Newspaper Page Text
-r 1 SE.VKÖNA1ILR KECIPKS. Whip Syllabuh. I pint of cremn, Plftcd white Kiitfirto tHt J tMtnbcr of white wine, the grated rim! ami ftilco of a U tnon; bent all ton 1'rotli. Wafer Crackers. pound of Hour, 1 teuspoonl'ul of salt, J tenspoonfiil of soda, even tuasnooiiful ot lard. .Make up with pwvot milk: ; beat well, roll thin and bake quick. . llaktd Custards, 1 pint of cream ; I (jrg; cinnamon; iihuond-llavor, and 'A ounces of sugar. Holl thu crcnin with a niece of cinnamon ; pour It I into a ousin, and when cold add Ute eggs, well beaten and strained, the sugar powdered, and few drops ot aliuond-llavor. Iiaku in email cups, In a cool oven. Silver Cake. I cup of sugar, J cup of butter, 1J cups of Hour, j cup of milk, j le;ipooiitul fiotla. 1 teaspoouful cream-ot-tartar, whites of 4 eggs ; beat the butter and eggs to a cream, then add the tnllk and llour with thu soda and jrcatn-of-turtar ; whisk thu whites ol the egg.s to a troth, and stir them in gently at the last. Flavor with lemon. Pearled Wheal. This should come clean nQUgli not to need looking over, though It is well to mako sure that it is .so. i Add -1 parts water to 1 of wheat, and cook I : or more hour. A double boiler or one kettle set In another Is very dc-lrable In j cooking this, because the March is more likely to cook out and burn to the kettle. This may be eati'tt warm, as a inindt or a 1 vegetable, or molded and served cold, witlt j or wiinotii trimmings. Apple Bread, Weigh 1 pound juicy apples, peel, core, and ste a null), being careful to uei 1.....1.. St.. .,t,t.w, t.ll. .,1.1.,. ...1 A 1! wiuf wi f J i ihui.-i.-vi iiiaiui-an unii-i Mf.rr Snilftnn of lml lnr vvit,.r - nflw.nW,,, the Iruit will become dl-colored; mix the ' " - I ..... ' M lV pulp with '2 pounds of Hiebest Hour; put In the same quantity of j'cast you would use for common bread, and as much water as will make it tine, smooth dough; put Into an Iron nan and place in a warm place to rise, anil lut it remain lor twelve hours at leat. Form it Into long-shaped loaves and bake in a quick oven. A French Soup. A sheen's head and pluck to a gallon of water, boil gently till reduced to half the quantity, with a Ptnall ! tLfiemillll nl lieurl ev. ( iir.r,. nnlnna 1 1 carrot, ami l turnip, a buneli ot tweet i herbs, and a few cloves; season It to your taste, atiu a lima catsup, thicken, with llour and butter. The head must be cleaned and boiled the day before It is used; cut the meat oil" as you" would for calfs head, in small pieces; add egg and force meat balls, and a little white wine. French Pancake. '2 eggs, 2 ounces of butter, 'J ounces of sifted sugar, 2 ounces of llour, J pint of new milk. Heat the ejrgs thoroughly, and put them into a ba sin with the outter, which should be beaten to a cream: stir In the sugar and llour, and when tliese iiigrvdicnta arc well mixed, add the milk ; keep stirring and beating the mixture for a lew minutes; put it on buttered plates, and kike in a quick oven Tor twenty minutes, berve with a cut lemon and sugar, and pllo the pan cakes high on a dish, witlt a laver of preserve or niarma'idc between eacli. A Horrible Suicide. One of the most shocking caee? of suicide ever reported In this city, says the New Vord Herald, occurred yesterday morning in a machine shop, at N'o. 103 Dank Street. About 10:110 o'clock James MeCttlloeh. a plumber, working in the American Kiro Kscape Works, corner of Hank and West Streets, went into the machine-shop, or, more properly smoking, steam-power es tablishment, at the number above stated, which adjoins the Fire-Escape Works, atid miucsted of the foreman, Mr. John Fris- hie, to Ik: allowed to sliarpotl a lead-Scrap- i cr. The privilege- wis accorded him, and i he proceeded to carry out his design, not. however, until Frisbie had noticed a num ber of peculiar and somewhat Idiotic move ments on hi3 part. About tifteen or twen ty minutes later all hands about the estab lishment were surprised at the sudden stopping of the machinery. The engineer, Frederick Randolph, at once proceeded to examine his engine, trying all the valves, stop-cocks, etc., and spending from twenty-live to tldrty minutes In tue operation, hut failing utterly to ascertain the cause of the Interruption. Flnall, however, he went forward to the large cogwheel which revolves the main shaft, and after peering about a few minutes was horrlllcd at dis covering a human head lying on the lloor beside tho wheel. I Iu called for assistance, and having procured proper lights prose cuted tlie search, only to find that the body of a man. crushed between the cogs, had caused the sudden interruption of business. A most sickening sight was now brought to view. With the exception of the head and the legs, from the knee joint down, there was nothing recognizable. I'ieccs of flesh and hones, varying in size, hut none of them larger than a man's hand; Intes tines and masses of blood were scattered In a confused manner about the lloor, the machinery and surrounding fence. It was found impossible to collect the pieces by hand, and the aid of brooms nnd shovels had to Iks invoked, the whole conglomer ate mass being thrown into a box and sub sequently removed to the Morgue. During tlie excitement attending the horrible affair no one could, for a time, as certain who the unfortunate man was, but Mr. Frisbie soon remembered the fact of tlie man McCulIoch, before alluded to, t having entered the shop some time before, i atWI tllllTI fill luno r,1,..,t. 'IM., if Ii,, ...mi tt'ita dioringtrndcr a temporary lit of insanity therecan be no question, and that while; III thUrmiiHtlnn linflintiv lilmcilf lu.tuww.n t m Y 0 threw niinseit between ; - "iivx-ib is iuiiaiiviMi-ar. iiiüiiciiuii "Hidings wliere steam-power Is let for Planing and other purposes. Attached to he cogwheel is a monster lly wh'-el, twenty feet in diameter anil weighing not 'Ms than ei-ht tons. Around tills portion "'the machinery is built a hoard lence, 'our leet high. throuh which a door or Rate opens. This door Is Invariably kept aowI nnd fastened with a " button," but Jitithcr the engineer or foreman aro posl vo tin to whether it was closed or not when search for the cause of the stoppage oi tho machinery was instigated. fl ...1. a.1 ...'... . i ' tllO CStai) 8 lniunt. JUSt nruVIOUS tO If! Oirr.UlTiKftnd nowrrKcc!. Fend 3-Ccnt itAtnp mcnoii indcncani'H manner nv inKonc rinuna W? death, wore tl.oe of an Insfuie nmn. I Vfor cataoguea. oirt Vci.c, Son New iMu mc.m.u, lXSVV&l , ihc largo cogwheel Is sixteen feet in lui Ttfir'"'i'copio,ii)oiia rar.Tnco?f. i street, hm euro. d hniülpp. nml la .ilmnf f.if.w,n tnl,o i IfrMI I CW linnifTOK, enlaraft oO i column, i - l.U KNIVES AND FORKS OF Ula n Kimft xi'l.1,,1. rm.o H.fftiit. i..t,n,., AB ER IX .nle.tcrti8.etc.frcc J.ll.Earlc.lknton : AND OUIQINALLY EXtl.l"SIT3 UAKEIIS OF i Tin: I'iano Haw Caiiinbt OkoanIbb new Invention, combining three and ono half octaves of u piano fortu, or of mn In stnunent with tones bctwttn tliOMjof the piano and the. harp, with th organ. It is a ix-autuu! instiium-nt, eo.tlng but little more than Hie organ. Tlie .Mason & Hamlin Organ Co, are not able to manu lacturu It rapidly enough tofeiipply the dt nijiid. Nu. Dk8it.iianiium.--a real healthv man or woman Is a rarity; and what wonder? when we realize that it Is the custom to overload the stomnrli, and then produce chronic bv thu ush of imlrinmii i H'jiiors, Tonics," " Apwptizors, "Jto- Btoratlves," etc. Having tlrst produced difmo by Indiscretion, the victim wonders why nothing does hint good." .Jut so ; and the reavm I that they all, or nearly all, lind a basis in alcohol or i'oiso.v. To all thus discouraged, weean conscientious ly say, " make one more trial." Discard spirituous medicines, and glvo natuhk a chance, aiding her in the struggle by using one of her own puro and unadulterated herb remedies, hi the shape of Vinkoak Hm kiis. The discoverer, l)n. ,J., ot California, is no protender, but an lion orablo pnicticing physician, and his dis covery Is the result of years of labor and study. The wonderful cures cHcctctl by them of Dyspepsia, Körens, Ifhouinatiam, and many other terrible discuses, are almost Incredible. For all Female Complaints, In young or old, married or sinirlo, tit the -ir illlfv. i.-t, ,,,.. .t..,.j 4j 3I.r' J'.'N A '-K) , InigRMs, of Kiub I Xotrr, Mo., write- h IoIIou h: Dr. Pierce. Iiiiffsilo. N. Y.. Dear Sir Your ntpdiclnes t-ell better than any other I keep, ml ive universal sAttrlaction. The peoitlc are eipowially delighted with your Fa vorite l'ro-eript ion, and It seems toUcafa votite mnouK that hae ever used It." It Is sold by ilrUKgNtf and dealers hi medleinei. I5i:oNr!inis.oitt'uitoN-KSoni'.Tiii:o.T. It i attended with imtiition of the bronchial tubes, which couvoy the air we breathe into tho I tin?'. This Irritation nrodtK'ei feore throat, hoar-enc-s, couKhlns, and üoractlines I tw nrx'li.i.t ...1 ft teilt nvlMitl ilittfti tn I V.r. 1,..,. ri'""""4 "4"4 finaiv.-u mm iiimiu. il u ,i ,,,i0 t, -.(..i 7i len's Lung Iiuls.iin will ho found a tno?t vulu able reiiiedy for euriiig thii ieae, and rc vent it running into Coniiniptlon. For hale by all Medicine Dealers. Jloiti: than r0 years have elapsed since Johngißii's Anodyne Liniment was tlrst in vented, during wnfch time hundreds of thu santMiave been benutited by Its use. Prob ably no article ever became so uuivcrsully popular with all chases a Johnson's Ano dyne Liniment. Piu.s which contain antimony, quinine and calomel, should be avoided, severe griping pains would ho their only roult. Tho talVt, Mire-it, and lot pills are"i'aros' Purgative or Anti-Bilious J'dls. N.Y. Supreme Court has confirmed its Jiv junction L'ainHt an iniltntlon of the nroinira tionof Witch Hazcl.known at PotulV Kxtract. The bored of edtieatlon hate school. -Children who Ttuaxirrr's Cocoaim: is tho be.-t cheapestjhairdrcshi!;In the world. and Ir you want the best Klaitfe Truss for rnn- ture.write to Pomeroy ,t Co.," 14 H'dway.X.Y. Dr. Tutt' Kxpri-lnrniil Ii a certain cure ror l.'rouii. Iu eltfct Is iiromiit. H Is very dW .le ant, ('lillilrnutakc ilrrallly. "II ritKX i rlilne to ailvcrtliura pluaie mention the r name of tilts pajier. OT') K wkk 9 ' -"' '''m r. K. HtiliirMl-cltltnate. Aint-rs .t o.. si. i,oiii,.io. - (JOA1'!''"1""- TennsKree. AiMresa O'f uuKo.HTtsoy a rro.. fortian-t, Mo. l,iVKItT rAmiiV Want Ii. 3Um-y In It. Ill Hold liy AfteuU. Aiilrs M. X. l.mcll.Krlv, l'a Ol A frdir " l"0OTmTr Hcrt(llhwi, rrlc iJAU x MtM wUbUmp,BAKNfSllBüS..Uocirar,lU A W KEK. Apents wanteit e crywhvre. For Joimuao. Kkitcii. Walkkh, Dayton, O. Qi A l t-1 1'KU 1.4V Scn.I ror niromo" O I J ( Atatopie. J. II. licKror.u's Sosij.ltoston. ABrnla'JiililrTt-lUntio want Atrcataand what lor a nt-cilotct and Instruct ion. S-pagunimitlily, ln-.ay'rosi)ijl L.l.l'.bcolt.irK larW-si..( lilcpo. HLACIi HTIJaS H,,"M K"Bl". "ook A 1U.,1V ni iJlJO Map non-ready. Milllout can tie sold, (ioodiperd l'iitillsli V Ilouf c.CIiIc.-iko. w fi Catalogue Free, ltu ( IT V S ttnlplt .V ' 1018 X. I Sill Mrect, St. Loulj. Mo. 1 Q T Ci I X 14 day msdc In a neat, clean bunl IU cMOiipm. Urntanrrit'. Address J. I . IIHOOKS, No. 13 SoutlHdi Street, St. 1-ouls. diOAHally lo Asent. 8.1 p4F Ik-H Fatuity Fam-r In Ah Chromofreo. AM. M,FOCO..i S5 new article and tho wer-tc, with two K.iV MOO Lroal-ay, , y. Hr.MnATe-millon orJSawtkai- u)0fyn,lr,4:n,1Wl'n,''',lMltI wlllPAT If. ADplyJfOW. . Wfhher Co., Marion. O. WorFIT.H cured lr the nn o f Ilo 0 En- I llcptic Iirtnetllrc. Trial l'ackasa I riiKE. Kiirrlrcular.erlileiice off Uc ee, etc., adiin-M KUS iiuui iii-.i, uicumou'i, inu. A O IT M T wanted I'terywhero. 0O per w a i w wrek. OuttU. couirtrlsed ot 30 lileei-a KltKK ileei-a, lent C O. I). forJT.Ot I'lHCCLAHfl t iiAiiwH iv x iu ai. lAiuit. OASfl'L.!: nt nur newlr Ujcotc'C'I Voralty O lllrkl"iciit frri-on rcct'lnt t 2J et. Im iiipiw tirollt for ileali'r. T.ikei over) where. It. A. Itolleaii ,t ( " -VoTeltles, .it. l.ouli,Mo. Aa-aA MONTH VL lyRIi where. Ilm 3IONTII A (rout wanted overy- Iliitliie-s lionnralilc anil II rat rue la" rtu trvr, Aililreaa OUTII A IO..BU I.ouU.ilo. wrvlrjtttmim. lilt rtni iwimiif Im f l. illfH It fx BIAI LsarwioimvuuBU, ft. u t i PFflR 1 P.nRN -55TARP.H l-Uiim UUIlli O I HllUII Makes ttic most Deltclnn Tlf'-S. rmniVOS.llt.AXC manoe. kic. For sale hj a Ftrst-cii orucem. IIOXSTAXT Ol' 1.01 JIKNT,-At home. Mala or y Female. J)a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars nnd valuable rainplo fentlrec Addr.eis with Cc return stamp, & lloss, WUll&mibargh, N. T. AGENTS WANTEDSS Hem! for circular an onrextra lernn to Arenta. NATIO.XAIj rUBMSHIJKJ CO., 8t. Loiil, MO. A VOICE FROM THE SOOTH ! If yoti want rare, curfmi and talmMe aeed anil plant that will chum a Ij fixiUim ererywhero, write for a free catalogue to thw noiiTiir.RN Hf.r.n a: it.axtc.. (lallatln, Tonn. nf fnsli awnot woinnuliood or tlio chitugo of life, . "'M Iii. I'fnwut'a vni-it PtAccInf I !.l!!i!V . i "c1' 11 positively remedial inllu.-nro as to call i norcelain 1 r,.,n, n;., i i..v ... ...i... . . iuiiu ,uu luuiivci iriniau it uill ail llu iipu il. EP LEPS Wheeler t Wilson's Rotary-Hook Lock-Stitch MORE THAN 1,000,000 OF Tilt IK- A Qnarter of a Centnry's Trial has El i WUKm4ER& WIMSON'S ZfEWNO GMAV1IINE mutt event 'wily svperti'le oil tilers now run teith tcIUrh it comas in cvmno Ution. 11 recommend fur it the hiqfu aitard which it in in the poucr if tho insti tute to bcntoie." Prom the unanimous "Re port of the live Judges of the Ainericar Institute, New STorlr, 1874. The Hoard of Managers unnnlmnnslvnn. proved tho report, and recommended foi this machine the Void Mexlalofthc Institute. Tim tlro-.l w. ! uuuiu ui jjiiuliuil UUUUlUlUUHiy approved this recommendation, and awarded the Gold Medal to Wheeler & Wilson, the only gold medal awarded for a Sewing Machine by the American In stitute for many years. The Auxtrion. Official Jtcport of tU Vien na fJrpnsition pronounced it " the vmrrd of the Kipositionemdaddrdy "this uniterml madam tines the JtcaHent leather fuxrwana iftr juifUgauze with a truly pearl fittM:' J lus brand Medal of teas award Cifjor tt. Wliat tlie LcrutlnK DTniinfacturti-a of lioots Hiul hlioe Say of WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE: We, manufacturers of boots nnd shoes, are using Wheeler & Wilson's New No.fl Sewing Machine in all kinds of stitching on ounwork, nnd conlldently believe that it will supersede all others in this branch of manufactures, for the following rea sons: 1. The work done by this machine is superior to mat oi any other in variety, amount, excellence and beauty. 2. This machine is more durable than any oincr oi us class, requiring much less outlay for repair and reneiral of parti. 3. It does the cording or ttaying of button- I...f- ? A 1 A. 1 it iiuicsinn musi cii-guni. unu suosianuai manner, without the expense of royalty, In short, because by the use of this mnchinc we can turn out eupcrior ttork at , 1 A . , tens cut i tuuu wiiu uny ouicr. Signed by many. Chilis fast superseding all other ma chines for leather work. WHEELER & WILSON'S New Mo. 7 MACHINE, Now for tho first time introduced to the public, ranks in excellence with their famous No. 0 machine, but hits 6omo modifications adapting it to special class es of work. Tho Tailor will find it as well suited to his work as is No. 0 to leather work. It might properly be termed tlio Tailor's Machine. Send for Circular to Wheeler & Wilson Mannfact'c Co., 44 Fourteenth St., New York. A GKVTS. ChancChanßcl1at 1rM. KccearyM iVoap. (loodi free. I'hanglhan;-JlTcCo.,lkfon. RIFT.ES.SilOT-dUS'S. riSTniJvJB REVOIiTKKB, Of ariT and ererr kind, ßendrtanin furrllS(B. Cri-nt Wrtlf r ! mn ritul Wtkt, 1 I TT Mil I! HUH. TST AI1EVT3 WANTED RVKUVWItEUE.-Tlio I UA choicest in the world Importe. price largest Company In America ataplartlele ptraf c I'verylxidj- trade Inereailu let Imluecmenla don't wati time cnd for Circular to ItoiiKitr WKU.S. Ill Vote)-at., N.Y. 1 O. Itox. It7. advertisers" Who ilelre to reach country reilvriran iloio In Family Mils xjsr use. i No. 6 Ami cxclnilvo makers or run "Palcnt Ivory" or Ccllalord. knife. ThotnotMarablr 'AV1at(clIn dlpknown. Tho Handle nfTcrjrrfloowc.nrc not Rffected by liot -water. Always call tor tno "Trade Iark" ''JtlßltlDKV CUTLRUV COMPAV Y" on tho blade... Warranted and sold by all dealers la CuUery, aad by Ui ilillUlJE.N CUTLEIIV CO.,4JCbAinbers Street, hew Vork. NO, MONEY REQUIRED Until Coods Aro Sold. Fuji particular na luinpla frt-ti on rro-lpt or ten rrnt return iUinp, Itcfprencr. itorc' UorI Xev 'VorktrinU cw Xotk .iUUnl Median. AililriulJxsrunTH 4 JJctirrot, M Mraidwjjr, X, r. THE FAVORITES. f.V. PWUIUTl!. R i Titles . ÄlJ,,.'.'V."i'l'.u,,tH, IVVÖRITK. Vindicate I'orfull ir.romMlurt n-t" nsour Crxxl or pen. clrfor Mine. Rildrt.-i IVJIKIJ SKV-''...' ÜA" ' CI1IXK COMPANY. t ilHrtfoii, ComX? or uur xiraucii uracut IQ iCAUlUR t ill'. SENT FH'EE AliooVMp?lnKthcmrterlof r ITT CHfl I and how ny ono may- opi-ral. M .JjJLiJ5A I uct cutaUt with a cii.ltai of SSO or Sl.OOO. ( im. tilfU) t&ttrurtiun ana Ulintruttoni to anr ri adrtre. ' TlOntHlIMJK A: CO.. liAükinsxiiÜEüittaa. 'i Wall ktrvel. Hew Vort. JUST the BOOK you CAN SELL! MO.VBY1X IT srrtKI Jnrt out. I !tul,HflndKnie,lhcan, Bell everywhere A raro chance. Abu, Now Maps, ClinrtSj&c. Our now chart. CHRISTIAN C ItA CKH.I a fplendld nccesa.Ctn prkTM tamo ua N.Vorlc. Bt-ml for Irnnm i M( Ilr.imi v. A Uirr. lay bt .S V,, i7i V. Uli bC.Cta.,0. X ST. LOUIS MIDLAND FARMER. Tlir C'lirnprat Acrlrnllurnl nontii 17 Iii Iii World. Ouir no rrnla per uu num. wculuoin tacl tuonvh choice Agricul tural matter. Imminence y r Hub.rrlptlom at once. Well citabllilieil. Tlilnt Tolnwe. UooU Utavauera Wante-it. Liberal ialur-iuenl3. Aildrest . W. MATTIIUWX .t !0., I'ut.lliliem. No. 212 North 6th St.. St. Loul. ITDON' 1' r advertiM tf in xsr newnpapi r lief .ro scrtni; my now catan truor rrO-Ol'JUATlVH LISTS. Adßrcnf.P SANnOltN lHMnroc-et .Cfclcaao.lU. I nrUcolI.Cliurcli &llnll, C:t.WX't"uri -, fcuj. v-TcraeociiuBi - j .Jonm. Frnnrr A; Co., i.-.tlfeji.'i1 iit fMti itirto ml 1-, aVrUixnSib: tC . 1 170 Dunne St., New York. ";y tf Poll's Star Wood Pumps I IVaakcgan Fann Pump, Wood Eave-Trouah Tublna. If yon want the best of thrtcaril- ÄSÄM noticcep them, or-ui not stt tiicm for Tod. send dlrcrt to tho Fptnrr- CataloKcca arid I'rtco UsU T mailed opon apniicaiiop to . i, runuk auKcran. ill. wr III I wl Hhi Oi irorl IClUrlC VUI WU to 'a In ami nurc cute, without Inconvenience ana at home. An utrdout that aada purciy on It. o merit, send for my quarterly maipuine, ( roM. trounotiMnj.i con'alntng ccrtlicatcxof hunrtrMs I llMTovcrrd and produced tho FtnsT.OBioiXAi. xxo w ""a pcrmancniiy cured, l claim to liavo wiv rsK erne ron anvx ranso. PK. S. 11. COLUNS. La Porte, Inrl. OPIUM nAnrr cured at Homo, vo riibllcltr. 7ctom modemie. Tlmo short. Kouryear of un- 4QO MUmonialt. Addrcts I)r.K.UManai,Qultjcy.llcU. (OHM and exrT.aiTwathU) apents. Addrea wfeVvjl,. faTODDAßD. Joneanile. Mien. OPIUM MORfNINf HltfT w cored by Dr. Iieckra only known and sure Remedy. AO CHAKQE fer treatment nntll cured. Call on or a4dna DR. J. C. BECK, 112 JoHa Street, CUOKKATI, OXÜ- DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! NOVELTY PBINTING PRESS. l'ir lrnri-lont nml Anuilciir rliilor, .School., Noriptlr, 3Inn. illilrlnrcra. .Mi-rrliunta. ami ottwri r-it BEST vcr invfniol, lit.ono In nc. icn iTjn. meet rrora Sft.OO to $160. BENJ. O. WOODS, (lM,!rr If, n 1 VmltnrDplnli,n U..ttil .Vnatmr forCtausufc) 40 federal St. Doaton. JäTn PORTABLE H T7U i ouuit r u un tains. S40. $50, 575, $100. GOOO, rRAI.E, AND CIIEA1'. Shipped Ittady for X'te. OiJCa3? 3lnufactured Hy CHAPMA.V .t CO.. (Jab-Cl MadUon, Ia.l. -Sendforatataloeac. Tills new Trnsa la worn wlih perfect comfort, nicht and day. Adap& ltHf to every motion of MV MVMj. I V WtUiilK ItU)- ture ander the hardctt I tho body, rctainlnc Itup- exercise or lemrttt ! itraln until pcrmanentif until permanently Sold cheap by tho cured, ELASTIC TRUSS CO.. JVo. OR3 Ilrnnflwnr. V. City, ' and sent by mall. Call or rend fur circnlar nnd 1e cured. SHA11FS MPLE"C0T," SfanHfacturersofratentllreerli-lotdlnir.Mlll'ary, HiortMieaiiiH-rrednioor Kille. Tlio Ural IhIIio Worltl. Winner at International anl nearly all other prinelpal matehea at lrct'moor. (SeeOr tlclal Iteeord.) Hportlnp lllfle, Jilto 4M. reed moor Itlflei, -with Klevatloiu for 1JX) ydi., (90 and tU4. Send for Illuttrated Catalopte, HMttttY AM) Orrtcx. E. O. WEJ-TCOTT. llAKTrottD, tV)XX. rrt-sldcnt. A.X.K..S.I.. K0-8OI SHAKERS' GIRDEN SEEDS, OZIOP 03P 107-4. ltnlacd lir the SOCIETY OP SHAKERS, Sent by mall, potaco paid, for cents paper. Thirteen mdc for Klftr Cen Qronapcri for One Dollar. (Bcndfo mf ho reqnlrctl, and fo- anllni; yonr order, totethf r Ith PoMorticc Slonrr Onlrr on Alltmiv. ,. ny FciecunR iron our caiaiofroe ucn covenne me amount, wo will proHiptly forward thepcctllordcrrd. Our Seedi aro all teel liv unn lntrn inon nnntlHr of each variety; and we i-end out only thono m-ed , we.bymichtct,areajnrcil will uro- under proper care nnd attention In planting and sowing, 1th favor- Villi CVtVrHIUIa , Of courenoScedrnan will trorrnsl &nf to prow J! Mwn on poor oll. or on land hadly prepared, or with rarclcM planting or neglect In culture, which Utooonenthecate, UT-Onlrrtahouldbo addremed to . IIK.IAU. GATES, MouxTLrnAso.v,cou;nu. Co., a, Y. ALL KINDS, ill o Jm I IJMIJJI.1.IL1JJ.TJ i üt.&. Walker's CalRdniltt Vill mar JIM tors aro a prrv-iy Tcgctablo reparation, mado chiei'y froai tho na uvo lierhs found en the lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho moiUcinal popcrtic of which aro extracted therefrom wniiout tho use of Alcohol. The question 13 almost daily asked, ' What is tho causo of tho Htiparalielcd success of Vi.vijcak IJit tkks?" Our answer r, that they remoro tho causo of disease, and tlio patient re-' covers his health. They aro tho great Mood purifier an4 a life-giving principle, a perfect Itenovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in tho 'u! story of tho worid Ijm a mcdicino boon compounded possessing tho remarkable I unalttics of Vinegar Ditteus in healing tho j of crcrr disea.o man is heir to. They aro a gentlo Purrativo as well as a Tonic. Hicring Cal.tcsfioc or Inflammation ol tue Liver aal Visceral Orcans, ra Cilioos TVoniR The properties of Dr. Walker's Visbrau Hitters aro Aperient. Diaphoretic Carminative. Nutritions. Laxative. DinreTC ScdfttiVe, Countor-IniUut, Sudorili.-j, Altera- live, arm Aaü-üiüous. Grateful Tliouftands proclaim Vin ; eg A u BiTTKits tho most wonderful In yigorant that ever sustained tho sinking J system. No Person can take these Hitters i ?.?lornAto..t!ir?e,tio.8.' aud rcmai uncii, proviucu tucir uoncs aro not do ctr-n, r..l l,.. i - ol4W. u:'"'" luiöuu or umsc means, and vital organs wasted tevood- ' w Remittent and Iuteir ' lniy Fovcrs, which are so prova. hnt in tlio vallers of our eroat rirer ; throusrhout tho United States, csnorisill i tl,oso of tho iIisi -PPi Ohio, Missouri, I lllillfliü Tnnnnccna f ,M,,l,nf)nn,l Arlrnn. gns Rod Pnlnnfln ni7n Hin fii-in-i pj :'r ? " J V"' 1?Ü .' ZOS, KlO brandy "eai Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ilo- Snoke, JaiQCS, and many Others, Witit their vast tributaries, throughout oar entire country during tho bummer auc Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, ax invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangements of the stomach and llvar. and other abdominal viscera. In thai treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence, upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. Thar is no cathartic for the purposo equal t Dn. J. Walker's Vixegak Bittescs, as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which tbt bowels aro loaded, at tho sarao tim stimulating tho secretions of tho lirec. and generally restoring tho hotltnj functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify tlio body agaliist disease by purifying all its fluids with VinegaJP limEits. No epidemic can tako hot oi a system thus fore-armed. Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Taato in tlio Mouth, Hilious Attacks, Palpita tatlon of tlio Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Paiu in tho region of tho Kid-, neys, aud a hundred other painful symp toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthv advertise ment. Scrofula, or Kins's Evil, Wfclt Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Xeck. Goitre. Scrofulou Inflammation. Tmlninnt " ' Inflammations. Alnrpnrinl AflVr(inna. fMrt c ... rt. . ,. 7 f!' mo okiij, ooro r.ye3,C ju incise, ai in all otlier cunsUtutional Dis eases, "Walker's Vinegar Hitters tan shown their great curative povrer in thg most obstinato and intractable rases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Hilious, Kcnkit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no eciual. Such Disease aro caused by Vitiated Blood. iTiiaiuca i uiseoscs. rcrsons sn- gaged in Paints and Minerals, such aa Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters, ana Aimers, as they adranco in life, aro subject to paralysis of tlio Bowels. To guard against this, tako a dose of Valuer's Vin egar BittiJrs occasionally. Horfck'in Diseases, Eruptions, Tot- Scurft, Discolorations of the" Skin. Untneri and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever narna or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a'thort time by tho ns of these, Bitters. Pin, Tape, and oilier lVonnsr lurking in tho svfctcm of so many thousands,, aro ellectually destroyed and rcmoVcd. Nc erstem of medicine, no rernufuecs, no an thclminitics will frco the system from worms liko theso Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tlio dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonk Bitters displav so decided an influenco thai improvement is son perceptible. Cleanse tho Yil iaf cd Ulootl eben erer you find its impurities bursting throngb tho skin In Pimples, Eruptiuis, or Sores: deanso it when you find it obstructed arKr hiuggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it s foul your feelings will tell rou when. Keep tho blood pure, and Uie health of tho system will follow. t. II. McDONAI. Ai CO., Drnppliti ändOcn. Apt, San Francisco, CaHforaJn, and cor. of Washlneton and Charlton Sta N. Y. Sr.Jl b ai mngirtttt AndlknUrt. j S Dyspepsia or liidiscstlcii, nead . 1 ache. I'ain in tho Shmililrrs. Cnurrt-.s. . ' . J V V. k V, Tiit ifnncn nf rl.. n: ! tV. ' rrnclcetor "- omt-iwicuhi, jhui.iil-.-, cpuu, i'lranie. ta. TwcntT. I'llRtUlBS. linile. I'nVlinnplAC, Itlnif.irnnng . Catalogue: 1 öi ÄCILa " i,Z. ' ..." " .& -i.i. öv-aiu-ijcuu. ooro ivc?. r.rvsineint. itcn.