Newspaper Page Text
-.i t. ii.. ,i;.t,irlWI. as the fcw In- Hero tnej wm . - jiam are ima 10 oe tncuu.j. . TWn Atlas of Nov. 13th, quotes r fi7 nerccnt, onoccnt j. thsn the price last week. The last quotaUon of Rutland stock was 90 3-4 per ccnt. DEATII oTESSOlTixODDAKD. t. : km, that we annonnce the dcath of Professor Solomon Stoddard, who died at Hs resi dencein North Han.pton, on Thursday of last week aged 47 ycars. DEATH OF HON.BEXJ. SWIFT. -ffe are pained to leamthat the Hon. Benjamin Swift, of St. Albans, late U. S. Senaton died very Budde'nly on Thursday. It appears that he was Kiicd witha violcnt pain inthepitof thestomach, ,hUe on his farm, and that lic died before medical asiistance could be obtained. His aSc was near 68. . Nokheim Railkoad. TheA tlas says the yorthera Railroad will be open cntire to the pub lic to Connecticut Rivcr on Wedncsday the 17th instant. On that dav the stock holders a m rited gucsts will Pa,s over it, leaving Boston one dav and rcturning the ne.xt, dining together at Lebanon by iuvitation from citizens of that town. From Veka Cnuz Extrac. a Ietter. dae j " Vera Cntz, Oct 8, 1847. "Generals Patlerson. Marshall nnu Ousti- : ir- Pni nnd n Inrrre hodv V Cl il VI " 0 nnthmtr from Mexico. aod butlew clection retums. Tnihodeaux. Whig. 13 reelectm to Concress. Tberelurns indicate the reelec- tion of Harmanson. So far il Whig benators and 17 Representaiives are elected, Locos, o Senators aud 12 Representaiives- Net Whig galn of 1 Seoilor aud 3 Represen tatives. Palladium Office. New Haven, Not. 11 1 P. M. Gov. Bissell has appointed Ex-Gov Roger c r. t r.i" --. i t . i o .. 5. UAI.IJW1N III UllSlyliy UUHU'J oumucur tor in nlace of Hon. Jabes W. Huntington deceased. fThis anpoiutment will hold until the mee liog of a new Legislature of Connecticut in May next. Ed. Trib. inn nrt nniv in of new iroops rperhaps 3000) are et.camped at Bu'are, three roiles above the cny. Horses, mules and materials are landtng hourly, and it h ihought (Iioped) that ihe train and iis eecorl may move in eight or ten daystoward Maxico. Genera! Lane, wlio left here soine two weeks Bincc. wiili twclve or fifiecn liuudrcd nien, has passed Jalnpa on hij ivav to the capi'.al. It was EUpposed tbat ihe MexicanCongrcss would rueel on the 5th or perhnps bv the lOih ofOdober. -By lasi account our army was quiel at Mcsico and ihe pcople wereal llieir ufual oc cupations. Soma Annn was said lo be at or near Puchla ilh abdiit 3000 ii.m and three piccrs orarlillery. It ie gencraly snpposcd Jie is nnxious to gel out ol'lhe counlry. "The healih ol VcraCruz is iinprnvmg ihr.tol Ihe caslle reirograding. Wc liave lost fivemen ofyellow fuver here wilhin a lew ,lays. Tliey were all rrcruits just irom Ihe North. Lietitcnani Ayre?. Hi-nderton and Huiit, fresh Jroin West Point.have juat re pnrltid licielbr duly. As a freW norther h blowing. I hope eooii to see Ihe last ol the veliowfevcr fur 1847." New YorU Commer "cil Advertiscr. MA5SACHUSETTS UEGIMKNT. Thefollowing latterin anExtra Picayune nf Ocl.25 gives somc account oflhe recenl hadconduct of ihis regiraent and themotive c r it : Veba Crlz, Oct. 17, '47. The Alnbama came in yesterday morning wiih a large mail, niuch to the rclicfofsol diers and ciiizens. We havc nothing in the ehapeofnews here. exceptwhen the Englisli cuurier conics doivn, or a msiil arrives Irom Neiv-Orienn, and can otdy amu?c ourselves rjirculniin ovcr the thouand Mexicnn ru indjs rcar.h us, bul which are ncvcrtrue. Ycrily, llicse Mexicans are a nalioti ofli.irs ihfj can't tcll the irulh, poor fellows.lheir i:a!ure rebels aains: it. C'MinpBuj-ira is in c.viunnm! ol Bri. Ge.-s. Cuslniisr. The ucn rra! is pretly hard on ihe Ainerirans sonie-litii-s, ulien they dcviate Irom what hecalls thc paih of icciuiidc. The olh&r day il bccamc ncccEsary to cLdie ihe ?ilns?achusetis regimcnt anetv, ili'-irold t;rey unilorm having ber.omc scri i"jily dilapidatcd. Gniy clolhing cnnld not. d! cniirso. he procuri'd here, nnd llic Unilcd Mne (ihebcst eoidk'r'sclnlliing in tlie wnrKI) ns fiubsliitited Ibr ir. Tlie reuimeiit accep irJt! cdu.Iiii:?. "iih llie exrcplion of one iir.vany. the nieiuhcre of whicli pofiiively rciu'-cd, nn the gniunJ ihat it u-;ij disgracc liMor tliPin ' thc nnionul uni'orni ! T'n-y uo'jhl i.ot cluthe theinselves inany ihmgrUc; iliev ncrc bcrnniing rnggcd.and ivcreoti the poinlofmarrhiiigto ihcitnerior. whcre Ihere is no clothitig at all. Gen. Cusliin pumied the very course that inost mHitnry men would have pmsued. llis order Eounds Fonicwhut harfli, bnt 1 I '.e ihe lone ofit. Mutinoue ttoops usnally hplinti hmllvnnihc fleld ol balile, and Ihe ihs-pomion vhirh ihe General Ims inade of l'") -nwdv comtiany is a vciy judicious one j - -rmy.desircs no such lellows in itf midst. l.MPORTANT FROM MEX1CO. New York Nov. 12-3 1-2 P. M. The (eamer New Oricans arrivcd a ' New Orleausou the 7th wilh dales from Vcra Cruzto ihe lslinst. Gen. Lane anivcd at Perote, and was joinedjlhtre by Cnpl. Walker and his com inand. Capt. Walker took to Huamanila. A sanguinary cng-agement look place in 1 ihe st.-eers, heiween Wulker's force or 250 and 1,600 Mexicau. Itrcsulted inatota! cxpulsion of ihccn emy and the orcupaiion nf ihe lowu by our iroops, who onlv lost C men. amon;; them Capt. Walker, "who was , illed byafaihcr enrr.'-d nl ihe Ioss ol UU sr,n. i i.j Mexicans lost 200 men and 3 pieresof u.iil'rrv. TheAmericans nfierwards cvacualed Ihe ,:ace and went townrds Tinal on the Puebla toad wiih no opposition. Gen Lane subsequenlly took uphis'.march to Pueh'.a, which ihey lound ii. a slate ol in Eiurcction, having to fight in platoons, dri ving the Mexicans back and restonng order. Gen. Rea ihen fled wilh 400 gueirillas to- FOUR DAYS LATER FROM ENG- I.AND. The steamship Vashingtou, Capt, Hewitt, frnm Soiithamnton 23d ult., arrived at Nen- York on Tuesday afternoon, Sincelhe publicaiioD ofour paper by the Caledonia, a complete paralysis has seized almost erery branch oftiade; The earnest applicalion of Ihe Liverpoolcommercial body for relief from the governuient has beeu met ivilb the most earnest expression ofsympathy. but, np to thib nioinent, ihe chief memhers of ihe administraiiou seem cither inexorable to al! complaiui or lotally uneqnal to the lask of providinga remedy. E very day the inis cuief is sDreadinir. Millsare stopped, thousatids thrown outof crnploy, and the totdl auseuce ol all dealins iii irnde, rendci thesaleofgoods to any extent allogelber impossihle. Inihis stata of ihiugs all our reports musl necedsarily be of one unvarviu; tone of a most melancholy and despouding character. Ireland. The reports from all parts of Ireland still teem with the most alarming accounts of dislress and outrage In Lim erick a collision has already taken place with the military. An attack was inade by about 800 oflhe populace, in a body, on the Rathkeale workhouse A small party of dragoons interfered to prevent the attack. A conflict ensued : some of the soldiers wcre uounded, aud they were forced to retreat. Tlie iufantry and po lice were then called out and the riot act read, and the rimers were dispersed, after two of them being inade prisoners, and auother stabbed by the police. A son of Mr. Estabrook, of Brattleboro, 3 years old, I'ell into akcttle of boilingwatcr, last week,and died the samc cvciiing. BRIGIITOK 1IARKET Mondny Xov. 8, 1847. RejnrU-d fur tlie Da'tlg Advtrtisir. At Market 2100 Bcef Cattle, 1600 Stores, 5400 Slicep, aud 1475 Swine. Piiices. Bccf Cattle Extra, S6 25; first quality, S5 50 aG; second quality, S5, a5 50; thinl quality, S3 50 a 4 75. Store Cattle YcarlinRS, S7 a 10; two ycars old S12 a 20; three years old. 524 a38. Shcep Dull. Small lots at Sl 25, 1 37, 1 50, 1 75, 1 88, 2 25, 2 37 and 2 50. IMPUR ITIES OF THE BLOOD. 1 wish to impress il parlicularly on the tninds ol those thal are troubled wiifi impuri ties of Ihe blood; humors, old ulccrs, and dis nsesbrought on by Ihe use of mer c::ry ,ralomel, that this is a sovereign remedy It is well known to every physician, thai Surcnparilla is almost the o'y article ihat can be successlully uscd lo roo! out such dis eascf, and, when mixcd wiih 'he bure ex Irarl of lnmaloc?. it has bei n knovn to curc such cases where Snrsaparilla alonc has had no effecl. Thls can he nccounled lor from Ihe Inct that iheTomatoes operaie greally on the bowels, carrying ofl all those impurilies whicl-, tfallowed to rcmain. create danger ousand incurable disenses. Onc more proof ol ihe efTcacy "oflhe Sar saparillaand Tomalo when combined. W. P. Russell Agenl. MARRIED. In Kcw Ilavcn, Xovemhcr 2d, by IJev. Jas. Dayton, Mr. Ilorace Gorchamof Addison, toMiss Almcda Tn itcheU of New Ilavcn. DIED, At Plattsburgh N. Y. on Tucsday tlie 2Gth of Octolicr, Sarah II. danglitcr of I)r Ebcnczcr and Mrs. Cnroline Jlann, of Wcstville New York. In Panton, on tlie 22d ulL, Laura Janc, daugh tcr of Sam'l aud Bctscy Taylor, in the 2'Jth year of hcr agc. Thetulyect of this noticc, wasan humblc disci plc of the Lord Jcsus. Thc last six ycars ofhcr lifc ATcre ycars of pain and suflering, during which nothing was wanting on thc part of affectionatc parcnts and rcstore hcrtothecnjoymcnt of hcal li. In c- nicqtience of hcr protr.ictcd and painful dUcase he was dcprivcd of niany religious privi lrgcs, which oftcn causcl dcprcssionof spirits and fcars with rcgard to hcr futnre safcty. But when tlie criod arrivcd in which s-hc fclt shc innst die. As the Sun breaks through thc clouds which ob struct hi- morning rays, so did Jane's faith rcalizc a prcscnt Saviour, on whom shc could lcan while passing through the valley of the hadow of death. t-hjwa'paticntin sufferingaiidtriumphant in thc hour of licr dcparture, and wc trust shc now livcs in thc lilissful rcgions, 'Whcre all is assurance and peacc, And sorrow and siu are no more." BKISTOL DRUG & jOICINE .vnnla Ailipio. Gnvnauas. All his follo wers had deserled j of tlie day likcwise a full stock of paints, Oils, Dyc- THE subscribcr has on hand an extcnsirc and varied assort ment of pure Drugs and Medi icincs embracing the various Chcmicals, Essential Oils, Ex tracts, Shakcr Medicincs, Pcr fmncry. &cn also Snrgical Instru nicnts Truses, and is agent for all the popular I'atcnt Itemcuics him except 2000. Allexcoand Orizaba nre in possession of iur troops. Santa Anna hns been superseded by Gen. -tincon, who has now the command of ihe lexican forces, Santa Anna oudly ptotcsts and reluses o lcdicnce lo the government. Gen. Scott had visitpd Guadaloupe. The city olMexico is quiet and orderly. The i y is filled wiin rumora ofpeace. It is con f' leiitlyasserted ihat a niajority ofthe Mex i anCongressis in favorof, and determin'ed ia secure. MASSAcnusETTs. Nearly every town has now been hcard from, and the aggregate vo'o stands: Briggs52 695; Cushing 33.93G ; Olhers, 1 1,958. Majoriiy against Polk and his War. 5,927 ! ( n a full vate, it would have been at least 4 1,000. All the Sena-ors elect are Whigs; and 1 se to be elected will be so. The Hnuse now stands 160 Whigs, 54 l- .co, 3 others. StnflV, Sp'ts Turpcnlinc, Varnihes, Japan drying Ulass I'utty. Uruslics ot an Kinus, of all descriptions, in short the cntire catalogne of articles pertaining to a Country rctail Drug Store, all of which he offers to tlie public AS LOW as can be pnrrhased in Addison County. The at tcntion of Phvsicians and families is respcctfally soUcited. " G. W. PARMELEE. Bristol, Nov. 12, 1847. 29 ; tf. LOUISIANA ELECTION., I847. New Oileaus papeu of the 4th contsin NEW OYSTER SA100N. The subscriber having rcnted, Pnrified and re fitted in niodem slyle the Old stand formerly oc cupied bv P. & C. Russell, he w4U be ready to wait on the Public and he assnres them ihat they will at all times Cnd a supply of Oysters Pies &c. prepared with neatness and tasle. 1 haveaUo a general stock offamily Groceries, asoperior stock of Confectionary, Toys forChristmasand New Year"s Pj-esentf, also Lemons, duince-, Nuts.Pigs, Cigats.&c. &c. N. B. Oysters by ihe keg.quart or pint, also C bbls Pure cider Vinegar at one shillingper gaL Ht)RACE DEAN. jUiddlebury, Nov. 12. 18 17. 29 ASUPERIOR: article of Sperm Oil may be obtained at Z. BECKWITH'S. Nov. Sib, 1817, MR. WHITCOMB haninff taken up his win tcrqnarters of Middlebury, takcs this mcthod of saying to nis tnenus, anu tne aancing commnnity gcncrally, tnat no is prcpareu io lurmsugoou mu sic for on rtasonable tenns. Any numbcr of pieces fur nishcd from two to five, as the occasion may re qnirc, his band consists of a Clarionet,Post-Hom, lst & 2d Violin, and Opheycliede. Ijettcrs addresscd to R. E. Whitcomb Middle bury. Vt, will rcceive prompt attention. 27tf pSIiddleburr, Nor. 3, 1847 TRE3IEND0US FRESHET ! ! Occasionincrerreatdisappointment to those who have been obliged lo make theirpurchases before tne arnval ol tne ONE PRICE STORFS SPLENDID STOCK 0F But let those who have been so tortunate as to have deferred their purchases conratulate tbem- selves that the waters of Wuod Crcek have subsi ded and ourgoods baveat last arrived. A SPlendid Stock embracing almost everylhing adapted the wanls ot lair women ann brave men. l o our cus lomers 'lis cnou"h to say ihat our goods are now at their service. To those who have not been so fortunate as to have become acquainted wilh ihe priaciplc upon which ourbusiness is conducted & our very low prices we would say you are earnest- ly inviled to call anu examine our goods and pn- ces. JNASfcl 61 UUUUKIUH. f.AHIFO) L A T E S T FROM THE PEOPLE havc been too long surfcited with rasconadinsr 'Announcemcnts,' 'Rumors and 'Re ports' of 'Battlcs won,' 'Doings cnormous' 'Loss- es fcw,' and 'Profits small' It turns out to be all forEFFEC-r; a mere "Mote in a tempcsL" Notlnntr more nor less tlian a roREiox account with its owx affirmation appcnded. Xiater accounts from those cngagcu, sliow tnat LvAKGE AND JFRESII RECRU1TS arc daily arriving by almost every boat to Francis & Son, who are rapidly disposing of them all over the country. 1'lLifc.S Ut UUUDI- are LEVELED DAILY and but little ammunition required. Ther arc now rcccivinr evcrytlung nccessary for the FALL and "WINTER campaign, embracing one of the LARGEST and CIIFAPEST STOCKS OF GOODS of cvcry variety andkind cvcr before offcrcd by them, wbich wcre bought very low with cash and wluch will besoldates mces tiati are atlvaUsea oy any one, lor casn, crcu- t, or produrc. 01 a?t Stock of EICH AND W GOODS. Purchased in N. Y. and Boston, FOR TIIE Fall and Winter Trade. Now opcninc by E. VALLETTE, and consistincr in part of REAI. A. A. THIBET MERLNOS, the most dcsirable article for Cloaks and Drcsscs, with Gimp Ilcad Fringcs and Trimings to match. SUl'KK itLACK GltO UE KIILNK SILKS, Mohair I.ustrcs, Quccns I'laid, M. Dc Luincs, Frcnch Ginghams, Silk and Cot.Alpaccas, Thibct Cloths, l'rint and other stvlcs drcss coods, MOURNLNG GOODS in great variety. illLLiliNJiltx liUUDS. A snlendid assortmcnt of Bonnct Satins, Rib- bons;FIowersand Trimmings ofall kinds, Linen, Muslin and Cambric Laccs, Gloves, Ilosiery, ShalIs,Scarfs, kc. CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES.DOE SKINS AND VESTINGS, BLuVCK & COL. VELVETS, and a full assortmcnt of goods for Gcntlemcus ir. Also a full assortmcnt of CKOCKKltY. GUOCERIES, FISII. CAN- DLES, WINTER SPERM OIL, BURNING il.UID &c. Thc attention of friends, customcrs and the pub lic, is iuvitcd to this splcndid stock of goods Produce rcccived in vavmcnt. E. VALLETTE. Is now receiving from Boston a large aisort ment of Fancy and Staple Consistingin panof Lyonese Clolh, Blark and Drab, Black. Rept, Silk Slripe, Drab Plaid, and Hair Cord Alpacas. Cashmeres; Gala, Camcleon and Oberan Pluidf, Ginghams and M. de 'Laines, Sliauls, Bonnet and CapRibbons, Cali.-oes; Arlificials; Mufls and Boas; Plaid Linseys; Broad Cloths, Cassitncres and S'iitin;Ils, Veslings, Velvels and Satins: Elm Street Hais, &c. alsu Hardware, Iron, Steel and Crockery. A Choice lot of Groceries. Persons wishing to purchase good Goods at a very reasonable rate will do well to call and ex amine. Middlebury, October2G, 1847, READY TO BE MA1 COLTMG! GltEAT BAKGAINS. All in want of BRO-D & BEAVER CLOTHS. CAS- SLMERES AND DOESKINS ill leainsomeihing to their advantage by ex ainioing our spleudid and heavy siock before inakiug iheir selectinns. NASH & GOODRICH. TO LOVER8 OF G001) TEA. You will find ihe right article also a large stock of GROCERIES at a saving in price at the Store of FRANCIS & SON. Muffs and Boas, A fresb snd large lot of various colors just received and for sale low bv FRANCIS & SON. Nov. 8tb, 18"47. Window Sash at factory price at Z. BECKWITH'S. Nov. 8tb, 1847. Newest Style, Ricb and fashionable RIBBONS in grcat variety just received bv FRANCIS & SON. Nov. 8ih, 1847. THE Winter term of the School for young La dies and Misses, at the chapel of the Old Acade my, will commcncc on Monday next, and continue 11 weeks and ahalf. Course of instrnction, Tcachers, andtermsfor ttution; thc samo as during the past year. OZIAS SEYMOUR. Middlebnry, Nov. 8, 1847. ADDISON COUNTY C. C. P. CLAItK, M. D., PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Sa-OfSce, in the Vermont Hotel. 1 7 100 Fat Weathers For sale by the subscriber on his farm in Weybridge. rl. oELL. Middlebnry, Oct 18, 1847. NEW THE Winter term of this Academy will com mence on Wednesday the 17th inst. D. A. BOWE, Principal. Middlebury, Novcmber 3, 1847. 27 IF YOU WAMT A C 0 k T HAVE A COAT. Those in favor of encouraging Home Industry will fiud a large and fresh stock of RICH & FASHIONABLE Broai lotl)s AND B Jk'S & 2 S2 SS Wl ffi 8 from the Jinest tcool Spanish to a more com nnirlR. with all kinds of Trimmintrs of first qualily to match, at about halfwhat ihey useu io cost, Also A larce stock of SOLE AND DPPER LEATHER atthestnre of FRANCIS & SON. November 8. 1M & I THE largcst assortment of Crockery and Mir rors cvcr cxhibitcd in this niarket embracing bcau tiful styles and 'complete sctsof FLOWING BLUE. WHITE GRANITE, LIGHT BLUE E.MBOSSED AND CH1NA WARE. of all sizes, is now opcn for cxamination in our crockery roorns up stairs, and will be sold at the same low prices as hcrctoforc. NASII & GOODRICH. Buffalo Robes, G Bales Large Rohcs, 3 " Indian Dressed Whole Skins. 3 " " Calf Skins. which are opened and offered for sale at the Peoples Store by VV. b, JOHNSON, Nov. 8ih, 1848. Received by Express. 12 ps Mohair Dress Goods. 6 " Plain Shaded Mohair. 6 " Plaid Cashimerts, 18 All Wool Brcha Shawls of rich patterns. 12 Imitation " " Ladies are invitcd to call and examine quality and prices at W. S. JOHNSON. Nov. 8lh, 1847. MUFFS, BOAS AND BUFFALO ROBES, A good assartmcnt mav Iks found at the "One Price Store" of NA'SII & GOODRICH. WANTED Inexchangefor Cash and Goods 50.000 Shcep's Pelts for which the highcst price will be paid bv NASH & GOOD1UCH". STRAY CATTLE. Brokc into the inclosnre of the subscriber, in New Ilavcn, in the month of Septcmber last, a pair of two year old stocrs, of good size, one light and the othcr a dccp rcd color. The owner is re quested to prove propcrtv, pay chargcs and takc Uiem awav. " SAM L P. NASH. Middlebury, Nov. 7th, 1847. P. S. The subscriber lost out of a drova in Monkton, near the middle of Oct. last three head of cattle which he cannol dcscribc without sccing them. Whoevcr will givc informatioa of their whercabouts shall be well rewarded. S. P. NASH. Cane Seat Chairs. A new pattpru received by W. S. JOHNSON. Nov. 8th. 1847. Buffalo Coats, Cunstai tly on hand 4nd raade to order bv W. S. JOHNSON. "Nov. 8;b, 1847. China, Glass, & Crockery VV are, A large and new stock al the lowest prices, jrist received by FRANCIS & SON. Nov. 8th, 1847. BETTERSTILL ! ! E. S. ATWOOD. Has this fall abetter and more cxtensiveassori ment of s & s a a is a ss than he has hilhertooflered to thepeople of Shore ham and vicinity. He is confident his prices will compele with an establishment in town. His assortment cunsists ofhis usual variety of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCK ERY, HARDWARE AND MED1C1NES, also HATS. CAPS, BONNETS, SHOES, &c. Without intendtng to make any unreasonable prelensions he is rcady to warrant all articles to say the least to be ol a good quality as well as Cheap and Fashionable. He in vites all to call and examine lor ihcmselvcs before purchasing eUewhere. Shoreham Village, Oct. 25, 1817. 2G UST REAO THIS ! The subscriber has been selling Stores in this place for 20 years past forlho sako ofthe profit, he is selling this yeal meatly for the pleasnre ofit, All therefore who wish to get Stoves are informed tbat thay can have them foi nothing o at least so near it that Ihedifference will scarcely be worth naming. He will alsokeep on hand as usual Copper Pumps Douglass Patent Iron do Snoivs do Sheet Lead Lead Pipe Sheet Ziok Brass Kettles Hollow Ware ofall kinds and ibe best Tin Ware that can be lound io the Stale all of wbich will be sold at a low rate. A. WILCOX. Middlebury. 25tb Oct 1847. For Sale ortoRent, The Dwelling Elouse nexl North of Prof. Twininss, recootly occupied by Prof. Stod dard. A. WILCOX. CJLATES, Pencils, Wriiiug Paper aud School Books' for sale by Z. BECKWITH." Nov. 8th, 1 847. FALL AND INTER Received by the subscriber at his old stand, a large and complete assortment ol Dry Goods, Hardware, Crock ery &c. &c. Which will be sold unnsually cheap for cash, or on short approved credit. The public are in viled io cauand EXAMINE and PURCHASE. Z- BECKWITIL COMMISSIONERS NOTICE. We, thc subscribers, bcing appointed by the Probate Court for the Distnct of New Jlavcn Commissioners. to receive, examine and adjust all claims and dcmandsof all persons, against the estate of NATHAN BARTON, late of New Haven in said District, deceascd, and also all claims and demands cxhibitcd in offsct thereto: And six months from the 11th day of October 1847 bemtr allowed by said Cortrt for that purpose, we do therefore hereby give notice tliat wo will attcnd to the business ofour said appoint mcnt, at the dwelling house of Walter Barton in said New Haven on thc first Tuesday of January and March next from nine o'clock AJL until four o'clock, P. M on cach of said days. isylvester lMud J h. Milloyt Commissioners. I GifTord HOated at New Ilavcn this 15th day of Novcm ber 1847. 29 COMMISSIONEIt'S NOTICE. We the subscribers, beins appointed by the Probate Counfor the District of New Haven, Commissioners to receive, examine and adiust all claims and demands ojall persons against the esiate of GILBERT EDDY late of Starksboro in said District, deceased, and also all claims and demands exhibited in offset thereto ; And six months from the 20th day of Oc.ober 1817 being allowed by saidCourtforthat purpose, we do therefore hereby give noticc ihat we will attei.d to tnebusiness ol oursaid appoint ment, at the dwelling house of Wolcott Norton in Starksboro on the first day of Deccmberand the first Thursday in January next from nine o' clock forenoon, until 4 o,clocl P. M. on cach of said days. Ualnn iorton Kli Smead Commissioners. Dated at Starksboro this 27th day of October 1847. 27 STATE OF VERMONT, ? District of Addison S9. Be it rcmcmbcrcd, that at a Probate Court hcld at Shoreham, in and for tlio District of Addison, on thc 5th day of Novcmber A, D. 1 847, Zcnas iUcneK zu,Adruinistrator ot tlie estate ot JAMLS SWINTON, late of Crownpoint, countv of Essex, statoof New York, deceascd, presents liis administration acc't forallowance : It is therefore ordered that said ac count be cxamined and considcred for allowanco at tlie scssion of this Court tobc hcld at thc dwcl lingdiousc of thc said Zcnas Myrick 2d on the 25thday ofNovcmbcr, 10 o'clock m the forenoon, and that noticc thcreof be givcn to all persons in tcrestcd, that tlicy may appear and make their ob- jcctions, if any they may have, to thc allowance ot the said amount, uy pnmisnmg a ccrtined copy of this order in the Northem Galaxy, a newspapcr printcd at said Middlebury, three wceks succcc sivcly previous to thc timc of saidCourt. Silas II. Jenison, Judje. A true copy of rccord. 28 Attest S. II. Jenison, Judge. STATE OF VERMONT, District ot New Haven. Bc il remembcred, that ata probate cou'rl holden at Bristol wilhin and (or the District of New Haven, on the 13th day of Novcm ber 1S17, Thc Administrator on the estate of Benjamin E. Thompsan lale of Starks boro, in said district deceased. made appli calion to said Court to have his administra tion account with said estate," exatnincd and allowed. Whereupon said Court ordored Gaid Ad ministrator tonotily all persons coucerncd lo appear at a probate court to bc holden at Ihe office of the judge of said Court in Bristol nforcsaid, on the first Monday of Decembcr 1S47 at 10 o'clock in thc furencou, then thcrc to make objcctions to the allowance ol said account, if theyseecausc; by publish ing a nertified copy ofihis order, in ihe Norlh ern Galaxy, anewspaper printcdat Middle bury, in ihe Couniyol Addison, three weeks succcssively, previous to the time of said Court. Ilarrty Munsill, judge. A true copy of record. 29 Attest, . Munsill, Judge. GREAT 1NDUCEMENTS. 0 wmmmim EXTRAORDINARY ! Are offered to the peopleof this town and county by bv the sale of their usual stnck of RICH AND FASHIONABLE For Lndies and Gentleinen's rear, con sisting ol a large variety of THIBET xMERINOS, DE LANES, OREGON CLOTHS, BONNET SATINS, RIBBONS. ARTIFICIALS, FRINGES, &c. ctc. Also the largest and best assortment of READY MADE CLOTHIIGr, Ever offered in Middlebury, which will positively be sold ata small dvance from cost. or in other words 12 1-2 per ccnt CHEAPER than can be bought in town, notwithstanding ibe large handbills circu lated tbrougb the county filled withcarica tures and all aorts of puffe to deceive the people. FALL & WINTER The One Price Store t nnan;nritPnll nnjl aViti trT Onnds . em bracing every thing ricb, fashionable and desira- bletnat couia De iouuuiu mitikci. Purchase rs are earnestly invited to call and ex amine our goods and prices before making selec lions, as we feel confident they may Save a Large Percentage byso doing. , . . , , Onc price only willbe asked or received and this we pledge ourselves shall be lower than any store in Addison County. NASH & GOODRICH. Tho largest stock of GOODS evtt offered io Vermont. Owin" to hi IMMENSE SALES, P. . COLLINS 'Has made a second purchase of Fall and Winter And he would say, witb all duedeference to irulh, he nowofrers ihaflafg est aud Cheapest stock ever seen in this slate. A great chauce for good bargains in Millinery Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, MufFs, Boas, Boots, Shoes and Buffalo Robes; READY MiDE CLOTHING AN IMMENSE O.UANTITY : Paper Hangingsj Crockery and Glass "VVarc of the richest qualities; Solar Lamps from 2,25 to $12,00. Groceries of all qualities. Jd3 Will ihe People look to their own interesf. and at least examine this Immense congregalion or all the GOOD THINGS of ihis life? P. W. COLLINS would aay, any and all kinds of goods kept ina Variety Store. hard ware excepted, may be found in this Stock, from ths richest to the most common qualities. Tho motto is. LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Vergennes, November. 18-17. 29;lf P. W. C0LMS AT LARRABEE'S POINT IS now receiving a complete slock of Fall and Winter CS-oods Embracing almost every tbing kept iu a variety store. He offers at VERY LOW PRICES A large assottmentof Plain and figured Delancs, Cotton and Silk Warp AI paccas, Alapines, Indiana Cloths, Gala Plaids Plain and Figured Silks, Shawls, Gimps and Fringes, ALSO A RARE ASSORTMENT OF Furs. Mufls, Boas, Gaps, Buffalo Robes, Carpctings, Umbrellas, and Travelling Bags; ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, And a choice assortmcnt of iacas, Sugars, ao ittolassca CHEAPER THAN EVER. lso Boots, Shoes, Gaitcrs and Duskins, Oil Cloths, Window Shades Broad Cloths, Vcstings, Gloves, Salt, Plaster, Iron, Nails, Glass, Tin and Woodcn Ware, Paints, Oils, &c. &c. &c. Iu short nearly every thing that contributes to tho comf.rfR of lifa. The bove stock has been purchased mainly for cash, aud will bc sold for ready pay, at prices unsurpassed in ihe county!!! ff3"!.'!NO MIS TAKE1!!3 The Motto is CHEAP FOR CASH. Novcmber 15th. 1817. 29 ; tf. GENUINE Dr. rffarshall's Catarrh Snuif! fMiARI.t'S IIOWKV. havina brdecell and ralsepre tcnces obloineit my lifnature to an ndvcrlisemmt lipajed 'Dr. Mrshatr S'atrmcnt," which ha oppeared In Ihe Vermont Watdiman. pnblished nt Slontpeller, and inlhe Northem Cataiy at SliddVbury, Vlln whleli 1am mad' tiii'atethatwhieli Iknowand CharlcsRotreualhOknowi to be ab.olctelt rLr n cvkrt RiapacT. A iiate mentofthlafact lidae riom me lo the puhtlc In gTierai, and to Mr. llarriaon C. Grldtcjr In partlcnlar, and Inow' ctate that nbleli 1 have befure taken my oath of, vlz : thati the article manuraclured and M by Charlei Buwen Itte of Middlebury, uow of Montpelier, calW Dr. MarshallV AronialicCatarih an.1 llradache Bnun uaviL woetii i . lc9 cooTtrEi ormyHnuir, inau an injuriouieom.i1""-' SWAtBootB, Shoes, Pumps, Slippers, IE FIRM. II. GRAVES & JAMES MeKEAN'ri have formed a conarinership litider ihe lirm of Graves & McKeand, the purpose of carryingorr tne uu3incsa ui a gcnerai FURN1SI1ING STORE At the old stand of L. II. Grave & Co. and have just received a large and well de!eclcd as- alngmy Arokatic UiTRii and Ilrncni aorr,and ihat ihe huuft sold br said (JriJlry is manuraclured from IbU Uccipc under my Immedlate mpcrintendence aml b OK!f txrt anu tne oklt genuine 2jawi.ui a cuuu uunr ui fered t th- uublic CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. ilany ol rtfy old enstonn-ra have been deceived Into poH chain: Dnwen'a cnunierfeit mtt. upi'nlnglitobetlie same anicle a sold by him white aclln; as my ageaL N. I! Thennraeoril :. UKIHLfcV Is ontbelabel of every botlle ofthe (teu'Ulne tlanhall's Arnmatie Caanh and lleailacije anuu. Jumi ginnju.ikuu- Middlebury, Sept.3Cth J&H. In rrc;ence of M. Phlnney. O J-'lower. Adapled lo Ihe season, and iuiled to thc wanls of every man, vruman and child in ihe commn- ',nty. There may be found every thina in this dc- parimcm irom ine aencaie supper nt ior ir rarlororlheball room down to ihehcavicsibrn. 'ean.fitfor the rauddiest seclion ofthe railroad. Moccasins irom the Indians, Kubbcrs from thc markets Baby Boots, Caclis; Boolccs and Polka Boots in a pertect inundalion. EEMALE SEIiOTAEY The uext quarter of this InsUtution, now m a flourishing condition, will commence with grcatlyj incrcased facilitics for iastruction, on Jlonday,1 JSovcmbcr 22 J. It is the desiim ofthe Trustecs and thc Prin cipal of the Seminary to rcnder this InsdtutionJ infcrior to none, while they will attcmpt to makc'J it snperiorto most others lor a tnorough, practicai and finished education for young Ladics, render-j ing liem compctent to discharge, with ability and: nonor, tne sevcrc ana vaneu aaiics wnicu uiu erncics of ourcountrv demand at their hands. The course of stndy prescribed in this Instita tion and the mcans of instrnction adoptcd are tliought to be peculiarly and appropnatcly aUapt 1 to accamtilish thi3 dcsirable end. With a dne recard to the comfort and happinessi . . .. . , - i , - i ortne pnpus, a greater ana a iar muer repa " Iiad to their uroDer Dhvsical. moral and intcllectu. aldcvelopcmenv. wh'ile we wonld not wish yonngl ladics seeking a place of education to torget the ntvantnnes of this rjlace for health and pleasnre. yct we would not invite thculhcre for thcsc alonc. We offer them a far more cnduring arid substan tial acquisition moral disciplinc and intellectoal conquest. Thc Pnncioal is assistcd by scvcral tcachers well qualificd for the dcpartmcnts assigned them,'. who resiae m tne insurauon anu are eyer reauy io rendersach assistance to the pnpils as they may from time to time reqnire. Ample philosophical, cheniical and astronomical apparatus for illustra tionand cxperiment, is at the command ofthe Principal, and Lcctarcs inthcseveral departments of scicncc will be aeiiveren aunng tue year. Tuition for a quarter ot 11 weeks Preparatory Chus Jamor, Middle and Scnior Classcs Drawing Painting ta Oil and "Water Colors Frcnch Langnage Mnsic. with instmment Board. with fnel and lichts fprobably) S2.00 jiNo charge made for tuition Icss than one quarter, cascs ot prorraciea sickncas c.i.cui:u. Forlfarther psrticulars oe catalogne and circr lar, which may be had ofthe rrincipal. 53,50 U,50 S4,00 SG,00 53,00 9 ALSO, there may be found all sorts ol SEADT MADE Vests, Sacks, Coats, Panls, Overcoats and every thing that the climate demands orfashionreqoires, ujaucm siyieanuny gooa woiKmen. Also dllotijs CTnssimcrea anb which may bc madc up on order at tbe same esw tablishment, in a style of cuttiog and woikman. shipwhich cannotbe beat,andshallbewarranted lo evsry customer to give perfect satisfaction. t-THF. TAILOR1NQ BUSINESS generally is also to be cartfed on in allits branch es. &Pleasc give usa call, Sl ! Groceries. The Subscriber offers lor sale an aoorf. mentol groceries that cnnnoii he surpaued in quality and price in Addison Couniy. Therefore lbos who want a choice article at it low rate will do well (o call. V. P.RUS5EL.