicnce of an itiiieraul lectiucrnhowas boldiug forlh upou Ihecfli cacy of elcclricity as applicd lovcgctablcpro- durtions. 11 f 1 , -, oa ., '" , " e ' jr, " ir.cidcntly nlluded to as a powerful agcnt in quickecing thc grunlh of planls, and ihe cilects of both were displaycd in such plow iug lanqiiagc that thcaiiditory soonim;iincd thcmsclrcs stauding in lhc midst of a ficld and cndeavoring to mcasiirc thc hcizhl ofllic gniin. bcforc it was out ofrcadi. ihe wliole as- setnlilv wcrein :i llne statcofeiithus'insi).. aud Ilesse''' 10 "hicbhs was a party. ,.j ,:ive.. sa;j i,Ci ..a vcr.. u:lj i,oy oy, named ,'lnnimy; lie s L'.ren nsngoou ueaio.irouuie, . auJ fc var;u,s mttboia ,0 nrorm ... . t ,U . ;r.. ihm !i 1 lllill iiiiuuui Sini.ra3, j iuih ...... woulJ ,(c ,ies. Q , 80racti1:nsihat wa$ ncw. lllll llllUUU! aillltui . ,u... ...j ...... . .. j . , . . nini rai.ipr ninre seipre. .."ircnrnni!! v we a;rccd lo shut liim up at uight in thc barn. This ansn crcd vc.y wrll for a while, but hc grcw worsc again, till finally l was obliscd to , ,. , , - . , . . hut him up iu the barn cvcry niglit by suu- uo,v"- . , , "Well. one unlit J ommv was ronsnnr so lnud lliat it madc the hoic Briiish army at Ncw Orleaus, thosc vcicrans raille likc a snaredru.n. Fcclins rathcrun-, ho lia.rgiine ihrnugh the warpf ihe Pcniu easy about thc boy, I got t.p csrly iu themorn- j sul.i wilhout meeling an adversary who could ins. and wcnt out lo sec how he had farcd. ' wilhsnud ihem a mnment. Hebung Arbn'h- having him about n:y premiscs. 'Hollo. savs J, ns suon 1 could spcK, wno 1 ....l.k.i ... r.n nini, m mr l.n. er, it s me; don't jou know j ommy i , " You, says I; why, Tom, how ou earth ' 11:1 vnn fpr trpp1ipd nm n Innirin nllpnipht? why, yon'vc grnnu as tall as all out doors, .Inn't -iin L-n itlOW It . " Vr".,'. ,T ""..r. "r pxtar,o ynt pui in e oajn , ana wat ana mc ;n;nff tozclhtrjust dtdthc hiswets." V. .irf nl,!. .nrv i.nnn 1.p l,',.V,n. i ue wn." -"v ;i Was iudeed electric. Pealupon pealoflaugh- Never be euiltv nfanvlbing in the sliape of a Ue lt is not palatable-to society in gcn- W Ht. HWMUI - eral, nlthougli ibe legal profes ;,vmi actionbarwill lie." - . .. , ,1.. . - . LVUIIC. VT. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1845. THE SAILOR AND HIS BRIDE. Thc Boslon Tmnscrint telU a irood storv in tvliicli a vencrablc and lamcnted pasror of iionniisi cnurcn ann aJacic lar and liia ! vvilli his chosen partncr weut to ihe housc of , Dr. -, 10 bc marricd, and werc accor- din gly 'iviili all tlic Eolcinniiy nrnperti) thc ' aeion. Atihc conclusiuli cttbe service. ' uccaeion. Atine conciusiun ci ttie servicc. Jack told the Dr. that heunderstood tlmt scv- ! Hn,y-fi.Vc as llic lauful lcc.Lut that as he tiad'nl a bmss ccnt to blcss Iiimsclf with, licshuuld del'cr payincnt to a morc convcn- iciu upponunny, aumii; i pruiinsc mai 11C would boncsily pay llic minisier, with onc proviso tliatifhU wifeprovcd to bc a uood iiui'mu llms spcak-! uo",.a1n. anJ !t ,rue liclpiimlc, he thould rc tospeak, ftr such "ar l'"n gcnerously lorlbc 'spl,c,s' but il 1i, ..i,.r i,o. i Eheturncd out 'to be good lor noilnnjr' tlic niinistcr would not hcar Irom liim arain. Dr. t i i r sirafgliiforwari drankhislieallh and that of his bride in a K'um wi i ull., iuiu oiiii 1111.111 ui.iJau llllll n.i..s ,,c .....l . ..... .1 lalherly blcssing. Timcpasscd away, and tlic Dr. al- mol forgoltd. thc circunislanccofthe wed- ding, whcn one d,.y a cart sccn to stop belorctlic iloor, andanian benn to unload , ,,,., , ' ... "'" 1 ; ' . " i .. . i ,.,i.n- . ... ' , : j .".""7... iu iuji iuu iui:L-&tt ui uvuvcry. uic inan , , , , - , . . affirmed lliai all was right; but whcn ihc sous i,nd lhe,r I,rodcl3. shoumg thc relatiou Dr.pcriisltd llint ihcrc tnu&t beaiuiiiakc, Jeiecn llie two uhicli miijt neccswrily cx Ihc maii uskcd ifhe rcmeiiibcrcd ol'liaving jst m orderlo sccurc a duc proportion of tho m.-irrii-il sucha rnin,!,-:it ;,.. riu, l uter, have douc vastly morc lo iucrcasc it. qucsiionrcncivcd thegoodDr.'srecolleriion, . .. and Iie kncw al once lliat llie Iioncst li.niECl sloodl.clorel.ini. 'llisall riglil,Vaid llie biliior: '1 loiil vou 111.11 II uiv wile lirovcd gocu iurany iiunj iec. Shc lus pru rf. . . J 1 gl would not lorget your ved ns good a ship as evcr .ol.M.itrimony. You may putouton thc sca us wcll takc m llie c.trgi u:id tlnuiks for tlic SAtt-on's Wirc. savc your Pmrrry Good. A couplc of rcmovcd Custom.Ilousc office Etanding on . ., ., ' , ,. , 1 ulLr,i u'". '"couiur uny, accorumg io i "'c Xnbunc,talking ol thcir forlorn condi- lion. Oue ol thcm was vehemcnt and bois- tcrous, whilc llic Ecemcd disposcd to takcit casy. At Iasithc latler said, expos tulalingly 'What is the ujo of going on so, mvfricnd? 'Whynot dic dcccnlly?' 'D.v dcccnily ! cxclaiincd the othcr 'how is it possiblc foraiur.n todicdecently undersuch nnserablc dic-nasly ." FREXCH MARRIAGE. Mosl of your rcaders are awarc that. in x i.mi.i-, ii..irr...Scj, .or uic mosi parmi.Ke I-Icc morc Irom inlcrest,or.lo use ihc Frcncl. ....mMtnn ,,.,, ,i,- .,ir....: n ol'roursc, cxrqiiions but Ihat is llicgciicrnl way ot procccdmg. A young trcnch girl uas no morc .aea 01 cl.oosmg lier own hus- uand inan snc nas 01 Ilying nay, thcrc is nol one in live hundrcd IhoiiEiind who vcnlurcsl to hint that shc would prefer unothcrto thc individual cho&cu by hcr parcuts for hcr hand. Aluch unhnppineEs nnd great im nioralily air ihc rcsuits of this syslcnij.bul upon the whole, it works bciler than onc would cxpcct. Anolhernbjeclionablelhinir in lhc French fyEtcm ofmarryingi?, that old mcn of fcixiy aud scvcniy olicn wed young girls of sixiccn nnd Eevenlccn. Indccd. Frcnrhmcn, for ihcmost part, don'tdrcamof marryingunlil Ihcy have allaincd ihc agcol hctivcen Ihirly-fivc or forly. I havcbecnlcd inlo llicfc obEcrv.i'ions hy an ndvcrliscmcnl in ihc newspapcr, iu which 'a young man, ,'i!?cd 3D. Eix (rpllli'rh. nnd rpmnrLnlilvlmnil. ' I iitviii-iij fcOffl I IIIS llt'Ml U IU US- ! pouseany liulv ol lnli rank. ma d or w dmv pos.L-w...- u goou .onuncv a.ivcr.isc-- mcn.nor w.vcsarc quitea matleroI cour.-c: if-n" t a ! ,'.:' k f 1J',C l,U5,nc'ss l,Ii,0 ii.nt ,1,..,.. ......... 1 7- Ti . nccupy ihcmselvcs with iinthi.ig cUe; and iu.ih 11t1.11.u11. c, 1.11U ,i"vui crs lllill inri-ciiiiicers, irom limc lo nmc, ndvcrli-c that the Hon. T. F. Marshall has bccn select- cd by ihe Locofocns lo delivcr an oration up- on ucu. JacKsnn at L,exingtnn. Tom cau ,ilke a finc )ceth , .- )Ut .li i.i.i... : J.:....- r .i j iiiwill ui. Ulll 11 llblUtl. lil ll 'UI lllllllllb III tue old uero s cuaraclcr, hccaogive nnyihiug more fnrcible llian he gave a few years ago. Wc will furnish him wilh what l.c ihen saul, su Ihat if hc chosc, he cau mcorporatc it into his Lexington dijcoursc: " He has I . . '. .. .. uever bcen, ihrouh hfc. wilhout an antaso ; i.isl. and helias always licei. victo.mns. imrse alunvs mm ulipn hp ir.14 n mrpr. His '"rse always w.u. w l.c. l.c was a raccr. Ile had a Di. ku.on, and k.lled h.m. l Hc had a fracas with ihe Hcntons. and cleared them out. He uscd np I' and ihc ll.t..l. - . . .1 . ' militarv l.oot. For the n.anv ininries he has done ihe countrv. it tvo.ild seen. that i ....:i tl ...:(. .. . II ; suiuc iciimuuuil IH'ICUIIC III iiii.iii;.i iiuiiu, I iruot in this. But evcn tbere ihe hero has. proved to hard foi his cuemy ;forhehasturn- ! l.i n.......-: i.i.-..i.i...i..:ii.: ir. Aneicnrticeoexporr. We are lold Ihat a Yankce brootn makcr in Ohio has lcascd i twelvc hundred acrcs of bottom Iand on lhc """" ,ul "' uruo'" LU'"' " "c" ,u c-, ; p,, , , Ep Iam, whcrc C mtcnds I , . . . ' " rrocced himself.and engage cxlensively ia thc roanufaclunng ofbrooms. taking'wilh ... . .... ... iuiu uic woou iDruic uiiiiiucs, iuiu mc uiii- neryuscd for this purposc Broomsmade from thc Amerirap broom corn are eo mucli suncrior for various uscs. to nnv lliinsr lo bc i,o.i : t?ia .i.-f ilii.'..l,n,. ,v!.h. to 1 nrh wnlnivs' tn mnrrv .riili rtlT. I . . ' . . . ., . ,.,'of the animal. First. the gencral siz ba a ''yeaf Vh a favonte in that been one6.b(lJ,aM thro. I. i-j largc quantitics. i, j. ire. rotu , AGRICOLTUEAL. Fo thc Galaxy. Mr. Bell: Knowing ihatyou fcel an interest in the dispcrsiou of Agricultuml kuowledge. 1 wisli througli your paper, tocalltlic attrntion "i uur luuiicis, uiJCLiiiiiy iiic lanncrs. io n . ' . r, mf ,, ri i . , , , - iui ui viiciiiisii tiuu ucuiuj; uy r. ii.juill. V - . , - y . . aa .'""'"S dire among the Asriculinral port.on of thc "0,?"lunJ' ! uudcr,iaiid the pl,nosorIU ot ,l,e,r pcr..tions. that ihereby lliey may m- r iii. u - ii. i iic ucoiogicai aurvcvs ol llie StalL'S Ilavc ilune inntli tn ric:iti thi4 .lpiri. while the l.,.c cx.cnsive in tliesci: cnce of Cllenmlrv. I.v ihe strict annlv; ..f T1'8 occupaliou ofllic farmcr now holds ils j . ..l .- ur i .. iftr al5 luc ciiiiiusx. ocin uic pioiicrniiicc anioiis me cninu", uein uic :'iu.) ce,,aSi11C,m.S. "'S umiuhui. iouus nicu, iusicau oi , . , . the occupaliou of ibc.r lailier. IO ".;'e obta.ned both wealth nnd liappi.iess by tilbuS llie Kround. lo draw out a ni.scrablc cxistcncc behind llie couutcrs and in tbc cou- fined atmosphcrc ol our storcs, arc now se- curing to llieinscUes hunor and wcaltl. by dc voiing thoirnttcutiouloagr:cu!lur.d purstiits. 1 This is a propitious onicn for tbc uclfarc of our conutry, i .mji 1 lic one tlnnjr now which scems mot dcslrable i. ni.r farmpr ' sliould make llieiiisclvesacquainlcd with u hut is knoKii iurcsprct to ihe Iruc piiuciplcs of fanning. Ths works of a morc exteusire charactcr havc doue inoch to supp.'y this knowlcdge, hul I havc secu iiolhiug for thc sanic amouiit of money (.'11 cculs) nhicl. will so rcadily and correclly impait lo the farmcr and his sous a knowlcdge nf ihc chc.nical changcsand wbi:h arc coinin ually taking placc undcr hii ubscrvaliou, as tlic little voluinc mentioucd abuve. Il is wrii ten by oue nho has probably donc ns mucli by his pcn to adranco the agrirultural inter ests of Great liritaiu as any olber person. It is truc it was iutended for our schnols nr.d liniild be'in evcry chool iu the Sutc. r.ud llic cn.nniittccs and tcachers of '111 r schcols shonld sce lliat il is iinmcdiatcly iulroduct'd, hutitis well cnlculatcd to bcnefit those who arc beyond llie circleuf our scliools 1 who are not familiar will. thc priuciples of chc.nislry. I linnc our far.ners nill cxainiuc ! ihis book for iben.selves and bepomp familiar wilh its contenl. , I ,. i: I. : !..... : r.i- . 1 , iin.c uu uuirci 10 accoin I. " i.i.s um uilicrill.iu the welfare cf our farincrs. I havc been crat ificd in cxaiimiinj the book and I wisli others to havc thu saint pleasurc and prolit. vcrj licsprctliilly, lours, S. 1'EARL LATIIROP. J"roi rte Albany Cullicatcr. FARMIXU IN VERMONT. ( Concluded from last icctl;.) Ghass Lasds. This scciiou of coiintrv is particularlv favorablc to the cronib of crass.- Judgins from apne.iranccs. it is our onininn lliat ue luvc nevcr secn uhicli .s capablu of suslaiuing as mucli stock lo ihe , acre. Ou lhc rich alluvions of thr Sciota. 1 wc havc secu ficlds which uiav ncrhans nro- uuce as grcai a xcctgia ol grajs pcr acre, but 11 uocs not nppcar :o bc as nuinlive as ihe herbagc of the bcst Vermont pasiurcs. Ou thesc, ihe turf, ivhich is of tlu ihickcst and fincst ,;0j COIIin()S:.d lnostIv of the Snenr- or Kentuckv bluc-Rras.; (Pro V alen. enouql. for varie.y. The l.ay madc from "icse lands is ol the most uiiliinvc ouahir. Wc were sbowu samples iu which tbc uatural gret-nness oftlic grass iras preservcd al.ncst iiurhanzcd, giving a dclightful fragrancc. it such bay, bpcoincintbcspring fit forslaugh- tcr, and arc scnt to Brighton maikct wilhout any oihcr fceding. In f.icl, so cxccllcnt is thc hay which is made hcre, aud so fine is lhc pasturage, that some of lhc bcst "grass beeP that is bought for the Brighton inarUct is found hcre. Inan articlc on ihe "Acriculturc of AddWon counly,"inthe Ncw Yo.k Statc Ae.riculiurnl S"cieO's Transaclions for 1844," wriilcu by S. W. Jcwctt, somc remarkable farlsaresta- ted in refcrence to a tractof this county said to be "fificcn miles in lenglh andclcven wide about one-half uiiimprovcd, covered wilh i timber. This tract comprises six towns, av- j eragin; each firc miles sqi.arc." "Tbeceusus of 1840. rnmneralcs 7.000 ' inhabitanls; about 1,400 of ihisuumbrrwerc cmploycd in agriciiliurc. Thc uumbcr uf tons ofhaij produrrd, wcre rising of fifiy-one 1 lliniisiind; ncat caltle. i.iuelecn ll.uusand bead; ihttp, one hi.udred aud fnrty-four tl:nuand; and two llinusand onc hundred hvrses. Ifwcinclude fuur more ndjotniiig ownswesucu ine oi sneep to two 1. I .... I 111.1 ,..,,. M.I.I....1.I . .. .. .1 n.u Si.llV-foUr." - . fenEEr. rjie mostimpoitant desc.iption j "H're stock for ihis sccl.on, is shecp. and , thcse are kept m largcr immhers 111 nronor- : liou lo llie nopulalion aml exrent nf tcrriiorv, j The Merio5, full blood. and high grades ofunce. Calli.ig ihewiightofliis flecce this that varicty and llie Saxons, arc ccncrally kept' The Merinns werc earried io tliis sec- well cstabi;he.l fnct ihat M animals linder- . lo some extent nl) beiu-remov- g" cnaiies io some exiem. on ueiu reinov cd from a countrv ihey have lon iuhabitcd , r .i:,i.nn. .;i ,.i t; Th. to oue ofadidercntsoil and climatc. This we ihink, has bccn the casc withlbe Merinos first transferred lo this district. Tbe ferlilily of the pastnres, ihe regular aud abnndam si.p- ply ol nutruire fnod tlieyi-ar round, w.tii tue healllifnh.css of the lucaiion, have eflcctcd a visible chauge in ihe constiluiicnal character 1 . a . ft.t -1 ne inay mcet, wiu sec riaai meir NUMBER 12. average size is cousiderably grcalcr thau that of Mcricos cbmnionly mct with in other sec tions. Sccond, tlie fleecc, especially of ihe larger clnss ofshcep, and thoso which, bav iug been brcd hcre for somc tiaic Iiate bc coine fully acclimnlcd, lias gciiernlly los: soniethiug ofits original liueccs.H; but thc ca pacity lo bcar n l.irgerquatitiiy of woid has been evidcnlly iucrca(.'d, accuinpauicdhy im provcd liardincss and vigorofco'.isMtuliou, a thicker bkiu, aud ndaptcdncss lo the cllmatc uhicli leavcs uolhing iu ihis rcspcct tobcdc sired. The incrcasc iu llic wviglit of llie llccce has bccn in somc t.ascs iu a greatcr ra lio than ihe incrcasc iu the weight of the car cass, the wool being both longcr iu sUplc, and more thickl sel on thc body. Xiimcr ous cascs Hcre niadc knonu to us by hunuru blcand veraciuus ineii, of brecding cwcs(Me riuos) rcaring laiubs every ycar, hiving for succcssirc scaoui yiclded from Cvc aud ahalflu m'ix pounds ufwell washed wool prrlleccc; and of bucks yicldiug from len to twclvc, aud iu onc or to iiidtauccs ibirtceu pounds. Iu niost cascs wc examiucd llic i dcnlical aniuials lu uhicli wc alludc, nndlook from ihem samplcs of wool, which wc cau now suow. llic llocks nlucu cainc undcr cspecial noticc, werc thosc of S. V. Jewett, Wigbtinan Chapman.aiid .Mr.Jamcs ofVe- hridgc; M. IJiuhain aud A. L. l'ingham, of Cornwall; li. (). Hurchard, hx-Uov. Jcuiion, L. C. Rcmelce. M. V. C. Vris;lit and Johu T. Ricli. ofSliurehani: b'ciii Lnn-tlon aud I Alvan Squires, of New-Ilaveu; Cbaries L. I Siniih, of Bristol; C. B. Cook.uf Charlotte; Ilcniy fa. .Mohc, ol Shelburne. Jlr. Rich's fluck cousisis inostlv of llicMc- i ,:.. ,..i .....i...,.i i... i,: r,,i " ,i, i.,, Uuh. of Andrcw Cock. laleof t lUOtilll, 1.JII-131UUU. l.lljl lli.U ailiitft , ,e cot7,p:u:l boJics, aml heavy flcccca. iho' n Jj fil , s, ,,c as BUIIC Mttriuo3. Gf a ! ,otof olle i,,,,, aoiI foriv-scvciiewes which l.i. l.l.n.l i ,t..... " 1 Mr. Kicli sbearcd last vcar. oucbuudrcdaud ! - : 'r ' a 011 Ihc avcranc. iilr. Ilich has fur ihc two scasocs been brccdins fruin a buck brcd by llie II011. Wiiliam Jenfs. Tlus cd Consul, now owncd by .Mr. I'ich, is the siic of Mr. Jcuetl's famoiis bnck 1'orlunt. Cunsul is a buck of great vnlue is teu ycars old, yvt hc shcarcd l.isl ycar len pounds of waslicd wool. ol cxcellcut qnilily lor.ilcrim) Old as hc is, his flcece is slill well set, and we prcsumc will not thisycar fall much.ifuuy. slinrt ol its lonncr wci'lit. Mr. Jeuctl's llack cousisls of desccndaiits from the iinliorled iMrriuosof Jlessrs. Iluni iilirev. Jarvis. D'Wolf, CulTaud Cock, wilh some purcbnscd of Wiiliam Davies, Esq., of rougl.kccpsie. 1 lie liucK r oriune was llie produceofa eweof ihe Cock slock, by lhc iuicl: of Mr. Jartis" breeding bcforc uicution- cJ. Hc isalargc bodieil, shortlcsgcd slu-ep. carryin au cu.irmous (leccc of about mcdi 11111 qualiiy. His average Hcrce has bctu c lcvcn and a half pounds. Hc isnow s:t years old. The lambs of his gct are largp, well formcd aud strnng. Whcu wc werc llicre, tno hundred and twenly-sewn f Mr. J's encs had lanibed, aud lic had iwo huu- drcd and twcnty-Cve lambs alive aud well. 1 111c U 11111.1 UIIIIUUII11.I II1U "111. i.ur 1 . , , . .1... . , .r .1 . I cu ucail su t.iai evcrv .nuiu w;i". ainru umi I ,,, ,-. rr,, .. rrn, ,- Jeicit s ; dock of ix hundred aud furlv llirre, ivas on ly two, from Notr. I, 10 May 1. Mr. J. has many good encs. Mr. Wright and Mr. Kcnulcc havc somc Crst ate shccp. Wc cau hardly nroid par licular refcrcucc t two of Mr. Ilcmclee's nra, wl.srli he p.ircl.ascd of Mr. Jarvis. Wilh thc cxccpiim. ofn Irillc morc Icngih of lcg ihan wc sliould ijli, ihcy arc in flcece aud carcass about all that could bc dcsircd in Meriun shecp. One of ihe.n especially, is al11111.1t a mudrl of cxccllcncc. Thcir tvool is bcauiiful. a all will r.dinit who will ciamiun thc samplcs nctool:. Tbc flcccc of onc, last ycar, wcished six pounds atiil au cuuce, and Ibc othcr six pouii'ls. Each rearcd a lamb one Mr. Wricht's bnck "Ulack Il.iwk," now has a lanih, and Ihough but lil llc morc Ihan a ycar old. will givc, wc sliould lliink. six pounds of nicc uool. Thc old civrs hatt-atso finc lambs Ihis season. Mr. liu.chard has hcrelofoie brcd lhc Sax ons, and many of his flock uow show ihe eharactcrisiirs variet). Hc cvcr, bpcn laitcrly infiisiiiglulo lhc flock lhc blnod oflbe hcavicr fleccedaiids:roiigcrcol. stitulioneil Mcriiici. I!c has some vcry prcily stock some of his bucks are iu all rpspccts good samplcs of thc Cucr wuolcd class ol shecp. Wc happcucd to ca'I at Mr. A. L. I'ins hnui's f.irm in his absrnce, aud couscqucntly not the oppurluuily uf sccing his buck called Vermont Ilero, which is own broihcr to Forlune. Ile is rrprescnted to be a re markalile auimal, and Mercrclted not bci.rg abc tu fir.d him. Iii lhc fluck of .Mcrril l'ing ham. ihcre are many large.wcllshapcd.hfavy flerccd sbecp. Sccing ihem in largc fieids onlv, we could not pxauiinc thcm so parlicu larly asifthcy had bccn in yards. He and Iiis bmihcr. A. L. Biugham, have latcly pur rhasc.l of ihe Shakers a flock of vcry heavy Iprino ewcs. Jlr. Chauman has sontccood gheen from civcs liav'ti.; cousiilcrable Saxon blood crossed will. Fortuue. Mr. Laugdot. has n'so verv good sbepp. A ycarling raui nrins. fnu.ia eweof Mr. Atwood's stock, of Lilchlicld couiiiy, Ct., is vcry supcrior. Mr. Cook has severa! ewes also from Mr. At- Wood's stock. which a.e vrrv good. Mr. Squires has a large flock. Mauy oflns cwcs strongly sh-w ihe Saxon blood. Ile oixis .he buck called Don IVJrn. formcrly owucd by Mr. Jcnelt. Thoiiglilliisbnckisdcclared lo bc a full blood Mcriuo. desceudpil direclly from ihe iinportation of Col. Humphn-y, (nhirl. bv thc way we see no good reason for disiuling.) we do not hesiiaie to say his wool is too coarse coari'er ihan fhouldbecncoiir- aged for 1 he quantily ol wool l.e . . ' I . I II hasy.elde.1. howevcr. . unpreccdentcd. Hc j, s-ven vears old, aud when wesawlum lieen sbcared six limes llie Ilcecc ol llie presentycnr not hmln;; bcen shorn. Thc ag- ycar equal to thal of the l?st, (12 lbs. G oj., aud il nill not vary mach from it.) ihe v.hole quautily ofwool yiclded l.y this bnck in scv cn years, would to Ecvenly-.iine lhs. and seen ounccs! Tu do ihe auimal justice, we arc bound to say that he has great vigoi of cnnstilutinn, and thc most pcrfccl symc iry of carcass wc hjvc crer sccn in a Meriuo shcep. Mr. Morse has abont two thousaad sheep, of good quality. A Mormon Eldrr caughl. Charlc Chris mau, a .Mormon Elder, was caughl ii. Han cock County, lllinois. n few days ago, in the dct ofcarryingoffrailroad irbn which he had stolenfrocn thcRailroad bciween Jackson- 13 PCEL13UED EVERT WEDSESDiT MO&Kltt IX STEWACT's BCII.DI50S, BYJUSTUS COBB, IT WnOM ALL OKDir.I rcn rcisioj HAMDBILLSt OI" every dcscription will bc ucallj and fashionably exccutcd, at sbort uoticc. ville and Mercdosia. He had taken two loadsbcfore, aiuounling to morc than two tons. Thc following fs from the 'Washingiori Unitcd Stulcs Journal of SotUTday eve ning: In thc cvenfng, a great concoursc of pco ple gnlhcrcd upon ihc iunll, in thc rearof thc I rc-idcnl's mnncion, and ihc adjoinin" grounds. to wiu.cKa ihc conlemplatcd di. playof firc-works, for which such vast -rcp-arations had bccn made thc day previons. Aliera numbcr of rockels and dazzling whecls had bccn iznited.a halfi'ozpn rnrkp. supposed to be top-l.esivy, or disarrangcd ou mc nnme, wcni on logrilicr. takmg a hori zonlal inclinalioi. in various dircction3, likc eo many fiery nrrows. One passing tho heads of horses allarhrd to a cnrriage whcn thc animal., nfT.ighicd, ri.n al fullspccd scp araling the densc ihrong slnmling in" the street, at ihe iminent pcril of life. A Uack woman we were lold ihis mornrng.wasstrucli bya rocket.jlic sliclc ptnclraling below lhc shouldcr joint, and, iu ronsequence ul ihc wound, ha sincc died. Mr. Shullun Mageo had hi.s wrist drcadfuliy woundcd, and hi children werCECorched. But there was an occurrcnce at the iaiuo limelhat fillcd us uilh fcclings lhc mosl painful. Mr.Jamcs K.ioivlcs, of Gcorgc loun, who had hocn marricd hut ai-linrt lime, wassilting wilh his wil'eon lhc unll.far, ns thcy supposed, from danger the di.- nncc bctncen ihcra and the firc-works being about u fourth ofa inile but one ofihe roclT-cls.afn-r tkimming aloi.g the hcaiU oftbu crowd below, slruck him on thc lctt brcast, direclly ovcr thc hcart. His wife, it is rcla led, dUroverrd ihe calamilv as she raw him falliug from herde, and in a drewr out ihe siick. Hedied inslanirv. uiuioui a slruggle. The mojl xi.cuus aild Iiarri.wiug lameiilnlinns fillcd Ihe air, Irom one, in lliclwinklingofancye, n'duccd to widuw hood; and she wus Icd Ihrough the grav cllcd v.-nlliv, wilh hcr white garuicnls stahicd wilh blood yrl warni; lnrcrics. -he h utait, Oh ! my huhaiid,hc k dsad 1' causcd a gcn eral uulburl of sorrow from lhc lliousuiuls. who, with herjwcr.; h .stily leaving lhc tnig icEccuc. Itw:i3 indeed a sad specticlc onc from which mcmory lurns away wilh a shudder evciion the dav aficr ilicdih ol'Ju- Wc havc just hcard a man inGcorge town had liis lliuuib blown olVnhilc venliiiK ncannoii, nnd that thc loadcr had liU nrui blpivn ntl'anil his liice injurcd.from tlie cfTcctiJ ofv.bich hcisnot expeclcd to rccovcr. Coc.nttue cost. I rcsncct the man. says Gnelhi-, 'ho kuows dismirtly I.o w ishcs.' The prruUr part ur all mistl.icf in ihe norld riscs from the f..ct thal mendu uut suiricently under.tand thcir ouu aiips. They hsivc undertakcn to build a tower, aud speud uo more labor on ihe fuund.itioii would be necissa.y lo ercct a hut. Is loi this an exacl dcscripiinn ofmost mrn" slri viugs! Evcry man to Luild his tovver. nnd couois ihe ccst. Iu all llii.igs ihe limes are markcd by a watit uf stcidyaiin aud paticnt iudustrv. Thc.e is schcming and nlullinr in i.tiundaccc. but uo considciblc, pcrsevcring cflcct. The young man brjucbcd into hfe nitb i.u iieliuilecoursciu vicn. Ifhcgocintotradr, hc has pcrhaps n cenerl dcsire lo Lc ricbLut hc has at lime an entiailv sircui i- sire fiic gratiCcatii.u ai.d Icxuriuus Iic is uuwiliini: lo nav the mice nf his ambition. Ile euilcniors lu sccuic 1L0 aud lets c the fnlurc. Hp lurns sccd time aud harvest, eals thc corn u hich l.e ouht to plar.t. Ifhe gocs into life, he sets out uith a desirc lo bo einiuci.t, but witbout consiilcrin; iu what par- ticnlar hc nishcs to excel, aud hat is iho pricc ofthat cxcellencp. So hc dividcs his time and talents a nmong gieat variely of puisuits, cmleayiiring tu be all things, he Le couics superCcial iu pmportiuu as hc is uni, aml haing acqi.i.eil a brief repulatiuu, as wnrlhlcss as il i.s burt livcd, si.iks duwn iutu hoplcts The L'.iid.i and Joccsal. at Washington, nrccrjing uut fur more blood. uotwiibsinnd ing llic liclems that hare bcen sarnfliid siucc thc fourlh of March. Will uolhirg salisfy tbese bieaiis? A correspomrrnt of thc L' says hc was one nf llie "l.CUO.COO who gallenlly sncpt iheFcdcral phahux f.i in oflicc,"aud llirrefurc, bc protcsls tl.o rctaining of Whigs in cflicc. Wi ll, as r.. of llic 17,t00,000of peoplc, ucpralcstagai.iiit ilas onc of lhc uiillion tno hiiiidii! cighty-twolbousaiid fuur hundred aud ihiriy eight free men nho volcd for Ilenry I'laj. Mr. Polk is nol crcn a majnrily Pics.dtr.t, and il willnut do, thcrcfore, lo call upcu lhc peoplc to aiil in lliewurk of rcnioval of gni-d mcn from olicc. JV. I". Exprcss. Or.i:ao.- Eaior.AS-s. The Ofcio Siatcs man has lcllcrs from au Orrgon rmig.ant lo his brnlherin Ohiu, nriiten nn iIip l.'Mi and 20th ofMay tliclattcrinO miles West oflhe Miisouri Statc liue. Thcy appcar i Cml Cood rnads but Ir.ivcl slouly, bnlbcred by iheir loose caltle and s inccjsaut at lernpls oflbe Kaw aud Kansss Iudians tn sleal them. They have had troublc in clecling a Pilot, and appear to h.wc cocscn a pnnrcneat The Pilot, on thc strcngth ofbisdignity, gol auife ousix days'acquaint ance. and was marriedon lhc ISlh. All wrc masters, and anarchy prcvailed. They mct or. llie 0th some mcn couihig in from the Mount.iins. who repurted thc road for 100 miles ahcail linrd wilh cmigrauts In O.egon. The average rate oftravcling isnot over 12 miles a day, which will give them , frosty uights and hard feed bcfnrc- thcy rearlt i Walla-walla. Tribunc. A MiLLi.r.iTr. ftr.rc.xEDTo ms si:ysi.s. AMilleriteiu Boston, says ibe Jnlelligcncer, c.iaged in a b-.rgc maaufactur ing busiucss, it thc tir.'.c of lliedetasiotir.ipid tbe grcatcst. convcytd all his propcriy lo his oldcst son, bindiiig him to pay to h:s oilicr cl.ililrcn ihcir poitionalc shatcs, and taking. for hi.uself one thousaud dollars to dcfrav his cxpenscs for thc sbort limc thc wcrld h.dl lo cndurc. Tbe gcntlcroan cninmcurcill preachii.g uuiil tbcductrmc of Millcr cxplu ded, his stcal thau abatcd aud he found out his delnsion. Hc tried tbcn to recovcr -iV properly; hut failicg iliis. jconimenccd a suil agaiust bis so.!, his plea being il-t at it lime be madc the sale he wai biboring uudcr a delusiou, aud was thcfbjc not in a sol'd . statc otmiud. Thctr.iJe uill cxciie a ;isdj dt-alof interest, Bcili Mr.Vebster a!:diMvl Choate arc cngared as coczsel.