Newspaper Page Text
TH E ÜEKLY COlliIEK, VOL. 1. JASPER, INDIANA, FRIDAY. MAT 7. 1858. NO. 8 JASPER W rv pushed trrnr tbipat, it Unna DUBOIS COUNTY, ISDIASA, BY MEHHINGER. DOANE & SMITH. r - OFFICE Cohüe or Mai Caoss awduoI'c mmd in general is fully aware of ihejpermi-sion for its slaughter." In the scrip- the careful consideration of our numerous M-chosali. Stbeus. .nature end extent of the confirmation which tures the dcatruction of the city of Lachish 'bachelor friend, hoping that they may gath. ihey bring to the truth of acripture history, jis represented to have been his moat d.fficult'er from it lessons of widom and discretion : TERMS STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: 'l moT be useful here to set out in the br I-, work; and, of waa a victory onl W.WlJLu. Single Bubscription. for fifty Noa., $1 ji' R ATI'S OF ADVtBTISlBC For square of 10 lineaor leas, I week, 91 00. fcad. subsequent insertion, eis Longer advertisements, at cime rate. Artc,Juf men, origjnav a irs-iw-c-r-r "-T.1 7. 'VZTZT aient advertiacmenta; a reasonable deduc- j tion will be made to recular advertiser. , l;;.0' ÄaSa. benotonly that a high slate of the arts exuiel ABSOISCIHG CiBDIDATtS. Kot Township offices, each, For County " " . For District, Circuit, er Stete, Si.oo 2,00 fiiiiutuw j-uai, . You cann.t iro into the n endow and pluck siugl. d.hy by thereof with.,,,, break-j I . aIa mM. .. .. i .1 up ing up a society of nice relaiions, and de-1 tectmg a principle more ex'en-ove and re.wj,en men had a better knowledge ot thf , T ?u TOm E! ill ,h '" Oed than afterwards prevailed; that It t earth that follows the flnnv rootH of the, ' little fl .wer is replete with social elements !i'l not prow up aa a religion of nature, by A little social circle bad been formed around the inr factual attempu of m?n to find the . 9 - i BV J I that geruunaiiog oisy. i ue uno.-atn nno thenvwdrop me. mere, ana tne. o.i "ummer, breer- rime ivh'spenn? through the tall irr... to,,., the s.le n concert. The earth tonk them tu the daisy gem; snd all wen. to work toahow that Uower to the sun. F. ich SÄi!: itt 1 Ii r j iv u i sey t nc w . wuiiy imiiij v i a i M.'.ment that made it prow. And when it Aod when ii lifted iu eyee toward the sky, they wove a anything of the kind existing in after age; thought, he had ever seen. 'I will paint who once on a time I intended to mrry, soft capet of frass for ita feet. And theapecially in their approach to the true idea the portrait of this child.' said he, and keep'But fterward thought it waa better to tsrry ".nlled's he' onl fiTSllTlT tmi " th" ldoltrJ, cam in no' h" ,l "r m' own- for 1 m,r never ,ook UP VVi,h üf Ilia, a. ahe opened the liBht snd moonlight, they worked ..'n; and w ut li-ht- ('ut b.v buse of light j like ngain.' He painted it; and when trou-l the dat.y lifted up it. head, and one nvrn- Men, knowing Gr.d, and yet not willing to ble came, ami evil passions moved hi spirit And led me acr the rich carpeted floor, log while the san was looking, it pu on its ghrify him aa (Jod, became vain in ttaaifftB rebel, he gazed upon the likeness of the She shook my hard hand, w ith a "How do . ........ . ..A . i. I. ... ' pi'.n iin.'uru r,, u. , In ika rfan A i, ni... ...... I n t li Iii. to hint, ihat war wimniino in th akv. ai d all of them that had ailv. r lined wings, I and bird, in Hick, gr.y. and quaker brown ; i . i . l a. a Li. J J a I amr; no taequeraiiHif oiue otra anu uic courtesying yellow bird came, and ...,g a! coroiia'.ion of (hat daisy. Boston Banner. i , . , 'artt Spy "-fir whbä; jx dXii t0J: m- nn. wtitrh I ha never known to fail. Let u, for instance, suppose the ex- istence of a Isrgei hep of stones on the)Umnitakable indications, the conclusion near sine of the rnid. The horse aee am , .- . . indMMr ct trrev obiect nd nrenaree to shy at oor-i atis iU The moment he shows such cymptom.i h t hi. lair rider turn both her eves on ex- actly the opposite aide of tlie road, (I. e. the. iÄ'lli .r?, fl!"' I!".1? 'iit-miing n ciiuskb iiibv lue horse will walk quietly ay. For many years I have ridden horses of all tempers and deposit ion, some of then, much fiven to shying. nd have never J et found V la a... o Time in bit in i (T...-t I nf ih.L.r,4r.t 5i. Th. r...,,: 001 thoroughly plundered this: the human eye has, dotib'lesa. a grestfore il wss burned. The prophet foretold influence on all animals, and there is a j that the invaders would obtain easy access iruug unit ecrei pympainv nr.wrrn inCt0 horse ami ht rider; the horse sees sn indis tinet cljeet and looks doubtfully at it; his rider becomes alarmed, imagining that the animal i gnngto commit st.rnn eccentricity, and he starts in terror from the object which has frightened him; whereas if he find. K0lher. ..c.ped." in. aauva an. M t . ..... i u a a, aa Uituuill.1.1 llt'U'l kegains tns conMdence and goes on in aaBBBBM am a - - - ' I. a I I. , 1 1 . . Ä ik..i HLirsW. a r i . k " -""lam i-"Batr i' ivi "j beingbj fL head by groom, to cure mem aaBJ L . NEWrlH-Ther,. are tSree thnB..nd .r ,r,,ri:f?Ur "'Vl ruiMiviiru in nie uniicti oiiic anu t f rruo-1 riea, ol which six hundred and thirteen are In New York, four hundred and nineteen in I enn.ylvania, three hundred and eighty two in Ohio, two hnndred and twenty-one in Illinois, two hundred apd nineteen in Maa eachusetts. There are fifty in Canads, five in the Sandwich Islands, and two in New Brunewick. In England and Wales there ere two hundred and seventy. two, in Scot land sixty -six, in Ireland one hundred and thirteen, and in the British Iles and Jersey seventeen. There are about fifteen hundred! S n 1 ...... .m aatatai t. at ! B . J f . B 1 in Germany, about six hundred in France, thirty or forty in Spain, vry few in Italy, thirteen in Constantinople, and about one nunarcd in Knasis. n,'A wealthy Jew reaiding near Belms Arkansas, baa in possession a shekle which was struck in the rniat of Juden seventeen hundred and fifty years ago. It is about the stse ofa half-dollar, but the aiiver is so im pure that its intrinsic value is bt fifteen cents. The owner would hardly nart with the relic for aa many hundred dollars. It has! been in his family fly hundred and sixty years lIHowlimetlhT one lire if he WB' ,n ""'P""" inscriptions, the 'uldcatc aa little lor the affaii. pf OlkBTI BS'r of the Jewish city La. hisb. Thekl.. he docs for Ins own. , !- . ! n.,me.. hi. thron, Layard's Confirmation of Scripture, After all the attention which Us been jg.ven to Layerda discoveries smong the,try of Asarria-aittinu on the throne oMion. The author i. evidently a "poi-" of rived at a marriageable ego. the young-men ruina of Nineveh, we doubt Selber the judgment before the citv of Lachiah: 1 rive no ordinäre caübre. rnmit.i.d it in'..i ,k. .;n.... u.i fst form, a apecimen of some of the general Ul inrü uiiuirriin, They show, in conformity with the tenor1 of acripture, that the earliest agea were not, roillV lhi,tk( b.rb.rous sges; but that the tdiehie awerf e. had, at fir... high degree ol w genera I knowledge, heb they gradually lost through their defection to idolatry. It! , . fwmmm uoi.ii.-j, uiii in tne earnest aes ot mat Cl,y Uft,,nB ,n'1 "w ceniunee irotn me.ine same cnaraciers exninu tne name ot n.tio nod, tiirir acuipturex were the be-'. In tin- eincnuiiuezzir. " i ue prominent char remarkable reeult the Egyptiaii and Assyriuir acteristic ol Nebuciiadnczz ir waa his pride antiquities also agree ' K Proved, eonlr.ry to the general, great Babylon that I have built, by the - - . t. . : I . I I min hi I'll , . r and f .- ilwi k... - r ..... impression, that idolatry was introduced, true (;0(). bat it was introduced as an expe men toob,eure what know-!hat ledge of od they ponseaaed. because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, This is shown in the fact that the earliest oi God found , these sculp-L, lufs are the best, and immeasurably exceed iinairmatioiia. and t it r fa.. . art wor bb v - ... . - ''TKeneO. The acripture accounts of the great anti quity ol Nineveh and lbs Assyrian Umpire .... , .. .a. .i.. r , ' " . " . ZI U JT.Tt iof Nineveh. The scrinturea date the build- ing of the city uot long after the food; am! 'he fact ihul the same marble matt-rial have been ud in r6? ,truct ni nrent buildings have been placed on the ruins of tboae atill more ancient, and other ..I.. ,l., il. u..l . ii , i... .,:....: ... j .. . u..i .m .l . ' oiiur i icir, umi nit- vuw uau an uic aiiiio'iuv " 1 ,ch cr'Pl"r" to it. These moi'utnenta Hso bear upon them the record of the fulfillment o prophecy FPlW WW city would be,lh.t abode, snd w.iti..ß for the . , . . ,. plendered.f all its treasures, so ihul noiiCBoment of hia execution. Iwoul.l be lelt. Lnyard haa found in all btsl 1 he artiat transfened his likeness to th - excavation nothing in the form of gold or canvass, and placed it opposite the child's; ,Uter. t fiCl wbicu u remarkable, if theihow striking, how complete the contrast! - ' .... .W r 80me porttons of the city: and that wher-' ever the inhabitants should to the, dividual being! The beautiful, innocent! strong hokis, these would be burnt. aHowchiid had grown into the hideoua, the sinful the ruina ahow juat thia result; that some parts of the city were destroyed by fire and' - ..u..-..u., m tho l"at iKsat i nsen r1 iona et n ti.rt r.nna f ' " V : ne oi uic uiiatn, citia me ncunuui wir . . . . . J,,,, of öcnntcherib, willl ju.t;' ,nto the 10U- wdow Much a scries ot conquests, snd jut such 1 bolinß f them, a. the scripture, asenbe - W - . Forinrunce,theBib.e,ell..thv,7 rr'1"; . .Si Z ... bbm Hesekiah rebelled against the King of Assy ria; that in the fourteenth year of Hezeki ah'a reign, Senntcherib came up against all the fenced cities of Judlh, and took from Hezekiah three hundred talents of silver and thirty of gold. Now compare thia with! the historical on Sennach.r.b scouW he bw expfCted t0 heseught; palace: "Because Hezekiah, King of Judah, friendly shelter just ss biseneAies were did not submit to my yoke, I took, and plun-1 . . . of . Blood . J de red, forty-six of his atrong fenced cities' I B I IB j. L..a I I f. i land innumerable smaller towns, but I left u VT h r T C'ly; ,7! Mcekiah still relused to pay homage, i at- tacked and carried off the whole aw e P' - , with thirty ratat talrnla of 1 which dwell around Jerusalem talenta of gold and eight hundred talents of silver." This agrees with the Bible account j except in respect to the quantity of silver; as to thia, the one accou what was delivered by Heaekiah, and the' other lbe whole product of his plunder. The chamber of S nnacherib's palace; md over his head It thi inscription, "Sen-! nacherib.the mighty king kinirof the coon- which he would most plume biuiaelf, ea these HCU'PtlirCS KNOW Iftfll lieoid. Another coincidence appears !n this. thaljBono Public," nwoepiiigly asserts that none m tlie historical sculptures there are marksl.iire bachelors of a sudden and final interruption of the I work, such aa would naturally follow from1 'he violent death of the king us described in! j ,.... 'he Bible. In the ruins of Baby Ion there is no sculp m'blc- Tl built all of brick. The bricks often have charmers; r,.. -r "lWiib pussy, half sleeping, I thought of my" (iocu n loruiuu oi orica uius stamped; aiio no an was revealed hi th at speech: I- not, minht of my power, and for the horor of my "",Je8'.v ! ' Now these iums of the pa'aee.i eery brick ol them, give just the echoof' ,. " . , . . , . m. . '.u . . m, , IAII these are, thought I, for a man with a iat boasted speech. Thus, after ao many . renturien, dud haa brought forth, from thei r . m-M . . I Bl I B J B a C ru,l,s ' t"eae cities, vmcee in response to, the insured penman had recorded ao . , , many cen.ur.e. before. A Fact with a Moral A celebrated artiat, in one of hi. ramble.J wilh . be.,i;u' ,d intereeti ng child. It was the finest and moat perfect child, he, K,. .A fl...l ..I a.l.o. .u,.l... vwji aa ii 'j i loonii u u eiiiu iiviivi viivv ants entranced his soul. He said. 'If I can find a being that will form perfect tontraM to the child one in whom is concentrated every. J . . . - .--a. , a " I will paint Ilia portrsit also.' Yeara naseed tawav. and he aaw no one 'ufficieully hideous to answer hia design; at went within a rrisonV wa!l. and there he stretched upon the floor of atone, the is'object which his fancy hd portrayed a mtn1 . WhOSe SOU WSS Blatnen WI' I PIO . . " s stamen with piu i, whii .glaring eyes and haggard face, and with de ,(,nic rape, cursing histself, his fe How be- intra, and blasnlieminir God. chained within' , I a ... .a ..LiWhaii mar ic. nn a iii!iirn. uniin roitnii b-,Tho angel boy-the fiend man! Yhat must have been the feelings cf the artist, wtcn Up,,n inquiry, he ascertained that th portraits he hsd made were of the same in man B-J'Vve remember to have resd msny years sgn an amuaing story nf a young Arne-j ncan jn lbe Revolutioniry wnr, who, llyinjr for life from half a dozen lory purau- wno was Known 10 oe iruc to tne .Miicnniii. . . t v t j I eM'"d;JT T V " l 'S' pmru ui rjiitiniciii nc hij j uubb otneer waa aa -t.wr, .no no. . to be lost. In such an exigency theyoungi . ...... I IT! -..I.. I . ... widow, who was robed somewhat in the strict of our modern belles, invited him to crouch . . nndor ihp amnla? tirnteet ion of her bH. Wjthout momen(,B bcBition (ti hew . ,,.,,,1 tbe house and want' awsy disappointed. ,rül,bly lh n,y mr" f ',0ry ,i.., ,k r..i,;.,.hlv .lr...i V 1 1 sa t, wbivu ire niv laniiivMawi aiw"rw . . of the preaent day might, in such . o' )ife Bnj dealh, hide a couple of patriota in- . . . a ... te(ld of onr.Lo. jOUr (ÖrFernando Wood, late mByor of New . j .. i York, has brought seven hundred libel suits nt may describe! 1 , . .. . . . ..j ..legalist the New York Tribune, which paper during his term of office, ch.rged him with swindling, forgery and thieving. . tCTThe Mormons claim to have ?0.0OO members of their church caltcrcd eer hr world. rrjrTiie following aweef paem mni rare literarv nm has been handed u foe him r Ma. Editor: One of your correspotr J .. . . . . ..n. r a. u r i r' iit n r . araa.i in in "rrri from ihoie.e;" That your r.,P. mnv , u-f .,,, ,,,,,,1..,. - m i , r ' iiat; iiriLaaiR.i w M'asr irii- u rniri n your interesting paper to My Love Experience. One evening. I think, if I rightly remember, A, , t b fire , ,be momh of Det(li facr -lite And ilieü then to think 1 lud never a mate. Ae the storm beat without, I thought it all n - äiUli 1 , . r - . 1.-1.! I. ! "y warorooe, i lounu, waa muc n om oi rpP8,ri And everything else, for want of good care, a desire to get rid of them, and will a, tne So I thought it waa bet to huvea good wife, tjmea cell her parents to accomplish Ihne. And oot l,ve comfwlle" bachelor', life. !So arl7 "ext morning I set oat for town, Determined to court a certain Miss Brow you io! Who under the tun ever thought this was you! t But aa I'd not come to lingh and ma'ae fun' I- - the lewona of love I oon had begun; For days and for week, we were always to gether. Through runehine and shower and ail aorta of weather. Bul onc niSbt endeavored the qiwation PPt - , - like a top. . r"n ooing on in amazemen sno rriant She asked me, quite coolly, if my senses ...... wercnght. But my tremor passed tiff, and I asked her tobe ! The wife of the mm who then plead on his knee; She drew herself up, with tho haughtiest look, And said, "Sir, forever you're scratched from my book!" DctrfniniJd thotlJ?h, rd not fU,.itopeo; To Mia Susan, the second, 1 thought I would go. I told her I loved her for herself atone; Got down on my knees with a mighty deep groan . She turned from my aide with a look ef di' h. , . oain, A d lü,d m' U' rin,lt her again! 8he "id ,hit h" ehe never could j . Por ,he j wed wi, lbe d lcfore ,hc Wl)Ujd js me. Beit so," I replied, "but I must have kisa Tor the present fine chance I never can mies!" I elartcd toward her, when she raised her kft -p,w" And streck me a whopper, which fractured my Jaw! Th. gentle love-t.p cooled my .rdor you fof home , itimtMi tQ P0' L . "That woman," said I, "iquarcd off in good lvl0t When" she my fine fctlorce eodesvored to 'solle 1 Bt ww lbftl Vtu hont bc n0 ei, ; to fret, 'Pnr I'll never ect married, vou aafelv can ri tuy beBM by myself, and alwaya be free, Kir s bv helot 's lite is the beM lile for me. Swiss Conrtine T!, Si . i n ",v iiw w'tiMuii- uj- uuiiM'iii iin a "iv. en nibt at the gallery of the chalet in which the fair one rea.dee. Thi creates noman, ner of surprise in Hie mind of h. r parents Iwho no. only wink at ik practice .. 'never better pleased than when the charms ' "iukiiki gii ul. mir i-r.'iti a'aat null.- f i !, , r ,!.., I ........ .1 cr of admirera Their arrival issocn announced by sundry taps at the different wind.,.. Th. Ii k.tfeiM.. i j . v hvihi. mimi tu nn au' inn iirrsapn . t'"r scene usually takea p'aee at mid- -'ight. when they have all retired to rest,) 'he window of the room prepared for the which the girl i. fir.t alone, i. opon-d. Then parley commences, of rather . injiiawi eacn mmi m luni , urgea nis auit witti all the eloquence and art of which he is poaaeHed. The fair one hes itates, doubts, atska qucelious, but cutuca to no decikion. She then invites the party to partake of a repast of cakes and kirach waaser, which i 'ifi it-. i. (I (tr thm r r. k. I. ...... I. J. . r' v r " " '- na v vaituiil. I' '. , ibis entertainment, with the strong water of - the cherry, forms a prominent feature in 'be , , . . j proceedinga of the night. Having regaled ithemaelvea for ome time, during which, m.l I . a . through the window, Mie has made us: of ; II the witchery of woman's art. ahe fena ,ect. The youth., however, are not to be put off, It r, according to tt.o cost. -m of tbo ,, country, they have come here for the ex- prcaa purpose ol compelling her, on lb-it night, there and then, to make up her mind, and to declare the object of her choice. A t length, after a further parley, her heart is touched, or at least ahe pretends it is, by the favorite attain; alter certain prelimina ries betweeii the girl ar d her parents, her lover is admitted through the window, where the affiance is signed and sealed, but not de livered, in the presence of both lather and mother. By consent of all parties, the ceremony m not to extend beyond a couple of hours, when, after a second jollification with kirach wasser, they all retirethe happy man to bleae hi. stars, but the rejected to console lo.tbemselves with Uio hope that at the next tournament of love making they may euc- hmiaav In i.n. n j..l.; ........ (uilmiVii is taken in good part by all, and is regarded ss deceive. Heath land's Switzerland. Where the Plaster Was. A certain doctor (rather a modest young man by the way) was recently called in to sees lady who had been taken suddenly 111. The doetor found the application of a mus tard plaster to be necessary, and accordingly went to work and made one, and laid it care fully by, to prepare the lady for Its spplica ion. Every thing waa ready and the doctor sought the plaster, but strange had disappeared. The doetor and the negro nurse searched high snd low, in every pro bable place, for the missing plaster, but in vain; it waa gone, no one could tell where. The nurse had not seen it since the doctor laid it on the chair. There was no other al ternative but to go to work and make anoth- s accordingly done. But still the question would present itself to all, what had become of that plaater! The circum stance of its having been spirited away be gan to tell unfavorably on the sick lady's nervous sensibility; bat the doctor could not help it, he coahJ not explain the mystery. The doctor in a deen brown study oreoared t0 leave, and stood up before the fireto earm himaelf befo'e et countering the cold with out. Through the force of a vulgar habit, he parted his coat tat. behind, when nurse, display ing sbout four inches of ivory, said: i foun de plaater, maaea doctor.' 'Where?' eagerly asked the doctor, ahero is it!' 'You got it ahind.'eaid the nurse, stiM grinning. The doetor clasped hie hard bebind an! there it was sticking fast to the seat of lue breeches, where be sat down on it when it was lying on the chair. This wss too much th aiodeet doctor. He eeised his bat a a . S . - . a k. - Bl , . Änl Doiico, nor ctyia n prrMww uh m . . . . visit that lady .gam during her Mesne... ftrThe last official act of Lord Palmer- . . . ston. wss to send Bienetten o, iuu a r.. Mos.T.dge, the weafW nl the writer so w. known u " M llumpbr-r- m VvB MHU sa I rj WS l'wissf I waw aww I