Newspaper Page Text
THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER. VOL. I. JASPEH, INDIANA, FRIDAY, Jl'LY Iß, 1858. XO. 19 fOIUNlO EVERT FRIDAY , AT JAPfR, Doiots cooarr, irmara, by xunnroEB, doane a smith. vajuaoie junta for Home Comfort.. , Th. -chief Mourn' r Ex.rciae in the open air it of the first in-, There is a ffeoiut in this citv. relented pertancc to the human frame, yet how .,.-,nv Hatnsid, who baa earned a reputation in a jare in a Banner deprived of it by their own novel manner, which will not irreaitv serve OffiCE Com or Mah Caoa. ark want of msn.gement of their time! It mr .in in the timt, of ne.d Th d,i.n;.M appear a simple suggestion, but eipr rieno have bis daguerreotype, aa well a ihoae only will show bow much time might be re- 0f some of bis confreres, lie operatea iu deemed by babita of regularity, such ss put-igenioutly, and with marked auccess, in a TT ERMS STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Union ForeTer. Perih the hand thai would dt troy Ti e temple of our sirc! Ptrkll the heart that hopes for joy In its consuming Ureal Let not the montier be forgot Who d.ree to liht th flume, fiut come him with a traitor's lot, And with a traitor's nime! asM sX u f . AT.. 4 . WT Al tA.i . a a i t . m m gl ewsscnpuon, .or nny nam., . u ung me snow if, cloaks, gloves, shoes, i.e., oi ,0de of financiering which s common thief For lis room.., 1 00 whatever is intended to be worn, in read! would Lardlv have thoual.t of. It is hi ness, instead of having to search one drawer, wont lu attend funerals, and at tb cuato- ihen another, for possibly a gl ve or col-;m.ry exhibition of the corpse, to presto CATVS OF AtlVFRTISlHG . Our fainting hopes refute to ik Our to'teririjj bulwarkt atarnl, And freedom' banner Mill rl-tatt high O'er a united Und! The stsrs that gem its tture folJs May eette a while to thine But tremole not! th arm that holds The flag staff it Divme. wm -id m 1: ... ! i A nn r or SQUBr. wl iv lino, vr ir, . cc n , c w. , , tT-zr : t lar wait shoes being cleaned, Jk-r.: whereat, m th .; nf th ..,.; ik i .;.,i. hi. CBC oUBseqweni ...seuiun, ... nr. - - l.fer advertisements, at tamo rate. At1' were 10 preparations ..-, with those of .he friends of tha de Erection eowtven square or Mjtmres, counted '"'s'1 be accomplished in a fe minutes, the ceaaed. Hence the soubriquet of "Chief as ef ate. These are the terms for tran- walk not being curtailed by any urnecet Mourner" has come to be his ordinary sp ,t.dvertismets; a reu..u.M. deduct.,, del.ys. Est slowly, snd j ou will oot'pHLtjon in polite circle, snd other es.oci. 'llSStor. " ?' A J ' P"- MM where men of hi. cha -cer are know,, nd legal notices ot like cbaracief to be,"01 ndoches. Always lay your table While honoring the decca.ed, he keeps an paid for ia advance. neatly, wl ether yon bme company or Pye open for the living, a. did i he Ej.he.iau AROCRriro CARWDATt-S. not. Put your balls or reels of Mim into? uidow;snd as other come near to take a Kor Township oflicce,, fl.OO'ittie t8. leaving the euda cut. Dirty t iew, he c btrives to relieve their pock- For County " " S.UO'windows speak to the pasters by of the eta of w ha ever valuable? they mav contain. For Dutrict, Ciroutt, or State, 6,. 0 negligence of the inmates. In cold wrath- H.s operations had become eo extensive , . " . er, a kg of mutton improve, by being hung hmi it WM founJ necfMry( by the be- Tf O- Sl .Tl'Ll ihree, luur or live eckt. When meat it.rv,d. to keep their attention on the alert. m Mcrry S0MlUiie- :iiAOging, change iu position frequently, o,kad the reBult w ,he defection of tlie lu tt cecilia A. Hi's to 5, jequally distribute the juices. There it b.iuut g,i,:'.cmsn of whom c have been I much rore injury done by admitting visitors He is a hrevd financial mn, I love fhe merry woahinc, that with iu po-jto invalide than it generally .uppoted. Ap- 10(j he been urutually aucceesful in bit jaCSuXaüi veü et Mal.tsnJL ff T tudajelty.Ä. V 4... j... boiled in a net than in a coin; scum tlie p,,-, forming night to doy 1 foat. ii:-...: w .1.. i. it,., : not wr I. hen ehanibpr lo vr t tr -t ihm' 1'IUUHHIIKPirH III IMC UVlll ll lun i I -- .. . sorrow lieo in the middle, cut them in two, tew the Qrt "n Ci tavs.-The cradle ta Huldiof the spirit from the earth to the lar .Ivagea together, and hem the aides.. rtaun' oa,,"l btJt- Ve'- tnd ,ome ', distent alues. iWhen yoo dry (or l? (tbw. do n; them deposit in it two ballois at once- Now. . I... ii i. ii,a it.Mlt. ....til it :. .m in t mat illegal! I ne weti-ro ptpi rij ' erwite it will h.rden into a mama. Never 'net the Iilinoi.hi- lowered a fool. When Vaiky i uttnor. eliuuld have UHU (X 8 lore the merry sunshine, that the aide While the dark raven bodea despair, Aud anil our fears renews, The noble Kugle, high in air. Ilia onward way pursues. He dreads not there the U mpeat't wrath, Though all it thunders roll But soars above the tempest's path, Exulting to the goal. fXJ W ho cort posed the following! Youngster, epure that girl! Kitt not those lips so nie k! L ii r i nl -d let the fair lock curl, Upon the nmiden's cheek! Oelieve her quite a aaint, Her lucks are all divine, Her roey hue la paint ! Her lorin it crinoline! A U It I I I. T I KAI,. Aims of the Farmer. The fsvmer. a.s a taituef. tiy the ba Hittiofied with a log houte at.d bta- l)lc. Crave gotxi buildinge undcuouli tif tlietu, and get them au buott aa uit cat). (ittod eroj)8. too, ehould fill the far mer's eye. Ordinarily he should bo aehamcd of a poor erop aa the lawyer would of a poor speech, or the ehoe maker of a poor shoe. Get good crops if they are to be had. Aim for tho I beat It is the good crops that pay. They are to be got by good farming. They don't come at random like April sltowora, There ir science and art in IgoU farming, there w theory and 'practice, there is philosophy and work. Go in for good crops by the use of the proper means. Kext i" order comes atock as an 'aim of the farmer, good stock capi tal stock premium stock. Raise the beat breeds and tlie beet specimens of each breed. Don't keep ecrawny crow .oaito on the farm. Thev are a dis- grmce to any farm, and ought to be to any farmer. With proper paius and care secure the bebt. They are tho 'tasieat raised, easiest kept, healthiest, j A farm r bhould care aa much for the .look of his farm stock aa his wifo does for the looks of her bonnet. Ho sjafil t-h.'uM be aaaTittle or at well tatitficd 4f the fair and lughing flow era. that bloom, pt away plate, knives end lorks, &c, un mat IliC lillliuis n i inwrrcj iuui. neu. in; ........ .v .., , . j .i. , . ii . mi ,. . , . , . , l tj with Iih cod thin a.' should a true it lower? the other fcot, we suppose it will cnl,ar to hmiell. A - ainaii. he Hiiould . , . , , . man of hi houor or cbaiaeter. A in conscious nride. ..j tu , iemmmm la run. "Ti.; u rainett in thit bot- i ...... t... ,...,,,.,., ,., , U. In . " r - tciranro, or bbo locour-'iiirncr win siric nai; inv u.iu v.'H' mvn - .... ... , , , .. J lore to see he.r sleeping forma beneath ru,. orn." at the chap aaid when a basin of wt- . , , r,,w, ,, . ,,ri. lartuei CTOfsl and Stock are the crt- THtoH houldbe ,hird y ear. '"wa. thrown over h,m by, e l.dy. 1 he MWd,H l " ' i. ii " " v 1 ... . . . . s i in iiurrrarii ih Kiiun ii ui ma ihiub ii nBj Bririnaiiv true hiiuuivl and lather,a Irank, man-; , . , , It dependa pr.ucipaiu . and broken windows, ap is the tanner I.. I. . ..U ....... I. ..I ml .1,1 I , I i . IhT I II. il IlllUVIVU I.IIIUII. Uli VC. II VW . 'friend and patron of caencc, art. ltn- the glitt 'ring flake. the ticking well duated, totnd and wcxe l, science oi , . the feathera dres.ed at.d returned. I'er- vi 1 lore the merry annehme, lhalcometh from' lUrlhf. .lpK, uh. thrAiri0 Jon the beau ing. knu ' w ' . To eheer the weary travtler with wbiapercd needle ahould hold it over aomething white by what he raises. Ho writes hie a character out in living forms all over , i . .-...... u ... at. 3 i.tIL . L . MI L. - : ..J I .... I il . V'Olll 'III Sllll '. 1 - II U L'Bl. worosoi love oy wnicn me sgni mu or satsmcaj. iu ,aid ,. ,m , charitsble msn, snd think ev- t " " Z And to his weak ead trembling; form newmeodiog ,hee ,j hirtt, put the piece, erf onfl ri)tld t0 hi, opinion-and never chivalrous, genial in temr. lorbear- VlgOr tO impart, lu nr In lku fir.l ,! inr t,to ... .. . , - Innanil fiwwivitwr Hill II !l tlll'lllfl' .spelling gloomy thoughts, that wreathe, -- -e. - " icnensa malice ag.inat my ,oes, n04 .1. -e- - ' ticHl,v thun can Hny B1M)ech 0f .ist. Z-A. ..j ki.l..., thin osrts cire wav. afd the wnrk it all ur. ... at. ma..ii 1, 1,, in.ritr t... -t,i ., J.nvo l.v..i.. nil otlni LauV llla" vu n"J "l- v iihii m pen v iwuhu uin. 1 w m - gnajvinm mi. 1 mwvui , mhh - - , - viih. v . . v , -' w . . --- tune. Readme by candlelight, plice the ,ii.,j ,n . alwsuae.aeltl. If ihe Lord lias a t.n nwml! n ihn t.n.f.-Bhiini - . , . .1 . . v ... w . likllllO, MIV.-V , 'V V III J I. . v I ..-..ww... II ... Iii.. 1am m f .Mivl l.n c M mi v iililli - 1 1 i 1 . 1 . . i . ..... ... utvbkimb ,w.y tmmwmwmm wm t wm csncie oeninayou, mat uir rij wiy p his farm. If his animals are poor and sharky they reproach him more sar- henTertb.hili; end dale, he romed your ahonlder on to .he book; this wili wet BMlowed upon dear brother Mulberry's j wcrjeeAsI in his profestf.on the hsppy. young and free; rehere tb. eye.. A wire n-e guard. Im Y.e, eerily- . .. J r L .1 1,1 r tongue. 11 they are nne and lusty they praise him with a voice of living and robust eloquence. Then aim for iTttod stock, every farmer of tlie gftat Mid with its necrotnsntic spell and magicieacb fire-place in a house costs little, am: o iisw ins .u..i - J . w t potent power 'reailv diminishes the T.k to fc . id prop- IkcbkmiiLE. 1 he editor ot tne unton i,c Wltj, the farmer it lie wouhl suc- , . , Ite.nimtting hopes that gilded childhoodv ... , ..... . - . , In tvin. ,Xew York! C.urier record, the aaton.hin? . ,..., Wlin. ,,lf. ;mfl ftf A goou orcnara anu nrueu buouiu taW er get the work forward by daylight, to tact tb.t five Udie., .ll retidentt ol I Clinton. Fiwt of .yjbe among the aims of the Hrmer. I lore the merry sunehine I love its golden prevent running about et aighi wiih en- on a certain ay y ;tim tu ,iavr a ,,ood &,, not simply! . " diet; thus you eacape greats .pot. and rUk o.a ,., ... -a " ... . rt n- J '-riilsc its vaiue an, proms, of fire. Be at much pain, to keep vour t' ica. and during me enure .r.. u. ... ro,-...v - . - i thev K't.efit his familv; they load Ilia mm...., - . . . , . . , , . lL tame witn tne uatniiesi luxunen; ttier J love to see it kies tbe flow 'rt and drink the morm. . . . i l. . .M .1.! teiuilii.Jitm.iA.. I . 1 1 m I j . j . .-J . nmii. r. nui one ü i ku it ic i m iiit-in. ihiir uhiiv;, "in .. -.ii. .L- ... i.i... ,1. cniiuren a leci ury aim warm; uoiii uun - . . 4 1 (III. Wa Ifn.lU I lie 1I.IJ BJ IIIS llJJ'.l i . , ,. mu. Itheir bodies iu hetvv flannels and woolr. oxutt isiapswying od'a eternal power, his never and leave their kneca and lega naked. Ap- rr"V'Ctn rou let me have tw enty dollars till, conveniently arranged ami lencH. cnsnsjiug' iot. PoaTMoVTH. OlUO. !.... m Caan aatakla 4 a.ilV ti i uiiu mini, .aim in .. v,. . T f . , ill I I 1 1 1 1 1 I l VI IU IIIU IIVU.ll. V1 III, IIVU3V lli. v uro k.1 !.i, 1 i 1 1 ,r i nvifnt innR tu . . . 1 - .il'-l l. ....... IV. VI. . ..V.l.. ....... . . - plea and peara cut into qu tiers and atrip- , . nittunt io purchase a bonnet, my woll watereil. ilrattuil. i ruanieu tigamsi - - . pedof therind, bakedwith . l.t.le water a wife J, hcr butland one morn. properly divided as t,, rafi. 1 Inends to come and y,Mt him, they Ecaorr-l.nd sug.r.and ..... with boiled rice, sre, breakf. U; chgrf. Ac. To this.nro idellCO oi his ItitelllUCO and -that con- capital food for children. After waehing. ......,.. m low." . ... , ' L :ult ; nnr good taste; they are proof of Ina gen- TUB G.KatTMT RatLSuAD I. The greatest railroad in Europe . ... . . , , . I - , ,. . . . . . I ' OIIU II i; MIUIIIU IJV Ullli;i.-Ill IU liiMiiiil . . ,. e I a n acting Vienna with Trieste has been com-.overlook linen, and atitch on buttons, hook? ..fhat'. what you alwava dear.. , , . ... . rnhity and aflection for Ins family; plated this yea, and the transit from the and eyes, etc ; for thia purpose keep a ,af MB , ba and bay wilcul m nej'- " w .......... p. . thev kufy tu his practical skill intlio I...WsUth. AJn.tic. distance of about j-hooaewif.'. friend," lull of mi.cell.oeo.: The hufbtlld handed oe.r. of efof, fencing and,ng btS they cultivate his mind and 150 miles, is now made by the exprcaa trains lihreads, cottons, buttons, books, etc. For m m farm aright. It will ii"t do In i al- , . . . j .. ai.ten huor. and a balf. Many year, srntil.tion. open your window, both at top OTA Calf .roia p.per I... an article on, j .,. yol mu8t fcod Mevdop h.s manl.ooU. An ortliara hare kee. employe in .rmoenting lb. two .nd b0Uom; the fre.b air ruthe. in ... way, the old ma.d. of the Ea.Uro St.tes, com- ; will0on becxhaus- and 8 rfcn HrC 'J'lW on vhief diCcultiea on thia route the parage bilethe foul make, it-eait et the other; m.ucing tnc ...ruing g0lirt larm. a, a.. mM kill, sw - .j.j m.ut. mullinlv!" But do they multl -tfil. tlirtltS. like niailj IIORCf. JLavJ w ,si ocmsncrmg . ," this is letting in your ineno ..u rtpsnitf . ,. . 1. ,1 , ,t half f, t I holhol bich sre con. plfT '0'a aorry 10 unit ...,..,!. a.v. ..v..i.. ..v,. . . . - WW a WW aas w i ' snthian table-land, dori triumph, of engineering. The first; WjT Cot,81II, .sIIüüLI, B0I Ma.y -In guilty of any such immorsllly. lie should aim to 1-e intelligent in ?' . . 4 . r .1 f h s profess on; n.t onl v to be practical Put into the stomach ot the tann, , . ' ut to te scieniinc, to kiiuw u.i w i t .... f.. ..:!: ,;,,, "i tJTA lady relating her matrimonial -'not,g . w- - y j w He blioiild ItO well refill; . l i a r .... u. ! . i:.. : J : . i a ooia spur oi m. oijri.n .i'y, ....ii . . . . . , . ,i .e water, ot me u.nunc rroni inn. o, me, ,r,B,uckv llBtu,iol, for lhe Deaf am Vrience. aaid: "At first, on retiring of .materia., una u K,u, ... ........... iB,nMl,,niMlll .,1 11 . . t . in rrva-a., . U . I KM MM I I lllll'l ' v.. ..- - - - - Urave. After ate.ud.i.g e long, iopint; Dumb w- finJ ie foowing conclu.ive ar-cold night, my husb.nd oaed to say to me. l;ike care ol your larm as you Andheshould efl 1. ... 11 av :i . I kU : ... ma - e.lley, the road boldly taket the tnX t(fgilia tbe ,irriage of iou ins. "Put your desr Utile tootles with mine;" wou a favorite horse. Ksjep its we, wmcn .1 ciimo. oy . rica 01 j.gasg KroDJ (0lw6'w pcr e.., o( de.f mute, but soon it w.s keep "your coW ' on it9 up and its beaut v ..n by generous M.JU .1... t 1 a ..I .. I.:., I. ,f I .... . .1,1 . . I ..u, .... v. ,k. rhildrer. of cou.ins. Il is arratly ti me." leavor to inculcate in tho tuiud of his children desire to understand tho feeding and care. a. -m. ft . . t iL!, k .-. L . a . e Tat Ar .iv uctii. -.uomer, im ner 'ie ne? eeteil. i reo laiL'eiv .mm . s . . . , . . . . . 1 1 . iL. I r- n . . . 1 1 i.iiwu i nmt.iaaifin l a I kBiaoai mamau or nrai Cuin ins. uiu iiul db. ine .. . . ., ..t ai.. ... a... , 11 n ,111 v. 11 a .. i 1111 . the wa. the road skirts e terrific fiorne, . , . ten. auout tn angry war w. -,t he manure wagon ami curry wen v un r " ' . ... ii.r Ki, III. roaa sains a icriiii. , . , , m Tkua mrriHires are . .. -t,r e IT" ulintilil Iv T fc OfCO . .1.. rat nvorJ"""1""".' ly informed, are about nin.ty.eight feet leb pewMkitin the! .1.. II- ftt . I . liuvn f.. -a tbe mile. Nc.rthe, 3000 feet above f - . . (..Lt At AAv. J i 1 1 ' HUM M lyVI I . at. la .. '.,- wftftftMn vi litili oifrirMl tni'A r,.i.l Wrri lv from irw pi l,inr'IB L . ' . V .. . ... . , . a it, 1 recent Lgtisture. . nesc marrisgr. ..t-,.. .i,e ocean et anp-ry!" , .1 i.. t vor - h ihs arfliet on. w aited in . most everr cae .. I "v" 11 l. " r ratine. The descent on aide into the valley of the Mur, . tributary of K Ik atniiinna aiaitod in almna,t evt rv cast rr: . .: . on upon their ofltpring, in dealneae, blindness . snd idiocr: and oueht to be a violation ol' oy&am, ia my cone ... v.- t la. ..1 1 f.i W! Saarn. ,1 tWa el.t 11 ln.W will have a farm that will .Line and," " rl " T,"' 1 ail mat is in mem. iiiorougu .!" tnc urae. t. m.ea mor. gr.Uu. . 1 w.. Th commooweiUll b.ehelor to 1.1. .erv.nt. ren.inae.or the paaetgs ot in. A itegnaniea, maeia Tv . - .. V th. elcar naht to protect Iteclf aa.lnst thete icar Aitoooa.on tne fennsyiv.nai nauroao, - . olied Sam w term aw a h .. am.. Mwmv.w.. via a.. . , feat to the .lie, .Ithough ihe bight .luined;'' 100 TT" 1 WrWh 41 net ne.,1. u The parage of the th" '" nl ? no' ' 1 X- iastnftitft 1 ft 1-a-ft rlltn.r lor. ohla aervant. "l guee. not ye..,, nm ftf . . fl . . leuge anu u.orougu l" -I BpN in him, and he 00 aitzle," re. j ' " -hit motto. r Never overwork a young horse. Lie. must have good cart) and careful nse .. ., stsoever a man aowein, inn .... , . . ., ;,. ii . im ..a . HUTU Uli II reSWaUOT II IO U.B1..M..I ' i ... . ..... a. liorear. Then what e bountitui , T il!a!lle will wrench lertiltty irom tockb, tri buch a farmer will succeed, riaco him where voti will he must succeed. paMSge bcuimaring does aot appear to me a more escape th. attention of our legislators msny 1 harvect 0f 0y c0the. sad breeches the tail MmarkaWsoadsrUkln, i.. the mitlzTjfS: J confident:, belie.edor wiU rMp ont) of .n.M va .a,.- F forbidding marnagea of tbia son;, these dtys. t I l.ilta anit nlnln.' 'k "' fe-" Po :r:. .v"Tir:ir:vr .;rf ... I . v , UV Vi 111 Ulla n v wwa .uvi with a new larm. It must not be ex- y . 77. tlie animal urop ienuuy 11 t