Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER, VOL. L ft EVERT iKlDaV, AT UntUH, DUBO! COt'HTV, IDU4, BV MEHRING EH, DOANE 6 SMITH JASPER, INDIANA. FHIHAY. JULY 9. able to nuist io the proper management of 1858. NO. 18 The Educatisa of Wnmn i n education ul itnmMn .1 .i.. ... . . da, i- meanly wretched, w. . .J ,, 7." ' IT !? ,dUr"i"' f CbiM"n a T "T ,8,,1 "ne who" i'h useful know- ofncc-coK,tH ,v Main rIM, 4 er jr sis I S.TZr'if MMl an Bn, r, wo b-B. , h"v -t "lush., portion of her youth in c- SS -t--1 VV'no doe. not pre fer . THR.MS-STRICTLY IN A n'A W E : Rdee.,0. fe 'I ZTu7. i!7L.Tl . ? ' te idle frivolity! What bus- - mi luwflfg flingle Kubseriptiun, fur fift, N for six month", frm!. 1.... j u - - il . . . . . ' 'i -n they acquire ,, ,ch(1, .,, . " -' "' "V n.... ..L- " .. . v.-.u. ,(lB, fIi ctll:drcn .,.. ,.,:,!,. I..,.-, .ft Ar er AttVKin-iiKo Per lonarts nt lu li ' ''1 ur !.' t aa . . at 1 - a "'I .n ri VV. li Each mbat-quent luaerlfoa, uh ut iec"lc l.oneer advertise stent, at same rote. A (nen' ,1,e cI,e(r never made a great man, iracHjn n r u 'ii qiinr' ur fqunr.-, , runted, ' ut hindered multitudes from be i note wno really becme educated, becum. . i. inn a uu ions alter they leave ,,,,, ... II II. . . I UVIII', l II iii i -'-'- ii n-miy LTial men are it .i : tie ru Inno ' .T ......mi, , B 0 aucieiy I 1 . i a. m a I o bv their own ...... .. "Ul" "u "ci.geirom ine of their 00. " '"7 '"".mother at home; that under htr M -v. und blee.tinSt to the race Do our faal.ion- o. Great men are rot made at a nii-n re. Tltfaa afffe I run ! r tnn aii' lit mVvi Mlatnteiitaj a rt-dsorial ie dfdu !"r' .-'J ' Wh , : "P ;. M . " . f- paramount dutie. that; .ik.j ui irminnrm ni btilh 1 1 i? ralofa ----- r h n rufynpm J,...,,! ....... (our college, but in spite of them on. oecon,,ng!iol0 ft.in4)e iftlinariei prepare their pupiL 1 tnea.d ' fur iheaa high wd buly reaponaibilitle! Do ami aoticoa of like eharacti-f paid for in tdvaavea. AhM'V .sr. i AMMMTlf. For Toavnablfj iStiea, each, "Fr (uniy i Ditti it. Cieeuit, r Sjme, a (tf i . iL. .' .i. .1. I . mm. . a eaai 10 ül . u r i ry re coil Wf)mpll ,, h,.rn. , ' W9h knowlcdMofi few Eo.lW, book r Z . ' " "c""-,'"Jr 1.00 (with, ore.alnn.1 .PrikrC o (" 7' 4 -o'-- the aid o.; J.0O Oer,..-,) a .tili W,.Lte4of ' ' ' Muricj the beat a.d umt v.iuabie o. thvir ' 't-) W kDW f " "1,?r rM,"0 W D'i day. art devoted I aack l.bne. -1?" fT"? J" -f- . adminiater aulely to fatrky, little letmninr 1? " X "J, "Jl!? ",y H " it l. -L.TlT.. .. V . . n c it i he faahion. Philadi lohia Arena. I'liat vtry many Not 10 Bud. I.. - . it . ... . int' . i. a v i raiia.'tiur. rhio ,....r amunj ita id..r-. bj n .oon-i-' WrU- W''U fur"' talent.deveJ. hh- rut tba Mlowiiig: op 00 ,',",,'' rf1,,i o thouSbt, releaUon, The Familiei of Poet. Theprincipilof one .f our -r ct school.' ' Merciee ,j u und judgment ; attal Ii ia impoaaible to ronu-mplate the early KM beta sending ebculartlu the parent 7 WMli ni0" pr' ciou,i rk MIgaYt leaih of j ron'a 6rat child, hkoari reflect MpapilL which, tigmi d ttt.d returned, will ' b P' nt Ul ftlrtifai of the mind, h aadly on iliefateaol the faruiliea ul our; auli.oiue kin to li fl 1 1 mien puniafiriieiit . or Ileal exirciae of the mtuclea. It ia greatest poeta. eorporeahy ui OtkarwW, as rr.av ,i hi i ',rro 1 "k"pare ano aiu'oii each meI without , afgmeut be proper. J he fol owing an- "el VJ Wm heartily i ton, but both left eaoghUM, and both; awerpr-ivir that aoiua uf the ptrtlMa arc l"0 fwlM contempt namea are t.ot rx'inet. phiaed ttt th id. j: which all men oi tcnae (h I for a.erc paint, d Addison had otily on- childa dwugbter lit. RaT7f Yutir licbin eirk l " l'""e6 "d !a hienahle felly. Seneible a girl uf ton e fire or ais yer at her lather'-, law i diitif received. I hop aa tu my Jobt.l h,f mim or the way in death. She died unmarried, at the age of j you will loe Mat intl a4 oliu a vou kin.. wn,c" ""'onaui.. taetca miMpend .eighty year ortaoee lletabal boy i-J,fn. Hitho I tn habit et hnu unreif, it et Firmness 0f a Loving Girl in a Pat Well, let him go, and Jet him atay I do not mean to din. I puean he'll rind that I can lira Without him, if I try. 11 thought to frighten me with frowna, Ho terrible and black He'll atay away a ihourorid year Before I tck him back! Heaajd ihat I htd tried wrong. And f. beridr: I trou'l forget hin, Tie, that . I wouldn't if I abed. If I waa wrung, what right had h To be 9) eroa with in el 1 know I'm not an angel quite I don't pretend tu be. H hud another aweelheart onet, And now when we fall out, lie alwaya ahe wan not croan, And tlia .he didn't peut. It i eni i'C' '. to rex a aaint ll'a more than I can bear; I wich (hut girl of hi waa -Well. I don't care where. lie think that ahe wtt pretty, tea Wat her u'iful aa godd; I wumder it she'd get him back Again, nuw.if ahe couldl I know hc would, and there the io She bee hlni iat in eight; And now it'e niter nine o'clock pcebaaa be'a tliere tu night. I'd fclinott w rit to hui to come But tbeaj I re aaid I won't; I 'Io nut care no much, but he Shan't bare hi at), if I don't. Beai'aV I know that I waa wrung, And he waa in the right; I rjues I'll tell him au and then 1 wiali lu'd come to-night! AlI(llnRAL. Preoerving Fruit for Winter Ute. Since the inutkod of preserving fruit in ita natural täte was firt intr.) 'Jnced, a reat variety of cans and jftrs have boen loTeotod and patented, !tracu cluiuiiiipj niu opeciaj merit. Experience bus prnven that tin if not joogood aa glaa, t-tono or cart hen -j arts s H wliaMe t curreaiuii, owing to the acid contained in the fruit, and often imparts an tuipleaaant flavor and dark color to the fruit. The Louisville Glas Work have dately cuimm nvd man oiactu ring a ltSW htvle of fruit jar. said to possesa u Jvun tagen over anv oOierg for eaey jaud perfect sealing. The jar ia aimi jlar in firm to tfcosc iWmerij used, ex cept the moatl or neck, which ioinads of the usual eire of the common flat oork. This Bstl il tornied with a -h.'tild. r. upon wliieh the cork reata, whieh will prevent its t-ver being Iforced in bj the fifnttur of the at juioaphere. in conr.qii' tuv of the cool iupT and rdirhikajc ot the contents, but Uft prtaWJrw Oolj rendi-rs tho cork mm tight, as it ia foced doWrfj on tho sliotildt r or tSdge, and with the ordi 'nary Pealing renders them perfectly l..t. .....1 ' 1 I l lu t I . . iiiii. mm ctwuiy uncoraeri, wune lu Pay hut Dibt -It ia a email one, to bc!ottle8 and corks mav be preserved V bin MS! and alter they Farqnhar left two girl dependent on the aure, and apparently not worth a ringh jand Uferl for years, as good as new tma lu ''' l 6rc ln("' Parlur ornamentK, friemhl.ip of hi friend Wilke the actor thought. Why not then pay itt Why bei aoni; of our readers mar not -me he never il lets sadjthlag " krkl fpellin outragualy it Sohl. Wnll ip h:m wet. ar, an.! you will renvi- oiy ihsnkt. "T. B.i i Waal seres taa tor J t.u bnu aich a ibeHat d thai lie is my iub ty my Aifo'a fuat huahand." mov nM n ft - - - , ... . u U. , ,. .,. auic pjtrw mu iwu mwvty vy uiriu nunc iib nrn iw " mm. ...r .....iiiuiaiiun 01 with thcdotail t. f ' gawa. Dt voting them-lve to the n.osi I'hey had a email petiainn from the Guvern-idun! Why not take that little thorn outL . ... '8 I,roeninS frivol uu seeupsttsaa. the time not watted ment- and having onfned their father. andif your finger at one! It will fetter,t we ?lVc tbe pf0--4 wr their in diaaipation ia rpent in preparing paltry teen hit reptitttion otitltarably etabliahed,jIlowd to remain, and cauae ten I: met the bent' lit. ornemcntt for the person or the chimney Ootii liied unmarried. trouble. Why not relieve the conscience The fruit to 1 preserved should bs piece. I It tny wonder that o mnnv think The roo end daughter of Coleridge both of thl liu!e ,0d! You will feel tho bet- J scalded, or boiled in a kettle for a few tnat th"y are fit only for t toy .r a altve, io-! Jied childlcsa. tcr ol it by eo doiog. 1 ou contracted th-j unnntoa. and kept covered while Cook- j .i l. : i j iii: rv: i I til Liull A.p Tilt 1,11 t li .icad of beinir He nual. .1, nartner. the The iwr, nn- f IVaJt. r Scn .,. 'del l knowingly and willingly. Did you ing If the fruit ia not of a very juicy Th- lotioarmg pleattnl vaeedoU i relo- friend, the hclpmtte of man. 'children-one of the two daughters died uii-t "" VJ ! Cetfalelt you did! , , I ' ttd toste Urne. luce Ly ti.e Boalon P.t:- But there i a f.r grctter Iota to estere,' rried, und he Sediere now repretented Tbeu why not do it at once! Kvery day' ,,8"lcltr' 8 mtlt aitr snouia oc put A baiiteior ir;,-,.dpf nura was rullnj a day '. all thit faahionable foolery, iban their.ere ithout a d.ugbter. Mow little coald Scott !delay "coae morally ths amouiit of the, to P"rtMit Imrntng. Ungar may St lata tyo Ibroegk A bei, it. l'.ia Btttf lost of time, asd ihat la "l-e lott cf mind foresee the failure of male haue. obügatiou. Kememler, too, that your little he added now to suit the taste, or it - en be ftvteok a lull girl am: boy ap-'the loss cf a human being io the right place The poet of the "r'arie Queen" lost a debts, and a thousand other men s little may be omitted until the jar is opened fsrfsstly es tbf If Way tt acbeol. Tho little ia bsaasa SSelety, " Cbiid when very young, by tire, when the 1" "skc ,i,,,c 'o"ne fof your creditor; for US. The jars to 1 filled should girl appoand to be live or til your. old. ssd G.rla at our fsthtensble boanÜng tchoo Is rebeU burned hit house in Ireltnd. jor hJ en,bl hlm to P7 bi ,raT' debt. öc.t ; a j,an 0f waterand keptboil- aat.baautilul atat.ov II -r eye wen are deprived of the ineatunabie privi'ege of: Some of the poet htd tout and no daugh or feed hit workmen and een kls MSShla j to prevent thoir breaking when UtSSWifti a glem .J intrsas bspplseta. reois the fields tnd escrcitingiu the open ura. ,ry a-fjing in time like theee. Don't you .i'.- It iR ,,t in mm aasal c tr? ron.Ur audh.rel, .wed w,-h Ike bsss of air. Ittsy ante so tHst to seeteatsltte lbs Thu. we r.d of Chaucer', son- Dry !tliowi:i You do. Well, the,, rentit 1 lc In,U 18 MU lD' aa We" 85 10 rcnr O ' Ksebeler I. ok -d at ber for a woj,.r, ,,, bcsu, of n3,(jrei Ul. 1Mjon., drn'a -on-of the aont of Rornt of Allen ntount at once, and to-night lb gho.' '',0 vttrt""' more perfect under the uiumeiit sdaiirtpsly, Kh- Hit t li i cflanee o .wer and mxtdneaa .f il. r .in ,i ... a - - --- r n. V ... .i .... ... of that debt will not trouble vour dreams, 'oork when cooled. ith a small dip- I aa - i. - wivi 1 iiv l tnu rr i n aun v a a 1 . i uhl' as - ui i with s asd srhk n et;-er voic-aalu jhtve no time fur the t rquiaiiiun ol health, Campbell's aoii of Jloore a aun-.i.S ol eu him wit' , "II sVi )nu gut a babv !" II, beccuae thry must embroider t mirthapen ' Shulley'a tun. waituu ey tue qaeatioa.atia meu.ias flower spun s I öl, or paint a caricature Hen Johnson torvived att his children. Atlantic, 'that, when President uf the An- "g a oork neatly fitted to each jar. I II I IP'.'TI'i ' I .' ,1. l,H ; u HI r 'i.t'i nrn,,,,,., , I ,,r.,.i i . .... , i . ,1. ....... ... m I.. - . . 1 v,,,,,,.,,,, r. , ui i. ei. ah n .in anu timae amonp tn greiuni ., the en mate.' ssd beat-iful Rtl fspe tbkf fully , WBfck is the cursing mother ol died unmarried: Butler, Cowley, tJungreve, ka'etc hhs. "No,M be Showered. " Well,'' vtn'lv. taaatts e tint arm aiiaai '. - t.,r nrmv ' - r - mivii ' . a'w i iit-'ii 'if, ' - rw y .. ' ...1- rati I tJ B't.laa tasafaltlK I nntil fill 1 . aa rrs Medicisi or Lavghtsr. "It 1 f1 , " "JV V . .... ... .. nil-w u ith the w,".l,li.,l fen t lir.t ri'corceoot l'r. urimn,' aaya s writer in fin .' ' " " ...... dovcr Theological Seminary, he convened .pres? the Cork itrmly down to tho the atudeu'a at hit room one evening, an.ljBhoulder in the n,ck. then, with an . m " i i miiu M'wiii uv na war, v u ,iaaa ' I ' she replied, drawing her tiny fom proud I ji ought to be divided between the acquisition A ken-ide. Collins, Cay. Goldsmith; Mr. , ..rowin(r thhi and dvspeptieal from ep,wtfe."asdpsseed on, stilt aaUlingjof real knowledge snd.rn.nd health, and Roger tili livo-a ingle. Boms wore unt of tha eaercise.'of Christi.a 1st. In In.) ll.e l-.n,.ii t . ea let lK, n.ivl . e .1, .L S . t. a a . .1. . . . . . InM ikutn Km It A ilttAai.J ibal ! ...... a. 1 . . t ne i i i. . . . . :n . n :. iiiii, rim ii ... n i" uu hu (ui. u uii:e laughter, . - I bivi t vi w. vi v Wi w uiidiiau , . . - . tetelltbe huua news to ths next uns Ob ,h.7 becosta pale, mclanchuly victims of .fortunate in their sonr. in a asdder wsy i,nd ,e istitted upon it that thev should at"1 and MvmiA tlu' a'rk; ,,,c 8rctt . . , I I VV I, ami aa mmmmA mmJt LaalA.a I I a. L i. . . Ll . t li it ts a. . . . .a t .It t i I I ! enigit men a v, Mod hap'.ineattu laaliioi.sbls iife.snd lean. lumiiliiT amitom-, than death rosM make them -Atherrum l.t. t, utt.i a ,u iat..labove the cork mav then 1 filled with a. tit 1 ' ,l wac m vomuaii i umm niirn anu tntrifi aiir. y her wet rencentrwted to thtl jue id the luolere. ... . . J. -- .., ' . : pi iincior una tin iminennc it. an. crer uix ie" n.. no uiv riM"ii. "i ihm ii iii siarriakjG mr onow. -- ( . To the question often aaked of young men: '" height, with grett ampliojde of cbeet, and' In; dipped and eovcted in the usual it to why tbey do not marry, we sometime :u0, nag'aterial nSaWssW. " Here," said be manner. hctr the reply: I am not able to support 10 lh? fi,, "vou FWtti hear! jj- car0 jg ttj.en fu have the fntit wife." "In one eiae i three, perhaps.' n"-" d burning out into s sonoruui Itugb. , . , . .Lrf,.. i i . a . iii la ir e nl . 1 1 rrsul Int. nuntiat nnn Kar nun In ajaoy. Ar..i it es i v sirs h II atirall n.ui' t ,t ,u,, n marvel thu mstcrnsl ffecton. Rail Iks astsedi lighl it her elf I tn it wsi . j rttosf, impertHhable, overflow leg de ft n. ntter r.f ifTVctii aride to her that votiw to 'he wellirc aud happine of the Jilted bertlittle heart b.e the reaeh of or- cttilcl. easaWKsseat to senfice the elaatic dinary oi.-y for lm the baby w her word, gtep, Ihl 'parkling eye, the glowing cheek, tiie henlthy frame, for ti e pin pone of ac and what el had she to n rati bereu dsv nv, h v epll csioa ad naw friend n.rf he.r . aa .a , , . true reply would be, "I tm not sbl to stip ,n' 1 w e t ii 11 ii our ii no, mo ne rr n m fj,rii.g a ew artificial icconiplishiiicnts, aa' , . ....... . That wi'l do red it lane rn. .ii.-' .. iil'n .. at imi.i i .u , , port l fie .tyle in wh ihl thiik my write, ",,",w tiu .1 lung rnout, .u li i. it .o ut y bttr- U8t,.aa a they are eipenaivc and detruc, . , . ' now mind voi V, in Stat II t ii i , , . j . oujiht to live." In this, again, we aee s!110 satawifan a , astataa an live of all real gtaee aud maidenly dignity, , . . , ... - , .... . . falae view of marriage; a looking to in a p-; s.,n Wat ... i l . . .... l.efairlv ikl.lirr.rt l.iu mint la nnn Kir no. In in m.y ne m; .... a. . genera, rning. e - v ritrl,t ftize and Well sealed, it will keel Ba 1 1 1 1 ' T l lUUVUISVU I w - toin. till the whole were f a a . . for once," .aid the doctor, "and ! tor years as good ae wiicn nret pnt up. you keep in practice!" a may tie prepared by melting - . ... a as as . t a .a . , n.i.litxr . .tan . .t n.t. . ul Tail. inirrinrr. m l.wtLnirr t n at. at n. a?..-.. tt'.. 11.:- n n-MHV l"nill. nwMini' "iir 'mmkv lw - . 11 .. I ..l.l .Al I .. a. aas ar- , n(iaa IT ä 1 fc H a I DI II III V IB Pf ITH h ' :,8: ZmZi MaTaTS zzz rä.ai ;-r 3a- a.u, pt a 1.1 w imic mint a w B living woman for her own sake h.n , ...rreei Ti- . f..r.,.ni it wil . " 1 - - rurreiur iu Dr t LH r S Traits ence ttaii-d that hi I: .mm, A v.. trV.ii.. ..1 j.. ni. . ifiiven time n certain nuanti'v of labor, one. ..... y oo your - , great evil 1, tney aro not content to oegin ,nlo the water bv in mnaratu The iraa k.l." ..Tk...... ..-!- w. ' ia f of whic 1 ia an uller v u.e . km aa uniil.i . . .. .. . uiw wir wticr oy an apparaiua. I nc gas - . . . nrj rv .Mi nri'iiy siorii"!, rir ' v r 1 abort. ' HI (Jodd h sees Terrs llante and UfiyettS, ! d. the opinion 01 the world. Thdttced hy carbonic acid ge, which ia forced .a a a a . a lile huinhly. to retire together into in ob ;.. rodueed bv noorina aalaataawia .ei.l ,.Bon;ol. tlie Co ma' 00 nrawn Willi ease, r mf r e r - rw l an iXJThc proepeets for crn and jar, under the cork, leaving the cods usi'lct. at woulo .., hu,...i ,0 together into an oh- i : u ia. . 1 ..... m - mm na in anauaiv. aw w iiumi 1 1 a aar i iiui .a. bliu uuvn Will, r." r t-iu d tue l..r.l. but thev'ra uu. "Otwo tuns io our pisnet. All th to make i ,,.Ä.i., ......i. ,i..i. I '....' T . r L,i u fi. f. IAn Pr. " ----- , ri.i... ii-, ... ...u ..... ...v. v. . . ,.v., m.rni,. iiiiai. or nmn lite miner, earrinuale n auu 1.1- in it um ww . . . .... : . r'T r- - . ... ..j . i . . . a a r-iiow aim r.t-cn a ou-uano. . ,, ., l. . ;...!..... !.. .n:. . mi mr- wuriu w iry i.iu.i.ij ui uiv aui t.t , laOut. In tliis litter a irraad miatake i made L.J -a., k. -- - . ..I. til il. '.Ii . o I Wa I , - - ii i - 1 1 twin mm aa i i aa - . ,11111 nil ar up i' i r n r vusaii iiuur; li nc U btuvcreif b' tween t ... ., , . l . ' " . ' . ftTT-h ia aaid that aDolean. nl.ra he wa -.1...- .1 1-...!., :.. C t.... T tficn ui ai'iieu ou nui ciiooacr wives iron, a mniipv th-it lie earn tint thev must itM nd: ' I " u-i- wu uu- u riiiiioo iu ..wiuuvin m J - . I l. I . Ft . , ... ., .. ... - The tel. bevy of pa nted butteifliea. They do not 00t and attract the tltenliou of others by or of thsTerre Haute Kxprea h.s baeB l.T r V" " " . 7 . " . ,Mrn,,ou 01 hun n ,, . ecl Pa,,"er, f,r ,,ron he same principle nil0 houses and fine clothe.. shown npee.mena. (..met. are said " th.t thy do p.r.ner, for a ball, by the ex- sen lint . tbs SB reg . Qf or ,h(J r cj o fj Mr. Joaeph Slr.tton and J atked by Dr. O'Meara if he really thought diana. Ohio, and Kentucky i fair. be could hive invtded Kuglanti it the time helm. . .-as u -.i ii . . threatened to do so, angered in the fol The r,a.n dtmcttltj W'.th the nheat IS thai tiif torm nav ocaren a aowu. In the river lottouis the floods hsd drowned mil tmiet of the corn, but 1 I...... I.... ..... ....... 1. A I.I. I .... I .... C'ipacilV Ol satin ' """"i". aaaaaata " n jivwi.ifj .... nun w . in , anaw ft-Mav,r m si., it u......... r Men of ten.e do not chant nve, m.iv "an we marr.ea rcceii'.y, in .ttnoi, ata. e,ita. nnemer it,. is true or not, we, j '". v. . ,j, n.Jimiui irum J , ..... .. Minnesota. iH.n.ii..,,, Mnr.i-iiii sti becsuse thev sre able to make a sensation: 'eboaelts; th.t ws the second mtmage ibouid hk to ses s more ingetiiou aud ex on cc.inty, N. Y. aud learned the pru t- there .re few rnea who do nut prefer for a ,f ,h brida-froom, who i 71 years ol tended anagram, which, the reader will ob- with a loutf ami late Siinimel there is tng hsMitaes i tbeofflceoi the Madisui, wife wom,n of health and sound cuo- l-he third n.srrUg ol the bride, sive reid. the time bsckward or forward. yt a ctian0,, 0f H sotisfaetoiy viold. iu.ion,.o. wk!y, nervo,,, um.d victim, !I 7 T""' Ä" tgC " Exio.solt Mopasr Yursu UW.J r-v. "ATTTi . 1 .. ;ef our b.rt.boue syetem of finest ion. r..,r ,b is pretty bibv.Mr. Brewer' . Jf T 'm" 10 flrfet It katT TW tkiaVw, n,d iu g 'uto fr Why a pawnbr A. t I'.l e a d. -ii.kard : Hrew,... Yva, mt d ' Buv rr t.t " , ,r ' P"r draw. Wi,., Re. a., je he lakes tbf fledge, bei si"' v.. tail) - "Me a be ofg ) (he female v14 'Mdwhnif ul Imruu o in- . Mile wIia le llSaV lecp .'. P' .lan-'t., Ii " iit iu i plitV. t i fivI-Wi y liuuld a hni it'cksrli it I ! Jlce lag loan -.ii.i a: v ktio tl w a li " hvt. fi-i at foe mailing nt v osld SOI freier a i ..u n ft