Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER. VOL. I. JASPER, INDIANA, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1858. NO. 12 NIBUBHED tVEBT miDAT, AT JAsrea, DUBOIS COUBTT, IBDUSA, BT MKBRIKOER, DO A 19 dk SMITH. OFFICE Cobbes or Mai Csom abd SfACDOBALn Steectb. For the J a per Courier. To Vindex. .Hk WBV TUT SET KB AMIES. 'From the United State Gazette. "Stand up for Jesus." DTIBC CHAB6E Of BSV. DCD1ET A. TTBO. think married people envy yoa! Why Ifj UU doB't miBd htlf doMB old wiJowSSBd widower rill marry whüs Vindex end hie bachelor friend are getting up another auch, A youn man atarta out in life full of pp ihe 7th number ol Sund op for Jetut! aireogthened by Hie bright hope nod anticipation; a bright fo if' Conrier. I head. , . . r r , ... .. -i. . En I ihnaoh inur.o hara ventnrad thna We null ray tnree woros aoout met aoir - - Hunan nature be- ture ia just before h..n, and that future is 'o TrlMM 8TRICTI.Y IN ADVA NCR : be unfolded by woman. Tfcffirsi iadicauon defence of Vii.dex'a, tWlo Subscription, for fifty No.., 1 ÖÜjof manhood is that he seeks female society, eumee so deprared. and perishing prisoners I Did ever a young man make olk'r cslculs- W1 ihlT tbumt, AfiBICILTVlAL. How to Prevent Horaoo from Crowding;. Km. Prairie Fabmekc At this sea son of the year, farmers harness up their teams and cutniut-ncc cultivating soil. Many of them have one or mora 4tc. to atand. Bat, eooo cut down, maimed and faint I 'voung horses, which have done flütrery , L, A. . . . . . lk , .little work during tlie winter. Incun Now reader, Hear, Oh, my friend! the charge with hi b x . i ATEB or APTEBTlBtliO. ,Ion. than that be would -msrrv a wife beau coma yia imag ns mien a posauoic Fore are of 10 line or lea, I week, fl 00JufuI M the Hooriea and viae a Zobeidee!" "P h b " old "h,r. h "ff hue Fach subsequent insertion, j ci. . .... . M, cbain. in a areemi ur oia vinacx nnn I die- Stand ap (or J emu! You will obacrre that a youne rent strike Looter adrertlaemenle, ot earn rata. A . . , Mr.n. .... matrimonial chain; if eo. wa eave In. fractions er even square oreqearss.counieo - - u. .w.a- He !o talks about angry spouse, broom Stand op for Jeans! Dear one of my home! Who made ma alow to I eave 'end swift to come; 4C 'Sweet wife and children! gifte of perfect and lore a little flatter? He soon thinks himself rare nooular: mat aow beeioe to -r- r . iow! bciievs that be can marry the prettiest and , V.a'ex.we acknowledge that there are iomelg M Jt emh nj imSis from Hime. above eeJlhieat firlin the elite; finally haanla.; Y know ther ,re ,0"- MH Sud ttP for ,etu,! .. . . I Uia ainiMra aU Wf-nl:l kick 110 dut in! out one, the emtiouimenl ot penectwn, geu - r ( . lonord aire! aa a eauere. 1 nose are me irrma tor ino- tent advertisements; e resaonabla deduc tion will ba made to regular advertisers. Notice of appointment of administrator nd lgel noticee 01 like character to be paid for in advance. APBOCVCIBO CABDIDATES. For Townahip office, each, fl.OOi a. - ., 9 Ml ' f'n.umj 7Al ...... . w!n. Km au.-h sxtreme case For D-trict, Crcu.t, or t.te. njpart; mera.y aeeptng am eomp.ny wne. n. . - my üp lMOB lhiB, I ci Hen, srfl ireaung mm Kiouiy sretute ne - Courtinf an Innocent M , re.ptable ywung man, and ehe didn't 1'P-bo4 no soak, o-; "nob dy to In a rery pretty little town in one of the tok to iMtjl, bim ; bat aba could not think dim your sock, no socks todarn;" shirt col western .tales live, a eery respectable mid f ,....1.. him. Vusne eeat woes home : ' an J leaeea open; yoor e'othe haee in .Bleat with the haart ot truth and tongue of fire; sequence of tbia, they soon became fatigued, and, if attached to the plow, are quite sure to fret or crowd against the other horse, making it very unplea sant tu drive them, and iin;otble to cut a good furrow. When this habit is once formed, it ia very difficult to break it up, and yoa have an unpleasant d raft-horse ever af ter. Now, my plan is simply titts: Take enumental. and at length pop the -aortal ' . WAWÄ. - The is mUch uror.sed: had "No g"" ptiOBa. no idea of any eerioaa intention on hi Vou re pleeeed, howeeer, to speak of uo jWhoeebrave esample taught me how to amall Stick, about a foot in Isugth, . a ww . J l l l - - . nPWIUOHl IITC, inj .tut m ha t n, in rl r B BVa VIIV mUV SBB USN IUVUWI B mS UISBUI etcr. At the lower end bore two holes at right an4ea, in one of which insert a atick projecting five inches on either die aged gentleman. He and hi. wife sre;Itfok, htd tni feej. Wtrte. hi, tppe not accumuUted a large quaat ty of real riccMively strict member, of the Pr"&7-!tjte; a great and distressing aeoMiioa of tcrian Cburcb. and Ihey bare endeavored to ..goneBe" about hia heart, Ac. Can't nigh bring up their family in all that innocence, d jle tl lne syantoms. Friend piety and Ignorance of the world's folltea, to which strict member, of th.t church at- estate; your hair stands straight on end at sight of a comb, and continues eo. Yea, you are standing before a rough bench of a what i the m.tter! awwer-feele very un-jubte. ,iM, ainBr P0' ,l rell give Staad up for J Sund rp for Jesu! All who lead Hi host! Crown'd with the splendor, of the Holy Q toast! Shriok from no foe, to no temptations yield, Urge on the ulumph.of th gk ri--u field Biand up tor jesus: kli.nd n n fnr JmuiI V with whom I Stood. V f - - - ' But soon it is discovered that it ia atour cioner. except ncai iv - - r purer, stronger bond, thsn those ol Dloud; Uch so murh importance; in this they have; oveff4jr htt caused ail this menial bck brsad; in yoor kaada are a haod:alem!Cbrch o: the Covenant! favored, firm and . .,rmAmA Th ldit dinffh-1 . . l n hmitm mil m fork with one tine: bow eat and true. ouiiium,.j..w,... . ind pt:ticai depression, aioime aumor: " ii; , .11 ln. i..A .. ..n.,ki.i h.rt, K'. r. ha. rtornd: wnen R'oiember Him to whom all thank. re doe, tr, nanu !" . osys Miss "gave mm in. muten.- -i" -rr- many vwiting acquaint aoeea. but none who Youag gent beara this; fewU that bis digni-joo ave finished recline yourself on your bed yet aephed to ber hand, when a young;ty w in d,nger. tell, , (ew frietia,, eonfi- brd of etrsw in the corner; there no erying gemlemao from on. of our Esstcru e"ej(Bti.!ir, that he made the important dmcov . cni dren .hall .nnoy you, nor the smell of S . A. L. iL. tta.L. - taw M..swltU 1 ..... I i Wal aitJa asw ths är llrhsfl SI Km 1 1 AVSBtiri passed tnrougn we i..i . Ju,t , litM to asre himself from an un-: 6 - " " nB,w ,Q in u(l. &n -.nh I fall: happy uaion. tkat their dispoBtioos were en bat mag useless appendege on your y, who reniwB( iüu bear your comrade's Bland ap fur Jse! Stand up for Jean! Listener to that word Ye that ara men, go aow and aerve the Lord!" H.bore lottern of tatroduction to the father from an old sad esteemed acquaintance, and was thus at oaew admitted to the family cir cle. Tawre be met with the daughter, end a a a. a tirely iacompstible-in fact sbe would not ooc the sounds of wanning msnes, no reno suit him for a wile at all; "eoald have got'v.tiag elotbea. aad bow sod then the bem her eerv easv thou." Yetha is very sea-'af a merry female voice shall diaturb your laatantly f.ll captive to her quiet baaoty efOU .j mith .yisi, Mid about the peaeefal .lumber.. I it a true picture, Vin- H. bad purposed remaining but one dsy, might injure the lady1 reputation, die 'deal cail- Staod ap for Jcaaa! side; and the other, place a atick four inches long, outer end poisted. Boro another hole in the upper end, and tho tiling is done. With a string, or strap. fasten this to tho back hand, or bang it on the tenet, of the other horse, be tween them. Stick No. 3 prevents it from turning sidewise, No 3 acts as a guard when the horse attempts to crowd. Use it a few davs, and he will avc no notion of crowding thereafter. The remedy, is simple and harmless. Plow boys, try it London HI. April 858. Worrnu). the town, yet before he returned to hia bo te! that evening, hie reeolatioa wa. taken 1 ... r t, Well, the neat yos besr of young gent he But you will connnee to quote i suis m baa chansed hi. laage, aad is pitching in civ.dusi nouons. i n.v. reso xum .u wir Tb. day lengthened into a week, and thf B0Oe,ere else, with hia stock of assurance Bible also "A rd the Lord God said it is no week into a month, and dsily and nietillyi ...k;. ta marrr a for- eood fur the man to be slone." "Therefore - w i wVSjSNWWS wiw w ww S B 4 be vmited th. objsct of bis pssmos. O tenj. tbM Umtf cUia. and often bad the poor fellow thrown out hints, sufficient, as b. thought, to betoken the Mate of hia feelings, but somehow she man, aiming too high agaia Take care, youag!ahail a man leave hia father and mother and Setter lake 'cleave unto hi. wife, and they shall be oik .' But flesh." A ad Locke don't say ba remained !.' mArir "Moan aad ma wafe. -Lovs is blind." There, there; you areieiBtle from ianata principle" or previooa would not take them. They had oftea fo-ot.nA AmA hi. good looks, hisiintentkna Perhap. Locke, Plato and Mew ken of love, but site aaaming to regard it ioUM , otk-.. bis fast horse, and hia aelf-ia- ton wot. iik. Buchanan. the aeriptural point of view, -B. kindly o, carnee him on anlil ho baa met We can't follow you through your Greeu fectioned one to another, with brothely loveI wUh g 4og0a i-en rebons; be -comm to" a'laod and Chiaa ramble, and those most .in ppeared oever to beerd of any sdsSriau. uka bioeif what ia the matter igular Ismentstioae at that prisoner in bis pbseeef th. passion. At last th. xiy have been so kiad. aadgaes me cell. 8neh idea, have no plsee in became intolerable, and he determined to eBCO-rtg et, 'invited meto tea," A.c.; I "real life.' Yet it may be possible. There know his fete. Dreeeed "to kill" he waa ,noogi,l ibey were "almost dying for ms ." i. ns knowing what change may be wrung an early hour before her father, residence.; Wtnt ne w going to show off . little inde-,m the skull of aa old bachelor, .nd on ringing th. bll, waa aa usual BSa m6 ' . nom. -n wl lBCa know k tm boi' There is yet another, the moat aingular of Staad op for Jean.! Ye of every name. All oae in prayer and all with praise anam Foriret the sad estraneementa ol tne past, With one consent in love and peace at last, Stand up for Jeeaa! Stand op for Jeeaa! Lo. st God's right hand Jesu, himself for us delights for oa to Staad' Let saints and sinner, wonder at His grace; Let Jews and Gentile, blend, and ail our race Stand op for Jesus! .Eaudu. a. II. Mr. Tyng'. teat n oc casion of preaching to the thousand, of yuong m.a at Jsyns's ball. fry A negro wee brought up before the Mayor of Philadelphia for stealing acbiek ea. Tbell conclusively proved. "Well To by," Mid bin hoacr,"what have you got to a fur your.HJ" "Nuffio but di.," replied Toby, "I wa. crazy when I .tole dat pullet cos I might hab stole de big rooster, and I ducted immediately to the drawing room, .,,. ,0 had oft to marry aa they think; Adam's race, the reverse of young geot; Ojbber done it. Dst shows exclusively to where ho fortaaately tonnd tne young iaJ,ru9m gome of them will be glsd to get bim mooesi can t speas to a iaaj wumui my BjBd dtt vu uoonog unaer oeurtum .... ... ...IS I. . I ... . . I B lese. Now waa bis time, ne tnooeni; so t yVell, neat attempt he comes down a mg tne cowers; ana even iam hXm '; tremendous placing himself beside ber oa tne sola, MijU)a..Bd find, out perhaps at thirty -five, tempt attempt ai lovemaaing wo.u ur g-. An rwhM0 heiag aaked oa a Ute commenced: "Miss Emily, I am unfortunate thrt he is not eaaatly No. 1. Bat he basternble than to race a regimen mexican, . eBrtifieaie of his marriage, called I " au iust made ths import..t discovery that laoecrs; and aa foe popping the auction, . u -ratehed face, and holdise lorg felt the waatof a friend; not a friend ,heM ..pper tSBe." these Caibiog enge la. tse very taougat cnoaes oimuown, beftd jBryi wilh, -Be jabere, look In the uetal cold acceptation of the word. doI).t mtre, no ho. be wante aih hat and rsaa, shuoaiag nothing but' ,.1 hjbited a huge scar, which looked but one on whom I could rely, in whom l wiS,s helpmeet, something a liule more umber, and Be remain, in smgie oirswsw could confide, to whom I could pour oot m j ! rrtitrial. Well the oeat attempt is a fail-neos," drsaming awake and asleep of whole heart, and receive in return eympathyjBM. e M B0V B noted perroosge; hs hasomsa. and-and-love. Could sot yoa provide'. to ...r.oM fees is the whole i But Viodex, ia our wind ap, we are glad me with each as I desire! Ths unsopbi.tic.ted damsel raised ber country; and tbia ie Mother reason why nojto aee that soms of our meat MMtble bach one will have him. He still cornea dowa .adjelors seem to be payiag some heed is our heaJ, looked on bim with a face of .yaspa-Lui ha. Thus u .pent the prime nf life.'iormer admooitione; and we venture to pre- tbieing innocence and replied: and the coavictma ie forced upon kirn tbatjdict that ere long oor ears shall ba greeted "Apply to the Savior; Ue a-a on him; ne jg somehow very unpopular amongst thsjith loud about, and bunas, the firing ol look to him fcr support, and real assured he'j,,,. r.t. hopM give wsy to doubts; and gwss, ringing of boll, and blowing of born., w.ll never desert you.- Idrspai almost setae, upon him whew beiall rejoicing over the escape of one more ... . .. . ' .1 a m -a. a. f L. . .klAas The love stricken youth, who, at the com thinka ot u,. confirmed old hschelor; nd , poor ssui irom me uorror. . Bat,,. nienrcmeat of her reply had bad recourse loOOW j, tBC tanehiae of life post; he baa not Ma pocket handkerchief to atifis hia of h-jreBCbed the goal for which be started; and ter, calmed hia feelings by ths tiw.s shs hadlBBB aMBrd ths prise for which be eo loag finished, took a hssty leave, .ad the n' hsd striven morning tut himself, bag sad baggage, on t hs cars, fully Mlttfied that the moot aspro-, an nr mm .nfortunate ia ways and PRO BONO PUBLICO. 'S ii i iMi.aaaaaawBBWaWSWa.' " NswarAraasA Wipow'a Ricbt. A Ver mont Judge of Probsts h- incorpv rated it aa a an of the law of hie coort, i bat lbs Soms how or other be lost the favor of of . uw mtm ,Uow tkm Vl. mean, to gain it. That is the msm spring of Ute end action, aad we would say tbst man is not apt te cut much of a figure ia the uorld, if be bo d net a high place ia the en dow the cost of a aswspsper, .be making ber swa seleetioa, from the common fund. The common law ol America bow recognises tbs newspaper as a family and individoklnsce. city. It U clamed un pigs ana potatoes. we - j are a j a a ewe www r r timauon of woman. Vindei will .ay, B'CBBBiBlr) B-- aheo.a thiag tobe exempted fitable way of passing time ie ia "courting as innocent." A Goes WtTsas. "Did tbs defendant knock the plaintiff dowa with a malice pre. peneel "No, BfrlwS knocked bim dowa with chanan excepted. But evea We has been, ,ikBBlBBli .Bible oever to eeffer from flt iron." JdiMppoiBied ia a love affair m bw young j ertllotB DCver to be parted wiib You misunderstand mo my friend; 1 wMt'daye, which bee gloomed aad shaded meny m pfoverty. to know whether he attacked him with so hours of after life. HI intent." Wa retura ta gast agaia, who ie gelling "Oh oo, sir; it waa outside the teat.', begin niog to accommodate himself to "No, no; I wish you to tsil me whether Circumstaneee; make, a virtaeof Beeeesity, the attack was st all a preconcerted affair." ! and beginn to talk about single bieasedaese! as though it might have been made with a fire-ehoT.I. ft-"r.t, I think you should buy that trunk. "And what should I do with it!" replied Pat, with soms degree of astonishment "Put your clothe, in it," waa hi. adviser's reply Pat gssed upoo him with a look of surprise and then with thai laconic eloquence which ie peculiar to a mo of th. Emerald Ials, ex cl.imed.".nd go" -Never go to bod," Mid . father to bis son without knowing somsthing you did not know in the moreing." "Yea, air," replied the youth, "I want to bed ale wed last eight didn't dreem of such a thiag la the lag." who (rWhen you mo a man in bust will not advertise or take a newspaper, look out for a mean, penurious skiufltat, too tight to enjoy good health, and who holde a peony m close to hia eye that be can't Me a dol lar. GOT At a fasbioaakle city party, at which aecked dresses were a prominent feature. Miss B addressed her country cousin: Cousin Sam, did yos ever mo such a glo- No sir; it ws. not a free concert affair; Oh, don't you enjoy it! beginn te boeet of riose sight before!' itwt. acircua." 'his 'free, i.depsndeot, ootr.rwmeled, aad: 'Jever .tnce I t Betrev nc tru.t.ruee no secret, uaiterealiy mviee; v . 7 -u j spy. a young ady of delirats eoastitutioa who wa. recommended to exercise for ber beeilt, replied,"! ill jump at aa offer of marriage, sad run my owa riak, if that kiad of exercise will do." fJLr"Thc following from the 'Genesee Farmer' will be of interest just now: Deadobt or Plow wo at Dirrca sarr dkjths. It lias been laid down in the books, that the draught of a plow in creases rapidly when the furrow ia deepened, or in mathematical terms, accordingly to the square of the depth. that is to My, that if tbs draught at four inches deep be 252 lbs., at 7 inches, it will be ss 49 to 11, or 756 lbs. Bot die experiments of Puscy have proved that this is erroneour. He found that in plowing a furrow nine inches wide and hve inches deep the draught was 329 lbs., in the same soil, six inches deep, it was 207 lbs.: at 7 inches, 350 bs.: atS inches, 420 lbs.: at mm inches, 4S4 lbs. It will be seen that the rate of increase is much less than hss been generally supposed; aad the facts above indicated furnish an addi tional argument in favor of deep plow ing, and one seldom alluded to by ag ricultural writers. Ashes. No farmer can too highly value ashes aa a manure. Not a hand ful should be wasted. Every plant re quires potash in its growth. If it is not found in the soil, or lias been exhausted by croffing, it mast be supplied by an pplicmtion of aahes. An acre of wheat requires thirty -two pounds of potash; barley, sixty -eight; and red clover one hundred and forty pounds. These crops cannot come to (erfcetioa without it, and if nature has not sup plied it, a farmer must, or fail in his a mm w. crops. All our reaoers, we presume, have observed the luxuriant growth of wheat or clover on the sits of s burned broshhesp. The location of an old charcoal pit" will be visible in crops for thirty or forty years. A barrel of leached ashes may be made to add more than a barrel to the yield of a field .of wheat SLjjrWhy woman', tongue like a pis net! Km Bothiag ebort of the power tkat ... . . m . : : - .LI. a. i, in if nmmm1 S WBa weanee. .sie oerr. erreirw n i m wp i brocavsuck merited lot that perpetratics. Cons CaJOt. cOne quart of rich milk; two well-beaten eggs, one tesspoonfol of salt, and one of salaratua. Stir ths milk into the meal, so there will be no lumpe, and then the egge, and the ealaratus last. Baki- fltrvne hour i ldknei6 is the rust of tK aifid. e