Newspaper Page Text
IHK JASPER WEEKLY COURIER. L . VOL. I. JASPER, INDIANA, FRIDAY. MAY 14, 1858. NO. 9 rUBUSHtP KVXBV FRIDAY, AT JAMtR, DUBOIS COOHTTi INDIANA, UV MEHRINGER. DOAHK t SMITH. lateral questions would cume forward in the hJQ same spirit and concede something for the ' KANSAS! NO DOUGLAS! BUT !ake of united action In bringing tili run- , i w vriii A 7 I M f T Tit 1 l jtrov.rsy to eloae. Whether thoae hopes ))) J O A A J J MIUIjO, TF.RM8-STRICTLY IN ADVANCE : Single Subscription, fur fifty Nu., tl 5 HATES OF A UV KB TIM NU . For smf. ( in lineaor leas, 1 week, 91 AND,""" ue uiaappuiuiru rrinain. yei 10 ue een. Upon all matiera, however, which I consid ered b fair test of the rel positions of mem- ibfjs, I have thua far aleadily voted with the r: l - e i . . -. menus oi wie suuiinisiruuoii on tnis ques tion, and I expect to do so, sir, still, to the end of thia contest. 4L- oo. I ii . ii I -: vv iminri in 'i 1 1 v " . II saiu IAF I IIC VVll rr rz. fa j i . r , iLj l I BJ Produce tken in exchange for goods. ' t:a. at a "7 r ;-"ws" of entertaining orieinal matter; aud Ele- iki a iarpe quantity 01 an .on. 01 uquora, jantly Illustrsted every week, A Gift worth from 50 cbrts to 600 THE TUOS. r. DE nR l! I.F.K. BODOLmVS SMITH (OLDEN PRIZE de bruler & smith, vn J J. J t WAlA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 99 JASPER, INDIANA, Im.i-strated! Illtstrated! , "O.L sitend promptly to any business .VV. fT intrusted to them, in sny of the courts IHK New lorn W KrJK L i GULDEN of D.ihois county. Office si the Indians j I ' P : a L . i a. n . maris DAY'S (Hi;u (ASH STORK! THE undersigned has just .received n snlentfid saaariment 'of Boots and Shoes, latest rRIE is ons of tils largest snd beat lite-. Hotel, in Jasper. styles, ALSO rary papere ot fne ay. A n Imperial tlusr Each nbarqtif ut insertion, üb cts. trary, I inmat that the select committee to Longer sdvertismenta, at asms rale. A : which I have relerred, baa been fairly eon frai:ttonv-r tvensqtisrs or squares, counted ijtitmej. it wa, the mersaere which was re- mort onable terms. U , .1 Ul . J- ...J UVIU, "ILL HI, TO Ulli CD. the shortest notice, at all times, snd on the , I"!?" JH w mmtm tut ivr i c I OR ., . - - . as s square. I neee are me terms it inn mf nr advertisements; s reusonable deduc tion will be mads to regular advertiser ferred. The inslructiona were only inci dental to thia reference. It was proper, KECEIKT or THE TERMS: EASTERN BOOTS AND 8MOES, of the Istrst styles, kept constantly on hand One copy for one year st the big brick, on the corner of Mam snd One copy fur two yean For Township offices, each, For Cmmiy For District, Circuit, or Stste, Lawrence streets, Jasper, lud. April 2, i8.-n3. CONRAD MADER. DR. R. M WELMAN, COB RIB OF REWTOÜ AND HARBISON TS JASPER, INDIANA, NdiicsM of appointment of adminitiiratora.ihen, and in atrict conformity with parlis- and l-ral notices of like chsracler to be mentsry ussge, thst s msj.irity of the corn paid for iu sdvsnce. Litte should be friendly to the recommsn- ANNOUNCING CARTDIDATES. I(J . f . . -.-, Not(i a oo'"6"" c'e,rer then this. I think, too, the hit 10 rePurt f ijority of thia committee uuvht to be aatiafartory tu all here not pre- SPEECH OF HON. jdiaposed to complain. I regard it ss one of A"l V VIRI f1 k ,1e "olei'1 thi"6 Jet Publiahed on this sub-. hi ability. M , Tit iM 1)1 V lv , teal. With thoae who desire to oursue the Tu many of his I. th.H.. of, Bfc....iM ( . M. ''S Ä ZJJl ot., acho. j nun u B . remember me in your health and prosperity. The Hotii'fl being in gonimittee of the 'for the past two years, not affecting the va If the dollar is not on hand I will take hogs Whole on the state of the Uniun, Mr. Nib ilidity ol ihe Lecompton constitution, i hsve or calt'e on account I mm i i k diu Such a course could only ""rc" '00- I ne copy for three years ! Ooe copy for five yesrs A BD TO CLUBS: Three copies, oie year $b 00 end 3 gifts Five copies, one year 8 00 and ij gift s. Ten copies one year 13 00 end 10 gifts. IS atill at hia old home, and always ready Twenty one copiea 1 year 30 00 and 31 gifla to attend those who may want 'his aer-j The articles tobe distributed are com vires, ami render them to the utmost ol priseain me loiiowing list: W holfMitle and Hclail. 4 LWA YS on hand s large snd well sr. ff2 00 and 1 gift. ' lected sssurtmenlof Mixeellaneoua and S 50 and 2 gift. Standard Sehool Ruoks, Plain snd Fancy 5 00 and 2 yifts.i Stationary, Wh ll, window and wrapping pa 8 00 and 6 ßifte., per, Blank Books, &c I mmm mW SWS . . 07 IHE HIOHKST MARKET PBICR paid for rsgs in exchange lor guuU. E. R. DAY, State street, between Main snd Market, March J. ':8. New Albany, Ind. patrona he would say : 2 packages gold, containing a do do do 10 do Ho do $600 each 200 each 100 each lack said: no ympslliy. R. M. WELMAN. Black cmmI'm MaffaKine ARD THE BRITIMH tl ARTKRI.V R K V I K W S Mb. Chairmas: It was not my expects- serve to render more infamous the names ot TOP TU Ii:'! 10 pst. lev. hunt, esse watches 100 each 20 gold watches 75 each AO du 60 each 100 do 50 each GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBSCRIBE ! 500 silver watches, 10 to 26 esoh ti-n, sir, when I came here, to participate, many peraona who have already 'US1 T0LEJ( from the tubrriber, living three! Iu0, '0,1 gdi fil fob chsins 10 to 30 lnriiiiT tr,,. nrenent aeaaiun st least, in the idisarace uoon that fair territory, and to iret ,;i. ..wt nf I wnnti in PrM,rnrHi Locketf, Bracelet, Brooches, Ear uenerul debates of this House. It is not mv up a aecond edition of Ksnsaa troubles, county, Ind. on I ... JA : I ...... eipectstion to dueo still. V hat 1 have ve- whic h might eerve ss a text-book for pro- 'P"' ,OJO l.aainnul sliripb nr." ill itl nil. ,. , , . j three years old, and about 14i hnds high proechinir political cainpaiens. For auch! ,;-A ry briefly to aay. is rather by way of person al ( xplsnstion. When the President's annual mesaagc was communicated lu this House, at the com mencement of the session, it received, ss a whole, the 6 ft probat ion of my judgment. o fsr ss the policy of the Administration upon .could be little else than a stale repetition ot can D;m of the 2Sthof '""o"""; ' ,'ZV m itons, Ringa, Shirt Suds, Wstch Keys, gold snd silver thimbles, and s vsrieiy of other articles worth from 60 cents to $15 each. .in wuinl tl I fin anHa. ri nluin i.; f. I ..... i i. , r- wvts iiiuu i ' siiiw 'vs iwiv iv i uur . euiur the iu'lit Otio dark Iron Grev horse, what has already been ssid by others. I; think the President's position .'.as been this vexed Kansas qoebtiou was foreshad owed in thst messsge, I cou d not see bow (he President could bsvo tsken sny other great y tireiigthened by the discussion here. the objections J ret urged sgsinst ebsBBoned. .......... . , u i .. . . . , I , ' . money, trie suoscnoer s name win oe eu- pu my vote cannot be given. Sir, l(Whu, .bove the left eye. der. mane andilereiJ u ,ubwi io büok uppo-he . will not gu the merit, ot this contro- tail, with some grey mixed; a fresh horse i,, ,nd lhe if, correspon.ling with thst versy. The subject bss already been more hue on the left hm. Ubersl reward will bejnimber wj b, jorwtred, within one week, iraeur miei to TOS at .k. ,).nlur. I r turui nn.1 nforination ao that Ii..;j r i r I VBBIW I. P. SlBEIT nsitAsI lor Uliuau kf lw,uA I K ; r I. Ak as. Ik... ..vk A Ai.utk.n. I m.nt.l nw.. -' - j . a Lessen worth, or for any duty to aue- pend my epinioji, ao fbr sa wss prscticsble, until the question ceme regularly before us, and until it waa aeeu what new and dift'erent ence to the) opinions of other gentlemen to the contrary, it does aeess to ate that the policy of the present admin istrst ion, in the affairs of Ksnsss, is bat a continuation of Mhrriil Sale. OTICE is hereby civ en thst by vir 1 toe of a fee bill issued out of the UfSTR-somce oi nil uircun uoun or iruooi. who lies had 10 vesrs exiterience ass co. Ind. snd to me directed. I hsve levied en Banker end Publisher, arid anther of and will, on the 5th ol Jane 1868, between ; a series of Lectures at the Bmadwsv Ta- k L r m ,..i..L a ma . i t . . , . well a. eUewhere. amount those political Uu j.t. ,,r ,i,,, Umk uki,..,j .i.. JTT." TT T."" L"! wrnscie, w.on, iu successive - "" WW wa wvw I wva . . . . . v. v . nT .1 1 M at in ( AAP ft f n AB I fill PI B-l filial A phasee ol it might he presented. In the ,ne MIM poJicy inaugurated by the late ad ueaiitime 1 waa exceedingly aiiBloes, m mini.tration of Mr. Pierce, in relation to view of the division of sentiment here, as !,htl erruory. How often have we all on may 7-6 w. Adiiiiiiiralri' Police. Noticb is hereby given that the under signed hss been appointed administrs tri of the estate or Jacob Besrtley, lata of Dubois county, Indiana, accessed. Ssid aa lt fa f feoU to be solvent. ClBOLIBK BjKBTtBT, ay 7, 1868-lw ad.ninistiatrix. UCrAII communicstions should he ad dresed to Dean It Salter, 48 St 49 Muffst Building. 835 Brosdwsy, New York. Npsrimn eesiea cent fro'. 2-3 m CiicuulatiOHlOOe(i3piM L. Scott & Co., New Yorx, continue to Dubliah thefuliowing leading British Period ical, vis- I. The London Quarterly Conservative. 2. The Edinburgh Review L Whig. J 3s The Vorth British Review Free Church J 4. The Westminster Review I Liberal. 6. BUckwood't Edinburgh Magazine Tory, o Weekly SI a VeSr. 3 rVlTNESSES OR THE FORMER CfBMVICTEB, JOHN S. OYE IS THE AUTHOR, friends with whom I am secustumed to co- whfre, defended Msfh policy! Who of us ia the town of Jssper, in ssid comity, offer j Wr WWWW l fsjpir operate, upon the propriety el edmittioglj, Bot feel nilB(M!f ,horoughly committed for ssle st public suction, the reals snd Gred hinr with Rounds of spplsuse. Kansas a. recommended by the Prr.iden,i,0 , Wh ,hil! w, now reeede, Fur profit, for. term not exceeding seven yesrs, b J7hJJ Jeh that d,rect,o might be gfv.n to the .uettion , vll not, 'wUMr mKy be xhe C9Mtqp. Zl which would enable thee frieuda to unite i i i .t I . . .!- .i.i . ' nf (UimHihv them cvs, unites euine uetit-r leaauti. ue vivrn man iitirter ui aertton io. tntneun in lownaoiu -...m m - . , . .i. r IS. . Ti.. n l. m.1 . l' -ii iL., ror tnt twa ol Ik taiir Hphihuii in tnc ir action upon u. in una leeung i , , , , j d j No. one, aouth of range four weal, contain- .r'nB"T an awy T. .rZ Ö. . ws. nut actuated b v anv distrust of the MlFlL I Il'ISJK. I am .Muminr ling 40 acre., more or less. P. - fft- Mooeyfc Ä ""iT. R,? rectnes, of the President, policy I my own!. fe.rflI, respoaeibility i. the course I iJÄiS! .Äti:': iEATEST DISCOVERY OP 9mfc!S!f in, .1. i, Hui uj u - w .-. .en it my ouiy ip pursue, in consequence ot ,milA -Mt. i t ihe ssms tisno and nlace a was practical and proper, the viewa and feel- coats, I will at the aame time snd plsce " Present century fbr the divided condition of public sentiment on .snd between the hours aforesaid offer for Ttetaetina Counterfeit lsxtk Hotel iuk's of other., whose cooperation I very this quesiiou throughout the country, snd'ssle snd sell st public suction the fee "P'' DMCribior every genuine Bill In exieteace, Kttu h desire. 'particularly in the great Northwest, from o! said real eatste. Taken in execution ss the property of Sir, alien the President's speciil messsge bich I come. 1 (eel ss keenly ss suy one Gorffe Tlbor, j tne ,uit of George Tsbor . .a - - ,i 1 1 ..... i aii stssis I. i I I 1 1 r t it n fir A I . . saat .... wa delivered to tins Houer, the force of this saffsestion. Nu one is ht the L-Jcumptun constitution, I unhesitatingly to be here, air, w ho ia not willing to aasume inAorsed buth the premiaes and conclusion. of tttat message, I felt reeesured that any Home responaibiiity when the occasion de mentia it. I will not shrink from the dia- firat iuiprcsaione of hi Kanssa policy were; charge of what serins to me to be . plain correct. I would have been willing In have duty on Ihis account, e'ood upon the doctrinee snd recommends-! Whstever may have been the first im tiur. of thai mearage alone, and to have re- jpreaeion as to the preaent phaae of this against Robert Poison. Terms of sale Cash. JACOB HERMAN, S. D. C. Mny 7. 1858.-3W. pf $4 60 lied upon thrin fur my vindicstion. While (Kansas question, before it wss fully before r p. e O'Connor, st his residence ia oli to Claimant!.. 4 LL persons who hsve sny clsims to make . V uoon the Rev. Joiaoh Kundsck. dee'd. for deeds, certificstes, or other documents Thus each may read the aame ia hia own entrusted to hia care, will plesse esll upon; Natif. Tonga.. ad exhibiting at a elsnee every counterfeit in circulation! Arranged ao admirably, that Rcfiikbck ie Ka.v and Detkctiub Instartaoeovs. (CNo Index to examine! No page, to hunt up! But ao simplified .od arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Bu.i ness Man can see all at a glance. English, French and Gorman. These periodicsla ably represent he three sreat political psrtiea of Great Britain- -Whig, Tory, and Rsdicsl but politic, forme only one feature of their chsrscter. As Ur fans ot the most profound writer, on Sci ence, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, aa they sear bsvo stood, sari, vslfed in ths world of letters, being ceeeH. ered indispensable to the aeholar .ad the professions! man, while to the intelligent reader of every efssa they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the oar. rent literature of the day, throughout the world, thsa can he possibly .obtained from sny other source. Early Capita. The receipt of advanck shuts from the British publishers gives additional to Reprints, inssmucb ss they can now be. placed in the hands of subscribers sbettt .. aoon as the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices.) per annum. For any on. of the four Reviews, $3 0o 6 00 7 00 I. . .ii r. ... . i r ... . ur en tour ui me neviewa, . UV 2 00 For Blackwood and three Revi-ws 2 oo P or Blackwood and the four Reviewa, 10 Ot Paymenteto be made ia all esse, in ad vance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. Postage. The postage to any part of the United Statee will bo but twentv rot u cbrts a year for Blackwood, and but fourteen cento a yesr for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the periodicals will bo famished for 1858. ; et'.' flPBapa ,iaJaVi .awr p. o I had seen so much to condemn and so little ths country, 1 have the confidence to be to approve in the action of ths people oM'eve thst a large majority of those who sent Ksnsss, I felt then, ss I do now, that the! me here already acquiesce in the views of sooner this unfortunate Territory ws. organ-1 the President, a nd that tbia feeling ie faat ripening into one of warm indorsement. I cannot believe that any very large number ited into a State, the better for it and the ceoatry. But there were those here who, profeieing o( peraona in my district can be lound will not materially to dieagree with the Presi- ling much longer to give sid and comfort to dent, insisted that .a ao much had been. thus, who have so long distracted the pesce charged about irregularities and fr.uda in the formation of this constitution, eotne inveati paiion ought to be had by come committee under the order of this House; and as I fear ed no legitimst, investigation upon this, aa Jaaper, as soon as it will suit their e.onv.n ience. P. Ulric Christen, Paul Eck, Executor, of Rev.J. Kuudeck'e estate. Jasper, april 30, 1868-Bw'. ttjrraoli Eagle pleaaecopv three weeks and send bill to our office. iBcfanntmadmng! MOST rfcBKfcCT DANK ROTE LIST FUBLI8HED, A Iso s List of All the Private Rankers In America. A complete summary of the PiRAWcts For 1817 an 13 together. Unlike the more epheiaersl Magaxiaea of the day, these Periodicals lose Hüls by age. Hence a full yeer of the Noe (with no onus- sijna) for 1857, may be egarded nearly aa or Kubopb BND America will be published valuable aa for 1868. We propose to far- ul this unlorlunats Territory. 9 tificstes &.c bei Hochw. Herrn Kuudeck At all eventa an opportunity will aoon b n edergelegt haben, aollen eich bei Hochw. sffur.ied to those I represent of expressing Hw Pf,rrw Bd O'Cooner in Jssper so their views upon thi. row .11 abaorbing question. I cannot reel otherwise than billing to concede something to what seem- dto be an honest difference of opinion, I P. Ulric Christen Pol l Eeo, prll 30-3w. Executor.. Notice ia each edition, together with sll the important News of lhe Day! Also a series of Interest lag Storiew Fmni .n Old Manuscript found in the East. It furniahea the moat complete history .a 07 ORIEHTAX im, Describing the meet Perplexing Poei- ni.h the two yeare at the fullowiug EXTataa LT LOW BATES, VII Per Blaehwood'a Magaziac, For any one Review, For any two Reviewa, For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Review. For three Reviews For Bl.ekwood and three Reviewa 4 10 4 00 8 00 7 00 00 8 00 12 00 II oo "fnri all other public questions, and aa I Waa mortified if I find I have mietaken those viewe. I desire, them, however, to apeak a I ! I - . I ' , I I . I OUl plainly upon IBIS S won upon b oi ii jj hxrehv tri von Ilm t on Tnftaut.v. thf 'J.Mh dressed tO 1 voted to refer the meessire to the .elect!" nue'on. o( Public policy. I hold, sir,; I dsv of M.v. A. D. I8S8. the Countv 8ur- JOHN 8. DYE. Broker. moitsiier an. rroprtstor, 70 Wall street.. New York. lions in which the L.die. sod Gentlemen I For the lour Reviews of thst Country bav. boon eo often found. For Bl.ekwood .nd Ihe four Review. 14 00 These .tor ies will continue throughout the ro .vme iractiea., am may ae remittee whole yesr, and will prove the Most Eater- vor Bl.ekwood. for which we will forward ta'ning ever offered to the Public. that work for both years, iwt flCr Furniahed Weehly to Bubecrihersl N B The price !n Ureal Britain of the only, at Si a year. All Icttere muat ho ad- five rertocicale above named is .boot fSI per annum committee, with instructions, under tbs sub- that the most csndid relations ought at .11 veyor of Duboia county will be present to i titin.wi - i l. "- - i iiiuip to via hptween . Henrpaf ntati vi and run the lines and determine the boundaries aug8-l Il.rrt. I Mir I d.d . will.'.hi. constituent.. I desire, therefore, that 'u"'",ioo''l,t rt'b,i!'b'he HAWwOefS. laMWlLL . , t . , ,,er. ol .et on ID. I . I.D. Im. 4 TV . I .1.0 ................ . m I . homi that u,iw... tL ...... l. . n.i i...t uiv Dosilion here shall bs ful lv understood.1.!... ..r .c t i t -e ..m.a'Alivirirscii a i i. n r- 1 -. i mal ui tne c. j o. r 4 wi ti, a. 1,0. the which then enshrouded this question should To the people of my diatrict, and to them R. 4 W.; and the N. of the N. iE. aec. lit ... . . . I An A I . mawUiIa. .mm M....MUikililw 'it ..J . I., a I f I L. CI V I ... ft u ciesreu away - lUU Ii,; rimm mei Miy in uoudi tu suaii mere ccl-iuc. i srril 30 aw. 11. bii rnincii. W wsv, ss I felt would lont fknowledge my roeponsibihty. 1 17, snd the 8. J of the 8. E. see. 8, same IV ILL attend , ' . , .Whether I hsve mistaken my duty or my al- town snd rsngc. All persons interested arc " entrusUd I !, those gciitlen.ei. here who rgfntcCil hrif period af time will deter- required toTtltnd, Circuit, or Hupr. Dustness As we shall never .gain be likely to offer euch Inducement, as those here preaeuted, VOW 18 THS TIME TO SUBSCRIBE ftp" Remittance muse, in all casea, ho made direct to the Publishers, for st these prices no commission ean ho sllowcd to me 'otirt, irect , nest the court houai. nromntlv to .1 w L to bim in Common Pleas, 'Iflice on .trd ui r i J 1 Leonard Scott sV Co. Marcb 10 No 64Uold street, N York. , A i i i aS - - - A-ivcriist iu the Wtcklv Courier.