Newspaper Page Text
Pin- 'I i ' rifiuonu Ii Jjn jii;)Uji;:;V:itr::i!iiu;ii. i) ' 4 - - J . ai.t. - . ........ I , . - - rflitlirt, iqflir.,nl ........ ; Atl bM Bfftll, t-t---... ....... j (. Ri 's. i UUY4wf ! ii vi; .1 UM l. k ,UW ) V y J ( , . ,1. . ,.,1 i v. -ujt.,-xJJ ... ;, u .vi I I K-Mi- . II i r 't. . 'il.üif .i l ;.(. U f i J V t t I V ii cul . i ; I '.f t k. . . . .a) 4 (Jae-etaruf t Wtrw.. 'Tracer l v i J J 1 Iii II, 'II .IUI I 1 I lit l ' I Ai im - J- JBJ-iif'J'-'-1.- - " T"Ü' "in ii r - - S. r "i. , I (x'"ia r a .:jm it t J KA'pot- j on l-'.'er L,?ur& :ula 'Vi T.;r.rc Vedd::;cs in a day:' ' "From !!rj;erTT7eVlr.'J' I ao-i va:: eiux::r.ü-Vui y wut- t!:2Ci, rnJ'.R i?? kfcUUng '.iad 'lier ttt;: the t trtif, where youeg lad, ;r; ied io tie c! iud.estt öf whit xsSina ad th tlee: I cT riltoni, 'wl being helped ioto a carriage by a young gentl- Uia l JJ Cöi s'f'l hjlet;hö ef a wotnaw' gentry carried! makie? aj aUve chcr-:!?1, th.j ;.J aihf te.coraftrtabl, od beiosr dictarad ö by fcimledy in taut-a!--::'.! 'TUra tbat Jenki (tiH,M Udi-iitls-rCa JOii lady 'tefbm besiior.'s.I ft. had every (hin ha waufeU aftirtm, a::i.L:r I'u t ..: " 1 if e j stratchcd ilL.J; tc ; 3 iju:t cp tui rJarry' asd idk:-la9 laip !cf a'cletk; who arni aix hundred a year I 'Of till U- foplii--l; ! I! : l i : -' -. i ! I w o n d z t w h t to f bV 11 fi hep till. sa att J Lir Colojuel It'a'a tualaRefcdiy-' 'tzaaifta cf ' tlindneia' and prviriityanl 1 'kopa jou ' girli irlil y-2i bylt.' i '- '-i' .-!: !'.! i .(:Dvat for ins Tolly 's list reraork the reader t,i?t tiva lfpoied fc3 Vas'üfene in her ahudy parlor that 'afteriioonXt Woa'd "havi been 'k i8i4tak; her afece Ja oe, a 'dcniura'tauking vnuo Uij vt twenty vetaat at !the tab! near by, Üottic- 'in euilroidert tattcrtt.. llcr tjiica lUlii'a' erlf-hcaJed Manuel' of i. ..... . . 9vnffn jerft eat in me oped window, atfintrbXthe f rays 'cf tlosotuj lilac ab hfct)y, and watehiu t e eoople'who had ficiit'd' MUa ' Whirt1c.ea' indignation with 6ftilcMt eyti. 1 It was 'a litUe,' old fjhJnnc4 iiatlor; wilh:a hvH $nHd loflk inijfaa, a few' qri-alrtt ; (Miutt, ' daW IVvoted tthair, part) rurtaiu; 'knd a'reat t6-ü ftf fy-1 1 u ma wt tn th maiitle." .Mi" lMtiy, an etitiquated fuuialtf wi: lorry. five', locked quito a u4l fushioned aside room, ufuhtf1 af inlttiii Vigorously- ' ia-5 licr arched cap and blaek'i.iik aprua.'1 ' V'l uaj','' continued Miss- rwily, aHcr waiting a reasonable titue) Ihd 3 receiving DO tccpo'use tu her fottnor remark, l hall Ljvtr ele citf er 'of "fejr hieee1 biakin foOlf Lcractr. 4 ''So.'tcrtsfnly, iunt," said jAne', bend1 l!i,'r'd'wn:ti jick np'hef reel of cotton. ! " " uu Ii! ccuoea uoiiy noni xue wui n-.M-' .! ,. !' i . A T havc'liwayn csiJ, f wahttb save you fjOtn; the uaivcr'ral ttumllirg bh'tl M :tid fecx.1 1 want yoa 1 to kjcp 'what titn.hh'irl happlnew yen have, -and 'not ht. y.tjr.eH lo djfh' fur other rcoile."" r 'wi4 the iuldaed ej'fbnBc cf her IwU'H.-tener. ' I; ta.i ,,i . -i i - ,t , '1,0 -drfnd me. 'M'hyl flvTr- ,'thtt e -rairrrKEWatoiutf-io i1'l'r""J t-tid so ilrclhiidijyilki, cLiiJoh, atop i uiioateI forgot yuj (list I ant ui niJ'.oqt to' tea to-mnrruw tiht, 5Jr,.yUkiqt aqdI.,loMrarU(t'M. Stiu'a keen talking about1 having a Wa VrTj Tir two' yeari,' and tiow IfVcominV; t.lf. TtV a regular j ajfy,' A't'ro .jj at three, yi till 11100." "'! . 31 oil ie whirled about auddenlin the door-way,-a nd''llieru- wii i :?culiar ex Jfeihln. tn Jane' crmy eyes as Tie: raised jt"?,'? WM A- TAvmA t, n,iiill,vpu nta ,o Jit? , the aaked, a -.! on'in t,-il I'm well. !I don't mer'el ij't rjiy a'upftr; I ro fo'r'ba'.eäL'j of aocul iuurcuuiatf, . What are you wait tO-fJP SiolU? 4,ciuppcr in liUcea minute?, auntie. ' lILt4i!anaiionö' till.-ably ay that Mia a L'ollyw:ia a uiaida hdy with, a moden'e fortune living in the village cf "J c 1 f o n . "4 J a u e y u d' 1 v to ' w c r d i t o or tluv iiiiccti whom ahe Lad eduvnted,. and hou ah'e loved aa if hey were her own dauhtera. rI'ike lunit' nuideri' ladies, Alia r!ly dinnitovcd of uiatrimooy, and tfbtt hadi;f liven wiih aj jarent fuccwsi','. inipreK Itr own opiniob 4o the minds of ier two charjica. The Mr. - Wilkin ob ctircTy tneDUofjcd abovo 'wau efdc,rlj ;uyiluiaü whom llina Whitlleae .a lwardurfHr the aurniuor, diivch thereto by a rcarcity of jocket mooey. II wAu a tall, patn un, a widower,: Wlh atiff pray halts .iid curiously puckered fnte which wore a perpetual feeble smile. He alwaja had moft amaiiii'ly tilf a.ilrt-collara. and ih quelkieat loot ia the world, and his wholo runvcNatioii wa i prolor fed mean. dr ViLoh'Wufdaa' hoiictcsi icir,ch,. for' tcrma that ihauld aufliciently praUe Mia l'olly. Tothipa thin wai the reaaon that tLe. Jitter endured liim.witb auch wofiJcrj rul i lebe, and vcpioJ Jan aiid Moliie fur Uiihi;pt his pcnotial pccaliiritica. ZCany one had been loeking . for Jii Jane Wunder ii!indiataly. alter breath faft.'tU jii-iti iifiaiaj;; Jbi vfoi.ll fouod her W hr elifigitKjr.. faa-tily acrib Illing Itltcr. t Of CQttrae wo can tut nako Iter corresowdoace 'ttublld, f we Will Inertly" w(gh M!n the ut thf "jtter In Lcr -jjiaclet, dona I km etuwlatid t JO cot, a 4 atari for thu vill, walking gravely and ,ltihyceiitly"B" W that 'pocket ",'waa atupty. , AUr Uoio ..una. cx two, lell errand ahe ( Joto the poaUtdÜea, Now c nra ott tie look-out: the letter I direc ted tu'MrvLjrfcttn Tilli. ' The' poatiull trca a utile a iittiw aa ahe peea- the nam, and.' Ja no , lurnci Ya with dashed Lek , ,. ...... . .,. , ;.(,,,. . (she rau.t have thought it a butne letter Jano , oliloqui4c;; perturbedljf; ''tut, to be aure.'ahe iuut have wondend why I didn't rail at hi otlice.- I don't care what ftbe'tbtukai Purely U waa not wroep. Aunt will never know it, and I haroaa few ehiriCfa to ace blm,,, ' ' everthele Jane'a; eotieclanci troallflj her a little, and b walkod wore, alowiy than 'uittai,! ma nha oanie , near heuie. liullia.wae out ak the gate looking at pretty aa the worein, oatenaibly oo. edfied it breaking 'dead trartchei clfthe roiybujiea wjtb, a, ,ieck!a .disregard ,of thorna. .'',', i (' . . "Whyrwhere 1 are yottr aclmora : Aid glyvestV fnyllrad Jane. v." Kka4oo,kwaalthew,:,iaidMoUiel.aiti)y. "1 can work a well thia wey, Ian'4 there a prajrer.' meeting lo-oiht?; 1 r : , - ..-.1 i. "Xea,". replied htt listDr : feeling fccr bek..irro hot pai., 1 r, ( , i- r-i 'lYou'fe going, L uuppoe?f' . queationed ilollia, IccoDiog verj iwj yUU tbrod 4ulie V: i ,1 ,,. i i, ".' is ,'i J t -:I thisk o, if yoa'rc Dot.tfraid to ataj !0.f . 1 t".-f ! - --t. a Vi iodccda waa lie quiclc anawcr, de iivcrcd with . unnecessary i! carnotne9. "Don't think of tfujwig o toy account.". I .-, 'VV'crj welL"'.- v.i.'- j f; i ,; . .. . j -TJi inataot Jane was , out i tof ailit ilutlie, after iouking: au? Iciowsly the fropt t f ilia houie.'tliat luuked hask u;eck i with closed llinda aod vttot doorway, nd after letrins.dywa into tlie recedes f Mh t;ardc4 on her riiht, cilled in eup-; . " - " child on t! I ;,,.. - . . . MIU'O.". , -, , ,.. , . . . .'Going pajt Mr. Bent'd storu?" .i'ni-) ..4 i , ... ?. "(jive this note to Mr. Hall remember to Mr Hall. - If-you'll bo-back in te& minuter, and won't tell any body. I'll give you thy biggest piece of cake I Will you? ii-in in, anu me email urcniQ waa , ou ia tu ieataaUc Mollie listea;d to the pat ttr of Lis bkre feet -wilh i very eatir&ed then went on , 'triui&g the rose bushes demurely. ; , ,- f. , , ' .! . .Mick,; baviu;; returned .in precisely acvert niinute, wa daly rewarded with an immctire bar. of Cake, duly 'cautioned nev er to tell, and : well content. XLea Mollie opened the Matter: for. of COUffe: likfl 11 COUiBUDication Written by females, ber note hid required an answer. 1 It rau thus: - IrAnr.sT Moi.x:e.I yU to night at pret-iaely' b wilr'be 'witb ilf VJMt seven. I'm inclined tu blcsj both the drgon and (ily atari. " " ' ' , " Tom.'1'. , s three o'tlock' (hat afternoon : Miss l'olly can.e into the parlorj where her likccs were sitting'' demurely,1 curtiog 11; irbriglit silk for jftchwoik.,' Sho wore'! faie cup tied with'yellow ribbon ' and a greed illk drcs. :J (Let the reader lo not ahecked, for Miss Poll was fond of bright colors and went to but seldom.) !' J,,lle gool children,' she snidpatröni lngly,'njftrding, herself in the las with Urout complacency.' .''Don't ' sit 'up Tor mc. T ahull take a key and (we cad lot uurselfc in.' Does my drtta look well, Jam?" ' ; " ' " 'Very well; aunt." ' ' v ".'"What llowerr) shall I get for a bonnuct? r.ondjn3pride i j rjtty aud 'jaweef-Wil-iia:ps--rdont you think ao?'" "' !':'"' '' ' "."I tl iuk amallel.fl wer w'oiild1 bo' bet. let'. ' I'll go aod cut' yöü aoö e," laid 3är.e,,da'il.lly. " ' 'J : -Nc; ait ifiii: -I heär'JIr.'' Willing on fliVstaira." I'll pick'some m'vstll' a' 1 "o -'You bigM'taw heard Mrl 'Wilkin? it the.'ithcr enü of the tovra,aich ' amaaingty sfliF'oo'ota ha'd' b icen fit 'to assume on this occasion A It' was quito', ä wonderful thing to watch him a I'M .'atood in" the jittle path, awkwardly 'holillrlg ' tiro ton qtiet of clover piuks and' yellow coreopttu that Miss l'olly bad giteu him 'remarking every other minute' thai "the humT-tbe flower Vcrehura excessively pretty irjd'finally' piTorln (bls arm lab'oilouily'. The two uJs rerJed tbi scone ( froui (tie f window i and , .ttored, ' away without comment, only there was a. .od deal of wpadcr; iu Janu'a ejea aud a good deal . of fun i Jlollie'a. They sewed industriously the'rvat of. the allernou, scarcely once Speaking 10; each other, u'ulil the! tloeli sirui k five aud Jane weut outto prepare ajUpper'. , . .; , 'A ;.' A A .. . . 1 ;ht a bcauiif ! sunset!",; laid ,,Mol( lie, as the ro.-e. Irotn the table! "How Io doe the meeting last, Jane?" '. V Uutil half past eiuht;, but 1 may, not bd home then, for I am going to curry oldilra. Dobbs some medicine. Don t ait up for mo. Vou can leave .the back dour. open, or I'll take the other key oT the front one. I ahull . be back beforo auntie,", she, added, guiltily,' rccing Mol lie' surpri-od face. f . , . , T, 'You'd hotter take " the" key. I think I'll go to bed early., Don't come Into my room and disturb ' mo" Jane. I usver sleep well If I'm wäked." . , A Mollie put the' lait dish comfortably away in the closet "Lo beard the clock tftrike seven,' and saw4 Jane paaalng "out th' gate, bakot iu bund. Motlio fett very poiltjr. How (,'Ood Jano was, and what a renc between thenil, , Jane waa going to be good and attend a prayermcetiug, and ilia wai golti t'i disohe Ler aunt, atay at home 'and see To 1 Hot, Bome-" liowj Mollio thought the prospcot ,waa plenearit., ' t ' , . t : ) .'. .', .kt half past seven h waa statlonod down by tlio gato. 6ho had little time for'atiticlputiort, for somebody caiu'e up tha street It a very quick' pare,, eotno boJy ipraii Ilirotj-Ti tbi gate, or over it, and greeted lollio wjth the freedom of a oll acqualntaocö... 11 was a?mcrry fed young gentleman '"with tluo ' Cvc and brown vurl. " " '' ' '.' .j-ly respect to the dragon," isll' the cew-eouier, bowing to' tho liouae with great di fereuoe. "My repcia to Wilklos atiJ your unfoi'nmte lirm, How ho 1 bucomaletaed1, with Üg opportunity of ecing you?" , , ,", , . ' . Auntie and Mr. Wilklni irö at a lea- parly,' and Jsna'e gone to a pruyer-ment inj-, , Hurry, Tum, Coiuq down( In the garJen, or aoiiiebotly'll bo eure to ico'jou,' I'vp locked up the house. , Ywu can atay til) lust half paat'clgM," A, , A' A f;l)ne- hour. Momently expecting that thefdragon wilj fall upon me. J dou't oare if she doci." , "Stop calliuß bec'a dreeon. To'mt'and don't j talk so, if you havo any, pity .'for IM0." : .. , , . ' Qttl tragic!.; Excuse, me for' laying ao riere ' we bavo been engaged a year, and you frown If.I bow. to you on the strnet; jail, acareely , let bo ilow.'m Lead near tht. bouse, and you won't Lear of my speaking to your aant. : if 1 walk pt hffc, I discovcr 'Miss Tolly glaring out of thg parlor wludv, or Wilklua squiatio- , iivuiv, wu iiuT riicuioua an luin ici from tlie frontdoor. W I look at you twice in church, I'm thfuuljfft of Mira l'olly'i furious attention. Now, I say it's ridicuL ouVr-Tm ot Gorgoa l'm aircpfect allo young oati, at leuit i'ilwaya thought ao. Caa't you po and tell your aant jod want tu get married, if yod don't tliok I'm competent to arrange tuatterj?'' "Yuu'know I would if I dared, Tom hut aunt ia dreadful. I do try BOiaetirnen, but I ean'tj really I can't." ' - t- - - "What'a to Tifeveni? Will iLfr füUb end to y oar vx'utenoe, or that you upon tread and trilcrH : '- ' ' Khe'd disown mo, Tom.! - She'd cat tue off with a ahillincr aud sever hcartuy name pfoken ajrHin." ' -'"' ' wou't five, beside bestowing . try naae upon jOu. Come, that'a an ofTr!" I will not pive the convort.ation in de tail. HuCüoe it to aay that it waa nearly nine o'clock heu Mr. Hull, having ex bausted all hia arguments without fTect, ifioally became indignant, and determined to depart. lie was making' one final ap peal to ' Mollie, who, Kill unconvinced, and lacking in courage,- tut Kolbing on the bench before him, when they both heard the gate closed softly, and taw, dim ly, two figure turning toward the garden'. 'Mercy on ud' exclaimed Mollie, in terrifiüd aerents. 'Tom the pear-trees!'' Helore Tom quite knew what he Waa ibout, be had followed Mollie, or had bee idrazired bv Mollie. under the nhadovr of the tree, and wa atjtioned behind a Üouriahiog clump of rbubird plants Thia w,a proceeding!" he be ran, then feoddenly chocked himself to- listen, ' The voire were very near them now, and a moment 1 after ' another miserable couple nated thenmlrei in the same bench which the coueealcd ' sir had left so utitermoiiiously. ' . "Vooi little Mollie,'rfuid Jin'e-', moürn. folly, 'lanciug back at ' the j dark. houe, She' gone to ltd, Jon jr ego, 1 dab tayi I wish I wss as happy aa 3Iollio.' 'J0h what would she think of me, if she 'kft'ewV' "Think?" replied the voico oT Mc'Ly man Klli. "I own, it vouldnt" be; Very ayrceablc to bo dicövercd jurking about the bou-e in this fujhiou, but it' 'you wilt allow me toco to' your'.aunt to morrow morning and tell' her I .wish to marry you,' she could think or say , nothing unplea. ant, Yuu are sacrificing your happiiicss and mine to a miserable enprice." i'our aunt ha pens to have a pr, judicci against marriage, and so'yoa'promise' yourtclf to remain ringle till nhe die." . . . ' " i Oh don't speak ao. I vrro Aunt l'olly pyery ,th inl and let. dejithr wijlj bo,Jho greatest uif fortune in the world to mc.' . , ,'!A1I 'tho benefit fir tho woill give her no right to-dtctuto in a mauncr like this. 4;I know.v,:,.:, . !,.. than eonsider me' a littleyoq consider her ho much let n.a .coma, here to-morrow and,spek to her plainly." r i "O, I dareii'tf ..Uh.'Lyjnan.' what; shall I do? There aba cjniaa now.".. , , In fact two more figures uvre discern ible coming thonuh the gtto," unmistaka bly the, figures of Mi$,,oliy ,and Mr, Wilkin, ., They seemed iq ni hiirry to ea in, but stood leaning over the fence in 'ue moonlight and, talking. Presently- eh dwnalrous., movoruout! they wecueeen sauntering slowly toward the garden. ... ,'VVhat shall I do?" gasped Jane, Igaio, In the very extremity of terror. A, . , . "Uoma under the;ahade," eaid,MrlCl lis. "She won't perceive us.',' , ; . In a moment tliflyjwere crouching sa close to the retreat of their fellowiutTer era that the recumbent. Mr. Hall could have touched Mr. Ellis's co;it-taila. , tn , "This moon i delightl'uir' was tho first remark of Mies l'olly' that reached their ears.. " ' 'It L!" responded Mr. Wilkins. lluru --It is. ''Enchanting.' " . "I love to walk by moonlight," ' " "It make me quite hum lad lone some." . . , , . ' "Ahl" laid Mis Illy, sympatblxlni-ly; "I hum feA as if I hadn't ' a friuud Irt the hum tho world' ' - "That'a etrange" Miss Polly stopped to gather a rose "when you have ao many." s , ; "You arc hum mistaken A , Hum I haven't one." A , ' . 'Im sure I'm your friend, Mr. Wll. kins," suid Mins l'olly, speaking lower, and putting tho rose beforo her luce. Mr. Wilkin immediately hecmo!bo wildcred In a desert of ''Huma," he lium hum he wished llio would - It U m ah he wiabed ho' could hum believe if." ' ' . ; a . "I should think you mlght,M rejoined Mint l'olly, "when I say it.' 1 'Suppose the thought of your tail liappincsi ii rather trying,"1 she conlinned. ' "Hutu 110. I hum Pnüld Wallum happier than I hum ever wan.""'.' Mndred!" . ' I hum oMura you. If-lf you- lium thought so' . ' 1 , 'I)oiiil" rxotaliued. Ml l'olly. MU member your Ihlok. of Mii. Wilkin dead and gono.V 1 ' ' , ' ' ' ' . ; Mr. .Wilkin was io abashed by'tblk outburst that ho ald nbiolufflly' faOtfalapf for five minute. MU l'olly got out of patience, , A. ' 'You woreu't congenUl," alio laid. "I see. Ah, thut i trjlngt" , . .Mr. Wilkin wa botrajed' again,1 and declared ho "Hum haver know what hum congeniality wa till hum till latelyi Would ahe lium hum let hlta lay so?'" -I-'-'' . .i ..... . "Don't ipeak tome!" exclaimed Ml Tolly,' sinking down on tho tuuoh-enduring ufneh. 'I'm a disiraoo to myself. Uht if those girl should hear thU, what touuhl they y?" 1 1 , Those glrU! There wr iuoh a merry ihout of laughter behind her! It periled forth upon the startled Oars of MU Tol ly and Mr.' Wilkin's, frightening them nearly into fit ' When they recovered a little there were Tom and Mollio on one sido, Jano and Mr, Ellis on tho other, tho laut two looking vcr surprised. In an inntant MollicU ar:: sro,rouuil bcr aunlli iicjtk, and the was erjJog.H.jji We'll. '.any you're. thait!.rsaj t aupUf .'BmagniniiOous.V putii Tor, fie j ICH U 111 IUMIIH "VU UM, it- I Jj ! VAnd are all' equally, cul. able,', suV joined Mr.f Ell!., . i , - l .', ii Misf.'Tolly tWbittlesea,i a,wier.,wof maiiaf l ahQuldot have wri.tcq about her if th hadn't bee wise. Arid ,,hetr, ,at)e law that Fate favored bcr desires a ho did tot try to undo 'the doings cf.Fatf. For reasons of her own,.abe; I ii determined to. try her fi)luues njatr: unialljj1 and when f hai'oitid her niece' i liced ,tlus ll-'O hh.9 sgreev'Jo let the- " ? along witl iretseru- ' - " ' ' i' . ' l.!-. ample nd precept would t fa..a.,.' t-.. other,, Oh. acute Misi , Foil) 1 Thua it bsj pened ;that three weddings, too place jo one day . ."--.I r ..'ri I 10 TElUilPEji A Thatkiffiyicg Söoß for 1863 . . . . ! i i ... t COL. t. i. MISEDITH.- I . . J'. C j i I JU From tba JCw Tark.Sao J 7 n ') Ring sat, f'ad y bell, 0' lad od o'ar R'tjhi la triumf Unt, 7 i.M ' lb Kitiiu la fraa. .tT 1 iThonder.OtaanoDt ' W Jd! Net Ti waa oar tr4, : .. .' ; Tt raltbfal ftav eonqvprtd, , . .fi.t ' . A Aseofiqucrttty mut.' ' ') ' . -w't . - M -'! iil-A l" , , St tha dramf f ally, V 'An4 taoat, Lojal Uanit A. UV,1) Iha ChUr of our Aimy .( I i Ja Cbtr or our LdJ.' ' ' I .'J I mi '.,'! . I-I.'l'l tl 11 t. ' '!,... , : Ilia luulto khall ba,' " ' ' ,J . ''Staad Tat and (d1 aata, ' Jt '-nil " ; i Caan EixcmiI";i Pu-i .j-iitrt W Aa' tt.a rreewtndsj: 1 At"l i ,1 Old a'lsf, eo laf rires; lAjti I" ., (04 it sncMdfptJi Mdi ... ,. f Jf r . , Swaat atara from jo' fiaarend ",' ' ' i i .i . I - i ..... i Uli I l i'Ufh,JiktQlogaalcetrt. . t ' ' Tail tha aatioaiabroJl,J,1",', l -' Tliia aveple I ld i) -'I " " -1 ,U lly th baaJ of V iordj ,rj .'' cCaani, Sua of Autuca; . )tii. .' t.: i i.'i tt !l ii ii f . I ; a aar gioaaert bav t"i. it j fi jw " ' "i'lio IlArvpil goU houia.' . ml y.t. i , fi.. IIa n j.r llt.n.a.'ä ' J.;)!i ' And tenderly ibed " ' Tl.t vadlauco aber luuibaf it.; I. ii. toil ,r Vir glorious dad , i ..Ji Iluat, i word, ia jail icsbuardV i'or won ia tba Ifbtj i. Oraatand Colax arlioiaiii " 'ÖoÜJd rri taa right. fag,7f lea joy.bslls,; . , I.iami(y oeari'i '" '. - ' ;-..Mt ii it ,,I i - b-.f " Obrotbar t xtatn banAa la. i .-' .XaaakfgUiog ai f.aea J , JJHll, 'Influcnco of Newipaperi. A. 'aohool teacher,, wbo haa leeb tftgag. d for a long tima io his profession and witK'cssed i the influence.; of a5;. newspaper upnn the D.iud of a fauiily bf children, writes as foliowe: .(': j :, t uio.fJiw : 1 have found it to bo, lie .aniyersal fet, without , exception, that tlioeo scholar oj both texetj,. audf 11 ogef, who have ao cess tp n6wpa'pers 'at', ' When com pared f tliose who have not,- nrc,.-'', ') A'l.i!"Het!,er readers, ex iö! lent in "proiuo ciation,1' and ; conseqaettlly1 reaJ1 tin'derl standingly.': :' '.M:ti , o.-'t ;''2:M They H letfir ipellcrs,' ind define' words with easo and afcenracy.1 ';o .;.'j 3.'" They obtain practical knowledge "-of geography iri alarost' half the time it re quires of others, k's Hhe ' hewspaper haa made' them acquainted with the' location of the important; places'of hitioasi,' their gotcrntiienta acxl "doings' otthe lobe. ' ' ' 4i They are(tetter grammarians: fof having bcqotne so' famllTur with every var iety" 'of style in the- newspaper?,' from the commonplace' advertistneut to the finished and ' classical 'oration 'df the statesman,' they more readily comprehend the mean ing of the tcitt; and constantly aualyt its constrdctioti with Vccuraoy.''' ' '':i''":"'V : 5. ' They write better com'positionsos ing ' better .language, i containing'1 bore thoughts; moro clearly 'more connectedly1 expressed. '," - X"' ' , Those 'young men who hate for jean been readera'of the newspapcra aro alwajs taking the lead in delating societies, ex. hibiting a moreoxtenstve knowlcdge upon a greater; variety tif subjects, and express iftfr; their views with ) greater fluency,1 clearness and correctness in the usO of language. ' ' u" '.' ','' '," ' ' ''''' ' Tlicre I a landlord loUJoifo'n who U In the habit of placing an extfw-forTo'aure the plate, of such boarder a have not paid up promptty-lclhj in U titiiiition tu"ibrk sh.'e-wasa) : t i c , A IT lAIr educated' fijnsthla liiirtia' whero In the northwent expose for' sale' a roan hore,' "or o' InuHi thereof a may1 be noeossary" to Satisfy the judgment. Jl " ' i. . n 1 . , . i. ,'i.i '.'"I'm ifttln on tha' atylc, Miry;'' fild the' envious yoah 'girl, u he ' plntigud down ou hcrnUtcr' It a and fuathcr. - ' . "llafleet1 bVfore yoVnot.ut wen tho KuilS forjöUoti cotiie; ito'r) ihlnkln;,,; 'waa 4 jaxttW ef Cienerat' Jacksnn;' ! "' :'"' --'-' -J -f Mti'i L "EAttt.r It(MNrl.-aTMei nOflWO ipflflt Vo stupidly a that' whleUM uased in a in orn In jf, between alecpin 'and waking; He whu ia up maf to at wark, e'r dm Ing tilmselP, he who t asleep1 1 rrfeWM; the' refreshnienr fleee-niry' to fit- hltif Tor action; but the hour spent la dftalng'and lumbering are waited ' wtthoni either pleaaure or profit. 'Tho loorfer1 you lenve your bed the soldorner'yoii will be oonfin ed to it, ' - '' . . : , 1 lllfW II HI i,i ' ,j I i Good Xewa froui the Arotia llegiona- ir.ii.., ...... tana am I i .i i,i !... i ,., i ,. l .1 ! 'I ' I Dr. Covert iayi t'l 'UctrTnienfiil to health for a U-djf to wear black' stocking on winJy-day.f; AA'','.V' 7, J lady Inr LeavenWorth bai tl)ten on a new-fashioned Urecian bend, and hcrbua band haa been ort' "an old Caabioned Attiprlofttt lutntrt." V " 1 1 !. yi!X'tf, ( epubllcaV ''tafe'! CVommttee'.. of XoulMioa'iaVe ihs'utd an.'addr'eaVngra tüfatii'iK ,he' loväl .le'of that' Slate on 'the election of Ijenera era t rant, od explain, InV 'to', the Conerer and. people of the .United States 'ihe1; cad?e' Vf the failure 'pf the," IlepubrijCaiiii pf iJoufstana lq '.o.'e t the late' election. The' committee' Irury say. ,tha a majority of the Oteia ofXu Uuna pref,creld1Ue,ueral Urant to bis Dem ocr'at'ie oppojient,' and J.hat rnö(,vi;ötence bad 'teen Ued 'to prevent a' frce ,and' fair feclion,"th'v electoral . Vote of the btale would utidouWvdly have lfcn given' to the former.. I'he) I h.OW ,lha( jn the psjisheil of Concordia, j Jaat9i end Ibfrville, wle're nö fcnotisio existed, the I'cpullieen ,.1 v r ,.ri trt (n(1 rirttry of J" - I I I ... I I i : iut one uunurta lit' v.- . eighteen '.thousand, and in the parUh of pt. hn bdry where more than two hundred begroci .were killed during the month of October," not one Ilepublican vote was cast although 'the name of two thousand i'e publicune 'jrere on the regitdry of that parish, und that in each of the. psriahes of Uov'aicr Morehouse and L'add'), with cacli a 'registrition of about two thousand Ee publican , voters; but one Itepublicau vote waa' cast..' y ' '' A,A .', -Ar "'l'TLe Committee further remirk: ''The 'extent of the violence and intimi dafiort', 'which have been ucd, and, the number of murders wluph havo been COfU niitted to insure tliu' result, will probably hover te" known, ondcrju' be' imagined on ly,)b th'oie.J Who' know tl-fl pruelcM esti Vnation ln .which our colored cit'uans held tlieir'.Rewly acquired liglits'of Cittze (tail ip and frau'ctiise.' ' ., , ' " ' ,. , 'I hero ,rjeed ba no question a to what 17 " J and cla8a'o( ciu'tons aro, responsible for' the, riots and jiim'ults which have di graced purfet ate'. ' f' Col or e d a b d whit e . iti publica nsf IjaVe bee; almosthe only' vic t irns; ! Jiu n d re'ii s, o f ,tli e m ' Ii a t e bee n , k 1 1 led to one of their; poliIi-al opponents.'. Ouly Kepublicari' churches, school( bouncs, club ripmi abdjrcMijcncea have been sacked by theso lawless, mobs, .Oyer njo're than half the, aa of '.lne'Stato peaceable ; political meetings j.of JlepubfioHn have beeu 'pre vented or disperiteJ i.'foiiiine'nt Ilepubli Sah killed or dilven "from theirhomel, and a, reign of terror jtiaugurated unsur- assed( by that (vf tho rebellion, . Armed liod of Democrats, freauently disguised. have , patrolled the road in' the. country aiid the streets r'pf our cities, commuting ii'umterlesa outrage! and killing llepub lican with.'entiro impunity, Colored ex Soldiers' of ihe k TJnited tutcs have tcco robbed 'of the arms which they carried in tho"icld and', purchased )f tlie T Un tte3 States ' govern rn.ent; anS (olorcd Eepubli Citn have been 'iraimcd' in uiot of.ihe parishes of Ihe; Statti, and in' not one in stance 'haye lawjcf baud of wliites been depriyed of 'their, arm' ', ' . . ; . ' , T he, par ia V of i n t , Dv' r n a rd a ffo r Js I fair illustration "of what has occurred in many pthvr parishes. ( t I nhat pat Ish the blacks 111 letl . but, one 'while' msp, while the whites 'killed'lhrty vp colored men according '"tp Dem'öcratio'aüthortty, add probably bjOre than fifty. colored men, nod otie white exUriited'tates soldier, wbo waa'aetinitiaaD'ouiver.of'tlve peace; nev- i ertbeJeS'S tho blutks have beeii ".disarmed,! and in tlie presence of United States sold iers, while armed while desperadoes have beeri allowed to patrol the parish "Colored ben- Laveleen' robbed in numberless instancea of their bard earned luoneyj provision! and clothing by armed patrols .of (Democrats, clajming to be ,"con serya'fjora of the publio pcace." In Saint LandfyJ' Wash I n g 1 6 ri at ri d ' many other pariahed'atmed band of Democrats kill ed many Hepublicad canvassera, and drove the . other? ; from , their ,panshp. They robbed . colored men of their .ltepublican ucxeis, anu wan violence ami tnreaia drove - them to tho polls, and forced them, in ;perll of their live, tö Tote the Dcmo- erati ticfltt,: --'i r. . . ;'.' v 1 It is also evident that fraud perpetra ted, by 'Democrats' in casting and count, ing thounaod of illegal Domocratio votca aro unparallelled in thö history of .Louisi ana, ond aro sullicicnt alvtio to invalidate the election in mauy(looalitio. ; . ,,. ; ludi'putttbte, eyi lotico of , all the facta vo., ulK'go will iuou bo laid bvl'ore the pub lic, and Oongres, will bo asked not to al low pur opponents tu reap ad vantage from their law Ions aud wicked not.' ; -("The In Silicat of, pf theae fiots and to uitilU'and pcrperralori öl'tlicse nunibcrlef outriges and murders aro tou numerous to bo generally reached by tba .civil law, aud like the perpetrator of ti l "July mlisa ero' they wilt probably . rcap merited puni'littiorif, but att! llasitrlng and just (Jod and the tiivilixed wotld will boll them responsible ' for sota which haw dUgraced theChrtattiiriity, civilitution and muiihood of this age.' L'hivutry, Courape and man lincsf lend mm to liofend ' iho innocent and' protect . the WOitk; hot tO OutmgO tl)0 lawa il. tieii anu man . liy . aanailing the unprotected und iliin the ilcfcnarloaa, ,'i - 'The Dt'tnoeruth "party I responlblo for tho Jterrlble"wrorg we lvo eoomer a'ted and tho prtjieiit 'condition of our Stato." It-pruHvand vta'ors, and many of iti 1 Inding Uiün hve Invited, encour- ajed nil t'dtiitiiendod forcible resUtuhCU lü laws, antl tho "ottistilutad oll'ieera of the law; 'Dj' ineutidinry ii'rllee and harran gues,'aid ty jierafiatnt mUropreHöntation anil( fsNchond, they have Instigated law lrssnes,' rlnta and tniinlcr,'and Inflamed the bad paslon of the people until this illy and 1 Htuto were on the verjje of auar chy jnd eivll war' i ! ' . . ""The twolt known; condition of Louisi ana for -wevkl prior to the l'rldentlal election i suluslent to ' lubstsntiate the atati'ment' made 1 trt the address from whith wo havo quoted.' ' ' W taktf It tor granted that a proper priori tri Hon of the f.ict will result in the rejection of the electoral vote of Louisi ana lhyCongVfl,-"',and a refusal by' the House of IifprohUtlvos to admit tho tiieV thiniing1 to have' bcon clovted to Cougtc Iii that 'btate, ak the pitUudcd and' fraudulent election held, on N'otetn-VerJd.-fJouroAl.' ' " " " ' ' i.vr f ijr Falling Xiareav T ' iTk-. .T arafalliae, Uly (alHog,'; v , '1 Bf.oa (h ( ctdo, . i ' avattd irom '.b aobl branoka ; Whsr tbv wavad ia baatceei prii. Thr ara falling la the a H ear ilia arljr vioUta aj-riaf. And tba Mr I luuny prtog-tiue .jjiortlialr.fimoatjWiialo ilaa;. i- They ar falUeg, ftdly falling, , . Clot I'tilda our cut Uga duor; rV Tal a ad fadKl Ilka it lo?d aar' ', . a.tP torevermora, '" Tby ara f Ving, ao d tbt lonbeanM ' r-bl.f In tauty oft aroand . . ' Yat Ibe fd'l laavaa ara fl)i(, ' " its ? ' Falling ob the woiy ground. ... . ,sk i ..... . . Tary ar ratltaf on tha atrcawlet, ,, ' r 'Vbr tha atirar wataraCow, I itfion th'IrplaflJ boaow ' - "h tb' - - , nf le um.. . L I n d r . ITunra Hie idia wiud of ta feofil o'ar tba loVad ona .et-, Ibey r fullieg, sver f-t!ii g, W karatha aauiBicr brettts !gb, . , T hria tb itara in bauty glitten lUIgbt urnn tba uiidnig til fVy. '' Tbey are faliiog wheo tba teufe(t Miiidi lika ocn' bollo roarj 1 VT hail tba toctful windi and billowa ' v "Sadly ligb fvrTertuoro, t) J' , Thfy ara fallin:, tbey ara failing, bit oar laddoaod bcarta tili ga ' To tha funny dayaof rbtldhood, ( Jn the dreitny long goj 'i Aod thtr fdad bo ramlnd a , . ., Of tbt Ir b'aitfd hpi and drtatni, ' ' nded lika tba faded leaflala 'I;. Cast opon the icy stream. ', . Presently.' ' "" Never say you will do presently what your reason or your conscience tells you should be done now. No man ever ihap ed hi own - destiny or the destftiies of others, wisely and well, who dealtin pres ent! ie. , Look at natute. ..She never post pones. . When the time arrives for the, they oren for the leaves to fall, they, fall. ' Look upward. The eliining '"world never put off their: risings or their setting. ; The commeti even, er ratic, aa they are, keep their appointment-; aud eclipse tiro always punctual to the minute. There are no delays in any of the movements of the universe which htvc been predetermined by the absolute will of the Creator, Procrastination by the Star might o vqlve the destruction of in numerable systems; Procrastination in the operation of future on this earth might result in famine, pestilence and the blot ting out of the human race. Man, how ever, bei'ug'a free agent, can postpone the performance of hia duty; and be doe ao, frequently to his own destruction. The dratt drawn by indolence vpon the fu ture are pretty, sure to be dishonored. Make Now your banker." Do not say you will' economize presently," for ' prer-eutly may be bankrupt; nor that you will re pe u V'a nd'txiakeatoneruentpreaeotlyfor jrc.iieiitty you ,n:ay, be judged. Dear in mind the important fact, taoght alike by the hi.iory of tiotions, rulers ind private individuals, that in three caeca out of five preicntly Is too late., j . . , ' . ' ii - ' , -. v' j Always Happy. . ... -i 'Art Italian bishop itruggÜDg through great ditScultiea .without ' repining, tuet with, much opposition, in 1 his. episcopal functions without betraying the least im patience. iUne. of hia intimate ; friends, who highly admired those virtues which ha Uhovghi it impossible . to imitate, once aked the prelate if be could impart the secret; of being always easy. ''Yes,'' re plied the old man, "I can . teach you my secret, and with great facility. f ltconita of making a right use of my ejes." ilia frienl begged, him to explain himself. '.Most;, willingly,": returned the bishop. 'In whatever state I am, I first look up to beaten, and remember that my prin cipal business is to get there, I then look down upon earth, and call to mind how mall a space I shall occupy iu it when I come to bo ibtcrred, I then . look around in the world and observe what multitudes there are in all respects more unhappy than myself."' ThnS 'I learn where true happiness is placed,' whero all our cares must end, and what little reason I have to repine or complain. . ' f ... ... j - To Take Mildew frorn Clothei. ' ' Mix aoft 'soap with powdered starch, half ua much alt, and the juice of a lemon; lay it on the part with a brush; let it lay on the i;rM day and and flight, till tie stain come out. Iron mould may here moved by the salt and lemons. Many alalus may be removed ; by dipping, the linen In Kottr buttermilk, and then drying it In a hot sun; wash it in cold water; re p'et this tiara b - on four tiniri. Btaha rau'cil by r.ita may bo retbovod by ty'ion Oma pesrUsh up in Utalncd part; aerap so'sp In cold wator, and boil the linen till the slain I gone. . : taa. aa.aa.-B. A dottor who, at the end ef a jlulo. SOph tea I profusion of anfaith, proclaim. s i hi disbelief In future exlletice, wua Ihn anawvred! "I am wot surprlaad, Duo. tor, it your niaicrUliam, gnd tbt you ahould think your patients tcu effectually, killed ever to come to life ugalu," To mnko a valuable speckled' dog tu!- Idtaprnuf. Mark Twain ' say, 4,Tske t-fl hi bile and line It with sheet Iron, UtiHsiuiron 1 the best, and I slicker and more 4 showy than the common kind Dog prepared in thia war do Lot uilnJ bulleti." ' ' ' I ...... . a ' m .n.i . - A X approve of a youth that haiiome thing of tlie old man in him, so 1 am no less pleased with ac old man that haa something of the youth. He that follows this rule may bo old in body, but t-ti nev er be io in mind. Cicero. ' .u. r Mr, Partington' nleie, upon -being told that in the country wbiro he resided they held court four timea a year, ex. claimed: "La me! why you ain't half up to the business the youag fellow bete com cs a courting three tiniss a week." , .t .... ii - i in i - i . 4 , What c-muv after cheese? Mice. 'v ale la a.l - w - - i -I'ataii a tar lieu tar t'.aa Ii I; i ,. - ;i - . 4 -. - - - 1 d la, aiariuniit will tu faUU'.xJ til.. 7 darai oat J aataJ s"9tl.j'j, , , 1 , ". L '.'' IM" " J .,A Tn:kavyUH Youn3r:i. '"' . M.cra i il)l ,roorj ,encv;j rj hil.rr said ; Walaler and , o 'tlit. . I, It'sT iler to be ä f rst-t-Usa ecbUit C.j a t L i i J-claaa lawyer.' . TUrfix C:j pleasure in it and ver. eioney.: . t the.'l'food trade'' that - niakra mra :v but tie good underatandiog of the t. . bume would be poor all their Ktis ... I yet worV'at lie Ltst tisd in' its, .-.f'.T; they den't and-:rjUBd it, and ti?:, never wilt. . .'1 bey. toil caUopin cos, lien the ork i a. direct aut'on Ism ititi their whole being. 'A" i!i ,r'I'do' cot beliivo in giv'i t g t p l. v 1 1 until ww know it'tnuat g -jwnn batwif we cviumenco I'. work and .Cn-j cu-tlr-a wholly unfitted for it,. and, after a ,'-'T ough trial, can see no shadow of a.-. .. in it, we had better try some oiltr. 'All a . aa '--' r t rorn with power to' ririorru ' ' -t it is r"jT- jeudeavor to find our plaoo. . .. ! ot'raclves we thall know' tor -cisti ja:,r ! we dd not, poor buecea is'iucvU.ty )Z.;1, I ere hot how muih'a tijati U-a'y atuiy and experiment, it tiieehanism is 'nctl) ' hi head, it cannot coiue Wt.' " V' tt'.i f i J, bovs, it elow businets growing puiaf a on Kjuaah tioesT - - '-Ann ira .;; Agatn,"wa can' hot Well bV Crtt iti l.r than ono occupstioa "or prvfesatbaiiVfclta a man tells me ha a dci;u trsde?',! knew' very' well be is hiastr of rbrf.' Partner mati waa' creulf d but n lill'o ' lowif X;.aA the angils, tuf, tip - tlie ivtblnj If t-0 writing of thia, be has1 nit IrCou. o Cd nipOtent or' omfilsCienS is to do,f jroStai bly, more than orte tblng et ati&eV -(IJc?--cver, at the "expreß rate of pvntesa of tie American people, I expect he is "alacrt there.'") Then,' boys, study ' -yenrVclCrf; choose your work, and if it susiafirtt yon, -njova ouj bid de&anca .to . all obstaclea, don't surrender to .phtintoms they will ' ever challenge you; fiht it out on so tu' lino, "if it takes all summer ' and the next aucm.4r. Itdependecde'nce in the fruit ef uever-depairiwi perseycrinoe.. r i Our boats are beaded up the river, and justsr sure a we drop the oar so. sura we .will Boat down. Keep 1 rowing,1' boy keep rowing! I know it's a bighty current for some to stem, aud tho boat mtTclowly, but sometimes btiltaaUtt are reached where they can rest,v ,. , . r . I know of oo. bft'er rule for a jbung man, an old man, or a woman to follow, for success, for Lspplness, an 'or frierstl. ship, than ,tbe.: old imperatUa; sdse--r Mind your own business: . Keep vour own secrets, and iu the cud jou will haTa more and warmer friends. Everywhere you will meet villians wearing the lllery of men.; There is no better place! for the study of. human nature than oo the.: rail road. There you meet t every thjnhe wise, the foulish, the good and .the Jtaof. I have met men there who, at first 1 "li'gßt seemed to be oil civility :all.honkry,)a&sl all wisdom; but on atloser itudy cf words and acts, they ( proved, i, be rttno parts humbug and one part Ktbefo.'QUic,rate cf. idiot, patent riubt pcd Jler snd tiuiif ance. A' .; ""y 1 ' Dut, boyi.this lä becoming ia.' vrottder ful world. Evc'rjthifi is dean by ktearA, or at iteam preoUfe, j, When.. ,thakgrea Atlantic Cablo was being lowerpdt -it was oo all tongues a the greatest, project the world had ever koownAaud te wLo was the possessor cf - än iucti 1 piece -of -il.w twitted wire waa ..rieh in relict üowj have almost forgotten tliat there is-fucH a thing, The Picitjc iUilroad is center of attractio'n . npw, but in a. 'few yean that, too, will move Iu,thov',had,T oi aonie laignuer acnsui. .i ... . Fall Pruning Grspea. 's rai a tftt crnrfi urn m tpla v .ri n!o tt tVot a vines till spring. - This we -i think. aatbs4 practice. If they'wiah to make cuttjoV of surrounding doc,' they arc 'not 1 "ncsr1 so good as if uke6 'oil fit 'the' fall 'end carefully burned, or put Jtwy till prioj Tbc wood ia l;cquently so minh; tj'jnrtd, by the water ia not to grew in tbc spiioy. : But the wood left for produciog fruit i tiiuch Utter Tof being I ruoed In the fall', tt iamuch more eaoily protected,' as it rail readily bo laid down aud slightly tuvcrcie wi'.h earth, and if we have a acvcfq wjn-i ter tt i safe. In iccd, wo think tt would py to protect vif-O-mliNwavia our mildest winlci;.v-7'. ; w 4 ' , It U not fur the projection tT tl o vine alone, however, thatiwe rcconmiend fait pruting. , It i to strcngtliLMi to tb bud a, and fieri which are lett, .Many think that it will have no sui If . tllei t. HtU'if they will prune two vines 'hi tie famo ttiaiih'tr Otic lt Ihi fell 'M wü a th leave ail dcMroedby i Jroat, .the,. 4hrj tht lollvVltgplil'g. ,thfy ill ßtid lhq fallpiuned vlf.r Wfll be much more ,vgj otoua mid ptoductive t ho eimulng sunt h r. I U lne i not (Jtnd in tho wimtr." Dt ro a cootlhda to liiib I'immI, thsah, of tolirr, In ii uvU ! lar. qitantiiy., lhai 1m: iMiaikcr. lliU tiutiii'Hiithu absojtti,' ia di.H ihutvd tin ouJ'ut 1 1. a vine, .Alt Iho bud aiv mote or U bctivfittcd.'bat fcv the buda ivtnou.t iVoui lbe rooia kltijir receive Ike f rist-ipnl ftvd tit -ap,.tby art llictt liMiieliUrd. N,ty J luniffg in lie tall, all tbt U saved iu the lud slid Clue Hr bsVV Uli lot Ij' Hlio, It W tl'jilU)' thia prlfudple wit Uii)s pruno In fll 'br' wlnior fir wood. ' )ty Buam.rr piuning wa' check und giweih;aa all kow, .,, , The bud thlii Jtft III tffome strengthened by the spathy have teriv cd during the wTtiter. They wilj push eat ty and f iuoruu-ly in tho aptlag; hd If well carsd for,1 will (Might tkt'ya'ot'' the lehotdera with large llualtrs n.i ,U. tiou fruit that thev prtxluce. iWral! I World,' I i 1 1 i o- t , ,rt .. i rt I , : tv.-jvr.r .' .4 ! Haptiat. llK'lht t '.'I. d'i't lik; . )(iUi chunli iio.HMti.iiit.., I hu't uavfJav fiionU. J hero i loo tuUtth. tvlia,yi bbi'Ul it." . . . ; . .1-, -.ii ... ;.,, .. Metht'diat J'irathrr "It ä f ,tiif (aut l.avo machietry, about it, tlunjoy;; but thun, yuu m i1, it dou't . take u tmivU. wa'cr tu luti it.". ... . ,i .;i.,i.( Traaiaatarar(,u paid for la advsere. i .11