Newspaper Page Text
ME JASPER WEEKLY COURIER VOL. I. JASPBB, INDIANA, FRIDAY, JUNK II, 1858. NO. J3 Munal .-' rirnr, at u iu, uvb loneir, tu: a a, ,v MEttlOabLlt iXMfci 4 oMITA H ia or m Rain. Ta hilL aiiHi ot Yellow dale frawr, had kB- Uco Mr. ttarci veiled nil. For Ihe J i pea f, unci. Fricndrhin's Kvinn-.tli n't aMMct. OuciU ML I ri . . - r- jia um MIOUIIUllll . I.Icti. ... mm.. I .... .... Hiuiij. Ihm. ahw -- . ' . . ," I'1 "' fur il. --mtm TOfuwitt rrasrd Hu I.. . " . " ' ' -eraawaw. and cmw mmm am fön to have bun TrrKMS-oTUItILYlNi Mi VANCE: .-. A Meli. tolllwv, S.aglc UiWniKic. k fin, Mo- . y nd mi the awrwh dWt ,cc U) -';, smaiaer," Mil Unary, a tuh uld f All ill - aa . - "aw 'IIBrt: " aa.... n . I . . .1 .eh. I I. if . . . Bul a" ,,,c "'.-caunol tranucciJ . wav MjiH w Li jirir ' . , ...I t..ll.. m ' - W V . . I I lav if uw ia .... u.n... ii... ...n l.. . fractt-ait v. r tv. a lict.r ..coJwcd T ,tU"-" The Sbbalb-ktift-- part ut , Nu' chock ; H.c np-y Uk, a a caw . Ie:-i- BN MM Iff f i Iraa tmc P-' 'raed frwl agaie! him. ' The tuld an J harsh reply, fjfcKJl .H.tJumil . i fntyHc tkAc. "Well." aaaarf.s) Sharp, Not ckau.g M II waul a friend or shcllcrin nook hr-1 - - !-f- sad leal a-ncc ol Ui chaiau-r to " "'w " M r? ia, l ktiv- iclwhi !c iho heart is moaning, drenr, IVfftvevi lo ! in -r . Lack iu'v v mi o.. i. i. keif brides, ictt rtow'fctj veiled lj giant Aud blue bell on tbo vltadcd lawn, That clu.dr in a row, And toMly chime at urtf'a dawn, Arc f ur aid line, I knuw; ut alt lite ili tut. cannot Ii Th UiiJcr aimtc of a loving liicnd. inmi i it I. . Sltl Nt.Tll i.l II , i: BfJffauJ h'. , nly very 1st ly oj.eiii .1 !,. i ejrw sav tin.: irtjut, it aw ntw Itm liri itfllMtllif I i iai trri.n ..(.. m . - - ai , . , l-i . " . T r o. .v-uiNi.tii .,1 IIni.i:; I ,H,I ,.K. I If. Ill N liU, -4 II ....... I I f .-.i. , vo. ah win uiiuh utr hin", iouu-r .... i . ll care that .hoac Iamh, coflimi of l ?"5 ' '10 tnu .i ul u K vel,.,m t.t uccp were fluated, lor to May gea, fruwi ri'l''l, aa in the taac o horeut the BMWta of Ahica to the great archipcL.; Wn'c'l' "Uli lor the two ytaiö old Glahcj, ul America thone huirid ikiu of riero Im- '( y UIC erilt(l ii BUCH M lliey aro maiiiiy which klio. k.d the moral wine f able to eat it; uml it h fWtfUhMnif tu .11 .he MttoM of .ho rar.h. Tbo gre! Lm the btrxi.rtl. a.t activity rcsttll LrKh.h btaicmiiun. Vox, uaid iu I'ariiauicui :., ,.,, ..r. ., ri. . .. . -Tl. I'arlinmrn. ...1 .LL. IK PfcMtf Ol tUtß aild k-UDS. WiHk - .iWOTP.wp -.wa v. ini. ii il j "tin I I v a iu i i V.I "UVI f llllii III in Ilm Wiik - - . 1. lit colli wlurc liiey have not can led, no lSWMt value ol yulu Hliiinal ; pa in lor ra aiivac. Mal . II ft t-ABiWiltx. i'"r TuMhp Potf.Wiiv Fn UiifH4, if..', .Stalf. Tb. IvHn i kit wa imi wf Ikat aorl, I a lor kifia aua. Si oi Mr. Slr wa a aua of CjrfBjtMi Stf ..' . tvottcr and ri aawia-; w hi. C;!-i qilc liken witii th dm TL it woaM be i cviupiJ Vy K. N.ntcn llcitwa i it tauter wcib ba in;-," ibcyikuartH. AJ after much talk, it was Add like a matclesa, O how wc prize the v.orda ihat ccer, I',. in i ymp iihj and level Net tbue rati wealth or hiauiy'a AlSMI to joy the hcurl ol wo. The rosea of the check will fade. And rare will dim the eye; .v.jr op.nm oi eoiarniiy; niifl. wilfi roll- SllHI JU SUIIIIlier lüfil tilClll oil HO Ulli I lüioii in their inoullm liny have ilnd inori '.i .. ,i i . ,, .... I hristiaa blood lliun any Kiii.T. I' o. tr U,e 'ßt IHWlblc 8tCl lor llOTSCß, Kmpiror wae has ever rxiuted. In ni eon TlfC BOOMt tin y are broken tllthettC! .Man.. aa ul,o, l, aca.r M Mf breast f UuJ,i,.S mai-l lokiua d W. ,e U Im k, .,ad '"",7 J S'TC " Mu.1 U e the l.,.v.S .ig; wiia t c. py a It iNi MkiLvd. - iNUMtlrr Ht v. r. JltrkSCkV. I i BoUÜ 0Mt on ia NCeaaj all 4k wc in, H'c'it I. joit m tMUid, KutNca r,; tvauJ. . NNi NIM: f J us i Um wavca mi a fow.h.r.-kTj uJc We're i ju.-. .-. ard oaal, bacewarj a Far ivea lac aafar. qviel bare wc r.J--, Hcckiag our Fatkci . tri tiaJ aaod . rroaao. A icii is at each ac bclccd. c-aibir wbca iiuy wanted H lr tlnir iraa? ! tui red botii Iroan try sc, r. I'he yleelul ihuut of youugoter gay Uld a vre 'j power can huali; -.rwa-kii Nd acaay reiws. Mr. Sure la a at , ... . , , .. . ' ' Aiid.cuia that yield llic darlmr ry aaaardaicly umtwdmrnvu ky e counxir... el t . . . i . . t. ' i no hand ol lime can irubh: 'lc t ri.'.. abo iwu ca-..; kark krit.cin . , . ... ., . . ' lul lieh ill iiuiaraiilliiue bloom owect !iicudwhi(i unit out'ivc ine loaaa. i.-ai. f will i.rcitl iiar u run tfpwa vac CwNwi' WW, stf he. -that tu mu,i -rca vpom wb vt ae .titer fm raatTbe luiirri l diryr, ihc lollinü bell, TW ppcard eMMaMt, and uaiitcr wcri Ttic ablc bsafJM ol c'oom, ' Ikw a ytar'c n ai VeMdrfle. 1 And ti.ars that weep Ike Lat larew. II, F .- k I" -. r1 A rm .. . . . mm,, . tin.. ,AII mmm Am t m - M- - ... . W, - ... w . . . I.. - HWtWIIIILU if .1 I I UU, II ! IUI. I ' ' ".'.'III C ft Jli.ild boCI-i'. t vWlld LvNNd , . . . . . .... bei. twt ihree accks i ha I not flwfl, Then laic each laatag Ik art wc BliM od Ihr mw cor waa ktgiaiiiiig lo carl A . Iioly relics dear, with dr.mät. Now to the aar pi - A n metiKjry from our atrcaruii eyes Cac eaai harp, with or l eu (all the fn q iout tear; ;wo . Ibrre ah aj hilly lareu aerctifl". rief, While laith iml hope ;o hand M liar.d, 'e aecw rat, vow ncjembcr y.-cr proaute ' To meet llicm iu the i-pirit land. rrtaialv.'aawiel tbc wriatnr. "tall a a A whi.le history of mankuid dots not pretiem ",l Uc mure. I Wloli tu mention litre t 'oveni.nciit BMHi deleatuble liiau Una. Hau gTUOt allte oI'buU tu all yotm-' an And, not logo back to ancient time,, Mr n it Utruya I Kit. ami Tonil It IJailhe said, on iho 17ih of February, 18o: . .. , lllenolpo-lble, in.h.ra..b.rb.r.,n,,,,Vlü f' th" country of tho worl.l, that any thin-,' could, Ktt'rt't'un ut BmWhy Wlü, the liie'l'tun be nitro alrociou.5 aa a ayatem than tho prao-through which respiration is MtfipOtl 'ire of lorlure .vrriM.-d lo-.l.iy iu Iho eov-! i ,i i , ... . ' . rMeeM o Madras, und lor hoae CBeaaiaa c ' ' nowcvcpi 6"0W ' V gl' vll III tittM a upcciul coiiiiiiittro was appointod, whirli be alrcjnly made iia Ufatt, "Il ia to be hoped Ihat, huvinf; expeiii need lb dcfi etv, t lie :ollir ainl iho cunw iiienci Ptoffm uf OtM . . fur mi Cow It is a common, atxi wc ktiink n tratfi uiulimte qnantltlefl. -rave rcu( uiitihility that w il.n upon Iheea, HJOTi that m al cuw iti pn iituMc. iTWxn in 'I Ih. ir fNcrid duty towurd the inlinitc! ., . . . ... , ., millions of humau krieg that Frov hieaci neliefct milk, and :Micrally inoit ihas placcil under tlieir p oicctiwn. Hut. ol it. Cowü are tVfiieully milked un .iiM'vu an, let us nope inov will never turret ilii l arc Cliri an.l llml llirv ulmll I. .. Wild i j tlte tt.trui p- a ja as it rcare, We're IptMNI aid V and. Ace. Lwl! 'nd.-f ii I bo btigbl wcarialjabrer WeYc nMww(d V jnn. ate. ajhafj .lai d C m ml ibe wheel. Steady, we ava h tuci'ki ibe rri . n. l ow wc fly Watb tbc k aul ercabia aaM, raraeaj loijivca i t. inn aecuuiit ol tlieir acta iu tiiai juibeaial be fur a which princes, rertlaareats land nation" have to nppcnr Ihe trihuual ol be threat Governor ol Ihc L'uiveii-o." i Yet, ihia is the overmm nt liwc tu!dei til they are twelve or louitecn yt ni i ohl. Thu.e who haveterted the mat Ui ami have had eouaidetabk cxfer once, claim that the rccond and Üu.d yuftfl alter the cow brinin her lirnt call MMJ wits railed. M.i We're Ui) Ibe We'ro bwoae at baa. baaar at laai. öo.'tljr we drift wa lie aareet lacr t-lc, We're aweae at law. H mc at laat. lilot y lo tod! all oaf dhtra are w'er. Wc eland aecarc va ibe gloria. bot-. Glory toCi4M? c will rboat evetejot,! W ii'wkaK ai lat. ate. y uacbde." aul tbc Matfaj 'wltal ia u ytw . mmt'." E. rvta," aboalrd balf a aVua voicn "Very arall; waca waH yea k c n - -Tbta very atbt all n-St I' sani W hit li rvl a..cUJ From the Cincinnati Eaaairet. OaLi ages on t - Tawaj. 1 1 hv the B v.u.-v.0 KV wwwu, w.m.ou. " aakmy . L4 tbeae evnfa wfre aie iafaftrtag I . t '.mm. . Z .. 1. I I 1 I I Tke folio wing rcpreereted to be a com " s--" ' alete list of American etsel. that hae'"4 WKK .acr.nnoMa io..n Iiumaniinrian lendeiicieu prompt bcr todiivi btre the ROflt plolital'le OtsCfl. Alter our fl ig from ihc ocean. We eay once tnon i,llC gpajftii or liltll call a COW ifl worth -Up. Guards, and at 'cm!" Let conic o( . fnf ..flI1 at tit. --v ww www ihm awt vaiiv w a ivu TtMa are cam twdvc tcom of an that am runaikaUe as milkers; but aa a rule, there are as larc a rojoi bcvii brarJrd aud searched by Driiish cruis- r .li tili ii i i o'i I . . i r if I'nli". .- V - . . ... .- ' . ,. i The bhzjci Uumt. i . oc at Ik. ca. i t!c üb o' t&H l'e wok or arrow toad vrrli aaada bay out, I Witt. id awt have it act lor anyil.ui.' " Jki kaec I," added Mr Feat, ' ao gatk .'O-NWf . ll ane i . be at Ik: i !c olal o' tb. 11 1 om, 1 bcaaaaa wa alaeaaf . aad Wy auf..- r. Co- .t whl tab all If albilia lloaaei- ban b tt. ILe sr ,d leaatal fcrM- raoie un lor ll - wB - - . . a a N . w mt viwtfii aaaa -1c with tin t.v.t..n cr.aaas id w "" r'l tfcaofaar d lntccM Waerc l.c ab tree aaOea its tacclal Insare, aw! buraw ol i'Ni-Med lustre flsb a al fl.cber aaaoN" ror- . 1 . . iLriit.L'.il. ..a. ' WIlHI Af.a r I b. A im'm. m t ,mw ril'lif l.ltn caacv; a far aa sy bosac ! iini bi hea l; ataillj b ibe akef c, "Ibat day ac have act IC. bug Robert Wine. a a botwe wroa ibe aiar. el !acv over to r la Mooat MaiilaU. It aiuiu't taiu 7. Dng A. A. Chapman, 3 I ft. li. 7. 8. O. IU II. jabl lie auai- lrr, -." rrwd Sharp, all Ike bay will b U a. aad no sat ie be cat a. II Where hclongin,' i'liiii Clarendon. New York. Ihii tirolto, Rirhui'inil. Mc. Bbip 'IV. -pie R;rd, FbitaaJclpbia. Dark nieabaae Richmnml. Me. Mark W.U. Cbaadlci I'roehlcace. I'.aik i'l. ra Yv'indior, New York. ! 'ik SamoF, tlark John, Briu 1'liU'Kton. Brig Kli.. i Meuthcw. Bi kg J. 'liu Tay lor. Bnj; iie. Storkhniii, Uritf C. K. O'llr.oi. the L'torious flag of liuir country. Sinro vvriliii the ihc only JJritibh erwii BO toll. Bell t Mo. dearspoit, .lie. do. Hath. - Thomaston. 4. Brkg Martha Gikbfiel, tvt . lirorgo, Me. Bug Winjold, Bo ton. Boston. Iiaaimorr. .wiiimetra ma servue , uuu p-eo-en aimocii;. Vi, . . . , , , .,. -i, . O :. - I ill. IO.. xr .1. .. n .. .. ... . :i!W IIVAI iv uv I.IUMVII ui un. mini. lutetaeauiceeaia.Hl laad Me km. guar ibca.- " ,f " ' c " c mmai. üieauicr , eehooncr torii 2 New Y rk. ini"liiaa wen tiae none, ocicct a aav beeaoaad beaiuiaclatk ia-irr abor fbort. Use mrcunr: rndJ u. ).mt no .H1 .fhuamm9 mgtu Nr Vi.rk f . . 1 s .1 1 1 11 , . ... . . 2 . , i , tj , , . . i ,. , 5 C.Y r H will be occn by our news column that :-km1 blot, neai thu houne, plow it well, hu f atUi a hclaV. aad c ii la.r baired towcn.Nf at all. lor a was (oaad fuite iw 21. uhorurN U Borden, Fall Uircr. ...... ,, . 1 ... . .itt... 1.111. n a. ... . 1 there arc warm times aheml; that tspt Bait -harrow it well, lav it oil toll veiiKIltlv. timber, a Ufa t'gbi lout earn cbilJhooa glee .?blc 1 ayiee. crr arc twenty -ouc uitancea 111 whuh . . . .. . . . r vn, wj nwi vitt..!, ihaaiag ib, bo-U-fl, l U. fc.ii,c arcaaa f-u! yaa saake ef yer ai.N.I 'sauI the cl,r crBfI( w U1.jcr t,c clara and . ' ' ,,,C P L"0"dl;,, u u'c B "hor,;plant cnrly. keep itcleuil- not merely ' fa I 1 ill 11 n. Ssl r . aww .1 I ..I ll.n'At ..I . . ... .m. Ö pt-l -II Uli VUl IIIVUIIIHI UI t .anfnrl ... till ffr.- .,.mnü I m till I ICai VOli I I I w tilt II'' VVUlVOi a ly 1.1 11 ... f mm . al... - ...... I that America is able and determined to de itiokl OS two tilth, of the CO WO in Otir tend her gallant cailora wherever, wheucver dailies that had belter raj let! and and under whaMvcr circum-itancee they .luiuofcofj down,1 and thtil l.hicc; ' 1 . ... ml.m. I t LL - ' e..WS io no,--.,, upon u.o uronu ,uc ocean, MM wU. yoffl A in ir ( ouuiry. , , , , . , . !er bhould not lie kept a vear. txeetii above, wc learn thai . 1 - 1 icra win. I, leve been !l1 SOtoC l1' f fl,u" U'-k mcntiotiLj inconiicclion with Mi. ei i tr .-er 1 lilllc& a uloodod animal, arc the Styx, the Buzzard and the Jaüj cr, nllj we qacttiotl il the Cull' Wiilild pay thu Moam fruriboala. eXpl Dl 0 Of ItCT 6llppolt. Wc aie CO- The outroges on our vceacU have indnocd vinml there iu Hot tlMliyh attention Lieutenant VV I Forter. late of the United , Slaleu Navy, lo atifgcst lo ihc Nc.v York ' morrhautd to cmp'uy a p lot boat, r-rmcd ShE To VUfl (i.VKI.i . Ilmvewon with a long nine inch ihell jjuii, to couvoy deivd at the fbotitil polio) of many lar their vc els Iroiu the com.1 ol Cub&. voluiilecrj his servioc, and pledges lumcell IU' ..I. v: Ill rixr.ll'.l In '1 il nil. ti I 1 ..... t ... 1 I HIVI J III I ... .11 . I w U f)W .IV. II . J I II I I.I nun aad ia am wct hoa' bear, kimas riabr fmstvf. au hraviag.'-ac auaat all uml in tbc -tripes hnve been bcarrhcd, Gred upon or hoeac. a a üb ki Falber above tbo Lord." powerful boarding column from the steamer boarded by Britub cclj. Tho Cnnbab ,.,. , .. .. will pay you well lor your trouble. tnry tky. anil be lire wi b of every Cbrm- B lb Mr. Smitb aed Mr. Perk fm ihc avayMfiaM in ihc Cuban watcra has been cfa baik c;f,rij WCfC frcj fro,' ,tC Bril ' 111 my o.inion, a farm W ithout a Rftr J'- '""-f . U " l1 powerfully iucre.aed, .ad it i. fair to (o, ha (. , lilen m v do for ßtutk) bul a HW laladlolrwtf.r.arcivdaareaaedbyHeaor. cola Maat Malik, it Ingaa lo rain miprecumo it is ihc intention Iu make the, . . ' ...,.:.,..,. .....i., ...... i;,..,;i.. ware mwii in, vei uiiiicu ui iiiw ciiui un uivv I vi a i ' i y ofliecr to go aboard, he did not nubmil lo a search. Young Amenta. Ctnri Mu Kemeiiv. Airs. .,ofCal houn Co.. Mich., writes thai elio gi-t.i full cropo ol plumti annually, while. rwwa and tJccd with iu daa. lie look c earaeat lie k4 hi- vim!, buthHcrope leaich as complete and rigid as possible, and aiibtabim -be fiada sasKb in bi own cat- riacd. jaotto.uuVr in ahorl, a aiuglc one ol cur twatawn ia rrievc e. In ibe laa-uage ol II btppenedeo once or I ice again. Thcjrcesele, not iniimately kuown, toaail into or, a heart km led. eiutcd rescd. be oftea rear rolled kr and ibe acvple could never anchor in a harbor of tbo island without turne In eye eewerd, aeyieg. I wwd not all agree aaaa wh.l bind of weather tbey sniveling u to a aen ro examination. The! "Motlier." said a lilllc girl of twelve year?, . n;Mra nr.. .ri-. nllv Hi ba leija. No aot tor all ibe guki mi Ibe aaatrd. 1 iaisler, af ce4r, ba4 imi miacrable prclcn that Ihe A . . . . , . ,. e. aufM-sfiiiaema far the rkef ber at, oeeaaian In lalfill bi part of ibe contract, fl.e is used ia carrying on the alave trade.i,our rwU mt lMaK" exclaimed ihc m,n"Wa D' u,e tuieulio. AS long not for Ml tbc Icaanrc of act flcbt In-Jb and tbe reanh ibat lliet becan lo oneaBwt war are French vessels nolKearcbed! P,rcnt- "But yu let awtcr Jane get married the treea are in bloom, ami fur a cup aot fur II ibe rruaae ol her bins- ine eye to ibe fact ibat tki world wuuki Are ibey not engaged m the most damnablel1-81 mont,, ",,d ",,c wa8n'1 b"1 u,rcc jre wock ulterwanls. ehe tvery iiiornine dot wemU I live aleraya" Lib be e strange place if it inhabitants tbceM traffic iu the world? Wc have documents bud ebvvt to migrate la iheae ana ay land gwvera IU They saw Ibat aatat' laai where u j a-iNicr hedi her .now. er etrif& tbc,cwaU he awfcly traated in ibe namla ot ua grove, or b ads Ibe danciag ttrcam 1m will inrc'6 God. oiien ia fUJi be plum ag baa wieg for the When lb year drew to a clone Ibe ntia liimx of hi dtj;U lw ckry.- Uothrie. iter tyoke ol b avmg. T aoakl aot latlca to. ibe people the old before us to how that there ia nothing in tbc history of man lo exceed iu horrora the French trade in tbe miserable MapprcntieceM which ibe government has authorized the merchants to pour into the West India Isl ands. Ten ot fifteen hundred of these wretches ere crowded into one ship, landed older than myidf. And then there's ccW w,ic the dew is un, takes tt pan of Martha only two years and a half my elder, ltm.lwl llßICP Mu witll the hand throw she ,ol married k now , and 1 k'uosa jj,c1 t,ro ,, 1C Miaff0 tukil, enru my beau is as smart us iicr husband is, say 1 . ? 9 fl.i.l nl.nll I. ill i in rat . H .I... u 1 1,,,., f tv....w sti Nt,.i.ii,t , umi mfiiiuniMbii iuii ui"ii en. 11 iiuvY'i. UI V DU I III I L HU . 1 Uli ULUUi II A V IU III the maternal one in surprise. "For nier- DC7,A good protection lor cutiun cy'e sake, child, you have not got a beau l lje against bugs, iu a pane of gl:: hope." lgueMlbae,ma,andagoodooe öid u hw bricka jj onu oa too, as sny girl at our school. Jem Crick is my, and we've been engaged for a long time." "in a year or iwo, child, we'll think about it; but I can't hear to such thin.: now," returned the purcnt. "Well, "C.nat...-, RAiait "-EJ. MBl I caanot stay nadir h..wJ a .ma . . . - ..a -,v' K v r-w fccare a ac itmer mM he. and disposed of to the severest mastcrt, aad iuo ociorc ine P'cwk t,eri ia thmctty. -04. 0 e want vnn lo." said Sham, .ubiecicd to the most bondane. It i (tu weck, prayiag tbc Conti to appviat Mr u(1 baaabled; -oalf atny aad leveb a aad'tbc iutereat of those who employ them, a Jaaaee llo-dard, a lawyer, as ana gmwdtan, sa uwr children how le knew Godansai obey bia'tbey engage ihcm only for limited period s to he wi-bc to cuter an action -g una fam w.le, to.w !wrk them lo deaih in a few years. The Catbarme Aytca.on tbe gronnd 4 adat -Aad all Ibiaga abwe ow aw . phew,'' 'pprenliceu" are, ia every eoiue of i.,c m." replied the hopeful juvenile, poulingly, tety. He etsud that bis nue a a tUlrcc jed the amettr. -we mill leave ab Ciod; word, alavce, aad the grand object is to coin-, ou " tfi mstiied, I wan't year of are. d ihat ibey were married in Hw Uc death al. mrll.'- 'pel I hem lo perform tbe large! amount 0ihi to trivc mc a new patent bkiri. with a Feb.sry. Jadre Saibirlawd t-mikd. and jlnnwf itbsa a given lime. Kufilaad dan;' elf adjujtiwif hn.-ilo ntiachr.;?'' i-iawMiaj aiiKt carry. u fLx Tbet c 1. a moaslcr rtace viae at M' not taterlate with Ikij boataatsm keeau.e! fL. Thcie aie tMiitv . . vm theatres in pon two nricKs placing each öide of tho young plants. Tho daw will deceive the vermin, and mav aluo he a protection against a ilight frost. JoiiKwr Cakk. A ijtiait of Intli.i meal in a pan; inula- a holt iu the cen tre and pom in a large pint of wann water with oalt; Iii it hard foi littecn i1" Ihr r Ct i-l br. m a;rircat. Cah'ftia ki - rl rin,r' i i- Pati tWt til --' lie.- 1 n, -tad 1 1 Btttrotta, iwwl 411 1 v