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The Jasper weekly courier. [volume] (Jasper, Ind.) 1858-1922, June 18, 1909, Image 3

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RECEIVE NltUAl-o r nw m irri o
isl Room Crowded With Men and
Women When President Speak
to the Aeroplanlsts.
uuh r n. Special! Orvlllo and
,;. r Wi pht. the American kings of
he as r r. l ived from the handa of
present 1 alt Thursdny tho inagnlfi
cec' S' ' '"t-dals voted them by the
,er, i . of America for their
ipnü'i. i aviation. The pre-
f ho tt.ite House, and was wit
nessed ' a throng. of distinguished
tcitrt,st iM.loniats, ofllclals and mll
itan n 4iid their ladles.
With ti umiucncu nuiuucsiuu o
down f '3 and hesitating, almost
loauJi N"'ch, the brothers accept
ed tbo : ilt from' the President and
voiriJ ' r thanks. After it was all
ore iiioatlied a sigh of relief,
and h l been allowed to do so,
wo l " escaped from the recep
tor , noe and fled from the
(Ml ;t there was moro hand
SJ , : k i be undergone and moro
lan a- i nches to bo heard before
lb?. , ! : ".ird their train for Day
ton S r . near Orvlllo and Wilbur
W ft'n-n President. Taft gave
then- " lala was their sister, Miss
Ka"1 ho has boon their con
(t;r . : anion here and abroad for
nun- :
S . , was who nursed Orvlllo back
t. .1 ... ,1 - fnnnt 1 nftnv f Ii f fall nf
Jf Qt ' 'li"i PLt I'MLll lvt 1UU .ls W4
tha- 1 at Ft. Myer last Septem
ber w' :i Lieutenant Selfrldge was
da- ' 1 It'atn, anil sne it was wno
has i the workshop and field
I'-t ' ginning of their expert
Diet's ; n- present day. Tho happl-jir--
n h : fare showed plainly that
. , I their triumph and en-
f -.i t!H' full.
. v parsons, the New York
..in. introduced the Wrights
i .i. nt Taft with a brief speech:
ng their achievements. At
1 1 .-inn of his remarks Presl
.f stepped forward, handed
nu'dalß and told them how
am d he was to perform the
nu'dals. which are Identical
were the work of artist V.
r One side is blank, with
; un of a small renresenta-
Wright aeroplane in flight
. nid a miniature reproduc
i ro Club's seal at tho bot-
ho other side, beneath the
Club of America." are
i rnflle portraits of the two
wuh the inscriptions: "V.
s ; N mber21, 190S; I Mans,
ir.1 ' O. Wright, September
F Myer, Va.. U. S. A."
'-r to the two world-break-
made by tho two brothers
,r flew sixty-one miles In 1
i 'it ia 51 seconds and Or
' d in the air 1 hour 2 min
- rifls; distance unrecorded.
. ost $2,000.
. icht announced positively
iid make a flight at Ft.
tit 'aid that the aeroplane
ped from Dayton within
hut that the medal pre-
9 u
and the celebration In
17th and ISth would de
completing tho trials at
One cf Evils Mark Twain Points Out
to Graduating Girls.
r- rp. Md., Special: Mark
mr to Haltlmoro tho other
:...k to the girl graduates of
iT 'm's School. Following Ed
t Martin, of New York, Mr.
' - aid that as Mr. Martin had
! n''tn as to what they should
' .id only tell them what they
i u t do.
aav -
- are three things, young la
I ilvise you not to do. Don't
that is. don't smoke to excess.
Kara old and I have smoked
ars of that time.
t drink; that Is, don't drink to
ii marry I mean to excess."
I am
for 7
PI re
Indicates High-Life Scandal.
I- n. Cable: Agnes O'Brien
Rw divorced wife of Antonio
Vir !.f Cuban diplomat, and tho
W"Ti,:.r, whose name was coupled with
'b "f Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt
i hpfnro his wife divorced him,
' ril killed herself In a London
Ranchman's Son Slain.
7i ' as. Mexico, Special: Alberto
"a son of Jesus Arechaga, a
i ranch ownor and himself
1 was assassinated at the front
J his home. Ho had received a
t ,t. 'imj jptter demnndlng that ho
' M' t large sum of money at a des-
'' ! plaro. He Ignored tho letter.
The Waterway Plans.
iunpton. Special: The report of
' ' ' engineer on tho waterway
' '' 'n St. Louis to the month of
Y -sKfippl River, has been re
''"' n Oongress. The report states
w ; ,. nist practicable means of ob-
i i navigable channel of 14 feet
""'i : a combined method of dredg
r ' i' r.'RuHzing work.
Auto Goes Over Cliff; Three Drown.
1'ri i hts Landing, Cal., Special: Mrs.
3 H Dungan, wife of Postmaster
Iuii.a.i. of Woodlands, Miss.; Miss
M'M D'angan. and Mrs. W. F. NXori
owned In Sacramento river
rrsult of an automobile nccl
' Thoy wore bowling along the
'' tn.id at a high rato of speed
wb.n Miuipthinu got out of order with
jn- u.aihinery and tho antomobllo
-n nvpr (ho cllffi all bölngcaurht
''it 1t and drowned. Chauffeur Jo
8 iti Armstrong Jumped and escaped.
Slain By Kentucklan Who Feared Old
Man Vengeance.
Rockport. Ky.. Spoclal: Chargod
with the murder of the father of tho
girl ho is alleged to havo betrayed,
r ,? ?ralt,,. Ked 25 years, married, Is
held in the Muhlenberg Jail, guarded
by a score of officers, as citizens have
declared that he must be lynched.
In an adjoining coll. named as an
accessory to the murder, is nessle
Kimble, aged 15 years, whom Smith Is
said to have Ill-troated.
On the night of May IC M. G. Klra
ble was shot when In his bed. Later
his daughter. Hossle, was seen to
throw several packages Into a pond,
onicers recovered the packagos. and
say they contained letters demonstrat
ing Smith's guilt.
The letters had been written by
Smith, It is said, and told of the Inti
macy between Smith and the girl, of
her delicate condition, and of his de
mand that she kill her father, as tho
latter would kill him when he learned
the truth. The girl lacked the nerve,
tho police say. and Smith wrote. It Is
charged, that he would kill the father
himself. Smith's wife Is the girl's sister.
Author, Preacher and Philanthropist,
His Work Is Monument to
Boston. Mass.. Special: As quietly
and poacefully as he had lived for
fourscore years Rev. Dr. Edward Ever
ett Hale died at his picturesque home
in Roxbury early Thursday morning,
and a life devoted to the betterment of
mankind came to a close.
The revered chaplain of the United
States Senate simply took to his bed.
gathered his wife, son and. daughter
about him. and in a few hours passed
to his Maker, whose work he has car
ried on with a faithfulness that made
him one of the most beloved clergy
men in the United States.
His death was a great shock to his
friends throughout the country, few
knowing that he was In other than ro
bust health.
As an author Dr. Halo's fame rests
on his short stories, such as "The Man
Without a Country;" as an Instigator
of the social uplift, the work of the
two great organizations, the Lend-a-Hand
Clubs and the King's Daughters,
will always add to his renown; as a
minister and pastor, his half century
In the pulpit of the South Congrega
tional Church and his preaching in
many other churches were prolific or
wise spiritual Inspiration; as a his
torian, his writings have become au
thorities. It was Dr. Hale who, 20 years boforo
its consummation, predicted a world
wide peace tribunal; It was Dr. Hale
who upheld Garrison and Phillips In
their anti-slavery work: It was Dr.
Halo whose benevolent counsel
brought comfort to the sick and
wounded soldiers on the battle-fields
ot the Civil War as a member of the
Sanitary Commission, and it was Dr.
JIale who gave to the world the fa
mous stanza:
"Look up and not down;
Look forward and not back;
Look out and not in;
Lend a hand."
Dr. Hale was born In this city In
1S22. and by training, education and
tradition he represented throughout
the 87 years of his life the spirit of
tho founder of Massachusetts Bay Col
ony. He was graduated from Harvard In
1S39. He was actively connected with
the Boston Advertiser many years ago,
and his first charge as a clergyman
waa a church In Worcester. He was a
prollflc writer and had for years been
identified with the important philan
thropic movements of tho city, state
and nation.
Dr. Hale's literary career bnsan un
usually early. Six years after his
birth he was studying Latin under the
direction of his father, Rev. Nathan
Hale. His studies were continued at
the Boston Latin School and at Har
vard College.
Besides being a preacher Rev.
Nathan Hale was a printer, and In his
office the son Edward learned typeset
ting and developed a leaning toward
newspaper work, which, during his
college course at Harvard, he culti
vated by becoming a reporter on the
Boston Advertiser.
In later years, although he had elect
ed to follow his father's calling as a
clergyman of the Unitarian faith, ho
became editor of the Advertiser, oc
cupving the chair at the time of the
Civil War.
Judge Stotsenburg Dead.
New Albany. Ind., Special: Former
Judge John II. Stotsenburg. a resi
dent of this city for more than fifty
years, and for many years one of the
leading members of tho Floyd county
bar, died Tuesday morning at his
homo In this city. He had been In
falling health for several weeks. He
was a native of Wilmington, Dela
ware, where he was born December
13, 1S30.
Quake Kills 200 Persons.
Padang. Sumatra, Cable: The town
of Korlnchl, 185 miles to tho southeast
of Padang, was destroyed by an earth
quake on the night of June 3-4. Two
hundred persons were killed and
many others Injured. The shock was
accompanied by a tidal wave, which
swept the native huts like cockle
Chicago. Special: Tilshop "Samuel
Fallows, of the Episcopal church, has
predlcted'UhatAwltbln three years min
isters genorally will "anoint with oil."
He said marvelous euros would result
Used $500 to Replenish Hosiery and
$5,000 for Five Tailored Suits
One Year's Bill $70,000.
New York, Special: What appear
ed to bo hazy memory of Mrs. Kath
erino Clemmons Gould on tho second
day of her testimony In cross-examination
brought a rebuke from Su
preme Justice DowIIng, who Is hear
ing her suit for separation from her
husband, Howard Gould, second son
of the late Jay Gould. Another Inter
esting phase of the case was a tilt
between Lawyers Delancoy Nlcoll for
the defendant and Clarence J.
Shearn for Mrs. Gould.
"Please try to bo polite," Mr.
Shearn cautioned Mr. Nlcoll, when
the latter asked the witness a ques
tion sharply.
"Oh, I'm sick of trying to be po
lite. I'll be polite all day and Mrs.
Gould won't answer a straight ques
tion," retorted Nlcoll.
"Yes, the witness has given Mr.
Nlcoll much unnecessary trouble,"
Justice DowIIng Interposed.
Once she apologized for her in
ability to tell whether certain res
taurant checks were hers, saying
she was interested in knowing "how
her husband spent Ms money," and
again when she could not tell
whether a diamond pendant valued
at $13,300 had been bought by her or
her husband "for another." Delancey
Nicoll protested vigorously against
this insinuation and Justice Dowling
ordered it stricken from the record.
The amounts of assorted jewels,
tailors' costumes and bootmakers'
bills continued to make the specta
tors admitted to the court room gasp
and stare. Tho articles purchased In
cluded the pearl rope which the wit
ness wore, listed at $27.000; tho dis
puted pendant, at $13,300; a diamond
chain at $22,000; a diamond diadem
at $24.000; a sapphire ring at $G,000.
Such little things as $500 worth of
silk stockings at a time or $1,528 for
shoes were trivial by comparison.
Five tallormade suits were ordered at
at cost of $5,S07.
"Under what name were you mar
ried?" was the next query.
"Under the name my father gave
"Ever known by another name?"
"I took tho name of my stepfather,
Dayan, and I was known as Viola
Dayan when I first went on the
stage. Mr. Dayan's father, a minister,
objected to the name going on the
billboards. I went back to tho name
"Do you know Woodward?" asked
Mr. Nicoll. referring to "Big Bill"
Hawley. who was used In an effort
to prove Mrs. Gould a bigamist
"No," she answered, decisively, and
began to fan herself nervously.
"Did you ever know him?"
"I was introduced to him once by
Helen Mar on a steamer going to
"Did you and Miss Mar go to Lon
don with Woodward?"
"We did not, I saw him only on
the steamer."
Favors Woman Suffrage.
New York, Special: Mrs. Oliver
Hazard Perry Belmont, who, with Mrs.
Ida Husted Harper, attended tho In
ternational Woman Suffrage Conven
tion In London, arrived home last Fri
day on the Mauretanla, and an
nounced that she would from this time
forward wage a vigorous fight In be
half of the ballot for women.
"I may not go on the stump and
make speeches," said Mrs. Belmont,
"but other women who are able speak
ers will be heard, and one of the live
liest campaigns ever known In this
state will be seen next fall. New York
should be the battlefield In America,
the same as London is In England, and
I am confident the women, both In
England and America, will soon have
the right to vote.
"Why should not taxpayers have the
right to vote? I hear that Miss Anne
Morgan expresses herself In opposi
tion to woman suffrage, but she can
not advance one good reason against
the ballot for women."
Bryan's Son to Wed.
Milwaukee, Wis., Special: The mar
riage ot Miss Helen Borger, a former
Milwaukee girl, daughter of Alexander
Borger, well known here for years in
the grain and flour milling business, to
William J. Bryan, Jr., only son of Col
onel W. J. Bryan, late candidate for
tho Presidency ot the United States,
will be solemnized at the Colorado
summer home of the father of the
bride-elect. Grand Lake, on Thursday,
June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will re
side at Tucson, Arizona.
Actress Scolds Roosevelt
Los Angeles, Special: Miss Minnie
Maddern Fiske. who Is playing in this
city In "Salvation Nell," vehemently
denounces ex-President Roosevelt's
killing of animals In a statement to
the press. Mrs. Flske, in her state
ment says: "Thousands ot our Ameri
can boys want to be liko the president.
There Is small bravery required in the
killing of wild animals, and perhaps
the attitude of the butcher Is nobler
than the attitude of the hunter.
Spider Kills Little Girl.
Louisville, Ky., Special: A spider
swallowed by Katherlne Degen, the
six-year-old daughter of II. C. Dcgen,
Is believed to have caueed tho little
girl's death which occurred last week.
At dinner sho ato a saucer of straw
berries and while eating tho fruit re
marked at the table that she "thought
she had swallowed something." Two
hours later she waB takon 111 and died
despite nil the efforts ot physicians
to save her. The lattor bollovo the
poisonous Insect caused her death.
Pacing Bull Track Performer.
Washington. Pa.. Special: A full
blooded Jersey bull which can pace a
mile In harness attached to a sulky in
less than 2:40, and which can bo rid
den undor saddle at em-n a better
gait, Is believed by its .wnera to be
tho racing sensation of a century In
this country. Dr. J. S. Chaney and J.
H. Ross, of Wnynesburg, Pa., old race
horse men. are the owners of the ani
mal, which they will race on all the
principal tracks of the country this
summer nnd fall. Robert Patch Is
four years old, fawn colored, and
weighs 1,100 pounds. Dr. Chaney rodo
the bull from Deer Park to Waynes
burg last fall and says he never took
a more comfortable mounted Journey.
Pretty Nurse Squirted at Burglars.
Philadelphia, Pa,, Special: When
two negro burglars invaded the Ger
mantown Sanitarium, a private hos
pital, late one night last week, tho
only person awake was a young and
pretty nurse.
She heard them enter a downstairs
window, nnd as they approached the
foot of the stairs sho hurled several
bottles of chloroform and of ether at
them. These broke and the fumes
drove the Intruders away.
Most of Them Are Americans Bound
For South European
London, Juno 11, Cable: A cable
gram was received hero from Cap
tain Peterson, of tho North German
Lloyd steamship, Irene, which says
that he has taken on board 110 cabin
passengers and that the Hamburg
American Liner Batavia had the 300
steerage of the steamship Slavonio.
which was wrecked off Flores Island
In the Azores group.
The message also displayed the
proverbial good fortune of the Cunard
Line, which up to now has been able
to boa3t that It has never lost a pas
senger. The passengers of the lost ship will
proceed to their destinations with
slight delay.
Just how the Slavonia came to
launch herself upon the precipitous
shores of tho Flores Island, the west
ernmost of the Azores group; how
long the passengers were on board
before rescue came, or how the trans
fers of these voyagers was accomp
lished. Is still to be told.
It is not even known just when the
Cunarder struck nor whether all of
the officers and crew were saved.
At)the time the message came from
Captain Peterson the Cunard Line had
not received the first hint of a dis
aster to the Slavonia.
The Princess Irene is one of the
crack ships of the North German
Lloyd, ami the Batavia is one of the
Mediterranean fleet ot the Hamburg
Line. Tho Slavonia left this port on
June 3 under Captain A. G. Dunning,
a most experienced navigator and
noted for his caution. The ofilcers
and crew numbered fully 200. so that
on board the ship when she stranded
off Flores Island there were at least
C10 persons.
May Not Use Geographies.
Indianapolis, Special: Whether the
public schools of the state will have
primary geographies during the com
ing school year will depend on the dis
posal to be made by the state board of
school book commissioners of a mo
tion made by Governor Marshall to the
effect that no such text book be used
during that time. The motion was
made at the morning session and at
once divided the board. The motion
was made after notice had been re
ceived from the MncMillan company,
publisher of the Tarr & Mc.Murray
primary geographies, to the effect that
the company refused to supply the
books at the old price of 30 cents a
volume. After a careful examination
of the law, the board agreed that, ac
cording to the bond given by the com
pany at the time of tho contract five
years ago, the state had no grounds
for a case In court, since the bond did
not provide for recovery of damages
by the state.
Wins and Weds In Hour.
Waukesha, Wis., Special: J. G.
Stroud, a millionaire lumberman of
WUHston. N. D., and Miss Mabel Lev
erence were married here last Satur
day after an acquaintance of an hour.
Mr. Stroud mourned the fact that
North Dakota was shy on handsome
women. A friend who had formerly
visited here gave him Miss Lever
ence's address. He wrote ono letter,
received one In reply, took the first
train, and within an hour after his ar
rival In Waukesha was married. Miss
Leverence is nineteen years old and
has spent her entire lifo in the city.
Triplets Are Sixty-Five.
Fond du Lac, Wis.. Special: Tho
famous Wlndecker triplets, who claim
to be the oldest living triplets In tho
world, are celebrating the sixty-fifth
anniversary of their birth at the old
homestead In Byron. They are Sydney
Wlndecker, of this city; Sylvester
Wlndecker, of Byron, and Mrs. Sodato
Pirr, of Wassau.
Big Prices for Gold Pieces.
New York, Special: Two $50 gold
pieces struck from tho United States
mint at Philadelphia in 1S77, were
sold here at the Numismatic Club to
William H. Woodln, a wealthy collect
or of this city, for $10.000 each, tho
highest price ever paid for an Ameri
can coin. Both were perfect speci
mens. President of Brazil III.
Rio Janeiro, Special: Dr. Alfonso
Morelra Penna, President of Brazil, la
gravely HI and the ministers havo been
summoned to the palace.
After One Night's Possession the Con
stabulary Retake the Place
and Kill One.
Manila, Cable: A portion of the
second company of nativo constabu
lary, stationed at Davao, in the Island
of Mindanao, mutinied on tho night of
June C and attacked the company quar
ters, which they captured after wound
ing ono of the native officers.
After a fight lasting two hours on
the following day, in which one man
named Libbey was killed and four
others were wounded, the mutineers
took to the mountains on the approach
of a company of the constabulary sta
tioned at Mapl, which hurried to the
relief of the besieged Americans and
loyal natives.
Without any warning, tho mutineers
suddenly attacked the quarters at
night and gained possession of them
before any resistance could be offered
by a few native noncommissioned offi
cers and several loyal members of the
company. Governor Walker of the Da
vao province, of which the city of Da
vao Is the capital, immediately rallied
the Americans and such natives as
could be trusted In a large church and
preparations for defense were hastily
made during the night. Windows and
doors were barred, loopholes cut, food
and water taken into the building, and
everything made ready to withstand
a siege.
At 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the
7th the mutineers began an attack on
tho church. For three hours the fight
raged. A heavy fire was directed
against the church and Its defenders,
but Governor Walker and his small
force replied with such vigor that they
discouraged all attempts to storm tho
The mutineers retired and evidently
expected to await darkness under cov
er until a safer and more successful
attack could be made on the church.
In the meantime, however, news of the
mutiny had reached Mati, a town of
considerable size, forty-six miles
southeast of Davao. A company ot
constabulary stationed there immedi
ately hurried to the relief of Davao.
Their approach caused the disloyal
constabulary force to withdraw during
the night Thirty native troopers es
caped to the mountains with their
arms and equipment.
Acting Governor General Forbes,
who returned from the Province of
Pampanga and soon was in conference
with Maj. Gen. William Duval, com
manding the division of the Philip
pines, said:
"This affair, deplorable as it seems
to have been, has not changed my
opinion of the native constabulary, nor
my belief In the general excellency
and loyalty of the force. Judgment
must be roserved until we receive fur
ther details of the mutiny and the
causes that brought it about."
Finds $4,867 In a Bible.
New York. Special: "It pays to
read the Bible," solemnly said Steve
Marsh, as he gazed at a pile of green
paper representing $4.SC7 in his home
in Fairfield, near Caldwell, N. J. "I
wish I'd started reading that Bible
thirty-five years ago. What wouldn't
I've done with all that money In those
Almost three thousand bills were
found, ranging In denomination from
10 cents to $10. The smaller ones
were "shlnplasters." which were with
drawn from circulation In the early
seventies. Tho total value of the Bi
ble's treasure may be even larger, as
It is possible some of the issues of the
10, 25 or 50 cent currency may com
mand premiums from collectors.
Bishop Farrelly Heads Diocese.
Cleveland. O., Special: The Rt Rev.
John P. Farrelly was formally In
stalled as bishop of the Cleveland
Catholic Diocese, the fourth since the
diocese was established. Bishop Far
relly was chosen to the office to suc
ceed the late Rt. Rev. Ignatius F.
Horstmann, who died at Canton, O.,
May 13, 190S. The appointment of
Bishop Farrelly was announced by
Popo Plus X March 10.
Tried to Kidnap Abdul.
London, Cablo: A local news
agency publishes a dispatch from
Constantinople, saying that an unsuc
cessful attempt Is reported to havo
been made by the reactionaries to kid
nap Abdul Hamid, the deposed sultan
of Turkey, from the house where he Is
living in Saloniki. Several officers, the
dispatch continues, are said to havo
been killed in the struggle.
Little Digging at Panama.
Washington, Special: May's record
of excavation on the Panama Canal
2.89C.095 cubic yards was the small
est for any month during the last
year, although It oxcecded tho excava
tion for the corresponding period of
last yoar by 193.198 cubic yards. The
reduced output is attributed to fewer
working days and to heavy rainfall.
Where the Pinch Took Effect.
"Never let your shoes pinch you."
"Gee! I don't. It's my family's shoe3
that pinch me. I havo to buy on an
average eighteen pairs a year." Chi
cago Tribune.
Soldiers' Liquor Seized.
Junction City, Kan., Special: A car
load of liquor, ordered by the soldiers
at Ft. Riley, arrived Sunday, but Col.
Ward, the commandant, would not let
the men have it. Tho colonel put
guards over tho car and insisted that
It must he sent back to Kansas City.
The stringent laws recently passed by
the Legislature mnko It Impossible to
buy liquor In Kansas. The soldiers,
restlvo undor the enforced "dry'" con
ditions, placed liberal orders with a
liquor agnnt who was here last week
on pay day.
Fatally Wounds Ed. Callahan,
Sheriff of Breathitt.
Jackson, Ky., Special: Ex-Sheriff
Edward Callahan, famous throughout
this section of the Stale for tho part
he played in the numerous feuds that
have disrupted Breathitt county for
years, was shot from ambush Monday,
and it Is believed fatally wounded, at
his home in Crockettsville, sixteen
miles from Jackson.
Callahan had swept out his store,
preparatory to opening for tho day,
nnd was brushing the refuse from tho
front door when the shot was fired.
The ball took effect In the left side of
his abdomen. Bloodhounds were put
on the trail of the assassin, who. It Is
said, hid behind a pile of coal to fire
the shot.
It is said that the Immediate cause
for the shooting of Callahan was a
dispute over the management of a
church he built, and of which ho Is
deacon, at Crockettsville.
Callahan was In the lumber business
In Jackson when he became allied
with the Harglses and figured with
them through all their bloody feuds.
He was elected sheriff when James
Hargls was elected county judge, and
It was during his term that the as
sassinations ot Cox, Cockrill and Mar
cum occurred. Curt Jett said after
ward that Callahan handed him the
pistol with which he killed Marcum.
Hargls and Callahan were both
tried for complicity In the murder, but
were acquitted. Callahan's career
throughout was linked with that of
Judge Hargls, who met such a violent
death, being slain by his son, Beach
Vanderbllt Horse Wins $40,000.
Paris, Cable: Tho French Derby
was run Sunday at Chantllly and was
won by W. K. Vanderbllt's Negofol In
Impressive style from Edmond Blanc's
Union, with Negofol 's stable compan
ion, Oversight third. The stake was
worth $40.C00 and the race was wit
nessed by an immense crowd, includ
ing thousands of Americans, who won
heavily on the American victory.
Bryan Would Be a Senator.
Omaha, Neb., Special: William
Jennings Bryan will bo a candidate
for tho United States Senate to suc
ceed Elmer J. Burkett, whose term ex
pires in March. 1911. This announce
ment was made by Richard L.. Met
calf, editor of the Commoner, and Is
considered official. Mr. Bryan will
make the race under the direct pri
mary in September of next year.
Victory for "Drys" In LaGrange.
LaGrange, Ind., Special: After hav
ing been "dry" by remonstrance for
about three years, LaGrange county
voting under the local option law on
Tuesday, recorded Its ballots against
saloon license by a margin of only 250
votes. Indifference of the public is
held largely responsible for the small
majority, although about 70 per cent
of the county's total vote was cast
A Farmer's Patent.
Ripley, Ohio, Special: William
Kramer, a young farmer near here,
has secured a patent on an automatic
mail-bag catcher and deliverer. It op
orates no matter which direction a
train Is moving.
American Association.
"Won. Lost
Indianapolis 33 24
Milwaukee 30 24
Louisville 29 20
Columbus 30 27
Minneapolis 27 27
Toledo 25 28
Kansas City 22 30
St Paul 19 29
National League.
Won. Lost.
Pittsburg 33 12
Chicago 31 IS
Cincinnati 27 22
New York 22 20
Philadelphia 20 23
St Louis 19 29
Brooklyn 17 27
Boston 13 31
American League.
Won. Lost.
Detroit 29 16
Philadelphia 25 18
New York 22 19
Boston 24 21
Cleveland 21 22
Chicago 19 22
St. Louis 17 2C
Washington 14 27
Wheat No. 2 red.... $1.55
Corn No. 2 white.... .76
Oats No. 2 white.... .60
Hay No. 1 timothy.. 15,25
Poultry Cocks .07
Old torn turkeys.... .12
Hen turkeys -17
Chickens -12
Ducks '7
Butter Country -16
Eggs Fresh -19
Cattle prime steers. .$6.40 GSo
Hogs Heavies 7.00 7.90
Lights 7.35 7.G0
Sheep Good to choice 4.75 5.00
Com. to best lambs. 4.50 7.50
Wheat No. 2 red.... $1.55 1.60
Corn No. 2 white.... .7014
Oats No. 2 white.... .59
New York.
Wheat No. 2 red $1.56iß 1.57
Corn No. 2 white.... .77
Oats No. 2 white.... .61&
Stabs Sheriff on Scaffold.
Floresvllle, Tex., Special: Ilefugl
Jureque, sentenced to death for at
tacking Alvlna Olcnlk, ago fifteen, a
Bohemian girl, at Sutherland Springs,
last July, stabbed and probably fatal
ly wounded Sheriff Wright hero Sat
urday when tho sheriff stnrted to fix
tho black cap on Jureque to hang him.
Ohio Gas Flows 3,000,000 Feet.
WooBtcr, O., Special: Way no coun
ty Is excited over a flow of natural
gas, running 3,000,000 foot n day by
gauge, which has been struck on a
farm ten miles west of this city.

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