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WEEKLYCOURIERjU.S, MISSION TO MEET GERMANS JAtPI Bin ID. DOANC. Puollahsr IftOlANA i m w mm 9 14 STATE NEWS I Indianapolis . William ll -wnn! Taft. former president of the 1'nlted Statt-!, ; IM ) one of the spiahers of tli' i ty-f.fth annual nicctim; -f the Indiana State TVn'h rs' iinsim tat Ifii. whi'li will 1 m.t-t In Iu.UaiuiiH.lis No r - I Uli I VK He will ili'lhcr mi address at ; Ti'itiUiivii I. ill tli.' tuoriilii' i f Novtin- '.V. I II : . '. t:r a t i r. ... 1 ! Gen. Fcch Sends American Offi- cers to Teuton Headquar- I I r :ui. Tl .- dat. IV -.. fj t! - N iris, j ters at Spa. r;:':i ::;Tr.:"-Är: yank flyers in cologne Ii.d!-tnai'li. Dr. Herman . M : nan. secretary of the ut tniiird f j in I ..'iilt.'.. said t!.:.t the influenza pnU!:i.- j i. la situation In IndianaiM.l.s Is i.ot en- mnth. ; oi:ras :na from forty t fifty new cases , m.-etl'i are -Jffl.'l :mk' dally and hctwt.n fle j-.., ,1 J;t , H- ember "ill be i ii: ; : l i. u - sectional iiui-tit!.' In f tin- annual laeet- iik originally announced L is t - i i hai..;.-.! t Iii.- last thret- days of this In addition t tin- teia-ml ; üt - i. in.. November i und y. V., ".::': I.rrrsrT At-encan Air-nen Land In the German d r.: - !" - -'.Axed y ;n- ' City en tnt Rhine Getnan Army !-l zz:zx. Evacuat ng Poland Naval ! Term of Arm.tice Being Arin a rlTir.- .'.raru -? I'.?- cf Carried Out. c!.r;p?r-ti. r- Inv sr.! h-r-t h.i , t-s- LittTV-I. Cine :t. -!. th- S tt h. r. f-ir--Lat. rr a !u fr r.: rhr .!jr i: l har ! tj a;- . . - . '.v ; -: : Ar1 - r- I:;: . ! J.!f t !..!-. :.. w:.! :.:.- f..r Spa : .v.. H-. t.- r:..rr.::. . f t.t- ly !l.- uay ,.f ..... !.,at I-i ':;. T-au: ..;.tf. ri.i.i:;.. :.... t. . . .... I-i-i:..'. ; a. l'!nf :'.- , ri- n.: . :!. :..;. .n t.. i u." ; j. A r'. a:rt.. u at '. - , v r '. :. l::.::.-. Ti.ur-.l.ij. -T'.. ! - ..i : rn . ;.:. !. to th !....' :. . " I' : n:. : T-i:.::.:tt.-l ly t!.,- IIx- v ., ! . v-r-I a : . T. - ri;; I. . at y. . - , i HV '. .'y T!. .;rt. y J t - :ri :i p . . - - . r ., r4 -u.-?: t ii .-J fi'l:.:. !. ao.-.o! I. a:. Kv! . T-i.T;;; h .11-; ;.r !. l'..r'..-.. i.r::.:.:i tr. ;! lrt W;.r-iv- (..:. ,i.vir,-i .i:. ! :.rr.--.-!. u." a:; ;.-n;.:m ci il:.t:.s la T.v.'- I-r '. rs' i-.r. l w..rk.-' o.';:;. :i l.a .J. .-..!..! t.. I...!v tl.e K.! "iar'S. eo. ..-I:. to a a K.- !.a: Tf!.--.; L U fr-:: I'ar:.-. Nov. 1. Tr.- :.aul tr:a i ... i t i ..... ... I Inj? rv''rt"! fach lay. "Litlo tl:' - 5'i:l.:i- ti.k- -j-fial rare we n.ay I j .-t to t;a liitlamzji iitl j'to-uü j Ith u- Jill through the wi:.t.r." i Ict r Morfc'iu. "The car !e. j.ltt-r. ! coti?.. r an I micckt hou! l le itra I sii4iL Kv.-ry iTeonution houal Ie tak I fU jialtfct he HTeal 'f tio-e n 11 j thront inf.Ttu riX." Twei.ty coiai I ties ri-j -t TtHl 4T'. new raes if li.tlaen- Z.l to :, f:lte lur! of health ill the j rep. rt to the ttite rHiunl. on.!,tioii ' have ..i .i!:ic . rh-us nt Fra!ikfort inn! , Vint !.!.. wh'Tf eiiierceti' V ho;i;aN ', "ere :vn!ti etah!Nhel. The ej-i h iii!" -till ti k. In the cal (! triot u out n. I Iruhaaajt hs. W. W. Viih;,.u. se--i retary of ti e statt- council of !i fi:it t eommlttoe oil I-uiMiiic it ii I new e.'ti I -tna-tlon. 1 I'.otifylnn foriin-r v.:iii' i'eifu! nj ; !. :.:. ts for ha;hhiu ari! o-n-;n:ctlii j . r;:i!:s f tlie rnüri- mi nouiice.1 !y the war ImlaM rie-. Iiarl. at '!i Tt ' rerrli tioa' ro.'o.-:-. Mr. Window .:!:;; ..f .lo:!.,rs of a: 'i hial'hii o:.N ta- a:..! -::h:i- in: r.-t-. ! a. 1 1 ! t r : i throi:.!, . !. tin- v ar ho;.rM. ii !.. e-jt'.-iiil!y. 'a. t 'h..t l i;;M;:.; nay a : . : 'y tionaal in.-.ti- r;.;.t 'he new work :.'- ;:. !:; ;! ;n f.-:.':..- :.!..T- a.. 1 f . 'r'' to the iitoriilii im! aftiriiiMn of Nowm t i r in Mi.l .'. 'Mu te wtll nU.i he nrl oi;. hlii. hi-oiii aif 1 hreak t"at. It jO'in Nos to he one of the Iint llotuhle of t! e many j mi. Mum eon- t.-.l h the linh.iha State Teat hers' a " !iition. Noi. iJ ilaeators ami j u!- 1..- Ü.ell of othT states, lis Weil MS of Indiana, are on the i r.nmi. At the i:rt general aoi".atloti seion. th el.ill ha.l. l'rahk . Low ilea, cxertior of II laio'.s, will ia:ike Mi aI'!rt-ss. nial the YANKEE TROOPS ENTER GERMANY American Troops In Triumph March Into Alsace on Way to Metz and Strassburg. RETREAT BY IIINDENBURG Marshal Foch, Commander In Chief of Allled Armie. Will Make Trium phant Entry Into Cities on Sunday. I'll lis, Nov. will he liwnle hy i'lel.t of the p lierill ri ri'H !: oa nrtri:Tl' '-tl.t.S '! ; j hy j ri y .-. v tra- r 1. ao t': "i"Vrr!;"r 1 to .l ;,l ". vV St inary ra:e l'". American trMis ( )iai t-ft I I... ..... . .i . a of . at Toialm- n , """ " w"iucr wuni .Metz im. I stras.i;rjc. 5!urshal Kot h. iommit.l,T la chief of the ullle.1 armies, will make solemn entries Into,Urj; ami Metz oa Sinnhiy In the presence ..f I'resi.lent I'oincare an-l Treiaier rieiiit-ioeau. The French cahlnet heM an eMraor- hiary meeting Thurs.hiy. the Matin aiiiioutu !. l.iiN.rtnnt military and ailnilnUtruthe .iii"stlons coneemliin Als.ue a'.il I.rrall.e were Ustilsse!. The pntTiii;.ii,t IrjfinN to appoint two p.v. pn.r with h inl'piai ti rs at Metz ami Stralu.-;; us soon us the allies occupy the two pro lli. es. '1 he t ' : t ( 1 1 1 . t coiililer.'i pi.-st ioii-t onci rnlri- ih,. . iaiii.aiioti ..f ANace i.iacr 1 retail occupant- . Ih:"ee hit'h co!iiiaivi, .r.ers were ap- !' f. cent- a !.( p;!,.:iv Tin- l-liit I. I I., x :.n-: (icre Marinier, ;ii;'l.eri.'il t'.e ah:i.:oa ' ""''"";1. r .i neral of !nt!o!ia se lr:au-;.r..l m!.!: ih ra.e r.11.. pr Iis. latioii. IiMÜannjH.ns. 'le pul'Mc service eo:ii:.i::.ii authiri.l tlie Wahash Water ft ii-1 l.lj:ht c i';;iiy, Waha-h. to al ! a 1.". per t etil si:r !iar-e to all hills f. r t 1. 1 trie l:i;ht f.T . oinnn n lal ninl municipal purpose in the city of W'a- ) a tii'hare of ;ill per cent to j hilN f.T power ami l:fc-ht for the J texn of Koana. It authoriz 'I the coia- j pai.y a! t.. iuereas- it water hyilrant i . !.;.r.v to the el'x ..f 'al..!!i frma S.-,S .1 T ws.ter Cla.r'e to the 1.. r; .In .-ol tr.'üi the pri f 4 .-!.t to tlie primary THAT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mrs. Goddcn Teil How It May be Patted in Safety and Comfort. Fremont, 0. "I was r&gslnr through the critical period of life, being forty. six years i ape anj had all the syrnp. roriYi l I Ml I tomsinciaenttotlait change heat flush, ea, nervousness, atij was in a generai rui down condition, sj it was bard for rnt to do mv work. Lydia E. Tinkh am Vegetable Com. pound waa recom mended to me as the best remedy for my troubles, which it eurely proved to be. 1 feel better an J trorijrer in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms havedisap. peared." Älra. M. GoDDEN, 925 Na poleon St,, Fremont, Ohio, Such annoying symptom as heat flashes, nervous niss, backache, head' ache, irritability and " the blues," may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by tili famous root and herb remedy Lydia 11 l'inkham'a Vefetahle Compound. If any complications present them selves write the 1'inkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. The result of forty years experience is at your serviro and your letter held in strict confidence. . r T f I r.M . .! ..ra tf r. for ho I xv .:i he of t !,. . ex Te t x e th.. :! : arap W ar. r. l.:-ht t.h 1 Power coi.::.a!iV. 1.. r ase its a rate to the p:-ii. ...: . h; :ke of Jl.l'i ami to col- j i r . . I r l.i cnMe f. et on - 1::. , ;e:.t !.:;. !t Ii.. r. ao! the city's : 1! 'tola S.".ö to a hy- 1 ! cuiitx t,.r S ' state oliie lli.r 1 oll. et. slate ( ie!iev:'.. No . !-art': Alhert Tlnnaii. fwr M.i, ami Henry . : . 1 1 r for 'aimar. It.. I no ! at. -t en- I:..::at:a!-..:.- F. r 1:; . i;:ii:im'.i f"T!. ha returned f ' al!..i:.i'rat.r. an r nf .(,. r 'atc xx A ' ... .' I' G. - -tz - - J . : i "- ' !r. , h-. s. - -:. : ... : i ' - . r'-.h- : j ' 4 . - - .--. A ? TT Z X ". ? t i h- : u'.t A rr:..a ar:..:- ri'v , . .-rtcl o .t r. ; I .y. Ad r.:-ai ii..:. i :..-!. ia w ::: ; - !.- ai:-t- r at a S.t- :.-!.v w ;:?i i;-r:.i..a aax ! ' - a'. at nI-..-;-..h ;r-. Th- ! . r: r Ad:: ira! AuN- h : t i r t: ! . i F.-rth. S.-.-t-. .: !. : ..-r.- i: u.d ' ; .! at th-.I.-;--..! . f . ::...r;.l .r:. t. th- Fr. . h .:: to th- l:.t-ri. 1 ia- L.:-:- r i.-.TL-'.-l urh th- curry ;r. . .: 1 r.-iK- ca h'.oi.s . f ;.. ar:..- I--. -. . l.X'i Fr-t. h t"n-" hoata ac- c : ; :.:-! th- . r:S. r. 1 : : j Mjr! II.:.d- rd -.r the I-r-.-.:. rt.I . jjarf-r-. t;trT. ar c to th- F:::t.kf. rt c..z-tt. . have i.rr.v.-l ut Wl :.-:::.!.. he. a. ..r Fu-1. v h r- iz IT" Ki..;-T"r Nii;-'oi ti was V -; ; :: :,: aft-r th- urr-t.d-r f Th- f-I r. rir"sv l.n ha fof -..-..-:-! t '-"rt t..ry if State Laii-1:..-: "I l.d- I i.m r.i t a; - ;ili:is' in lair. t.. th- fe-da-s of hmit tu It, 1: 11 I w h . '. th. : .- I I. tra'..r th nal The I: r..l fr." r'ixtl a! xx Ü1 l ie t '. r-ti-e xxith 'a.j.i-tra'-r. .!.!:..- n 1. the pro-rata .. Mr. rt H'ox.-r. ! ad::,:M at t?.e i,a- Iiiformatl-in r- n !.,!..' it ;i.i i! of ih f- lie Ii I that the Fnired tit of a.-r!.-:!tare will . er: a' : !raat. i:..:::.i.ap.,:: v !.: !i the he c i.d :. ted a- U r i.ut!ier!ti- "!:tru. ti-a i lie a are co:,:: hy t!.o heard l'raSe f.T th- xxay ia l.atci ite farm is 1 -tioDS to the II.M'- r-aitie f. the j ...' I !. f a i.ew rt form. .'"- f.-r :;:i.-.l in a of state !..' f . r r... .' i.l liaritie from lti pr.'ii thuia'n pr.xali- la ANa.o -Lorraine. Thousand of i. ri.i.' n are le.ixiii th.-- pr . i. ,.-, . The i . riuan atr.hoii tie i,.-,. II,.- !..,.,,e.i i v the cr.oxil. Ir.nrli and Aint ii.aa tro..p are ix pc. ;.-.l ihilly. lh ' pr im.s on a hu-.- s.-ah- are l.e-ln- prepare! for the allicl troops un der the a..,. ..f t(,e ;,ianiti otlaiaN. a!.. I J.. lathe Khine towns fie'-iille t.f ci-.:t.,.n of allied l;lr rai'!. I.on h ii. N... lO.- Fi. id Marshal von Saves the HairrA SuOil If rarll fj-i-at ,.f "CUrr. Dpt I, 10 " Cuticura Stops itching- and it; t! ii:- hy law u: t:: : T-d." M.-a:.-,xh h t! i :.. t tu r. das i' . ?. f. .-1. It 1 a-, rt-.h lr:-hai..:p.ii. .ni! ! ! hi ha pohs v.f.l n.'t 1-f:-d cr- mar-'n n C' nu'a.T h. re. Th- : m U t" '11 W hl- Ii has he. '1 M r h Is xx .-is reai'.ted I I-:.. .!- f :-l ad::.:i.i-tr t ' ad::, rt t. n. a ..I out :: i on- I de- niti"n i.rve .I d-. I.. Uhitsaam ip.r:: pr:. i . la Idi.aoi. Mr. 1 xi t r.' .. i..-fi..-.e.. I', i.r'.ai ! work in I.! ;ed. vNit. d th fat- farm , N:rid. i.hMr- .-e::i::h,s nt the h. ad of th ; t d th. xx i :.;aa' pnoa ral w eck I uj n an- army coii.ii.and. :: a--... I.-, the h tf. r h.- ref. r . the Ia- j cordiiu' to a i. rtaan w ir-l,- inea'i d atat tate reformatory at Jeffrs xi. e a: ,1 the hi:. i ..v I. ias cu-hl- i ji i:n:i e.-' d f..r th- t.Iarkttia.-nt or rei:ionl of j iunn.h r the Ii t.f.;tioii t i a itiore contra! lo-- tp-op I:, te a :i. 'he iTet that t! II- . reei -1 V -I h.Te. w!: .h fle the t. t of : ate. Mr. Whitman iaj PihT of coi, r-: tiiir tto .'..tie hy the licnute. a fo in xx h!i h a c. ihr in In--tri. te l to a c. al to -.- ti liu.'.t of a . ff.-r im e Fxat. W.-.l-or. follow ins Mllllittet ! -aid tv . .1. dial.apo The "I.tral States -a Manufac'ur. rs' a-" latioii. of whhh Irutit Sh. arer of N-w Itreni.-n. .. ha I'lrtl t-r ld. tit. hel l a M c' lnl ir.-t tiiiL' h-re i'oi eiitly. Ii.datr.a. Ohio. I M. ! U-an. Iolmd an ! h-ixa wi-re r p-I re, tit.-d. The iert a J r-!'h to i r-i ! :.'. if I i. it y. u t. "7".-" r: - n;;ir.'.' t-'::i l-" '"I : th.:'. In .Tier to jive -',. from i-erNhlLg re. t.t:: th- K.':i;l oi.l I.-a!ers" a. '' ji'lii pr -i.fed th- i lalm tint If f.;ix in t I .-eil taakln; n.otiey While ret rifted to tti i.Tis pn t.t of - a ti t.. IomtIc c..:.i:m-r proha hly will he ask- 1 t pay ? cents a ton 1 1 1 r - f"r '. .-..I. This will change the price to hotwhoM-rs frota ?.".." ..-". a t-n to $'5 und n ton. Ilan.mond. Now thnt the world war m.etii.-' KU .-..ii. -I to j ..Ik..;11:., a;, a .Mr. Mo arer p-i tr:itiferred his hu!ness to Oklahoma ; and i I.o loiv. r II Ilo-tl.her of th- or- I tat.: atl'.-i. J. 1. Val-iiMne. Frhana. j h- h," sel.t to illlM.V Ollll- ord. ri ri th-m t.. lend their tue ia order and d lidin. . I."t II, Nov. 1"i. A Wir less III" sakTe ha h.t ii , i.t to th- h rua-'.ii hi' ailaaie! Warning that pida-lru' In violation of the ii ri.tisti. .- nu.t hostojo Pel. It read: "From Mir!. il I"...-li t.. the 1 1 It'll 'on. m.ti.d - Informal!, ti !..-:! n rei.-d hy the nilied hith iiiiiiainl that at '!.:T. r at p. !a'. .i.e. ialh In i.ior.' parth tilarly in the '"ti. th- ihrman trooi.s i:I:.::tilV net of ioh'ti-t th- i iiha I d tan; mid nets .f Prue!- li re c. air i last r O.. xx ii eleet.-d incident at;d John l. ' Ih-'n-rt of Iml'.anai'oUs vice preii!-nt. Harry J.-nnii.e 'f Jrefnup. 111.. I sec- j retary. Matiufaeturers say that 1- 1 thoti.'h th v nr' uiiaho- to taake e:,.ua ! and ! tpM.t!i t fupply the trade there will ; ! i.o l-icr-ae In pri-es. i Vnlp.-.ralso. Circuit Ju '.'o 1 -ri r i I t' Uli: which :ir the Condition of !etrt:i Hon mo d'ai !y e. " t ra r t!i- ari:.I:i. e. "The all!.-! emu, ami cp.-ct.s that mmaiid will, xxlth- tho i. rm.iii h'.th tl . " : v th- (ortaaa t- v-t iV. r h - , - ar.l fr :a starva';-a t:A hy. !. will ort ff ra. -"r7. -. r " I r ,'i 1 . ? th-.- - as ;'jo:y us p.:ie senj to in? H.1.J-- T ::.. tjth'-r j-Iac rd-ii';." is over h'iiress and f?tian lal m:i of hamhd down a de-lsion In whl'h h the Calumet rvghn. whhh im lud. s th-I h-hl that a irson dlvor.-ed lti Illii.ol .-! cities 'f Hammond. Hary, läit i und ordepil hy n court not t r :narry fTiIcfit:., Inillnna Ihirhf und it -g. In Indiana, have heirun to turn their at tention to pp-hl-m of readjustment. Th,t r, rrsrir. TROOPS CURB REIGN OF REDS . In ?t. Reports Reaching Copenhagen Frocn j f"-:' r? r.niiii Am r.f a Mn- ' r''r! i Hopeful Tone, .) r.' ? -'",:-' r-.:!- than !t hr !- i 4.' v 1. l.t-.p I J- tzr i cr ; r ! h. r. ":&' r.if-.i-?T;Tt rnihin: h-re from Ofmany are tf a ' more h- p fiil tore. A lmpresM.m has bo'ii raude hy the Socialist rov- ' rT.rro'r. t' ; piuouao-iaeLt ctiiict-rtiir;? ' ,v . . . , v, . x c r'J i.--:ares that tl.e pronounce-, ' ra-r.t r; the cori:lta tit j t .ly a o-r'a'iity." i v X-';'r n '' --'-l I 1 Ii : it,.. ivr'.lQ crres;-. r.dent of th ! , U' ' A':''-r:'!"' 'M -r' nar;..,jrj: n.rn!r.hlatt U .ncouracl ' Ar ;r'n. '- ' ' r,.-t ! tT :he t.t,.rits , f ,he !t few l!a. ' ICl 1 A : 4':i ' ' j ii. rep.ns that a law part of the j ! pi 'f th- Soldier coiin. lis have I - I , ,- ft,.. r.l K'l'.i'i fr..,.. ...! . Fr- . r'h-'-s ". .f the w'.n'.r I' lW; 1 T: nf aij h Tliese will nrlse as Indutr . on whlfh the prentcr part of a cml lm-d 2f,i) i-.pulat'on is largely i!-p.-nd--fit. settle i xn to a p-ace-t!me Imsis. The prlndpnl indutrlnl netlvltlen of the region Include pri"lu' tlon of stfel, hulhllt.g of railway equipment. r hrdrg of oil ac l manufacture of ch i:.I. ul.s. Ia addition the operation of rallwny termlriHls results In the employment of larife nutah ni of rnen. Inillanr.poll. irovernor I.MK!r1ch will conf.r with Vuh!i.trton (I. C.) authorltieH to 1-nrn what Is to U- dune ahout cotittnulrnf the war at'-nri.- in Indlann. ai h a. the state. cui:fy r.nd tonhlp council of defen.. fiiel and f-! ndndnlstratloiis and the like. Th-re mut fie no letup la the steps t.elr. taken for the conservation of coal, the official of the stnte fuel ad ministration were warned In a m.s jr.t'e fron II. A. hirt'-ld. f.-deral fu.l within a j-ar caiiiiot he married I--irally In Italiana ln-f.Tf the year 1 up. This ?.--ii'.n Iudd hundreds of r.iar-r!at'-s wh-reln cot:pI-s Icivo crois! frotn Illinils and have I.-ri laarrl"! here to vti de the Illinois law t he 11- I. -L'al. .Iu Ik'- I.rlr.: held that the nar rfaire would he lllet-al pveti thoti-h the couple did not return to Illinois. Indianaj-oll. The Indiana reforma tory commission appointed hy iovt-r-nor io.ilrl h m-t at tlie t.tat h"Use und Md-et-d Wlnfield Milhr to he chalr lann; Ihhrt Ürackcn. vlre chaining and Aiao! V. ihitler. secretary. Other mrt:!.-rs of the commission nre (J. A. II. Sh!l. der. m:p-rlnf-iident of the In sffntion. ate! Ir. S. K. Smith. nuieiin teieh at f the Kasf.-rn H"-p'tal for the Insane. The commission 'H1 visit the p formatory and determine a tnl on whl'h to f.-ln Its Investljratlon. p. t. p-huri.. Iloinc-Kpiwn jtat'Hs s..h! h. r- nt n huhel until several ir.r of lmjMrte! jNitntoet nrrlve!. Th-- si. Id nt .1..'C. II e ktowcm th V'.: 'hi a crr".Td : rir. h; i t:.;r .a 21 U58 CANADIAN CASUALTIES i-iJbTT Killed im Action Since Begin. ; nosg cf Conflict 152,779 Woundetl. nda.ln'.s'rator. 1 He mess:ik-e p..;nt. d . ,,. ,,riro , fl r0 a ,Utsh,.. out thnt it Is Jut essential that the ..,, (T),, if turTll,,w Mng hnm-t-fu 1 s-pj ly he .i,serv.-l I,,. a it ha. j Turnips re selünu at H n l.ush. l. hn it any time lnce the h irir.ain.-; K.koia. II .ward cunty voted hy or tri. w nr. T.: .sh r.r d . r..e-l p. hs t'i'ti". Ft-.i 'h- ': - : -.- r-: cj4',,n ' 7 -" ' f th- h .r- :.-. in sa ki i : I 'h.ta th- .-u r..a-t ' a No v. 1 1. Canada'n casual. t-" i? -. ' - :. ! t.' s la th- Wl:r V. t elev-n ihljs f., . j f-.r- th- -..;. t ur" ,f M..r.s th- f,:i!1 Ffc : !r r- rr f r r- t"..rr Ir.j of th- r..t.-".. t tofah-i I'll;'.. r . ' w e- r ;..' i t ; 1- ;,-.... rt.,. ritt r ". fa . It ':; r.' . :.- f- I.-.- '-"-ti r -.- a-'. Ar.-! !i xp. --.stt - n I :.! thv.a - I. ti. U V ::-. ar. r.oUtje .1 h r-. Th e are chiif n follow : ' K;:'.'d in uc:..r., .11 7;; ,o,.i ,,f : 1 w. .:::! r .!;. -i.-. 1"..;.,7; n..u.vh-l r.d t.'.. re -,-;. k'y I ir-.-i.d !?"!. rahinc ia ac- I t.'n r.r. I kr.own pr'.. r of war. : -.B t,,t tere torn up r . a r "ti a i r. ; r ;. r: i i vs. ...' .- r., :st ! - ul ut th- : c f v.. : 1 tar't . '.x-t II-rr r.n .ij If tv, r vm rrrt d.Ih-s ?:.:n: ra-r.-.H next th? Trnir mVA fby. Ok. lid-l? V.l. dow, that's c.l,;hty ma farl&m cf t!eet3l 1 nw ""v Situation Nears Anarchy. Wri.ldri- .n. Nr. Id Keportu have p--h"l th- st.ite department that the Itun'hn In Germany and Austria Hungary aj proilmnte a state of an irchy fn amount of th? cuodact of re turning soldiers. T-rre Haft.-. Tlo- oldest m.ilicnl 'Ii ty wet of th- Allegheny moun tain, the Aesciih poi:, s... 1, TV f the Waha-h Valley, recently h-ld it sev-n-ty-s. ..;. 1 M:n..d la.-etir,:. at which Ir. .1"-. ) u Hall .,f U'. s-h. ld wa , le. t ed J .--sldi-ar. T!i-s.k i-t xta form-! w f -n h . -or. ro.;. hop-ohai-k. with sad-dhha.- : i:.d xx;-?i m.-dicii.e uTid suriri ra.l it. tri: i, :.' la Indlnna and Illinois, find wa th- first to f..'.r Kuh !'al c'leir- of Chlcan". And-ron. For the f,rt tlrn.- In ?t y.-nr tl- M:id!s..n county Jail 1 with out a prisoner awaiting trial in the cir cuit court. The ' idy i-rsoit rl jail rr- t-eitar d-talnd while a.tfdt:nu tid taiftanee to a hospital for the insane. nvansvllh'. Sale of th- real und jt-r-soaul propt rty h loncita; to Charte) Kuhn hiis lrouk'!it th- total of his trlft to th American Ited s. Kl-ty up to nc-o riling to Phelps F. lhirhy. administrator f hi estate. Mr. Kuhn died eveml month ago In n sanitarium at Hattle Creek. Mich., and he left ah hla pnperty to the Ked Crxjtta. Ur u i bachelor. a majority .f .'.Tft to -stnl llsh n tu h r ulo'-l hospltnl. The projo t ws l'U-liii! hy the ihnmtier of commerce, which was n ti.att d hy a d-slr to cure for P turio.l soldiors sick with the dis ease a well us community case. Jrei-nhVI'h Purin the last few months T. II. New V Sn of this city hav- hoi.-J t t,d sold 10;.u l Ushels of !rifTlor cm. alt of which ha heeti oiixt rt-l inlo f i m m I hy a process of hull'.:;? r.nd drylo. Much of St ,, made Info .lucnw. Indianai.l!. Further Mh-ctUe sr lce work t.aln? t' do with draft p-.'ls. trant thirty s vii year old find over Is culled off In direction which MnJ. Kotiert C. p.altzell. Ktate drnft tlve. ha Mit ! l.tcal dnift tonrd la Indiana. Major HnlUeJl fays that reg istrants wl'h'n tti nee peclfl d nnd havlin: 'pi-stiontialrc t le returned to the hoards hould fill them out find return them. He 1 acting on Instruc tion fpmi the secrrtnry of wnr In the matter. He Instructed also that local hoard complete the clnsfl("at!on of registrant elgates-n to thirty-seven jears old. out delay, t ik- im asines necessary t Mop thes,. I.)atilis of the Convention W Iii Ii l i s t ceri siciied. If the act ! r.'t -,;, within a ry short peri.l the allied command will 1.. ohli.d tu tak- '. ;. to put an end t them." Am:rdam. Nov. I.. ;-nnan troops are In full at Antwerp und Itrus-1. A hundred othcers ha- heeu killed In mutinies. Soviet. have tieen sfahllshed at Loth place. Nlnty jeroiis haxe he-n killl or InJunsJ In street tlirhtln at P.ruc!, tlie Itelplan capital, according to an announcement made h re. I'arK Nov. Id. More than -'..'.TJ Ameri'-an prison. -r la t-rman camp were n-lea! Imim lintdy ty the .!n Inc of tin irman armistice, accord Im; to th- latest figures pppared t' the American IhsJ Cros in Switzer land. This numher In lüde nil the Ameri can capture! to November 1. It Is estimated that only a few huridre! iimre American were after that date. Of the total numher of prisoner to he released Ih.'lMi nre army iii'ii. 12 are from the navy and 14t are civilian. In the camp were 211 army officer. Republic of Germanic Austria. Vletinn. Nov. 14. The stnte council (the recently form-! Austrian eovern ineiit) prolaimet a "rcpuhlic of (or mnnlc Austria' to he part of the (ter mini republic. Dutch to Redeem Prisoners. Paris, Nv. 1... Holland ha con sented to mrry in th- work of p'patrl atiiiir nlli'sl prisoners of war now held In iermaiiy. K. cf C. Secretary Dies. Paris. Nov.. IS William O'Connor, necretary of the Knlcht of Cilumbu, Is ! ad ta re, ujred fifty-four. Heavy Guard for Kaiser. Iiidon, Nov. 1v The I Mitch kov- rrnnieiit ha Intenntl the former Jer mini kiilser nt Amcroiua n cntb w hich Is under a triple irtuird of tpHip, paid a dispatch from The Hacue to the Dally Mall. Telegraph Censorship Lifted. Washington. Nov. IH. Discontinu ance of press cenondilp In connec tion with cable, postal and land tele irraph lines, effective at once, waa an nounced by the government ccnaor hip board. "A Letter From My Sweetheart in Dixie" Anew rsk'1 1 Uli ! g .''itt mt. 1'- p. w, tn't,! i A.b. rt l'r c-, Js-iu aU. ' t.vii'1 Iwnfory, Ti,,tJ,.,o. U nntnl R-prnimtatlTM In si Minif. Ca'.', . n pl)Ti.-in ani Ui.-t.'lxaM't. l'.-..i.rir't work; 4 IMf. liip.,rtuiiii;. Kukui ü-i Well a,rt , vuinry, I.l H flMFGi for all In S othwtt Ariinui. no Wriu fir lau i . K II OK I O.N, Uipti. ArUotaa. WH Jotter noBP, i'i, Kx;H-r'.n-A jrri.,i..irT: part. t-u. n t (. hi. Hihti. tut nukiu o.,ikii ROYAL LINE SOMEWHAT MIXED Ruling House of Roumania Has Made Many Alliances With Women Not of Blue Blood. I'riiii'o Carol of lloiiinanla. who i P puted to have man ied "lo'iualh hiai." Is only carrying out the family tradition by mahiiu' a iiiesalhuii'-e. Th- princely and elder lrum-li of th-llolienzolU-riis. to which he lioloii, ha a ery "mixed" pcliree, from the point of l. v of a court -iiealo--ist. In spite of the fact that In the male line they rank ii one of the old est faiulIU in Furoie, the ori-ln of which Is ht In tin" mists of aos. To b'i:tii with. Klii' Ferdinand". inolh-r. n i'rtuui - princess of the house of Col i tire,, was the cjrari'ldaiiliter of tin (ouulef Antonia of Koliary, n Ihm Kai lan lady of -r at wealth, who wa raised to the rank of princs by th emperor of Austria to marry on equal term. Prince l erdiiiaml of Ctibtirir. ijin-efi Victoria's uta de. One of the Uinc of Ihiumaiih-rs irreat -riiiiilmoth-ers wa n Murat. n relation of Napol iiui I's -eiieral, and nnother .Stephanie Keaiihiirnal's, n niece of the Finpress Josephine's first hustniid. whom Na-poh-nn iidopt'd Into the Imperial fam ily. J unio r hack still In the first half of the I'L'htcoiith century, there 1 in hi pedigree an untitled I'ncllshwain an. n mere Mis Maria P. nice, n con nection of the then Larl of Allesbury. Debts to Uncle Sam. Do you realize wduit you owe your country!" "Yen. And I'm thankful that pome of It I for Liberty bonds. Mervous ÖReople who drink coffee find substan-fcial relief when -they change to mm This some "table drink does not contain caTreine or any other harmful, nerve disturb ing iiigredient.