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COURIER, JASPER WEEKLY III K JASPER, INDIANA, FRIDAY, Jl'LY Ä8, 1858. NO. 20 VOL. 1 reftWtWM tvtuv khii-aV, AT tIMIi m ...TtaIV INIiIANA. 11T DUl'l" V PTI ! HIHGJB, DOANE & SJnTfH. OKFICK Omki et Mai Maci'onalu Hrnivra. T .toi ! t TWlcned bv Labor. I L T I IC . I. . Ye can Coafur if ye Witt UV iJiASUS W SA W rtS. fleggfd toiler on uf labor Su.uMy battUnjf every diy f ,r efletonce , my brother, Tb ' fiialt triumpii in IM f'y; Jn Ii fe'n changeful (leid ul a.lio.i, Tin utfh eVffnt may i fl :Pl'" :r Thu snf1 'tie vi tut' luurcl it thuti wii'. but perm virc. Though llioii art obscure ami h.wly, Yu niiiv rem U Hie w.shcJ for (MS lira p Ute prison, Iii' " I Uf! If (hotl hail a d .untie suiil; 4l tbou hasl rt reeolu iun Tint B)Ufnftäna csnnot In! Olli BD which the ;in."y su'gi-0 Au impression I 'll I" wake. Art tbou sneered nt and liorid.'d n.. ,t... : ti! i : tv burn ? Ii- mv v.. --J- - "i .... ..i ii.. i. ,; iihiiim'Iv. I' fU 1 V ... . . .rirn Only waiting till the shadowt Are a Utile longer grown, Only wailing (ill lhe glimmer Of the Ut day's beam i flown; Till the night of earth i faded From the heart once full of day; Till the H" of lienven arr br .king Through the twilight soft aud grey. Only wailing lil! t!.e reapers llu.e the last bbeuf gathered home; For ihe summer time ia faded. And the autumn lade have come. Q'iickly, reaptrr ! gaihcr quickly The'la-l rip" hour of inv heart, For tin? ulooiu ol lile ia wiiheied, And 1 hue ten to depart. Only waiing til! iho mgelt Open wiJv! the myslic gale, At whose portals I huve lingered, Weary, pcor and desolate. Bvca no 1 bear their footslepa And their voices far awai ; If ilicy cull me, 1 am wailing, Only ailing to obey. Only waiting till i he (bnt!ova Are a liule kmgef grc 'ni waiting Uli the glimmer m . i . .1 . ' 1 1 ai xmn m i ;! ui;: v 111V u ' v a i-v w . The from out the gathering darkneM llwly, driitlilciw .tars stall rise. By whose light my oul aha II gladly Tread its pathway to the i-kitt. Iv Origin of Name of Statei. Only Waiting. m-... v..- lU. i n; :. ironi Maine A very aged man in an a!m-liou wat An- lau.r in sen-cu.ure irrtiuuunui' -- , - - ... j .,.u.e..i.av.- in France, of vv l.icl, IhniHtU M nriu, Queen asked ali.t he wa. damg He ,-pl.ed- .'... in .h UMdst of iabwr. may tf Kngland. w.a at time proprietor. -Only wailing o.... .... .... ...i ii.i ;v,. himaelf .o the moat imnor- New Hampshire was the name given to Only waitin tant improvements, U.a. be may cult.v.te the 'JYrnU.ry conveyr.l by the IMjmouth ., , i i . v.... ui, ii u tn i .mi Ji hn Mason, bv patent, -,T ,ja HfllSO Of Jli.tlff, HIS UCIievoiriiie, uuivm.r- r - V,wuSSTKh:Tl.V.N AUVANI 15, th, d. .re of perfect,,,,. T.l is -he school Not, IM.Htk. TiTSl F " "Subs, riation. for ti.ty No.., 1 6- of thee high principles: and wc have a w ho was UfJ na - - - - ? 1 yzzm wraqai. rati or a o v t it t i hi M. . l Nl.x, we liuvt..ct. that the fruitful in their Declaration of Independence, Jan. For.quare of Uhneai.r !.-, fi k.l -tt)Urci.. 0 wiadoui are not books. Ittft, Wi from be French mt mont, Cach Wbaeqttent ii.srrlion, 5 eta f Mf( lul cxpolU.oce and green u.ounlain.. Lonser advertisements, at same rate. A ' , and theae belong tool! Condi- Massachusetts wai so called from Masea-I STJhTC SS t, regal. MfjlH. 9 ar,ivity, is bes, carried on by Uiose!of Boaton. The tribe is , W t to U. e. Motive of appointment of adm.m-.rator.- .Z lhpir ,0 that the twoUerived its name fn.m the 11 ue ll.l. of Mil- Bllü ...-gal no, ces of l.U CaracU, to PÄ l, .re friends to;,on. -1 W lean,.,- J. "" ,,Wd Uf Ä - f2KK It I- -ad, afUr alii which ;,h.t Ma.acboset,. wa. .0 died Irom the; ZT' 1 "CC"' ei'"' iSS r ItÄ'Ä Hblhland W...0 called in , in r, R; UlXS . CI, or State 0 CC.W. A nun, in prc.ponion a. h renc, to the Island U Rhode-, ,n the Med-, i a..saaaaaa-a.assata. . 1 1 a r r fl 1 i f 1 1 . ,,e is inu llige,,, make, a g Connecticut was so called from the Indian , B ... . . ! I....1 r rrs t,.,, ,MU " .. ., ..,,. ,.:.. tur , i, . iliiMii to torn rs aws iu iccuum. " . . . ,,,, .,. J iv on .vfvl Iii. IU. I w 0 ,.j mt ,,! K.A cJc,purl ,i,e. ih. lollowi.;: iü.l i wilh well rut vm ni'iitu toutiiiuaiy inri.i-nt-s. n i ...... n. ,.,. us sun- , .i I "r ' ... . i.i... I J,.ri v.uii the coasi oi i-IIUIV.VT, ..-i(lCrt. liaVe twi arcwn i Culture of the Melon. TberiB it no fruit thut unter M Uu gt into tin: tlailv conauiii t tit of our iKWMila as the iiuloii, ami none tluit I i ct.iii8 to 1 bo little unkTstooil or n prCH-'Uletl in its ctilturv. A liu flft- vi.ivJ water (r musk LBtekMl iboaM not be 1anlll1 witbin one liuriIreiPnlof any otlu r melon, or any of tlie nvloa family. Goulds, fWihci or cuetini- iben ßlioubl never lc i-lanteJ iu ÜW lamtne aiilcu or licM with tnclona, for tlie v.-latik" Mtsra of tbo iKilleii of L-aeh will mix. making byhrula of the next generation, giving the BUJaOO a Igounly, 8'iuabby flavor, an 1 boftciiing thotOicu of the gourJ. The melon in a sandy ßoil, antl to bavu Ithcm in their greaU-at ierfcctioii, the i'.und bhüuU Ihj deeply 8Mi'levl or dbtoil jiluwcd. The hillb bhould bo Lbonl too ft til art. The Nsakniuloii vine is vvrv sub . cttO injury from wiUer: heuvy and ewiitimied rains give (total the aimear iancc of having boon eahled, lienco it ho necessity of plauting on hills in- i ill S 1.1 1 ... Kh-ad o en U level, lioiea anouiu u iiravelinptn the esi kioj-ji- i '" n.w. rtx,tu n .. lt asaaaasi. and obt ring her fond- died in this bay. n.'ss f.r . pet dOff, ventured to urk the nam. Maryland wan so cl 'of the .nimal. The pood woman answered riellt Mari", Queen I. ... .t . .a.- I 1. 1... ,i. '.. r Miami I.i Lord Ualiui1 J. ..I ye not the I-ci - e n'liiiiriy, f the an i tu it i. inrju --- lir the weak md'sl h irmhs -corn. I eBym,, thst she called him "Moieover " ,,atnn to Lord Ual iinorc, Art ihou friendl. srf-fri nds w ill gather irange name!" inquired the Virginia wa. called, h a m a.. ti .iiri . i - Iciticft. ar'UH(1. aVhen ttn u ha-l teWeted dUtiwcMoni M lieu tbwu hsi poailiou louud. iS.rng in faiih, let iiaiifht r.pel ihce; Tnou a' alt M 'he end prevail; J n tile's l rial", and in I's ballh ', 0 None but dust.rd cow ards laii; Nble nature, prove ascendan, In earl.i'a u.t .hif ciiites run;'J To renown, (en-ndark oblivion, stobed in glorv up tiny What if yearaof fi rce rndeavor 4iave been M" L' '" Viiat il thu hs.t met di.t I Up and take the field afai! U'reck and loins nil about ilu e, tiive not up, but tiu;gle sHiUi Siubhuru coiira'1 is r s, W can comimr, it ye nils, .maaBana sii flj'TlK' q lesliuu ol the .'orm.ilioil kaM a f. - ...I. , i.. 1,1 new Airtlurn cmuic --j- of a I. k' ,ce toher be-u. a, which . . vine into ll.vl . . ... ....,. mnrp SlllbltlOU.. .. m . !-. K ... v, aliPl AI lÄl'IIO,.'"" A ! !...,. ,... fl C tu III L Ii .i . .rii .1... , !,.. ....... - - ... I'jiinitr i t nL bv i . vv i L.i utlemau. "Yen," eaitl tue on wy nein, IM wM mm . nroduced tf. ctlt eia, wnai o r . . out l ilnuight it mast be . g od one. a. I ; Carolina wa. so died by the French m 'I dcipfc.r u Is M a hraneh. and allow bnt one melon to fi.nnd it in the Bit. -Found it in the ho!)(,r ,f Charles IX. Kinf rra,,ce- ripen on one branch vine. An even Bib1e!qu . b the gentlemen, "l'r .y. and Georgia wa. .o called iu bouor of King . ,,Hl ,,rA ,.Tlj,re i, . Cock- loaded melon vine will oduee but in what pan of the Bible did you find it!" George II. I ft tr" tt tynUufenor tWeM. . , .m..uLiv took down her Bible with the, Alabama was .0 called iu 1314, from it. n,y yoo.h ho every t m Tb rultimtot sllOuW OCtT in mind -" ' ' . . ,. . . !- iTl ITlDe Ol 111 SWtinir..., i . utmost reverence, snd turrunp to ne . ' hef winJow. In ,, thc rooU ot melons run jUal uh ... j r..ii-,..Lll,.ri..ver. the doc came smpdv was eo called in jpüu iro tire. airwu. .u..i . , . .: ,' I,,- nn rt-nu mm .u " . ,., . 1 , '',!-, Miisbnippt is aaultode- alarm of lhe luomeot, she plunge. nrrsu an(i tlial Ulli praavow and licked hi. -res." -ThereJ-il .he. wes er nn und. - g jor(nefl Qf J and "WbereV fc ovcr thc bUU is very ..we.nttl.edou.n,., ..,,,..,. I'e U,d of m.n'y. The lover then poetically slaps bim If on , thc crop. The nn o I A Fact Fakmi, s-hv-ry inch of. called in honor of LVmie ,hc hoom, and exclaim.:-" Ere, ray , . bo lirukcU too deeo ' 0- min that falls on a roof yield, two jxV of Kralice.! forü thc vines begin to run, but it U a t, -very .pace ton feet .qoare; and .ever, y- w 8Q C8cd ,B ,708 fn m iu aL Tu.EB.An old"so.ker nrn. . LUe LUW ih.rrel.sre y..ded by - priocip.l river. The word Ten-aaae i. .aid ,hc temperanee pl-dje. BU,ac0 in this i Mmatc on a A barn i r . rwB, , . reioulv for .oroc weeke ,to go three mein- by ri.i r r - ä ,n w .n- - u- b. rob; thi- i.enough for more th.u two bar- Thc word i8,a;d M eigmfy . remonstrated v, ah lor bis (; eare should lie taken in llU rede . day lor etrery day M IM er. ' of men ' faiihle..nes. to hi. obligation.- -Wt-W UHn. thc vines when Working among , ' i Indiana., eo called in 1819. fron, im M tii t ftfy leer "ll 4ftbem Ülö llOO. Tor .very tendril neneenltfreoii! Iäil in dr, weather." or bmlted on tlie vine, tliu a -.l; i.u.r nnnilH V IDOrC tll .a II. ao...l fr,.n. i!.nll( 1- ' lUVfäWH v. or u.i'. a i i o 1 1 4. r i ii . .. iu ii lilUal. utas - . -. ' vi 7 rf liillO nw vnn t, st five Weri"r, from KefHettO 01 '" " mM1 of roofnf on their d ellmgs ami otn nn.i.i. and Mn.ii'-i" ta. innu v. .sing region, is evidently but one of ,i,rc ' fouMl1n?.tl( barrels of rain water, or about v... .i,ri.p. forth her arm., or ,,, ;a r..tar.h'l in itt maturity. Keen - I, ... il. ... MIIIW1MT, urauuui . i . : ,iUii' -..v.. v...-- i, u.v '"T." iv, ..,wi.,.. . . . Jt, em boundary. , ,. vo. Seek her, , . The people ol in iiwa- - " ,wc!vc barrels or one nunurtu . ... , - iiouri was so called in lbl3, iruw rauu r lit - .. i- i , .rnui v sicned ' iaoun a , . u,nI,v.Ind Jol I hp mslirr. ami n v-iii ' . - .i:r. nn n.aiiiV. . . II IIIV in -. im... .,..,mt, ,1 pkn around the Nines, . . !..,. n .i .1. ....... I. .a vl . . , ..... ...i.:k . i:.ivcut on ' r " . ' jrnaip-i i.vv.. Tk.i.ll" of the Jourual I. a ni'.ov... . . lus been lisuf.,, w.i.v.. v - ;oU , ,3UOi UIII lUt . ... - ,, mm.Urm ha ave. oranttl IKUtf u uvsb, w- .... 'irii i ii ii..--r., Trinis It appears iij miciulii , u,.,pk,.lr: therefore ne uacsi i a . i. hl mi ill. louaiiuni uti mv. , i s m - ' i - , man anu . aWt, Nl-tmUnge vieu,.nd adopt oflciB, rcl)rt. that the whole 'TZT. i 'l .iliv l-ft ----- . . ,nav not Uow them about and break - r -fCTu,. Mr Iben. If the etni uug lhW TO AVOID W.I AKUfci. " " " .... . j i. ... I... Cllllll' ke on i'. border. ..i.mb.r-N. A. ledger tass vs w - . - -. - i . .... j 1 1 rf si ilk ini. II U III 1 ie I 11 , . :.. I ihp ijttctt. ...:..!- l, i..i hv the hunter tribes iu 04. Ai Kansas was s v-..v- . - measurea lor iuc ini"i unn-io ...... - . . ....i.iu.. .1 SMMI MU.M. 185. ... MvUWtW U"" - nvtr ........... Kilit. 1. u.i-a in "U.a. '"- . lollowinj '" .ni.luii.u,. v lllll lll lll'l V IB 11 Ul'V ' I. . MuvvSaBavvavvvü - I I. . .a . ' ' ' .... 1.1..., m... the farmer asiu. ihe proce... none of, nnw, BlJ!,t.tT, AM, NtUKAi-oi. IU w ' w a i.v, pivv.-, tOW MViiwaii- ' " - "Will I 1 J OU K'V " " ,n the manufacture,, nd can be nerd on mde-, b(,nBel.t . lounger on ' M m Iiirri.h II!.- 1 . .... . Ill.i nv M 1 " finite number ot times. .r. Brott(iw8y, continue to oe worn . v ... , l n n.rr. I t.n In Rt'il i ........ I.., I al lhe one 01 nn maenmc. ... r irr shell pattern, smnn . ,hure y, z inn. drivrn bv a ten-hor.e attribute1 n j.i.iii -'iiu. , uj..-". . cheeks, r.tiiincui unun.. .. . 11 inilri of Girls ., . . ...n nsi anil id'IICrto. ho ''Lowell lias ovci IIIHV..V. - tue vines iu v" endwi.e. . . , i8CCd of the UM melon that ni... Who', been maaurin.' Vn 1 . M ,,c ,!ivcil to the next ICWSOn h 07-A grape vine i.'d to be ...ixUtcnre UntiBg) j,' it greW WfaoTO IW OtlM '.rS.nta B.rb.ra, Califon.ia. lb ' Wff (t hc DMJlöH familv eol.ld How did you give it!" .11 ... .. in ill. lOlu III' , .. liiUH -1 vi-. . t - . - s'fiPf'liS. i a II I 1 II t II V mi v vi i v v a lit Ol " " - - engine, winch turn, not J" U- great nmong the women oh how much did y givcV JofwhW. i. ZJZ in.,n ;,nn.e it. a day, ol any uc.ireu ---- nma,gilli Uc-doli.oreux. lute o. ..g-u. B , lhe ,r;ivlur WOuldu i nom yield ,,ru.i irom .. .. v j" convinced i.. t, .hniit ivrn iln ars and a haif a "... . lL: ri.i.. nf pace.-! .u...., .,. ., i Vrn.--ri; l t. I'.'.. . i'lllH"llu" w , UJWllVT, I..K . ton. If the midline iMueiiM .sreprtst..- bonnets, which dre.. the necK ... a all. ! ..('... frw 1 . uflering in thee.r, to Inn laamoii o, - ... d ,wiuhing his car. aoou. so, ,,OU(,,nu pouno.. uss.. , ....... . .n i whirh dreee the neck t an 1 ?ep' ... fuii in both . ' v. u.i week.'froiu llunieTOUe eXlMJI una t, that r- i vn ii' an i i f'iin-v' . . . . , i mw , diu e aa - .. r i sa i iiiiui t . 1 . s .... a , .i .n...t.le invention for ' . . . , v o. 1 n- l ,,.nv he Letter tn-e.-,ervin - vouwiiiuw instead nl tne nean. rs, warm cuntne.. nbere ice ianot produced in hlir.."iT, . rr -Tim vduiic '.tidy who bur.t in I. . ..iliv. i .... i. lO-Tk. r-H""- .......... u , . i.., ,n niriin. BI.U . "" LontiitlTV. wa. living ears "' bo: :i . r- s.S.. .MH i 1 ; -, TS iv. ."n r,r"", , p ' . iwucs i. ... i . . - .n.1. uh , nn aced In. sermon ' v i.t, wrrk iroui " . ' a fO-In Jefferson county, Va., I.H week, re , ;n ,.,,, .a vcrdic. ws. given o. 400 d.inages c, - L ... bat- before thc .g.Mr.U.te.Ior Uic aoiucwo,. k,lilTn.., , I. fCXtlie IIUtnuuM ' ...... ....I i.'l w.a living nt AldbOTongh, ...,, ;n,t.i. ..rmn, .'....Uiin .t the uro of 137 years, having ILThe parson wn . r-- ""T . "T ,. Hn hll ,ccol,t " .. i .a a few worrit Dolore we ee- U' " - .. been born in lhe year 10. ne - - - fc , or m üf; a aud pcrlccl, remembered the great fire o. gtn .. .bout equal to tl P I- uXVt A .elf. lJmI i.. m I"? ,,,,,, bc,urc hc Wl' 1 tlielwlv knitting m lhe otliei eorner tiuw, 'last lull ...t W twentv doixn.Muail md d-uu, ain , . . i,ii rtvni' .i .. ... ,iinkilt." vim hc"va euro, v two come uui . To .land or go." Il he WJTt true. he he. T),',iliti ,,K , in,PC'k- ... .... . ......... Jr.n c.U' inolltlH. thi V ill . . s 11 nreseut it: ''-"" urimr. PARAnoxicAL Bi T IKVK. . Lswn. that won't draw or . .tove!" hie unable," yon C""; est adlling, b""1-' i. u r . e i . I . ..... 1 . , I'n i lll'Mllil- no - r ... Med cat man (OTf " J"ü -' ; , t (o Uj wtll.-lVt.nn wm. C.usc he had w.ib cow oitci..