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rTBLIsHED' IYIIT fMDAY BT OrlX. D I N O II AH, Proprietor. V 0283 la Ute IXtUonU StBk SaUdiof, V1 .,.! - ; S.1.--.I - A TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! $2,53 PER YEAR, i lav.-. ; :., 53,03 ' I CT AID 1 ADVAVCK Nb postage on : papers dsTFvered within thil County. ' ' ' ' ; ( ' ADVENTURES OF HENRY HUDSON. .1 BT ABBE SAQX, -Those children , who, bm tailed from New York city up the ... Titer, ; which is .sometimes called theIIodoo, od some times the North IUver, will remember how beautiful a stream it is, They, will . re call the banks oa each, aide, tfoedwith handsome country-seats and lovely gar dens: the pretty little tillages which the railroad runs through: the hundreds of sailboats, ships and steamboats which go up and down day tod eight; and the life and bastle everywhere. I im going to Uli you. about the man. for whom. this river was named, and describe to yon -what sort of a rl " h-" hz.2zi aod C -J 2. w- - : Henry Hudson was the name of tthe famous dufpverer, -lie was boro in Eng land, and reared to follow' the sea. The aim of all the captains of his time and indeed for a century before himhad been to discover a abort route to India and China, so that they might not be ob liged to sail a loop distance to trade, for their teas, aod coffee, and. spice.: They had to nil around the Cape of Good 11 ope; and thus the distance from London to China was about twenty-one thousand miles. If they could find a passage through the - American Continent, it would be only nine thousand miles. ' So, iu 1C07, Henry Hudson sailed to eee if he could find a passage straight -across the North Pole into the Pacific Ocean. Of course, he didn't succeed 'in this; but he was persevering, aod his 'failure did not prevent his trying, agaiu .and again. After he had made two voy age for some English merchants, they thought they couldn't afford to risk, any more ships in such an undertaking; and then he offered himself as captain of the .Dutch Kast India Company, in Holland -a company of very rich tradcra with the .Kast... They fitted him out again, and in 1C09 he sailed on a third voysge. ' This tinie :he touched the shores of North .America further south than ever before, lie an chored first on the shores of Maine, which was then a great wildern of tall , pine, trees. Then he sailed all along the coast of New England, which looked very lonely and bleak, fur thin was thirteen years be fore the Pilgrim landed at 1'lyuioutli Kock, and there was nut a single white man on all id shores. So Hudson sailed woutbward lo New York Uay, aud then up into the harbor, and then into the uioutli of this beautiful river. Ii u t Lis mind was so - full of the Pacific Ocean, which he was always hoping la find by getting round some corner of this conti nent, and coming suddenly into the open tea, tbil lie persuaded himself this great rivrr waa only a channel which led into this imaginary sea, from which he could sail into the Pacifia and go atruiUt over to China. ' ! This scents very absurb to us now, every little piste upon our, a hole :lobe ia laid down upon the mups. Put Hudson did nut have such mups. He was one of the men who ' by their ?(- coverics, have helped us to tuako them. Two hundred so l fifty the great sca-csptaius about stroarsphy, years ago, 1 even tittle new vary . Well hi mailed up the pleasant river, in the pleasant uionin of September. All along the banks where tiuw are the fine couuiry houses and the pretty V illumes, were lud; au wigwams, and fields yellow ' with Indian ooru. Aud ' the savages, Looting and yelling, trooped to the shoru lo kit iho big culiuc of the pulo faces sjuil hy Pretty soon the Indians bcean to ven ture to the ship, bringing corn and otherj vertahlcs in their boats. II udson gave) them, iu return, szes, and knives, vndj shoes, and cotmi cloth. Ofeourse, these! were all cutiohitiea to the wild people of the forest, aod they hardly knew what to do with them. The next time they cume to the ship, the chiefs had strings of ahots around their necks, aod axes and abhes strung shout their girdles as orna ments, just as they wore chains of beads and wampum. ... At first the Indians were friendly; but no matter how pleasantly the while men and savages began by being, they were pretty sure to cud in fighting. So it Lapseoed ia this case: and in askirruish they killed one of Hudson's oldest sailors. The others buried him on the shore, and Jtift him there close by the river he had aided to diicover, and where its gentle waters ebbed and flowed over his lonely grave. ' ' t When Hudson had got up as far as the spot where the city of Albany sow stands, he found Lis supposed channel had grown 'narrower and narrower, until here he was altogether atopped. No looger was . the stream deep enough to sail his ahip. He sent boats on further; but they confirmed tit growing suspicion that, after all, it tvas only a river which he bed been ex ploring. Bo back ho sailed between the shores crowned with oak forests, or fringed with .fields of Indian corn, down between the rocky Palisades, which remain to-day Oiehaneed by the hand of. Nature or of tnan just as Hudson saw them so lonr ago, out into the Narrows, and back across the ocean to Holland. v You can set he was not a mm to be iafHad easily; ao it will not surprise you to hear that he set out on another vojsge the next year, 1C10. This time he "struck further north, and up into the ice region. First he lay to near the Iceland, which at night was covered with white mist. In the morning, when the cloud 'rolled away, be saw Mt. Hecli, her steep eitles glittering with snow, snd pouring oct fire and amoke from her huge crater, Thai frightened the sailors not a little, to see this toe mountain belchiag fire. i Thence they sailed round the southern eosst of Greenland, with its white cliffs standing bebind solid wall of ice, and over Into Hudson's Straits when Lis ships first sailed there, howover. They were unknown K, f, . , . " ' 11 W "" I I S I M ; V .". "THE UNION, THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE E NT D P C E M K N" T ' 0 F THE LAWS." ' VOL. 7, NO. 50. . BROOKVILLE, IND., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1808.;. WHOLE NO. 363. unoamel, wafers then; but. like the river, Were afterwards called Hudson ia honor of bis memory". .' " All about, here was ice whole fields, and cliff,! and mountains 'of ice. ' Some times thelr ahip went floundering ' around between the 'smaller pieces, ' which were broken np a little' by the 'approaching warm weather. Sometimes they were stopped by large icefields, which stretched as far as the eye could eee. ' Once in a white they moored their Vessel to aa ice berg', feeling it a kind of protection to float along in its company. Then the sailor) would take the water-casks, and fill them' with fresh,' sweet water from the hollows in the berg where the ice had mel ted. : . ' ' ' v-t fid to be very careful about . j iLus.- Occasionally another ice-mountain would come gliding along, drawn from by the tides from the Strait; and etricking againsC their com panion berg great portions of ice, broken off by the collision, would' fall, headlong into the Toaring sea. . So the ship must keep a good look out, or it' would get crushed to powder ' between the two ice bergs. And the noise of all these moving masses, striking sod dashing against each other, . was indescribable; and, added sometimes to the huwliog of the wind and the dashing of the waters, the seamen could hardly hear the loudest blast of the captain's trumpet. At last they got into the bay . which is now named for him; and the delighted Hudson thought surely he had found the open sea at last, through which to sail in to the Pacific to China and the Indies. He allowed the sailors to land on one of the points of land which stretched into the bsy, and pick sorrel and . 'something they called ."scurvy grass," which we-re the first green things they had seen since leaving home. . The wstcrs were full of silver-bellied whale snd smooth, shiny scats. The shores swarmed with herds of .deer, while snd silver foxes, and dreadful brown boars. They saw furry animals they had never seen before. The otter and beaver, and mink, and martin, and sometimes the er mine, with exquisite white mot, which kiogs were proud to wesr. This was the place where to-day hundred of ships go for rich furs, and where a gtcat desl of money has been tuade by those who deal in them. Hudson cruised about for threo whole months, from August to November, trying to find a channel out of this open 'sea which would lead to the Pacific. It crew cold and the crew began to suffer, .Some of his sailors were discontented bad men. One of them had corn mil ted a crime in his own country; and Hudson had taken him on board out of pity, to give him a chsnco to reform. And this ungrateful mnn incite 1 the others to rebel.. against iheir citptsin. . One morning, ns he came on dock Hud son was suddenly seised end bound Land and foot. What are you going to do with mc? : he said., , i !"Stop your Poise snd you will find out when you get iiitt the bout," cried the rutMan who tied him. They bouud him, ar.d threw him into a boat, launched at the ships side. Then they picked out alt the sick disabled sol diers, who begjred ill tho tiuio for mere, and put ihem aUo into tho boat. One strong and well msn alone said: Vt a ill go wilh my captain. If jou force me to stay with you, I will accuse you in Knglsud s murderers. So, though they hsd wanted his help, because he was a carpenter, they - had to let him go also. Then the ship sailed away, leaving the frail little boat eight souls on board of i t . I I .1 . ! . .1. .. . - . I ner aione in tue icyc waters, wiwtoui pro visions or shelter from the storms and cold. And after this wo rend in all his tory the sad words: "Awl (Uy wert neo- rt heard of afttrvsmli." Alas I for the brave Hudson. Let us hopo he bdoii joined hin brothor adven turers, who had died periling their lives aa he did, in that bleaaed heuven which so i'ompesitci tho iciest rrgijus of tho North as well as the fairest seas of the tropics. 'Where Is your house?" asked a trav eller in the depths of one of the old "sol emn wilderncMca" of the West. "House! I sin't got no house." "Well, where do you live?" "I live in tho woods, sleep on the government purchtso.catraw bear and wild turkey, snd drink out of the Miss issippi, and," he added, "it Is getting too thick with you folks about here. You're the second msn I've seen this Isst month, and I hear that (hero's a wholo family ecme in about fifty miles down the river. I'm goin' to put out ia tho wood agiu." The Humboldt Medical Archives tuen tions several cases of tetanus (vulgarly called lock-Jaw) which has beou success fully treated by a local application of chloroform to the entire sptnial column by means of cloth saturated with it, and evsporotlon prevented by covering the elotb with oil silk. The application waa made juit at the approach of paroxysm. Asa result of the application, the par oxystne was averted, and the patient fell into a calm and natural alocp. On feeling a returning paroxysm the same spplication was made, and the paroxysm again averted. For forty-eißht hours tho occasionally threatening tetaotio symptoms immediate ly yielded to tho spplication cl' chloro form, and the subsequent convalescence was very rapid, ' ' ' .. ' . , ArtauiNt! wit ii a Woman, "You must admit, Doctor," said a witty lad? to a celebrated doctor of divinity, with whom she was arguing the question of the "equal, ity of the sexes," "you most sdmif that woman was created before msn!" "Well, really, Madam," said the aston. iahed divine, 4,I must ask you to prove your ease." . That can bo casilj done, Sir. Wasn't Eve the first maidV " gilias Non-Continuance of the Freedmen'a Bureau. " A considerable effort has been making for some time from various quarters to in duce Geo. Howard to recommend the furth er continuance of the Freedmen'a Durcau, in the behalf' that bis recommendation would have' great weight with Congress, lie said nothing on the question in his annual report, but contented himself with assuming that the general work would close at New Years, and making recom mendations in that assumption. He has now, however, discussed that matter in de tail in a letter to General Drown; Assist, ant Commissioner for Virginia, and brings forward bis reasona forclosiog up sll but the claim, division and educational work, which the country will probably accept as conclusive against further continuace of the Bureau as a whole. His important letter is as follows: Washington, D. C, Dec, 1, 18C3. To Brevet Bttg. Gen. 0. Brown, Astittnnt Commissioner, Richmond, Va.: General I have carefully examioed those parts of your report urging the ne cessity of continuing the operations of the Bureau In Virginia. The reasons presented are worthy of grave considera tion. I bsve no doubt that a continuance of the Bureau in these States not yet re constructed; would, in msny respects, be beneficial to the freedmen. Put 1 do not think its continuance absolutely necessary, or adequate, without aid, to protect their lives or to seenre to them their political rights. The primitive object of the Bu reau, as I understood and interpreted the law, was to give relief in such a wsy ss to prepare the freed man for his new con dition; to aid him during the transition period from slavery to Ircedom, by a Uni ted States Apeney, presumed to be free from local prejudice; to protect him in the enjoyment of his natural and acquir ed rights immediately cousequeut on emancipation; to inaugurate und secure a system of free Isbor, and to foster aod de velop education. I thiok much has been accomplished toward this during the three years' continuance of the Purenu, and that we now ought, with the protection which wise h-gislstion has thrown around him, to give him a fair trial under its pro visions. It is very true that in many arts of the late slave States it is difficult tor the colored man to get juatico in the inferior courts. In many counties of all these States his rights are neglected or positively disregarded, Among certain classes a prejudice often amounting to ha tred, exists, which only time can eradicate. The conduct of this clues may bo rntruin- ed by the wholesome enforcement of law, but can not be rectified by the offi cers of this Bureau. This I1.11 been so clearly demonstrated in the States which havo been reconstructed. My of ficers and agents have hud very little pow er, when not supported by tho military or local civil authority, to protect tho excr- cite of the right of suffrage or other rights given by the new Constitution snd recent. ly enacted laws of the State in the unre constructed States. This protection can still be extended in a more summary way by tho military commander through his of ficers under tho authority of tho recon struction acts. All that U needed is a good set of officers with the right man in wo ui ui snd. In your State the admirable system of military commissioners, inaugurated by General SchofieSd, if carried out as des ignated, it seems to ine, will afford all pro tection guarrsntccd by reconstruction fsws or the several acta relating to the organ isation of the iiureau. I am satisfied that all tho wants in this direction, sug gested in your report, can and should be mit by the Post Commander, through or ders of tho Commanding General. In I'sct, that if the whole responsibility rests with him, he csn afford better protection than is now afforded, when tho responsi bility is divided between him and tho As sistant Commissioners. Tho Post Commanders, or other mili tary officers on duty in your State, can very properly be instructed with the same duties now performed b (ho Kcvcnuo of fleers. The distribution of rations in Vir ginia, for the last year, has been princi pally confined to ltichmond and the largo cities. The same necessity may exist during the coming wintor. (t is time that the civil authorities assume this burden. I am aware that they represent their in ability to supply the poor and aro prone to neglect the colored paupers. I am sat isfied that if their disposition to aid all, without, diitiction of raco or color, was equal to their means, there would be little difficulty in tho way. So long as the Pureau U continued, or the goncral government eonttnuos to sup port the pauper class, tho local authori ties will neglect to do so. Put if it is necessary, io order to prevent suffering, for tho government to continue a limited issue of supplies, this may be done through a military officer. The military comman der has also power, I believe, to enforce the support of the paupers by. the civil authorities iu counties which, In bis judg ment, are able to da so. I can continue the school work In Vir ginia, and energize iti operations with all the mesne at my command. This I bo lieve to be the wisest expenditure of the balanco of the funds dovoted to it by law that esn be made for the freodmen, and for those white children we can resell uo. dor the term loyal refugeos. Their ed-. ucation is more important than all else, and through schools we can reach the end we all seek, more directly than in any oth er way. I am, theroforo, aoxious to be able to expend as much- aa pos sible of the appropriation remaining on hand for educational work, rather . than use it for purposes whiob can ss well be accomplished by other means. I hope to give you all the aid necessary fostfceepiog up your sohoola. Tho officers left io your State for the work can continue to act as adviser and friends of tho freedmen, aod can exert as much, and perhaps more, moral influence than tbey do now. , I, The, number, it ia true, ..will be limited but the nature of this duty will necessari ly carry, item into" all portions of the State, and bring them iato direct and constant communication With the freed men. 1 believe none of us have wished to en graft the Freedmen'a Bureaii, as a per msncnt institution, on oar .government. This being the 'case', its substantial re moval can easily be effected now as at any. subsequent time. The, educational relief is doubly limited, first, by the small bal ance of funds devoted to this object, and secondly, by the prompt adoption of the school system by the several States . . Following a lojJ rccoastruction, a lit tle sid, such as the general government is now affording; in conjunction with the contributions of beuevoieut societies and freedmen' themsclvesj wirttey enough t to aeep live me pcuooi mviicii itu tue oiaie system shall actually replace our work, as has been dene already partially, in Tenues see. The normal schools, academies and colleges, will of course have to depend merely, as all such have done throughout our laud in the past, or private donations. They are, however, so important to bring up the standard of education, snd keep alive a general interest ta it, that I am anxious to give them this year every pos sible impulse. Very truly, yours, 0. O. Howard, Msj. Gen. and Freedmen'a Commissioner. Courting Our Experience., , Text: "A home on the rolliog deep." Header, have you ever indulged iu that interesting pastimo so much in vogue amontt tho human race, known vulgarly as "courting?'' If so, yoa can appreciate the feelings of a youth who has been through the mill and got "skeered," snd now feels like a "dorg" with its narrative suddenly abreviated by some wicked ur chin. Thereby hangs a TAIL. , We are a susceptible youth. We fall io love with amazing ease, and experience all the pangs of lingering death whilst troubled with the disesse. We adore the feminine por tion of creation in general, sad until a few days since, were uncommon sweet oa one in particular. She wss a "gushing child of uaturc," as "besutiful ss a but terfly," eto., eta., or words to (hat effect. We knew her but to love her, aJ haunt ed her by day and dreamed of her by night. "Oft iu the .stilly night" did we promenade through the streets with the charming creature hanging on t our. arm, and feeling as though sugar wouldu't melt in our mouth. Then would we dream of future happiness in store for us, and deem it "bliss iutxpressible" to be thus near her. Many sweet nothings we whis kered In her esr snd as she would roll up her eyes like unto a juvenito of the spec id lovino In id d)iug inofieutlur big heart would crawl up into our throat and almost strangle us, Ah! but those were indeed tho halcyon days of our courting. A change cumo over the spirit of our dreams, and at one fell swoop all our brightest and fondest hopes were dished to the ground and forovcr shuttered. One evening and when wo think of all that evening brought on us, we shudder and eure our fate that we wasn't born twins and our deur brother experienced it in stead of vs one evening ss we were say ing mc took our charmer out for t walk, and as wc strolled through the streets of the city we were hsppy. (low confident ly she hung on our arm and tripped along glancing shyly up into our esgle eyes ever and auou when we said something more thsn usually sweet or brilliant.'. There wss a something in the air on that ill fated night that mado us feel the bliss we were enjoying. more than usually. ' We felt good.. . Uettcr in fart thsn if we bed ben drinking "larger beer" on a wager and had won. The hours glided by and still we walked. A something and now we think it must have bceu our evil spirit prompted us to extend our wslk to the suburbs of the city. It had rained during the day, and in the course of that walk we cume upon a place where, as the street was not improved, there was what appear- e J to bo a small puddlo of atcr, extend ing across the street. We didn't want to turn back. We suggosted to our, sweet ness that wc could carry her across. She assented, smiling sweetly. In a trice we ricked her up and started ou our way. Well do wo remember how we wished we could always csrry her thusly. Our heart bcat.a fearful ruto and our tongue clovo to the roof our mouth. We wtro in the seventh heaven of bliaa, and minded not the fact that the water grew deeper as wo advanced. The fact that it wss running over our boot legs and approaching our knoea did not troubhj us. SVe were harpy and alasl we stumped our off tdo, ana in a moment oursclf and sweetness were floundering in about two feet water, the odor and taste of which was not improved very much by the location of two or throe stables standing near. We seized her by something, and drsggod her toJsnd, and after she got through vomiting ,fook her borne. As we turned to leave ahe said gently: . . f "I guess yoa needn't come here' any more, aa 1 haven't got any use for such an awkward lout!" Wo havn't Icon thcro since. , When to Fish; . ; An old fithertnan states that if a , man wanta to catch Gsh whenever he visits the creek, let him not piok a full moon day to do it in.' . lie gives a philosophical rea son for the advuo, whether aound or not we oannot decide. Ho says . when jthe moon is full, the nights boiog bright, en able tho fish to do thoir foraging in . the night. Of course, having their wanta supplied, they lie up all day, snd conse quently there is a scarcity of "bites." Under a new moon season the fiH have to sleep at night aud work by day. ; That makes tho difference in the fisherman's string.-.-.. , What trade is more than full? Fuller. at SENATOR WOnTON ON. FINANCES. Utter fa fhe New York World.:: :C rn r.. I. .si. j New-York, DecemberS!. The world confsios the following letter from Senator Morton, of Indiana. ' ' Wasuiucito, November 30. To tl Editor of tht Neio. York World: DearSia Id the New York World of the -8th inst., I find an article from which I quote the following:, "A telegram to an evening psper states that Senator Morton, soon sfier the opening of the ses sion, will introduce a bill 'directing . the immediate payment' iu greenbacks ofthat portion of thv 6 120 bonds iosued five years ago. ' If this report- be corrcet, the' course of that Senatcr on this tutjeet is conspicious for vsillation..Kight months sgo be was an open - advocate of the so called greenback theory. " During the Presidential canvass he publicly recanted. If he is now about to propose and advo cate such a measure as that described in the telegram, hU recantation must have been a mere political dodge, a feigned sur render of bis principles to promote the success of bis psMy. ' ." " - In the first place, I do not intend to introduce a bill directing the immediate payment in greenbacks of that portion of tie 5 20 bonds issued five years sgo, and have never said I did, to Secretary Mc Culloch or any one elae." In the next place,! did not, during the canvass, recant what I said in : the Senate with regard to the payment of the 5-20 in greenbacks. No speech by me' to that effect has been made. -What I urged during the canvass wss, that the first duty of the government was to return to specio payments, which, when . accomplished would settle all questions as to the mode of paying the bouds. I" further urged that the goveromeut had no right to is sue new legal tender notes aud make them applicable to the payment of bonds, ar guing that such notes could not be msde to sustain the same relation to the bonds in law or equity as that sustained ' by the existing notes, and that the further issue of such notes would indefinitely postpone the return to specic'paytuents. ' These propositions were fully stated. io my speech iu the Senate last summer, in which I argued lbs legal right of the gov eriimcnt to use the existing legal teudcr notes in payment of tho bonds. X also argued at various times during the canvass that whatever might be tho law od the lubject, the govcroiucut could not pay the bouds, or any considerable portion, in coin, while the currency re mained depreciated, and that thu im provement of the currency, by bringing it up to plr, was a nticcsnarry condition precedent lo tho payment of the bonds in gold; that if the government could not procure gold enough to redeem (31)5,000, OOU of legal tender notes, it was ' folly to talk about paying tho bonds iu gold, that the question of the modo of paying tho bonds will become important ouly by con tinuance of a depraved currency without taking steps to improve it; that' to take surplus gold in the Treasury and apply it to the purchase of bonds in the market which will not fall due for fourteen years, would not bo paying the. bonds, but shav ing them, aud would bo an , improper' uho of means by which the paper of the gov ci nmcnt overdue and dishonored would be reduced. ' " .:..:. -,... Tboso positions are. not inconsistent with anything I laid in the Senate. 1 am very respectfully, 0.' P. Morton. ä How to Court in Church. A young gentleman happening to lit at church, in a pew adjoining cue in which sat a young lady for whom he conceived a sudden and violent attachment, was de sirous of entering into a courtship on the spot, but the place not being suitable for a formal declaration,' the suggesting the following plau: Ho politely handed his fair neighbor a Dible opened, with a pin stuck in the following text: Second Kpistle of John, verse 5 "And now I beseech thee, not aa though I wrote anew commandment untd theo, bat tint which we had from the beginning, that we love one another." She returned it, pointing to the second chapter of Itutb, tenth verse: Then she fell on her face, and bowed bersolf to tho ground, and said to him: Why have I found grace in thine eyes; seeing I am a strsngct?" . . He returned the book pointing to tho thirteenth chapter of the Third Kpistle of John: "Having many things to wri!e unto you, I would not write wilh pan and ink, but I trust shortly to come unto you and spcaic face to face that our joy may be full." From the above interview a marriage took place the ensuing week. i. r 1 a ..... , ... IJostor bossts a preacher who docs a square piece of work once in a while. He told his hearers the other day that msny persons attended church "who might as well not;, who would get more good from a troll In , tho fields or In " some other rational mode'of improvement and enjoy ment." 'Others he said: went to' church simply from force of habit it is; mf a bad habit, at least and the observance of a time honored custom; othera to be seen and to see; others to bo "superficially en enlired by eloquence," and still others to "pick flaws and make trouble.". We thought Po&ton was more devout than this description would lead us to believe, la faot, it sounds exactly like a faithful de soription of a Urge. uUsa of poop Is io this vicinity, , ; . : , , , - ToPcnedickh. A married man should never buy his cigars . on credit, for by so doing he becomes a weed ower "Apples trees ' in Florida 'retain' "' their leavoa throughout the wintor llko ' ever greens, but they don't bear fruit. 1 Sitka has lets than 1,000 inhabitants. '. Letter, From Chief Justice Chaie. IIIS YIEWd ON POLITICAL AFFAIRS. ' The following letter wss written In April Isst, by Chief Justice Cbae to Hon. II. W. Hilliard tf Georgia, being drawn out by a published Utftr from Mr. Hill isrd . declining to ta a candidate for Coo cress. but giving bis views of political af- i w as a t-i . , istrs. i i , ! ... ; ; , WisniNCTON, April, 27, 18C8..' Dear Six: Some days since I received from an unknown hand a paper containing a letter cf yonrs, which 1 read with great interest. . i 'My acquaintance with- yea when we were both in Congtess yt.u ia the House and I in the Senate wss very slight; bat slight as it was, I take occasion from it to write you a' few lines, suggested by your letter. -jm. - Kver since the wsr closed I have been aaxious for the esriiest practicable "resto ration" of the States of the South to their proper relations to the other Ststes of the Union. 1 adopt your own statement of the problem to be worked out, because 1 agree with you in the opioiou tbst those "Ststes have never been other than States within the Union since they became par ties to the Federst Governmeni, snd that the failure to maintain their assertions of independence in the conflict of arms which followed left them Statea still within the Union." The point on which I probably differ from you is this: The people for whom and through whom these States were to be organized at the close of the war, waa not, as I thiuk the same people as that which existed in them when the war began. In my judgment the refussl of the proprietary-class, if it may be so called, to reeognice this fact and its legitimate snd indeed logics! cousequences, and the con victions of large tnsjorities in the free States which adhered to the national gov ernment in respect to it, caused most of the trouble of the last three years. I have not time to go at large into this subject; but I rosy say briefly tbat eman cipation came to be regarded by these ma jorities as a military necessity; that the faith or the nation waa pledged ty - the proclamation of emancipation to maintain the emancipated people io the possession and enjoyment of the freedom it conferred; ttut to this end the amendment of the Constitution prohibiting slavery through out the United States was proporcd aod ratified; that, becoming freemen, the eman cipated people became necessarily citisens, aud that as citizens the were entitled to be consulted in respect lo reorganisation, and to the mesne of by snf- fisge. This Is a very brief, but t thiuk a perfectly correct, statement, of what nosy be called, for, tho sake of brevity, the Northern view of this matter. It would, perhaps, be more correct to call it the loy al view North and South, using the word loyal aa distinguishing the masses who support the National Government from the mat-tea who oppotcd it during the war. Now, tho particular matter to which 1 wish to draw your attention is, whether policy and duty do not require the clasa which I have called proprietary, meaning thereby the educated aod cultivated men of the South, whether property holders or not, to accept this view fully and act up on it. 1 Is it possible to doubt that, hsd this view beco accepted and acted upon three years ago, after the surrender of Lee snd Johnson, the Southern States would have been richer to-day by hundreds of millions' than they are, snd that long sgo universal amnesty after the removal of all disabili ties would have prepared the hearts of men on both sides for a real Union. Can it be a matter 'of question that the eolorcd vot ers, finding iu the educated classes true friendship, evinced by full recognition ot their rights aod practical acts of good will, would have gladly giveu to those classes subhtantinlly their old lesd loaf fairs, directed now, however, to Union and not to disunion; to the benefit of all, and uot exclusively to the benefit of a class? ; I observe that you ssy that the "at tempts to esrry on the Government with the privilege of universal suffrsge incur poratcd as one of its elements ia full of danger." Danger is the condition of all governments; because no from of govern ment insures wise and beneficent admin istration. Put I beg you to consider, is thcro uot a greater danger without than with uuiveital suffrage? You can not make aulTrage less than universal for the whites, and will not the attempt to dixcri- minste excite such jealousies aud Ill-feeling as will postpone to a distant time what scums so essential, namely, the restoration of general good wilt aod bringing into lead tho educated men and the men of property, and so securing the best aud most beneficial administration of affairs fur all clssses. Tske universsl suffrsge and universal amnesty, and all will be well. Caa j ou, my dear sir, devote your fine powers to better work than complete restoration ou this basis? Very' truly and respectfully, yours, " ' - S, P. I'll AS E. : Hon.. Henry W. Uilliard. . . . , . How to Build in Ice-Houie. , A building eight feet high, and eight by twelve on the ground, would doubtless be of . sufficient capacity for four fstuilien and allowing one-fourth of the ice to go to waste. " . Many persons build lee houses by dsolng the sills directly on the ground; ut our experience is that the ice will ttep better if the building Is entirely sup ported by upright posts, which we would prefer to have embedded in charcoal. This Hows a free circulation of air under the building, and provides for suitable drain age. The only difference between build ing an ice-house and any other building is that it mutt be a double building one inside of the other at least so far as the wills are coucerned. The space between the wall will depend upon the efficiency of the non-conductor u'cd for fillip; if it ia tv t putrerixed TER M 8 OF A O V C ft-TICIUO. Ose saare, (IS üas,) ss lssrtits........(t ta s iqtar,'tv tassntsw?.-rTr..-;.r: "St .ss soaars, three Istartlssi. f ' AU saVseasst lasertiMM, p laasr SS Oas astasia, slsafsaVfs asrtsrty.r.tTl t Tars-artsrt cf a solw t VZ... -V. .."S f tT Oae-salf sf a oles.... tS Oas-essrtsr eta cslaa...-,VM.tMta? M Oae-etiata sf a seisms . .Tin Trsssisst sevOTt(ate sksaU la aU sasss ke pel feri a Strasse. -: : -J7 Calsss a f ertieelar tiase f s r-?1 rv-i Is 4-4 i tB,e4rttssts wll t - ' t". : J t -.'! si sers4 sat ssS sSars4 af-.jl( charcoal, six inches would be suGcieat, bei if saw-dvat or spent tan bark U o La the material,, then a foet. would be. ! pn-per distance.. The roof may be made double, like the well, but it is a ehesper' plan to make 'a floor a cross fr o the' eaves; which may be covered on' top wit, loose saw-d est. If this plan' be adopted,: the walls ot tie gable ends may be siogU,. sad a door can be cut through one of them and through the floor across the leaves, through which the ice esn be pease!' uiu iuc uuuaiug. i ts weti o ai viae -oat a few feet on each end of the. buildieaj.for, a cooling room for. milk, or a room for keeping fresh feeat and vegetables. The doors leading' into or cat of this roota should be doubled like the -wall, and may he either fitted, with heavy '.hi tgea ; made to slide. An ice houu sbvald be. opened but once a day, which should be as esrly in the morning as possible. " A Work To Kentucky Ku-KIux. It wss biped thkt the election tf Granti and Colfax would cause, ; oucto, the ditaolntion of all otgsaixation in the Southern States formed to resist, supple ment or act without rrgaid To the local or Federal laws; that the people ia ill that !unfortuate country would see at once the. uecetM'y of e'sying the band cf vindictive, justice befoie it was uplifted to smite 'hepi,, but we seriously fear our Lopes cf this ex pected and desired change in the tern per iod actions of this people will Le dissp pointed. Outrsges have bcoome aUru. ingly frequent again by , bands ci Ku-; Kluxee, and the men who compose thetu. seem to be increasing ia boldness. He-' pecially is this, the esse in Centrsl Ken-' lucky, on both aides on the Kentucky rir-f er. We would earnestly in vile the uem- bers of these bands, the men who aro com mitting these outrsges, aa well as the comm unities which tolerate Ihem; to the following plaiu statements: It is weih known, by the proper persons,' who com, pose these bands. Their."capuins" end. their "privates" as well as their familiar haunts have been noted, there is nothing1 that prevents the arrest and punishment' of every one of them, but the work of Aa-e drew Johnson. We have long sisce ceas ed to expect their arrest from the civil' authorities of Kentucky. They are sp-: rsreutly too much iu sympathy with the. bands either in their personal welfare or their avowed object to molest theo Their punishment must sod will cone from a higher and more important source than that of the State authorities.. But a few moults wilt now elspce before tho mir who slsys the hand that will wield the rod of punishment will be stripped of bis su- thority, to be succeeded by one who his declared that he will punish these men.' We know, too, that these bands are large-' ly composed of the sons of the weslthy. and respectable families of Kentucky but, we alio know that neither mucey nor re sticctsbilily will ssve soy of tbctu from' the clutches of the law. We believe tbat at a giveu signal, cue half or two-thirdi of the members of this, organisation the. spies and informers as well as regular, e tive members could bo arrested in an hour of each other. Now, if these bands' eontinuo their organisations, it mattere' not under what pietense, . until the new; Administration comes in, this knowledge' of the tue ho compose them will to im mediately made available for breaking them up by foico, and punishing the lead- lug men. We ate also convinced of aa other fact in regard to these hands, vis.. that oo ffcUl diuuucutioQ 1 1' tho organ ization by the, Governor or pretended hostile legislation ly the General Astern' bly of Kentucky, or apobpitica'coiifcs lion of weakness by the State Coo rur will serve to shield these men, ThrsQ baed must La destroyed, and they will be de stroyed, acd if the incoming Administra tion is compelled to give the word for their destruction, it will mean summary'' and" effective work.' ' We then, in conclusive,; counsel the misguided men who compote, them to dispcroe at once, aod study to at tend to their own business, sllowing every man to hold and express bis opinions' suvf do as he likes, restrained only by the lows of the Is nd. if you do this, it will be well for you snd for jour Stats. . If too. will not, you must aud will be forced to do 'o. We would not multiply words In regard to this matter, but we can not too earn- estly impress upon thoso interested the necessity of at once putting an end to all such societies. No man hss a right to disturb another's liberty or property, unJ less he is an officer of the law and acts in secordatice with its instructions. This la the vital prinvfplo of our government, and it will be amply vindicated by the Ad miui'trslion of Gen. Grant.' It is now the business of these disturbers of the peace in Kentucky to see that this prin ciple is not made illustrious in Iheir con dign punishment, A disposition lo ccsse from evil wilt be cherished io all tie Southern trople by a Pepubliean Admin istration, but a disposition to do evil will be steruly audi rigorously , punished.-? Gazette, fr, ,. , . . . A Miss'ourtan infortusd a traveler1 hn' inquired about Ms'eerti) that enrfc stalkj had nioe cars ou it, and iwss .tijVcfi'frtt high. j - , , , , , i .- i ... . i. "That a nothing to our corn," replied the traveler. "Up in Illinois where'! came from, we always had nine ears'' sVs each stalk, and a peck f eheiled rtra banging ta each Issssl, but we Ciuld CCVt er raise any field beans with it." , "Why? " ' ; -'" " Iters oss the corn grew' to fast that It always pulled the beans up." 1 ' " 4 - r 1 Why is au, omnibus strap, lile,. science?. Pecauss it is aa ikward 'check upou the: outward man. ' !" ' " i , ."I dida't like or miui-tcr's airmen fs Sunday,! said a deacon, who had slept all sermon tiütg, to a brother daoob.'"Itdae like it, brother A ? ' Why, I law yot te4 ding assent to every proposition. f tV speaker." t . !;, ..,., t