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THE JASPER COURIER, JASPER. INDIANA, FIUDAT. APRIL 2. 1838. NO. 3 VOL. I. WEEKLY ear Baaaatt2r aaaaBBaw Vaaaaflkai .a in IV EST f.lDAT. T JAft, areata COCBTT, lr !. T OFFICE Toe e Mai Ci Macros a u Brannte. For lha iuynr Courier. MMistsWU tmtst. Th.. is the : The Philotonhy oi Woeet. U im .1.... II Abb wkib in the (MSI A Cm tMiMI of BOM IBcludee Sil lt ' . a . . .O . t I terfeit thre i cither u ul of exeresso,. ere peeporuoa to ne im, vooetneii, i. e., u . .... -ra.. ., il sack aaare deridedlv lavs (ban one-tri-d dies present the asssl contrast, of the length of Iba laca.or loss lun than f)ar den. wt have mat ob oor journey P""y to tre cnaoier containing me com- A d : i . ik (ifhii ia deeo. Th sancies of these . .l.- msndineBta, pointnd to the ii.iunciioit.' or mannt, fa tat moH, tn-s is a.wsys " -fnH event aas on;erea so ay a rrofim - - - , J shall aever go to Hr-svi'n,' aha replied. 'Hoar do you know ihia!' asked the Judge ! again. The child took the Rib'a, and trnine ra aiTBI.-TIV 111 ADVAXCE Iwtf !l of "il,,r "x; M " ,r,, aoM- Ml all wiee; ne.neor. i .aarnea paw ...or. . TE K. m V e ' Maer ; ail of proper pro- -rel .yaes to which tbey sra generally re- Unaec-ding oar communings, yet in mem- read .ftolacnptio-.foriftjrlsaa.. paetiow. and aa per'ect aa tbe nature of the ferakm ete .ithee tbe little aoaea of chit. .fi.httt p9mm ! 'Ha. any nnemlk'd with yoo .hont -oar aas-ra or Tibt - -aw ieae. aerasH; b. tka eoaataHeiufa area, ar tbo at, broad aoass of a-froes; They ..rinted deep, uneff-ctd by W- witness in court bare against th -.-aJ10i;eeiao linaorsfa. manV inqirad ih. Jsig a. tT.Ä! 1- "ÜT1 K il - -f alac.: satssa loo .bort; a.iiaod raee. all mcU nose, indicaf dafec . . ,.V , replied. -V) mother h...l Eseb suasesjaeat taoettMHi. Long adeertiseaaeats, at fraction fr wen aasre ar a as a aaos re. Tbeae are iba int avartasemeata: s boa will ae as sea to ABBOcinar. riiM Tewaania office. eck. Cana.y District, Tirraia. ar Stat. f a- aaarn aaaw.:r. BBaanrt raaaasaj aar aaaat BBBBBai I aar fc bamr- tka Waatarn Arar m niM Rika coaalrs aaaras wmc saw v w . . m aanaa aar 11 n at ri mire r nn rruir nurr aim .i . .... S.IUi..l ami .In an a.ih a ' r thee rsntfd MS to SS B ' - . . a'- Mtraims, , . , .rms is certs i n a OI STBBaon;oi a net; nemmr bu' . , . jiii g oat of alare eoeaa way. n ia - j - eontrssted wib the ulsr crowd, helil rerh.,.. tbat yoa sboaM exceiie.e. in me form o. i,e W a. in ,e UaatioototlHsrol. tt of Socr.taa.c.. aeatrsli. Tbey tell Wki)e ;-,ip . court. Mw mm wmm kacoase familiar with it. of an aufimehed inirtleciusi deeeUameBt: .:J .u: f tba bra yoa ea- bare, aad ..II aad the lower, and natter, and mora .nub fcf Uef a. ii.. - . ika iMAaa S tm ti, I Ka tlkslls' atl fakUaiAfs mas. I masrnjl.' At I fits irl Mtlll O. w LJ'.w saafiaW a cu.nJ in .kicb bad lernnr m-r. tbss aol I speak not of your graceful foria-yoat him And hsa I eima up here with father as oder a few bints wkKn may be jadgment wiU bse. away. righi ana luecrotm r,., ... -.c- - ... L t tfd or rsisrä Bote it m not qaite so with wo.tirn. in tsem mor of our cinr, qtniwn nin.iui ww... ....-., ........ " .v. ta isa ! I nel. aniodoii bitfli: Uesr everv aord tbst 1 said. Not are altered earioa-W Ju(f- P. ia 1 ' lilUÄ ..... u, the almoat similar form wb.. b they bolt. gi-e tbe eye i glo. while a tear ffl.einneo in on eya. snn ..P l u L . , hmwm ia aarla chiidhoud. The retenito. It is the eairii' lofty aall thst makea auch quivered wiib emotion. saoaoaaa. in:s is none n.icr , P - . .. . .. ...a .u. .i wilneaa, ami lat night she culled roe to her room and aakari me to tell her the Ten Commindmeriie, aad then we kneeled down together end he prsvod that I might understenJ hjw wicked it was t bear faiae itness againat my neighbor, and that God would help me, a Iii lie child, to tail lha truth a it wai before tones to flow. Yea air,' aaid tha child, with a voice and aotbimf.1 tile ante a n-.iN Bra ikia eoanlrv. . . . , ,.r. f iKa I.itU rhiid.Iika naae iaaslies - . ...n .. ar i ia ol iqc ' ..... f MM ,rWHaaan."" "r r .. ... k ... tt.f.rt in . .otaaa's mind. ...... . u.. . oaanner that anowea ner coneici.on 01 1 " isrrer denom'astwns. as .- . iue. , - a - ,tm warm snsctioaw yu p - . ...f., itativeaof anuses. ery maa .. ... ä. If kee kead be well formed, such s none may . . train wa yrneci . traaawetawyaa hat- Z 7--!-. - Tb7no e; .,4. biaslf f.- ""T1??"' T t trMt a,t and de.terons Bat etr.n "T- rou wee.. 'yu ' f - B0,ber; Ti ' "!. wu. to be able to detect ßf- . m ortim wch BOW Bed tu be .naeinnl Th " Mhlii, Ntt .ng.ged-to knna competent, re cominuea. ar nr. - , ew by aboeser. pre- " tlfl4. t, a th f :od fe.tarew. If the, are .ot. the, ' for Ute, aad .nnocant o, i,e awpa, a W-Z: ::iTkat. ard.ntbeam.cbtatkaeapramioBafin-.gninc.nce , MW , ie. I felt, lha arrow from d pray Ood ,or sucn aitoemie. a. una. i i..... " I . t hr b f rimi lira. 8he told her atorv with the .implicit y of mmrAm A . -n ana nroud. . . . . . aa. ,. aredommanre of the material lawiaji J a a cniie, aasna waa, -ui sm ca. -syseqstrstaei. .a krokea Ba-k. t cksracier: and a turn up noae wu. and para, and atroog- .bout ,t which . u. aTaTaBam umfwm as- - . . . . . -- U. aa , f t ahAlI Mfl i . J a. ... a. a . . i.4 i as ft .Uta asMBcaesatcr . . . a.-,,, a .a aa dmii dee laration v,v train it. every near., o.i. w S , a Im. n Tka ..! I. Tkas BBCwme axgwt seeaa eery an- , voH. awd tbee add mach la tbe eipreastoo of in..gnihcance , mm , , , and indaad imsoaaaale. yet w. kao tf M Uc Mrfer aVmrni- or earn cosraeneas. Tbe thicker snd larger tboT. a aaeh tbtffKia p.asiMs. and by strictly ,-.i of soak nose in either sei commonly sag sad abotrv ng u e n ea wSicb we LCra,ioM are anaawtioae asade by tskiag indicate tbe predominance of tha material The lore l besam aaf aa way acquire the eMlt! oU. oi soa. aroaei. Bank n.,, ,-n.iracier- and a turn up nose will pur. - It mnmlm ks mwca eraser ,wi: "... .. A : ,kM anatria. ia an onen declaration A lh as of ike sucu ad caaateeftita if we teat Baak wf tbeaaaneaaa Tkv aitaw. r. f.r aa ana ran saaks oae.) af a. emotv ear ld8- aer as d iatated mind; af a miad ia which there -t,u?ie a. imitation af that strength Tba loll wit 8. an tj new Iba geaaster tmmmm aVrtked akawa. ,m bat tba apwrioaa s weald mj " ",,brf' W rtl ,ÄU, " "U 10 r-tmrtrt. jeW-aee; bat sf ..aad I Wank Hate . . -- . , a roa wise Tbarwliagfor tbabmtk ' m Trmtk. examined. Tbe counsel plied her with lad nite and ingeniooa questioning, but ah. a- ''- I U. .1 l.msnl in HAI h i Uf a- . rim irvia uci . .. ... . ami peinaiple itbaraia a strong indication af a : cr tbey muat aot be toe fleshy or toe lea. eya.wi.oa-. o. - - f - - . , t.ctureo tor ma. . ....... ' ikew are bnafret .bort ef tetng snoat lit.) a UssJ. -jel nine rear, of , waa of. Her t.atimoay falsehood w.. ae.tteree na tba trae caaracter .key mark aa protaagatiaaa of the forebeaa fered M . mitm9m .fi.inti . pr.soner who chsfT. Tba little child, for whom a nwiber aiaielligent.obeaTaaataadprodetif.a- wM 0 ,ri.l for . felony committed in her bad prayed for atrength lo be er detected bwliatd. . a e refined mind. It Roman, arched haaaa. Pk tlat i.ila asit was befwra Cod. broke . ;r ..tra.-iea. tbe ml . I .aaaaaa asaa awa aeamlta asaocia- ...u .k. a I fa tkearl.- the cuonirg dee icsa of matured villainy to aar to im tiarx. .awa mmm - - v - . iw baaiiv. " - r - , f aaiform ,e.,4 ..u are loo liua. ami, if ptd. too ,ed . (esa deeeloped forehead snd a oWf -pon hr be,,., offered for a witnes., I p-ecea .Iks potter, imapa aad raa paraUel with tbe bot- . k ger biad head: and they d.seoee atrengtl . koJW if J0U unaeraund tba nature that bar mother prayea m w-. pva. lamaf lle nte; while tbe caaaimfeii m rsrefatly obaereiag tbefoeego-nr twtea, ..j a.,, rather maa f D and tbe eublima and ternoie aimp.ici.y-.rr- be hnnL n-d at euker taaodark or mmi 9Xm mmf all Bank nates we aaai-v. lh thum mho lb, .t of tust re- ,. H kJOf, mb.t T0U rne.n,' nil th- ' i riran .o .ur Pr.-u..r, ..... ... lr ' ... I I . i. 1. i . L .k. ... La lilca a rv- .as mm u aauall renr e srsa and .n kecaaae an! -aea aw aaowry. a.. wkicb isiadicatea by the atrsignta'... .-ai-nwn.. ..r mm basw seen, boa-eer. that the -' of Post. T b,, --."0"- .Tbere. yonr honor aatd the totin.el. ad elation Irom lod h.maail. w .. . 4-;.m . tl. la ivaihes shrewdness :n world Is matters; ..r Ptparil I LOsIP .l - - pewe aleme. tb liaes aiaav BUaagtlt, aad Tlimbyaan an. letaera sad dies at all dame by a aaaxh oe for that a-sr- ( llM kt. Seaan. tkat baea found h necea- ivrtwaeat wf Praasia. bnaing t nud. force to tbe meaning of tbe . appayaotae rmitieeraa. whjcb wH. A lb. wt,.l1 a ,s Poaiaaasic coaceatraitee forekaad eymboKenl of saaarlydPadersu.det al . ffc ,..,.,1 large aw ne-a of object; sal .ts naaally narr, tie. Tbe bar. prweed w,ad i. tba msih rrm. tr U were tba aatmhag s.g.t of can.i trees. n i!. a Cour, 'ia anything further tie-! "tr.L.Bc Tnkr o or ScitonL. The narrow , ... j.,,.i. alididiir o' mr .: .... c... eaaYfla- ...iiioii ? Tbo witneaa should be rejected. i..,. OBJ Tueaday aeetaii a, .ays; . . i i . L.. n . i . . . . .f an m. i t . : . . .. I . . . arrow ncs- She d ea uot comprehend the nature ol an . . , .aä i. ike mail tW trie tha uafa.ung of ean.too ami ill "" . .. . Tk. ßMk. "raiirht noae. 'mJ ! .k. i ..laat State wbicb hare Been aeniam snd are iß c ese- c """""" in il. notice of lbf Pree- isaday ereiaii if, says; The clear, bracing atmoaplier. last night i ia alwaya well While tba counter Seil :s tbe ruliBg aot refaiar, a letter arldoaa or neeer malt terfeit alwaya laoks ceaarat lUtam ' toe geniame. sra- ae tu y a a negroatnj , th- I. Esaaaiae tbe aanmmg ar back- eertera aa wb-Hy ' Saa arts, and be letters in tue prontiaent nt.e " " . . mmmmm . ... tad areferrnce 1 Baak see if cb rolitne haea are "r" . . i..i. li.. peraendtcalar noaea that is auch looked cufdingly up . j . If .k (attar are formation of w pwai , r- j .... animr ,i..t ata. aad in a manner ao artless t aau um. vim. - . . . . ,.j..f a.ia i.rraani at immu r- . - or fancy see if tba proper sbastowa - ,M , g aaissd capable af acting and autrertag w.tu frBBki ln-t ,t went airatf m to ma awn, dl,uguil,h genuine color from that bougtn tend tram. m . D . .taaaa sndenrrey. " 'Didyot. erer taue an oatn; inquire .l,..,. Tbog. if t l.dv'a ear. ar. ot mT mmimm .kat tka sasiast i, A im aligbtly belied at it. end. extend. jdge. The little girl etepped back with a roa-nietint as her, or maas. aal gh'; . 1ZTZL Jk-a-a. tk two ,oaBine. aad corrobarntea tbe indication af the ana. Iook of horrcr, nod the red bitHMi manned tn miyb. t.dimn .i0lU aftke t !,. larebaad. Sack aosea, large and broad , blush ail oaer ber face and neck Mine, . .k...;.. nature naeer per- aha 11 either Be tnirr BTe?aa w -j - n. ' r r m,mA ar frettoent in men with acute prac awereJ: ik. anomal of r i ine pallid aonc- I. i.,. . ' J Är tka a. .rid The SSOI tM.t air. . a u..i!..,.t nninlaiinm at . .nkiaul alaa'a rata sf aaataia a. licai laoatmp w. ... - .... oisr Bfpriiuaajaa ap ""--- 1 jThe eomnineii ae e rat w awwtw .TT. . ... m , u. . kt k. intandart to inauire if she . r n the Un.ted Statee aad Bat Terntaer. betted end in ana awa. - "TT a. 7 l" w,'r-r ... IWavidngaUtba See. belamy -id. etrile nc-a. wme . ,k. -ho' ih-! Tb rl " L.r-aa. AaSMsrsnallaisa s aad broad, indicatiag a miao taaa ". i do not mean n... - - btu ,ea will now go to painnng meir asra -gHlaeurrass aa-naa .a-., .ad .a anaen to close ami a.- kr naimake. I mean were you erer ai . . . r..,iMI, ... mam.n. aas each letter ar packet net ea- power - ,v io - " - WO r .. 1 . ikaaw a. kalnrat' taai - a., ., akieh aar maa raaltaiia. mi t . r. agk.lf a. eame.iawa.gbt. at which eenaaa aawawawtamnitdbm . nA .; I never waa io conti before,' waa! aW -0 . Tn -A lady, who knowa lymeoa aa f1 - Etat II. Eaamiae tba) raliag, ernameatal and I tbe tote. lathe wine ail , aad reptee' "s: be beset i 9 hod tan aad curses wcrfenam-g. ardm; a col Ugb. a. aVaa . aaat aalk ST more about housewifery than ah does about the Inst (aahiooa and the laat noeel, say a em tbe la aa amwitted to pay keaa ikaa tbe as bread, on matter whether .traigm " ibe ...wer. Mtstaarnruaa W aa-.a.rir faeulnea. H. handed her the Bible open. WT whole combined rate. . . . .n. know that book, my daughter' ;,hi, ; lhe way to make food tea Lt- The p-wtag. a - letter ar pact ..ore Dut .... - ' J . llOJld .Vlooked at it .d ...wered, Ve. r. The teapot ialo be fllled wlthbolllitgwn- TorsZ the work "Z?7cZ 'In, " :t i the B.ble. jtrr. then the tea i. pat in the l.anot.andi. sit bah.nd c-w- -TTa oa no aadi.aoaal la a woman n large noon ia of more nn- 0o ;ou tfer read Br he aaien. lallowcd to atnnd for Bte m.nuit-a ne.or. o( tha die in wbicb it ia w ' tot ncm tieonl certain aognry. for it apt to etnd into .ye, ,ir,ery evening.' us.d; th. leneea gmdo.ny noaoro m. -.aer aw wa -"-a If it be well formed and Bneiy ,Ct. oa u me what the ntni. ia. .w-;ttd .a sradanlly em tottio noiiotn, ma re- .ca ar 'ractaeoef aa aaaca. f, mnil large aoae, aad especially ifH lfca Judge. ealt .e.that the tea leave ere not eoaided, a. Peraaaa. tkerafnre. ma.nng awra aw. M,r or aliehtlr ... u .k- .rd af the treat God, she nn- lh- - wken boilina water i. poured oaer traaamismoa io tba Prwast.a aajaod mail. .... . eharact eristic .j them. ind you tat the true flavor of the ten. this Bible, ,. trlh( rouch om tea i required in thia e repeated .... under tj,e 0d and common prac- usuaily d ajco. oi j:.... Worn M IlTOLMASU .rillTT wtw .11 befall ces were granieJ by the Supreme Court at ita recent aeaaie. ! Itetiann couniy, ewe- In two of the cen, tbe cana. waa ntolcrahlw aererltr" on thf part of the tail the ears ate. aad ante if thaee as csa traeelera ia that full .nd hfe like 4km the a) aa ana Ihr. itatnni awiiata-.. . . l... - .J .isfcmi be abut ap in. State Prbjce, nn-ant ay the Ameri-, mThe moo that m ton poor te take Mel lrtto iaaaiadatBlOieaMtypnpar abawU aoaamit enieiae.fe be. ,Anwl1,nf .to.t. keil the Judge. !ife! (m tea paar ta lire.