Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY VOL. I. JASPER. INDIANA. FRIDAY. APRIL 23. 1858. NO. 6 COURIER, imrr mtr, at hhu. Mamwmu mux swrrz orrtCE dill a Km Cm aaa ia, Tnkct A lead- For tk Jwmt Courier. br h wee breety my; th beleny breath of I Learo The for a While, my Love. JwnMikfMbicriKtitiktiw-: TERMS STRICTLY IS ADVANCE: jsaia ea-ctwaa. -. i st) -Beraatne um r F niwilllfjiiiilHi,J ,! t -h!y .! WVstV whale the wavblieg eAaneedl mm ia iWir mom ail mind r as IW rM to et Ii Mm- orhof dey wttjwtuik Jt. : to am c. i caer ttr i t, CvtAi or ; leal Pw malB tttiapy Hffito Iwa&rgr Baaiasfaiead wife I krii Had Tal Cur fct Shying. If a lady's horae be addicted to allying, f ill give her a sure and riuiple care for tbo same; one hieb f have never known i to then i i,, jjj for , mMm I iett tbM fail. Lei oa, tor ioataaca. sunooae th . ith a sigh, stence of a large heap of stones en ihn 10 i"he fountain soring within ay tool is play : '' " of the road. The horae aeet an in in m v eve- indistinct grew obiect and Drenir t.. ah. . I do not blush to ova lbs tear, but lot N'it: The moment be shows such symptom, . , - . loac my cbeea. in ms rair nier turn both her eyes on ex PIMM- . wmwm mm l-rfc. - - ... I . -7 1. TL-T " Ae want my Hp has failed to tell, that drop"1 oppoaite aide of the road, (t. e. the cfM.atrünWd tknr ksktf Kcilow fleAjj aerchaaee may speak . on side,; and look steadily away from the pern ta area ml kcwve a, sad gilded ike fajr oae, wef ia , Mtk j,; offending heap, and I'll engage that the eaaaaawMtBeuatatf raeaame. ThO( tbe West- or quietly oy. tboa wilt share my lot, aad eat' For Qa0T 9m 1 n" rid JeB Worses of all rest. tempera and dispositions, some of them much I 'eo to shying, and have never yet fouud " M a -a. a a a mm, 1 ft a i. a a a a - w Mure U;i "r wai:e my .ove. so: tffiMhpe remedy lo fai, ja ju eflect ncatfv tone. i aoar wtit as Ltifce E a maa :.g. Pi n to Iccj-:r VacheereJ aad lonely till riv bv :.k I .1.. . Li kr'Br b kwk talk wf dke Icy haml af death, the fever that for OMae my riches in her vein aaaa to Sud faafc was famag A eia of gold so rick sad tar tlua ciik. The tfyiag tittla ae aate bebiad! raa ta maay hearts Ukkxs aa the Aad evea thougk a fairy's bta) eWa fmraneraace. ami ia the ... diamond aeet. f sitter, tearieea agoay, they stood' Fill thea wonleWt ekare aad I mtr dv.esr cuorA. fsr the kmm th.i thi heart woaU kaow ao i . . i ta wt for a while, my love; ta apparent sleep, saw sad akaaatemkeat ai mmrpmmg kvetiaeea. 0h, p Bas. sami reaar.ak..a y war haart m A, led m keaft itA pnsaa aaa Laaa to the buuaual Giver 'tea. be r:-u tail. ia cuU aad white; 1 see a promise stand alaece of lirihl: they thought Whe- MSt , serk avtoka'aahore, tky step d aaaa away ... . sAvreyea saa a, 4 thra tb eem ciore green. srba ,k. .b. iit Bn ki... s V wm hu' umraraai w vs ' . Mary, my first and dearest loved, there's aaashiao ia my breast, Ik. ttrfH .IblmM nOSSK I i oms sm eau Tal afp "am BBk 'TJJ Bwr uf "lam bbbbt ICffj va KIMaWaWaWal BKOkm BK maiaM his ithio thatr1" our ff at me try it. The reaaou is eye has, doubtleea, a great animals, and there is a aympsthv between the te horse area sn iadis. doubtfully at it; hie imagining that the iniit some eccentricity, from the objert which There a , if he finds that od and unconcernedly, idenee and goes on in way. I believe that horses are ruined for life by being hit over the head by grooms to cure tee? DaV Jost at rested rlf forward St X sar ey es apoa her aawtk- , . ... jFortk-ja wilt share my future lot, and set kackeaaejfal country beyon-j .. . . a ' this haart at rest. S. if wateva. OJi. how Scab-: LL taa aaaa of that couatn. Beaitiful Extract. them of shying A Picture of Ooa. HaTelork. chllJaaid steam- ep Caat: Waat aa BMtmVa thw . i a sol Tea cannot go iato tfce meadow and pluck a single daisy by theroota without break ag up a society of sic relatione, and de ,' aaisj th cht'd. tecting a principle more expensive and re- i joe act sea it aow T See nuea man mere gravitation ab The Calcutta correspondent of the Lon don Times, writing of the desth of Gaaeral Havelotk, says: The deceaaed General haa bees a promi nent character in Indian history for nearly twenty years. In the first Punjab war k ws Lord Hardinge'a moat trusted friend. A slight, spare man , about five feet five inchee in night, with an emaciated face and an eagle jeyi. he belonged emphatically lo the claae J who have never to contend with diaobedi. i : ml lJw The bswd'el'enee R perhaps tbe brav. of earth that follow, the fiaay roots of the iB hi" OWB ,r"- w" " I A.m. . A - - LI i -- as.. cuaat y Utile lower ia repute with social elemeate. I , " waea unaer nre. tie . . . r., v-jl , a j wee a Christian of the old stsmn t atron Puritan man, who deems shame tu teach hie soldiers to pray, 'Turn I- ..J I A nil Wi rirr h l kn r.trmxl mrrmi nil ifZA fmm,imm D..-..- J i :. aa4 the brrdara that germinati. e daisy. The aan seam and . . . " SaaVaa saas rnsa v saw. a aa saaaa I IBsfl diet sir n fi Hks4 f Kra. mnA hat tU(l aufialllhr " a-wg, mi r w ,.Mt Ifisa maim, I s asii f iZ ..n.k M. A , p. . . Ä . w sr-t, wrwvtwsv nai AMIS W Ug II vf VU V VW" U J . i rsasawwa r mmm-a tar ri tanarin .r t hrr rsr-S t has tall 1 J iaeaeVVA SUW s- i w suwan w vuu assras aaaaa H-e-a 1 1 f. Trnmt I g caa yaa apt aa hay ana taa river! taa aasae of that IsasL A4 tSei Tea -a Ok; pa. geaes to yoia the si teat concert. Tk earth TU aaeitaofc them ta the delay gem; ead all weal to ' work to show that flower to the eaa. Esch Kng n. mingled ia the hooey of its influence, and lae laasi yea at m Beavea, '7 er sea the csany thing" with an iT ii meet that made it frow. And when it i isa a-me; I thsafhl itfiüefl its eye toward th sky, they wove a Oh, 1st as go. Bat how ' oft carpet of greae for ita feet. And the rf-p. dark rivr! fftamllJ" taroagh tbe -green leaves and eaatoa, when he anticipated desperate work; 'Havelock never blunders, and hie men are never dteok.' Tbe Ices baa created a most painfulimpreesion in Calcutta. N tw Pi r see. There are three thousand three hundred and sixty-four aewspapere published in th United States and Territo ries, of which six hundred and thirteen are it! Taa i SsTlZstTtA Seafl eaaat djjlfc1;'' taa rroer. 'll Pa. a is Aal3 A a9 bbAsbA sbbs p!aTm!tk H.i-TVr- mvm mp meaassflTw! " wTrat ZmTiT' 'T'flPvWaVw.r aa-al'iia iik'ajw aa ta ktoy wdha m aam&asj te tlAmiL'tmm wmW casaaj ta mm a kssag aa.j'lhMaiTaao'tha' JT T wAaagav. ami haa w4flfsWlte ssae! mmX - .eaw-. rüLr-1. ? T Ii lHal 1 1 Sgl ia New Vork. four hundred and nineteen in ' S. taa epgels are i-le aa h passed oa; aad then, by sUr.Pe,aeylBa, thre hundred I eighty. two in Ohio, two hundred aad l . e tyoa ia Illinoia, two hundred aad nineteen is ilea, aaehasetta. There are fifty ia Canada, fir side they ere mooalight, they worked oa; and sea. Oh, mtaer. A daay lifted ap it head, asd oa mora A carry ma across fl whit taa aaa was looking, it pat on Us jeifver-risamed diadem, aad shewed ita yellow reosa, aa if thev peule to the stars. Aad it nodded to the rvg of eterauy ea M Kttla birds that wet ewimmiag ia the to S wiaAeVawa at,-d all of them that had silver Ii igjerieeef thetterael sne" birds ia kleck, gray, and came; aad tke jsaialMa bhtt wert wits) aa a little coortesyiag yellow bird cam. i thaa corcnaoa of that daisy B at aat cry, bat nth father, collect, if a paa taa otaer shore aast aat Baar he ia ramtar KcrrjxT Yoca Ceoirr Cteveaad Herald talks I 1 " -rr----w me weekly influence should feel interested hm borne paper ia well supported. A roanty aasjaarea prcminence through iu paper more than ia aay way, aad to every one who haa in th Seadwich Islands, and two in New ngland and Wales there eeventy-two, in Scot and one hundred and it iah Is lee aad Jersey aboat fifteen hundred hundred in Franca, a, very few ia Italy, ople, aad aboat on UMMaeSSaafSSm . K 'aa aarir BBBWI aTäflü.. päva asaiin wa r-rm igBJacklee V BBBBBOavQ JBL w jasenaa. waeaBBapww witA aaa! w mum CW,-t' iutJnM m ,Ukt' ome paper ie a aad etrstaaaag -in ,k . ... . paper prioted away (rem home until he ie country boose, with trained to climb over it taste, beauty aad intelligence toil enough to insure health, and to court acquaintance with hooka ead flowers and the loveliaese of natare, with peace, plasty and love, ie sorely one of tbe paradieaa which Heaven haa left for tbo attainment of men. Vera xhaeAiWear -laws, eaa l-sr,aWfte'rL5!j lysy. rjeWetej lay ate Tea dad a aaetaer; sJaat aa afraid, aaty. u ukc a aeeood paper. Hia first oaser OCrTwelte months ago ihee.te of th ci- r ata'w acraaa taa nver. ,.U fc -it t4ac1 mi wili m jga.jy of Sumner, Kansas, at the Great Western re he last a or da. Gaatly hm tefWf with fc.t af fck eo-Mf jflaad ol lb Missouri, waa as unbroken for fair fern hack ejaia P aapar aa to consider nis subscription as much Now il eontaine a population of up saawhaf at the badaiie, the t garter of dut? as the aavmeat of hia taa.l,,, of bsndred; more thaa on hundred - -a. a. l äf . a a .S.-I " w w I t. aad prayed far resugaauoa, fhat w ?trf aBaih talk. """w' " saaaity should rapport well iu local peoer. st aL 1 is aaaa at ta cwaety im every State ahoald pride it- self oa taa rapport give to the paper pub- Every com Taa Isar a a Ci rregat Sill sr m Calf jsnlia OoegoaP 1 i jo wa l ajaV. buildinga bare been erected, including s brick hotel which cost $15 000, aad will sc- commodate nearly thre buadred people, sad era! fine blocke. Three esw mills, a flouring mil), two krick yards, a publia school, s weekly aewspeper, three hotels end a Israa aamber of stores are ia succeoo KF-Many a maa hloee b arainaoet withjfB01WiUo,. Upwards of two hondraJ aad Taoy think tkat If lby fift, boOBti, iim ,M or twelt 77ZZZmWß tet half-caeked there ia aa danger,!., brick blocke, are already contracted for, B a. . a aiai m m mi m m m S. U.,.J asäV m. aa a.Oae . (Se asjtlaa sae proves tae rev erve 1,0 9pimm esseoa. Tact ie eaaaea ia a rom-larrel ae well aa a piati)l"karrel. is. A ecerd i ag to the Nehed within ita limits. iura saasber of ladssa XT Ü patent medicine reader edvertls pills sad ointment that hi 1 cure th- orsl übe moth are taught aih glare. gt 0f atly .r 0f boeta