Newspaper Page Text
. a t . 1 i ' 1 nit -y- rs.'Arra 4-'.- nn" Inbianihintritan. ' 0. H. BINCMAr,VCdito?." V. 'miy Uoroing Dciabr 11, l&8fcU iJJ. i i i ii ir i H..M1 : ; 9,? "Sf . . i r Tb second regular si4ob-oiOii 4 ot-, lia-tk C:rS eoi,ftnJat Witiueigfon a .al-maate ge4Ul-I-M t o- i aJuaaila y. ,t i 1 .""" ... . ..'.' TI l 1 1 Jovwar Marlon' Financial Schern. It i unlrtWJ 'Senator- Morton IT ra?Vrf4 V rlj fVtbe 'resumption tt SfaCiC pJCnt,twlucKn Intend tJ pr, seat t Con.?rM,,t an onrfy twjr, jf 1 Jti 04t already doee,f. .Tho conviction). Ts, vrfV' freuCraUhat thtrt cun U'ni eiTti! rowedv' kr xUii.ilj'8ftnei.i!,t;i!iL 4ithV oat reta,?A0Il,c$lrWn!!v0,i y". ef werJ. aiikif .!;riincli4uem , jo Vllü tO fcoU Ai'tl Ätingio Cbfot leid ai'y, with'ourprenctit tnrreney Iba tallst i viilabfd'quVtii yj whöi'e naöjgej cavei,j.ta iaJicle4,;bjt; :tfi constant ftucteatlon Titu pricef gold. . To dy, tfi ultta'iiitöur seventy-four ceots Lout twö' ra jotl'i "go lr ii ecareely seventy centiandii ' man can roillively (oll wHatlt lvniUlurto .months hne. ; Willi sueh an aucortaln atandard ai it taeaiur of II veluv every tui fia trinanetloft Mmorwor less Intbe na tuV Of a y,'mi f clunce, for lere if tiJ UaU for that ixictV'tVlo'n b wligh honest an i legitim! busitm should, to cohduftted. ; Whllo tMi eo-ii'inue to be lh se tbore wilt bo4icnong' business.1 tu co liorauifio on . ujo r anU r-kUMi vu tbo , o(Lc, bUH buth wiltU olik'j injariaai to tbe UJaKrjr an-llraJ of th country; 'iL er Ii no eicapa frum t Ii I ' filout" re- bHnba u.f.caio fo wUU the M.uaUsu fco 10 tiuttie. ''; V .'; Eenaloi Morton mply piopoiire to Ci i day bjiftWOiCfi'hifti'tiiiWlu.l&e ro deaipllou or the preeoUck currency thllatof Jmony or the' Ut nf Jt.lyr! I8T1.) and lutlfu uein.lme-to rCal ' iu iU Trra.ury ' tU aurplu. '.olo arerulng ' front euatoma until thcro i a auCicIcjil rm .11 : .. i a - Ti Ä ,, i amount for the dcMffJ purpose, llie tlriil ,i i ; i . n-i Ä , natt mronic e,; t wui to aen now en the dcirt"J purpone. 1 he tint , . . . , ?),,., plan denda upon the ccond', I ,c0? 7" iÄ H'1;1"' bVÄ- to tlx" day" fArl0B lUt ,ul1' ' 1 ,r U 1,10 VM I : .. J .!... . i. i I o many tf . thd i Siato Conatltutloni fart of thf pi lor it would maasurra ti i r 'vi le th coin wheriwitl i py. Bemtor Mvrtot p!n rouU Citaliialil . ' . i , i ( iL neceiiary equipüiö between gola onui tu ncceaiarykequipot tetweon g greenback by a;rdulaccuruulnliou of tbe tatter In the TreVaury vaalta until It ahouht reaeh'the required 'amount, and It would remove tie disparity vf Value be iwoei) gold and greenbacka by, bringing loto play th limplo commercial ptinclp! dally exeroplidud In the discounting ' of ootK, Tbe tiojo flxsd fur' the teiun-ptlou would bo regarded ai tie maturity of the grcetibackf, aod, like any vtber note on a oolfenl firtu, tho ccaror tboy approached maturity the eraalUr would Le tho dlaoount poo them lie nearer their value to that of tie gold they represent. Indeed, the proocti of appreciation , would be much more rapid in the ce of green lack a than ia that of any other ootoa, bctaaao" while waiting maturity they would be aa uaeful for buaiueae purpoo,a culu idelf. They oro depreciated now becaut they are du honored, for they ere payable on demand, yet oot on of thera haa been paid. No Das now k uo we their real value, (or that eeponde upon th time they have to run, od tbe value attached to them In the noney market la the exponent of the vor age oplntou of the bulna oummunlty at to tbe probable action' of tie Uovernrxent is regard to their payment. . Hut it ia only IB opinion a meto guo; In f.ct. Fix time for their redemption, however, aod take the ueceMary mejaurea to oovine tho country that the mcana of redemption will bo ready when the time oroca, and Inttantlf their valu becoiue uaceptiblo of exact calcuUtloo , I'educt from one dullar tho diaiouutfor the time to intervene before maturity, and there you have ita present value to a mathematical nicety.' Hut, aa we have above eminiatfJ, It utility aa. ourrtnoy In the meantime would make it worth ptemium on (hi etrict mathematical value, and would robabiy brinjf it up to par long before the time lor redemption arrived. " ... . . i . v And here we find one great advantage I Senator Morton'a plan; Jt not only avoid contraction,' but really provides for s ftaady ncreaio in tb amount of cur , reoey , through the, appreciation of it taloa. Thna, - if 4ha aereu , hundred milliiine 6f paper money now in tircula wer brought op to the value of apecie, tho reault upon it aggregate purchasing power would be equivalent to ao addition tf thirty five per cent. to. ite volome at present raten, I. e. to an addition of almoat $120,000,000. There ia no danger, then, that thi plaa will tend to produce a Kar iiy of tuooay pending ita completion; ort the contrary, it will tend to make it more and mora 4ay"Try day. And when resumption at laat commence, rpecio will go into eirculatioo.aa groonbacka go out, thu keeping tho volume-iiodiraiothod. Indeed. It ie quite likely that it would' b inVreaaed ve'n before that time, for when fiaper cornea up ft-pr there will b ob eager any motive-to hoard :, gold, -and a good deal that baa tain for eeveral year in oU(ckipg would gradually find it way The iibjeou in fixing tho day for Tf eumptioQ two year or more bence are: 1. To give tioie for collecting the gold Lertwith to redeem the notei. To permit buiiii to actfonsüiodat iuelf griJuallj to the coning cltaDgi.i' 3. To relieve debtor V fit ai'poisible from the (liaadraolagca wiich-. wOulJ1 fall upon tbem Ibrough a loo luJJen and npii iucrcaioia the ralao of .money be fore tltey can pay tLcir dcbtn. ' . A.corrc?poodootoftlie .New York World atatca Senator Morton' viewa ami c ppjointlate Using a. time by law, aiy tb M trJanuify or aty.'lSU.'for I gltitiiogtbe ref uiftlon f tie greenbick currency.' "1 lt (vt eycral reatont: Tint, iVfflu nificf to tbe leounlry tbat eror. bftdV'iniy'rrf jaro for'itnak their eon' rfiTclVan!, '(TjuhI ttetr biuincM acrding I)', nVohd. yt v tlhi frtrth payment of tlij e(.plrSVortiit ArTivcü; thinl.'to phe time iq rollec tU imount of gold necea ary'o' t:ia tet!emjtien by tfterln the arj.lua gold in tiro Ueaeory and that which ii to' accrue: Jit fixing th lim - foe re dipii6tia fixed value, I eonaitlcr, will be plveu to tbe greenback note, which will ifridoally appreciate-at. the time approach tw for rtemptiorr, will b at par, and tut littlf-ynld" be required, aa1 the mtibael!f OiB"beloi; 'ot equil valoe, will to. fur more, cuntealcnt in bu intai than gold , ; ' I am orpc.od rj fartier contraction ur til rede tu j lion" bglf1),'. Thea contraction will take plat's fcyihfl act of reJeuiplion, the billa recliufcd boinp: OMiioelloJ, but ihclr y Urw l-o fillrd by gold' und il vc r; which tili i hin bo jourtd Into lh vol-unWf1 ourrT.,cy. The procen will le aif gradual bit tö n a to cxdte the ttn ilon ;of th pi-opt; III carry with It a pubhe foi.fiJMioo and lake pUre without crash r" conu'aioii, Th return, to p do p(fj meM4 illKtUi all quontioon about ihe' HioJe'if paying iL tuniia, reitore enn fiJchcc in bukliiCM end mite trade. Th flow of gohl'frum the eouuiry to Ku rope- fah tnly b theclird'by creatlop a dc ma ti'i for it At boiutf for ft currency, In I teryertuntry Whore a rp)' tender paper currency Im been ewtablifhed It Imedtlv m ...11 m. at .1 feilw.. I'm A HI . I , t I m. I I t ft H ii , rnu . 'tlly tay to (ill hoTte'onr gold and keep, ! product ot Obr' ml nee, la by rclntro auctoit U Py fecurrftn.y. ... , L, , , , ViVTmir r' ' ...... , , ?UV , ff tU rul cct of aulTrago come. fr fonravUion,. under proportion to ini,l lli lHH I li nn !' l, f nnln. , ..4ivl. ,' J nt t uronic e,i t win to aen now en , t , . . ' . , ,, X tu 1 1 1 i ac the light uf utfiag to white niatea wto have arrived at their tuMjoilfy. , . . , Ihut In ft majotity of -the btatoa the color ..... , , ' , . of tho cititAo 1 do longer taken into ao count. Thf ha been effected 'In' the State Uitly fn Iii.'urrootiJii, by a Con grcMioual enactuiifot prescribing the co dlilona cf rccocatructiun. In aeveral of th other Btatea, black men hftve enjoyed thUpitvitvge without dUcrioiIrution, from the prt. Io other, thla dUtlnotloti haa been annulled by voluntary constitutional amendment. If the auljcct ie let alone, we believe that a ttr.ifurmlty, In thla rei pect, will bo ere long catablirhed In all. We doubt tbe policy, aa well aa llo prac ticability, of forcing (hi reault by amend ment of the national Conadtution. Should the matter bo taken in hand verioualy at tho coming ealon of Con grea wo may expect tho proporltloa ol admitting women a woll a men to tho etenUtt of thl franchtue, will alo bo m rioualy urged. Thre 1 ft mall, but b) ho mean inaignlflcant or dimlnlahlag vir ele of advocate of thii tncaiure now - ae lively engaged In ite agitation. When the quentiou of modifying the fundat(ieri tal law regulating autl'rage la fairly enter- d upon, cotulderutiori must bo given to extending the franchUe In this direction. There are alq thoMO who would reduce the age at which one may become a voter. A young" tnitti of eighteen ia requirod to be enrolled In the militia, aud to bear arm in cao of draft, his argued that ho la also qunlifiod to vote a proposition that cannot be very positively denied. This clue cannot vcryustly bo deprived of the right, merely on tho ground that they arc minor! and ao riot litdvpeiidont, if it i extended to womcu in general. , Tbe for mcr have the additional cluiiu over the lat ter that vrhi'.e taxed if they have inde pendent property, they arc also liable to do military duty. . In the uecouj place, wq. have, the re striction placed upon voting in the case of ciiitvut removing from ouo ätato to an. other, aod upon foreigner socking a home in thi country. . The naturalisation law, especially, luv at times been ft subject tl much 'discussion. ' The mode of adminis tering them baa certainly been open to much objection... Tbo rcce'ut . extensivo frauds bavo .called attention to these de fect anew, and aomo have advocatod amendments to the Constitution to meet the ditSculty', as'lhe'only ;effoctiva' modo of placing th aubject beyond the reach of loca'niukcrla' in tho interests of the party' that may happen to bo in tho as cendency for tho lime being.' But tbo constitutional power already given to Con. press bx not been exhausted. Tbere are still available lcgislativo and judicial rem edics. " (. s .. . , , . '. , , i . , ' Then cornea the subject of minority representation, which bai been .agitated in England, and mora or leas' here, which also has a strict relation to the geoersl question. Complicated methods - hav been auggeated to insure to the minority of, voters a proportionate voice in all leg is! tiro representation. If on'c'o attempt ed, this will be found, a Very diGcull mat Act U rcgutatc, and to initiato tho movo mcnt.would require tdf-denial hardJy to be expected from m majority in powt-v . Yctlu bV htVodoce! la no other wuy.jmboat CollUiori oru tho Ohio In the ; Al Intimated, therefore.' we do not io- ticipate ny pood from tcoponing this fuudaineottl uetion,iiml" attempting transformation of thi csaential feature of onr Koveromeot, It ia better to render uptCKjntatem acre ty, greater, aTe., G;unrti, loafing to tiiuo'tliö coinptotldn oT the tingle change mott deniricd, and al ready nearly accomplished through. I rjilc peudont Btate acrtool' 1 1 i.lf'i U. .-THE VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. , J:. Ofnotal'ind Estimated; Majorities for Grant and Seymour. x Oo:Wednody, the 2d init., the K'ec torsl College met at the espltats of tleir roopective Statte to deposit their ballots for l'resideU, thus taking the final step in currying out the nation's will. The follow ing table of the populsr'vote and ofilclal lufjorilics, as fur as ascertained, will there fore be read with Interest at tbe present time: , . (- j ;. v,.; . '. t TUB rorL'LAIt.VOTK v. i 5 i " Ursnt.' AUima ... , JS.soa Btjvattrtr. , ,T2.we ' 27.C00T ' M.T40 u.m j 19,7b7 - 1 02. Wi . )Vtf 141 , . J6U.VH0 , TiAlU tu.eim H5.MHU 7i.0?3 , 4J..TJ4 2.1:17 - 6V,03 ; v i . p i enf.iäe Arks.iM." 3i),t)liO Cutlfurnlu .....4.V5B0 ' ea eeeeeee ) Florida at tttf e Mill! (loffla ...', ' - I ÜUe ......... .....j..w...,.l TO ,i J , a. iMliiitti Nil . .......II 2H , K .. Stf.Tül K t ntuaky .v. ..... .....i. Stl,&C ee eaaere eata ewftM C ' Mut P ) et wim eiaa sty 4 .7u,4;ti , Mnr;ltni i .' 30,474 MisxteliiusiU 138, XT Mlvbljiii nM UH,6e MliU.I I .Ml. null ....................... 93 00 Nttirssta .......... ,., ......... ...... 11,72V vvl ,....,, lU,0()0 , , Ntw lUmpiblr 8m,n Stm Jr,.T fO.Ul ' N.w Yolk I 4l9,t Nona CrUa 1.(1,4 sa , Uni', 2H0.223 Orvti .'... .'. 1 1. DUO I's.m.ytvsBls.. .., 312. JSO rihuda Island ... aea e hputa Csrultoa es ttaast 2,VI0 r Tsi.usm r 60,077 Ti ;. ' eeeeaaele eet 44,17 ae te HUHitiiMt siaee vt'sit Vlrfttut 3S.&00 WUenntlu lOti.VJ , 81,221, 420,7 fei.SIt 3HV,n.i3 II, I) (It) XI3.:t3 e.4H 41,217 U,4 V",w9 Sl.Od KillmalsiJ." 0r on still endseldtd. ' " " , ftWAIMTt tATION. ' " Crnt '. ....m.U.S 021 ,31 10 (IIMftMiMISt ' Ttai ..!...... . .'.:..'... : ...'..J.Tse.t 1 1 (ham's uujuiliy 30J.7I9 In 18Ö I Lincoln received 2.323.CV3, and MvClellau 1,911,751 vote, making ihe majority of th former 411,281, in an aggregate vote of 4,0H,7SD. It' will be recollected that several btat which voted at tbo last election Wer not then rcpre asnted. , The total vote . for Trcaldetit in 18C0 wa 4,t;60,tt);i, and In 1S50, 4,0i( J18. A lifforonr, and perhaps better,' method of comparison would bo ss follow: Iho 2.V States which vu'.cd iu IGUl, aa'abuvc, give (Irsnt J,C0i,0it, au increase of 3il,fJU on the Lincoln vote; and Seymourj UiSl, 170, an increase or IGI.'S on th Mc Clellan vote. Ocnerat Grant' mnjorily In these 2D .States is, therefore, 32:1,870, against J.lucolu'a majority ' of 111 .'öl. Th eljitit Slates which are thl year ad ded to tto Klcctoral College; give (J rout lG,O71,andHoymour4a5,00d-a mnjoilty of 1U,0'J3 for Seymour, The Klcotoral vote of Florida waa east by her Lcgisla turo, as ws the earlier custom of many State, and alwaya, until ' thla year, the ousiom of. South Carolina. Mississippi, Texas and Virginia have no vote. The ggregato popular vote thla year ia an in oras of more than a million upon tho hlghcat total ever before polled. UlUNl'a omruL MAjoniTr. Btats. . 1IJ. Ms to .!m....... ......... :n, Ntw llaiupshlrt et is i t use etsseieeeee 7,147 Viisisnt4N.m. IM.,,, hmhm. Mm ......... 32, 132. .MSHbusU 77,Vltf Cwantctleut 3,43 Itbnda lsUnd , fl.ühj I'BBsylranla M.... .....VH,wh . W t.M... ..... 41, IVO lo.lUne 10,073 lllloul 11,1ft! Mlcblfsn 3Uii itief tue ete tetss 4,211 Mtnnota...... 15,519 4.3VU CslirorhU m 6U TtnntKitt , 20.301 AUUua . f 4,:n) Nortti CsruUna 1,!7 Suaib Carultna 1 7,ICJ (Irsnl'i total tunjorltlti 4u7,ft!0. Ua.VNl'S KdTlMATED MAJOHITIK. MUkquM ', 21,Ono Uwa (tw euaotios to btar from)..... ,.41, Hfl'1 Ksassi (two eountlti to baf froiu) .10.-108 Ncrado l.bOU Arkansst '. lO.OUU West Virginia V,0() Csllfgrpta SuO t 107,377 Tutt tttlmstej rosj-irlttss'. .., . V I ,. I I Tsui utnolal uisjoriiitt ........... ' ...... in? mo M4,fll(J Sr.VMOLIl' MAJ niTits. New York 0.4tfl Ntw J.r.sjr... i.hlt Dslawara M , U.Ml M.rjUnd Oeorgia 4i,0i Louisiana aatet imhi eeea'aMaearaiwe 13,447 KSDturkjr J ,320 Oregon tstiiutt) .'. ' 33 1B3.040 ,' Tho following ia aatatcmeot of tho of ficers to b elected by the Legislature of this State thla winter and their salaries: The Clerks and Secretarie of the Houoo and Senate draw $5 per day; also the Door keeper, Sergoant-at-Arms and tlorka of committee.' The Agent of State geta 2,500; tho Canal Truatce, 11,200; Preai. deot of benevolent inalitutiona, 91,000 a year; onb Trustee for each Asylum f 3 per dy of gessioov and mileage; State l'rison Director, South, 8S00 per year; three Di rectorafor the Northern I'riaon, f3 per day; State Librarian, $1,200 per year. . We"do not dcaire to "crow" over any! one, but we must acknowledge that we 'feci our oate" .ome, when wo rcaliio our independence. Whilst the poor devl,on tl I ...... It. 4 . uaaicai newspapera aru cuiuiismc u without any. "extra fixinV' for their Thank2ivinc dinner, we of the Demo crats faith can eat vnr rofi Umh villc Jacksouian. L -TERRIDLE MARINE DISASTER. Night Tim. sLaat Friday i nig tit at about lialfpaat tem o'clock, the rungniAcont atcawcr Uni iod Stales, descending, and the America, ascending tho Ohio Kivcr, collided at Jlavl's Landing,, about two tuilea above Waraaw,' on the'Iodia'na side' The Un ted Statea had a quantity of petroleum oil rax .her , guard. The.Amciica struck the United $titei on the etarboartf, 'ofi the tight-hand-slde j'orward of th eiep, cut ting Into ber a considerable 'distance.) Immediately after the collision tho United States was enveloped in flsmc,'wbic,li wire instantly comiuutiicaled to the. America, both steamer being destroyed io less than five niirjute. '" ,vIhero were about .reventy five cubln paisougcis on board the United States, rutro than -half of whom wer lost. The report of the officers are very conflicting, but near aa we can learn forty five pas acngcM, Including eighteen ladies, aud in addition , aeven cflicare and cabiu crcw, woi lost, while euly four out of twenty two deck band are known to be saved. Tho accident is attributed to a mistako in (lie whistle. Tbo UnittHrfte waa built atJincin nnli, end eoat f23J,OO0. She ws insured lor eiOU.OOO. ' Tto America waa built ia 18G7, and.coM ?240,OO0. She, wna insur ed for UOOOpriucipally in Cinciutistl companies. - t ' : . The lit of tho United Slates primon ger cannot bo correctly given, owing to tho lo"S of th.cleik's rrjiister. There wer ninety-six pssaongera on board of tbo America, only one of whom is known to bo lor.t. ' ' ,l !) .... - . , i . Tho yaw of tho United States waa swung upon tho steam derrick, when the deck band made a rush I Vir ir, uj. setting it, snJ throwing thriu all lu (lie river and many of ihum were drowned. ; Tbe wreck of i the America lies agiinst Iho bank on the' Indiana shore. - The United States lies in eight feet watrr about ore hundred yard abovo the America,. Kigbt bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the tentner Uulfed States; seven of them wer so badly burned that they could not be recognixud. , The destruction of tbeso flno and costly tcamers.snd tho mete terrible result in Ihe Ion of life tho fste of mLslng frisnd have cast a gloom over the community. I . "L ' "swaeae4eejass8s , The Elootoral Voto. -The KU-ctora lor Indiana chosen at the I'residcotlsl Nation asnembled in the hall of tho IIouhu of Representative ai ton o'clock Wedncsjay morning of last week. The fallowing woro prcsont; Hi outs II. Nelxoti - and ; llorjarnin 1', Clypnol, elector for the Slate ai lure. 1st DUtilet Andrew L Iloblnson. . 2nd District William T. Jone. 3rd tistiM John Schwarts. 4th District-John II. 1'arquhsr. 5th DiitrlotMamuel P. Oylcr. 7th Diitrkt-ltubcrt W. llttrrii-on. . bih District Jme M. Justice. Oth DUtiict Joshua II. Mr.llett. 1 (Jt h Dlstilct-Milo H. ilascall. 1 llthNl)itrlct Hubert S. Dwlglns. Tho K'ector ol the Sixth District, lion. Klihu K. Hose, did not appear, and the other mcmbera proceeded, a provided by ihe law, to an election, to fill the vacaucy, llou. Horatio C. Nowcomb wa chosen to take Mr. Hose's plco, completing the Hoard: lion. II. 1 Claypool, of Con oersvllle, wa mado Chairman, and Col. H. W. Harrison, of Lebanon, Secretary. Toe elcotor proceeded to Tote for Pre. Idont and VI co President respectively. For the first, Uly m-s K. (Irant received thirteen VO'e, and for Iho sooond Schuy ler Colfax received thirteen vole. Three copie of the ccttitioate and list of vote were made out una to be mailed to tho President of tho United State Sen ate; ono to be deposited with tlo Judgo of the United Stat District Court fvr the District of Indiana, and tho third to be transmitted by the hand of a special mes senger to Washington, D. C. Hod. Thorns II. XeUon was choscti Messenger, to carry tho vote to Washing ton. ' . Ihlck Porxcroy's, Xevr 1'utk Dmwcrat Is aftersome ofour leading Democrstio pol' iticiiin. ' 'We hope bo don't menu Sonn tor liendiicia or Mr. Voorhcc k Co. Here U what he soys: Sror Tiif.M.-w It i said tint, certain profesacd Democrats in Indiana are be coming 4 soli" on (J rauf, as they have been ort Andy Johnson.' lietween Johnson and the "whisky ring" they bavo not known where tboy belonged, and whom they served. They aro the saiuo purtiea who sold out the Democracy of tho West at the Democratic National Convention here last July. Now they are ready to affiliate with the moderate Jacobin, if they can retain Federal office by it. Let them be followed up and opposed. Held vs. Julian.' ' Join 6. Heid, Ksq , had notice served upon Hon. Geo. 'W. Julian, on Wednes day last, of his intention to contest hi election for a scat "in Congress from this District, aud setting forth in detail the points upon Which ho hould adduce proofs. We saw a copy of tho document and observed that it recapitulates some ten or a dozen counts, embracing such gronnda of complaint aa the public are already familiar with. Whether they are such aa will make a cTe before the present Con gress, i somewhat doubtful, as the majori ty being Hepublican, will doubtless give the benefits of all questionable matter in favor of the sitting member 'Hut in con- ncction with this, it must bn remembered that Dan Voorheos' scat will be contested, at the fate of tho Cucjenno -which present a irVc taot case, and the had fled, same general rule of action which would oust Voorhcc will oust Julian. So that the question will arise, not that they love Julian Jess, but di 1 they hate Voorhcca mor? Will they luve Heid and Cnrter or, Julian and Voorhcc? We shall aco in due time. Itivhmoud Humming Hint. THE INDIAN WAR. Dattie or the Wathita. . . . ' . .. ' . , . i .. . Gen. Cuitar's IUport to Qen. Sbetldan, LlKAPQa'a Skvitii U. S. Cavalhy, In Vuk L'ixCd on rii'ic Washita Hivkr, ... .... N0Temt,er ürtriBöB.- Afitjor Gtntral J,lI,.ShrrUnn, Command tug ltptrtmmlvf ih'$li$suuri: (jx.NXHAL Oa the morning of Üia 2C(h instant, this command, compiisieg eleven coin'Hi)ie ol Ihe Seventh Cavalry, struck the Ir.iil of an Indian war party, number ing about one hundred (idO) warriors. The trail wua not quite twenty-four hours old, and wan first discovered near iho point where the Texas boundary lino crosses tho Canadian river. . Tbe direction' waa. to ward Iho southeast Tho ground, being covered by over tweivo belt! of mo w, no, difficulty was experienced in following the. trail. A vigorous pursuit won at once In, htituted. Wsons, lent and all other, iio ptdiniunt to a rapid; march, were aban doned. From da; light until i) o'cKck at night the pursuit was unchecked. Hordes and meu were then allowed ono hour for reficslitiicnr, and at 10 P. M. thi march was resumed and continued until 1:20 A. M., when, our Ofspe tiuilera reported a villayo within leas than a mile from our advarifo.- ..'' The column waa countermarched and wiibdmwn to a retired point, to . prevent dinvovrry.M After reconnoiifring with all t'.io ifliceri of ihe O'mmarid the location of ihe villoue, which ailualod in rtiip olhiuty limber, I divided ihn coma a ml into I. ur coluuiii of nearly eq itl strength) the iirt eonsisling of tlrgo , companies, Undr Mjor Klliolt, ws to attack in Ihe timber from below the village; Ihe second celuiuii, uiidit LibUUtnnnt. Colonel Myeis, wua to movo down th Whita and attack iu the limbtr from above;, Urcvct CVoftfl ThoinHon, iu coutuiand if , tho . thiid column, wui to atiack from the rrmt rotth of tl.o villsgc, w hilt ihe fourth .column was Io oliMrge iha i1Uko fiom tbo crasl overlooking it oil lie 111. bank ut ile Washita. , . . . , , ,,i j . . . , Tho hour at which tie .four columns were to charge f sin tiliarjouly wu the Crst dawn of day, ami, notwithstanding the laOt that M of the culuuili WiiO oom ptlUd Io mi til sevsial tuils to, icuch their poiiioii, thrco ol ihciu iwudo'the at tack so nusr tigther as to mike It appear like duo chaikc. The other column was only a I? umiuent , lata. ,Thre never was a mere complete surprise. My mon cluied thu village und itauied ihe lodge brfoio tla Ji'iJinna weie aware of our pn-sctice, Tin moment - tho charge wis otdered, Ihe band struck up "tiartey Uwen," and will ihreia that aliongly re minded ii i if se'i ut (luting the wnr, every trooper, led by bis otlee'r, tosbtd towaid the villsgo. j ,.,i ... i . . ., The liiöiiiia wrro cui:ht tinppSug- for once, and Iho warrior rushed Iroiu their lodpet ond postvd lhaiuselvfi. U bind tiecs and lu Iho deep ravines, from., whi b thsy began a lnol iluli liuined och ii.o, ' I he lil.' and their rt.lnt were In our pokesMon within n few luinutc sltrr the charge wua bfilerod; but the ronl tihllng, such s hilf rutel), if ever, been equaled lu Indian wiitlarc, legen mIiq attempting iu cluar ('! or kill Hie whiiIois posted in the ruviiMix or underbrush; ctmrgc alter chuigo Wns made, und most gsllsntry loo; but llo had ivsolved to sli their lues b denily aa pOsiibl. After u dor peislo I'oiillici of sewral hours, our clloiu vieio etc wind will (he luyl uotnpitloaud grstil) lug suwt ). ! -. i i - The cntiiu villnu, numlciliig IVrly sevcu loilgcs of "llluck Kettle's" band ol Che)uiiiH', Uo lodges of Artapuhoes, and to lodges of.Sioux-fifty one lodgia In all, under totiituaiid of their priucipil chief, 'JJIwik Kettle" lull into our hands. Jly a ttiiot and cairful exsminatiou after (he battle, thu following tiguic give some of the fruits of our victui v: Tho I ml in in i hit on the ground and In our pumtssiuti th Iodic ot ouo hundred aud tbiccof the wan iuls, Including " lllack Kettle ' himself, whoso sculp is now lu tie punNfsstoii ol ono of our ()ugo guide, We lupturt-d iu uod oouduiuti v iUt bun. dred and sctenty' live horses, ponies und mules, two hundred aud forty-one sud lli'S, seine of very line and cosily workniaiifhip, five htiti'hcd and twotiiy-thite huIM luberi, tuo huialied and ten ux, one huiidied and luiiy hatchets,1 ibirty five itvolvcrs, i'urty-scveti tillc, five hundred and thirty-diu pounda uf powderj one tloufuud and filiy puuiids of lead, four thi'uui:d iiirows, ninety buMet inulls, thittytiyu bows and quivers. twelve shields, threu'hundiei pound' of bulle's, seven bundled and scventy-five Isrlsi. nine hundred and forty buckskin saddle bugs, fuur hundred and seventy blankets, ninety th t co coats, seven hundred pound.4 of to bacco. In addition, wö cspturol all thoir winter rupply cl' dried7 builalo meat, all their meal, Hour and other provision, and in fact everything they pussesud, even driving the warriors from the village with little or no clothing. We destroyed or erything of value to tho Indian,' ai.d have now in our possession, a prisoner of war, fifty-threo squawa and their chil dren. Among the prisoner aro the sur vivors of "Mack Kettle's" and the family of uLilllo ltck." ' Wo lo secured two white children held csptivo by' the In dians. One white woman who. was in their poes.ion ' was murdered by - bcr capture the moment wo attacked. A white boy held captive, about' ten - years old, when about to bo secured, waa brutally murdered by u squjiw, who ripped out his entrails with a knife. y 'J ha Kiowaa under ''Sataota," and Arra pahocs under "Ljttlo Haven," were en camped six milts below "Hiacki KettloV village, and the warriors from . these two village came to attempt the rescue of tbe Cheyenne. They attacked my command from all aides about noon, hoping - to re cover the squawn aud herds of the. Chcy-j en ncs, In their attack . they, 'displayed great boldness, and compelled mo to -.use all my forco to repel them, but tho coun tcr cltargo of the ouvalry i was more than they could stand; by 3 o'clock; wo drove them in all direction, pursuing them sev eral mile. 1 then moved toy eotire com mand iiAearcb of th villager of the Ki owaa and Arrapahoes, but after a march of 80 mile discovered they had taken alarm villago aod I was then three days' march from where I bad left m v train of aurrdiea. and knew that wagons would not follow me, as the trail bad led me over a section of country so cut p y ravine aod other obstructions that cavalry could with dif ficulty movo over it. Tbe eupplic carried from the (rain on the persona of the men were exhausted. My men, from los of sleep and hard aerviee, were wearied out; my horses were in the same condition for want of forage. 1 therefore began my irturu march about 8 P. M., and found my train of supplies st this point (it bar inn accomplished sixteen milea;sioce 1 left it.) In the excitement of ibe'fight, aa well as ia selfdufcuae, it. ao happened tbat some of tho squaw and ft law chil dren were killed and wouodod. The lat ter I have brought with tue, and they re ceive all the needed attention the circum stances of the case permit. Many of the s.juawa were taken with, arms in. .their hands, and several of my command are known to have been wounded by tbem. . The desperate character of the combat may bo inferred from the fact that after the battle tbe bodice of thirty-eight dead wariiora were found in a small ravine near, the village ia which they bad potted themselves. ' ! . . , ' I now hsvo to report the los suffered by own flommand: I regret to. mention among the killed, Maior Joel U. Klliott, and Cupt, Louis W, Hamilton, and nine teen enlisted u en, in wounded include throe (.(Heer and eleven enlisted men, In all thirty five. Of the officers, Hvt. Lieut. Col. Albeit Harnitt, , Captain Seventh Cavalry, Is seriously if not mortally wouo ded. Hvt. Lieut. Col. J. W. Custer, and Second Llt'ut. J, '.. March, Seventh Cuval ry, aro slk-blly wounied. . UvL Lieut. Col. F. W. li;otten' bad hin , horse thot under him by a sou of "Ulsck Kettle," whnm he afterward killed. Col. lUrnltf, It lore receiving hia wound, killed two warriors. ,, . . , I rnu riot aufiicienlly enmmend the ad mirsb'e conduct, of the oUicors and men. 'I hi coiumsnd has tnaiclifd constantly fieo days, amid terriblo snow atorm end uier a rough country coveted by more than twolve inehca of snow. O(li0 -r And men hsvo slept In the snow whtiout tanta,' The night preceding the attack, rRicera and ti en stood at t he-ir tiorses' leuda Tot I ours, awaiting the inoment ofatluck, and th', too, when the temperature w far bflow die (rnaln j.olni, Tlicy htve n dured every pnviiiii n, and l'öuuht with unsurpassed gallantry giiinst a puwril'ul and well-armed foo, and from flri to ht I have not heard a single murmur; hut, on the enntrory, the officer and men ( I tho seversl squadront aid' con punl- seemed to vie with esch other in thtir at tentlon to duty and ' their patience and perseverance under d lVjcultlea. I'very I I'liii'sr, man, scout and IndUu guide, , did I their full duty. ' I only teeret the Jos er the gallunt spirits who full In the '"battle of the Washita." Those wiW'osa we arr call' cd upon todeploie ei among our bravest aud beit. , Hcspcotfully aubsrril.ed, (i A. ClaTAIl, Lt.'. Col. 7.h Cav.', Il'vt. M.iJ.Hu. U. S. A. ' FROM WASHINGTON, ..' . Wasiiinuihn, December 7. i - The President haa informed the joiat coiii.iiiiiir, Mppoinind by the two Houses Io wail on him, that he will sand hi lues, asge Io Congress on Wednesday, CO.NnilAT.'I.ATin.N.. ' There was a genarsl greetlni; among members of both polllieal parlies' lu the House and Senate Chambers before the hour of meeting. Very many of their acquaintance were also present, tiilnjlln in the congratulations, (iood humor was everywhere pre.vsle.iit. Tho guIUries war crowded to witness the opening proceed lugs.. I ll R SL TRl'MIC rot'HT. - The Supreme Court met at noon, all the Judges present, excel t lirler, The Commission T Willism M. Mvart as At torney Utinersl wis real, when the Court adjourucd, In order to pay visit nf eour tey to the President. . To morrow tl e docket will bo called. 1 II K CA HE i U I. (.'It 01 A t'ONOUfSMKN. Tu communication of thu Governor of t it-urgln, rend in the Senate, statea that iha lawä under which (leuruia hut been admitted in representation in Congress luve not been lully prcuted; ihat unui barsof the Legislature wt-re allowed to take scut without repaid to allgibiliiy, and not required to take the lgal oath; that failure to execute tha law leude Io defeat Ihe purpose of Congress in tho re coustructluii acts, and asks Cotjytcss to take such slepa aa may serin proper. Mr. Wilson read a lung memorial - from the Convention of coloicd cllixcti ol Ueorgis, nt Mucon, in October lust, selling lortb elaborately Iho facta iu the Covcrnor's communication, HUM N Kit 3 S1LLR. A bill introduced In the Senate by Mr. Sumner provide for the enforcement of the several provision of tbe Constitution abolishing slavery; dcclarca the immuni tie of citizens, and guaranteca a repub lican form of government by securing th eleotivo franchise to cititens deprived thereof by locul laws by reason of race or coioror previoua conumoo. vnomrr phi, introduced by Mr. Sumner, to provide for Ihe resumption of ppecie payment on the 4th of July. lSG'J, dcclarca tho faith of the nation solemnly pledged to payment in coin of the outstanding obligations not specifically provided to be paid in what is called lawful money; legalizes gold con. tracU; autborizca the Secretary of the Treasury to hsue coupon or registered bonds sufficient to absorb the outstanding obliatious payable after thirty or forty yeara respectively, the interest on thirty year bond to be 4J per cent., on forty year bonds 4 per ceut,, aud exempt such bond from all taxation, national or local, except a tax on tin interest thereof, to be issued at not leu than par; repeals the Legal Tender act for everything but gold and ailver, after tho 4th of July, but pro vidca that greenbacks, shall be received for all taxes, iucludlng duties ou import, for ono year thereafter; also author izc the Secretary of the Treasury to bor row money on the credit of the govern ment, upon such terms' as' he may deem best to promote the resumption of specie payment. Mr. Sumner also introduced a resolution of sympathy with the people of Spain in 'their ' revolution,' and carncrtly appealing, to them to . abolish ", slavery throughout tho Spanish dominion. ' . Mtt.' YATtS DILI;.''. ' " ' , . -i f Mr. Yates introduced a bill, providing that any Hcu desiring (o become a citi xen oftbe United Stale may be admitted, am) rri-rlk'it.,. .l aod prescribing coodition therefor.- i ayritAag qlkstion. , Mr. Crsjin introduced ao amendment textile 'Coftatiintion, I probik'nln Statea '1 from denying the right of inffrsge to any mde.cltixn cf UpsI ege, except fir parj licipation in rebellion or other crime. t Mr. Pomeroy latroduccd a joint resolu tion proposing an amtrHlment to the Con titutioO( Article 15, providing that the basis of'atiffrsge In' the United ' State shall be that of cititensbip," ar.d all hetor'- al of naturalited eitlxcn shall enjoy thr aance rlghta and privilege . io . the . fran ebiie. Tabled and ordered printed. ...' - ÖTIIIRTBOromiON."-"------ Mff Hire 'offered blll; to pvovKSe' -for the issue of arm for the use of lie mili tia of rertain States lately in rebellion. Mr. Drake introduced a joint resolution providing that 'no vacancies in the rsak of (jeneral or Lieutenant Urnetal in the' army, ot Admlrtl or Vice Admiral In the navy, ahall to filled without tbo authority of 'Congress.' ' 1 , ' . r NEW AD V E R T 1 5 EM EN T 8 fpit ERB will be aa tUetlea ksll at Ibt D'ov-k-. X tills sllotsl JUak In Drookvllle, , on Tut day, I2ib of Jtcnsr, 1 K f. 0 , bttwsso 10 e'elook' A M. snt 4o'elnk V. M. i f tsld d. la shu itvta LMrtclors for said Hsnk tut Iba B.vlag r. Uy ardtrbf the Hoard. 0,s! oim v, ii i it, Csib isr, 1821 . 1809. The LnrgcM, Ect and Cbcnprst. Tht Kttrtloo tt ever, Ttaee Trtvatli, Trssftrtty i Aboasds, and how I lh lluit 1 flub '.,! . serlla fur ? THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY & WEEKLY JOURNAL . , (K.tallMtdlo 1(24 ) Is Till JJr.rtT PoMTlCAL, LlTEUAftt AND Family NxvfspApi.ii in iur . . Niitiu W iil . Ie Standing and lafluenstt . t Varlsiy tnd tiuai of lit Corrtjvadst f Frs.hnsMof lu Nswsl Klietlii7 ,f lu Market Ksperttl i'liluquiitrd Jor J liter tit ttml Value. Tbtrt Is at marh UUol, eateri.rt' snd ladas. try au tH-j.l d en Utnuta StwMar aa la ajr rt l Iba Ilalud hiats. The ftltarspbl MswsiroiuBll t.rl t. lbs V,, n j ybli.hsd luiullsbtiiasl Is Xnllsiispiilu. Cliu-lnnail, Cbt tain and lbs Katsra Citisa, and Is laid btfur' lb readsrs tt Ibt Jauraal friB i , ... ONK Ti TVf u HAYS ARMKR ' than It ea ralt Ibt ia by i j ia put liStl I .tbi-r ein, lhet'aily Ji. rsxtivti ittutt ofnewt libin all ) ( l lb world (bat are worth barli'K, aiid tbt sut It ublUbtd la tb t kl la a tuadsnstd lurin. It eau but be arjr, at this d.y, Io rartl uUilit Ibt wtrlta u to blh the Jwurnal rtsit tl tlsliin la a suaimussr and tsunsitn f Iba biauaaut i.Uias(t Ii bat tu to I) ir esji.ytd. 1 bat Likiitfuse s ttstll lh besl tvldauvt vl Ua lusr lit A ipwi u.u.t I w.iib lo a rtadsr a.ak be r-ays for il,t.r It will im I bit it. Ii I ta diffirsnt trmn an) tbr sillvle. It tap yil. a aaiil, aaU it aaitb iu re or Is. a ta Ii t lie the wsat aitia nr last culstrly. If tl It joud, It ti ! a little tftr niloti i f ) tlrvn. s ge tbaa an g.iwd iov.riM vr üijr Tbe Jrurnal haa tt tuadiy la lew tb I rp te bC uiaking Itsslf liiill.,n.tlt tu i, by furnl.u.ut llitia lb Dswa In itit Wi t eir)enlal lurm, of Iba mutt auikanllg rbararttr, aad r Ibe gitaiv.l sailaijfr S. ba lukvaUib.d a al.q vl Kunuua ok wL:rtiri) Auiliiv . AVD ICxtLltlt.MK. It haa ty Wa.aiWsMjf diubad ttj-ertrrt la Jnb Xi'flU tolaabt tU ainsss., iilitirst and vlbtra 1st, . tai.isl 1 Vat la rwii.l vti) k i r a I w a j n n lb .mit g f trial a. tgrs.iit al..ivbis. It list UUted whbaal iiuualtag vi t vi lluit U B.sbt Jisiil tt easily as fonWilt a lojiiifTx Daily am WrrKi.y HrcoRu or i it k A HA Hi n or 1 II K tolMltY. Ity Ibtrt iMti.a It bst In isadsra Itefall woikbi.fibflrwii.Nvy. 1 is ) n-tri.i. i a rep. "t for It btvtuat lh) ab tu n.ora tbta lUy art tilt to glt a lull tad tallitaeti ry tqaUa laut lor. 1 ay sak i.otliiig a anouH vf arty i rvlnsnr.t or lurtl sUtrsiiiu.. a .f r lbt Lga Iii bti i.f Ita I'sriy brtu.t tf II atliaa ebarss tr laaj llu havt lltlla tl.a la laeoa.uitnd It. '1 be Jauiaat aiuit la s.furt 1 wlrnage by be larf Wult t U lit 1'lUCb. lu A. V. MA. I any I any. Ilia It Kl' I' 11 1.1 CAM I N ITH POLITICAL VIKW , and lit roniluMfira at no itsaon to tblnh Ibal It will tr tt ati)(bi.g tl.e, bat lit etlmnat will cwuInIm all til ti t liariiaia u.aally lntlud4 In Prt-tlaai ntwtsisit, Int tudiug I'UI.ITIÜAL, UN ANCIAL, itiMMi.KllAL, ' AtihUt LlLftAL, KUKHiN, liwMlsiriO. - GKNkllAb I.NTtL- UM I Ol x AL AN U B LluU aiK, I.Ki'l nil sTyMI KH, LllaK W UliU, l'l.Uau.NAL uo.!!1, TouTNta w ii si a seaaasv tr ihk I.LU1LA11VK AM Co Mill train .SAL PttU ry..iitMia, tu full and soourate, snl wall irranttl tktt U luuUuuti, and nu tuaa ds.Uow tf kat biajf In laalaaw aO.lia a tl aa ike esata f Ibt wtirM.eab lu without It. Tbt ipi)lallo It baa aittaitisd, Iar lu aa.anvt ef aay ftr tf uLII.kJ In il riisl, ht.d ui ty ry lw lu tbt Nbtlbat.t, It 1 1 vi 1 iLl its Bona baa nalibtr Msfl uilailiroi'tad nor unsj j.ntUtad. What Jl baa bawn It will cor llliut t If, Imf ro Ing'liy a by a luur enlarged ai-aulat-atns Willi lbs lutdt tf tbt fubiit, tbd by la rkiud aiut bl carrying bat Its dtrlnt. Ut sldsa its Nim, ilrgrs bleand itbtwi.e,!t will e.mialn a grt-al da gt Interastlbg ab-J ralaalile. matter wf a ilartlla aa kind, adafitd tbe Uatta aad jfslrwt tit Ibe lauilly. Stiriti of ii Sujtrrior Chtractrr, tSV.rfcA, A'umrf.V ami llumorout lrtiact$, will give variety snd plqatnsy ta tbe more toll! matter, and Biakt It atcbtabla rqaslly Ie the young and old. Xtt of ladiaua, wbt era But tubtcrlbtrt to Ibt daily tdilloa f tbt Jour nal. tboulJ takt tat Wtokty Journal, bassete wbilt ll tqaalt aay etbar week'y Btwtatr ia Ibtoountry la olbtr dnnerlmtnii. It al tbo tame time attorda them ibe wewt bf Ibtlr ewe State a no otbtr ntwapaptr due. , TorniM ofy ubHoriptioiie ' THE DAILY JOURNAL. Dy nail, (nay alia In aJraoee) par annum. )IX et for a Bioatbt. e oe " for I aieatbt. S . ; for I month... 1 0 Clabt of Firs aad opwarj, each eat a e for manthi... 4 ce I,' , I ... for t utatba... I . " fur I moBih.... S Uj tbt we?k,(MJillt to Iht agtnt or earrlar) 3 INDIANA STATE JOl'RNAL. Siegle eo r-tai. 1 e Clubt of Bra . ! TS aaek Clubt of lea and uaStr twtnty B.. I aack Clubs of twenty -Art sad rar I e oatb, For ovtrj Club of ttn, at tbt rata namaJ, aa oitra eo.y will be seat, and an additional extra aopy fur otery additloaal tan tubaeribvrt. For a Club Pf tOy ao eatra copy of Iba Daily wlU btiaot, if prtforrtd, IniiatJ or tbt Ua Weak- Ilea.. ' ' ' '' ' ' . Tba fttttr p tf Club f raorwthaw Cre top. lea may retain a eouiwUatuo of Iii IS 1'liR CK X. on Weekly CJubi. . . ' ' ' ' Poatma.tara may rttaln terr per etot. ef all wieaty forwarded to wa by tubaorlpUoai tetaxed by tbrm.. , .' . ' " lttmittaaeai for Clubt toaat be made at tto lima, but addition wav bo ruadt at any Hail, at Club Katrt, afttr ibt uiaa net ca tairaa, pro vided a fall ytar'a sabserttin it taken. Money should be tent by I'vit Cfiieo Monty Ordtr wbB praMioable. -.... ... :4rAgeots wanted in every County and Teva In ladiaua to Cauvaat for tho bally nod Wtfkly journal.: r i . . . . ff drStnd far a Circular and PpclHin Copy. -Address,- ' ' ' "' : ' -. , ,IKDIANA10LI8 OURNAI ;