Newspaper Page Text
ay ist. n i ri mencan , f A EewPlainnestlous. r TYhicfc iiihel)Ät Ciliicn theWitfj "man who trtid at horn dtmns tho re bellion, end fio MsiiJ.flaVKca to "tho Sonlbj,' o Ho M'min who renk to the fcattlo-fi-jlJ bud hM assistance to tbe&aicfanUni? U U U n Which i the yijofl loyal the white AllMtfi word justified rjl bct"j tcd the rebellion; at the black man who lik ii i !! tli ft wltite.m.ii); who Ji8.tILt 1 ml Jn,nfWh Tor pur- 0 liaa.'v Ja.t 1 nil h1-,nau for pur- : poses CI trpfroi;, t, kiic i.iiitK ui.ui wuosi nimpfo wnril nlini in licfialf tf the cause) of thw i'tii'Mi, hatt never been bro- ST - . I TT V Wltiui i 'lio txiOBt JcntTvin of our nstecrn and vonti lt-nVc ibe white men trim mnriPl d lit'liV"..'. I lionan tut fit lIinI.Vivj or l.ik'niVti' tvlm iiH- j ed nl pilf fix flffffi jyir tccj frrjn t .io- lilerju t.J .. WImAU t. mii st cntiiU-'l filli'c ,;1iot bJaalurwnjC wbu ti;" l'ultt, i'vvr Hin' w,fuf4,rf'rr,f flirrt. 't pre fumiiox ;aii(i ou'r.ii tit-M 1.14 prp-rnr iijf tox;and r.i 1 iiiaic 1 ii our Law--k the wht traitnr. JrlTVrtfon l) vi,- ani ' thcrfn-MfHj4(.( tj-b.i nun, "j;-'!- u WojaU vt lt rh(lcavot'(l 10 huild it oaatnrrn t. ti'jrai'V nputi 1110 1 ititti ui Which 11 to nm' fitiil.O' 4ttlhlhl wMW.U-i ...;n. giuUl ll uti't)mtfrr iir 1 Wcr. timIui idf. f. V;p rVni-tJ V.f.Tfw.' futti hi 15 tWiMi iQ .bulUt , 4.'ir iaW'; v U).f Vlt4io rtr)c!t-4iita ihn tlvjjuutd ni.liii materintlv in ri''wi t.i-o " 1 1 t4 1 lii".tiri .Li' 1 101.4 - m in' . l'4i 'rii, b. ' v t ' d-' ish'-- tTn-j I) "i Xi f ?tM Tit. ' "I I'M'. . , , ll ' l' ,1 Ill- a II .-" (H )-Wni4 ABtW'ÄSfe I ! ! T. CJ Wener 'll 4aty'rfceUUg;arje f ilcilioiii tu ait rtinl w 14 f iL V n i i n i 1 1 k i) srot'K op-: - ' ! HAiiinv.ii.K "J onaiiting in part of iFarmerslo(r!s:(if7all?kinis;t: "CARPENTERS' & JOIN! R8 T00l9, S HO EfM A K E R Sf T 00 LS,! fScytIifs;ForIvs Hakes, STßXHttTIslFXTilicii-ALtTV .CHAINS, SAWS, . n . jUQio Shoes and Nails. 'BENI KTUFF for CARRIAGE MAKERS 4 'um mil jj,ti .' , ' FWIIjTCriiüöEIlIE5, 4 T. .h''i ' UTJAR; CÜKFßK, TKA, MO LAS? LS ,,1, fry 'CHEAP, F.OR CASH L-.jr ' ;t . , .. jf'iiN r. wellca; Brutiktllle, An jiiM Ii. lift. j. , , (Orgit Improvtnfr.t in Scwlr-c Machines SlrnttlcMacliiiKv! . f.itaitcjTi tälry l Ith. ' ISUO S A MROOM Sr.iTmlOA IU"A Y N V : 2 JÄ' r.(i5 ft I N'( M't )N ST V M 1 ' 'qmiti MVrtllNEU eitrwuf J ab .ntily L Of; p'inrl ili tf Hn'Unlii , puf in ma nri atil val.ii'.l. iiujirv.iuint. hulof li.m I4ialctil Yv th1 n 'uthl if trt. und prn noantHUs b fir iriie rTrit1iii C.n BISip. . . I It Aa. a ifrilil nvjl'tprrtndi''n'ar actii i. iwetb ''I.ouk or -hj.iU sl U." WbUh will "N.itbrr INp nur N.f,-" anil ti t' aHkei ltth et'leij paff rrpji iwNNi;i.jfr)f 4.ilj. i Ttoa Ii ra it or 1.1 1, r.'Mt her to tha Ni- ook Miilin, will cotton, linen nr lilk 4thre- d. ' ffem 111 mtihI In tUc fiimt " ' liar. us nnithcr "( am nr C; H li.ul." and the ! poj.ilil. frietiun,.,!' run a iulh a jlto, II ttirm tttr r t Ir.apwwarl driieitj than ear other' Kin. in lb" uiirVrl.' 'Agii1;' tw.lrey.4- .f g ein wnrk It iltadily, wiilmui ifalija or injur ti.'tK . IUItrwn.tW n I tV n.ul,fi.l S t plioi I y n( onitrusiin a ma l-. It ahu i't iiiiil.ln' to gr nt of oriUr nid t .J nrmi' jJ y iL Company t gi e)iti- uti-l icllii. f reitortruliy invite V th Im mr d-. oire f lappl.r tlii.n.elrm with a oprri..r ar'tiilr' taeoie aad rannine thi I'uri nllcl M uliinr. One hnlf hour's instrvrti'-n it xnjficirift ti. .Wilt nny -rn to r j ? thin Machine w . U .I ,IV1 lolhtlr rvUfp nt;.f,ftL,'n ' '.mVO: undorilnedhoa-epsaid TAlt.Oll 51101 Viii ' 1 '";rn,'rt It . I. r.-pc-tfutly iiiviin iho eiti " '' lihi'f'iilhj ih;itt lf'r'i. '' ' i en of Umokrille to (jive him ti rati. He will Aoan-tn w.;.V'l f,r .li t.,... I. lh. Viiit.d r ti-in. tl will in iko Garment m-i-. wrU.r. i.i..n.ili,l ...n.k..i , pf and g..d-a nny Ane in tho Coanty All Cr rtaLn. Mea' fan'ml and S,..h A.iHli- J ? .;' ' Uf;! styl-, and Jn to Wk...i.b,r .l ..i..u0t will b. ,.v,.. 1 ,w r..' C'jm''rU ilvlU W'lh üu le Ul T.'J. MeARTIIUi; t O- rmnnt .ilicri r. t si t-n t. JjVitlmid. M, li. f.'vrer X . , j Xwrwi' b. 0.wii..,o' . It ,.JUUn.-tl,N. , . f. limikefk,-.. H'hila., tf t- ii t-. Vfiiiaiu j. , .IVAUirnnre. t 'if 'a 9. Kbes'vif . Vs.. S i lr 1 ,v I'-ro, l-kilL. MirHf I t1..., ,i J l LL thoie wko "t t 11, will j.i.- in t'nui' In Im ill nee W all aai Hiüa U lli-ir are iot.. Niher j - by Ca.h -t N..'. Inir..t III U ebeiy.rl u alt tva-iiiai M.Jily , iavVS., avattt pei. nVN.ri settle With JoUn I'KMl I the M., er Mla tNoc . l' at IbeXreaiMrtH a UiH I HrkMl!. 3 KIM) HI LI z, Pf iki '!! feei' V-, I"'';. 1. U", I .-"iHi 1. in-.... , ., 1 r, 1.r-.ii.L'Ti5..crf.i,.. .et,t fi I., un v ui , ir.i. i . . . -ote 'WW iv v rr -.". . . ..f K.. Silma Id i-av PvnUre. laabaulf', Mntt..V. . fseott. . 1.' T 1 T I jC.AÄ I f T - ' Idoai on , bort notice lud will ntalnei. l'iUA . . t. ! f.. I'y,? M "VJl h$," " ..ArUoWldatas. v A "5. PM- : ''PI u Ji AJ. 'JJL.4 -M- V -w - . -' o j, ' :, CTotr. . Davis Haf been,cauht in thnlatt ditch, the Rebellion it "fUjiV out, nJ;tnftt 'of oar So! JlenVUl iooi be at hmc ta-enjoji t lie fruit; tt their vie- j tu("'- .. ....... . ; - I wiiiWjgl.vl te sow t'icui-, their frieed end oeigb I." bor, itt THE OLD WHITE CORWER,- AI!Elnilsorn;oi;(ls: fr.OM 1 II K YtV.HiT TO tUK IIKirtK.T, FOR MEN AND BOYS, 'LAiVlFS M MISSIS HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, . e , n . 0 . A . f- esJoires 1 .4 HATS AND CAPS, r l t rr .' I f tf j 1 'PPiJ - For 4ash dr f rodncc. tp.ii.vf KleA-OlNy i. t1. ' ' ... I IlidMiJ . vt -I ' ' l ! 1 1 A jvs s nt can r a u d 67; j coaic, paovniKToii, 1 V.vr"Ur ri'ir Ur Ami tho, "TrjitaUoi Public JtTOl'.v will Kn tuifuiojUlt Hi li.l.t prl- , 'il.taha for lluraiuv i ü ri t r ' - - - Merchant Tailor. JOSKPli KOLII()FI H'i'j.rie'l i a'or for the piir'' iferrin ,n ih 'r.ifjr,!Na,-;s n4 in m.vU lo til II urdri for COATS, IM NTS, -VESTS.' ttc, . . 0 H'j VJ k4t a ff'i aanAnl f READY-MADE CLOTHING, (ioiitlemvuslMiriiistiiim;G(Kls !..! . . , : ' iub a .. M)Tiis, i assjmi:ri:s, a i ri iCinij i"luUe fvf ( Fiilf tV. Wiuttii- Wc;ii-; II . . IM.'V'TI IMIU'M'C IKUI, f '14. I im M 1111 1 mi'ii Call In Ihr re and in iVy v nur purl i'.m j.ut r Jont r J v r 1 , 10 1 j vi will lo fnK Imlh in work aa.l ptii. J in V lim i'X'oöx & ffi)',3S i I Sowing in Machine. li iilia li.t rii.v Mavini-vi I a dt Auilion of "aiiuniiiMv od "pciftfo ti.n." Tn. a.vdla eaBiii.l le let nrunj, Th llriuintr, 1 filer and Uraidrro aekuo tidyj to Uu upetior (o all . A patiMitcl ,im ice jucveuis i'.l bulng l imed backward. Ill a it iu M.f n.vl.tli ' It rtcelvvl tbu Uuli Medal of the .Viaorloaa In- t.titnta in li' l. , .11 raeelvrd the Silrer Mudl of the M.'w Vork !laia Kalr." 101. It r.--le.r ihe Silver Medal of the 4,Penujl- teaait SUto K4lr," I 41. , , . - - .It uIj.i r.n)iiro.l the ur.t premium fr"TiiK H.r Hi(iu MitHin" at th. grs.t "Ni Khumnu KAiatho'Vefiii'intSiate Kalr.' au I lhaMIudl ana ile Knir," l0l. Si-uJ oir-nUr pyotinlng fil l lr fonn.iliou, in. tii-i from (lie pram, leitliuuuUli ff.m thoie tiling llie machine. A e. . X. AUfXT WANTRI. nf , ,i i . , -. JAMKS V1LI.I,M.,. Mnnf.ielnvef, fitiij I!rtinJvaT, New York, r iMsnr i. in t u vt: t .KewYoeh-H'a llrnadwkv. , n.'iton J.'l U'nhingtia direct. I'hil a 4)p'ta 7I..H I 'bcitnul SUett,, f Ciu-'.lSt 1.ko Slrnt. Cinriinilt 70 ATit 4th 5 tre't. Indimpnlii M eet Mirvland Street. ' f.ondnn 1j Kegent Strotit. 1 . . j r.iri3 H nif4rd Sv!iatt"poU . j ') U;nSurj: 1 1 irrmnn Slrt.l. i iennai-'J il Ipretniarhet." ' '" ' iSruneU IS Hn JTili5r, .la,trla filt Street. J'tnVl-le . . 2 - & X !Ln 0 3Fsl " K ! jf It i, ni l lie will al t;ik ntirvs vent CUTTINfl Coat " i U , Vjt the nie i rt", runt 1 lf will ruki rt from lo 3, it) film ma n tifrn try'in. ' 'j.aiiff-ftfir - - - r,.-Mi?Nrr. How t tii.v V bi.Kr;iu I mVe Ilalrgr-iw nu Haid llia'df. How In Win atCardu; Cata. FrttVIci, PimpU. jT.l. I w.;pJ ... r tllllUlUllO.IMlr- (iiti:i:NsMutn.L:j.Nt. " ' . ., KIC ?AI,tANt I.Xf II A N tl K.Fera In si. . and lifuluir i0 .II cui tomer, V-r nit l.oti and - !.! !. R.uiat. I'r .t rty, l' n- i In dtf lerent l. .ali'i- . r -t N. U....VIu4:-S Iu4,-s tiuiaur vf ilo-Ji.hlc furiH fvr e'pif. uii T. T. SMITH'S rv Yl I I II BROOKVILLE, IND., Aa Eto nd Adam f trajtd boslJ j - , . Fair K Jen' otei water, -' ; : , Ypuog Eve cxclaiiueJ, with nil that Juido So common to her daughter . ..; "0 ouLl we haad toagei down Those fentarp, thtro ttlUcted, . , u Uow muck our cbaruu would be auuilrid, -Ouir uiiorjr how rtpeotcd !" -'Ah f Mail t earl rai to mourn,- S"em i (5r-gif blunder, S -H fore the rhntografdiie ArV " 1 Ffiratif into joynu wonder; : ' ' Tut now what plcafur lenij jiv'M, " " f tie-Vrjr gen iid daj;ntcr " ' Can jWjrflt th fhadow down ' l tat flie within the vattr. i The Tort f pcata th word at ttui tr hj call ing at , i- - T. T. MIITÜ'S AKT (JALLKRY, - In Fudge's-Building, the ion and daughter of Adam and Eva ein ae e.iojjilNh jthat tuoit dirablo of all Ihinui cur th t'uaor ere tli.e u,atuce fadvi." TIar In h rcrt be.l lmruir.cnt.H. he it ttrenartd to t . I I ti . l I ' T - ALL. KINDS I ; f ;. w, in tha moil attla ie ttjlt. j Old lajuiTrwif a 4 A u.Vrotff 1 Citd In 1 tf l'lfntejraiih. Mit and U)Mt.4 t'rtaiei for nt Ciurin-' nwtl r.UI) fii I'icrnrra eilnl and eoUrJ to. anv aiie d. tired, and aotvred in nil. Keiuemb(ta U ". -Third. Story of Fudjre Baildinsr waria. , , . OVKR UN KTuKE. H ? vial A n 11 0 u i t e m c n t . Ü. & M. AN Til ON Y & CO., .lh'ArMMVKul (.ji-iiphic Material, ' t. MUul.K4Aia Kk kkTAII., . Jj UKy.UWAY, KKW YJRK. 1N ..l.lilUri Vni,nr ikio Cuilnei o( rhot"prit tb 1. Matqrivlv w rt H.uiJui lera fur theiut lowing, i-Jv. . . RIKHUaSUOIKS 4 ÜTKUi:OSCüi''C VIKW8. Of thi we lave luvmn. amui tiu.nt, IneU dloif tVai Swkt, Ameriuan and lur.ifn Cltiei nU ItMudacapf., Urunpa, Htatnnfy , at.., tie. Al io', lUvalviaft rtrrii.(, for public ir private jtUiUiiion. Our Citnlou. will b. .tut to an; aidi..a oa r.)ipt of . Stamp. ' ' .' PIlOTOn.BAPHIC At-Cl'M.. We wro the Hrt to inl-oduuo thrie into the Viii t t 'tixtpi, and e in ufüoture IminnMa quAtitl t in grent vtirioty, rungir.f in plee ffwo ict I $jO uah. 03r Atntun hoy Ike :f VJ tf l.rinf 1 1 pt'Hr'in' Leitotjr na.t iurVli;it to any otbrt. They !!,! be cit iaj.1,1, VS on re ctlpt of pride.'" , .atina AlbMUH iuaJe to order. "tt . 1 . c.vuu puoTouu.vrus. . . "ur CataUju naw. tuliw4 vr Vr lho.,ad dilTrent iHbjXi, (1 w'.ic aJiituni are eotitia. ualljr nad.tlof tsvt2aitof K.-ninent Ataor le;, eto-, tto.: aUoal - 100 MJor ci.rnl, jn Hrlg. Oenerul tt Civlownli. 4aAr.i, SlÜO Stxteiiui.n, 12j Anthor. 100 Meut. CiiloneU, ITjJI- Oinor ÜtiTictjr, 7S Nury OtTceri, lV5Stn'e, i:iliTin, 50 Pruiniiicot Voniro, 3.00J C-j., at Work. f Art, iri'4. ox rrrn livtlntM nf thu mot rulvhra-tcd Kiievinsiii. I'uintiiii, St.ititi?s, etc. Cntali'iruer ont n rs-ti'lf't T Stamp. An order fr One loi m t'lotar'H frnii our ('iit.ilojrue will de Oiled on lb r ewlpt of l,1i, and 11 1 by mnil, rana fliotogriphcra I'd othoM ordi"ing goodiC. 0. I -will pleiu remit twenty üre per cent, of the amount with their order ?r f a ,ieci 11 a J nl!Ty of car -odi fail Ii uti'fj. np'.l C n .. IX ST Ii K I GUT, MT.i.Mir.n.i'r FIRST CLASS SVIISCUIFTION ROOKS, yith t'tt Cunur nf Vihimjton 01. 1 Mcriiiiitn Streets, IXblANArOLZJ, IND. Strci 1 rt'.v J)pul,ir ,?rJt. Ii0!ii);r3 ?o of Tio)o WhluU grnplilclty dT'rUn the neilou of cur brivp enl tiers In nuppremln 4 the Wren Ho bolllii( and vividly ti"ilrt. lh noble ilnrdi of Indians' I'atrlotfe li('1,U now i:i:.DY Foit acjknt.s. fitt' .Im I re to eiipUy n fuw guj incu I eunvii.i ibe itnle f r "luil.iuia". ltnil of llouoi." To tl oe wl,o to ririco in Ihe book na, tlil I a 1 1 1 0 it lid oppiitutitr,a thervl no j work '.w puhMalied ivhi' U ntucti wll!i ucl r.udy 1 lata. Tbo 1'aliluhnr .JoJiiM Id ouiiiplule tho Cn 11 ' ' vox anna a ptiuibl, and i. ir jimi I to orTvr hb. I erat ttrui tu t'ompeionl Agent. 't would tall the erperUI attni'luii i f ttiiabled Oltluvm and j SolJivri wh h4rol)etn Uouorubly di.liMrt' the '. ervieo In the above atvertlociiieut. t'teu0ad-T; aisji-Jj j i.V II Ml,1 maxl'Ymctukeii of Saddles. Bridles, cixxcl nETertrnofss. I , AliSO Dl'ALKU IX TRUNKS, VALISES, " CARFT AND RAIL ROAD BAGS. Ite lias on find a fTTVT gii.ij n.ortraent of tnrrM-l Ihn abovo article., exJAjllJ toprther with B;ushs, Cards .! Curry Combs, . WHIPS'OF ALL KINDS, HAMES t5& CHAINS, j Rugs and Matt, ... Horas Cover, Saddle BUnkets. "" unuany kept in iucu ciuijiliU- uivut.i lie b ti nliu a Has lot of rai ty t'i b la iaitUctarv 1 t4 order, j y ii Carpvta, . Euararied Cotli. i- Carr;atr Knobs, ' " " Wh'p Sockets, Curtain Fratnet, Ac. at any similsr et blihmnt In Ihe eoontrt . Hbop one donr north of Dr. Ivelv , on Main :inrcN Strcol. T. C. II Eli KS. aaji.y. t " Ayc? f Cherry Pectoral. IGREEXBirfiOaE.'fiOOD,'. Robaeks. arc Better. : i:oi?At:K'.s. ISTOHACH BITTERS These titters are not irired to the public a a medicine that III rnre all (he 'Tis that Ccsh ts hrlr to," but they are an henest, reliable, remedial trent. and art aa cfiJrlont and agreeable rrsrn. Ilatar of the system. la all aertlons of L ; EOBACK'S BITTERS, the rocntrj, espeflally in tne cuion lV.rlcts cf the West an4 Fonth-wcat, I I where thojr lime been Inlroiurfd, thrr are recommended by the Pa jslclans ss bcncSclal If taken In proper aantlllca In areorilaaee vita the dlrertloos, aa a 1 prercntlTe and rure for Fever and Aane, lllrcr fnmplalnt, Bilious Fever, Plcpep ROBACK'S BITTEES. : l;t, Indlscstlon, Jisndlcr, Dizziness, Depression cf Spirits languor, and ail dcracKcmcnisof the dlzrstlve funetlona. Tor Debilitated Pcrscns Ihcy arc partle ularb rreoci mended, giving an appetlt and strrneth to the whole haman frame. Thfso BIttcra are setentlSeallj pre- pared, and are made cf a rare romkt I EOBACK'S BITTERS. inatlon of Hoof, flaet, TJrrb. Ilarkft, I 1 and !teed which bare been found mmt irlTeetuAl by !onx medical txperleoec, to 1 Ijostm the rrqnlxlte Tonic properties la mievlsa and earing the above com yiaiau, ThrneBltim art the poor maa'i 1 friend, aatlag him many doctor' billi, In writ a the rich atan'i aolace and EOBACK'S BITTERS. roraforti lavlgorallag (be weak and de bllltstcd, drlTlnjf awaj mclanrbotr, nak 1 let a llfb of misery one of naalleyed ' enjoyment. These Bltlera bare been In. trodurcd, and are being ased, aot ealy la the hospital, but among the soldiers, as aa appetizer, lualc, and regulator of the )Mtm thronjhoui (he Army el tbi EOBACK'S BITTERS. north, by aad with Ibe content of tbe 1 blgheat aoierameat aatkorlty, - la polal of strength I aUl guarantee my Bit ten to contain a larger proportloa of real medicinal Ingredleats an vretnea Ibaa aaj atarr luomarb Bttiesa la tha marhel j ard by comparison a lib otfaera it alll bo sera at once, that they are 9E0BACK'S BITTERS, , .treager, and apoa trial will be found tasre tmclenl, thaa all elhenj they are nsreeable la the taste, InTlgorattng la LeSVel, eaaao of good materials, and aa article (hat all cif customrr parfbaso iM:e srrond lime with eqaal satlKfacllon. lit cvrrjbody t.-y them, and they wtll be full) cüST'.Dftd of (be truth of tbe above. tö3.CK'S CHOKE WW i LIQUORS. Tbc Wine Growers of the West have die I I cuurrd that after tbe Cataahsrape tsas 1 1 3 Ivlde.1 the delicious a Ine so highly prized, 1 1 an txeredlncly Bjie flavored brandy, poa serins rare medicinal properties, ran b exlrartcd hy careful distillation. Celn? ever eager to advance any dts cjvery tdt tcscs (e on tmprovencnt of EOBACK'S I'lIOICE WW 4 LIQUOHS. I i!ie snnl?;ry ccndlttcn cf the pcltlf.C. Vt. i lUilath bos consiructetf lurcc nad eosllf double eepper Ulis, of a per nllar model, ( with which be prodorca tbe Tataaba I l randy, In Ita greatest purity, retaining ill those mcdtral qualttlca for hieb It h so murh valued and recommended by ' nhyslel tas. Tcaeb, Cherry, 8wcdl&h,aad ROUACR'S CHOICE lTKEU LIQUORS. ( nrmae I: randy, Ponrboa and Pye Uhts. k), Holland (.Id, Aromatle Pcbtedura I Krhnjpps, (berry Pounce, and all other I dumette tl'imn, are manufactured tod , ONtlilrd hy the same careful and delicate ' proem, a"Sd Lrl ronslaotly oa band for ! I vile, aboiesale or In any desired ojiantl. ' hy. bail Catawba M ine, warranted purf, I C0VAK'S CflOICE WISES & LIQCOES. , procured from Ibe sarroundlng viae. I jords, Md by Iho bos, galloa, or task. i at iho lonrsl market prlff. Robarkl 1 aert Ualaga W ine 1 ibe most ticrllcni article of the bind to be tbaad la tbe vh-Mrra country, and the Pert 11 lee be olfirs lor sale baa no eqaal. Öftre and Manufactory Son, CO, li. 00 and (Ii Third Ktreel, tlnclnnatl, 0. . Prlnripal Offu'e and Sulci ltooins, No. 6 Cast Fourth bum, ad building from Mloe street. Lineinpslt, Ohio, I.abratory in llamif.od itieel, Koriiiileln Vraitkliu Cnuutv by M. W. Hall., Uruokvllto, lr. J.W.K.cly, do., I. If tffl. do, Cbai. ) r .-i h o n , M'.Curuiel. Chai. Van Cbrfip, Met' ainora. 1. K. AJa'.r, New Trentoo. Wn. Miser, MlxervilU. It. ihrlv.r, Auderionvlll.. nbl A llodklns, Fulrfl-I I. Wiu. Oarard, Uaioo ;ie-. fluyJ I'ciira. And by Dra agists and Mer (h.inti suotmllr throacboqt the t'eton. Jwrnmrv .1. 1112. I no I 1 y . C. V. ItfiltACK, t'niiipnuader of ?tomarh Bit lrs, Ül.iod Puriner ami Moid Pills, IMitiller aad I MmiufaoturtTaf Catawba and Sw.dl.h lirandla. I and all kinds f tha Bent Uvmeitio Llqunri which are nid, wholeisle or in an deilred quantity, at MOFFllT'SGltOCERY. Elijah Moffitt, ' f AT II IS ' GROCERY STORi: IX DROOKVILLK, has jnit rvetirt-d a )tt;t additlun to Iii stock, d now o.Tvrii tur xIu a lull aiiurtment of CillOCKKIKS, iiAHnwwjti:, IKON, QUKUNSWARK,-" . . (J LASS WAKE, Sit, -on " . ' . ' Counti'v 'Produce. lie bas nltu for suU , KXTILV FAMILY FLOUU I imiiMlar ui-. by T. Mucy k Co., lLrmony ; .Mill, I'll Ii!. I pM i I lr , Itiil. i 11 w rr . j..-r t tu ; y iuiitv tha. liberal putrensge f of the i.mI.ü.. r . , ,N . , uar4 ly. - b. Z. -l'HiiGUSON. - FAlüFlELD, INDIANA, . . IfJ n-iw prep.iro I tft l-ol8 his tiine to the prae tic of Mo li "inc. sn. I havin Und fourteen yirs' spiirinv In I bo t rcntmonl of dlra Irii-ldent li i:iettrti in lisna, bf soliulis a eonliauatiea of ( uUij patroiLir. Ohara; Tm scoi.r Jance with tbe tliuci, and itriut sttei'iluji lo Vnslneii at all h.uri. . apt(-tf t. a. mc., r. ataar. - ADAMS ,V. HEItltY, (llltonK Vll.l.K. I Ii ll A II A,) Ufin veer (Ji(Uvni Stare, until BS trafst Ifdtcai traut 'litfMfey? ari-lftan.'M Urc Vetl.r pS tr te 3 enat tattps. ' 7 I DRS- JACKSON, HERBERT A CO., Proprio ts of tho National. Diipen.ary, eitabliahed Uacinnati, 0.; Jan." 1, lSCJ.eure all private dis: a.e with unetamplod t-apidity, ' W e guarantee to ears Gonorrhoea, dleet, SjpbUUs, Iwpotoney, Nocturnal Emissioaa, or SelJ-Abuse? Pinraal Lm issloos. Female Sexulf Disease.. Cores rapid, thoroughand permanent, land f.ei Moderate. Send for ourCireular Bftoon largo 8 Uby It Inlet te pages, ef raried,Tloablo andlnteretin nat: ter. Also a Circular intended for. Ladies only. Many or our patients assert, they have sent money to Doctors In Eastern Cities .and received no return. - -, . Then why notpatronuehome talent nen who know tho Western climate and oan effect speedior enrol? " ' '" Dr. Jaekson'e Female Pills$l per box lend for Circular. Special, written Heplies, well seaU ed, sent with tho Circular," without charge. One of tkoebeapeit, moit Interesting aad important hooks every published- 3Q0 page. 100 eagrar log. "The Moantain or Light, or Medical Protee tor, and Marriage Qulde,ondaa Etplioit Key to Lore and. Jleauty. It SATISFACTORILY re veals various subjects never before fully explain ed in aar popular work in the English langttar. Price 60 cents aad one Scent stamp, or three for SI and three 3 cent stamps. Fully deioribed In Circular, which every young man should bare, whether sic or well. - ' " -j Medicine and Instractlom lent promptly to any part of the country. Consulting Rooma of tbe Dispensary, No. 1S7 Sycamore itreet. ' P. 0. Boa, No. 43. DR. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL' LINIMENT Ram v.. all eeldaa.., and rejuvenates organs which have lata d.ruiaat for tnany years, 1 1 DR. JACKSON'S FRENCH PATENT , MALE . - . SAFE. It I perfectly safe and never falls to give sails faetion. It is tbe only sure' and safe preven tive agalant contracting dli-aie ever Invented. Price $1 each, $4 per half d.o, and $7 per doi , tent by wall. , aepll-em WMo'ItEYNOLDS'" ' ? am J IN WROOKVIIild'E IS THK, VLACK TO, ÜÜY THE CHEAPEST " .AND , BEST, Grooorlcs. TTI" aiierttusnt it aWsyi Ure aaJ lie)eei IJLed. llebai fuisale S.O. Sugar, - r Druskee, Re&ail tfoguri,) Cruih.d & , , . Micker.l, Wblto FUbL, Wolter),. H.rrlng,. ' Null, -,. Soap, . ToiJet Soapa, MoIsmcs; ' Byrupi, ; I t . Csndiei, ., , t - , , Coffee, ' 'Tea, ' Chocolate, ' ' Tobacco, all kind, Tubs and tuckets,. Cordage, Urch, Candles, all kltvU. HruAerd., - , !,. Shovel, II. i, rsaki,( Alio a cbolse asiortiuent of COAL OIL t AMP, f COAL OIL and DCRXISa FL'Il). Alio nJJ kinds of Leather, inch as Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf sfkins, lp Skin i,. and all kinds of Shoe maker'. Findings, La.U,, Knives, Hammers, Awli, Ac. AUo tha BEST FAMILY FLOUR. All of which he will sell ' CIIKAI1 FOU- CATII Oil COUeNTCY PRODUCE. Ca.b paid fur II I Ice, Ccuti uni Mink Skim. oetlS HACK LINK. T1I.K SUN MAN HACK Iravos the Valley lloueo evory tuoriiiog at S o'clno , rgnuccting with tbe trains 'uth Tait and West at Suninan, and return Ing In the evening, thereby making' tt tno.t oon veniciii for the traeellncfpnldla. I'ntronaee so- i HtVl f AV .epCi-tf Proprietor. . Ii K 2D 31 A M J Griiin Screen and Separator- Messrs. St John Sc Luring, OF MT. CARMEL, I3JD.,- IN addition to tbo'n-'o and repair of Itugai, Carrlag, Sprii-r tVajj.ui, i-o., do., a. heretofore, ti.iv purctiami I He tight tu in Him. U iiur. u i l sell tbe above .f tl.tne, In IheCoun tie if I'ranktiu and I'd km,- Ii i., aud tlutlcr, Dlilo. Ths ektiem-iLONT P K ICC of lhe'?Vn?ni, roil ing about half a much a it Fanning MID, to hl:bluty bo a ided ill HI U Iii With mt-U it opcciitri, itink. U a gro it in In "intent tu piirok r. It will .arita all Kofi. A K Kl, COttS, II i: A X , 1 1 A T 1 1 V 1 1 T . C 1 1 1 P A , S T It A V , H T I C K S , Df "T, MKT, hANl, UllW, COCKLK, iev. and still pit t nt ibe Morten Iroui ilogjUij or foullus. The undrlgn.d are so well latl.IUd thai I It I Is a Onl oUm Machine, that fUvy pladge tbm ulvei, In all ome, t i refunil ibe niouey wbere It fall to (lee entire aallifartlon. Address all Utters and ordi r tn 8T. JOHN A LUIUNiT, JalM ;m' Mt. Caiinvl, Fisi klin Co., lad. Must be been to be Appreciated. 1 SeWIMIilACHMB! Uncqualcd lu Beaary of Design and Style of Finish. 5IAKES FOUR DISTINCT, STITCHES! lock Stitch. Knot Stück, Jhühk Lock. , Stitchl Vvulle Knot Sttlch, and , : ... has the Reversible Feed, i IT combines all the good .quslllles of oilier traf cla JJ.cliiun, and po.u.iri .many ADVAN TAGES tvef lot and all of lhm. - ' Is tie most SIMPLE and PERFECT 1 Hi MECHANICALCONSTRIXTION, of any Sew ing M.cUine yet offered, lo the nubile, and he ONLY one eapaVU of malting MORE THAN ONE KIND 07 STITCH. - J ; " ' , , i W. TV, 11 AI LB IlrookvilU, . , Agent for Franklin Co. , J.V. SMITH,1 i'nrAgcnt;No.:7 N. Pona. St., Indianapolis, lod. - ' JuaSO-tl A Card to Invalids.1'" A Clergrniaa, while restdiag In South America a a ml. Nonary, -discovered a lo and simple remedy for Ihe Cure of Nerius Weakness, Early Deuay, DUeesea of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on b baneful and triuion liabiti.. Great number l. I l I . I I. . .1.1 . . . A .. nut usca kiic. ij vuim 1 im vi iiw.;ii Prompted bv a donlie fa benefit the afflicted and unfortanale, I will send the recelpe for preparing and asiog this medicine, lo a sealed eorelene; to id.v one who niedi it, i'esa or Caian. . . . Plesne inelote a poit-pe(4 onrejopc, 'a2J;cid to yoi'n olf. ' ' -' ' ' , 1 Address, '' ' ' -.! ' JOSEPH T. INMAN, ; Station D. Hible lloure, i71y ' 1 New Tork City. wtLson Moaanw, tun. a. fittQt'aia. morrow & farquhar; : : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, liHOOKVILLE. INDIANA, Uave formod a copartncr.bfp'ln Practice of Law et Droekvllte, Indiana, and will attend prauipt ly to all buitnesi eatrniled to tbely usre. defSO-ly , , . . ., ' .. WILSON KOIHOV ,WR. V. MAT. ' IMORXIO W 8c AY, Attorneys at Law and' Solicitors or Claims. Xo 3 Tinfoit KM, Oppoii Post Office, 1'lStDINXVÖMa;.INp.,',. , V' Will pracHoatn ibe Kute an t Federal Court! of Indiana,1 and !! lieC.r. h. Coart oft (Malm and lb isifial Uuriiai wf ;War, Navy, I'oit Uolee and Trcaiury Dtparliaeati at Waiatogton City. l. C. ' ,m2 y 1 ni)T uuiu Watches abd 3 e völry . ( . ;IA . i A iv, I " ' ' :, I7M.. DAWSON kas jart received a epleadii : I V aiioitnt.nt of j eon silting of Duplex , and Bilter Watches, adel the tariatiea-o' Jewelry of the late.t style and patterns. . Ue tua alia a "great variety -of Ctocas, rhich will he warranted, and seid at txiilag ad taao on Whole.ate price. 4iJmi' Okl U wad Silvor will be received in eaelange for1 Good.- Jt . - .."i u.i." :,. Watches promptly-repaired la a neat lad expe dltleue meaner. . " i , ?; .J" ..'.. . . -',(! ) n Alio, aare' jv'it received a large and well se lected assortment of .V ' ' SINGLE & DOUBLE SHOTGUNS,: -; BEvOLVEns. PISTOLS. r ; -HOLSTERS AND BELTS' - . T vem v? r ,p r sottj . i ,:iuii uiiii ruanivo, .v . ; ' SIIOT'ßELTS," 1,4 " , . . STOCKET K.NIVES, kQ Alra keep on haod ' ": ' ' i' -" ' -AU KINDS OF AMMUNITION, Powder, Cspi, Cartridge, Qorernmeat" Pereai' lion Cap, Lead, Jke. . . , ; .. ., AUo duitar aud V.,Ha' ?lnngiK JDows. Tegs, Bridge, Tail riecei.Ao; ."WM,DATSaN. Bro.kville, OoL 0, lag. " ; i .,.,, fr'.i':,'.' - --n ' , W t L L' I A W 1 P R A N K ' S furniture Rooms A UK NOW IN FX'LL BLAST AND OPEN 10 tbelctVCcUoa cl lit clUaeai vf Urookville aad He county g. rally. An lavlUtlon li extended tt y old friends and euiier. tu. oaJl esamla my furniture before S Vjtjr elaewbero, for I eat tall at Clnnlanatl pn Jill waoWla aad retsix Myself rlag a kJrtrfl workman, and bavlag ood handi eonaeoted with ii; entablUhroeat, I am enabled to tnanofsetare all kinds of FBrnitartst .hort nnllVa. - ' ' " ' V. fr yr-. vV- ' ' -r vi' " . -. .. ' I nay parUcudae atUation, to this blnAe lai. f& ; koMilagon qsd4 aalUma an aiwUaant.oI ready made tonmi, and aJio ntjtfce to any ityle aad Rni.b. I alo keep Mtalite Coffins wblek sell si Llnclnaatl price. . , fr Calf at the sign of tbe THREE CHAIRS, a tew noon Koriu or Lluck X rarquTjr'Si.ier,eat tüoortne . rcct- , .,,WiI, FRANK. apti BROOKVILLE-' mitt wttmt , ... - , : .:.-.. I -' . -13 II sTVLJEit; ' IXooodLxrccX A GOOD.ASSOIOTEXT OF CookingtOfEce, Parlor SHOP" STOVES, TtXiETIIEIt IV ITU A FUUIC AS OKI MENT OF Tiii-Waxo, SUGAR KrsTir.ES F.PAFS ROTSS. SHOVELS AHO TOMS, AND ALL KINDS OF Errtrn Stovo Waro, CHEAP'.'FÖB (5ASII. Jn:7-ly J. 11. FUDGE. EXCHANGE MILLS MiOOKVILLH, INDIANA. WASllINOTON HOLLAND bavlag sold Lis half. of the above named etbltbui.a t to JOHNU.AUAIR andW. V. lU'TLEH, they, In eenueetion with WALTER 8. UAKEK, bive formed a partnership for tbe pnrpose of rannlog Ihe.aame, bare put It In escellent running ordtr, aul are now prepared to do work la tbe ij'ce die.t and bet manner. , ; . . .. S perl l attouti.m given to eate:a werk, and ear facilities fr grinding being so greet, we can a! ways on ssort notice turn out grtti for our cm- tamer. :..., H -..,".. : - Tbe hlgbeit market price paid i CASH for VTUeat, or we will grind Wheat and pack Flour for tbe who do net deiiro to eeli, . " Thankful for pai favor., they ollcU a contia. usare and aa ineresie of buiineii. 1 .'j' BAKER, ADAIR 4 CUTLER. nrookvUI..Ifd., Nov. 6, 183-ly. VALUABLE RECIPES.1 ' y pntToa or Amisicsk:'" t' T "T , . liu Sib M'ithtir permission", I wiih to ay to the. read or of yourf-apor thit I will lend, iy retarn mail, to I vbo wuh it (free) a recipe with full direction for king and using a simple Veg etable llalrn.-thai rill efieotaally remove,' la ten dayi, ritoplei, Llotehei, Tan, rreeklci, and. Ill Iinpurl'.les of the -?kln, leaving tbeiatneioft.ciesr, smooth and beaatlfoL"" - I w ill alio mail free to those, havlog Bald Ueaas f. rt.r Kai.i aimnla directions and informaUcn. ,,4 in entbio tbMu to alert a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, VMikcr,oraMoniUhe, In leu lbn thirty days. - . ;.Tba;ir talipes arovaldiblc tatotUot ' id ycing, and at tbejr are mailed to all who nod them free of charge, they are worthy tho attention of all who prUeelcr, faro Sk!, or healtt,,' growta f lair. j. . . - ... AH applications aniwercj by return mall, wlrn- ouUcarg. ) ' Chemlrt audP.rfeiicr, No. 831 Esoadwat, V, Y.f anglS-ew; ' " c " - ;' J ' DR. TALBOTT'S TILLS 11 Composed of highly conoentraU'd elro( from roots and h-rb of tho bigh.itlf Ubioal value, to; fallible In the eure of ail-dl.a. atl the Live, or any diTnnmeutof the Dtfeitiva Organs.,, They remove 11 Itnpurtti.i of tbo. lilood, and are un equaled In the cure of Dlarrh'o-. Janndlee, Dys ipla, torefuU, sliliwujin., Liver Complaint, Feveri, Hesdaehe, Pllei, Merourlsl Dlieaiei, He reditary II anion. Dnse, fir iduHk, one pill ia tha moralng, children half a pill. Film one to throe pills wll eure ordinary eai.a, aud from one to three Loiei will cure any curable nine of no milter kW lung stnndlna. Prioe $l,U0 per bos. Trade sup ltled or sent be mall. " ' , V. A10TT TALnOTT Mj D., A CO., -Jun23-ly , , ÖJ Fulton Street, New York. Ayer's' Ague "Cure," Mi k I xy xi. cL o v -tn l3Ll.xx rr jZ-A' 1805':- :'"t enry MßRCtfiifrtiLüii! HAS RECEIVED A .7M ! V mA . ON IST I KS.OF ? n ' L 1 QlMBßASSIMEBES;- ffSft ISOSr GENTSRNISHINO'GOODS I Which be offers ax 'TUE tCWESt PRICES IN CASH.'- ,i. - , . , - ComprIlD"gXvery Style pf, r VESTS.COATti, & PANTALOONS. IN A. WORKMANLIKE Mi. N.ES. '4 FANCY -AND .PLAIN CUTTING ... . , . .TOB. , , . - - .... ... ,JI 4 on tbl y reports of Fa. bions regularly received 600. New York, and all work doae aecordiaj' to tbo latest Sty lei. - ; O-AU the Fancy ind Staple Goods for yeaa Boy.' Saite, entire. ' "aBhep on East side vl Mslw sereet, e feaw doori below tbo Court UottieTi - -. . Jnly 15, l?C4 6m. COL'S DYSPlfsIA CDIlEt COK'S DYSPEPSIA CURE I " Cawi Dyijepilawltboatfall. " " ; -COE'S DYSPEPSIA CVREt Cares Namea at Stomaoa, COE'S DYSPEPnl A CVREl fares Crtmpi and Colie Palai. . , , COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE r" Cure! Cholera Morbes every time. ,i COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE t Caves ladigeitloa aa sure ae yoa take la. COfc'8 DYSPEPSIA CUltEl . ' C,OE'S DYSPLPhIA CL'LL t Regulates and tones the Rtomecb. . 'COrSDYSPErSlACUREf : ' Ii a leeertilga remedy for all diiesicl i4 the Stea aok and Dowels. , . . , .. . ' COE'S DYSPEPSIA Cl'UEl Carei 1'svtf and Ague;- Let thoie sffieted wltls Ibis Uislady try U. . 1 -;.. , . . .0-,- i iCOE'S DYSPEPSIA CI RC I , ... Cure Initintiueouily, and you do not have te wait a weeir to lie It effect. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CTRE I I '- -Istha grestett rppetlierver kaownj It aet ealy create the spp.uv, Bat esabl. yvd Ie easily di gcit jfur food. . ' ' COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE I ' ' '' 1.1 reeouiuiended by all tbe leading phjllctsns..'"! COK'S DYSPEPSIA CUttEl r 1 la aa invabl friend to all wba are weak, de bili.alcJ, and in a low state nf noriasl action. ' COE'S DYM'ETSIA ff P. El ' " . Is warranted to do all we have claimed for It, see) we will fnri.i.b jea certificates of ur beitelUrrai and.olergy moa 0 buck np our (trment . . ; COirS DVSPEPrflA CL'RF. r I Ii indiepejlle lotlie nortroaateau of ererytree' eler, as it at once prev.nt dwiim or sea-liek-Brun, vitbtr in iiiiiun.i or car, and I a never- fJJInjgjvrirvltvej bT danger from rbaogeol wa ter and climate. D taot do without it. ' '' COK' DYSPEPSIA Ct REl. , ., Docs not exhilarate and excito Ihe patiest inü rr, Iis alcoholic Hitters Alia uevt-rg'P. tied to cure d,Tiiprpi.i., but it i a Med. soeee wonderfully auapltu tall auiuti wl the sttssaeai aadtowili. ' CO E'S DYS T F. PS I A C 1 1. U I ' Will relieve dintre.s fron feudi or perlfy a . stomaib, lu leu liiuo to r.utv tblsv liuc. CURS DY.Sri.P5IA CI It E I ' ' Ms !. enual in tbe uoild is a remedial sc a LcL. Ttnrni notspTn.ii .. Tr .; certain, speed; nnl inrIMt.l in tt, a tii.n, rrlicv-. Ibg and luring at .not. V av ibU, positively. . COL'S DYM'EPTIC CLlil.l I prrpared li tbo or i j; i 11 t lot li e jt.y cele. brated Cue' Cue ;b l!almu. Mi. Co b nevei pr?arej a tu dlciual kith U' f.-r ullte and geatr. al uo, but MJtat ban toi.d Ike lfij;ri teili,aSJt be alwcyii. Sj.rn iho yaim of vltoi y i, ei JWvKi ls is 1 ocen cviuflcJ to luic. aa . IT ill yn who rre u Serie g fits I'y e 1 la, Ia digiHili'P, Nanira, lleartlaiu, S'tk-Htedatbe-. Ciaiep, aud I'aio In tbe huaisck aid 1!iWIim Aridity of the Stomach, (.boleia Meilai, Dyiea Wj, an.l.lnrl Dftillty and woikae. ff lb Mbole yelcm .ry but a laa)f letllel We wil'J avr wrjro you agali , if we fall In tbl ease. Our own kawUdge f Ii mrrlt, Ike nalttd lee -tlmoiiy nf all Im bse tier Itivd il. Ibe et1 ' nii ol hnndiedi nf oar own neig bboti, ) etdntfN to yoweelf, and tbo lei rtlcl.l iv.ult, as ciilalu tbw mn.lilae, aU epraeitly, prrsi.ieally , arge je-uw try one bot lie, Ifwbslwess) I imt ar . pect, If our itsteineati cnaeernlag Its wimderfuti flrwri are l foend to be Ire. II yea de mal .'line the operation of (be wcUile I li.ilaatsrve ot'e stid pcrfootly wonderful, we will re r 10 nee t-ur prwfeviv to tbe public health, and re-' tire fror lh aild, admitllef thai t are hx a- pitent toeempennd a medicinal prrpeiallea ailih . ouM be entitled to joor sonfldonoe. Fold by slrnggliu trrryiUei. Urfoa Je-n, 1 bottle1. . . ,, . , i . . - . tärStlU ly VrugjUts Fi-trticlaf. C. U. CLARK 4 CO., Pii.priefrs. . New )(ivsa,Coaa LORD i SMITH. Oenersl W.itern Agent. , dcl , 23 Lake Street, C'bieego, III. ' 1 3Nro"vr v , ' .. -AD- " - ' a pr ovis ion STonE; rPHK unJerilgnsd sat cpeaed a New Steck at X Groceries la the 0001 formerly accupitd Vy Mr.Jackiea Lyn, eoailetiog f a A G E.N EI. At ASSORTMENT OF l GROCERIES AID: QUEEMSVARE Tha entire itjek li 'new and earefally teleetedl with a view to the waati of this Market, aad will be sold at the Lt .; ; ,t -j r,,. Lowest Fussillc Prices fur. Cash or fw.v fry Produce. , ,r'.-.: ,., -h h K Wo hereby tender our thanks io oa eld cae- toiaeri, and inrite there .and everybody else te give as a sail at our new loeatloa. . jaa20.1y. 1 DAVID tSLAl'llTEKk f .-. 1 1 1 i 1 i Tif I Notice to Farmoro. u. ' FRANKLIN IJILLS,- r Lnurol, .The nnderdgned having puccbai.ed the Frank Ha Mills, at LtarcL lodiana. weatd lalersa the f ubllc that he li jrepartd to pay tha' " " -Highest Prices for', 1 ' ALL, KINDS OF GIUIN:': ' and (hat be will give rpecial atteotioa to - . .CUSTOM. WORK. Uii facilities iur Uriadlag Lelag very eepori, he lists wairauted in suuriog (be psbllo that ea tire satl. faction ill be reo Jered. , He r.npettfully sot lot U a bare f tbe pebble fatronagu . 1 - f .- . JOIIX COLTKft.v JUiy 1, lie 11 1 1. t, ; t l v n n u a r an ,' 0 LD DOCTOR BL'CIUN'3 DRUNKARDS' CURE permanently eradicate Iho taita for strong Hilnk, and cure tha wmit esias of drank onnei In l! than right weeki. ' Tbouisndi ef teformed inebriates ?.ow live ta ble.i tk Inf they wire lui-turfate enough ta eens-' ybl vaUable remedy. Price Te) Dollar a parksge. , , , Mailed to any addrnt'oa receipt' ef aa order, V. (-, 1 - . - . i 1 . 1 t ; . a -' - ,JAMES S. BUTLER, 4:9 II road way N.T..,, ' log 18 8w A tat fvr tb Ualtcd Stattf. ' 1 ,T. - t i f si 1