Newspaper Page Text
TH JASPER (mium, VOL. J. JASPER, IMHAW. FIU1MY. APRIL 16. 1858. N O. 5 rUHLISHEIi EVKKT FBJDAY , AT JAM f.ll, DOHOI CUUMTY, IBttlAMA, BV If I1HRINGE2, DOANE SMITH. For the Jasper Courier. 'XobaccQ. The practice surely doe not add beauty OFFICE Corner or Mab Cbosm Machohalu Stri-ts. TKRMS STUICTLV IN ADVANCK: Single Snbscription, for fifty Nu., liATCS OF AL'l hK J Ife For square of I'Jliueaor leas, 1 had subsequent insertion, Longer adveriinemeiits. at an fraction ever even square or cqua as a square. I hcae are ibe r ai-'o' loivertiseuieiits; a resauns tian will be made to regniiir ad Notice of appointment of and l-cl notices of like (laid for in advance. AMNOl'RCINC; CARD! For Township uflices, eae a 4 . r or ."Hiiny ' Fur limine!, Circuit, or ir V- A '""P Uppe although .o pondent. Her ZliZ JZ.l V',,, 8hM back sp.l.h,, bv a atul'r vvMiTF at. ,. uppo.e ii mattes (hem look more m.nlv i. .. "77 " " yr v" "Wl1 "ealhen.' I never could admire the appearance of one 13 " " ""e"1 i. p run : I intend .netting a few who woe cuntinual'v ejecting a dirtv hrnu... ARD Mb - . J 6 iiunu word, ct.cert.inj the use, or rather, liquor from his mouth, staining his teeth, of tobacco: and if I hnnirt non-l. ...... iulHa et .i.:.. u. . . ... - "'"k "d "ion uuBuni, iiiu even dehlinir I I... f.... I...... - . . . . . . . . . '" any one, i trust tney tne tsee Mseii. riven smokii,.;--suonoied to Impure to me nnv intentional mi- be tha least exceptionable of all the ways in e soie oi'i-ei or writing a lue i to ha,- ,,uA 11.1.1....... - I iiavic tl Ol BBC 00 I iy oe vieweu in us true lection. 1 will rive f.,.,, .I.. ay M u.ii titr celebrated counterblast of Kins Janie I need in Europe about which fural.hse. U teen.l, century, and hi ttccomil of objecliü, ( . 'V " c,tf ln U'" m""- Ha terms it,A custom, MV present moment loatme to the eye, h.te.ul to the nose. l""W" Ur liBrnfftl to the brain, daiiirerous to ih. !.,..! T the article onL...i .1 1 . . I . . . !"" ",c i""ta, Miuainir fume thereof.' .splint is (jene. ..flr. .hti.. ,i. . fa iiviiiuiu otyvicii 7 ut ;Ur 7 cunVy' s"'okt' of M't that i. Ut.omle.." found 10 Aois. Hie, 1, uu' l,,rre " anoiner view uf tho siil.iect JM u.e the P-cul,.r:wWch wWlluMiri jJ It iti- uii the nervous rt. . . , r awaci wiucn it nn upon political Woman. BT HUNK' Kit ELLIOTT. jm saajiJii w V lfW MW wrSB mm ,nim BaV JBJJ BBJJf, 1. B BBXHBJJt aoopa pb BsT Basale. 1 i BBBsl BBBBB c 1 1 a BJJ BM s 0 lr ubled What highest priz Imtli woman won in science uf 111 ari ! What migMteet work by wman dune Buaitta city.4iel(i urwartl "She l.ath mm Rs(.liael!-' l'aintins;aith; .o Newton:" Lesrnniir cries; "Show uh her Mt4tthip! ber Macbeth! Her tlmnjjut- on victurna." Wait, boatfiul iiiai Though worthy are 1 art t r nd ho ler Car, I bv dt-nU vhen lata) art tro-. i hinvs worthier sfmrsii Our si-ter vet will d For Ibis the worth of w, mm shows, On every peopled bore. That still as man in wimIori i'mwa, Ue honors her the mure. - 4. 1. . w Dum I iff ir iiiinri . iiio'i v if, I v im niKaii. I.. .,..;. .. ni ' . ... w "u "ise looBcco do it with s knowedLe beitfar makes hun contented ivitb li m.l . ... . uu leuj-e ,, , . , . , " "l impoverish their land, and in a and all tue rü.t ol the world. 1 hau- . . . . . . . yea tmKv it sn unproduct ve, barren ifr a;uently een persons v. ry much hrreaed atm.t. . . , r , . , , r.ri. , , M , proof of this look st the nslei n accuuiit of Heme mittion, or misfortune ,; . , , . . . . ., . in bu.ness, U,,. ,.,: care, to re.t hv free, J M"r-VUnd ,f " o-in.hia narcotic. Tt.e indi.idua. thu, d ' ' , , " d,B0'elhi"8 tre.sed shows the atnte U h, nd by Ins '7 " '." " : Hi,. , . uiairltvh,, !urii,i;iig food fot his broth, r actiohs. II he 1 a tubacco smoker, a pips .... , . niun, hot it he rai.-e tob-ccu he is onlv add. or eegBr will constsntly be sen between Iii . tn lK. m- , . . . ' UU . mfto the miierv ol the human race, dingy teeth, and cloud- of nnke will be Wer. it. .,,;ir. u .... "ere the unllioua of dollars yearly lar- emitted in quick suireaaiuu Iroin out hi',i.eil rnr ,h, , . , J , .... .1 w 1. . . , r t,,batcu devoted to the edurat on of Mill moot I. S i ii 1 Iii. hi. m r inunr ,. 1 .. . . . . . iinanmnd, tbero is scarcely a child in the -tend of smoker, the jhws wilier Hid toirether iu n.i.i s, . . .. , . na-ioU; world who could not recei?o a goud. like the upper snd nether millstones, and . . ., , ( . , .,, . , -v.hi,ii, now innen in jn nob e lloodsuf colored be pirted around, Ct ursft ' u . .. -... . urituill MUU.U I' ve without very particular regard to the gai op this naaty practice, and use the money tut, si lei To mike of earth a heaven' And in her garden of the sun. Hesven'a Mighted ruse shall blooan; For wu(nsn'4Pbt ia unbegun! Her advent yet to come tUhA WasU.iuftuii Issuer aay: Colonel Hen ton la a Lout closing Ins Inng'tfiaUB. Iliflltsl ttt hlf MfMltflstraa Pnrlinns Iria -- LWi ! ' ' ........,.r,r, ihnsexm-nded forth ..i null taker. Jn th a caae, the anuff box ..k.- .k-i ..: . . iwiuau i in iriiirifsaiai iiiriii gr l- n 1...1 i.. .... s gl w Vl .Mwuur ; lilt The Morning Songster. r Cecilia a. ntaroB, A a ahadowe from the face of morn Rolled merrily away, Reirealmg in ita beauty mild The new born, blushing day, From every tree-top's creat arose The sound of mimic sweet, Like incense at the altar's ahrino Where earth and heaven meet. Above the warblmg choir aroae The "Öong-bird'a wood-notes" wild; To me they seemed like lisping of Some fairy angel child. It warbled free ita gushing notea, Aa if to heaven in prsise. -No human art no human power Could equal its clear lays. But eooii twaa gone; away it soared Towards the rising sun, As if to greet his golden rnya Ef yet his course had run; And in the Eaat it 'a ionn waa seen, As floating with the breexe, Fir o'er the mountain's craggy tops, Fur o'er the forest trees. So may we hope, when wearied With Kurth's sjeluaive strain, To fly unto a sun-lit clime Uudimmed by care or pain; And like the Song.b.-rd we will steer To prospects fair and bright, Unto a radiant clime above, Where beama eternal light. Portsmouth, Ohio. 1 n T . . aatunistied a 'forced up the nostril. And, etranjre to re Inte, I have seen some lovely ladies dispel their cares and sorrows by rubbing their of such an dciion would . . . mm t u ... . . . ' imps rve-n in ine snaaowy land rl beyond the dnrk waters of Jordan. For the Jaapew Courier, I hope! i.. 1.. .:, in..... 01 ineit actione as Dteaeant as Mavj ...... .iu. .hv 1 1 iii win vei come alien inii.n teeth with a brush dlpaed in Scotdi snuff. ! ... . . . , Such ladiea are useful in all ranka of life. a 1 . . . . . 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 s w ssnsi i w proctwe 11 quite common iti the aiave . .... . . , , . ... . .detrimental to bo-Jv and mind, and . i., ih. 'Mrs. Shea, if yon apeak to the Court ao-ai.. in that imserlinent manner, I'll have you locked up in the Tombs for contempt.' 'Contempt, is it? Ain't ye iCe nut fbr' .thedivil torrsck, and ye'fl spake of com , tempt, will ye , 'Officers, lock that wnsun up for twenty. :fourl.oara,snd perhsps by to-morrow morn jingshe may have learned some decency, if not a little p litenesa.' Mrs. Shea (to the oBceers) 'Will yea dsre to lay y-r dirthy itevi' hands on a poor unpertected female! Take ti.alfor ver palne. Mra. Shes hit one of tho officers s violent blow in the face, wnich at a veered him fnr TT " "'"'"". nri lillj HIS Oeilll'S- . W the Mileaian Amazon, auc into a cell without her rtlu r injury. Warrick Conntyf the Perpetrators! Iba Kvansville J,, or. nal ri;ingfromTaylorsvile.ln this countt ives the particulars of a fiendish outrage perpetrated in the vicinity of that place, a. bout two weeks sines. Andrew Spradly, a man aS, 0 years of age, persuaded young lady liviug near Tuvlorsville to elope with him, under promise of marriage at tha first iconvenient point. After enticing her front jher father's house, lie led ner into thi woods, near by, where he was joined by thr-e others Larkin Spradley, Robert Marshall, and J. H. 'Robinson, all married men. The four il. laina then violated the person of the girl, and led her, w here ahe was afterwards found n a c it im I state. The l ife of tha unfortu. nate woman was for a time despaired of. but .she is now slowly recovering. The villains lieft the reighborhood immediately, and have net yet been apprehended. The people in lorevtlle have offered a scoundrels. Below '.a a deacriotion of them ' BBBBBBBBflBBBflBBBflBBSVBBBB IbbWo dl ftJf fu BmtalAitrage la iw mmraM A iV kC n 1 rresponuSBBaBJBT iid eveniiul e.P..r u. ...1 . .... ...J l i,. .Mo..;... . i..i .u Jf-nrral well-being of aocietv. When it i - ww- s w hi Ult I USC I Bll I sa ware ijn biiuii pivw was- es 11 n III I I r I I II r-f - t IT ' L. -I theoldsreterana-the men who were iu.prraoni are really Benefitted by the u et -ro'.. this siand point, mankindi W,lh hooPed he ladies go flirting the height of their glory during the daya, i- ' I, th y seem to find their " l,,n" ,eek fof 0eto from.! 1 rillirl ..I I ..l.i. ...... - -! . I. ..Ml .. Ulf HI ., ' .mm . ..... -II ., Jackson, and wUthen made the whole out. hiel solace. Let j look for one moment; lu'"l""c" "nun, or a dirty t - J wen a., over me And doubtless would make you a very good and it is to he hoped that every paper la the wife pipe or segnr, but will be Beere apt to look. town; r uiig wiui w eecno 01 their conlenüiin ine consequencea i t in 1.1 di..i;ustiiig li ion : ' " blows. He been coined to his riHim f.," l U oil other titrvii,, tobacco when used hifc ,nd holier source of consols. 0 X mPn (,f "ning and of grest renown the last few weeks. I., the pleasant weather 'for a Uif time is apt iu disorder the nervoui "1C,, " onlJ,ü be 'our,d the Dirine; u 7" Qo not tn"TY you act out the clown -i ,.- . . . ! , ...... .. ..... .. : R "CKroftT. Im) ivwir, opoii ma spitsiaiaoiatK norse. a4on paipnaiion oi me noart, vertigo or gidui a. . e a a . ' - JaWjsft: 23 BaW. a s, nc nveuue, seeping close enough to the ne?, uervous Jieud iche, lost of arm ,rv, odrei'embling tne a te h'M sfcod ti MM BBbkmJSBBI . Hmm Bas. ly. kaB-Ss ot idBBBa BBV bail WB BBB) mm Ber( ss suaWal tlTIWi-M in a 1 1 ii ae WaWi lis familiarity J ad bv WBH Bl BVn l uataWaWsk of I nnnru M BBL.:.; . easv.and tlsfsjH perideVk cobWbWbii . u.lfl BK. f Ä fceclone. Hut it ial sbW BsfsaaaaWBeill be vsial BaaniKrnal nsSsSBffJ BBuneaai1 lial Euai .rnwl Her eaoWÄ as eeerU Pjei onsBssjaicaw tne BanTotn tH-BBtete work: his e. blr The Ktcr Yoübu Woman. The nice sidewalk to enable him to recognise turn the courteous salutations of friends he was sure to aneet. Bet became too teeble for this, and w ever out of Ins chamber. N fined to his bed nlmot entire great deal of pain, but beari actsristic fertituie, and, working incessantly at mncnum opt, the abridg atonal Debates. He has c nearly to I live long e present tuns recent disc labor comp months of him to brin doubtful whel ium; he su it may end bis He is cheerful, r islly glad to see able courage is c igor with which he review of the Üred ten under intenae m iiands, and u peculiar spasmodic vou"8 womnn goes to bed when other peo .a i n I sa mm a .... J . . rv at State will publish this statement. If there is any puuishment tuo severe for this out rage, we know not what it if, and it will be p iesing strange if they are not detected. The Journal understinds that there is a do termination, on the part of s Isrge majority uf the citiB'usof Tsylorsville to hang the w retches if they are ever brought back. f Lynch law is ever excusable, it certainly should be in this inatance. The fullowinir An Irish Woroan her own Lawver The proceedings of the Court were inter-'ls the description of the fugitives: L. ... iL. a . . a a a J , . sn tilt (tu ii v 1 ri rn rn nr a rnarao o itrosjn n ik w nvnint cv at i . i muscles of the face. whirh!,,e 're p,,inff "P. 4U upon Don Juan.!, , : . . ' . " I' " ". ". W my other c.u.e. fin. nd ,hink' h hve written Walker's , , " 8 T ' .... Diction.rv.esDiesallthe,.,, t'J'"""4" ,d commenced ad- uark sktn. Z. . ' . ihev.r.M...hsn.i,i.. j..'i eM'B' "W ! Labst r Spradlct, B married man. aeed a. whit n nlavk r,-, ... digeation :vy ere Por" ,nö t)nr"' prow, and thinks it mk common Often be- ls a di ifbre pre- Em .Ll ae k e toiirff-Fs:bJ 'asaaw of IncipBit. e tobacco is made eophisticated with m her dirty little brothera be- eaperatelj rn Wuetarhse, ngVflh BR was writ- ind in apite of Beautiful Slntimkht. We live in the rance, and I greatly lear in numerous in midst ol b lesain PH tili urn am sit e. I l. . siblsof their ffreataeaa and r .k. "'tences, the use of tobacco is the commence- w" v ihv nuui t ( I me cultivated womai,, wnndersl ,i." .u. m , ... ' , . -uuv, v.Biuniit j 1 wan. y. luriu mue i luuui a. yrr., menium sir.e. hpnvy ttt, ib. r ti in - iiaV.i.el I I a a ... irom t he Bfeea.' covers the leirs of her ni.nn ' v.., ..,. wv u, ma inumos ,i ' P,"" 'Don't ye! lad luck thin to your un'-er shot off. 'bbbk moon out of her bed-room j . . . . . n 'kereis a man in it pride- herself'1 1 M,d 1 f omft 10 court l Robebt Marshal!., a married man, rsther 'ÄltaWls health .nH.I...... "UUa f corPu risti against Michal tall tut elender and dehea'e, dark skm.and ' r get' "P ' ha. j st left me, hi. own wife, wtd .bout 2d years of aee. ' ; r7!7. 1" "" n",J,0me ' :M0W-t chüder at the bre..,,.nd ever, moth- J. äRoibsob. a married mnn. about I! iw a caac o'i "V v"a'"n,W9 ner case, adores Ital-!... nf ,i.lm u..i..i-. .u. -.i. t,.L a... JhMmV, and never could live ihrn.i.ih ., , """" nair. ta.r Bkm, ana eouio . """ ,l'ne rnr'sns tor to buy a small meeaur of pra- wei2h about 130 pounds. Bra, calls mamma "oiirennk' anrfl.. .. ' wu w u woman. , Kjnee lhe forrgojng w , tJpe wa h,w 'Has your husband been iruiltv of am i.j . , isi ... . . . with a nsir .. , " iruvr .rum i eyiorsvuie, aatea r ,r;diaorderlv conduct for which hsi ein ho ar.U !i . . B flotation rcn aiai, giving an account oi tins aamna by romantically rlapiruFwIth the bosom . - .. . . ,! le ouirage, which doea not viry tnalerially 'nn' ve n ai ras an ran sa m n rr owl ev an snnniai t . . which is .talkie '"end of both nartie. .Bat. Ar,.. . k. " trom the aöove statement. Then.meofthe through our beloved -me fine morning.flndittg herself! T " "" : have ,icIJIM m UmUm VnMl(le.nd ,M. ,ed upon many of our Verted, her pocket, empfand a C ll T"! -! '! " Ulr'e"- P"P,edon or.bout the lth ..j-.L... LJ,-- of .Mri.!.!. l..!. . l r ii i is si wriiisj oi aorpus curtail. 0 March. She ia a daughter of Mr. Simeon You are evidently ahead of me in the Vanwinkle. James Clark, a constable of law; you are calling for a writing of which Pigeon tosrnahip, offera the following reward I hays no knowledge.' for lhe ,rre., of hie sjaaadtslli In coorae yed say so; what was ye put' , tn .. . . . . I wm nc to any iirrsun or persona wni therefor to do but to pervint the public inda , t. D, . M , , . . win .inn uaitiunpiiiir;, J i . sourii in.r cency of a blsckgaird husband deaartin his ... ,. . ., , w .. , . .ii.ii, aiu aiivn j . uiauicr, or., anu '.e unperterted wife and innocent' .h,m to ,.. lfc " ofoM Do you mean that you want me to issue tnd flf doI),r,. or fifty doUr( fof ej(ierof a writ of h.bea. eorpusV ,he(B , wi t0 jye doIr. Ov coorss it's a writ to hive hie carcass lK A u L, , that I'm aftherwantin'. How stupid re avaalu p,k; 1 a s a. -unite wits . i i .i.ii . a,s A io oc enure, mat ys ma not epprenuin me Jijiea Clabe man.n netore. Well, it unfortunately happens that you don't underaland the nature of the habeas ' ' a lifeni, made their bodies a01 il artaome labor starine her in the face! Ion. and rhanired their iniol bo shall say that this is not the fata ni onee seemed to Possess Ciod like many full-blooded nice young woman!' power, into something that make, human-, Bachlor.-A very au.eeptible bachelor itV Oluah to own t hat it holm,,.. . k.i . ' F oacneior . . ,. " ' '"T" ' . , - " f - - ' was passing a ong tho etreet lalelv. and ob- pain he persieted n havieiravorti nrnf..K. beuriuii the name ol mm .mi h,. ...,. ...... . ,ireei 'f' od .. r" ., ., . 7ZZ . r 7 ti mm. "f -'ifervir.g a silver thimble picked it op. After wild . e . r y Wh,Ch PMfcU IT. "T W,,iCh !' lhU,de' l"t!i" i - mediution on UrU lu 61 Drri If. Mlihl ifttr mir nniief s M.l - . I . r saV vwuittTi. auu ttrffinir m iprv n. ie .fnh.hi. L a to th. mi,.., r !. f . ' " "-"' revereu.i, pressen ....... ... vllv , myyj launuc ia itwm it to his lips, snd ssid, "Oh! that tins were the lips of the divine. angelical wearer, and the golden chorda of lauuum at wrnrrr. mini inn rrnmon ttrtnmmtm rt from whence they flow. We .peak of 0"?,' ,m",djr Thi- n,rco,ic c"Hove would ever encircle our heart, a. thi. hl 1 1 ft I 1 1 iV I . a m ... . . I . . . . . I ' i civilization, our art,, our freedom, our laws, ' , " I T ,mPr",,,n,-beau.ilul implement of industry enclosed the anU forget entirely how large a .bare I. due " , ! ChUc M r" band of the owner! and-and'-here he to Cbribtisnity. Blot Chri.,i.n,.y out of r eTtTfew d' ru nt ? 1"'' TiH'-a man's hiatorv anit urh.i .....i.i i.i. i. . ,re t few drunkards who do not use tobac-' l iii.. lZa f. . -w oi. iawa nave , -r, ... r 'u ui iniuga, w nen a voice been what hi. civil,,io.--Chri.ti.nity i.;co- Utt J-ubtlem many pereons who frMB er wkgow m A hj . miaed up with our very being and our life; UM okaecu. who are strictly temrsle in revari PP rre.tea ms angelic e-Tnea?.! Hf 10 '"""".ting but, .v- '.,', boe. jia rie..e fow d.f.r. flmb.e ufihl of Christian " ve .. up " "t ' " i0 d'nrei f bCmin in de ,r drop it!" cried . huge. ugly, which does not owe its truth and gentleness eo long aa they are addicted to !fn, .he-nigger. W Hie 'lo.iicl.-r.rkc. .u 1" ' impHmciil liko hoi potaiM.V rl.irkin- r hl, II v.- Ihlak ii 'ir. in m.rit -bcucalb hrr.fl',' let her 11 CI l'. ,. A 1 1 . .1 LI. LL L 1 ...... . . . . . .1. Warrick Democrat. A'Roval'Tvfo According to an an. 1 . I , . . ; . . 1 .... .as ... ,. . cieni usage in rrusaia, an into princes oi mo corpus set. If you did, you would not have .. . . . . . . , j . . royal fami y must earn a trade, ft is atat- waated your time and mine with your imnu-' 7 L . . j . . . . , r ,ed that the Prince Frederick William, just fence. j . ...... married to the I'nucesa Koyai o. c.ngismit Hie iu .l. . . , mm n. married to the rrtucesa Koyai 01 biigi By the aainted brogues of Paddr the Pi- ( , . ,. . ... . .. ... . 1 j ., learned lite traoo oi a comeoaiior in ne. who wan a'e bv the cow. do vc think e - .. . . . r , j U1J printing offlce of Mr. Hauel, at Herlin. thet I'm t lose my huibsad and my childer r ,,- .wa . ., . 'luuim "j i.. a iij uiji innsiiiv; . ycr I rrr breeches to do It. jutt mike a rv, and hard.