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THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER VOL. I. JASl'EH, INDIANA. FRIDAY. MAT 21. 1858. NO. 10 pl' bushed EHtr i k 1 ! V , at JArn, BILL GULL 8 COURTSHIP. EU BOH ColSTt, 1BDIASA, . , . wt married when I m twenty ,' said MEHRI50EK, DOANE Ac Bill Gull one Jny, 'I got married to Phebe OFFICE Consta or Mais Caoea aid MaCoSU STMtT. "tERMS-8TRI(:TLY IN ADVANCE: C.agle Sabtcriptiun, for fifty No., $1 H BATES or ADVEtTtSISG. Forseoareef 10 line or lew, 1 week, gl 00. Earn subsequent insertion, cts. lancer advert1 e tt. it rime rue. A Chalk, aud all tbeie things, young Cut!. that you see running 'round here, came ray lump of i balk by gull.' 1 1 j It 1 a a , i as. di.i uuu aiways swore 'dv iron. It was hie only oatb. She waa a lu I ain't Phebe Chalk.' said she; I'm mar- fLjrl'he following beautiful and ex pre. Lony Faces, r.'ed. and my name i Pbebe Gull. Who are Ire linea by one of our fair friends, arc as What sad mistake it ii to suppose iht a vou!' finished in itjrle as true in aentiment. We man should be gloomy oecause he ia devout ; I am the grandmother-in-law, ind I hire hope the nutable and gifted writer will favr ae if misery were acceptabia to God on ita from COme le" '00 ,'"t ,in,t 0od for m,n u fre1ue,l,y w,n tne productions of her own account, and happiness an offence to be alone, especially if be haa a wife.' .akilllul pen. 'Well, grandmother, that's just what I' . . bare been thinkincr. ever since I ram tu pot mau , as Itrge one way aa she w.s tbe other. B.Uj ' 1 7 C " K ' 8" .i ..... . , , . nd you must be verv old. too won't vou w w j' - sr . Gull waa always a backward, bashful youth, and some surprise waa expresses) that be ever got married at ail, 'By gull,' said be, 'my Grandmother's ghost fraction over even square or squares, counted d-d tbe jjb.' a a equare. These art- tbe terms ia trän- 'Cheat job boa's that!' i - ., i sirn' s.vertsemems; a oecuc- ftll vo b . it You iee I waa reasonable deduc Z i . r. - about as green as a spring goalin. and I Notice of appointment of administrators r and legal sotiees of Ike character la be fought Phebe , too. Ry gull, she wasn't paid fur iu advance. bogh but she knew I ass. We had a Aavoi aciso casdidatu. socakia aot,on of each other for about two Vnr T, .ensLin olfirea- aarh. 81.00 year-, but it wouldn't hare rone to anvibipp For- -uuit - 2.00 t i, h.a', bees, tu, tl. a.. I ... to, emphasi. but do you think she was fright fur ). strict, ircuri, or jMate, get in bed and warm you?' (Cy gull? ( had s great mind to, hoi I was afraid. ) ' I 'No, aaid I, I muat bick to the grave-, yard. Remember that Bill, your husband is shivering with cold, all alone by himself." Well, grandmother, bidn't you better gl and keep Bill warm!' do it yourself, or I - hall appear again remember." I growled out the remember with a fearful' From the National Era. The Love-Knot. BY SORA FETsS V . her bonnet rnder her tbte, the td her rasen ringlets m. Hut n t alooe ia the silken snare Hid s!i ratch hr v-ly fl sfn.' hair, For. tying her bonnet under chin, She lieu a young mn heart sittm. Thry were strolling lofetaer up the kill. bsehu! in tne w.y o' aaaking love. ! could "t1 N " bil of il' 8he bur,t 0üt UuCh And ,ns v 1 " a" Ber 'n-tfht. ind Kept it up tor not say as much aa bo to a goose: Pbebe was just as biabful that w. I thought, so, hat !e wa&nt by a long shot. nigh' ah. ut a liaU an tour after I had gone to bed, a I lay thmkiajr of Phebe for I had bear, sitting up with her till ratber a late boor, is osui! without bringing anything to pass tbe door f tie room opened slowly and swfljy, end In walked a ghostly spectre. The tt-oon aa Inning full in it my window. aid I cou'd not be mistaken. It waa ill in white ..ere the wind cowee blowing merry ami I rane up in oed, while tv teeth chattered chill. And it blew the curia a froHekeme race, Ail over ti e happy, peach cotonrd face. Tilt sco'cing a t laughing she tied liiem In. fjnesr tue hesatifal, dimpled cusn. And H blew a color, bright as the bloom Of the pinkest fuschia's toss ngpfnane, An over the cheeks of the prettiest girl, 1' at ever imprisoned a romping curl. Or, tyiny her bonnet ander her chin, Tied a jreeng man's heart witbio. 8-eeper and steeper grew the bill. Madder, merrier, cbilhar it'll Tne ws'ern wind blew dowa and p'syed The wildest tricka mrb the hut mats). As, tvingher bosaet ander her chin, Hhe lied a young eaaa'e heart aithin. Ob, western wind, do yan think it was fair To play auch tncka with ker floating hair! T gladly, gleefully, do yur beet. To blew her against the young mao'a breast , ere n as ?lsdlv folded her in ar.d the perse. rat. on ran off in streams. It came a'most to my bedside, and pointed a long hornj finger at me that went through me like a red hot iron. I tried to speak, but it was no go. At last a husky voice aid: -Bill Coll- lam tbe gbost of your grand mother. You nrut marry I'r.ebe Chaik ever so ksog, while I stood shivering and shaking like a pauper in an ague fit. 'Now, Bill.' said s';e, as soon as she stop ped laughing, 'don't you think 1 kuow you?' -How do you know me!' Wei enough uesioea there ain't no such things aa ghosts.' bw. yes there ia though. Didn't my g-andmother's ghost tell ins to marry you!' 'Bill, that was me!' You! by gull!' Yes. Bill, that waa me.' Weil. PhebV 'How stupid you are. to stand there shak ing, half frozen.' Well Bill, go on with your story.' 'By guli! I have nothing more to asy.' against his dignity. A modern writer of much wiadjm and pith of writing, says: '"There is secret belief amongst some men 'I; a God isdisplessed with nun's happiness, and so (hey alink about creation, ashamed aud afraid to enjoy anything!" These are I the people of whom Hood aays, "They think j they're pious when they're only billious!" A good man is almost always a cheerful one. It is fit that bad men ihouid scowl, and look biue, and be melancholy; but-he who hau God's smile of approbation upon linn, should ahow its radiance in his coun tenance. Doctor Johnson said he never knew "a villain m his 1 fe that was not, on tbe whole, an unhappy dog." And well he may be. But an honest man the man w ith a good conscience let him enjoy his sleep, and Ins dinner, snd the love ot bis wile, and the prali'e of his children, snd show a heaming face to his neighbor. Surely there jis no worse theology than that which teach- es that he who h s given such fulness of joy to beasts ind birds, delights in the misery of men; or, that having tilled our hearts with gladness, we ought to give tbe lie to his For the Jasper Courier. Hope. Though turbid writers o'er me wave, And deep their angry currents be, Still Hope will lift her beacon light, And guide me safely o'er the sea. Sweet Star of Hope. The only star that never sets, Though all its sister Tires may fly, The only flower thit never droops, Though all ita fair coinpanioua die, Is fadeless Hope. For the Jaaper Courier, To V index, iff 4 Did you ever dream, 8ir Vmdrx, That you had a loving wife, Wim was cheerlul, kind snd pleaaant, And as deir to you as life? Who would smile when you were cro, Till for ahame your lempere'd mend, And when you were in trouble Would prove your truest friend? Did you dresni that when your labor I or the day waa fairly done, goodness, by weiring (ices beclouded with You could turn your footsteps homeward. woe Bnj furrowed with pretended uuhappi With the thought that there was one ness. Boston Post. U'sirru-MH. We shall .Larue nothing 'right away. Yon have foe led your time for roUowis umIuI receipt. There are away long enough. Pop I he question before hooe fences, and even r-a.dee I to-morrow night, or 1 will appear again do f ( mni b()at i.ipcr. lhtt woud be 9,sy it. Bill Gull.' improved, and last a great deal longer, it The old lady disappeared si quitk. that 1 fca- Ml of whj,e WMh we put 00 enaldn't tell wkere ahe went to. I änlu'J. Jbe UoMt oi expense are but trifling: sleep a wink that night. Ine sensations Tike fc btrreUnd .ukg a bnabe4 wf th.t rrswlm over me were asrful. BBS thought I felt my hair Iutb grey failing out. my legs and arms and a!! k ndsof queer feelings. If , r. ; .t I ever Mr.encen. meming- tf W90WJ Waiting then to hat! your coming. With a joyful, smiling lace, And to make your supper aweeter By her gentle, quiet grace? Did you dream, when supper's over, And the tea-things cleared away, You aat down beeide the loved one, And forgot the cares of day That a rosy fire w aa burning lu a Bttle polished stove, Thst the 'tongs' or e'en the 'broomstick' Cou'd not tempt you then to rove! Did yoe ever dream a little That could MmisTXia' Soas. The following, from the kt-nyou Collegian, is worthy of circula tion: A general impression has been that the childreu of ministers an I deacons were worse than all olhen. So much waa one said ubout it, that explorations were actually made to lest i's truth by a former secretary ot the Massachusetts Sabbath-school board. In two hundred and sixty-eight families of ministera and deacons canvassed, twelve hundred and ninety children over yearn burnt lima in it, I omeatUst. I met Pheba in the dining or tine) sm! one quart of fine salt. Toghrej And kissed her mou-h and her dimpled chin! rooaa. while she was prepning for breakfast; h wtfch t treira colof Jd half , Oh, Ellery Vane, you little thought. An boor ago, wfcee you beeo;ght This country lass to walk with, yon. A'ter the sun had dried the dear, W hat perilous '. -Jger you'd be ir, As she Utd her bonnet ander her ch n. i hat's the matter mlh you!' said "He DnakaT 11 omianne that sentence Jails! How we (is use in conversation and jaculate. "It h a pi'y." How his mother hopes Us mil not when bs grows older- sad his sister per suades them that it is oaly a few wild oats he ia sowing' And yet the cid men ahake their beads and feel gloomy hen tbey think s! it. Young men j-it commenr i ;rhfe. h- ay sut with hope, don't drink. You are In .hted with a precious cargo. The hope of your old parents, ot your sisters, of your ahe had oeeo our house-see per ever since my grandmother ed three years, kly (raudtaolher died three years before.' ui. w Phebe. . I feel ps!e.' said I. Yon look pale.' esid she. Serb a sight,' said I . V hat was tbe matur. B i. " My grandmother's ghest.' Yon don't say so!' Yes. and she said that-' V hat. Bill!' 1'bal I must msrry you. What elee. Bill!' p und yellow oehre, in powder. To give a Occt tatiobs otlTatE Jin's I . - . . . ... -i . i.. ' - r i fawn color add one fourth pound ot Indian guisr taci, reveaieu id me ism census ui ve itinCrg whfeil red. To make s handsome gray stone eoler United States, that while there are seren tbjs .ub;eel UB(j t0 tnow that add half a poind of French blue, and one hundred thousand Jews in this country, only fjrm na ROt degenerateu, and that men of fourih pound of Indian red. To make a fine one person who is a Jew ia registered aa a the preient tge are of the same stature aa drab color, add half a pound burn senna. Isrmer. The Jews are tra-lera, not attache.) at lhe beginning of the world. Thus, all and one (ourth pound Venetian red. For to the eoil where they are found, but ready (he rein,jM 0f the human body, the bonea, brick wr stone instead of one bushel ol lime "D an instant to change their abode. In tni pmrticulmrlw the teeth, which have been u-e half a buabei of lime and ball a bushel California they follow the universal iu)e. In founa unchanged in the moat ancient urns of hydraulic cement. of the towns they are found in large a)d burjt pacei demunetrate this point 1 - . I ft - Thou np.rlv mnnnnnlih. t hp re.: rr, i . . ä ; . l . -i J i H. .... r iiuiMwt,.. m 1 clear iv . i ne uiaesi comn id mc wwio is OlSk Ali- A lOCOMO- ... , ... . I ' oil knamoa hi t h p roiintrv. We nave tie- . j . i. - - - ; .1 .( L' took nlsce St St. u,a' lousu in me gic.i KJ..Mu Wi uKjfi, " .a, Lim.ii nf Jew who was en raneil in , , i . .1 . ... - .. - Thomas, on Tuesday isst.bctween a blooded ". " ' , ln mis aarcopnagua,.., ' in., f hmurli thprti mav be miliv turn .1 1: c- . 1 . The horse is, ' unnnwrj cwusn, vciug ii ii uu so occupiea. w. ntf ong That we are not degenerating Rack stTwrii a tive. A noeel race race horae and a locomotive. .... l r . J ,u. . ... .: j. decioeo 10 oe a ery ini imir. wi- Ihat 1 must pop me qnru u-uj. w. - ...... t he wold cme again to-night.' Bill, lake my advice pop the question, "iiyj aad from the level on wnicb yon ! . . ap. -i -H -.. v.. locomotive, and both were wejl trained to'. rXj Courage m women ia thought by ma i'""" '"" - ' "J the track. The arrangement betweeo theiny ol the fair sex to be so unfeminine thit("e the savagea do not exceed ua in height, betting patties were, that the horae should aome fine Isdieseren affect cowardice, and The G ardbr or (iiTHStlAit, This ven- about aurround- Catherwood nga for . . .j 1 .1 ... 1 ... 1 , 1 W,, I . . J . III. r, 11 u iw T W . ..I. . . . I . . ... wiroa, 01 jmir eniiorcBire sii isiu two - oe hia gi,rt,np pitCe when tne locomotive . prcteud to De aiarmeu at me presence 01 a erttea Krne Df 0ur Lord's Passion is . .. -a 1 'I do. said 1. . . ........ ... ..... : ,. . 10 y u ine ageo . v.- ovc. ri I'll have rou lust to keep the1,"" eveisana tne wocn go ehou'd De mouse tn tl.e corner, or a cow in s ten at re Ä hir, of tn acr in txXen, ,no j . ung days, tnrougu you oniycwn .. - - - glfen hcn they went uncer wnipMot. But nothing can oe more avsuru. r esr . b low walj When Mr. e at r one you love obtain a position in so- 0,0 ima7 S r" tnd steam. The judges declared the horae is often pardoned in women, but is never Wii lherB in 1334 , takier the drawi . ,1. a.nnar Ka nne half lenirth. The bet admired. It haa bo connection with tren- L . n. - - a. , 1 ..... ... . - ai.nHmnl M I 1 n IB urBUVIIUl 1 IUI Pill, vi ciiwiicm, um flare th'm, must your children go mtothel r7 was 50 aside, ind tLe distance eighty rods tleneaa, or even gentility, and ia the source traen WM ptnted with olive, almond, and great s-truggle of life. Exchange. carder This bears on the question that the horae ia of a vaat deal of misery and discomfort. ijeea. F.ight of the olive trees sre ao renounce tne naau in me mrongesi lern off J hef ow room anJ i went to i, . tne s.igmesi neneat w oeriveo irom 11. . accord. ne to agreement a r. 1. 1 . pi. Ko ,.,'.,. f.-i tii, old Wor'd to beasen that Paragraph like the . . ... aa,d it mM al) faster than steam. Hsmilton 1 tmea. . Let women cultivate courage. trg that they are aaid to have been in ex- a igbt be found in reefy newspiper WeU we went ,heid; Breach or Pg0Mise.-The Seneci, New Domestic Disruxe.-A couple (not very iiteace ever since tbe Urne of Jeaus Christ, from MetM to Texas, and that, being read ,M4tabe 4lA three mttk, Pi,ebe Chalk York. Observer saya that at the presenting married) were contending what should iHh. ugh we learn from Joacphue that Titus ki so! men the shot might strike borne, Mn GuJ , ierm q( lfae Qimtil Cowlf JuJge Wells pre- be the name of their first and only child. lh lrM wilh,n 100 rlonga of aid secure a permanent reformauon. bin- ,be ,la )0( eom?tlej wg, in that village, the roost important; -William, my dear, I want to name him ihe city. Those trees are highly venerated :alax aa it may appear, very few mea whoi ,ye,t ,oua tbat out, and I'll tell you ctw tried waa that of Prlscilli Haftnnft vaUPeter." bf the menr of lh Roron communion Ii ' to rxceee can be found, who do not . ... -,jKt n, n,,r he r as . i..mKri.i . .rttn (r hrearh oP (i lose' I An not like Peter: he dc- here, who consider any attempt to cut and uun , n tu an j , a . 1 ums w , ..w, - - w ' The eaae is noticeable for some nied his master. Let us csll him Joseph," ,"!"' l"m n e 01 prorsnauon. onruid but Deeoliariiles. The plaiotiffis fortr-four and! Whv, William! I can't bear Joseph, he1? of em be koown ,0 Pluck of yet each auccoeding year beholds many a h(jw or otfcer , couidnH hep ,he defend.nt years of age. tad'deoied hit nmtreae." tetvf8' ht mou,d ,ncur MB,enc ot " new made frnre, which but for habits of in- u f-,, rifht mod mote j lboughl lM coutuhip commenced when the lady j munication -Curiosities cf History. toxication, wouU yet be tenantiena. Ask iboul u ilfeeÄel BOl JUt tL. chalk. wt, eighteen yesra old, and the defendant' KJ 'ule Vri W,B 009 ' under the j fjWho can tell the value of a smile' any gray haired resident ef Natches to give t refleetea oa it for houra, ar.d more than has been married twice. Before hia laayurry aky inteully meditating upon the glo-itcosli the girer nothing, but ia beyond price yon the names of hie youti.ful associates oocf my grandmother's ghost t!, the defendant renewed hia eddres- riee of tle heavens . At last looking up to t0 llfl erring tD( r,enting, tbe ssd and gowitk him to the cemetery, and let him M lo nibeand aoften her heart lowarde The mr rendered a eerdict for the lhe sky ahe aid, -Father, I have been tl. ink clf)ericee, the lost and forsaken. It disarms x a-a: 1 Ä alu i ' r . . I t . 1 .1 J I e I . . - - ass Fmallv. as the old iarfv'sgliost seemed i.intilT of 1100 dms?es. mg 11 tne wrong siuc 01 nesven is so oesu- rnalice subdues temper turns haired to to take no further interest i. our affair., I n nJl-.see an-:Ufu'' whl1 W." lU "i "de b, .great del of uepidation. however. I have coroincncenieol of the recent,,,,,, tngeli.. H h wt nol for thcnJt , often wondered at my temcrity-for there ierm o( Cifcuit QourU from was a total lack ol coursge. 1 waiKea.ato . ... . . - Pbebe'. bed room, and stood bj her bedside. OCTWhr does an aching tooth impose ai- " , ' " . ,. .-TZ .. ... tt........ i. ,rt.t,tnca poacr, wc paas it over to t'.e feecdy 'Please ex.1' aathe printer aaH when V,OOQ "' rut Trouan Debsting Society. r ! to the last aad resting place of the th.valric, brave, honorable, kind beared youth who now fill a drunkard's grave. The information lie can give yon will chill tbe heart like aa ice bolt, and then, if capable of appreciating the lesson, be warned in time- Nstchrz Courier. love revenge to kindness, snd paves the darkest pith with gems nf sajnlight, A ..mile on the brow Irtrats a Mud heart, a pleasant friend, an fleet ioaM brother, a dutiful son, a happy husband. It adda a ' harm to beautv. it deemster ikt face n the deioracd and maket 1 reit ronete rearm nie a n an:' I "I pitadisc. otTefedb1haDdteanicel.ttlerirl, Thebe -.nais: sue 1. 1. nom m-rw. .