Newspaper Page Text
THE WEEKLY COURIER. VOL. T. JASPER, INDIANA. FRIDAY, JUNK 25, 1858. NO. 15 JASPER rt'oLiwHED evert j k ii'A v , it j am'lk, ouiois county, .sdiasa, ijy wM. oauaaaa. nn,,.,. o V UFFlGI.-CoBSEn ok Ma (boss ad Maco-aii, tbest.. TKIf MS rtTRK'l J.V IN ADVANCE ; lirii UTMnr u nn a w u . o tjt tttt UI...I. v L v ... c.i ... h a iKH or av i in i-iMi . For squire ol j Uneeor less, I week, Each nub i i',MMit insertion, J5 ' ctl- te C A I nnrfer . 1 . i . ' n. P f I . s at . n ri n rain A fraction over. v.m. square or, quar.---, counted n- a square. I hrs.- are Ute it rms for Iran- M. Ml' at m. m m 1 i a. . .a. mi . am c. , t .,,.1 I .. ,1 be V to reld adrrrrX ' lion Nutioe o? aiipiniitiinMil Vo5c-o! appoint t of adinin.r.tor- end kgel noticee ol like charuclr to be paid lor in f t. I nre. AR.K'V SIMNG CAHI'IDATIS. $1.00 jj!ou U For Township i fTtcr, euch, F'.r C.uii'v f. Uistriv't, ( irmir, or Slate, U j I'eel what I have Felt. r,HR, ........ ..,..,, lw wnjr hu.., u - ... wiwin mi nun. lor , months, - - . 1 Napier grand-um le ol the pre.en. rhe rlrcomstfieri which imluccd the ,,,r,t ,in,e fciKr,,! himM1, in """y 0 ,,Mri) awiiwg ,t Hie follewiti nn idteblaf nd l,PPcd I'ortsmoi.ih. The tfefitlMtf ritei arc o Mkil A youn lady ,ir'1 lJ( r," L WB niH 0,d weetheart ol New yrk r in Ida habit , 1 writiai: ""W in widow's w eds, and acco.npaiicd b u,r -ho I'l.iJad. Jphia Lcajflti on (he au! i. t intentirig b .ya. 8hc waa going on ol iHteinperanc U.. f.. 11 ' " B" -w.u.. ..1 ...,i .1 .......... .1 .... 1. .1 ... . I...... nu.ii in ij. .iHviivii i.t mmi, :hat a Iriend of hera acru-d her of bei 'ig n man ac 01. the Milj-c mi tenipef. .wee: whereopoB .he wrote tho foliuw. i..: Hvieetj On te. I vli-f I have I. It Cao hear I hate borne Dtnfc 'lien lh a IiImw .1 UllnM dealt. An.) lhe col.l arotldV proti- rcurn; Then ti . i. from iru 10 year Thy role relief ih rtorchlHg l ar. tie kneel m. l c kn It, 1 11 I r Ii.'m .'. Ii aiol pr.ij" Strive the In Mltcd heart .1 melt, Tlie downward eajrao tu slay lie .1 -h' d wild hitiei rvrae a-ele. Your prayer l.urleMMici' ,,ui le.r. defied tifj weep aa I have wept Yr a lov. d laiht r' fi'i See every prnailaed awepl YoU.h . we'iir- lurnr.l lo ' ' . Lite's fading fl i vem itrtrwod all the wa) That bi'iti' t me up to wotn.n'a d .y. tin se! win. I 'mvc seen; ll'l.- l i Iba hiroi.g in in bowed. m nn gnasMHii te.-ii. us n 111 ouoo, 1 . . I i'iiU ....I I U a a I la r . . 1 1 I- - ,1 . .. . LI 1 Gs c.ich Ms n.tbered sUnee, aJ .oa h-öl fop lo believe that the uucanon There mirrored UeaaaJTs MMetf. h.ptism he underwent at the hand, I M M.ep-laher must have had some apirita.l lie to the rui'iher's aide, .-rtirar A 1. i lo r crushed b"Mim chet r , 'J hitne "Wn deep aiigiiirli hide, to itmn bei . ! 1 Um tear, Me'l. tin worn frame and withered brow, Tb? .'-"j thai her dark hair uow. With lading farm and ir mhliitg limb, A ad trace the rum back to hnu Wbwue plighted (ait rt tu early youth I'ro'i.i.ed eternal love and truth; I'll who, toreaworu, h.lh yielded up 1 hat promis lo the curse. I cui, .J 1,11 1 1 .., I ,M,d ... ,.,., made he, future brigbt, sl'rift 'f ' Thai Iwwiy ibing.a .tr.mkard's A i e. And at.atped 0 ebiWbuwd. "won so mill. That (u i,; kaaht, -.he drunka.d-r tie hew a-d ., d feel a, d know. A 1 that vv ... . 1. haih lolt ar.d known; Thea in.'k upon ibe nine-cap's glow, . eat il it. heau'y can til tie; Think if i.a Itavor ..u ..ill try, W hen all pr.ic lain., "til "drink and die!' Tell me "I BBTC lhe bowl!" Hale is . feeble word; I i.oatii an ik my very soul With strong digu-t la atlrr'd Whene'er I see, or tiear. or tell, Ol the dark beverage ot Hell! rr- ..M V ......IJ -:..... i nr pun iier.ii.., ... ...... ingirii. le upon U.c age of irers. aoy. among those whose agea have been aaccrtained, the elm has been known to live more than 600 years; the che.-nut 600; the ccd.r 00; oaks, irom 1000 to 1600; and some o' the wooda of the tropical climr. for three. faur and tl.ouaand yeara. The last, doubtful. m ILJ-A Vankee proposes to build an eataö- i . ..nineni.utn v.MK uyou ,.,-y ur.,c - at one caiS, and have it come out at the otner in four quarters of mutton a pair of drawera, a leather apron TV-.: ".tuonsry. r HjRc Charles Smith, of llostoo, ha Trquested hia salary to bo reduced trout 3,000 to 2,U'0. A tare octuirtutc. Romance in Real Life. We cip the following bit ufrom.nre rrnm , t run . . i.n,,.a. - f , 1,1 lh" fbi'u,ri" In0 MP'" fro obeerve the death ol Lady Napier, the wile of Admiral 8ir Ch.rle. .Napier. The atory ofhr courtahip and marriage, which we happen to have heard, it somewhat 'I-,... i,,tl,..- ... i..i... a.. u . emi-aaeni h,r at Ws5 hilll'loll. He urn ! .... Npai ii tendenl of .he L- ill. atation, ond ha.l rpi,ience ' Merchiaton, near the town f Falkirk The n.otlier of the young lady , wl,u quciiMy became Lady Napier, wu 'he d lug'tter ol a Lieutenant on tho aanie - B I '""r:!;' . 7!? T ' 'H I hi waa diaprovcu ol by ll.e no- ,her of -he .... ipien, nuv.l hero, who i,m r- pt d the young ladyMiti..nnd Napier. then boy ol eix eon, went to aea under the i.prv-.i n .hat la- awee.he.rt had j hed J" - 7 VTJ J- ' lor. het. the French nj American m ( 1815, 'apt in Napi r, who had bj boaid a 11.K Ii. t lor the Coniineiif, ami N itwer . IoIIoac.I and accoairii ner: " W liv didn't vutt wtllv W ! ha"1 p 10 l" ",u" manner lor which he i notorioua. "Why did nt you -vriie to me!" waid tl.e ..dy. The elate ol the cae wu explained at once, .u.i the Ctptaii remerklng that what wa. paaeed CouMnM be helped, neked ihc l.dy if abe li .l .ny ohj ciio.ia ?o making mattcra riglit now. She had no objoi tiona. "Then,"aaid the Captain, "theac boy. ahall no longer be ... I1. A IM. . I.... M...,.,. m ....I ... . .11. W , 1. ,. '. 11 . Ii l( a im, I a r. 11 . hncket of air. ha ban.iz. l ihem on ihn I .a . , puf oy tntow 11 a the content, abou'. their .-are. In place of going lo the contineni (iull of Me.vic j to tho extreme limit of boat the Inly returned on shore and become .Mrs mg.tthe fall. of the Missouri. Theaggre Marief. Her two sona s.terw ard became gale length of atr.m navigation upon thia v II kuowii hy (he name of F.ler Napier river and it. tributaries, courting through One eilten ulercd the navy and the other the ar- , , 3 . l he fotmer was commander of one of . . .. at ateaui ri.'ate. emph yed in tlie Eue- ... . my the first ii-h navy, and waa lost with his vessel, in ,if.c year 184), on the Sorello Rocks, in the Mediterranean. The. other, Elcra Napier. haasliiiwii ro much of the Napierim apirit, bo,h , . .i,.,,., ailj an au'hor, that one is Pb or.t a in Kin a A letter ftom Si. I'eleraburg teil us (hat literary activity now prevail in Ruia, ol which the like wa never aeon before. A great in any foreign contemporary authors of renown have juet been translated, .ud amongst them are Ms caulay, Urote ond Preacolt. Numerou" worKa of native author, .ro announced, .- ..a,. m .L... ,,,. , 8..blisllf d. Tbtalrica literary, sc estiie. imlil.ry. u,.riti,e, .nd eeor icl j urnsls have I. . en si.ricd; periodicals, con ,Nj ,,g original tale, and translations, sre numeruu.. tven mi,j in,i.tions of Punch j. re not And what 1. regarded ;as Intl. short of .tnpendous.some of the new ,oUrnala are aetuillv alluw.d to be Bold " the atrecla bb newsn.pcra .re in lndon. the .tree.. Mnewap.pcra .rein . . -ii'. : 1 - . 1 i. w I.' U-J , r rill iroio ...r. . , Parreo, ol W.rrick county, and ascertaine I -mm mm. during our in. e.v.ew. mav snouiu beget the race ...k I...I....! r iki I..JI.1! aiaSstai . .u, u.c..ur.iri ...,.r..u.,.. I'arrett'B acqu rcmenta as a lawyer are ade- quate to the discharge of the dutic4 of the noaiuoii. and his ereat aervices in behalf of '. . - .... . . (iemocratic parly entitle bun to their m,,.nci. i(l obtaining it. Mr. Parrett ia we), kll0Wn to ,,e democracy in thia dietrict lh., (l ia unnec easary for ua to xpatiate upon bJifiMftsWf. We hope he will receive the nomjnali0 , beeauae we beltev e he merita it.i nmJ beeMM -t ,)0 b. eIec,cdi u wi))( m kftoi ,n tble ,nd , priglu judge. -Evanavllle Enquirer. Wh, don't von nut on . cle.n il v iv uou i von Dui on a r can ,hir, , '. ,.id . we.drea8ed fop U.C Other ImZlT '", h" COn""'"""i "'" ;. 1 . :.' """T"" ru","'y ' T run, anu a "Everybody can't afford to acsr a clean everJ H.v .. . ,l... ahirl every d.y as well aa you," w.s tl.e reply. "Why not!" while cull .r. "II l ause," sind soiled collar, "cvet both metb ei i.. ants WaaltSrnaiMnl" Lovellnesn. What constitute, loveliness! Not the 1-1. i , . j H""'-u uro, nor ine .now aim paretic ol fa.iiion.ble life. A woman have .11 the out ard marke of beauty, and yrt not o..e.a a lovely character. It ie the bene- vulent diapoailion the kind acta and the Christian deportment. It ia in the heart . . . . wurre meekness, truin, allection and ,u. mili.y are found-where we look for lovlinea. .1 -.-!.! : r. . nur uu wv iuor in vain. i ne woman w no can aoothe the aching heart, emoc.l, the wrinkled brow, alleviate the enguiah of the .i,,,!, .j p0ur the balm of consolation in the1 wounded breaat, posseeaee, in an eminent de- jree, true lovelineae of character. 8he if ",0 f" CÜ,P""i(:,, "f 'nd due' o. ange.. It ,. auch n character thai blee-ea with warmth and eunai.ine, and mtMl lhc ewlh to rcM.nibIe lhe pidilMI of (joJ. ' 1 . ""C"Ce ' PI ner- Ä?Ä tKÄ fad , . . . ' .. . .. f O.II.J4 mat ih pood, and they aro Savinh with their rr.end.hip .nd In lhr next they have had experience, which ha anuttea down their confidence, and .hey then have to be careful not to mi-truat ev ery one, and to put the wor.t con.truetion tu. mi ever v 1 111110 . Later in . . . t . v am .. . . . . . ,ai inc greater nuinuer ol men have much . .. .... . . iiiort'pi 1 JÜ in III food in llieiu tlian bad, and that even a at . a. when .here ia cauae to blame there ia more wife Btl-nj you j,, nichnca. or WOnej laid out of, and many little in re.aoii to pi.y than condemn; .od then n eidental lotMt and cX(K-HSe that apirit of conlidtnce again awaken, within Then tell me no more of your bachelor joy., um0unt t0 conaiderahle. As a general hem. "1 women and childien and prattle and' . . . . n. ,..11..... ..... . w TriE I ONGEaT Hiveb. If the lower Mia aiaaippi and the Miaaouri be taken to be, as ihey properly .re one stream, then have we, a river 1000 mi tea in lengih the lorge.t ui;.., in tl avnrM Ii nr.ianii likniuia ... ... . . ..... p. I. wa. the lomre.t etretch of co.itinuou. river 11. vi cation; it being nearly 4,000 miles from the the great baeiu of the Mia.iaippi, is eatmia- j 1 , 1 .Li- 1 ted by Col. Long, of the lopugraphic.l . ., r 1 Engineers, at 16 72 miles. W m lU A miMion.r, once rebuked . South Sea Islander for the sin of AI- ter a week or two the e.nib.l returned , his r-e radiant will. . ... "Ma all rinhlnuw: , , . , , : '.n ijr uoc wilt-. nie erjr gui'O 10 Klllll erj go I mij; 11 1 10 r l -ujj. ... i'ima n". a.v. -. . . ... v ' What did you du w it It the other !" .aked the less union t.mps upon her .Imocl a. (oul icasnrc the present pecuniary disas miiwioiiary. "Me eat her up." dishonor as one of those connectiona which .crg Farmers are scarcely awaro of tJAgentlelnTr.;;dtw7tow:ite.deed.0imit 'he TT' ''TlL' t,,e tiM ' occupy ill relation to s . , , l.M..... n.l. Ar.imTv anil In ilinmr " . and bepan. "Know one woman bv ihese " .. .. .. presents." "Yoi are wrong," said a hy Ständer it should be, -Know all men." - Very wen,' Biiswcreu . tie oiner, "11 one women knows it, .11 men will soon know it, too.' Geni'ime PoLiTEMias -A gentleman once, in conversation in the company of,' and criticising rather severely the want of i a. : -u.. i.J:. .r .u-:. remarked: j 7"' ..J the.r bltll With the manufac- "They .re the oglie.t women I know;"1 W" and foreign dealer. So when the and then with extrsordinsry politeness, CiJ ! 7p!hiudclphla, nettled oixtr or anventy yenro ! ,armcrR rcn,8C to st'" lCi' oran,P tu0 ded-"present eompsny slways rxcepted." much fas cr than the older cities, 'trade of the country merchant and hit p-j.A -eulenced to be hung w.s tnd ;rrived al ,1C digl,iiy ol ten .hous.nd, in' note goes to protest ill the city. Iii yMt by ,,ia wifo who idi ,.Mv do,r, would weh ,e. .h. j in boul flfly yearaj! failure breaks the city merchant; the yoQ fce c,ildrcn ,0 . you rx,culedr m M menl.ant alarms the w., ,..:.i mtm.m immt Uh am. m.U. , ......l.. J . ..j .1 u u .1 ted u chlldrtM) an V nil i liient ." ä' t I '. IM I . 'I I I , w i,a.- i,r. wa 'a. -j i I - ..jAI!VE AXV Re-K-a. T,n.-The pfopf n Main., on Mondsy. voted on the ' mh)n of ,dop,ig . prohibitory, or re- .. . ' . laining their present license law in regard ,0,,esa!eof li uor. They have chosen the . . p t m.i(r. - T. fl .1 I l.l..,J . vJ "c " "" i-w..w-j !M0P't0 bo ""y'"g woman with the hopea of getting t5n,o00 with her, and when ,,u u"ion is coneumma ted, lo be presented Wlth ' hil1 of Mt S' bo'rd." r (Jreel men never awell; it is only wbo tr, M,,rifd ,hc rate of two hundred dollars a year and on potatoea and dried herrings. . i.J n i ... uu..i . ii eoiiveniioi. 01 iiunn , ,U u larn Htaloa ia In 1.. Iialil at I-!.. ..a W4m, " . , 11 1 . (WMrs. Thomas, . w.sherw. m.n of le. UI HIV IIVIUI WVeiVIM r,a-,atwaw a"..- v -a aa . troit. has recently lallen heir to a fortune V I . uulliui. 1 1 dollar., il. Europe. fLj A creardisttOl tt mpanv. For lhe Jasper Courier. To Viadex. Man wandered in Eden in search of a wife Through Mm of roae. deploring his fate! Till women waa given he little possessed In her he had heaven, a wife and wa. bleaied. f i. i...i..i. r i.;. t i ' " iiciur uvw ui ma irceuum irom cere, In an a-lhal. ' nn iah In .1.., w ...... ...-,v, ü,ve " "uv' "'e u' T,,e be1 o( tompai.i .ne an effeit.unatc w'fe- Should fortune attend me, and plenty pro- :J vide, My joy will bedoub.ed with hrr by m, aide; ,f Bick,ieM and .otrow niv (ootaten. attend, , , , . ... .. . f.. ' Ilow iweet in the evening, when buainc.a ia dune, ' eheu.hed "'J , , To find in irr love a treasure ao nure. T'..t nothing , tl.i. world can pro- cure" BoaBt n, , of fricnd.hip one half of your fr;,.ni. Bul coUrI yf,u, .nd plcilc you lo Mrv lhcir own enae, , ;n i,...... .,..1 i.;t..l.,..i wh. I vmi w as - b - u i.rail. noie; - .. . r.,i,.r i,v far call a woman mv own Thtn havc a! fou ()fl.r ,nj ;i(e Bn , oae, If ninle, get married aa faat as you can, IB tiurtmliir Imiiilv ran rank with . inan: - mmmm mm J - Time Das;, uicklv. death eoon awalloAa lite, And he ha. had nothing who ne'er had.. wife. MAR.oM.-lt peopFe prate aa they will, the woman waa never born yet who . . 1 ..., . -- h., 1 . -P. ' would not cheerfully and proudly give ner -0r t,e conntn, ...,: rlll , , ; e f .nd her whole destiny into . worthy rtMtuce 1,c i)rK. . . . . , , . ' , fi,:;rL '" hand.el the right time and under fifing , , . eircum.t.nce., th.t is, when her whole heart and conscience accompanied and sanctified tbt gift. But ought alsraya to be miMlinn. not .if nece.sit v. but choice ; ev- .. l . l. . 1,,, . 1,.,,, in... ..... . . .. ... nr. LUI BVHIl a ainglc life may oe, unnappy m.rneu me temmtM wor(C,0 rearel. a torment , ,. . . k, II Oil. WllltU lliriu i.iiurr' " ..-. , T, Ci ROWTII orODl t'.T.rS OLD BHD ., lrVin , prow c.riv . . . .t..inod . ODI),t. . .1 non 01 .v ...uu .., 1 , , . nQ yr, h f. . l D..I&. . I. - ..... ik. ..-aal IkAIVPA Blip ll.n I II I II II III 1 1 l T ' llivuv 01 uwnui i I'uuii aire w-- ""S' , . 1 , 'J of the; Aew York became aa popnloua aa Boa- ton J before the Revolutionary war; Ih .'a '.Inl.ia lia.l lakan the leadof both ----- . oldr i,lcr8 mtnf 9tr bcfore lh jwar; About 1811, New York became as popu . ..... . . ..w. mus aa I'Miiaueipnia, eacn coniannng iow, (I(H) i r),abi tnna ; Baltimore overtook Boston about the yfir jgtjo, The principle new etliea grow to the number of 10,000 nearly aa follows: Pill burg in 65 y-ars; UsIaeNle.M years; fin cin.iati.2a year.; Chicago, 12 yeara; and Milwaukee, 10 year.. ' ne ,0OVB n"m" "" 000 in the number ol y rar from their hirtli ..follows: Boston IM; Albany. 220; Newl V I. Ihn. lI....Jnlnkia RO f aj ( Irl. -alia PMS Nr. OHc.n..,''"''"""' " um. si. rm . nr; n i . 4 nur amw honisville. 61; Cnein...... 30, Ckv.Uad, U ur tggn . . 4., IWt.M; fb.esgo, 16, snd M.lwau . ' kee, 17 years. Tolcdu (tlh.e) Ul.dc. B: ii"t ob-iinat in yur n off aiol A ii It I I I, T I R A I. . When Shall we Seilt This is a question among format of no little importance. There U a, time to wtl as well as a time to raise, ami wise is he who lcanm when that time )H Nome fanners always hold on fir biWnrW 14 ,1 "L 1 u r ' "v "'" 'I . 1 , .. "JJ ? f lur inMlUot. Uthcrä evil as much M possible k-lore th i' r pruduco is ready tor sull till' fi ill' tlii'i'i. mat I ... C.,11 I. . , .... f itnc market. ' have known wol powers to btrfflin their Wool Several months in aK a,irc of the I im of H... i: ""Sh iy K'P '""n,lllJ U,lC' 11 ,n,"ht tu "Telt converted into monev. As a rule, Hth of these classes are in the wrong. "i. .....KChor .Wblo te rt ------ ' ' j.. i-' am iMHuuvimittuj. ,urk and '.Cef should Ixs Sold when ll.ev arc rcadv, wool when it is readv. grain when it is ready, root tT0, i i ...1 ..,...!.. ... ...i ; . n ti iiviui', iiii, ihm main mo I'llllt ll'.ll .... . . liv hfonlmr nft.T tin- nrni.r timo nl" Hy keeping after the proper time of Aatl.A II, .... lä aa I n'lli-o a a im . a B . fn una.... I at B lMll- 10 ouuic 1000, ooma . ui , v.. v; urn iiiu uiiuiuvi , 1111; .um- ket price is l)eit at the regular time of sale. So that he who makes it a rule jtu sell everything at a rroier Beaaoti, in the long run gets the beat prices, . . meets with tl.C lewest losses, and re- aiizes ine largest proms. The past 6easou farmers generally violated this rule, which did not a lit- It . t . at. tie to intensify the panic and heighten the general pecuniary cmlarrasiment and so lu lliu end to prices of their own pro ducta, lind the firmere all over tho oU,rxCi this rule, and pntbed ' everything fallt) market as fast as it WSS ready, it Wotlld have kept Up a i.,.:aL. t,.nln at., I 1 ,r. .-nt,.l in a. trroat 1 . . no the commercial world. liiere aits , . , e 1 . t"'CS when their sales, or refusal tt. 'eil mav make or hreak a whole COUIl- try. Country merchants every wnere l....av..l Aä i MB . I nine t Itiol'A . . a UC-IIU UU U.V .,.UV.nP.vo.v,M..n the money to meet their maturing city bills: and citv merchant dewnd on . . 1 r d u; country nn:rt iillius rn 1.1 B 1 . A .A . . mm, m . fl wtiole country, creates pninc, aim hc rvc and Uc iwmcr I ' , , , , I a... f , . . .... ,..,l. nil .ABI If tlin tfirm ninivin nn 1 11 mv ivci. ai mv iss "tun in nun ttn int. mi. t'n wnw wnw 0 ivAwsh 0 ... -. vests, tlie conimeitial could calculate u-ill. oot-liiintv 11 1 win it-; trade, ftlld ITC- . ......... , - ncral failure or emharrassincnt need never m-ctir. Fanners could never , . a., il... ...... MIIIIT lOMII Kill II S ISUW, V'I . petition among tradeia would ensure 1 1 a c 1 1 all Hint could lie AMonh d lr their 'produce. So we conel title that it would not only be lcst lot farmers, hut hest f;,-the whole country and worh I, for oUvyye ,r, ruto nellalways .g . , to II cotl-.ti, Wm,, sugar, hemp. wheat, stuck, and all the K-ading aril- , .. u,M - .il(, umn tlinv a. a prc at ,; ,.,e . Vc-v Farmer. 1 ,i'ii desiru to Ik- certain that a a AV are hhI Itwn, put. 1.1. ... :.. .. .. .. Ii .1... I.!.. . ii. Inn. "k in ... ,... "-- -r " - nn t In in .ft In , I. I ilri I), an ... htlriUe rwle hi . II gotal It rt hid "110. i 1