Newspaper Page Text
i. 11 m m thp 1B4ISK ! F&8E BEDDCED 1 1 ... ... . . .. a7 Kai i i aia u a n bi u mkhswhb - 1 cousequcnco ol tlie prospeci 01 iue spicuy c.uiupx--""" , . enai.eti l0 the increased facilitics fui doh.g business, arising iherelroui, ibe subscriber u. enabieu TTInn Knwnrl Crilf Hnnts. niadc to ordcr. - 64,50 It Pno-o-Pfl " " on,i nll nil.privnrlf?n nrm.nrrlon. for' CaEhun " v . - l i ' Laslsjust received. ,.-..- nmo"' md Kettlo ThoraindebledtolIicmbKribcrwillplcawcall nt the ' Capiam s Oflicc and settlc withoul delay. T nonn, , 0 whom gorid Qjr-WANTEU LMMUU1A.1 U.L,l,agoou agcs uill lc giveu. Middlebury, Junc29lli; 1SI7 STEAMBOAT iiil ! TARE KEDUCED FROM ;MIDDLEUU RY, VT., TO TROY, N. Y. TO S 1,75 This line ol Stages Runs bctwccn SSHID J0TfiI3!3TE7!."2 & EiAXSlHiMDiaiE ?? Siff??a DAILY, in conncclion wilh llic LAKE CHAMPLAIN and LAKE GEORGI STEAM BOATS. TTnder ihe preent arrangemcnt of tlie Sleaii. R lats on ihc Lake, passcngcrs lliat come l'ron tl.a Noilh orSomh.can arrive in Middlcbuty ihc sameday. Pascngers by takinstliis route ai Mi Jdleburr, will bave an opporluniiy to ride on llie spletidiil Steamerson Champlain anr rieir theohl Fortat Ticomlcroga. EXTRAS, ai all tiines in nadiness. B. B. BROWN, Agent, KESIDEXCE Ori'OSITE THE NEAV JAIL. Middlcbur-, June2l, 1847. 8 foSw --'"f FABE BEBBCED, COOK FIELD & CO'tj Siag-, l-ave JliJdlcbiiry for Troy cvcry day (Sundas exrpplcil.) at 10 o'cloik M.. nnd arrivcs in Tn) next daynlunuii Fare Thne Dollars. Oflice at Yt. Ilolel. rOMMlSSIOMEHS NOTIfE. VTc, hc snbs rilicr!', ln-inp ap, o'.nicd by llic 1'ioliate Courtfor ilie Di-tnrtof luiv Jlaicn, C'imn ssioncrs, to ri-n ivo, I'xr.iiiinp and adjutt all claini.- and dciuaniUof all pertnn-.against tlic U1L cf lois LAxnnnx. :c of Ww Ilarcn in -n"ul I)itrii-t,l'cia-cl,'1 and , aii sill rl-iiins and ilemmids csluliitcl in frt-t th.Ti'to: And mx f.-oin tbf Jtli dayuf, .Tti'y H47 ln-ins,eil liy .-.ti.l I'oint for that ti.-IMisi1, vc do thm-firc ln'n-iiy pvo ntitice tliat v.. iil uttt'iul to :l:c lHi.iii!t- ofour saiil ap i'iitini.,:it, attliei4twii"m: linnti- if J. W. Lanj:-il-in in New llacu on ilie Sd Wtiliifsdays of S ;i,imV-r and DcccniVr m-xt one o'clock. u.nil lonr o'l-lo-k. 1'. 1! m cacb of ssiid days. O-nmnil Doml ) Manin Cotvlus C'imini-'ioncrs. Nnminn Aslilor ) D.itci! at New llatii tlii Otb dav of Jnly 1S17 STATEOF VERMONT Reii rcmbeiod that D.suirt d' A Idison . S at a Piobate Ctnirt : lifhl at Mikdlebury in lurthe DNiiictol' Addison, ! ou ilieSJili day ot july i. t- liiram tmith ailiniuislrntarof llic esiatc of AIINEII W1LCOX, lalr of rtriiiporiiii aiil ditrici dcreased, prcscnts liis adiiiiin-iratiou accom.t for :.lli.u;ncc.nt llc e3i mof lhi C'ourt to bc held .:t ihc (ifliccof tlie lieuiter of this Courl in M.d.'.lcl.urv, in sai.l Dis-Irii-t, m Tuiirsday the Ulih day of' Augut next, a' one cclnrk in the aftt-in ion, anl that n uicc theieol'be givcn to all pcror.s iu cit-.-lcd, that tti-.r ni:i- t nn 1 r n nil mnlfp ih.'il o'i.Tli n.s. il an' ,1....- ini'v lv:.... tn ii.p :iiiin-nnpp o! ni.t appDMnt. lv pnlilMiicg'a ccrtiDcd copv of ihi onlerin ihe Northfrn Galaxv ancus-pii jfrprintedat said Mnlilliihnrr lhnv irfp!.-s .llcp.i-i. i'eh tircvio'.IS to the time ofsaid Conrl . , - J J. S. Ujshn'U n-'itl:r. A tnie copr ofrccird. 11 Atic-t J.l. S. DuAaM 11 "'.slcr. l.'F.U.MISI.F. I'URIF VC'.l OF TIIF. lil.OOD. IF HEV. E. IIIBBAUIJS' VEGETABLE ANTI-15ILMOUS , . FAISILY PILLS. Arc not fouiul tohe llic mosl comt:iicut THE best PHYSIC you EVER TRIED. Arefnlly cnual to our rccommcndHtii.n nftlicui, If youdon't find that ONC of ilicsc nilla ducs molc od ilian from 4to Cofanyoilipr kiml. cvcry a- gent ftanils rrady to rcceictlie rmpiy box and REFUND THE MONEY ! Tl.ppills are rccoiamcndrd as leii WITIIOUT AN EUt'AL in nll ISillions attarks. afcclions of. ihc Lier, lhe I.tln?, Stotnarli or ltuwek, causcd by takinj cohl or obstlt:cIcd pcpiialio.i. Tln'y I carry oirihc bile. clcansc ilie staiuai h and hourls, nmlrc-opnn lliccloscd porcs of tlic body, llit-rcby j letlipg outlhc in-enjililc pprspiration llironjh its accutoincd chamipl, and rrlicinj at oucc tlip in-' lcrnal oi-jpins. AUo in old clirociic aflcrlioiu, as Djspcpsia, Sick Ilrad-achp, Itlnuniatifm, &c, ' Mind tlie DIRECTIONS uhicli o wiili tath lx.x. Ereryagent lias Cirrnkus ofil.cfe ills to citc ' HALF AP1LL j 1 the usualdofe iliough some riuip O.NE I'lLL, ' orcicnmore. Children ofcue jrar :m:lncr, one. f.tunh ofa pi!l nf 7 ears and mrr, Ii,ilfa nill -Tlipse pilU.ire I't'REl.Y VEGITAHI.n. a'l ini bs takpn umlcr allchcurastanccs uul.uul ugard to ' drinkt or diet. Fortalcbv W. P. Russr.L Middli-ljuiy and at ' nneor mo e placc of sale in each town i.i this county. 01, TIIE snbfcnber nill purcha.?e GOOD CLEAN FLEECE WOOL, for ,:th a fairpricein CASI1 will be paid. dclivrred at tha Wharf iu Vergennes. R. CHAPMAN, Agcnt Vorgennts, July 2f, lii47. mw GOODS. W. S. J0MS0JT, GOODS whiPhl, ,P,,!,nUui, .Aran ir.,l : . i . , ' ind eiatninc .iuahiy and pft-;e. . nf ii.nlliiihmd Uuiiroau.ami i'rom 63, to 3.50 " and iio Grumbling." lnslnonaoie duui F T! PL A l STK L) No- 0. Stewart's Bosldiso, (Up Stairs.J r. IBE! FiBE!! Farmer's Insurance Company ATGIIANVILLR, WASHINGTON CO. N Y OVElt S7500,000 INSIJRF.D AND NO ASSESSMKNTS, Th Vniin"inn Countv Mntnal Insurance Company commenced doing business on tlieir ircscnt improved system on tlie 15th day of May iBlj, and tnc:r mcccss is iiuuhi'"" i.. ..r fntiinl Insurance. liavms issueu learly lliree titncs as many policies ilie second v-earas they did the first. They haveinsuicd .,....,f ,nnoli- in ihi stntes ol Ncw.i oik and Vermont, to the amouut ofovcrscven and aball nillions of dollars, bave made na assiisi,unts, &. aaJ, nt tlie date or tl.e la rcport.a balanre in fa iroroftnc Companv, (Miy 15, 1H17) ot QifXil, 17. TheincrcasingLusinessandiucrpasingcasli ndwarrantstlic bclicf thatno tax upon tlieir T,miinn 'nii.s will he nceessarv fora lon2 lcrm ol veirs if n-cr.andihe Directorsassuretliepul- lic 1 1 u all lossss will bc selllcd promptncf s aid .ibcrality. Remiltancicsforall losses in tlie i.,ir,...i Franklin. Lainuille. Grand Isle and Chittenden will be made, if desircd, through ci- theroflhc IJanks ol Uurlington, si.moansur Poultney. Counticsof Addison, Windsor, Rut and and Bennington through eilhcrof the Banks of Middlebury, Ulack ilivcr, Uutland, Manches ter or Poultney. The oiTicc and place of doing business is at Granville, N. Y ,near the Vermont line.adjoin- ingthe towns.l i'awlcl ana weiis, m uuiwuu nnmitr Simih west of the town of Rutland a- bout twentv-fivc miles, 7 milcs from the Bank of Poultney, and on the stagc load from Burlington, Vt., to Troy, N. Y.; on wtiich therc is a daily ulail- . . , , Tlfls Company addresscs ltself parlicularly to iIih lAirmrrs ol the countrv. beiug designcd for thcir fccnelit. The very low pricc at which they insurepropcrty, and the factthat Na Assssmcnts haVc yet b'cen made, and probably will not be for many ycars, il ever, on nccount of the large and inereasing fund now in the ircasurv to meetauy losscs that may occnr, and the pcculiar caution thev arlupt in the rejection of applications, on pro'nerty in large villages and olher placcs wherc !t ; ,.,.ni,lnrml hnv nilons. it is believcd bv those acquainted with thcir principles andmcthodof doing bnsincss that it ollers llic rsaiesi inuucc mjnts to thcco'jntrygenerally tojointhem.ofany Innrance Cmnpaiiy in the slale o Vermont or Xv-Yort. This company will not msnre Stores, Grist mills, Cotton and AVoolcn Factories, Machinery, Cabinct makeis, Joiners, Coopcrs, or P.lack smilh shops. Bnildings and other propcrly situ ateil in blocU oreiposed parts of villages, will nulbe insured. Thi companv in no casc will insurc more thnn two-lhirdst'hevalue ofanybuilding.ormore than in one risk. Pcisunal propcrty, viz: Ilavor Grain, Fumiturc rnd Clothir.g, and fuch like, may de insured the wuoic vaiue. n.mscnt in aihlitional iii'.urance in other com panies is alway givenon applicalioiibeingmadc in wrilins, the wnoic ainonni oi mwnanreuu tmililin"nnitn excecd two-'.hirds thcir value. Btiilding-! maybc insured bclure tliey arenuut, ihc Insurance to lauc cueciwncn u.j jiu plctcd. Cattle, llorscs Ilogs, rhecp, S:c, may bc In -iirpit in hnililill!-?- All pcrs insured by this company, and sus taining loss ordamage by fire, will bc paid with in fourmonlis afler due notice and proof thereof, linns annexcd to the policv. And in caseof any diiferencc ordisagrccmcnt arising be'.ween thc Company and any pcrson sustaining-anl loss, Ihc samcmay ne su.imiucn and deterinincd by arhitration, in the couniy and stite wherc the loss hanpcnc'l, nt tlie t lertion ol : tlic ianrsd, by thrcc diMiitcrcsled pcrson s, to be inmujlly clioscn by said insured and tbe compa- nv ! i i - i. - i i i - r 1 . j i uis company wiii uc iiauo; iui nwiouii yivy- crti hurnt by liglitnmg. All commuaications for the pnrpoe of givin: ! notice. pnicurin assijrninents ormaWmgsurrcn ' dors,muststatetlienum!'Crof ihcPolicr.-ndmay be .nt to the Secretarv bv mail, 1'ost l'aut Any person insured may at any tnne sunencer his nolicv oml have the ame cancclled. Atany clection of Dircciors cvcry memberof this company is cntillc.l toor.e vote loreverystiHJ cach meinberhallhavc insured in said company. Forfunhcr information, rcfcrcnce is to thescvcral aeats in every county in thestatesof Vermont nnd New-York. whoare aulhorized to ' makc applications for issurance. and ihe compa ny will be responsiblc for the oorrcctness ol all j siirveysmade bv, or undcr thepersonal direclion of their Agcnts.'and who, it is cxpccted, will call . on lhe rann?P gerally, at their resideucies, & receive dpimcauuo IIENRY BULKLEY. Pres'u ARCn. RISIIOP, Sec'y. Granville, July 1. 1817. AGENTS. Addison O'unty OLIF ABELI. Travel ing Agcnt. Vjanies S. Miucr, Ilpniy S. Gale, Eduiu B Donal.iss, Slepbanas btearn. ! Uhilttndcn Count. XV. Seais, Sted inan G. Merriam; K. I'. Ncwcomh. OlifAbill, TracellineJlgcM. ' Grand Isle Coiistt Doct Gary Whit ncy, Olif Abell, Travcllhe Agcnt. i Franklin Coustt Johti S-Rovce, J. , B. 15inv(!ih, Ephraim Rico. Lamoille Couniy A. M. Sears, Josepb hcnr. ! Holland County Jobn M. Naughton. Aa atcarns, uiil AbeiL- Hsnninqlm CoiiZtrfilnhn Mc. Nanshton Stephanus Stearus, J. M. Hall. J. E. Mc .Naiisbton. Windsor Couniy Daniel A. Heald. Snen- cer ' ureen, btepli.miis Stcarns. J E. Mc. Naughton 11. WAJNJTED. Live Geese Feathcrs. Good Butter. at 14 cts. per lb. Pulled Wnol. noo ihs. 3000 " 1000" 1300 ' T.i"s. For bich tbe bighest price will be paid iu goods Jiy IL O New Harcn. May 24, 1847. WANTED. SMITH. ..LTS G0.9P BUTTER, for which luc o'Suesi fnoewni he raid in , P COLLINS & CO. I' II ! 111 Illlllllli HE subscriber is now receivins a large and wcll seleclcd stock ol btapleaud fancy DKY UUUJJft, Among which way be found a great variety r nrcp-;s GOODS wztl'rinls.Giughams, Ul .--'-- , , Mousliu de Laues.Lawnsnnd urganuaiuus- lins, Cashmercs, ealia cnecixs. o-c. Gmid assortmculs. Fancy Sbawls, Parasols, :.t. l."lnmi,pR nnd lancv Siraw uouncis Hnnlers. Ribbons, Tabs HlllUkiui riwMvi-i s lcc. &c. ALSO. Broad Clolbs, Caesimcres nnd Sumraer, ;.. nt vnrictv. anil me ueiiuronn Sbinines manufactured in ibe United States viz : La w'rcnce A, Oregon, Applelous, V es- .,,rPnrin fireek. liso Groceries, CrocUery and Olass Warci Ilard Ware, Nails, Wiodow Glass, Putty. C t IVnnnn Uiirn Nail Kotts, rtmcncan oicci, l'ire. and Itonud Irou, Pnints. Linsced and r fiii. T)ru!r"s & Mtdiciues, Patcnl Pails, Fails & Co's Cast Sieel Iloes, &c. ,ltio. 1 Casc Fur Ilats. 1 Casa Drab Uats. vcry cheap. Iioy's Clolti uaps, ig i.nrn iiff. I'.nnts and sli'jes of all chscrip .: i,, n Iare assnrlnicnt of llllllSl IU"1' ii.... .i,. nni nprrfi:irv tn nicnlion. . - TIic suliscnDer wouiu say ni.s and customcr5,and ihe public, tbat liis Stnck lMoncr .nll nnil fixainuie ioi vourseives t c ii pic nprlli. Paid foreood Butter. t. . .. ii. w New Havcn, Jlay 24. 1817. rfMlTH. ilats Caps &c. 4 CascE Molc Skin Hats. 2 do Fur. do 2 do Drab. do 2 do Paramn. do 4 doz. Cloth Caps. 4 do llouuh & Roady. J ln Oil Siik. All of which are offered Iower than cvcr ,y W. S. JOHNSON May 21, IS 17. POTATOES. A few mtire of those Good Po ntoeg, just rccei ved and for sale II. A. SHLLDOJN. J. DAYENPORT. & CO. WOULD inrorm their patrons, and the public gcncrally, that they shall continue foManu Tnplnrn nt ihe esiablishmcnt of the Middlebury Mauufacturing Company, where can be found at all tiines a good assortmcnt ot CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, AiD FLANNELS. made cxnrcsslv for durabililv.bolh in colorand service, which ihey will txihavge for icool or ail vancc on icncltcfl to mannfaaurc, or sell for cash or produce at who.esaie anu reian. Thcv would tcnucr tiieircraieiuiacKnowieaze- ments to thcir patrons for past favors, and assure them that elfort will uat bc wanting to mcrit thcir fuilesl confidcncc. fj Tcrms adaptcd to the ttmes. Middlebury M.iy 1, 1S17 Lly NOTICE. TIIE snbscriber earnestly rcquests all pcrsons who have unetiieil JNolcs or Accounis wuu me Late Fibm of UAVENPORT & TURNEit, in p-.ll at the AVoolcn Factorv. now occnpicd by J. .D.ivcnport & Co. and s-cttle thc same with '.. i ll . . 1 ihp siiuscriier. wno now owns an. mc iiuils uuu accounts of the laic firm. JASON DAA'ENPORT. Middlebury May 4, 1B18. l:Cm 00L DEPOXT TIIE subsbriherlias made arrangemcnts to opcn a hranch of thc Ktndtrbook Wool De- pot in tlic village ol Shoreham yt., i spa ciotis buildinz has bcen procured as a slorc liniip. for tbe presnut season. situatcd ou thc tmblip snnare insaid villasc. He will be nre- parcd to receiic wool after Ihc tenthof June. Tlie flceces will be ihrown into sorls, and thoie who desire it can have their chp kept separnle nnd sold wlieli onlcreu. A iliscriiiiinnlinii win ne maue, octwcen wnol innUUUU or l,A u conmiinn. Jsalcs will be made invnriahly for Cash. The char- gcs, uill bo one cent per pound for receiving. sroring and sclling, nnd tlie insurancp, which ill bc twcnty-livu cents on one hundrcd dol lars for a lerni of ihrce months. Advauces in cash will bc made on tho delivery of wool if requcsteil. Sacks nill be furnishcd to thosc who nish. by their paying lhe cxpense of transportation and 12 1-2 cts. cach, for their usp. rf Rcferencc cau be had to Dr. J. P. Beekman, Kindcihnok N. Y., S. II. Jcuni snn, Shorchani ; M. Bingham, Cornwall; S. IV. Jeweit, Wejhridge; H. Bell, Mid dlebury; L. Hall, Shclburn, Vt. Lctters addrcsscd to the subscriber at Shoreham, in telation to the Wool Depot nt lliat place uill rrccivc iminediaic ultention. In hU ahscenco Mr. S. Evcrts will be there tn receive wool, and tive any requisite infor mation ou thc subject. II. BLANCHARD. -May 12, 1847. BRINSMAID & BR0THERS, (Church Slrect, Burlington, Vt.) Havingcnlarged and improved thcirstnre, arc opening an cxlcnsive assortmcnt of fine Walches. Gallery, Church, Parlorand Com mon Clocks, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Goods, in all their bcautyund variety. Daguerreotype Goods, of every kind, including Germnn and A'merican Cameras; at JVeiv York prices. Churcbes furnisbed with Viols, Seraphines, Mclodians and Communion Furniture, Eighl day Gallery Clocks from $6, to S'-O. Our silver claw sugar tongs and silver Spoons took the premium at the great Fair of the Amcrican Instltutc, in IS46 Our etock of American, German, English and Paris Goods. will be lound cxtensive, varied and heautiful. Our pricca low. Lamps and Lookiog Glasses ol most Kinds in u'se. Watches, Clocks. unJ uil work cxccuted by expericnced workmen. BRINSMAID & BROTHERS. Burlington. Vt.May O.' h, 117. Clmirs ! ! Chairs ! ! The subscriber has bcen appointed agcnt forselling Nichols and Wheeler's Chairs and nill kecp constanily on haud all kinds of Chairs manufactured at their factory whch are offered for sale. low. All orders for chairs promptly attemled to ly W. S. JOHNSON. March 15, 1847. f Goods is larger and inore compicio uiau -(tnnV,lt- ofncWOtVlCOI 1 TiniS. successokstofollett & bkauh.y. j l,n Ins ever had the nleasure of offering he- 5UU X Ub. on " J GOODS BURLINGTON, Vt, r "and will S soul is cheap if not cfa&per nnd a grcat vane,y of DRE SS GODS m than at any other siore iu the country. jwt receued by W- a April, 1847. St.Albaws, Vt, KEW GOODS. q q 53 q q I n n.1 nllf VR have iust rcceivcd aua op-"-" ual supply of GOODS for tbe season- Tbev Itte RTfiH AND FASIIlOMJiWi IT1T71 . . thpo nrfi ns anu we picug y- ..- rr rhean as any assortmcnl oi bu" - sale in ibis town. Tbey consist of DRY GOODS, Irroccnci, iiuiuiiuni AIso a large supply of 7fPM)r jmiB CLOTHING from Oak Ball of cirery dascripiion. cheape, can be bonglu irf jovcn iho croaking. A.UHiiw runcs mIlDICINES. A -od assorlment, for sate by OHIO GLOVER SEED For sale. a superior ariicle, byA. Chapman, Son. March Cth. Books School Books, Slates, Ink. Paper, ccc forsaieby Z. BEUKW1T11. Nov. 10. PF.UFUMES. T?nn thp Tnilnt and Handkerchief Luhin & Saesay's Extracts; Patchouly; lieliotropc; Ede's Udenlerous compouuu; r icutu Rose Water:German Cologne: utio miuBOi J.Wveth'smilkof Roses; Bay w ater, a-c. o-c. Call at the only store where the genuine impor tedextracts and perfumescan bc found. First door!outu the f ostumce. LATEST SUMMER FAHIIONS. Florance Braid uonncts Dunstablcs do. China Pearls do. & Fancy OpenWorkdo. Misses Bonnets nihnn. Arlificials &C. Rcrcivcd and for sale at a small advauce fromcostby Z. May 24. 1847. Bonnets ! Ribbons !. All kind3 of rich trimmings, just receivcd by FRANC1S & SUiN. More Proof-"The Cry is Still they Come!" Every mail hrings tiding.s of thcir stic .!. From East to the remotcst Vest from Canada ou the North to Mexico anu ilin Wnst lndics on iho South all are u- nanimous in their praise. Of a medicioe n iiiiv..rillv known and csteemeil ns V ItiHT'S mUlAPi vi.oriinu PILLS, it ishardly nccessary to spenk in h,e expcctcd with the conveniences and at delail. At no nnriod of his history has the tn,,ti0n which will ht given on these Boats. reputation of that mcdicine Ftood higher and woniay say tlmt no reputation i iiku to he more cndurins. Adnpted to all con slitutions, to every fonn of diseaso, and to all climates. YVrichts InUtan vcsetauie Pills arc, above everv other tnedicine, lit- ted orthc tise of intui under whsitcvcr cir- ciimstanccs he may be placo l. At sca or on lioinc ai iilirnail, iu sitnimcrs neai and winters cnld, with a common regan! to the com itions ot liealtli, nnil wuu WriL'ht's Imliiiii Vc"Ctnbla PilU at hand. tbcre is no extuse forheins sick, unless the constitution be utterly irrerlnhnably. Asourobiect is to state where tlie jen- uine artirle canho had, rather than to give it an cxtcndcd notice, which our limits for- bid we idml! mcrely subioin one or two ol the numerous tcslimoninls which michthc given. Thc ormuials may ue secn uy any desircous of doin" so. Extract of altllcr from ITernando, Miss. "ToDr. V. Wright, Your I'ilU harc giicn u- nivcral satisfjction!and orciusllvTcrv popular. 1 can from 20 to 30 doicn annuallj if I could be srpncd. oiirp. WILL1AM 11ENRY JOHNSON. A!:ent., It onjht hcre tn bcrcraarkcd that tlie inedicine ha; bcen bntrccently introduced into Mississippi. Eitracl of a lcttcr from Jcrsey Shore, Miss, "Wnglii 8 Indian Vcgetable Pills excel eery Inin of tlie kin J ecr ofiered to the public in lliis scction ofthc country, notwilhstanding the ccrabi ned piTort of pome few unprinciplcd mcrcenaries to nut them down. "S.WINCIIESTER& SON." From New Alarlinstille, Va. "1 have used lrright's Indian Vegelable PilU in mv f.imilv. and found them to be the terv best med icinc 1 ecr ucd. 1 wish to bccoroc an agcnt for them in lliirf pUce. "JAillESM'CLURE, P. 81." From Greensboro Ia. "Soinctimc Bince, thy agcnt left mc with t ix dz U'right's Indian Vcgetable I'ilU to eell. They nrrcsoon all gonc, and more nanting. There is much call lor them. I bclietc lhe Pills srevery good. 'SETI1 II1NSHAW." From. Amanda, Ohio. "Apprclipnding that I rhall be ont of yourvaluable ble Indian Vegefcible Pills bcfore jouragent nill go through this rcgion lo sopply me, I beg you to for ward me a quantity in.tromc way or olher. "The Pills are doingnell hcre.iu npile ofthc op pcsitiun of some nould-lip-d0ftors7""ttHo harc exer tcd all thcir niflucnceio prevcnt pcoplefrom buy ingthem; and if I hae a considtraMe supply, 1 shall be able 10 scll manv of them. Yours, "JOU'N II. SANHERMAN. FroniSta Vieic, Va. "I have ucarly got through with the Pills you left and scnl mc, and l ihiuk 1 could, in a short time, eellsix or eiglit dozen more. The cpiicker I get them, the more I shall sell, as thc sickly season is rnging hereronsiderahly, andjour Pills are liked andapprovcd ol, generally more than any medicine we Ime hadamong us forsomc time. In f.ict, I do not know ofa singlc instancc nhere they haic been tricdanddisnpproiedof. Some of the physicians don't like thpm, but 1 rcclon ihey never hae tricd thcra, and selfintercstwillccnernlly beconsulted. Yours. "I.UTI1ER 0"IGIIAM." Beware of Coa.NTtRFEiTs. The public are cautioned ngainst the many spurious medicines. which in order to deceive are called by oamcs slmilar to Wright's Iudian Vegeta ble Pills Officcs devotcd exclusively to ihe sale of Wright's Indian Veetable Pills. wholesale and retail, 1G9 Race" Street, Philadelphia ; 2S8 Greenwich Street, New York; and 193 Treraoot Street, Boston. fc AGSNT& XV. P. Russel, Middlebury, Sidncy Moody, do R. L. Perkins, East Middlebury, XV. S.Brown, Addison, F. Huntington, Vergennes, Royal Flint, Hancock, Orin Shole, Ferrisburg, -L. L. Holcomb, Starksboro, G. W. Pannelee, Bristol,' " A, P. lloscoc. Ncw-Haven, ' J. B. Huntly &. Co. Salisbury, Collin? cc Lanc, Cornwall, B. F. Haskall, do P. Fletcher & Son, Bridport, Joseph Simonds, Whiting. John Simonds, Shoreham, Kent Wright. do 40 Merchant's Line. LAKE BOATS Forlh wTtadon oj Propcrty hclvtcn MF.WYORK AND BOSTON. THE Proprietors of this Line will run during the prescnt Season, Sixtcen t trsi uiasg L.aKt tsoais, and arc prepnred to cxecute promptly all business wilh which they may bc entrustcd. No exertions shall be wanting tomerit a oon- linuance ol that patronage witrt wnicii iue L.ine has hcrelolorc neentavoreu. Their arranement3 fortowing on Hud Bon Rivcr and Lake Champlain enuble theni to give good dia patch to property. Property forwarded by this Line is aclu- ately nnd uccurately weighed at ihe time ol shipment. i ne isoats are insureu, uim property not Bubjected to the cccasional de lay and'injury incident to transhipineut. Pronertv toand Irom JSOSlon, ior- warded by Western Railroad or Vessel. AGENTS : r a TnHNsnN. o Caemis S in. w. 1 orK. nORNRLIUS LOVELL. Netv York and Boaton Packet Ofiice, Long Whurl. uos- ton.Mass. PROPRIETORS: JOHN BRADLEY & CO., 1 C i 7 VERGENNES AND 1 ,zl7 lO'i. BUFFALO LINE. i-1-'-1' fllHE Bnats of this Line will cotn- mpnpH lheir rpular and from VprrrenniM nntl Buffnlo. runninc Dny and Night, (Suiidays cxccpteil.) s toliows: r . ' , , - PACKET GARLAND, Capt.F.M.Shaw, ' Leares Vergennes, Leves Iluffalo, Jlay 4th May loth June Ist Juuc20th July 27th Augtist 31st Sept. 23 Oct. 26 June 12th July 10th August 7th Scpt. 11 Oct. 9 Nov. G PACKET J. SHERMAN. Gapt, E. B. Tuller, Learcs Vergennes Ltates Buffalo. May 18th May 2!) June 15 June 26 July 13 Jiug. 10 Sopt 7 Oct. 5 The Pronrietors July 24 Aug;21. Sept. IS Oct, IG. of thcse Boats have Kiinrnil no cxiienso tn fntinz them un, nnil the Traveliing t'uunc may resi assureu that thev will be managed by n cnrelul anu expericnced tjrctv, wno wiu cxeri uioin enims to mako their Pas&cnscrs cotnforta IiIp nml sntisfied in everv rc?pcct. Ihere will be no dctcntion after leaving Vcrgen The nriccs for Passajc nnd Uoartl nnd also for Freight. will be as low as can Those choosing to board tlicnisclves, can Invo every fncility for ilomg so. l-or lurtlicr particuiars, enquire ofthc Cnntainoi) bnaril.orto JOY & WEBSTER, , Buffalo H.B. WOOOBRIDGE& CO. C N. Y. R. C'H PMAN, Airent, Vnrgcnnes. Vergennes. April 12th. IS 17, UENRT N. KDfSLEY, WOULD respccifully notify the penpl in thcviciniiv of the East Millsin New Ha ven, lliat he has taken ibe shop formcrly oc Irunied bv Mr, Cvrus t.tldy. wliere ne in tcds to carrv- or. BLACKSJ1IT1IING in ai iis varinus branches. He willsboehorscs ; the best tnanoer, fur Ninety ccnts cash 1,oirn. and all other work in proportion. All kinds uf jobs will be donc promptly anu ic workmau like nianner. c intcnds to be always on hand, and with modernte nnil reasonablc chargcs and f.iithful work he hopes to securc a lull proportiou o business m Iii3 liuo. New Ilavcn East Mills, May, 1, 1817, Vergennes and Troy r"IIE old well known Vargeimes nnd JL 'Prnv f.iiiPi. will he tirennreil wilh in- - j . - - crciscd f.icilitics at thc opcmng of Navigation to transport property ofall kinds to and from Troy, Vergcnu s and New Yoik, with care ai-d dis patcli. Leaing Vergennes every Tnetday and Salurday msming at 7oclock, Iry cvcry ved neshayand Saturday at 3 o'clock P M. Freight will ue lere vea on ooaru in i roy op 10 iue i.our of leaving. Freight at Vergennes must be on boaid thc dny prcvious. 71ii Line will ron in connection ni h lhe old Troy Tow Boat Line on Hudson River, nhich will cnible l!r.'ra lo forward Goods from New York to Vergennes with great dispatch than any olher Line. The Proprietors of this Line hope that strict altention to thc inlerest of their customera, v. ill ensure them a full share of patronage. AII goods shipped by this Line will be accuralcly wcighed and shipped by exact weight, Mark goods "care M. D. Hall, Troy." REFERENCES. .. . i , i ? ? . .i i POPE CATLIN, 7 Cocntis Slip, C. B. JAXSKS, New York. R. I ON. S Troy, N. Y. SCOTT&. LEMO JOHN WOOD, J. M. SI.ADE & CO. J ASA FRANCIS, ? Middlebury, Vt- A. CHAPMAN & SON. S R. CHAPMAN. Agent, Vergennes. M. D. HALL, Ascnt, No. 155 River-st. Up Stairs, Troy N.Y. Wild Land for Sale, The subscriber offers for sale tbe following dcscribed lols ofland lyingin lhe townof Rip ton, and belonging to the Estatc of lhe late Charles L. Mills. deceased. Lot No. SMstDiv. Right of Milton Hawley ' " 18 2d " " " Elisha Mills t 43 -Jd " " ''Joseph Wooster " "59 2d " " " John Wooster " " 522d " " Milton Hawley " " 110 lst " ' " Joha Wooster Also I50acrcsundividedlandtoeachofthe , four following Rights, to wit, Elisha Mills. ! John Wooster, Joseph Wooster, and Milton J Hawley. A part of the purchase money wi'.l he re quired wheu lhe couveyance is made and a liberal credit givcn forthe rcniainder. GLORGE CIIIPMAN, Adr. of Chas. L. Mills. IRON STEEL & NAILS. Engltsh and American Tite, Round, Sqnarc aad Hoop Iron, oi an sizes may &IMMONS. FACTS REGARDING THE SUGAR COATED IMPROVED Indian Vegetable PILLS, For Consumptijn, Colds, Covghs, Jiheuma tism, Vyspei siu, Fecers, Worms, Vyaen- tery, and Diarrhoea. ALSO, SURE CUREFOR the PILES. TESTIMON1ALS. HAVIN'G been attaked some months witba bad Cough, weakness in chcst, and losof ap petite, 1 useil Wright's lmlian Vegetable Pills, but grew worse, with cold sweats at ni"ht: could not sleep, and believcd I was in a Consumption. I procured a box of Dr. Smith s Sugar Coateu Improved Indi nn Vcgetah'c Pills,which restored my hcalth withiu aix days, and I beiieve them to bc the best retnedy.I ever used. UKU. W . UKA.NUEK. Cambridge, Oct. 19,18.44. 1 have been afflicted fvr some time with the Livet Cbmplaint; having painin my side, weakness m back acd stotnacli. antt dyspcpsia. 1 nave taken overonc uozcii boxcs of Wright's Indian Fegetahle and Braudreth's Pills, but continued to grow worse, and was so reduccd that I despaired of ever gaining relief. I then tried Dr. Smith's t'ugar Uontcil Improved 1. V . Pills, andbeforel had hnished thcseoond box, my pnins and dyspepsia had disappeared. My food now digests well, and I am ah'e to attend to my family duties, Several of my friends have sincc takcn thc Pills lor bad cnughs, and have fouud great rclicf from them. JVlrs. Otis b. Wiutney, 9 Myrtle street. Boston, May 9, 1845. 1 have been for four ycars afflicted with Scrofula, Leprosy and Doafness,and have been iinalilc to ohtain any relicfuntil 1 prc- currdsix boxes of Dr. Smith's valuahle In dian Vcgetable Pills nnd in fonr months all my comptaints had disappeared, contxary to nlf my friends' expcctntions. I took thesc Pills for my Scrofula, without any cx- pcctattonot reliet. JamesK. Ciioate. Mt 'ernon, Kennebec Uo.JMc., April 15, 1345. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our little girl, C years old, has sdffered all tho worst stayesof worms: and we have neverfound an efTcctual cure, until we administered Dr. Smith's Snsar Pills which our littlegirl took with out the lcast reluctancc in doses of two at a time, and we never witnessedsuce achanse in so short a time. The Pills brou?ht away a mass ot worms, and she at once improved. She in now iniovons hcalth. Wehave also found thegreat- est bcnefit from theiruse. Jaccb Caplock, 8 Stable st. rf . l . jWe ba ve many ccrtificates ofcures in cases of WORMS. Also they arc warranlcd the best Coogh remcdy now in usc never failing to cute the lnost obsti nate Cough or Cold withiu 48 hours. The dircciions and trcatmcnt of the disease accompany every box. Pricc 25 ccnts pcr box. No "Sugar Coatod Pills." can be rjenmne wiihout tbe signaturc ofthc soleinventor.G.BEN JAMIN SMITH, M. D., Presidenl of thc N. Y. College of Health, npon every box. Ofiice dc voted exclusively lo the sale of this medicine, No. 179 GREENWICH STREET, New York, aud No 2 WATER St Boston. Agcnt for M.ddlcbury, XV. P. RUSSEL. !r5r For sale in all the Villagesandtoxcns in New England Statts.xX N. B. No traveling pcdlers are allowed to scll thesc Pills. Caution. As a miserable imitation has bcen made, by the nameof "SusarCoated Pills," it is ' -- i .1 .11- n r .. : q.:,i.i- necessaiy iu oc siiuib mai ui. jt. ijuuj. uiiuuic signaturc is onevery box. Pricc25cents. 33;ly rajkH'ijgyaCTM.'jwyTiar' BL'ACKSMITIMCt. ''B'MIE subscriber would rccpcclfully infnrm lhe inhabilants of Middlebury nnd vi'pin ily lliat he has opcncd llic shopfonncrly oc tipicd by his Father. Adnah Smith deccascd, in thc ludlow ncar Judd's Marble Factory, wherc hc inlends to carrv on BLACKSM1TIIING innll ils branches. Hc has funiichcd himself with good hclp, and iulcnds to have nll jobsin his line of busi ness donc promptly; nnd in thc best nianner. IlOItSl-: AND OX SIIOELNG donc m tliphest manncr, ond at Ihe shortesl notice. All kinds oX FQHGING AMJ CAIIIIIAGE WORK donc iu thc best siyle nnd wilh dispalch. He solicilsliicctistom of his friends and lhe public gcncrally. His prices will bc reasonablc, and as hc is de terinincd lo hc constaut in his attcnlion to his customcrs, he hopes tohe lavorcd wilh a lair proportion of public paironngc. EDWINC. SMITH. Middlebury, Jan. 10th. 1S17. 3Stf.t Worms Easily Removed. WIMTER'S CAMADIAM VERMIFUGE ! rTUNnilEI);Mr' ClllLllltE.N DtU every ycot from tlie 11 iIlseaM-s prmluced by Worrn ! riiry are lhe canse of numerous and fngtitful discasrs lndicil ihere is scarci-iy.n complaint ciuniiton lo infancy and cbiliihiMHl which injy not produccd or grcally asiraiatiil ly llic procnceorilie dpstructivc anhiuls In lliestomaeh nnd liowcts. Caes arc rccorded nftlieir producins SL Vitus'a Uancp, lrfickl Jaw, Ilropsy, qtilniig, Lotsol' feclinj in tlie IJmbs, Kickets, a lpitation of tlie llcart, nrupiii.iH, liry foush, Scvrrc ains. alenefs. Kmaciati'tn. toial Dccline oftmtTtli, and Consuiuplion. Tliiy cnusuiuc alt the nuurigumenl in tlie l toily, and fuia:iy deflroy the I'll.M. ) sarp,speeily and pennanpnl cute fur lliis djnperouscurefor i tbls Ua;erntis allhcllon. It lias bcen ndihriilly tried. aud J iyim ku s CAllJlA. a ii-asini, I tlnwormsatoiiee.ihssnlvesana carrhsi.irihe sliini-nlilch ruriiistlie nestor worms, aml greatly Improves and Invio- ! ca:eslnc system. it is tlie most iienvct tninzortiia xuia ever Invented, and nolamily slmuid be wliliouilt. V. S. rarentsmay bcasburL-d that tnis medicine ls pcr fcclly harnitess in iueUccts It iscarcrutly cnmfwundcil,or Ihe very best matcrials, nd tlicre is not tbt: lcast daugcr in usingil. Price only 25 cents perholtlc. J. S IIOUGIirON, 133 Wajhlnon SL Boston, Ccneral Agent roruie new Ln;laud tnlatrs. AGENTS. Middlebury, Dr. Rus.-cll, Vergennes, F. Huntington, Monkton, T. C, Smith, New Ilavcn, A. P. lloscoe, Pittsford, Hcnry Simonds, Cas'Ieton Dr. Jutmcston, Burlington, Peck & Spenr, and de&Iers in Medicine gcnerallv in New England. Extraordinary Discovery. DEAFNESS CAN BE CURED ! COOPER'S ETEREAL OIL, A prompt and lasting remedy for DEAFNESS, also for pains and discliarge of mater from thc Ears. I tti.nrlri.ft Af . - I- J J .. 1 1 , havp firmly estahlished its superieriiy over.cvery futmer.Medical discovery. ......... ..u ui uncq i u wica uccuieu uiieriy nepiers .i.i:.i i ... ' r loisvaiuauie acous'jc Aleilicine isa compounooi four d:fl"ercnt Oils. one of which. lhe activc andprin cipal ingredicnt, isobtained from tbe bark ofa r tain saecies of WALNUT, a new and euectual agent in the cure ofdcrfness. fcPersonwhohadbeendearforlO,15 and evon 20 vcars liavc beenpermanently cured by usin this oil. In numerous ardseemphatic have been lhe ti;mnr,;nt. in in r.ivor.lhattlie inventor claims fnr it tTiedistinctfon ofaninralliable Remedy, in all cases whenthe Earis perrectm its lormatiun, For furiher particuiars, and evidence of its great value see prinled lhe hands of Agents. For sale only by W. P RUSSEL Druggest. Bennington Stone Warc. Cream Pots, Butter Pots wilh, Churniand Jugs.from I to 6 qts. each, ALSO Earlhen Milk Pans and Flower Pols, &c For sale by Z. BECKW1TH April, 19, 1817. 51 i BOOKS & STAT10NERY. THE Subscribei hav. ing just received a large and beautifui assorlraent of BOOKS. fcels a pnn Cdence that hc can oflcr them to those who may call upon him MUCH CJIEAPER than the same quality or books was evcrbeforc offered to this community. The Books of the Aassachnsetts Sunnday School SociPty, and also of the Amciican Union, constantly on hand at the Societies prices, Societies who wish to provide themselveswiih a lihmrr. and those who wish to purchase to sell I again will be furnisbed as cheap or cven cheap er than tnev can purcuasc iue m iue tuy. 3 v L. W. CLAUK. Middlebury, Afay 17, 1S47. Ready made Clothing. ON hand a great variety of Ready Made Clothing adapted to lhe season, which is of fered unusually low by XV. S. JOHNSON. R00T PORTER, THIS PORTER, bcing raanufactared from some of the mott celebrated ROOTS of Germany and lhe United States, acts powe'fully as a l'L'ltlFlEU uf the ULOOD.and i3 the BEST CATIIOLI CON t. cr discovered fnr Ihe cure of HYSPErSlA ! Tlie most frce and liberal use of lliis Leicrage sofar, from beingfollowcd byan unpleasantreaclion,iet!s to restore, regulate and intigorale lhe neriouj js. tem. The most delicate females may parlake ti'it not ouly withimpunity but wilh the most sensilleml vantage. T cAnti Dyspeplic Root Porter M composed en tircly of vegitables and as a temperauce Levetage ii not surpassed. Thcfollowingentlcmenhavebeenappointedagtiits forthe saleof the abote.andas they will ktfpafup ply constantlv on hand, all orders wrilten or wiUI addrcsscd lo'lhera or the Proprietor.will hc prcnni. ly attended to. XV. V. Russcl.51. D. Middlbury.Vt. n. W. lnrmppp. Ilruist Bristol. Vt. M esshs. U. T. & Co Slevens Vergennes Vt. Manufactured iu Burlington Vt. bv W. G.MUNSON. For sale in Ttarrels, Krgs, and Bottes. Senl to any part of the United Slates. 33 STONE LIMK Kept constanily on hand and Inrsalcby tlie subscriber. Kiln to rr.iles east of Middle bury village ncar David Bojcc.s. The l'ub lic may bc nssuicd injlho purchase of Liine this Kiln that they nill get a first rate aniclc. cqual in all rcspcctsto any iu the County am! in whitcncss far surpassinsany other. NELS ON CHITTENI 1 N Middlebury Oct . 20-1840. Drab Morcen. A large qtiantiiy for sale lowcre than ovct known, by U- a- aneiuiw. FOit SALE. A second hand selt of Tinman's TooIj. with lhe Marhincs and cxtra picrcs. The whnle or any part will be fiM vrry low. Enrtuircof E.C CARPENTEIi. Middlebury. May 19th. - r . - 4 rtiui For thecuic ofall disracs to nhichthellor r,Ot. and other lierbicri.Uj auiuials are incidi'nt. Ur. V. P. Russel i appointi-d by the 'ir nr torGciieral .gi-nt fur llic (.'ouuties of Aild'iMiu ' Rutland in this S'utc, nnd Essex iu tlic SlaH.uf.V York. A"encics fnr the saleof lliis raluahtc mpd'i mt f ' Ilorses aml Ilnrued Catllf, wili be ntalilishui! iu i'.' thc lowns in lhe aboc uaiued Coiuities. CJaulioii. Sevcrnl imitatinns rpsembling lhe genuine ait" '' have bcen put cp by JinVrcnt persops umli r ll' " of Condition i'owdi-rs nnd hold at a re.'nci ii n E M 1! K II tl- - lernon has mi' IJ m- ?XL tt3 r.u.L Ar.r-.tT for ihr -!' aforesaid am! purchase dirccllv i.f him or f it Sub. Ag.-uisof V. P. RUS-l I- Jlidt'lelKirv. Jul( 21, 1S I5. Purc Groiuul ViMiitc hcad. Dry Vitto, and nll kind ofPainl Oil Yarr.ish, &c. Indigo, Mndildcr, Rcduooil, Log Wood, Cnpperas, II. i.SHELUO. Sa't Pctrc. Sup. Carb. SoiIj, Sal i?oda, Cream Tarlar, Macncsia, Allum, Epsom S.ilts. Salacratus, &c. &c. a frcsh stock u: rcccived by FRANCIS. Oct. 1845. TTiSTEESlSTlNG SLIDE . i The subscriber would respeclfully inf . thc public that he is the proprielor ol ' , kind ofOxYokein this rcgion paienteO; David Chappell Esq. of Sheldon V t. ' advar.tages ofthisyokc for caltle whoare u the very iroublesomc habit ofcrowding' almost incalculable , by enabling ihc eatw horter disw from each other, all inconvenicnce froni U.e i:, U;t.u nri,i,i;nir nre avoiuci '' i UIDIIJ1II.I.UUII. . vr. , . ..r n:.r,l Tl,;. nlrrtI3 conl . inu iiui&i ui ..iiiiiiuio. inw " -'j tiitie I plctely accomplishcd hy a wheel aR1'. ' j i attnched tobows with corrs which arepwc ' on Ihe top of thc yokc as will nprrar D'c, ' pcrlect-moddlc ol the same in the lianJ ; j his agents. All who have tiscd this foii yokc have expressed ihefulleet Eclislad in its titility. Hc 1ms nppoinled JeretniM I'ratt, ol Addison ins " :.rp palent. WILLfAM II. P"ATT. IJarfford. ' rplIE iiibscribcr has been appointed ASetl I -1 r0, the Hartford Fire Insurance Cojin" rjr jjiddltbury ;and vicinity, and willrecsn'j damagc by Fifbi.Tlie long cstablishcd rcputa- uiuiruaair lur invuiinp DfODCiiv anaiii on oltlin company, and tbe prompi"- wilh which all thdir transactiont liavoo" characteriscd rcndor it un nccessary tosay" .L! r:..p - ili : pnnnect'".i llllllg 111 ll?miUI I I uuSPIllMa ' with thc ofiice inlrnstcd to him will bo"11 fully-and punclually transactcd. Rnn TJ.rws Fnnov Printf? Tho largest stock and the grcatest ntH ever brounht into this county, from ,,n nni can fail of beine suiled. and at u ; t A i.r. fr.,i iust f" vcd by Juue I, IS47. FBANCIS&S0N- -v .' :