Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER VOL. I. JASPER, INDIANA, F1HDAY, JINK 18. 1858. XO. 14 rUBLISWEU BVBBT I BlIUV, AT JAMIER, DUBOIS COURT V i IBIMAWA, BY rOER, DO A HE ft SMITH. A Hint for the Ladies. An exchange paper hu b bit c f advice to A Wife Compressed into a Rinsr. A r.nrt.iii R,.... .,kl.. i.i ,, . now may cd I'.ria. wb not cad to be rni..,.i- know whether, vm.n.. It.-. : .. . . . ' I Macdobau. Stbests. sttentione. The confounuins the one wUhL ... ,: ' ?008 ... r " Uhm ' honorable and well oleajiin tn nA Prairie Fm,, i.. a. v , , - - , him mi : .urui-we -t ii . ' k L. r a - . . . For the Jasper Courier. In Honor of the Farmer. Knttp IWi..-It ha always U, a matter of surprise to u, says the ,,,:. p , - r- - - riRi, large enough ror a i.i attentiona. The eonfounain the one w th'h,. u. -j ..J: . . . ... u the other h.. K- .1.- , i :. . . "" a To .... , . . . - . """""" mucn trou- buck er for ik. ri.. f, . , .1 im iurn u er me sod. no I'm Mir v t.-L.w.l :!. ,! v " Ol 8.,n l,, r. , . . ' ZT '' . OOW irrnon .h .!.. I . I . mil, IIUDI ion Ol loll. 1 .. ... wick and Mr.. B.rdw.ll. XI .'" 7 rM Economy's hero. .d w,t r .... -Iii ' i 18 80 ulatod to im TERIIS dTRICTLY IN A D VANCE : both he for. en. 321 eT'lTÄ "i ÖHrgle Subscription, for fifty No.., 1 40 wick and Hr.. B.rdwell. ,..,.,, .... . JT OB; Economy', hero, and lord of the aoil a Tie or advkbtiibo. iob will he made to regular advertisers, bo far a. to decide that ahe will choose a .1, .. . . . J , 7 Notice, of appointment of admh.lrtrator.!wl.ite .ilk under that cause L .TTr. 1 w noi " he wered, but a aepoL nd ler.l notice, of ch.r.ctcr to be! " " ,7 , h. f, ! 'k C 7 Hehre!' A ahudder p.Med through .be whole a,d fer in advance. CT mme,nkl tkMt th ,i,,aBl ,he " '- company. Tbi. Jewel, Madame he con- AUevjiam ca.d.dat. f WP'f e que.uon to .notber d.m.el tinned, 1e rny wife. I had the mUfortuoc vh iiiiiv t.11 ; I. a . iw loec iicr some miare. - . " u ing vi! but n uBriiirnir, m ifjuiiaiiip iipmir. r-- tuwbi, oiiu Dtfrnini crei . j . . . .: . . w - r ".vr w m w ri n iia.iia .1 n Aa. 1. . 1 tiiiiiii.t , . - 1 0 reCl.r w far a. to decide that .he will choo.. an i- "7 . " TZTZZTTl Your numeroo. -a. CTT' l" ' tare nonce, o, .ppomtment of administrator:" white silk under th.t .. .u.l . .. . . .' a aepec , " V '" ' 'IS Stltn aUt and lertilitw er r... and ieeal notice, of lika chinner i k.I . . ' HC eure! A .h udder naaaed throuirl. the .l.u w """ws mose who meadow, which wi . j r " . l r. l owrvu. paid Kor Town.hip office., each, ror bounty For Di.trict, Circuit, or State, Talking in My Sleep. I have aomething sweet to tell yon, But the secret yon mtut keep, And remember if iiu't right I am "Ulking in my deep." For I know I am but dreaming Whn I think your leva i mine, And I know they are but seeming, A II the hopes that round me ahme. So remember when; I tell yon What I cannot longer keep, We are none of vs reapoosible Pur whit we .ay in akwpl Mr pretty secret ' coming; Uh! listen with your heart, And you shall hear it humming, Bo eloae 'twill make yon start. O, abet yout yuer eye so, Or mine will wildly weep . I love you! I adore you! but 1 am talking in my aleep. 1.00 2.00 Madame,' be con-! inem "r D". T. had the miJortune rho f,ir P'' and wide, 1 . 1 . PtnrC f ooe COW will, it if 1 aince. in R1u.i1 Welm the aooa of toil as to a ready bride """ed, sustain ten sheep, and there 1 v wo v 1111 DuiiisT VfB rm nrn in t nvcia 1 vn Now the difficulty lie. in not oreciael .iuL . . . . .11 lira ultm. , , . ' 1 j. . .. " ' Ii 0 an iianan, ana urosacu tne icv bed V i,..i . r . . 1 "v--, uviv wwj wouiu siarvu Imre. Ado.irin. . h r... . ".ll . ' . m, üey. 'q"i- Warrior, of the axe.and com..d 1 ih. ' J K-ld a handtorne prvfit. . - . 1 . . nuNiiiinr a ucsuiiiui eir . and uiikIi. 1..1 .. - . . . . . -i' .iimnucnui me ... - I " ing to make . "wife of her, are 0 .Iw.v. " Z , m.k.T. VhT J T P,W' " " 0,1 U,e he ...e thing, and therefore it i. neceaaal lie .Im .1! .Z "l""' Yuur . Ml your fruitful1'1- '- sheep Aou)d not 1 put in danmelabouh, . on ,b. a,.t UJCL PV .-...r iu asm. me attention. p.idC,npty coffin, . horrid collection of beetr HLZZIZT. 2 " mUCÜ M-V nimal 'her h kin,n 1. 1- I . ' . " landend nation. 1 :n . . her by handsome and faahieuable young ment. and alembica. Thi. jewel wa. lein mm oeiong. on th ube He M hfou?h mMn of r ira , than, u young man greet, you in srroa corrosive .ub.t.neea and aowerfu' loud, free and hearty tone.; if he know. pre.sure reduced and compressed th.t which precisely where to put his beads; starmyou waa my wife, into thia jewel, which ahall traight in the eyea, with hia mouth open; if tie turn. hi. back to you to apeak to another: if he telle jou who made hia coat; if he eats never more leave me,' Thi. burial by chemi.try is an improve ment upon the process of cremation lately will better repay care and ieiiliiiii It would be a mir to v Etiles for Home Education 1. From year children, earliest in fancy, every bod else, bet quiet with you; if he be incalcste the necessi'y of iasuat obedience, jaeaieus to see if peer tea is sufficiently 5. Unite firmness with gt alienees. Let sweetened, and your dear person wrapped up your children always understand that yoo wbee yen out into tne cold; if he talks very mesn whet you any. low, and never looks you ateadily in the eye; 3. Never promise them anything unless if his cheek, .re red anal his nose only you sre quite ears) you can give them what blushes, it is enough. II he romps with you your aiater, sigh, like a pair ol old bellows, 4. If you tHI s little child to do some- looks solemn when you are addressed by in thing, show hiac how to do it, and see that it other gentleman, an J in fact U the most still, ta dore' awkwsrd, stupid yet envious of all your 6. Always punish your children for. wil : male frienda. vou mav ro aatid .k.. fully disobeying you, but never punish them: the poor fellow too happy for bis skia to nger. bold him. 6. Never let then perceive thet they can I Young ladies! keep your beerte in s case Twmjw or WMV you lobe your self com- of good leather, or some other tough sub - 1 1 - r- lid . .1 L I H Zm Ban... g . . . , . I1. " ' P; ns .an. to talk proposed by the French pspers. Should it very kindly to your mother: if. in ehort, he become popular, a widow may hereafter have sneetea when you are ainiji na, criticises vour har ....h.nrf m.t . ..l. 1 ---aiu imiw an vs uvvivi, w saa a curls, and rails to be foolish every hour. hen chain lllir horf In remind k nl I L.- !-) don't fall in lore with him for the world! H-ioond. A husband will have hia wife done only admirea you, let him ssy wbat he ill'iuto a pin, and certain actdemiriaa.old to lbs contrary. fegiee-we know of woeld mske very good fill th. All... it t ... . ' . - , 11 bc is merry wiu eoat buttons. N. Y. Tribune. Laighaüle . At s church of "color, net twenty mi lee from thi. city, tbe other eve- Monarrha r.f the anil il.;I- mm ...... i. -- ., j, jinn 101 - k w Think ye your toil grievous, irksome or med that not more than thirty per cent, of .1 . . . . I., . . . . poorer, are you aanameo, so you pi'y or me mool ensumed in this country is lifLau. r a a produced at home. Sheep raieinjjiuurt Ihsmel ' S ' 71 76 "l'ore be a profitJe boninene Ihr Perhaps, though yen admire tbe pleasures ol!U,Ä"V Ven to VOme- even U other, too, rapmiy inmate. Other branches ol But be assured, desr farmer, that all others tK-k-raiinf: have frequently been overdone; but the supply of wool in tins country has never jet equalled envy you. Biaoscri, Ibd , June. 1868. mand 7. If thev eive WSV to aelulenea mnA ill stance, until the right oue ia found without a doubt, after which you can go on and love.j sons, both white and colored, standing upon lbs seats during singing service, called out is a loud voice: "tsetdown off dem seats, boff white men snd color, I cares no more for de oes dsn de odder." Imsgine the pious minister's surprise on hearing the congregation auddenly com mence sinning, in short meter: "Get down off dem seats, Boff white men sod color; I cere no more for one man Than I docs for da odder." L7An observing gbntlemsn who has just . ... j 1 j - -.. fV " iuc,; -m " uuwiuiik ;i 111 lemon wnu UBS JIIS1 lemper, weit Uli iney sre calm, and thencourl ,Dd be i.rried, a.d be bsppy without returned from s lour through various psru gently reason with then on the impropriety .1., 1..., kü ..! --r ssswa. rki- v l n ilZZT gently reason with ibem on the impropriety j,,w ,eM, bi, o! 01 meir eonuurt. 6. Remember that a little rear nl nuniah r " For the Jasper Courier. To Mary Ann To hire an hour with tbee, Mary, Seems Bought but blies supreme. The pure light of thine eyes, Mary, Might be a poet'a theme. Tbe sweet tones of thy voice, Mary, Excel the harp, shew, And earth 's s heaven ts me, Mary, If I bat nave thy leva. I csn't describe my love, Msry, Tis far beyond control; Tis now a part of life, Mary, Impressed opea my soul. Oh woulJ thst I could say, Mary. That thou wert now my own, No other one I love, Msry, I love but tbee alone. NORA. coMMumcATrn to the demand Many farmer, in their increase the weight of their have paid coormooa ) rices for coarse, jovergruwn, JJkmMi ewA, wjaaam Jkm JamV tJm Agn hmd mined their Ms. And ret the igbtof flececa can he larcdy in creased without in the least injuring their jualitv. II' vs. IA;. What a dog lire upon will keep a hoe. If anvhodv ilotibU the truth of the wiving, let biin kill hia useless dog, and put a pig in the 1 en and give it the dog a allow ance, lie will hnd in a few montha that be haw a Hoc. fat iorker fit to be eaten, a use the dog could not be pos sibly applied to hy any Christian the least bit o! trouble. lof Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania! u,c" mwmr wnne ' mt'P incrc are too many dogs in the coun Wa cooa l r thia advice so a ensible, lhstand New York, informs as that the prospects ?"Mr wel1 lh " of your feet l'.tiy, by tar too many; if they had all although it is opes to the charge of bluntJfsr s heavy crop of small grain, particularly -7' (mu,a" d.) n lb" on thelJw;n kjjW tlicre miirht hn mms. we have no in pressine i, of whest, sever were more erstifvii... A i f of or chsir-then gn teL . . , UOOB the atlenlinn nf mi, ImAm Iiirial more ahnnitant aw.n than t ..f Lit " 'ecP' . ' e 1 r 3 ' The l : 1 1 ii.riin dm . .ar ,. .. - a . . . . - - ssys: we nesr n rumoren in tne street, f . - . . - . (KTThe Ev.nsville Joorn.l.of the 22 "J"r " mnm eeruioty.-ucah , Ilsen Iii nil. SB. , rni, wncu occasion arise?, is mach more effectual tban tbe llirestening of s greater punishment should the fault be renewed. . Never give your children anything be cause thev era for it. 10. On no sccount allow them to .to at t,,al 11 " lne 'n,c"t''' of Juige DeBruler, of Cjr "Doctor, kin yen tell me the matter one tims what you have forbidden, under the sPcnecr; to c"ler P the csnvss, ss sn with my child's nose I She kssps s picking - -1 . liml.Mlul.iil I. f.. I .L IJ .f I, II moo circumstance, at soother. i iwi iv vwiigrvw, invsis II. Tesch them th.t the . nl,- , ...d olkr snti-Lecompton esndidale appear, "Yeamarm i sr i. ', Ik il.AMM.a.ilA 1 1 S ranrosED Nevada Teb.tort.-A ' . " . .i"CU to create thia new Territory has boenlUO 10 ,el a8UlC W,ucl1 1roni1 00 introduced into tbs Hou.e by Mr. Smith, of :ncAnsidcrable item in the preeent . .. vunu. .a iIIV SHW IlllliW UJ nr. OUIIlll. Oil " f Vireiuis. from the Committer Tamian. i scarcity of snuulica. Lhxra am nui. This Territory embraces western Utah, and sance, and should be taxed. While a- m tu I msrm. if. nrob.hi. .n ieeitatin. -f " rP01"'0"0' Iro Hieen thou-every farmer keeps his dog. and every . ' I - - " uiid naM rU . . . .1 . . - esey way to appear good is to be good. opposition to Judge Niblack. Judge De- tbs gaatric mucus membrane communicating b J . . " . V ,2. mMve Ina dog, and every free negro hie m tne ir.c -of , .yp..ue tmi.uoa to in. epn.ham f u,ie " two or three dogs, sheep stand a poor plee snd would do dm" .. V . .. P fl.jsnr ort tkmnrl. tk. .1.1 ..1 Id. Acctwtom them to make their l.ul. re. Bruler is s strong man cits's with perfect truth. M'igh conservative principlee 13. Never allow isle bearing. 14. Teech them self-denial, and not to ks. dulge in an angry and resentful spirit. credit to the State aa one of her represents "There now, th.t's just wbst I told Bsckv, lives. Bat we lesrn thst Judge Hovey ha. but ahe 'lowed that it wss wnrrama." avowee nis .mention to run as an nti-U- rv-r-Ti,. , .u i ... there aro not Mormone, Brighsm Yotgssm' cVnwtoat through the world and his twelve s poet lea sr. alleged to bare de-j-vicIti tl,eir untial fleece with nntorn prived them of all legal protection to life snd .throats. Tbe increase of the dog pop dany practice by parents snd gusrdians, how much misery would bs prevented, bow many in danger of rain would be saved how largely would the happinesa of s thous and domestic circle, be augmented: It is lemestable tssee bow extensive is parental neglect, and te witness the bad and dreadful consequences in ths ruin of thousssss. Five Cnildreb atObe Bum. Oa Mon nay morning last, a woman named Elizabeth Cordon, residing la Rothes, gave birth to three male snd two female children. Tbe beys were bora slieeand lived till tbs follow tng morning; but ths girls were still bora. The births wars premature, being in tbe sixth month; but what is very exrsordinsry, all wars lull grown for ths period of gsststien; nor is Ibis tbe most surprising circumstance a ths esse, ess) of the soys hsving two front KFA. exchange ssys s divine out West is trying to persuade girle to forego mar riage. It ssys be hss succeeded ao far aa to persuade one, sad she is about 70 yew sold. , , in. law. WS III VCIMIII Uli la Ol the opinions of the people, it sppeersto be Texas tbs new wbest crop is rssdy for tbe TT 7 m. opponents .e, while st ths North it is just begin- of the kansaa fraud to give kirn a clear aiot to trow. ....I. 1 .1 . -.1 a. Hn i m I i iraca in tan race who JUOge niDIBCB. ONiraion ia thi Niw CrcLoraou Babt The judge, jury and sentence ol every well reguls ted fsmily . A thing that squawks at midnight, and will not be com forted by say quantity of sop. A biped call, ed by hie mother "de rosy posy, pinkum sink. bisse it. little heart!" .nd very frequently "toted" to ths tune of -Here we m .a. tU. up-s, sad here ws go down, down, down-e.'' By Bachelors called "brat," sad by Tupoer. tbe proverbisl philosopher, delicately alluded to aa"a well-spring," me. HT" You'll bsve to hear the responsibili ty," mid s mother to s bright. eyed young mV7 . .p.m. -- " y KT- I he extent of the territory snd viristy property. Their present eituatoa ia be- I these rule. wer. rsdaccd to prscliee, P" mocrat.c .ndependent c.adidste, (lw eliB-u lh. United Btatee, may be lieved by many lo be full of peril, snd it is to tiy practice-bv psreuts and cu.rdi.r... " Diatrict, and aa far aa we can raiherlr-.ii.awl i. sw r... .i... : l. l .u ZT . statieisa reports the whole number of conversions ia evsry P'ate, as tbs result of the recent revival, up to the lirat of Msy, to be 9 J06. Tbe number sst down lor Indisns ia 4,77d. BFThat wss a very aingular mistake made hy Diggs, st the wedding, who when introduced to the bride, wished she micht en joy many returns of the present happy oc- when be earns into ths world. The daughter of our acquaintance, who thought A... I. " . oi marrying wnnout ins maternal npproba- d'rlully well.- Elgia (Scotlsndl Uouiaut I rne. i k-.. - . ... i i . ' - ----- . ...i mtiw, Uta, I alio - ... aV, bs hoped thet C ongress will take early lion oa tbe bill, so as te sUcit tbs necessary information to enable them to do whst may then seem proper ia tbe premises. Tbe originstors of the bill declare that tbe peoele (here sre absoletely a prey to the Mormone. hostile Indians, and fugitive, from justice. If so, our Government should come to their relief ss speedily ss possible. Memnhie Bulletin. Cube or .Vile Sicebesb. Mr. C. Walk er, ia a letter te the Chicago Parmer, asserts boldly tbat be haa foead and fully tested e cots for the milk sickness. He says: The cause is sobslt. No ere, ia its nato rsl state, baa ever been discovered that is poison but cobslt. I bsve never known man or beast to be s (Tec ted where this ere is not found. Tbs cure is sulphuric acid. I bsve essioa Will yea have me. Sarah!" mm afelLTI ü? hi bäh bb Bess vwsawi. bbm. nwww iw roiucut . k. aW .Aim. I OkaJa. Kaubj Louisville Journal young msn te sshy young Isdy "No, John," said she, "but you ra'y hive 'ii' if yeu like nlation accounts for the scarcity used for several seawoos, assd havu iiinvrd ifn offlenrv A a the as aasnsi ,.f flies is at band, it may be useful tu vour rernlew: Take two or three small bandfals ol walnut leaves, noon whim poor two or more quarts of toft cob! water; let it infuse one night, and Bthe whole next morning into a e, and let it toil tor a Quarter of aa hour. When cold it will I tit lor use. No more it required than to moisten a snonra and before the hörst goes out the stable, let those jaarU whfoh am most i rrtrsJsle Yin anuami over with the honor, vi Mareen and upon ths ears, the nc;, the flank, etc. itl nnlv the nr irontkmiaun who rides out för pleasure will derive a benefit from the leaves thus rreircd. ;imi urc wmrrnnrnn. wiu aamiri, IQFThc book-keeper who fell from a .n ,.iUr. . horwAa. dtirimr lh.? jcolumn ef tigures is Min in s critical täte. ,0t months.- or. Prairie l-snaer.