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7 , -d ? if- - . Mr. Cmpr ' V. v ' .ur a LttU a- , .11--; , I; Hmt TU Ch -. 6pk WH ef Hr. prewJer in the reijm of A Chaxle II. waa to reveite 10 if in hia serrroa at the funeral of Mme Creairell he eaid nothing but wcl. of hr. She was rather a lad char acter and herself had dictated t' elaue in 1 or will. S after a pen eral ad'r'-; on imrtaüty, he t'i-ir eonel'idiV. "T.v the will, of a ir cea.od ei.-ter it is expected" that 1 houM ncr.rn her and f:iv noth ir: but what wa veil of ! or. All that I fhil. ?ay of her, therefore. i this: She w:i lorn well, s-he live well, a:v" -"' '. wel!. f'T f! e it born w Iked in ( Bnd?"aJ'. AD r; v . An Jnside Bath Maizes You Look e - Mr li:rrOa. Mr. Mank, I woli cf lov; to ee bow much I we!h! Mr. Mrrk-fii. momeut. please. I wsM t. . .t 1 bare Us pries ut . c- Pl'.i'.rde'phl Ir. er DXüK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD la. 'fspfvnful of lulling water t-'u ve and dri' ' titve tPirir.c t ': d t is the mo-r tfr. n'.ü Ulid CU" CTl iirts cf the -kv . Also K0' ns i ! ! i j'.ti f- n thf 1V; i; tb r.ert t: " -r jrri i. !- ' rvr v TtyeiuV , t .cr. Take u e tt-n. put a eup or It. Nvr through a c-ip fu'l at any ,,- .-:rc retiring. . vnv 1 " 1 r-ak :i J Saya a g'ass cf hot water with pHcphnte before breakfast ketps IMnest away. and'Feel'Ffesh im 1 ..'-."5-. .''';'iri C. .!a''"-t 1". - : T - f-vn This excellent, " common-ens health rreasure being adopted by milliona. v;.: Bi: IC!-' 1.1." T. tier K; 1 j U'v Sab Faia i. . . axidi i.-a V!7 4d CCliCSt - a lärm cr 'wiAtitm hi fferj Get a . h'xett -St. a j tJrurf Vtre, eiJ rvb It fcoAe. aud ty '! tbe oreuess a: J TTbr TO tow iifDb ; i0 ot-Bt bnt - v--.; r)i- t ' ' I)u ty"crip)iü : 'A'i RooOiln,;. tifwt rml " ir II o l u.ed r nly .nr t UkM ITm! ' j paia rlbt ut of your Lack uiu i . the valry. it i nufiit), ret btM!u'.cl barmieu imi doeim'i l um tl kio. 5cthi& ele 1 jubao. it lticft and Ucee Uak l-tt j k j rguU 1 Thrslclnni tto world over rccom riend the inskio batb, clalrain this U of vastly more inn ortance than out tiJt? clcanliuts. tecause the ekln pores co cot ai'som impurmos m'o li e Hood, cauFiss "'1 toalth, whl!o tto i ore- la tho tc:i yards cf bowcl3"do Moa nr.d women nro ur:.''i to dnnk r-c'i i. Icforo rcakiaet a fV- c." l:rt with a tcapooful f l.::.r-;tr:o p'iosph.Ve la It, 03 a :r.r:li.-i u.tar.s ot l.'rin? to wash Jfr-.i the t:ou.ach, 1. ;r. kldnoya and 1 '.v.-'s tie i-rovlous !ay In-lirc ill- t, poi '-ud. pour Mle an.! to!ns: r ' : r. ! it t a'i.l i'iri- t t ;j j! entire alimentary run:1. t- ; f re i att.Li more looU Into tic -ir.- Jurt as eoap atl tot wtcr 'cloti' and fresteu tb skin, bo bet water and " UuMtstcne t hoscLu act oa taa eilm- ! lcaÜT er?E3. , Ttose w-o wiie p fclthbal breath, eoatei tonpue, raety Uit cr have a :'I, bcLlts Lcd. aal law omplexlcm. ftomaeh; ethers wto are subject , tj Lllioua attacks r cocstlpatV!. j fcLeuIil obtain a quarter pot:nd of Ilm.'- ' atone ihcbrhats at tie iruc Etn-p.. This will cost very little bat Li Ftnn- cltct to dcnonrate the value of In- ' ride Latblnc. Thos who contlr.iio It " ach momln are asun.d cf i rv -vr.j . -nouaced rtsvi-'ts. bctti la rfcard to 2w seaieu i Balta aaa atwvajraac - ' it t r- Ti ; it "lif los you. Rsl l.f'Ji.-i h an "TheT tell me tout hnsbaad draw alary for Sleepia." "Pure. that' right Mr. CTaocy. Of't ilfLt wauaman." N-w Turk Warld aw" Washing EmbroiJt rt Bran wntcr bath are poJ ff worsted and cottm rnbroiderie. iThev should ho made bv adding a 'q iart of frc.-h lr;in t throe quart Jof vwitcr. I'-'l this for lia'.f an hour, stnn nnl then pour irto a coupl !of bowls, ndJ cnid wuter until it ia j luk'w.rrr.. put in thf embroidery laud rul till ih-.m, t in clean jaator an! then place :n the feccn4 'Ufi-i of l.!.t:t water, Irving the ar i liciu as '( k.1 v to:: ilil. Alwaj iron fin lUf roiig nio. Wu!rf utt nMN Children Cty for Flotchcr'o TTTT" Ths Kind Ycu Haxe A! wars B;zr:t. ail vhi-S fc,. r. la use for ever cm 30 rears. Lle bcre tSs t?-r. .j aol tas eea t-ais trier tii ter AToir tJ ce U desire re a La th AU Counterfeits, Initarisns ari Jtrt-ca-frsod w art bj; Experiments that triie viüx ari cziiz itr tie kea!th ef Infants anrt Chilirea Exrriecr ariiirt Exrrtsesl. What is CASTORIA a naraiess tiiot?TrLi Irr C rr Ou, Parerk, S:-"hiae Sttcps. It is cleaiiit. It Castcrii is Drorj and neither Ojium 'iorphinr err ftge is ili tiirai -t-e. Fit rn' ether rrbtice. Its thirty renrr it Lu been in c nsta: t use f:r tie relief cf Cczsti; lLco, FLataleacy, Wind Colic and Dfjxhrfa; aayia Ferenshress arislrr iberetrom, arc vy rcftla.ia th' Sr: irh aai EoeLi, aili the assirilÄtii'n of Food; rjvi- Laih7 aai catnl ala The Chüdxea's Pejaicca Tht tthei'i Fritsd- GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rBecrs the Si .iv.'iy -i, rt .? l On Krrt of Good Work. f!l! C re;it 1. avf..! f w 5 i '. ' In Use For Oyer 30 Years The Kind Ycu Have Alwayr Bought HI WILLIAM A. WILSOS. (jerrM r"3 -rr. t.-aa r. uta i-itr h.i'.dtni a to dem n.. t. you ee the aaM' - v. i;:ie, an .-ti. ri t r t nit-ht. V ll.t fl :r'i Lv w trCi. r. 1 l;it 104 lkkt tit) : I'd i t -mm U V Ü U L. tl u w Si 'al r:- r r. -j "in- C t o fj pike iJj'i. nti -''-L:i f.. Fit, lo'f-i T Me. "; -, Lti-n.ti. !ii:r:rr aJ i.:tni j -d Ihr as YOUR 4 STC S-! A NCE 0 n NOW 15 To Buy ow 15 Boston-Keuiuck Cents. IVr share Cents P r Sha AKN'INO; With our next advertisement Bjbton Kenv.i':".y will dvancG to Twenty Cent per share. FORTUNES IN OIL ARE BEING MADE IN KENTUCKY XIIK.IK AUK thonan'.s rX p.ojdet tlf(. t-r- i ..... . yvliMnnMlt.i11;.....y,m .... w... ... a...... ern-.-nt 1 iir'lfii the if e."f i' nt -f( fv r K-re oi Oil IaJ in this c u-.itr. ; I rw-s f r oil ere ne? hinlir, i. , l'.-, ft ill "11 Bll'l l.llll" . " ni the 1 OSION-KKNTTCKV CIL Com t any i c injf to !o its ' 'n fupplyin thm great dernmnd. Ymr cp. j-rt inity to "(i t Ahed" an ' ta-e in j Ihe prottta is her, ror q nek t r r.ei ai?er dj: profits and -vt a :!.! ntnvr wealth-creating poeeintl.tie . n t'tii.'iif lik the oil taiaes Ii tv r 'n uovto Fortune are ott-n r-.i'-l in tho twinkling- f an eye mil i. 'i mi.le over niht, aal everv-.. inn the miilionaire aa ejiil ;: ri' t. p trtiripate aroordiDir to tho a.'" -'iit he can aflor.l ti invett. The jsr N-Kl'.NTrCKY l I.C mi j--r- telm yo-ihow to inveft t '- t'1' u : from o.l. It le not h v i;ia 1 your i:iÄ'tn. how litt e 'Up' i ' i f. a . .it A'de for in vftrnt.t pur p. I ; ; o . initT for you tr ''iio ! r .- in -ii ; oil fcuineM i- ji-tai i ' r:ion ai thotikrh v,i hid . .r to inve-t. the j 1 lr:.on i nt' torp cf ti.i C- in i nur.- ehan -s "i ' -i- K nt irk y ' nl t'oni . ! ;: hy a Ivice an I "hi'il I -. i ,r family aftart ein tr, I'- iy." J.e.-rnt r-i ort . - hi, i l for y.a in t t:e rt . k ) i .'. Comp an t ; f -r n -mtv T )l r'centlv jiol - 1 more I a mi :i. r t cm tT've now i t ) j- VI vi.- in I thf Mo Ith hiui-"t yonr n the his ory of Ken er . tiixm.vie ni."..v u,i, Iii pl,i ehouhl iurp.i II -u'v tiv . I:m trf.-.o'j reire. The I.of-ton-Kentjrkr ir,y(itel in the Ketn U l Company Iim . Company ahou'd add ina erially I pud o.-r ri'..r' loll it "i div:.ienli, the constantly iucreaning prolurtion. anl tho i '.mfr v.'ity .! Company pi'd People everywhere are iidly e(itloii- h ivileniol .,-" on encij tn ic ovor l.'iO'O new He H an 1 in tliA share o? ftofrt mi 1 th Houston Oil C:u-.ojur-e of few months the jfo.d new pmv pi; 1 a fto -k livi len 1 of i '0 per !m ill he pread to the investors who h cnt. Tu inv.--i.oM in the-e Comp nie choen iev nd well. ).- i li 'iu h:ive uev-r cecp the til AN CNUSAL profit-takina; opportun- I. f-t irt 1 n . y j l will Vurt, p"ln. ity. W ith ),it coat or otdieat.on the I5iü witb si hi . -t i "'ve-.tiii-nt. in'reni i it ton- K-ntu-k v Oil Companr will ?ive hk vur rt'irn -to iM f I treS e oli an I everv p'iro'ier of UOrON TIIK r; PP.Ii TV TV P.r IN'. KI.MICKY nhares, an option on n KKN ri'Chl Y Oil, 'H 1 1' N'Y i i v .r- e-jm; n t-nher of haros the pri-e pa.d Pre 1 .in I'-r I i" 1 iw f the -t .f at ilc :1,1c ,f oriinal p'iichae. This lejro. Cpiol . SJiKHM till .pti i m y ti- akea up t aiy tnu) p:u t au I n n-H-- --I.! . N pre oirl ittnn 1 :i.o ,ths from Dee. let TMs kt iri'l n 1 bond. All dure will ,ruKardsg of tti ralipg price at which pirMoip it- e j i l ly in r i d and every jthe eh-r"i nmv then h edüntr for. livi 1. 11 1. To-pr .p-rt of the M A K K FlIK MOST of this won Jerfol Kenuu-ky ,. C or pinv cr upri-e l.:;v Yippo-ltrrty NOW' intent in oil p.tws -.cro advent i h' vie I kitn onr-eif ia the position where a littleof land Oil r;e!d in Kim Conn y. Ken your r- irphi ni m- miv hrimr vnn l.i. ," " - 1- hihi um rvt-r ireaiiiea of. I ompiny llt TON KKNTl'CKY is aconnervatite no Company, mana! by uiea who know ... ,.y uii, a ue ace ra?e it nn- punt to the 11-naIly hirua anl the capitalization un- - r iin-a v The an l P. t K re in i. iitn-kv Ol on n 1 it 1 .n in 'o aad lias Peißen no UnR'tie arii no rentals jay. I. very ilI rntion punt 10 the ,11-nall hirua an 1 the capitalization tm v-es . l te l - iojii-rvriu ut . y t.. . 'I oil t i I.I .....II- .. .11 ti ' w.i u-any ernaii. linr your i iara now t C unpiny v in C je pr 'X'tni'y are ti e rhe present low price of 15c per share or.'.it oil ; i f rmy llvidoad payin(fj',ef Dre dri'linf betriot. Tie price will roiut a': go np as Ihe drill me diwn. Make IHK Pi:)rr.vjr. I.very lty ths nonet hv htivine before the a Ivance in pr.- f.fthi- Ci' it. mentions th- im-'price. This ößerinif will not wait act t I'U'i -e i.f p 10 1 i -in nin e il. l'.'.o ,.. now ohey that impulse ti II out the at :i g ill mi f oil w .re i!nnv. m o Hed ao!ic-ition blank cn either the Kentiu-ky in 1 a reruukii 1 .crea ci-h or partial i.attnent nln an.! ...u;i ' I P'dav. I m hm of F&lste Lilf z ! ..n 1 1 -i4gw I rUr". A.ECKERT. PR0PR.TTCR" f ' fe 5 "i I f s -t It'll... .11 1 1 hi .riffln rmt vi ,:u 1 t r tbiti'i 1 i m .11 ir :. ci r 1 : e r 11 . je 1 " ' - MAIL'THiG COUPON TODAY 1 II PA YMFN T 01 pny, M PI.IC vIlO . ir St Il.iftor. I a k.' n 1 ' find t - fu I ptrmrr t f . - oi 1;MS KKMl'CKY OIL OfPNYai p' r si.a'e. I urn alsito lcei.f aa p n on the r tie1 u imler Jof si an at tn ana j-n.-o. Name Stret. City.... Stite. MOV TO BUY r.HARES 7 rl I 1;. 1. tl) eliare 15.U mv- U) f.hate 30 f" mv '.It I Vt.iO :'ii! (.h.n- n) W Leys -PHI nharex vt) b.!js .00 fljfes 1C0.(3 buye im) chare MAILTH1SC0UPON TODAY I'AItTI AL PA YMKNT APPLICATION K. I . dare f'omi.anv. - r v Ma 1 M l t. II 1 ton, ! f V-'v Vl i.l f a. llMt piwiien fONI, Tllimiro h.reeSf the Capl il M,.ck of th.. :.KT'-Ki:Nri;( KY OIL COM I Nl Hfl . per -..uro, t. l.alum e to Pe paiid in wo i, 1,., n Ii I v f in- I i, al'o 10 re- I O 11 111. I. ill oll I liu an 1. o ....... I -I . (tho frrr.e price at . tue .Slate. IHer-nces: Dun or Ural reet, llaajtsr Truit C-uipant TKrcontTrnatOimfany, International Trtirt Co F.tB.:kUr arl Transfer Aont; Ilanoter True! Cortpany. Auditors: Bureau of üaeicesi StatiatKS. ' Make All Check I- afts or Money Order PavaUe To E. P. GAGE COMPANY, lneatmnt Bankera HM Devun.ahiru Street, Uoxtoii, Maus. We are better eqnipped than ever to handle whent. Wo offer you fair weights aad grades, less unloading and courteous treatment. Come .and ce ns. Wc always pay Highest market piics. Jasper Roller Mills. Andrew W. Kckest Propr, Ilm Samv murloir I me Best -tr ALL' Round haperIM for ii w:e Read the COURIER