Newspaper Page Text
0Ter its grave ctlandWm convention. TteScnatorialconventionwasheldatButland m Vcdnesday August 4th at which Gco. T. SJ . M Fox.aud Hcnry SUnley werc nom fD cfas candiaatesfor the whig party. Much Sffcction howevcr prevailcd agamst the course TwMr Hodr-esin relation to thc cstob- ously opposcd during tbc last scss.on. Th. has at Clarendon springs on Mondayfvcsterday Without csprcssing our opinion upon the mcnts of Uie case, it is ccrtainly much lo bc regrcttcd ,hat a question about the locat.on of a bank Aonld bc-thonghtof sufficicnt magniwdc tobreak upthesolid phalanxot inc a6 v"J UndCounty. . nnec made should tavc tbc mol powcrful rcasonsfor its ovcrthrow. If howevcr another convention is callcd wc tru-st the danger ofdivisionwiilbc thoroughly we.gucu no minor considerations will swcrve thegoodp-o- pte of Rutland county from thcir paramou. dn y of sustaining tho grcat wnig pary Gud rigor. Whigs. Are vou rcady for the Itally on the Tth of Sep tcmbcruext, only three weeks. If so you cannot fail of Victory. But wc rcgrct to say that Gencr, al .patby ncvcr hcld in his ranks bo many whigs nsthcprcsentmomcnt. Thc locos knowing this wllcndcaToarto stcal a march. We say there is danger for tbcy arc organizcdand laboring with an csgcrdUigcncc. Espccially tbo.c non indc fatigaMc of all vour cncmics tho nlolitionists. Be thcn prcparcd To the PJls to the PciUon tbc Tth of Scptcrabcr ncxt, Josiali W. Hale of Brandon, William Marsh of Shrewsbury, ar.d Saml.Eoardman of Castleton hatc bccn nominatcd Th'ml party candidatcs ior fienators for Rutland connty. J. Ilamilton of Jcricbond Alcxandcr Furgcr Kn of Huntington, bavc bccn noninated whig candidates for scnators for Cbittendon county. OoHEN-siiCMH Road. In thc St. Lawrcncc Mercnry of last wctk tl.crc is containcd a vcry a Me pc tition to tbc N. York b-g'nlature against the prcscnt loration of tbc Ogdensburgh road, as made by Mr. Hayivood ond opjKJed by Sila? Vright and otbcrs, praying tbc intcrforencc of tLf li-gislature to prevcnt it. Owins to our rery batl statc of bcalth wc bavc Uen forccd to dclay an answcr to ouo of the most ilitcoartcous loic Ired and rulgar articlcs n hicl. wc have cver sccn in a public print, containcd in thc last Gaiius ofthc Agr, and prorecding frora tlic pcn of thc Kcv. .lsron Anjicr who formerly con ductcd a wcckly ncwspaper in this plncc,and now ronducts not only a m, but one of the moit scurriloKS and ;fiYe Jouruals in the State at Tbot TnurcuiNCE IIousk. Tb is onc of the largcst class of public Houses, vnd baving lcn rcccntly rcf.ttcd and furnishcd by Jlcssrs, Flicpberd and Jlillcr aflbrds the bct acconimo- dations for tlic travelling-public It .s situated on tbc comer of Tbird and Hiver f trceLs and bipbly convcnicnt for passcngcn who wish totakc J thc cars for IioMon or boats for New 1 ori: and otbcr plaruf. We would call tbe attention espccially cspeci ally of tbe Ilachabiics and Tcmpcrancc incn, to ihe iSmcrican as a Taitpcrance Jfouse, and as all !flitify, is not only f trickly .kcpt, hu't in a raanncr not infcrinr to the best Te.npcrancc IIouscs inour largc citics. AV'c understand too that Sbcphcrd ond Jlillcr arc rigbt Fort of Green Mountain boys. Tlic arrivaU at tbe port of Roston for tbc month of Julv.lfc-t", wcrc 1027 tliclargest mimbcr ecr Ufore knowc in tbc samc spacc ot limc. 11 l il'J UWl IUL J)U1MW " J " ....... . .. Clii'.i, wbere it cxists ns.a dcadly poison, with a f:nrjl littcr root. It was not knowu to F.uropc tictil 15S5. Tlie Briti-b rcvcnue from :dl ources nmonntcd for tbc vear ending in Julv, to tlie cnormous sum of JC51.OCO.000! Tlic H uerbill llanncr eays that a dog belong ing in that village, whilc swimming in tlic Mer rimac, caught a falmon wcigbing 1G lbs, r.nd broujbt it fafcly onshore. Santa Anna beiug nsked if be had any pcrsonal dcabnps wiih Taylor and Scott, rcplicd, "'Yes, I hsve kcpt up a rvmning account with them." A gentleman wishing to buy a bone, lought cr.eofa Quakcr, ibo told the purcbascr, "It would plcase thec to sce hiin pull." Tbe horse 'as botight, but, after numcrous fair trials, thc boycr has given up all bope of cver bcing jHeascd lu'tbat way. JJtvl. IT7iijf, of Sctc Hcmpsfiire. This prom Uing joung otliccr flhohaslately falicn iuto tbc liands of the Mexicans, and U supposcd to have bccn murdcrcd, was thc son of the Iaie Ilon. Thoroas "Wfiipplc. of Wcntwortli, 2s. II. Ilis name ivas Tbomas Jcflerson Whipple. He left his fricnds, a youug wife, and infaut babe, for the famt hc might acquirc in thc wars, expecting to rcturn in about two years. Throaghout Grcat Britain thc potato crop is reprcscnted as vcry abundant, and the English harvcst gcrerally continucs in a promising state. SOUEIHIXO OF A SHAVE DOWX EAST. It is i fiid tliat thl Aumnti IlriJ.j Onmnnntr J ' vuaicu 522,20 toll, for thc crossing oftlieir bridge bv 1'rcsidcntPolkand snite, during his last visit, and that the bill has teen paid by the State ! This is a little thc cutest business wc have heard of. j Wc find in some of the Ohio papers Columbus Delano proposed as candidate of the "Whigs for Govcrnor. A trncr AVhig and a more honcst man not cven Ohio that State of truo "vvhigs and honest mcn can boasL General Clinch, the Whig candidate for Gov crnor in Georgia, is very popular in that State. Hc is not a stump speaker, and it is not probable that be will trouble the pcople at the ta-ems, coart houses, and cross roads, with spceches n tont himself. The PitEsiDE-CT. Levi 'Woodbury, of the y. S. Supremc Court, is talked of as a candidate for the Prcsidcncy. His chief qualification in the eyes of those who support him, is the fact that hc is a northren man with southem principles, com- Hamnshirfl raniralUm . v K j uiu iuust uusnnnKinir Gerotion to the cdicts of tbc slave powcr. Hc was uiuoui .nw ngiana -senator who votcd fc Tylcr's Texas trcaty. Hartford Cour- Cab't-Ieox Houses. The Cincinnati Com mercial says "We are informed, by good aulhority, that a wock of thrce story bnildings are to be e'rcctcd in this city, the entirefront to bo of east iron. The plate for the samc arcalready bcing east." Sercral nf tVflW; rm,: nnj na,nrge the Hon. Tbomas Corwhj asa.Wbig --..,.0 lul iresmmi. Amin mccting upon J-aturdaj lat The.Whiesof Talbot Co. Maryland, haTe m Convention nominatcd General Taylor for Presi dent. Maryland appcars to be the most thorongh The Hickman (Ky.) Standard has raiscd the name of Gen. Wm. O. Butler of that State, as the dcmocratic candidate for President Several of the Southem papcrs have come out in favor of ievi vrooabury. incy can trnst mm, tney say, on the slarcry quesuon. The Postmaster General has ordered Regula' tion549, which authorized Postmastcrs toreceive subscriptions to newspapers and draw upon thc 1'ost Umce wliere Uio paper was puomnea, to dc discontinucd. Tlio Stcamboat N iagara had more than 45 inch cs of steam when the boiler exploded; while sbe was allowcd, by the steamboat Inspector, to nse no more tlian 25. Viroixia EtECTios. TVnson jread, Dcmo crat has bccn electcd member of Congress, for l'etcrsburgh District, Virginia. Of onc hundredand ninoLoco Focos whoToted to ccnsurc Gen. Taylor, only ahout twenty.four tjr bccn rc-clectcd to Conercss, and only yourof these were re-clccted aftcr the obnoxious VOtC Wasfjlvcil uivuuiciauauijg uccu uioiuij iu- clccted last fall. MONE V MARKET. -There bcgins to bc an alarm among capi talists io rclalion to Governnicot six pcrcent. stocks. In censequence of the hopes ofall, and tlic cxpectation ofmany that we should have peaco, Trcasurr noles run upto lOSper cenl., and the general feclius wa?, tbat thcr would go up much higucr, Kecentnccnunts from Mexico, have dissipnted th'shopennd expcclncy, at least for tho prescnt. 1 h.s, togcthcr wiili the oflicial rcport of tbe Secr; tary, that thc cxpenses oftbe army alonefor (belliree mouihs cndinz tho 30th ofJune was SlO.17i.594, and that the whnlo expcn- e3 of the Gorernmeut, foi the samc perind, W33 tiventj-lwo and a lialfinillioDS, ur uinciy imilinns ol uollarsayear, and that the receipts for the s.unc limc, e.xclusive of ihc loans ivas only cight millions, or ihirty-two millionspcr anntim, has alarmcd capitali3t3. nnd tvell may they be Irigbtened. If we are runniog be liiml nnnr, at thc rate of sUty millions a yenr, and his too, by thc oflicial dtatemcnis of the oflicial ofliccrd of the Govcrnuicnt, it is tiinc to luok nbout ur. and to scc wliere nnd how lUU iminenie dcGciency is to be made up. If iliis war coutmucs capitali.tti have aliun dant opportcnity to olilnin qniic as much Govcrnnieiitsccurities nstliey watit. Indecd so suspicimis have mnuied inen bccomc al- readv, that btate oriNcw-x orK nve pcr cent. tocUs crvn I.ardly bc hnil at a preiniun ol one and two per cent. Miney isalso a urug, oo offered frcely al 6 percent. on bond and mort gage. ANOTHER LETTER FROM GENER AL TAYLOR. Headquaktcrs Arjit or Occupatio.i, Camn near Montcrcy, Mexico, Jnly 6, 1847, Sir: TIio prospcclus of a Nalire Ameri icaii papcr to bc editcd by ynursel, fortvarded to mc tvith attached remarks from you, has hroti duly reccivcd. Upon thc points alluded toin those remarks, and to which mumbcrs of the Native Araer ican narlr renuiro asscnt from those whom they favor for thc Presidency, lcan only say, with all camlor, thal if thctcd to that officc it must be by ihe spontaneous will of the pcople at large. and icithout agcncy or pledge on my parl inany particular. Ifeter 1 fill that higfi ojjice, U must be unuammtuca tcim pauy oo ligalions or interestsof any kind, and u.mjer .NOJEBUT THOSE IVIIICII TIIE roNSTITUTIO.N A.M) THU I1IOH l.TTERESTS OT TIIE NATION AT I.AR0E 3I0ST EERtOUSLT A5D SOLEJISLT DE MAND. I do not tlesire the Prcsidcncy, and only vield thus far mv asscnt to be cnsidercd a candid.ilc iu thcsame proportion in which it is desircd-by tlie people.irreiJfcure qt party. Vour paper, the No. which you wcro kiud cnougli to promise, trill be vcry acccptablo; mcanwhilo I can only hopc it will prove use ful to the cotintry. Very truly and sinccrely, your oh't scrvalit Z. TAYLOR, Majnr General II. S. Army. I'eter SkesSutii Esq.I'hiladelphia, Pa. THE NEXT CONGRESS, Elccti'ins for membcrs o tlic Ncxt Con gress lmve been held in twcnly Staics, iu all ol which btaics, wliere thsie liav becn n con icni, Locofocoism line learned wliat Gcncrn! PiHotv ouglit to have Icarncd brfore hc was made Mnjor Gciifrnl hy Mr. Polk, viz, to countcr march. Tlierc can bcnorcnsonable doubtthat thc Whigs w II have in tlie ncxt house a fair reli able mujority, who will rcsist tho luriher cn- cfoaciiments ol tlic Kxccutivc upon tlic con' stitution and ihc legislaiivc brancli ofllie Govcrnmcnt. Progrcssive Democrary, while it ovcr, mtiBt depcnd upon ihc h.xc cutive and Scnatc for aid. It is 1 mntterof congralulalion that many oflhc liuest Vhigs in thc Uuion arc rhoscn membcrs of the ncxt Congrees, nnd many olhcra likc them are in the licld as candidatcs, and vill wiihout cloubt he clccted. Should tlie "Whige have a majority, tbe Speaker will ol course he takcn from their numbcr. Tncy have already clcc ted many who would do hunor to the olEce, Among ihcm might be mcntioncd Mr, Win thropof iMnss.. Mr, Vinton of Ohio, nnd Mr. Botts o( Va. Besldes thcsc, and many othcrs one Jamcs Wilson, from thc State ofNew Hampshire, will be there, with a lcticrofin troduclion from Governor Williams, short and pertiuentof eourBC Among membcrs of the last Congresa, who are candidtes (or re eleclion and who woulri bcequally worihy oftheftation, are Mr. Culeb B, Smilh of ln diana, and Mr. Gcntry ofTenneBsee, Rutland Herald. Joseph C. Neal, auihor of Charcoal Sketches and editor ofNealN fPhiladelphia) Saturday G&zette. died recently of brain fever. Imposition. The exhorbitant cxaclions of the city papcrs has long becn n Eubjcct for remnrk by thc country press, I'erhaps we have fufieredas much from it ns others, but we have omiued f pcsking out upon the sub- ject, hoping thnt the cvil might be remedied wnnout. our hopcs hppear to have becn groundlets. Instead of diminishing. the evil iocreases, bidding fair,, unlcss checked, to become formidablc Bennington Paper. TEACHERS CONVENTION. A Teachers Couvcntion. for this County will be held atthe Town Room. in Middle bury, on Wednesday the 1st day or Seplera ber hext. at 10 o'clock A. M. Town Super intecdeets, Teachers and all who feel interes ted in promoting the iinprovement of our Comnion Schools, arc earncstlv requested to attend L. L. riLDEN, Supt. of Com. Scboolj for Addison C. TO THE WHIGS OF NEW HAVEN. Ail the goed und true Demecratic Whigs of New Haven are reqnesied to meet at tbe schoul huuse at the centro of the town, ou Fndav creningthe 27th day or Augurt inst. for ihe purpose of nomincting a suitablc per son to represcnt said lown in the next Leg islature. A. P. BEAMAN. ) Town CALVIN SQUIERS.V H. PLUMLEY. S Com. Mr. F, Brown, " ' Dear Sir : I ara rr.uch gralificd in hhving an opportunity to announce to you, that,- by Ibeuseofthree botlles or?your Sarsaparilla nnd Tomato Bitter., I have been. from a state of ceneral debilitvfend decline, and cbn- tinual sunenng, restored to tne emjoymenf:of sjood hcalth. b or a numncr 01 years 1 haie becn troubled with thc Liver Complaint, so badly at times. as to nrcvent my altendinir to buEinesp. and Dyspepsia followed, with Ioes ofappelite, iveakness and debility. nnd n sinkingand oppressive sensation. nt iheslom- ach, most painlul and distrcssini;, which gradunHy,dccreased myatrengtn, aad lcd mc inio a decline, and dchililnted me so much as to occasion fcars for mv recovery , while :n this situation I wns induccd. by the persuas- on ol a friend, to rnake a trml 01 your tsiUerf, and was most happily disappointcd in fin- dingan immediale relie(;.nnd before I had laken the contenls ofthe nrst botlle. I had nblained a comfortable state ol beallh, and belorc I hati'uscd thrce bottles, I enjoyed better healih than for a numbcr ol years. This was about two years since, and my healih has conlinued -cood till tbcprcseilt lime. I muslsay thnt I have not much con- lidence in patent tntilicincs, but 1 am satis fied, Irom the wonderlul clfccts of your Bitteri in my own case, and of Inends whom I have '.nduccd to use il, llial it is a raluable nicdicine, and I toke much pleasure in rccommendine it lo any friends and acquaintances, and indced to a!l who are ilius nluu:ted,as well worlliy a tnai. 1 re tnain yours, Bath, Me., April 20. 1844. For sale by W. P. RUSSEL Middlebury and by dealers in medicines generally. WISTAITS DALSAM OF W1LD CIIERR Y. The creat remedy for Consumption, and the best meJicine known to man for Aslhma ol cvery slage, Liver Complaints. Bronchitis, Inlluenza, LOUghs, Colds, Dlccding ol Ihe Lunzs, Shortncss ol Brcath. nains and weak- ncss in the sHe, brcnst, &c and all otlier diseases oflhc Pulmonary Organs. A vcry iir.portnnt iliscase ovcr wiucti tnis Balsam' excrts a vcry powcrlul inflnence, is that ol ti DISEASEDLIVER. In this complaint it "as undoubtcdl y proved moie elflcacious than any rcmcdy hiiheito employcd, and in numcrous instances ' when palients had cndured lonj andscvers sutter ing from the disuasc, without receiving the least bencfil from varioua rcn.cdies, nnd when MERCURY has been rcsorlcd to in vain. thc use ofthc Bnlsam has restorcd the LIV ER to a hcalihy action, ond in Many mstan ces cfTcctcd PERMANENT CURES. after cvery known remedy had failed 10 pro- duco this ucsired cllcct. Bcsidcsits astonishini' efficacy inthedif- eisc abovc mentioned. we nl?o finJ it a very ellcctual remedy in ASrHMA, a complaint in which it has becn cxtensively used wiih decided succcee, evcn in casesol years stan-di"S- . . . . It not only cmanaios Irom a regular piiy sician, but has also bccn tested in all the complaints for which it is rccommended. It isnot my intention, ihereforc, ciiher lo cloak it in mystery, or in auy way deceive the pub lic by ovcrrating its virtues ; on the contrary, I shall simply endcavor to giva a brief state mcniof iis uEcfullncE. and flatler myEcll that ilssurprizing efficacy will cnablc me to jur nieh such proofs of ils virtues, as will Eatisfy the moct incredulous, that Consumption may and 'CAN BE CURED.'Ifthismedicine be rcsortcd to in timc. Tho genuine signcd I. BUTT3 on Jhe wrapper. W. P, RUSSEL ngent for Middlebury. For sale aUu by ngcnts in all thc principal villagcs in Vermont. Cmi.Ls and Fever. WrighCt Indian Vtgitahlc Fills arc onc ofthe best, ifnnt the very best medicine in the world. for the cure ol Intcrmittent Fever, bocause they e.icell all othcrs in riddinir thc body o( lliof'c morbid liumorc which re the causc, not only ol all kinds offcvcrs, but ofcvcry malady incidrni :a man, Four or fivc ofsaid Indian Vegilable Pills, takcn evcry nihl on cnin? to bcd, will i 1 ashorl timc makc ap cifect curc ofthe most oustinalc case ol cnills anulev.rr, nnd at thcsame timc thc digcstivc orgnna will bc rcstored to a hcalthy tone, and ihc blooJ to completely purificd tliat fever and ngue, or uibease in auy lorm. will be aoscluteiy 1m poffiiblc, Uenare of Countcrfcits ofall kindr! Some are coated witli tugar, othera are made to reseinble la outward ap)carancc tlic original medicine Thc lafest course to purrlirtc uf tlic regubr sgfntn only, one or more 01 uiium may lc lounu in every ill.izc and lown in thcSinte. Xcw England officc and general dcpot, 198 lremont strcct iioston. NOTICE. A Campmecting will bc commcnced.withlcavc of Providcncc, ia thc east part of Panton, thrce milcs from Vergennes, on land owned by Mr. Sturtcvant; on Monday, August 30th, to close on Fnday or Satnrday following. Prcachcrs and pcople of this and adjoiningdis tricts are requcstcd to attcnd. B. M. ILYLL. BRIGHTON MARKET. Monday, August 9 1S47. At Markel. 600 Bcef Catllc, (including U00 heart ol store cattle,) 10 yokes Worhing Oxen, 40 Cows and Calvcs, 2000 Sheep and Lnmhs,and about M10 bwinc. Bcef Cattle Extra, S7.25; first qualily S6,75 second & third quality from $4.75 n 6; IIorA-in Oxen Sales made at 871, S82 and S90. Covsand Cahes Dull. Salcsat S13.22, S26. 31 Ji $42.50 Sheep and Lambs Sales old Shcep nlSl, 39. $2,50 toS3,00, Lambs, $1,50 1,92,2,13 and 2,25. Swinc At whoIeEalc, 5 1-2 for Sotvs, 6 1-2 for Barrows. A retail from 6 lo and 7 1-2 old Hogs 6c. DIED, In New Haven, on thc 15th instant, Mary, con Eort of Philo Dorwin, agcd 78 years. GRIND STONES. P. W. Collins & Co.have becnappointcd agents for the justly celebratcd Grind Stones from the Eagle quarrv, Ohio. They are second to none in the United Statcs. A supply just received. ' Larrabee's Point, Aug. Sth, 1847. LOST, In this village, on the 10th inst., a small com mon wallctcontainingbetweenfiftyandsixty dol lars in Bills. Nine are Five Dollar Bflls on the Bank of Vergennes, also a Five Dollar bill on Washington Connty Bank, TJnioa Village, Whoeverwill retura said wallet wiibitscon tents shall be liberally rewarded by the subscri ber. The wallet. or notice ofthe same ifound may be left at the Galaxy office. MUNROY DOUD. Salisbuiy,Augustl2th.l84 1G LADIES SCHOOL. THE Fall tcrm oftbe Scliool for young Eadics and Misscs, at the chapel of the Old Academy, will commence on Monday the 23dof Augusft and continne 1 1 wecks and a . half. " Course of instrnction, Teachers, and terms. for tuition, thc eame as dunng tue past yesr. OZIAS SEYMOUR. Middlebury. Augutt Sth. 1847 GREAT BARGA1NS In GarpBtings and oil Cloths, RODERICK LAWRENCE, No. 47 CAN1I. STREET, NEW Yo'SK, Ofiers fof sale, cn terms highly adventageoas . n l . 1 . . T to tne nurcnaser, orussc, urce-piy. i& mgraiu r CaRPETINSS, ' of snperior fabric.snperb patlems, & fast oalors. Also, every variety of Slair Carpeting, Drug gets.Heattb llngs, Old Oilcloth of every widtb, Stair Rods, Door.Mats, Rich Window Shade5, Scz. &c Economists will derive great advantage from callin at 47 Ca'nalstreet, before pnrchas ing.. Kew York, August 10, 1617. Champlain &Connnecticut Riv er Rail-Road. An asscssment of five dollars on cacli share of thc capital stock of tlie Champlain and Connecti cut Rivcr Rail-Road Company has bccn ordered by tlie Dircctors, and made payable-ofl the first dav of Octobcr next. Payment made at thc' Banks of Burlington, Vergennes, Middlebury, Rutland, Blark Rivcr or Bellows Falls, Cheshirc Tt.mV. Kecne N. II- to Edward Pickering, Esq., No. C4, State Street Bostpn, or to the Treasurer at Middlebury, vt. SA3IUEL SWIFT, Treasurer. Middlebury, Ang. 1C; 1847 1G NOTICE. This is to certilv tliat I eive my son nlel- vin his lime, and shall claim none of his ira ces, nor pay no debls of his contractine after ihisdate! PORACESTOW. Middlebury, August- 9th. 1847, I THE Pall Term of this iastitution will com- mcncn on Monday, August 23d under tbe in struction of P. H. Sanford, . b., as Principal, andMiss H. A. Perrv, teacher of Music From the success and general satisiaction tnat hnv mipnded tbe instructionin both departmenfs doiing the pastyear, we confidently recommend ronage, and hope and trust that it will receive its. dnc share. There ts conneclcd with :tie institu- tion botha Philosophical and UhemicaiAppara tus, safliciently extensive to illustrate the most important principles in those branches of study. Board can be obtained in rcspectable larailieson reasonable terms. In behalf of the Trustce.':. E. BUSH. Clerk. Shorehain.JulyS?, 1817. I4j4 EEMALE SEraAET. will be opcned for the rcception of pupils the com : ..a- mtl. mwirl tnf.ncAil fhriHties for in- structions, on Wcdncsday, Scpt 1st. cipal ofthe Scminary to rcnder this Institution it superiorto most othcrs for a thorough, practical and finished education for young Ladics, rcnder intr them corapctcnt to discbarge, with abibty and . 0 j 1 ..:nD n.i,;.ti i uonor, uic severe anu vuntu n.nwu - Tbe course of study prescribcd in this InsUtu- tion ana tne mcans 01 inairutnuu - ... , 1 . t . 1 nil.nt. thougut to oe pccu.iar.y v.yvlia'3 Witli a due regard to the comfort and happmess ofthe pupils, a grcatcr and a far higher regard is 1 . 1 . ..1, Tnnrfit nnil mtclleclu- liau 10 iik:u jiujv J"'.t ... al dcvcloncmcnt- ANTiilc wc would not wish young . .. a, . , r - 1 .r.. rt Cnmat ! a piacc 01 cuutnuuu w 1 . rv:-i rrt- Tinnlth nnil nleasnre. WlVtmulgra Ul IU Lavb v ... 1 ' vet we would not invite thcmhcre for tliescalone. Wc oticr tncm a lar moro cuuuiuig . . . . . 1 . - " 1 .. .1 :nf.l1i.tinl tial acquisit.on morai uucipuuc . Thc Principal U assistcd byj.scvcral teachcrs wcll qualitieu ior tne ucparnncms assignen unm, who rcside in tbe Institution and are cvcr rcady to .cciitanpn trt itip nnnils as thev mav from timc to time rcquirc. Amplc philosophical. . t ..... :itllcn. cucmical anu asironomicui uppoiu.uo .u. .- j la nt ihr rnmmand of the uuii nuu uAiniwv..., - -- Principal, and Lccturcs in thc several dcpartmcnts Ol ac.cncu in w n.i 1 v.. v.'. " j Tuition for a quartcr of 11 wccks Prcparatorv Class f 3,50 Junior. Middle and Scnior Classcs 54,50 Drawing , Painting in Oil and Water Colors S6.00 Frcnch iJinuagc 3. Music, with instrumcnt $10,00 Tl 1 r.,1 rA lml,t nmhablTl S2.00 JS-No charge made for tuition Icss than onc quartcr, cascs ot protracteu siCKncss exccpicu. For further particulars sce catalogue and circu ar, which may be had of the Principal. W1TING ACADEMY. rTTTT TOTrTTcrsrwr? MMf7TTTT,TTnT3;?!3 wri ting class of young Ladics will mcet m Mr. bey- c- 1 1 T-Jrtf 1 Vlrti.V mouxd UU UUUUJTi The class of both Ladics and Gcntlemen will mcct in 31r. lChoIs' Umlding, room io. o, 011 ir .1 . . .IV Each pupil is requircd to get twelve sbcets of fine lcttcr papcg uuious stcci pcn3 anu w- CIIAIRS TABLES. For sale very low by W. S. JOHNSON. August Oth 1847. BED STEADS. A new Staple of Bead Steads for sale by W. S. JOHNSON. FOR SALIS. brick dwellincr house, advantageously situated on theMain street of the village ot ilidaictmryinunea ana nueu up, so as to bc one of thopleasantcstrcsidcnccs in the I will scll tbe house with theferounds attached, the bams, stablcs, out-honscs and appurtcnances, at a most reasonable ratc, and on any lcngth of time uie purcuaser may require. Innuiro on the premiscs of EDWARP WAINWRIGHT. August 2d, 1847. 14 GROUND ROCK SALT: Neatlvput up in 301b sacks, 'Also in bbls. or sale tiy r. Xi . uullibo NOTICE. I have p-iven mv son Henry In's timc, I will pay no debts of his contracting after oaie. jiiliCji oaiLiDi, Ripton, July the 21st. 1847. CONGRESS WATER. A new snpply just received by H. A. SHELDON. Addison Co. Grammar SchooL The Trusteeahave the pleasure of giving notice that MR.DANIEL.A,BOWE, A. B. has been engaged as Preceptor; and that he is to take the Supcrintendence of the Acad emy the ensuing year. Tho reputation, which Mr. Bowe has acquired the last year, in elevating this iustitution, is a sufficient guarantee of his qualifleatione,io alljwbo pro pose to fit for College, cr to pursue English Etudicj only. The Fall Term will commence on Wed nesday, the 25th of August., and continue 11 wecks. Tuition will be as follows : For Common Eoglisb Branchea..$,300. Languages afld higher English Branches,...... - -4,00 T, A. MERRILL, Regisicr, Middlebury, July 27th, 1847. 13w. NEW and beautilul goods. for LADIES DRESSES, latest and moit fashionab styleg, cheaper than ever. just rec'd by Jtinel, FRANCIS &. SON. MIDDLEBURY 00L DEPOT. The subscriber has. lcased the large Building crected by Mr. Ep. Miller iu the rear of Messrs. J. JM-Slade & Co. store, wnere no is rcauyio rc ceire Wool on deposite. Tarticular attention will be paid to the interests of those who shall send me tneir wool ana au vances in cash will be made on delivery if wantcd, If the opening market pricc, is not satisfactory the Voot will dc neia luro ine season unaer uie uj' rection of the owners. JOHN WO OD. June 28, 1847. 9 Cw . IMPOETAIT TO WOOL GROWERS AND CLOTH BUYERS. MANUFACTURSN8. Tll-.;.l...nliap wnnU riTwtfnllir infnrmllip 1 11C SUWWIUVt u .u . ..... .. inhabitants of tbe connty of Addison and its vi- cinity that henasicasea tne wooien raciory ior merly occupied by A. Spacldiso &Co., for aterm of years, and is now ready to RECEIVE WOOL TO MANUFAC- TURE BY THE YARD OR ON SHARES, OR EXCHANGE CLOTH FOR WOOL upon terms tbatcannot fail tosuit those wholeel disposed to favor him with a call. The premiscs and machinery ate now undergo ing a thorough repair, and having had several years experience in the businesshimsflf, and also having engaged tbe best of workmenbe feels safe in saying inai mci uu iuic iuch astyleandfiniih that cannot be surpassed in the county. ON HAND CONSTANTLY A large assortmentof which will be sold chean for cash or most kinds of produce. GEO. F. WHEELER. Middlebury, July 13lh, lb47. 1 J WJaSaJS aB5SSS SJ!!D&9 & c. R VAT.T.ryTTE has received. and oflers for sale, tlie following Seasonablo Goods, Swiss and Jndia Jlu.un, Tarleton and Book do., Chcck'd &. Strip'd do, Jaconctt Cambric, Check'd & Strip'd do. Patent Victoria Lawn &c. 4c. Alv A cmnd assorrment. MmDrixinz aome beautiful patterns of Linen, Mushn I Edging and Cambric & Lisle Inscrtings. TIAPT7T?V MTTST.IV. CORDED SKIRTS, DRAB MOREEN July 5Ui, ltH. PIAWO FORTE. Forto at a grcat bargain if applied for vcry soon. r . . 1 " . lnqiurc ai uus uuicc. Middlebury, July 5. 10 tr GRASS & CRADLE Snntlw RTtrms. Pitcli Forka. Rakes & Scythe otonea neceivea ana ior saie uv J T TT7ntrlTTTrrTT July 5. 1647. SALT We have this day reccivcd a quantity of C. Westem Salt which is offered for sale. P. W. COLLINS & CO. July 24th, 1847. SPLENDID CLOTHS. I have got the best assottmcnt of Fine Dlack Broadchths in Middlebury and I will sell as cheap as any man in this county. H VRMON A. SHELDON. June 17, 1817. FALL OE THE CITY OF E X I C 0 IS ono affrfir, r.nd tlie fall of all kinds or GOODS, is anolber. The first ii looked for, and ths last is ap parent. and is witnessed by huudreds who have availed themselvcsof thelate CHEAP purchases made by ERANCIS & SON, AT THE OLD PERMAMENT STAND. Who arc now receiving tho largest stock of Goods evcr brongbt inio tbn county. com prising FANCY AND STAPLE -$f)21? 5&!23a GROCERIES At less price3 than at Grocery Stores. CROCKERY, GLASS AND HARD WARE. They having purchased thc same with cash at the Lowest rassiDi.c paicis, can sell them at in t inn-or fiir r;5ii. Rnr.DiT. or PaonccE than those who ara at the expense of "employ- ing agcnLV or lor securing meir 6, -7" raising the wind by po:ting, up and circulatmg pufiing advertisements and handbills. BLACKING. SupcriorJapan VarnishBIack iag, which is vatcrproof, for sale nrnu:rtTiin nnil Hii Gencrals. 1 and 2 vol. Also. Keepingup Appcaranccs. a tale Ior the Kicn anu rour. uj jDfl rcc'dand forsale. hy L. W. Clahk. STATE OF VERMONT. ) District of New Haven ss. J Be it rcmembercd that at a probate Court hcld at Bristol, insaid district, on the2ad day or Aug. 1847.the adminbtrator on the estateot 1SAAC ATWOOD late of New Haven, deceased, made appheation losaid Court to exalnine an d.a Ilow hb aecount as Administrator aforfsaid """v,, Whercapon.said court ordered said Admin.s. at a Probate couri iu u- --. ?he Judgc orsaid court, in Bnsto V id D,s- m'rt on lhe iirsl xvionoay ui 10 01-10 eooon, then and f jere loobject to the al owance ofsaid acconnt irthey .see caDSe, by pubSg a certified copy of ri lhe rSJCh.m R-ilarv a newspaper pnnted at said MiddleTu? in the county 'oV Xddison-.three weekssuc7essivelyprevious.totheUme of sa.d CoUrt" HarveyMimsill,JuJge, A true copy ofrecord. STTE OF VERMONT, ? Drs.trict of Addison .i. J Be it rememDcrcu, ; . : ,:: at Mddlebury, in and for the Itatnct of Addon, on the22d day or -u.y V an itrumcnt Abcl-t . otiu namcu ji..-.. prr,M,,to, Iatc of Bridport in said District dcccascd,prcsents hmcutforp dered that sam uuu. 7r7l,U ronrt to Court for probate, at the sess.on of 4 Court to be heia ate officc of the Rcg.ster .of Court in saM J .aaicuury, ou ""r-yj ".u " fternon: Angult A. l . im . , r in; and that noUcc tnercoi oo b f .- jccuons, if wyOTrrShlWifas certified . w ot .iid Mjddleburr. thrce weeks sacccxtively'preTiouJ to tho time ofsaid Conrt' Jed.S.BushntU,Megiter. A trce copy ofrecord, . Attestjerf. 5. Bitikndl, Regtater. I Daguerreotypeipparatus. Platcs, Cases, Chenucals, Cameras, Camcra, otands-, tlead isests, piaie noiuers, wercury Balh, Battery for gilding, iVc. &c. All theapparalus and materials for nseine the Bolton and New York piiccs forsaleat the Urng Storeof W, f. UUSbKL., . P. TV. COLLINS & CO. OFFER to sell for cjish for three weeks to come a beautiful !ot of Florence andRice Slrato Bonntts, Paraseh and Drcss Goods at cost, to makc room for Fall Goods. Larabee's Point, July 20th, 1847. i.oniriNRor.ASSESnr ranVn, patterns, offered r. it . uuLiLiia oc UU. SHAWLS. Cnshmere nnd Berag-j Shawls, and Long Shavfls, for snlo by June 1.1847. E. Valletle. SUMMER BEDS. SOUTHERN MOSS. A superior article. thouroughly prepared for MATTRESSES: iasi received, by FRANCIS & SON. UJPRINTSl PRIXTS ! .' W. S. JOHNSON offcrs his present stock of Prints at a reduccd price to make room for Fall stock. All those in want of Calico Dresses will do well to call at "the People's Store." July 5, 1S47. Groceries- The Subscriber oflers ior sale an assort- mcntol groceries that cannot bc surpassed in qualily and price in Addison Counly. Therefore tbose who watit n choice article at a low rate will do well to call. W. F. RUSSEL. WOOL Cash paid for eood ctean flceco Wool and tho highest price the market will warrant. A. UllAJL'jJIAJN 4. SUiN. Middlebury, June 29th 1847. GROCERIES. E. Vallette has jut receired a largo sdp- ply of Choice family Groceries, among tvlrich are Tras, Sugir, Coffce, Molas'srs Vc. ficc. ofthe very best quality .1oif kinds of Pro duce received iu payment Mav 1847. F1SII. No. 1 Halifax Mackereland Salmon. No. 1 and 2 do .Mackcrcl in half bbls. 1st Qual ity Dry Fish in store and forsale hy May 1847, Ii. VA Lf l 1 t MUSLIN DELANES. Will bo sold cheaper at "the People's StOre'for three wccks to come, than was ever offered in thc State before. W. S. JOHNSON. July 5, 1847. GRODE RHINE SILKS. 27 and 23 Inch blk. Gro de Rhine Silk, a beautifuf nrticle Ior Ladics' dresses and man- tillas, for sale by June 1. 1817. E. Vallttte. SHEETING. 39, 40 and 45 Inch Bro. Shecting. 4, 5, and 6 4 BlcachM do 10 1-4 Lincn, do Afso 7-4 Damask Table Linen; and n large assorlmcnt of Domcsiic Goods, just recnved and Ior sale by June 1. 1847. E. Vallette. GINGHAMS. French. Earlcslone and Amr. Ginnhams Linen Ginghnms, Priuts nnd oihcr drsas goods, just received nnd lorsaie hy June 1, 1847. E. Valette. FULL OF GOODS, and more daily arri ving of every descriplion. and which are o(T ered for Cash Credit or Produce al lcss than adcertised by any one, ifcvcn nt less than cost, hy FRANCIS & SON. Scarfe & Shawls. A rich article at a suiall pricc, just recei red. by Juue 1. FRANCIS & SON. JA1ES MC KEAM), TAILOR, No. 7. NICHOLS' BUILDING. Would girc notice to the citizens of Middcbury, and thc public gcnerally.tliat he ha just rctumcd from New York with thc latcst fashion?, and tbat he has made arrnngcmciiH to receive them regular cvery month during tbe year, and is prcparcd at all timcs to exccute work in a mauncr not i uqiasscd bv anv. mm k SUMMER. THE subscriber is now prcparcd Tor tbe Scm mer frade. He has nothing to say about tbc way he buys his Goods: Whelhcr he pays CASH or buvs on lon? credits is entirelv immalerial. and adouble column puff, howevcr necessarv, for quack nostiums, rloes not bccomc essential in his linc fo business. He will say howevcr that A well Selected Close bought and crten- tensive assorlmcnt of NEW GOODS adanted to the climate and country may be fonnd at his store. on terms onite asfavorableasat any establishment in the country. For the truth of . i . . . . i i .. i . --.j imssiaicuiem iic io in swua duu ufitn. Z. BECKWITH. May 18, 1817. LIVEGEESEFEATnERS, at the storeof P. W. COL.L1KS & UU. SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, this day received by P. W. COLLINS & CO. PAPER HANGINGS,a large assortment and newest styles from G to 30 cents a rool may be lound atthe Storeof P. W. COLLINS & CO. PATENT PUMPS, and Lead Pipe, forsale by P. W. COLLINS & CO. G. SEAEL & CO. Are now receiving a splendid stock of mw GOODS, Consistins in partof Ull 1 UUUUiS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY. GLASS IIARDWARE, MTRRORS. DRUGSS- MEDICISES.aUo LADIES ANDMISSES BONNETS. A Buperior article of Gentlemen's MOLE SKIN HATS, Gents. and Ladies' Slinpers and Buskin Shoe.&c &r., allof which 'we are disposed to sell nt priccs which cannot be beau' The $300 Reward Store's pufiing to the conlrary, nolwithsianding. G.SEARL&CO. Hridport, May 25, 1847. 5!if. RAYMI3ND ANDj WARING'S TJXS1VALLED XST LOXO ESTABLISttD ifimfAcisRiii Rcccntly Fittcd ond ErnbeUishcd with entirelr Nrw DEcoRATioss.TjLirpisGs, Eqoipaoe,4c. for 1S47 coutaining an extensive andvaricd col lection ofthe most rare and interestfng prodnc tions of .Nature, which affords to all an ampl? sourcefor studv and reflcctfon on the scicnce of NATURA'L iflSTORY. This Menagcrio.on entering each Town orVfllogo, fonns a,rnost ImposingTrain orPioccs sion, prcccded by a.Gorgeqins . BOMAN CHARIOT LITERtVLLY COVERED WITH GOLTJ lf Tho Solcndor and Masniticence o f this Gort tous and Colossal caniagc teflle; descriplion. Who evcr has read of the Funera! Cl.ariot of Alcxan d'cr, or the TriumphalCarofNero.rnayformsomo conccptioupr tbe grandcur of this superlatinly beautiful-iitle, which was takcn from anantiquo model recently cxbibitcd in Londjon. It has re quircd. tlie constant lalxjr or tv e ty mcn for; n;na montlis to complctc it, at an cxpcnsc ofmorethaa FIVE THO US AND D9.LLARS 1 The length of (Jhanot ----- SO feet Hcight to summit of Canopy - - 20 ' , Tho wcightitt full 8,000 1b. Tlic Ohariot will le followed byTHIRTY CAR- RIAGES, containlng lhe VAK10U$ ANIMALS IN THIS 1MMENSE EXinBITION, dranby ONE nUNDRED HORSES 1 Tho Exhibitioii cf tbis'Mcnageric is rcndcrrd ini tenscly intcrcsting by tbe Wondcrful and unpanillcllcd Pcrformacce of TIIE KKItAT N.M'OtKO i OF THC ACE, WITH LTONS, LE0PARD& Tlii-t grcat Artfct will fond'c, cnrc5? and rcnder himself, apparcnllr. as one cfthcse nnimals in their own Den. Aftcr thft he fljsumes comm.inl, or ders cacli to tlicir respcctie departmcr.ti, and riSAI.LT SlOKALlZKS HIUSELr BT DltrVlSO AN ilFHICil LION IN HARNESS ! Cr The Animals m this collcction aro confident ly offered for pnblic inspcction, as bcing the cboi cest and most pcrfcct spccimin? cverexhibited. The mnjoritv 6f llicm have beeri imported durinfc thc last two'' vcnft. whhouif regard to price, and they form not only thc BEST but theLAEWKST COLLECTION evcr prcKrnied to Ihe public. TheMcnagerie will exhibit in Middlebury Fri day Scptcinbcr 3.1 1847. Thc PROCESSION will cntcr town abont tcn o'clock in the njorning. Admissiononly 25 ccnts Cliildrcnrrhder lOycars, 12 1-2 ccnts. "Doors opcn from" T to 4, P. M. 0"TI'ebuve will at Manchester o'n August 2Stli, at Wallingfonl on Monday 30th. at Rutland on Tucsday 31st, at Castleton on Wcd ncsday Scpt. 1st, at Brandon m Tlinrsday 2d, at Vergennes on Satnrday 4tb, at Burlii:,pon on Moa day Scpt. 6. SUN-BONNETS, for sale low, at thc Cash Store ot P. W. COLLINS &. CO. Price from 10 to22cu. FISH. No. 1. Siilmon. No. 1, nnd No.2. Mack crcl, just received by June 1st. H. A. StlELDOtf. H. A. SHELDOiT, Hnjiist received a large sujiply ot adaptrd to thc season; to which hcinvitcsthn attention ol Iih customcri? and thc puhlir, na they will hc sold 'VERY LOWft to such .la pay. Al! kinds of produco lukcn in exchnngc ior Goods. Midi!cliury, June li, 1S-17 aTsplendid assortmen r oi"china andother waic, in :atis Vhile witli gold spritf scl.and I'lowin" Blnr, and varions ollier Pat terns. Juat oiwncu and for sale Chcap (no mi take.) by P. W. COLLINS & CO, KEMT WRIGHT, Is now rcce'ving d Large Stock of NEW GOODS. Comprii-ing lhe STAPLE AHD FANO GOODS requircd in this community. Thpj wi'U ba sold oii lermsap !avor.ib!e as al any tlore in lhe Country, the Grandilormenl Pomposily ofthe ndvcrtisemcnls in ihc Treesand Zhcd to thc cnntrary notwiihstanding. Shoreham, Slay 25, 1847. BOxNETS ! BONNETS ! ! 4 doz. Florence Bonnets from Jocts to 53,00 2 " China Pearl " 1,50 to 2,50 I " Florence Inserlion " 10 to 3,00 Tlie above Bonnets are direct from the Manu racturcrs and will be sold al a great di$count from formcr prices by W. S. Johnson. June 14,1847. WOOD! VVOODM The subsriber lms nn hand. a few eords of good. hard wood, chcan for Cash. E. C. CARPENTER. Middlebury, May 19ih, '47. SUGARS, White Havanah, box very nice for 9J cti. BestDonbleRefincdloaf, " 124" Prime Muscavado " 71 " Just received and offered by P. W COLLINS & CO. MLNERAL WATER- FRESH Irom the Congress lodine Pavlt on Springs, at 5150 per Dozen. at th JDruir Store of V. P. RUSSEL. Jtuly27th. 1847, PAINTS. Pnre White Lead Tnrkey Umbcr Extra do. do. Burut do. No. 1 do. do. TcrradeSienns, Hcd Lead rm.'iian Blna Kng. Venctian B;d Ciiincsc do. Chinesc Vcnnillion Cudrcar . American do. Ext. Logwood French Vellow Manganee Yellow Ochre Varnish, Lmseed Oil Chrome Green Spts Tnrpentine &c. Also a comp'ete tHornnent of Paint, Vamih, aod WLite-Waih Brushes of the Best quality, t priccs thtt cannot fail ro rittbi prriwr. j-n. 4jciontHcf ths Post-Office. W T RUBSEL.