Newspaper Page Text
I Sa! Dl' l " IM V tar ,n tNr 1"'' ' Muiic huth Charms- iCorreapoudence ul he Jasper Courier. I s Ii l U'l III Till, will dntit. U tu mumtuiu and .s' ! 'A sgo ;l" MioeiatlM Rottmar. March 10. ittti diesem innre wra lornivu in uii place nr in pur-j .... . , ...... i i imaiiimi in Mihirk v nu find vnuraelveti olure.l. TS...;..r U lu.t lititnl-.l .'Vein. !M,e et UllliUUi 11111 'I'U VCUlCllt III "itCttU , ' ' . ' . .r &I:u u et oact's Hjga.iiie SNll 1 HC KKITISH ( ItTUKLY lt K V I K H S Democratic Male Ticket. Fr OttrHury f .SfsK DANIEL RCLUta. f Uot-gee. a -. - y -. JOHN W. fMlDD. ut Graul. T-mr-r f Statt, KATII'L F. Cl'SIM.N H AM, of Vigo. .Uf'.!. I. BVGG. oi AtU-n. A I"--a (ifkV'tl, JO. E. MCDON ALD, of Moor? . .Sanvsaee Jmi? KAVrCI. E PERKINS, ..f Marion. AVPRRW DAVItfOX. t lecaer. JAMES M. H ANN . of Vif. JÄHES I. WORDEN. ..f Warftte. I ...... Ii... I '. .. M...I - v. u r any nas ui rva'icr, or ior - - i rturj,n l0 it4rlten our beni:lie.l ansee. reading. In addition toi0' 1 e nicHibersnt tliih a,iatioiijp.rroji, ,ne through ihe rolumne f jourpa- GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBSCRIBE t n atter oi local intet!, and the ew Me l t,K' Ihmm Ol oar ee- ,r l0 eongrateiete the jMperite et the COfiT deduced 50 to 75 per Cent! news of tiu' tlav, it m tl k'ijpljw,w WUoir citUUU, Dr. WeluilUI. itf ittWtTT f theif MHinber ilmt Rockpori ,, ..t- tin- imUlilnr t. ..rill" Ik-I re tlioir Ul kd, the crvic ol' Kmj. N'ew-l- '-"'y fumithed. TUli i.ot Rrt in L. Sctt t ru.. N'w Yotf.rominu 10 rcH-ler-t,om xuvk tj .uIh ebl v. been -vvur tlR jj., IW. ,: oketd or dUtin-M ttedfor such . l;-t-n W 1,;., ffo uieinttH( Jof Roc.puf(. k 1 1 . . rmtuj 1. s fvti-iiivf 1-xiifrifinv ami hl)1. ... . . . . 1 ,v"'v" w.uoiiijr 1 "'"""'l UiMico iiu'ii 11 hui iiM.iv n uiim i.-iu - - 1 tifl einten lurmeriy huiit-a irom Jan p. r. j interval ml iniHrlwie; critiivl noti- ,-'r:t' ainoeit iu ihc mt dmite. ininuied, the.., th. ini.abiunt. f th The Edinbur-ü Beview Whlg.J ec ot the rurrait publkuttiomi ol tbe Tb cimnunitv. judging roni tlie'iwo pUce -rf.ihv emmotbu CmI la Ii- TlieSorth British Beview Free Church 1 .Ihn: I...: Ct of tl.o ..M"rfW an.l truit''"""! ol" ll.- bo ere-t in oOi-r'. weltar .n.l pro.pcr.iy. , 4. ..t witioaarian Nwtirch wf fciontilici,llt,Mj t,K-!k; vokly meeting, ncvuito Wotwttlul.iMiiiif nn iih, ad con- T15 Westminster Beview Liberal. .,.,,,,, ;v.,.,,. i- - " ;:::7:r;;;:.;;;;i;;;;;d :;:;;;:r; w-.. ERin T. . : : : MRCH !. Ah Or ..... La .., . t n. . ..... .1 .. -.'l U..1 . H'iiip UI MIC IIIU. loo (.M1IIU V Mir-fB U'l nil- ill l. '..'I'lSHIvVJ. III llll'IiUUllCv, II 'Iii lliuuil -.rrr...-r7 a,y , hiwid Hill ir-iigern ....... I :.,.,,. Al.u,i,. .,1 R -Ii!..., . ntlute tu the ,!"Id alt-Tiu-v upto Iiiiii uliomin- bate lreily bgiin lu nutice our cily na a they atainl, a. thoV rmvc üoorl. unri- ' . ;.,t...ut tu. alt-ir " If iftimitttvin to de'rbe P1- l buine.a, or to tallnaW the wrM of leiier. b-...g ttM cIoitHllC llk-, ,'tc,sUt ,,K ttllar- 11 R1""! wu. dort indUpfiuiabltf t UM mImUv IM V antiq li.....ri.-w . t lllfw ... . . t Ii.,- I -na Iure erui if lermined lo ifu .. i.-..- .......J i i omiivci im iHirii niiu ih-m ui oiu . ........... ... ......v-,... ... .... v. . , , ao.ur j.ii.ur luior,, nu r.dn.ß j .p,. iodical. ubl reprm ihellir- and gmoralf? ot uil tiw events ill 101-tmut KUU UU t,iar,u Ul l,u,r l,ri Mam itraet, now under way; an! a tine "l poliiioil psrtie. ol Great Uritain- -mim tltwamhiM auarf arf in w hU U du O0 Mid ail. Kacli ol llie Ii med roÄf 0f bu,ineg lt,ue are iuat 011 llie d ui nt Wl.ijr, 'lory, nd Kadical but p..lilica lunn . . ... i . nrofe;..:!-. we ohM-rve. h;m itb ivorc- .,f eomolotioii. Rear ft-m ar tl.'Mn,y ol,,? '"r- onir character iMwi' u mi i : i r r Ii. i i ii . ii uti - i- - t r , - a C-intant and ii-ial r.-ard bjd to udi arrirk-te M urofHiMiy Of KUM und dOlllCOlie HR, " home -teredindUp .....I h.MDMiaain aiasw il. .! witlK the intixt takln llltliis Oh- . prolesHioiml mm, v h! to Iba intelliiri or Und to loitiote in an Km tlie a ....... . , Somf few weekennce the Minister al Ae- rmmAur ... rfru 'i... .u.- r..,; l . , ,, i ',.ft Rmtrlni iii .ilivi.mlv .itwot tli. reader ol every claaa tliey lurtii.-n a m ueafiou, advanivnwnt and Veii-btMftg . ' ll- ' '"r-"1.- ouio.. n i wa ,ocjifion o( R ockpnrt liatnet rlo.e.1 itala- -oorrect and aaliafactorv record ot the c of tlioe alio are rwjpjrod in anv de- BI0t plwioing and MruHtilblv of axer- bor here, and amon; other importnnt busi- reut ün-rature of the day, thnnirhoflt i item ..f ptcreetirify. A" PW W ih ,r"m- n" diusaed, w.. the pro- JJ". be po,ui,,y ;übuin- ,r' . a;... el... .1. ... wa. a I . .mol i it, I .iu rUaaVaa I lia aiAliaKlialk fi.a M t hiHhm ' We have to. ,i..,ihf that hv a earehil. lMC PV1"" H " " " ' " Kami jriire an emUmte ariiiiitat. Ihe :.t... .... . .11;. ,..,. t. weil u-in oi the Hainan laniil.v, euu' a moii-u t'ua av iai.w 1 1 . 111 11 - v, - . . . rieb and ten iie laininof tbU o,mtv. ul tMir (,., ' vtaithdu. o,,r WMR T Z iwninjr wan naiurva m.t aa.uaoie (rv.n, a Wevklv ,,r ulii.-Ii im one "r- 3 -R - uk h ,. of ,oni, fl.0 r oe pUred la .he h.n.l. I .ub.ciiber. abu ai... has the -t reliali R nie- "-fti r'" thouaanJ doll A Word at the it art Tiie init.-r' of 4 neaoatcr in Düboi coontv is x- olio:. t- r.- tk 'ia -k &i a tirat claaa Se . inary, which iiieim wuh ,. . . . p , . 1,1- in,riii Kit a u ' n. r. n.Lis . r ..... i t it a -ua of ftr,lti, publiahf ra ffitaa audiiional vluu .., .1.-. Ik.. ....... i..:.i ... I i..L . I . 11 . . I. ... .1 .. . ' ' " pi.t..., p.!.... w 1 1 o .um, au-: diu. . mii--.' iv......, lit. 1. ini ii ... wiry I a 'i III. t tile . . . .. ' 4,. !..... ...!. ... .1 1 r.t oet ion: the xtz arruv .i ,j:-.n at w voa airl neeeeefu. la everv aru men . - ...... ..I..;..... , b. .VUII II. I IM" IMIIII l .lillllf.lB, I hos Ih. re ran fvrcel 1 . .1 .i. .11 ,.. . mrn irr i ..... i.. - x a-rciüturalN :;n(. ji,.!,,,.,, ,1... llie tavioUinuM kh..n"i nuinan be a doubt that, ai m. .hatan-dav. Uorknnf awtnoa eprt-arl m r if- entire attttiatc; the im- ire R, ,tBaelf ii.toniici uf tla '1111"1'- m 1,11 its del.artlilelits. will loaat ol firat claw edurational faciinie. , Kr .nv ne of ,h, four RffV Jj eflM f-; of coal and other valuable ,.r,,.,n ,( ,;, uW at. .,I1(J .,,., 'l.ave aiivoeatixi in term oi create t Th public mind baa been in ra.her an in. Per any lwi of the four ft view-, tal wineral depoait, hMI n, U,,eath wf ;,UJltlx, U. M,ti- vartu.tneee the claims o, rural mm m mm d-rin. most of .he winter. TMej J J j itaaria.v. entitle it to a hb place we inteIlll it at Dr. LM Ve if M hi, o,.ii.H,- 3 " TT'.i.Ule I' ÜTtT!9 !"?" Ä 3 ak Vr . ;..t. 1 . . J ,. . Thl ainsr l,v oa hi.ln. whom ,"e""r' 6 ""bu,fd tb lh ,,"8t"J' K-.r Itla.kwood and three Reei-wa 9 00 " " w....... c ... VM, . .. .. M , . .. r . ,,, ;tllvHnce. c. rv-e v . n and T.roei.erou State. Theairint!ru- wk;.. -1 ....... tt.a a .n.i ... u- ,r a 'the cnetouie of eociety debar from m W 1 .um iJ.a 111 'ii iii9, j cat vi a 1 - a ra! interests of Dntiois are annually assominj Brrsn- Miistlative; it ).tl- 1Utf jt B We.Cu"a. 'itor to tin- lain- 1 'ic' BttW lc Cilltivateil Hot Ml as(preeent depth of Ihe mtid, winch laa a well knottl. Fur Klack 'ooU and Ihe l..ur Iteviwa, 10 ÜV tendencv to eucuiuuer the tind-rttandini; .. .1 1 1 . i-.v - I .... 1. ...... .... ..1 I. v.. ...... I :. ... man v oini r htinih 01 eauiorioiie exer- .irilln.rii are rather more c ir-enmr n 7 ... TWIW WU HtUl .1 W Ulin ll pi .it.-, osn... - I w 1 r 1 ,:i. u . i kl ,. . I I i I I.! . I ... ... Ik .: . .. '"".v.. " " w . i'av.tiriita to be inaUo in all case, in ad - rent in llie älate wmre Buainaa seem, to move on much PoNlaift. tiie counting rooiu .... ........ I.,,i ..a u manne ..f more t'.i-klv. and ihe Condition of our .'rn;. tlU thej' " I! , . . , The postage m any part of the Kni-erl 1 ti .. . .. nraallw imnlntM Tli. fairer nur inn " Ipreoei vilic nealtli. lie avef uMK UMfl ' --r--- r- s.atea will he but vwiity rot a crT a 1 "fact ha, minted itself to him bv f "r u.ove round ..ih 1 ,r ül.chwood, and but lourta.n cent- . . , . ; ... . , , i'reedorr. and eaae, and lor the laat lew day. ; a yur for ot the Raviewa. Br.ush Unarterlj Review. , ? r -loi.thattheoxeroe ot the k u ,,.,,. ai the .ä-Mee aria, ih. .ill k. 1 1 ui buci ie ua c a v asv. inv - .. r - r - - . . - w w latino is rapid! v incrvasiu; its poiiti- jjv eirh. cal intiuetiee is tru-iilv advancing. .... and consul oeiitlv i: is of the hic'r lauieuarvawiee ini nnr., a;, i ...j.. -....v.. ........ iirun-aioii nini mcesvn .so i tn i..., ,...i . . - . . IUI BIIC.I. ...W 'H.t II II uiiuflu.iij -.- - - r tbe nerar aanta of our citizen,. " invitc n'' attention ot our n-ad. ur,.MU uf the breast, by eiupng, con j,iwef ,rd intereeiing appearance. TU la- should te LeT.t Jinoi!iientIv and c m- tre to l''e aipttRI ot the r.ritiah rjibntei Very much to defend tliemjdieo, judging-from the number promenading .1 "T Dvi.uc uml l-ii.L-v. .nTa !,' III . .. . .1 1: I : .1. .1. . l: ... Li tk. -- i . Aim J , i... .... KaniiT iA-iore me ciruiiirv. 10 ac- " " .- ... ironi me uiea-c iu nnic me eiuimiejoHT nocwiiu,invw .vi.. I',tl iaili I Vt5 trtü'fthcr complish this end no weans that canaiiotlur column ..four j aj-r. The U4 ther tRHMat esuoaa tluiu. The: a,k" u Jor ,h"r rtatot'e aeciuaion. It h uj( the more ephemeral Magtainea of Uderieedwiil urwre ao efleitual ae reading matter con'ained in thee e: t,eni,aili arv leidem attlicted with, Prf"y tu eee so many of the m daf thM 1Wdlc,u .. i.ulo e, ,Äe. .l. Vlv.,- , r , r;..!;,!,. Uahaatleaallv aolld and ?n ! - 1 u "dear criilera" ftam.' .bou' in the.r w10- ,lPDC. . full year of the Noa Onk auom... .c .Haveeaiuuuieuioi ajou - ......r.n.nion. ..o, n.e i on f( g fi Allocelher, Ruckport Ui ina tor l67, mv b- ,.r,lg aoairly ae week I v newsi a., r. .wnicu. tui) wuto, MM"?",,imorv than on.- instance ! siiltinc ot k. nM.,i. v ... i..r 1858. W piQaeee to (.,r. fBB . .. ' I BB IT1IIML' I If U3 BB If 'Ol . . n i I" 'i' T t eTi f t - - mäh tll iwtt Poiitieallv, tbe Ctrurier tri tlU uul literature v.:il iinü in UwMnjhtKKl them. - ...1. .1.. - .... .....1 ....... 1.... : . .. I.. This I believe 1 i.jr 1858. Wf o yeara! IbelpTto Tca. vis t na .1. 1 Ur i.Aita. 1 ti ir u. 1 . r ftll iiatrf1 haa 1 1 1 at mut ..v -'7 , v f...w sires. advocate the principles and Wllcy pe- ncu iuai 1 na bwri ii!aiii.oie. itg, m part, ly the strength ibueineae men more wealthy aud enterpru- j,'or Blackwood'a MagBxiae, iluarintk TR awritif nartv Rnt delineatinff nature. S-aty. manners, ..... thoir Inn moni re hv acreift.inff. our youth more intelliße.f. and amiable, ' Kor any m.e Rsview, w tag cx trim ti- in tbeiecntatateut iIiticaltt.n- vernuiciit or religioo, they lWniablilir froaBtif in -.H-al mugic.ud our tadiee.if poaB.ble.more ei.chaniin a I F n 1 TI . n Ii t htrlhl v irw tweiay. it iuirea oiics a, Santas'"1 f'nte"al variety ot instruction, at- w,lidl C4jngtituteh an nihil branch b'u,,,ul nd Pood- But tn0"',, For and two Rat ioaa .... . . n... A... lrt.ll. .laklH. . I . 1 1 .. 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 , .1 I . M I ' - .. . For anv Iwo Reviewa, Fur Riackwi.ud and R-view present. Again wiahing you abundant sue- F()r ,hr Revifvta A. For Rackw"d and three Reviews i'ur tat (bar Reviews k. f a.i i.. ... .,; .: i. tended with an unusual aniuutit ot in ....:.... INK t W k.T. 111-." IU il l III". 11. II .1 11.111 CIUU.ll"ll. . v " , mm . j ! i i ! j cea, I remaia lou'-s the ceiraine from tbe counterfeit, tbe'terert. ihey are the united i-nniuc lie influence in enlivening and pro-! real from tbe asaotned it mav not be 'rj08 die mast r minds f the aire. ;jrlv directing the soul's best aflec-i Bible Class I r-r fturkwoud and ihe for Review u oo nnneceiarv t state, brietlv, what we The chaste and elevates, .nudities sjW it not leea worthy our attention.! A very agrceahle and highly in-, JtwnK btrlieve a real lRmoerai to U- and 'heir stvle, together with the s.lid,( ne of the lit lov erftil minds tLat(ätrul-'tlve blc Llas baM tor some tune ,hut WOrk l..r both yeara. avat rD. " 1 . - I i a 1 1 ..... m I . . rr , ... .... - . an . a. earth has ever known who baa left'1-" "vM 10 Ol's place, on every men- n n--itie price n ureal ur.iain 01 inn Mr ' eriouica.a aoove nauieu i suuui aat per an mini. Aa we shell never aga.e be likely to oiler materials of thought and wihimcon willst t!u rsr i an-ii. 1. hr wliicii he i. governed. The real IVmucrats, t0 taitied in their page, entitle them to the imprint of his collossal intellect ,1bv veuing, at the house of Bov. Mr, -i 1 .1-. Baatäw. . ml Ütbo hiirbeat nlace in the literaHire ot and eivvateil iiioral nature detnlv en iruin- The metliwl adopted by Mr w ..... ...v.-.. ..... ww . . : .... .l: I.,,.., i.,,,.n..i.ti i. ll.i hen nrsBafilr.1. described aa tbooe who tili .bide by language. hlleligl.L nnliealtliy'gmteo en the (-age ut human history. Strain m mreci.i.Kui.ev.-rc.acs o, vöw TS T35K TIMM TO BTJB9t3fiIBT tbe original prinHptes of Democrar-y'. pro.luct.onswiti.ont mm, y: -If any man deapige music proves highly satistactory to the, aT.1"m(tl,Iicrt ".J, i() c.. a bo still retain tbe inspiration of the now BeB cotnic.g up ail oer am dsBplewed with him. Xext to!vr8 1'reons corapsing it. Un tnel,,, sirtct l0 ,he Publiahera, tar at Jetferwn and Jackavn acbool, who as the and, like the lo-tisU ol Egypt theolny 1 jive place to music; forjPrt of greater noniber w ho attend. I pricey ,,o fmj'ion M " freemen, cling to living bourne by a mighty eat wind, it thereby" all anger ialorgotten. the devil, it is pleaeit.g to olerve the marked H uLVsto Sc.rr Ajgf ideas of jnatice. of equal rightt, and bvionslr theduty of all who have any i8 driven away, and melancholy and interest uniformly taken in the various. March 10. No 64 Gold sir. et, inK of pngrvas. sd trbo ret use U folhvr-rvganl for the moral health and into. ItnaUiy tribulations and evil thoughts :subjecte brought betöre tbem M each JEI'ttIM& cV CO., ibe tnrbalent cnwd in a pell uiell Iw-tiiai vigtr of oar country, toaid bylare exvlled.M recurring week. They evidently re wi-hmh i-salkis abssndonnieitt of tbemselves to the se- every means in their power, the gene-i I relation to the moral power ofigard it as not only the most profitable j w- rVl? 1 S (l I darlions of those iwccesive quad of ral circulation iind H.pularity of such nusi. t, ami its marked ailaptation to bttt decidedly the moet agreeably e-nt phi'laDKLPIII I specaUting politicians that infcat pe- periodicals aa have . direct tendency the constitution of man, ue cannot evening of the week. By having their ff cr . J rrodicaliy oarr land He discards all to the Iople with wisdom ami better express our views than in the .attention directed to the elevating pre-1 1 ,nd teihnff much below the h.jrh idwititvwiththitsictionsaiidclinues knowkd. . language of the distingimhed Dr.cepts of the Divine BV cords the ,uf the past year; the pre-ent the fieuiirr wnn inat. racmns anaunpit . ,.. , . , . . r . , . . . ..... omm with the easing prosnect o v,nHiuiere--a wrucrueepiy Bcnuainrea wonaenu. acts oi me laimiui in pam bejn abI,o fu.nir7h M aod . k Aurmaa Home JlAOAXiNk. 1 lie wjtj, UIIXU'6 nature. He says: "The gem-rations, the glowingly eloquent cla lor the price, aa formerly. We alaota. i .roi tortus of this Rterliier innntldr - I .. .. a .i . j ... ... i nleiMiire in sinnouncine lhat we have eon- f j-. : . ... ' ' ' " -nower miu i essi ene 01 luueie grjrairis OT .AlWBties auu i ro neu, iinii . appetite Rr diatinct'oS and provender, wai he found in am.ther eolninr The n l ii .w ! i ,., iu , eluded to extend the time on small billa. and whoeo art of adaiinistration nuc T , koiumr,. i it lnav well be rgfded as a tuest beau-jeapecially to the high and holy exam heretofore aoid on two and three mouths, to s ,Um nf Pure "d "J lu"ral tu,H Uiii teous adaptation of external nature to;ple of Him who went about continu--three sud four montha credit. tuatee between Use im anno 01 ww am,, in inuetioii w ith it iUided ,i i . . ...... Thoussnda o Grrcere and general Htera trickerr and tlae blustering arrogance WDn " ta Ztho "K,ml ''' ot man; for ,ly doing good, they fed that Uj.., MnWlevMn Pm. t ImUvism The real democrat is not FrClC ,m teii.temy. r.n.ter it what can be more adapted to his moral heart is made better, while at the same ( nee, and the number is constantly iucreaa- e. sa. sa. 7? t "t f rlSf "",i,uü"" thm wbib ,-! o :r sjää .vä wwasalv in the ascendant but because . ,e -v ' 1 1,u'r11 , f as 5',Uft,t nniiiently is, to his moral the soul elevated. They make thodis-'convenient tonn. This uneaampled eucceaa Ibaraia demncrm v e. mcea a steaadv f W Its sweetent sounds are those Uverv that after all there is in that,' W" tnegvJUBint, aesnncrmv i-v imw ai avaauj wond to tnmo ..four Hmt elsis i i cr .! I .... ' formly done, for a long term cf years upon continuance in integrity, rams a deaf l ' ' '.. ur . ' "r k"'d affl'ct,on-,ts W.mestaonnds aacred though much neglected book, jJj f.i, 'principle., and e.peci.lly with to die charminas of the aildors of .. . 7L - are 1,1080 "R8t xpreasirc ot moral something quite as wonderful as the.n eya to that whoieaorne one oi bbiil tu MSB aauBiBiBBi asa s . . o j u .y n n PnoeiTa san O dick Rktvrns " ofiBce, and maniteats an eagerness to. .TT.. ' T? .7-T . ! 7. . ,. ,. ,an7m' or moM. UTOU ro K,enn'' "Kecklcss and daring exploits ol tear- Te bf. .r(jce. de.ler. oonanU amid all the hi flings of noli- . , " , , ,. ucvotmn ot the heart, and prompt, Fred:" as mvsterions and heart -are recommended to order small and irequent . . - -A monthly. well as weekly publica-the aspiratiuns and resolves of exalted' j: a.u i 'bills. oa - I ' ir will' lil pi viri bbb "i ries of Poodledom," as thrilling as furnished with teas in ilo- onjrinal hslf- cheaia, at three centa per lb. less iliau in Metallic Packages. (' D. HurlbuM a no lenger in our eiapley f fa i" 4 u.i I eo I 7 on it fn S oV who care nothing ttir truth or righte- urnes. wiiile th-v have a raver.ou- er. tbe fresh impales of the honest young heart of tbe nation Mm - 1 J L .1 Mien is ine oeniocrary ano e.ncn wie n0UKTuUS phnciplea which we profess to advo .tions. Its cannot but lo at- piety. ieDö.cl witn pleasure anu J.ront W its frrKvery county ... the Slate should sup. oTkfl .-i;GWro-nfSnn-Li.m chesis. at three centa per lb rt at least one paper the cit sena of each' , . . ,. port 'are able lo do it, and it mattere snt what ite'the never to be outwitted policeman," ihtics sre, they should support it. There no teihng the advantage a paper is to a la SfistirUs.fs.! SW. d.i. k od mir 11.!:.. XZTJL , sH .wrthinj; sis s. I..rt,.r.,l , '' ,fS--J---aT mmmmmnwmmmt tral nut 'on ill nollrv totaK- to ftvVfml w lio an-not RuliSicrilMT?. und community A muriraii Vmm P...r tli-'n" fth the I onclnnir Vr!'-; u' till m,.Pj'.i, iq i., asaj as w w mm liahed sad expotinded by those great ahoukJ they desire it we wottldbcgltdj vcry well r,aid, brother Couiiiigore exquisite poet rtttlloodle. witf in boovrab.e rravvs. wc ihaW particulars, see terms on urt page. rNtaents ol iniooia win realise . our ne'ghbtri. Slareh 19, SbS. .In .t ires' Hin Iiis. . . . a Iii. L. and accntnplishod statmcn. who nw to enter their names on our book; K-r and true. arTery word of it. as we hope If you can say bo gojd' ssy no ill of A Sail i onUPhandn.HorC sale low a. the COFRIF.R Ol FI I. ii oo TV V