Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER. VOL. I. JASPER, INDIANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 30. 1858. NO. 7 rUBLISHED EVF.KV I 1(1 HA Y , AT JAKPEfi, DUBOIS COUMTV, IROIANA, BY MEHRINGER. DOANE & SMITH. Death of Colonel Benton. n ft 1 n fwl rmr.i.n ut i ... ; ft. . . a : a. I. tf. . . w 1 i i a a .. I - """"' ' im unrc, inn n i" I fcll II IIB U I HP liW III nl .a.. . a It I. will, great .orrow .d regre, ,h.l we ened .nd ohliter.ted ulBBSahia.; .od rbaa of poetry fras, new corr Vo d We 'wit' 7 .TZdTn "I 'T ",l Chronicle lb. teat, of Coto-I Thorn.. H. the great i. P,ced in hi. era... welcome Mr, C. ,o 1 , . J J" . "' ' .. Henlon. He wuont of the laat aurvirora .... i. -ui:-. ... ..-." . . .. .7 . mwwm i ....... aa . on. I raised ,,,, ,,,.,.,,- ui uunviun in De iiirown oVi OFFICE Cork BR of Main Cbos and f that generation of .talesmen, who, bum those event, th.t recall tl.em to n.emorv . MaMMMUI Htbtb. .before the Conatituiion of tl.e United States AH parties will mourn Iii decea.e. the chap. w.., was personal,, let of a nation .orrow will bi placed upon TERMS STRICTLY IN ADVA MCE i wall the memorable acent-and incident, ol hi. tomb, and it wi'l be univeraally admitted Single Subscription, for fifty Noa., 1 50 oureany niatory, nnü ita BMt distinguished that there liea one of the greatest of character, and whose name at once aerves .iate.meu. bate or advertising, to revive the most i'lurious reminiscence.. win ne tnrown over nope ner cfia.te and beautiful imagining, my head m look into hi future, over tie may frequently find their way to the public top of my ,,ad.d r.jnp, and discovered ihm through our column. The Soul s Vision of Beauty. our BY MKS. r Oh lovely image of eternal beauty. There is a soul in Are thnt meets mr own.' lie waa wrapped in a tliio tusjk, whuluffec. tu.H, concealed Ins lace and leaturea from my view, and I rai.ed my keod he .poke : 'What are you writing, aenator from South Carolina!' I did not think of his impertinence at first To Miuw the heruia mannar In kUfc l.u T.. ........... , f 1,1 liii. n loa a t ual Si Oil 'Plia ...... ITw l .. l.;..U la J .1 . - Insertion, 25 e... ,ion ol lhe Revolutionary War, w.. indeed of , . dete n in.d will we Z hl h 1 i . f I W"""g C'pUVe' "P, T, """"""" Lonfc-er advertisements, at same rate. A fruitful the production of 1 It termmed will we publ.ah .be ft eh.nlrd I on. writing a plan of the solution of fraction over eve or rquare., counted lon.gfrom the Wa.hlngton ccrreeponden. In ble.l connexion with thyself .lone. Amer.c.n Union;' (you know, genMe- ...square. Thea, see .he t. r...s f. r .ran- 'T fr' ho ",,7or, -"" of the New York Time., who say., under men, that I am expected to produce a plan me niaine.i iiaaar. o. l ie k.. uii.inr. tiicn .i.... .... .. v..... v, , . ..r ..... i : :. r - r ,ii,nuiii.i., - !"""' ruv- - alf r ' nie um mi; ...urc (nuniig Ol .Oll DHU IlCIHIIg o. Ii I -.O lUtiOH. ill tllO CVI'lltlf Pttrlllin finn ... . ! I i.o t.. ... . !... n,lu..rii. ... nhiilil r iiniinallMii avium... I. ..... Ikl - .... i ...... . ... mill VI iciiaui -v -W üii nei i.eniou ia c'viu--. Hi. disease. iwoe.i.o. .n,':.:r;c,,:ri':üch.;';;';:'": :'.nVa. "r'-T,r i-r -f o. .u. , ,0.,: ... -, iuiiiuuii, uiii ia 1 us. ano lulliei V euslt'r paid fur in advance AKROl'N' 10 r-iSDtDATIS. For Tow n.hip oflicea, earh, F r C iimy For District, Circuit, cr Sia.e, i. - 1,1 . 1 irre, il. he cannot survive much longer. A holy light beams Irom thy radiant featurea Serene, uienVjIe, like (bat above. u..r.. ,w ... iIe i(jfl-,.ri extreme pain, and i. cxhau.ted I 00 ' th'" C0MtH,-tiun of fl laj .Irnoat (he la.t drce of phyaical pros. g,00 ,,,ree hw mw ""ended into the .hade of .ration, lint lu. mind is a. clear and power 6,(10 the dark valley ol denlh. The venerable ul .1 ever, and the hiirh. reauint. 11. ex-President Van Huren, and the no leia ; I fee! thy migh'y influence o'er my spirit, my passions and my to rest. aniril ..I l!.a ..l.t . i .. t ........ .. a I.. ... : . i trjr"T,n.Y .Say" there i. . good de.l fi-Jiai.i.lvtd Secretary of St.te. f.e.i. s 1 " . T" ' my aoul .hove .11 thing, lerre.tri.l. .e.nd.1 ...ay. going 0. h, .,.1. tow,,,- c.,fi bü( sjckneK , To holy union wüh the pure and b.c.,. ihot evervboify (tie or sh ) doesn't mind In. :. ... ., ,, . .., ., . ' I or her bu.ior.s. This may not be so; for f. . ,. T ''u"7"c ",e,r " e k,ng of terror.. He die. in bar- And now meihink. I hear thee .peaking events had called to hie. The feature. iJ IL ' maaaaaaBBBBBBBBBB. ilal BBS a V LaaV hanefl aW h e fS m , 'see. UcbifeVal HI airuck me like Irr 1 cou replied, in the coolest .rolina, will you ad your right Bd I beheld hie ghl of that fact clap. It wia tha face o( b dead man, whom rxtraordin.ry "They Say" biatseti is a great icindahinon grr, antl baa done a deal of atiscbrff in hi time, by iiuinu.ting what he dared n t dis t. II. 1 . 1 1 .... ...pc.,, ..... v..,u.. o. ...rir vigor, ne... working lur hi. country and mankind. .ofilv. were tf.o.e of General (i, m.. W-.Ki - ou.iiaelect.Biid wiih their mental facultie. An old m.J intimate friend from Mw.uur.' In ap rit w hi.per. like .be breath of evn. -ye., gentlemen, the intruder was ....... unimpaired Batttd naoB bim thie omaiBf , Benton wo. (0 burning word., no mortal tongue can ut- other th.n George Washington, lit wu 1 iiuiiiii. 11 iiriiiuii vi us 1 11 uct'u n ih r s ,t . - 1 1. 1 . .. 1 1 t.nctly charge or ...ert. But . we have no Inarkllhu ., lA ... , 7 " ' r raw vi; j r pi- u llttllll aUUVt V, III"' - rd peculiar altMettts 4 groatne... We per: but he waa hard at work, rlo.inu no l.i. afdlf knew of any in alum the Abridgement o( the Deoate. of Colore.., Thou ttrt ,c me ,be cl,ief tn,on- ten ,houg tpe of indivitiiinlily wa. more sironj!y whulihohad brought down lo 1850, to the! ,nd' marked Ibei in l im. Hi. character bore pa..Dge of the Compromi.e measure.; he The peer-.s beauty only perfect one; theimpreBBof great on.-inaliiy. .ml on that wn. dic.atin. the' chapter of t,e; "'b cleave to thee in rapt devotion rea.n to consider J.nprr on exception t general rul-. we commoiid tu the carelul et tvntion of tb ne impertiHant person., male ur female, married or siugle, the blkseiag lines, from Harper: Is it any body's buBiness. If ccii.Jinmii should choose. To wuit upon a lady, II the iHtly don't refuse! Or, to .peak a l.'O plainer, Thit the me. ding all may know, I it any bedy'. butnnta. If a lady has a aeau! Is it any body's bonnes. When that gentleman i'olk call. Or when he leave the lady. Or if he leave, at .11! Or is it nece.ssry Tiiat (he curtain should be drawn. To aavs from furttrif trouble The outside lookers-on .' Is it anv body's haireii. But the lady's, if her bean Ridetbout with other ladies, Atiddoen't let iter know! I. it .. bmly'. businesa, But ike gontlcinanV, if she Shi'iild accept another con.rt, Where i.e doesn't chance to be! tr, Ol love and parity, bliss and heaven. dressed in the Revolutionary c.uiiie, such is you see in the Patent Office.' Here Mr. Calhoun paused, apparently ag itated. Hi agitation, need not tell you, wss shared by the compnny. Toomb. at length broke the embnrra;.iiig nans': Well, w-e-ll, what wa. the usua of Una accoun' will stand out in broad relief nnnn ,n.l i., a a ..... at., t :..:( And finds with thee (or jV her he.v'n be r... ... .... , jiib. June,., :j; - . Bcenr: the bUtericI cauva... One of hi. most be.ide the bed received it sentence by sen i -un- Mr. C.lbnun re.umed prominent trau was lhe streng; of bia will, tence, whispered in her ear, and repealed it Jakb, Af bl, 1858. with hie WUeeli reholuiion and fixed aloud lo her hunband, who wrote it down. t A WoderflU8turj. ,.c..ur..tJ U1 i,Pk. ii h.s mi. tn-if gfive a. U.en read to tolonel Bti tou. and re- -rk. r.n , ihoii.i I h.J ..i ih. I . iiv i viii w i iig woiiuciiui Bit'ty appeal ru, W r - - . .a an 'The intruder, a. I hsve .aii, ro.e and a.k.d me to look at my right band, and a. ...... .....I. a. - - . ...... """ ruv" " power, ..,.u mao- mm ceived Ine correctici,. made .lh a. mux I: i .i. r ... tended .t. The tn.H. i. I . air....... . i i si aav iivui ii w v u vi un Uli " - - - . m ........... such b formid.bk antngum.t in the pohtical particularity a. if a were the maiden tlJown Mbms tariil me Bt his touch; he grasped .re.,.. Nothing could overcome hi... Bad work of . young author. Tbe olhfr h brkfiM ube ,t and held il ne.r the light, thu. affordin,- u.nger und d.tficuny only the more, Resting . f,w mi, u.e. from hi. cur fdtfj( th Hon jin C. C.lhoun, .eem- '"e full time to exsmine every fe.ture. Il r Crmfi C0"race' ",U "'jBratoB entered into convention wil lii.,.d ,ery ,u, h ,rouokd and out of .pirit..- lhe f.ce of V..!,ing.on. Gentlemen, m o lull exercise h,. strong and 'bjeftartia- .Missouri friend: he .old him that in review. Yon know he is alto-eiher a venersble rosnj shuddered I beheld lhe horribly deed toKect. He had .ome qf lhe btgaacl quali nff the event, of 1830 he w.s gi.d to find VNa a rd, ern, "scctch Di.h Isce. .of. Mtt of last vi.sge. After holding my band nea of a gre.t mrl.iary leader, .ml we doubt, thec .he BBkaaftie. of the past had d.ed out ened in il. expression around then outh byjr a moment he iooked at me .te.dily, tod llf tjj.1l hin .. iia.on .nr. ...... I ... r . .: I . I I ... ---pr"""": " rr.iueni ii, h. neart, and lie W.a not on v readv luii: r ...I :i- .. i.i.u .i- k-.... ... in a nui-t ... j 1 . m aj. i a .ri esju araui it, vannii win? iir ii?bi in u. i 'And with this right hand, senator from If a prrson. on the svJe walk, Whtthcr gfea., or wcielher smalJ, Is it any body. business Where tli.t perMon wean, lo call! Or if you see . person W Idle he's calling any where. I. it any of your buaiHnse What Ins business my be there? The substance of our query, 8irnply slated, would be this: I. it any body's lusiiies. What another', bunueas i.! Whalber 'tie, or whether 'ti.n't, We should really like to know, Foe vae're rertsin, if ,t i.n't, There are .ume who make il ro. If it is, we'll join the rabble, A nd art tne nob'e part Of the tattler, and defsmere, Who throng Ike pubfic mit: But if not, we'll eel the teacher, Until each meddler learns, It were better, in the future, To B ind hi. own concerns! i,ii i a ' I a 'i b.u .mi ir, w mill Pali de.ircd, Lieutenant General of the eager lo do to hi. former rival, ami .. tt Uo converse hia. "1 imt . r . . a. ......... . .1 1 -- a f ",rm Mx,ca" nt opponentar be eaoke itk much feeUag white; he i. tall .nd angular; he remind. 'h Caroline, you would sign yuor u-m wuald have won a bright eaaplet ol Mrtitl Bt. Ctoy, to whose merit, and you very much of Old Hukcry. Th.t be PP declaring lUe Union dissolved?' " "ry" jkad awarded the highest prai.e in what be i. honest, no one doubts; be ha. .aciificed 1 .n.wered in the .ffirmative. 'Yes, I In the United Slnte. Senele he stood up wn writing .bout the Compromi.e period! ro his f.tsli.m hi. brightct hope, of politt-f will. If a certain contingency arise., I will ,tlM.equaloltbeCreaiest men who wtri; overdo. He dwelt particularly on the service, c.l advaneement-hae offered up on lb- 'fc my name lo a Declaration ol Dissolu- ill thst body. Hit .peeches upon grea. na ,,e great -ervice. Mr. Cl.y had rendered toUrine of that necessity which he orrhip, " ' plural question, were nol a. subtile and n.rt- the Republic at th.t time by b.tfling .nd all that c.n excite ambition, cveu lhe Fres- Üut ' ,ht omtnl a black blotch .p. ;apiys,cul as Mr. Calhoun's; nor o eloq.iem pUttii,Kdown the traitorous aecessionists ol .dency of the Un.ted St.te. p"re,i ot' lh b,fk of mf h,nd' j.svd ornate in their diction, or ... learned i. ,, South, ho were Peking to the Dot lo y .lory. The . iher morning .t b,oUh' hkh 1 Beem to " pn now tlieie exposition ef law a. Mr it-:.. i i at. ..... . . ilVh.i i. ..i.l I - - l I '"ii quo uiui.l'i- ine couniry lino Civii war l he hrea..rtt t.i'j e. ire I. an unob.irved u .,. u, . W.ter .; nor dd .hey glow will, the fire ,or iheie own elHsh .nd aaBbitfcsM purpo.c, -pee.a.or, happened lo be present, C.lhoun not wh'- lh lotch on my h.nd. s..d bnl.isncy 4 Henry Cl.yV; nor per- The ins? ration of this Iheme fired lhe ws. observed to g-xe treq.iently Mas. right 'TbeV said b.araffMag mf h.nd, the kT 7 T ltnu,d b ,nd fcr a moment hand,. nd bru.h it with hi. left in a hurried murk b' W"ich Beoedia ArttM l c.l .. those of MI W r,h.; but the, were ,W ig fr.m. of lhe dying patriot. I I nervous manner. He did this so n.t.n ""-'. x. world.' . ' I .'I I Iwf i i i . ft. a . .1 ft.. a a. a. . I. . . f I ... . .. 1.1 'jBBBa9JBBBBBB ' . t i distingui.ked by an emphatic enertry of ex energetic wbi.nera hi i.,M Um .i.;.,, .i.,., .. .. ...j ..... ... L He r i-nuii racneu nueiuioii. Ai lenill one oi pwtision, a slrength and solidity of ariru- ike aame mm who had ...orht i.. A,r..v .l. l ... Iron, be, 7 e. j .... in.; urrcoii. iuiiiiiubii.i' i nc parir men., a preMindity of historical illustration Reoublic in 1.50. were at the bottom of iki., k . a.m- i tät.B U t k- k- i. . ''' - - - f . aw iiiimr l as a WMli'sv. uu ..ay inn and reward, .th.t render. , hem. erureed Lecomp.on bu.ine... Among the ,ne,ber ol Congree. from Georgi.-tooki ei'UffP w irJor,aP laf. iIia k..i H.a.J.. . . .' . t .a as J ,, . Pivuoiuiii oi greatest oi Bis consoialiwia mi dv ine waathe .. ,.air . ... n. i m, his able cvaiaeer.; snd from them could be caci.cioune.. th.t the House of Repre.en,ur,'--iMu .rod.. taken massy exir.e;. worthy of bain pre- t.t, vet had baflled these tre..onble sch.m-i -Doc. vour hand vou" he aaked ol w l.aae by the LMmm BL. af . A ' Taj pliere Brfhsh; he 'entlem'n, but drew n object which be it upon tho very ting. That object are the bone, of vea hung at Charleston gave hi. life in order lo seated as fine specimen, of manly and sens- ere, and put the heel, of lhe people on Met Mr. C. (tonat eloqaence. He always diecuseed'aecke of the tr.itors. Few event, in h,s To thie Mr. Celboun replied, io lather . 't'bliih ln Union- When you put your .questions elaborately and fully, after a thcr- tary had given him eo much e.tisf.clion a. flurried maaner: (name to a Declaration of Dissolution, why oiygh examination ol authorities, and when ibe defe.t of Lecomplou; be w.rmly praised VmMm ia nothing. Only a dre.m I 'l0U m' w" have the bones of Isaac at bad fimaked but ültle mere could be said ,ka intrepid .nd incorruptible Dougl. De- h.d last night, and Im h mikes per- H"ne btioT voui he w" o1' Cm' .by anybody upon that .ide of the auljeci morr.ts, who h.d resisted the power aud the pctually a large black .pol, like .n ink blotcl , ,nd w F !' wa no which he chase ta advocate. wileaol a deluded Admini.trsiiou. Laea the back of my right is id. Au op.,. on hi. right h.nd.' j lit. industry w.a a distinguished trait at I ..king leave of his friend, Col. Benton caj illu.ioe I aurpose.' ','4 ,,c,e wofd" Mkf intruder left tha Ks character. Through life he wae . close ! that although there was much in hi. Of course theae words excited lhe curios rr,("n- ' started back from the contact with s luden i; and before hie death he h.d aecn Me th.t he regrcUed, he could hone.tly feel ,,y 0j (,e company, but no one ventured to the de'd ,n,n' bones, and awoke. Over tnalated a greater .tore house of learning proud, on hi. death bed, of hi. devotion u heg the detail, of thi.siogul.r dream, aaiil orn lbor, I bsd fallen a.leep, and had and facta than any .1. teaman we remember hie country, in whose service he bad never rüorb asked cuietlv : been dreaming. Waa it not a singular of, with the exception of John heea fsiiblea. or negligent. Quine, Adams. What w.a your dream like! I'm nol" All the company answered in the affirm. sinfful.r.'at the aame time lookiuir curiously But this wae such a peculiarly ab.urd he bd, of hi, fi ht haluJi whiltJ 'Preaident to eead Gov. W.'e .ppointmen. ''V f0' T'B "lhwun 0 bet- h i'd- to the Senate far confirma.ien. buthope, he of hi- right hand; 'uowever. Kk .nd .eemed buried in thought. r , .,a. .ml 1 1 1 i-iii a trtrt m air h jvn Iii.. I md til .. .awsaagaysBaaaBBa--- . (KrA few evening, ago in Albany, New etil cuucibmi iwbj a.wut wi vim. as a. a, wvesac:- , ... , . fir A wealthy Jw resiling near Pelm. Colonel fientoa wse born. a. we be ' Cio' WK" "Wa co ,ha Allowing Umei lhev hlf , . ttl oet, o( lrat0 in ghwni." . . m9' n,M"'rd: ery i .i sr. ... ... " a Hiiirriu.r n r .n a u m a t m m ,.irit, 1 ArK.r.ssB, bos in possession . ahekle which fore, in 178, in the .late of North Car. " t',, rVMl"e journal. We have been , wa. .truede In (hernial of Jurlea eevenlcen olina. Hs etni.rr.iMt ,., , , 4os. to account for the failure of the I " aa v av -ari II n Am n A aa aa J at aa aaav- . ff a Lam I a .1 . .... c .., ,,, jc.r. mKa. ii i .ooui me, aad ty hi. vole in 1813, wa. lit nf a hnlf ,),.! la. I . I, - I. ... : a. a . .... .. a ... mo .nirn .u un- uenerai j.cKson elecis-a a Major tienersl .1 ; .1 , ,,1, nn ii,.i;n.i pur. th.t it. tntnn.ic value i. but fifteen'uf the mili'ie. snd placed in that urm,1 ol "'.iaurnsl m.yfproveancoireci:, f . . . ... . . .. . , cent.. The owner would hardly pari with poi.ion which enabled fciei tub.quentJy loj Gov. Wrighi's name h.a not yet been pre- 0, cour,a ,w corop.ny were arofuae in York' (th Aru" 0"Cbee lor 1t.) a widow the relic for a. many hundred dollar.. It h.s render such brilliant aervice to his counlry. senled ,u l,,e Sen.te, and it i. euppoacd he t UTo(tttiona 0f anxi el, lo kuow .II .boul! who WM kaomn 10 9 en,ire ngreg.iiw een in nu laniily nvu hundred and .ixiy goon fter the war he went to Mieaouri, and w'" nomiaatioa w'hheJU , n bia aineitlar sweet voice Mr ' be rt,,Mr ,n wu,t ol "band, was Ii J830 he wi. elected one of the fir.t sen- li" ConKr- Mjoorn.. when the appoint-u .11..... . raUiad It' 'praying with great fervency 1 a . lata k..B ktaa !.-., I ... .iMitt-l üw-,bou kooweattbe desire of my heart "W I ' lal Ia- aa aar , ,.1 .1 si awa sawws ----aa( ... nd honey.ockle. trained to climb over i. M 8oO, a period of thirty 0,'nn-' "k- 'tf" jn m, room engaged in writing, I was a.toa- exci.upjed. with good ua.e. beauty .nd intelligence being . longer term th.n other com om9- a 'uro' re ,ed 10 ioed by the entrance of a visitor, who en- ' Amen xe.pondad a brother i broad e. within; toil enough lo insure health, and r i that body. In 1853 he be,,eve he wiU ,,k ttD h" "'den h ,.rtd .j wilhou. . word took a o.pcalte;e,B ' wm leisure to court ecnu.inl.nce with book. elected to the House of Rerresents- 'Pocket, .nd probably in ibe city ef EBs-, . M T, u ICJ-The Mormons claim to have 480,000 years. OCTA ew.t country house, with roee.'" b new state; he continued in menl "iM x"9 f l,w' To Pr"ve W me at usv table. Tine Burpriseo me, a. I had snd flower, and the lowliness .of nature. ;ii. oi aerved one term. Since that timei" la.n aaafJslar order, to the thst 1 mhere of their church scattered o-r the, plenty .nd Jove, ie eurely one bo hsaadspted bimse 1 1 to the most l.boriuus! fTTHow quietly might any one live if be ' should on no account be disturbed. The man 'world. f the paradises which Ueaven ha. left for!"tr'y pursuit.. During thi. long political r.ootd cire as little for the of others as'ner in which the Intruder entered, eo per-j (yJTlf you wa it tf ro'v whether a tree b ol mi a jetrrer Mr B'oton mtde man, bitter p-litl- 'be. doe lor his 0 u . 'ertiy self possess, ri, taking h!. ;eatnpw,e i hollow f "hot x it.