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THE JASPER WEEKLY COURIER. NO. 21 ... j. . t, a f 1 . ......... . iii ' orusn orcrooaru: cneo a ds-miii' w r Aaricuäiure. rvauHK Sto. thst White Coat breach of promise Bui few people are aware of the immense DC. 01. covaii, " - r - - - fFHPINGER DOANE tk SMITH. rt Herald publish! shieked the falling off in ha eteplo agricultural producta, ' m widder in tooea of mortal agony, while tears of (he older Statea. as eihibited by the era,- UFFICE C.t or Mai Caos. an of bl'Hd alrcataed from her beeutüul pug us reports. New England, for instance, in , ' - Lm. !15. raiaeduver 2 OOO.OCü buahels of whea. TERH8 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE! Piftglf Sub.cription, for fifty No., I 6' Tor rooi.tns, F..r f! uiii v Fr Du'ri. t, rirrui', cr Sete, A Käme in the Saad. Alone I Iked ocean etrand A pearl ;" wee " iny ltas I io' i't-"d and wrote op"ii the rid My name 'h.? ear the d jr. An .award Irrin the epot I paesfd, tin.- ttrgerbi( look kwalas I ca; A wave caue rolling high and !st. And washed my uuea away. A nd fp. methought, ' will be Wt'b rc-y mark on e-uli trota me; A ware ot dark ob 'ivijus eea Wilt aweep tflstM Mr. plice Where 1 hire trod he sandy ehor. 4f line, tnd been to be no or. r Of m my he raine I bore, To leave do trat k, no trace. A U It I I Ii T I K A L. From Ohio Farmer. Disease and Management of Horses. Ul OKI WHO HAS LUSUf BT EXPLKIaSCk. 1 laving in the last twenty year tuwned and used u great man.) horse, both on the farm an I road, I think I have learned some things in refereueo to them that may be of use to those of less experience. And as I have learned many of those things in that school of which it is said that, although dear, (boh w ill learn in no other, 1 will now give them to the reader gratis, with the bops that they may profit thereby: Colic Its symptoms and Cure I have found that by fur the most com mon disease to which the grown horse Lf this climate is subject, is colic simple colic, brought on by a collec i:.n of gas in the stomach and largo intestines: and that an almost never failing cure fut it is. one ounce of laudanum, and one ounce of sweet spirits ol nitre, dilated with a gill of water. Attacks of colic are more or iVT-Charlea Lamb once, while riding iu;i - KUtU,.u ,Ki violent, but generally (.innanr with a lady, dracried a party .. j w,, hi ufll-i fr m ... if .... ... lull tau hundred venia. manufacture, and ennnrrce. In tlui- Aan,.A,.A iur iruriiinir. a utile war -lt. i ... , . t lu will iwj - p w - violent, auu comiiiuua j'iu, " but on .be ca . e gam. One more 1 couU .cau..n,.l .gr.col.ore. c.reeted by fSSfSTieS, "TLoae girt. outfh to gc.o . itmtSJli of oeeHsional Ut.casi- .eethereen;nhtr.yc.-merc.!ul Mow.! aource ol wealth, w.ll reclaim, in alnuet sll retifeJ pUce. ..TUy ate boyr," rallies p m how,,t ,t, old fertility, those di.iricte; but lor the,h M ..Yl)U nt.y bt Hgat.M njine ness. by switching his Driver- aaid I. kilt them horaee or get an- present thry rxut look elaewhere, in a tree- , laltrleS ..j Can't dialinguih so accurately tail, MMUijang wiiu n.a uuu other mile oui ol them! sure, for the great luppliea of the ataffcf life. , u ,t gueh wbieh he will otlcU bring forward, and 1845. raiaedorer 2.ÜOO.0C0 boahels of wheat, Driest! Dfirecn? I thoutcd. I u? iu I8i0 he yielded but 1,000.000 ad- Where to! aaked the drirer. diss of fifty per cent, in ten year. The To the Diril to Harlem to Macomb'a population, in the meantime, had consider 1 00 anywhere eo that I eacape matrimony ann ably iucreaacd. There haa been a cootid- ' the widder? rable decline, undoubtedly, amce 1830. In SATts of aoVEBTisiuc. ie atarted so did the widder, and t!eu the four Statea of Tennraeee, Keotocky. Furaquare of 10 1-neaor lea, 1 week, J 00. w hd a u fMMPMWf thebusa having tn Georgia and Alabama, which raiaed 1,000, BsSw aubaeqnent inaertion, 25 eta. hundred yarda. F. o. b 0U0 bu.hela of wheat in lS4i.raiaed but 5,- Lonjer adreriiaen.enta. at M ttie raie. A i mtttt Kainin. Thlnke I, Jehuel 000,0 0 boshcla iu 1850. TU Lumber ol LTflS'TasÄ .hoogLtitb..tU..i:heni.heepin the State of New York had de- Iu. ai-'r riieemei.t; a rea..nalle deduc- 4,ip; eo hore overboard the atraw. creaaed o thai there were nearly 300,000 tion will be made to recular ar'ri-rnaera. Sn, ehe gained on me. Then orerboard leaa than tbtrs aerc thirty yeara ago NaUSS of appointment of admit .Utrslora cuhjunt Bu, ,in, ,he g,itd. ! Within a period of fire yearn the dtcreaae ,"da!"K"l1 laV ' Mure .le.m. dr.rei! te mercy', a.kc! 1 ha. O I n near!, fifty per cent, while the de- Pa' r asaorscias casarssTsa. fü c-'.in ou,ub" of T'wlf . As Ait VA -m an tmm faktrr than the law allowr Mine ie abeve hfteen per cvnt. In Irl For Townahip i-Bicea. eacn, 9 "-.-- - - . . 2 00.nuW, be auaeied. Thiileeu mi.ea M I he pn duct of wheat wn 13 SI.770 bushels 1 . . i t i I : i . : i l . I jJuur it na :.) neciinru aiucr, unui m pfo- Jt hoaophat! how the widder run; aht- hove .'uct of the past year did not exce d 6.000. -, ft" bonutl and came up hud over baud. (0C0 huilicla. j A thought .iru. k im-, and ao I eff wiih mv The older section of our country are be white CJtl sad ISSSJ it right djwu iu her coming dep ndenl uj.on the gratia, rath. Sheeprangoo i like sb? pai.lhcr.jrj of tbe Norlb-weet for their supplies of, mmi tore it to pieces. Oh, how thvy fl-! leading agiicultun! products. Their land j i . t ... it but life ia etveeler lhai.'ia eetiiiic worn out anil unjroductire, and. a coal, and my "ailor Is making me a aswltas people are turning tluir attention to A Husband's Prayer. Thou grpat and holy Fathe, I tut ru'elli everywhere, Oh! barsei to thy rvant. Oli listen to hi prayer! He prayeth not for bleseinge To reat upon hi Ii e; But itkaThou b.eai in mercy, Hit pure and gcileleaa wile. Qresl (iod be alwaya with her, Wbea atorins and aorrowa come; It Ttjoii forever kVS her, Until Thuu call her home; Makti bright her earthly j orney. Nike pure her loving heart. And from all in ai.d sorrow E'en cause her to depart. Bind OS ksf brow a chaple, Of Thy merciea and Thy love; And oh! teach her to renumber Thf Ood who rules above! Tf ath ber loving heart be couatant, Teach her aoul the starry way, Whicu ia crcr, ever lending To a bright and tssltsi day. Oh! lis'en, God of heaven, To inj soul dictated prayer; Do 1 hou scatter gema oi pleasure, Ar und her everywhere; B? T'ltu constontly beside her, 'Till ahe rests within the tomb, A lid in merry do Thou guide her To her fair et row! h ml! Bvcr.cki' we dd alide; the widder no,. s relieving tbrm of considerable population ,naee p.s.eo iw taw -rSg ZVl UdUcao beauti-'.her can well .pare, bu, .. taateSkasU So a.y. a UuTalo paper, under the '"""S""'' . . . . . a.. DiiuaaC'AiiceaouIhe Wing." . . ,t ,1t naa! tlx- K C il A n 'ne nrice OI auricuiiuiii lirwuvw w r IUI J. in m r " i ' - i '' ii m and kneels as though be was going to lie down, but straightens up agaiu and stands for a moment apparently caay, uri i 1 , Will you pay for 'em! be asked. The opening of new .emu riea, aoon to be- . lig belly, looks rol.t.d at V... vc. I, only aar .c from the rrme Stater. I the We... tbe greatest of uOr In he . h;a side8. drawa his Ws under hint .... . . .1 j. ... A.k.i.o mi.i. n,.tnniv nineteen w ir., u j i "b " ' - . And vet. witu tlim.wi.o row -iülter. ..r-...- ... . ,..-, IJasw rsil-: And astSa the water in hia hands. , CMck.. we d d slide; the widder oo as relier ...g tbcmof ronnderable popu.atioi. nare pa.seo ..vt, V. . a ü Dycrici). we us , t..!yid! So sari a Buffalo paper, under the s ai v r a3 . v - . tatrnbed agninat ny astSS. -kr.n .1.:. n..! n.rl haa K rnueht. Of all this thmking rooi ha th ught, tloiwturougi Harlem, where Capt. Or- a reasonable Injure. m a n a .a enitht v ... saaaal And irom ne.e "S"-' - ,m, with three mounted policemen, to ram V.ctoe'. CH.Ltn.-Queen i r UI 'B "VI w-w.w-si-- I a sWsw Atlas- alinn.Wtllld . ; : attempteaio caicn rr . v,cloria haa at prent cig'it ch Idren, lour 7- ', . J r r , . r l. V A Race With a Widow. 'thai we er. sway with acme -ank dauuhters. Their n.mea.nd And nerer' so rich tint he wouldn tbe richer d(jwn ttgaiHi h lÄ lluW high at. I äaaaaäal rn.uA biif OUIon. wh'it IllllSV. ,Sm slat. I iSs . I. .s-'aa A Ji!k t I ... a .a t I . - t i a ä aasA 1... 1,. ,111.1 liiirn the dose, which aritnuw i m iiniea arr as iu , ri "I am airaiu ol ine iiv-niinnsj nur-iiiiQ . . at.. I- ..u u ,1 in roiMnir uferoou . n . : T I . . , i ..i . . 1...1... ... JIJ UIIIJ IIVJTD B Vou can't fill . man sa you HI up a pitcher;' w hen the symptoms will again return, ..... . . -It 8 A .... 1 Iii He always will bold A little more gold. and he will lie down and attempt to roll, but W'll jump up, stamp, switeti, a a S a a I a , 1 t . . . I w ä f it . time I ve usii w.i.. um - j j i.rT Louiae. I'nnce aoyai, now imren, . . .,,. mnnnt, r auette. durinff a 1, 111 a onir neCK iiue. piip; icn-S.o.ninibu. Iurlwn., I hus-m-s and lhfld ol h.r.forl knew they would tmn of AIbert Mward, Fince ol; ..We vou maj be."-ighed a deapar. ,,ier u,l aretich with, being careful s,aned. Waaawr. saM I, " rj". Wa -etaja tk "H Wslee, feartovs je., (Staw Kig sf E.r hi,-.kea jawkaaet i. asawk- wash his mouth out with clear, io SheLluihed.and!...d.hed,dthketo -a.! ,b-g,. wa up d the sloop nJ wHve ' T . JW ' tor w-hi-h will prevent UwSSSjIV Driver.said I. jump that "'s '. n,en Augusta Victoria, nine yeara; 1 uu, "J" uder. ph,loawpl,r,;T,.arni arm water, JT Well, lekaje!, if JM lastal apM it.a.dl ,nd in make jour for une for H.e, aure a. . ne AUorta, sstasra jStsuraJ A nhur W il."(o .ccedint to their brains- if theae being made sore by the nitre. Lot am to hare a. cüuee, Fd r.tbtr go I yott-,e bora. ,,,frirk Alberlf --ars; and Leopold 'heir head, they etudy; if n their bell,, the. M quietas rKs.blc-; in fact pal: f n their leet, .tier o .ncp. . . . , t e , .in iv an .1 l.'MV i- llllll I Will am Duncan Albeit, tw o year. old. VOU IM do it or din! be cri d. 1 1 Ja. naa4 a 1 1 SS r Ha. i. 1 1 into the: Harlem rirer.aad haan't been hoard of since Tat e Woai.a -The true woman heth er she be tbe inoccst rirgin, uie pmu 1 ; II ll' .v. fy' k eth- OCT' Pompey, de corn's up." "De co ,ouri 9mW you may return to find leatlP' Wly 1 0,,,y P,,n,ed if 5rP,,crd,y " him in ninetv-nine casesout of s bun- I. 1 J - Kmmt Am kn.ii nn' in it laat n iarll . ' ... a . It 1 church. IW, idder! aaid I. Oh J.l.ufl. ho tan you aak mo! Caue I wat.t to kno, aid I. - Rirrtu A' I know dat, but de hog. got in it last ' I von bow aat 11 a.1 1 ... xi.'ar li.ati a beet . I ia 1 wue.or me careiui awewew. ssswasi . . a- ,ureu, ront'w- V M ; r. d Ik e Ch,6ol week, . mbsr sn,U.i..g .eepe;, , , . th o! and gur ,t a l.l. ,liriRd my first lesson in horse cohc , n Id Ind oh Jehuel I can' took place dnrine -he kspt.a. of a young' iue tW day. of Cerv.otca. She, ' Jhn," said . gen.lem.n to h.s bu.-j yaatull, cold, and-ob. Jehuei. 1 can . . .r h-Tabernac e. Th. , . L ... c , ....Uitnn'u. .nor I must anil ihe houao.";extritnti.. , Tne mu-i.ter restee ner w ... ., . tirlu .... honMtT. render, a .0ur honor pe alter going tu7" ing ieu my "v.-vw - aland it! Oh, pshaw I widder, spit out wi.t doyou Matal The widder riled, ahe b led rig1 1 orer lik a quart ol mi.k on tbe fire, ami burit out with vh burm-sscHl them fee the wagon, 1 dis he dreae peruuar obuou "v v , ik. .,,1, ilian uaa t-wer . --.i. i . ii. iioiitr tri' " " - rvv Thorp is a man in new iura wu - - e .he declined to take off ber hooped ak.rt .......... I COT Thar, is a aaas iss the above symptoms ol un Tbe nvoiater told her .he inconvenience ' "T T!"r ItZ. in a valuable brown gelding. tb.tmuat re.!t from her obstinacy, lot. (örX.ture is shocking., tmmode.t. ua- kt a Hlsea aepu.i.v.- , . raa mv saddle horse when a S - IS.. La a. BS a t . a. a .... I I .... 1 .1 !. alitl " lks i..klM him. WHICH "Hfl UIV oouun. SP aati ( , . ,,., wi.riin ntfi-r tllU ly so horso and . j.rji.i.d m.i t.iu arr ii yon cwu 1 - iiLe a true lemaie. ne r aisieo. h-a-t'.ess brute, ao you an : rj,e ctnie t0 Jeacend Into the bath, the in- n-ould as aoon run arouna wim nommaj n yVbat ia the beat line to leau a auano.ivi.. . Hold jour horsea! said I. 'What's all h;n ,GUcird the mtittt ro-e op heirarn. andK-gs aathey w-uld ia breecheaj, rrino.lin. IVmisylvaiiia fashion. 1 immediate thisabtui I'm not a brute, nor never was, Kai'ooa. Her head wa tnd nc.tcoata. Blunhing is an eritfcialj A . . .... v.ue to C,J woman with nt tor a ncisrlilior, who was the hoi a I Vaf ap B)ajwai i . . . h v . . , a at - - pa . - . and i! a man called me that Fd boct bim .i. ..,..,..n h a-ai rwal owed rommoditr. end came into the tuaiket with . . a... Lt,u.A, t nur town. He Said the Itjaja, ly u-f VH;w"v" - I aa aw Ja-aai aw j 1 AWS va w . aar eure. ii... aavllineakirt. The minister tried knowledge snJ msntua-makers. .i..:,.t.ia i..l l.,.ta ilr..m-hi d him w ith milk Andthen I .'!T:r!!l!!!l!' imlt H ttA vounTpTvest. in 'JtmlZ!ltblh.n Saf eiercla. ol .IhsscS, Weak lye. dec. fcc. VC, ttc toneo my c. , " kept above the sur ace b, the ooain, pro- b ,.u , wot;J o( fene-d f.cul,ie..-l Doctor R.J. ind k t ,lim iu vnsta,,t motion by (tf n.y buttuna.. 1 he wmder aaw I aa g , - f ne cr noline, and waa buoyed up ' -. ,. .. Uj -jaj. lng,oc,?liMle,.rel-eco.l pat ü sriJ SJJS it w not StU f m .d we are ao fortun.t. 0 When did Absalom .leap 5 in S S boy ride h.m hack and kuth. and .he fisher arm. sr,ud my neck, P 'rI. , ! forcible attempt. " V."" Isaall When he a.ept with hi. for.f.h.'U)tli in about two hoUIS be Staggered era Und fell death having kindly relieved rh H,mrultw. and manr forcible attempra . , -..- j - j, aa mere, we imwnw tu aa p her ipa to nine and cooled right down. ,obmerge the lady, the minister eucceed. d Jtl.utl dear, said a!.. ,io aa inaiuuvatin ....... lKa t.,r one. Finallr it wa tara... - u;.a lika .nn.- aermona? Be III US a SWS taa - - - I II II II V I SS SW ISaw wsy, and a m swo t as a baud organ, ffecedf t0 ,,. reliaf of ,he minister and A larasssivs Ipka Infanta count sj M lhefe ,re tw0 heada and ooe applies- lebael, honey, I wanted lo go to church to Echoed a.idienee. .... aat an I aa..'l aa it al. VOU tiUirll .Ks -...rd J. l.Ua I Tata Sotsu or tc On tha arrival W hat word, marmf iof Oh, you stupid! Jehuel desr. I mean the tbe Worta carouaa lay ou ...: ' .,,, -r--allt. i i Iri.hmin. hear r.a the tun areu i t suiib.-', uru ii'.ariiiu, ivit, I - . m ..a.a. rk . r. n be dive: men u TV-sirs, I ' ' .. lion. planet by rerolutions ol yeara; coweiw oj r.a Sotau or a.Kr- On the .rri... of .-,.; a.ture ky revolution. OTTbe art of keeping .till .nd a.y ing an emigra.t ship, eome yeara .go. when ,Uf Eun., ln . per. nothing, ia ihe tru. aacr.t of of ! North Carolia. la, olT the Batter,, an ' aeores of him from such torture. Such a Uurso at that time was worth, which wss relatively just as much then aa ono hundred aud fifty dollar are now. So, my frietids. you see my lesson cost ine forty dollars per hour then, sua icon aaan ai mr; utugro, . - aw aw j .. . mv; w.,., . . I bau up tb. upper end of (he.un go down ,a th,. eountr, with suck .j , among, whe, .Ud if they do not kill h.m H it M ,..-a f..-L lasa.aaM.a .nd ,h"f ' fl I earth: ther convert the humblest i .... ,.luin i their fault. .. . . .l.. . . . . . in tha I. a a f.... a mrtflur inrmc she wen iu. -ill in wy ,. i.i a w.i h .waw " m,, I, -I ... 1- . V. - ...a I Kan, smash went that bran new sonnet tbst I (r-Knowiroge may aiumbvr ta tne un.e Into. p.rune. .er,,. ... a-, rd wholeaome. ..... . . . . Jk I.. ! I. ta Ilka 1 1, a Jn,. latba - ' ' - J t hl Urtpm dfi Circle. it on t Buy lor ner. .aa aown wenx ene run memory, oui u nevwr rs, . . . cwpr-via.i . inflst- har r.ra im tl.a .ir.a Hut tw a swoment ahe ii. I he ivie-d to wer. that Bleep while 1 rn. a. IT a KaJ il.,r la QvKSE. Co . man b. a.i 0 . a . a . . ' i . t a .. -at- CoaaaaT on A a;aToTSt. A oau uog is Min . al inlerence; uccaue he,v- - . . a a a I a a . . a aL. roue again and made one da ah more at me. winter laais, oat wa.ea wnn n airm )jL n iilogica I dri-pped ahe orer ate and butted the door breath ol apring."' Memory ia a atore house (Joeta,l f0noW. . .i i -r-i. ..... i i. . i . : ..a ...IUUJ all tha thminlita and a-l IMC oiuniuua. Hr aitt viutr auu .in- m wiiisi " - aap . . ahe went-ber gai er bo. ts higher ibsn her leelinga.bat we hare ererentertainri-rte- ar I r . , ..u u ro,- S-fore C P hetdasaheatruckthepavemeM.'o. i. the f.. .11, which enables other da,, and a.aed ,.n to torn ou, . (rT hr I M J ' D..te ...! Ijfürd to the drirer. t. Vrt-g ftwWSfa aSW k-wkhf for e. Ileteiuact sad tmrcd the , acr cu iHtri 1 ' . . .v; l. l'l In aiMiln.H to the remedies mentionotl la onrla-t, wa now add, from a responsible sour -, that the ashes of ani.irscite cosl nr eood? Those who are 03-Wbo ara th. moat sNaistarsstsdlj prirfection sgsirift the stru- goou ror notnmg. d ,j ß h ,,ck bg. öui awu "v . . ,aW 1 l..i(Si ,,it on each 1.U1 n-l t' ""6s di-api r nod Ü0f f-turtS .