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DRINK A GLASS OF PEAL HOT WATER " BEFOr.S BREAKFAST. Says we ulii lot leak and feel Clean, t a;;. rmd fresh and ave'r" Inresa. MILLIONAIRE ENTERS LIBERTY SWEEPSTAKES RACE MAY 31 Sanitär: er'i -; cf hVr rrnV rapid Ktr.t'os t- ' ". s th.'. are of untold bles.-i:- : 1 :. .u'.ty. The Ir.t- . est applin:". ' f if : '..'vr - irh is tho recoir " i . v ; .a I necessary to . :nf .Tri! -::'.' i- tion of the iin- n . . .,( tf h-i-man body as it ; t ) iL? draiue of tho Louse. TLose of i:s v !.o ar accustomed fa feel lull nn! ! ivy we aris fplittir. l.niihu t stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, n. :y lrt'ath. ml 1 stom ach, can, v.f .. '. fe 1 as fresh as a i!aisy ly oi mi : the fhiiees of the sys tem each morale- i:m1 fhi-him, out tha whole of ihe 1:.: ::ial ii'ljoiious ttag tant mntter. l'veryone, wh.i'or rilln:?, f'.-k or veil, f houM, :. a i: rn up I fcro breakfast, ilrii i. a pls of n al hot water wi:h i u o..tul of l!cctrno phosphate H 1' asa t'rora t.i j ttom aeh, l!i r a' ' ; v is tl.o i e lo'ts lay's ir. :!, . w a. tour ti! ' roisejo-is tl.-. Io i:..!rT, fi i ti ,v . uHiuer.t.T . : : c twor fofiu :i'o th. t '. ';!.. ;-t'on of lit v;:ter H.:i l:n- M t - , '...- !:.'.: on, i nr. err.; t t U1'"' f '-.i. ".-rf't.'y !n v? o i:.- It o . vi i . . t ' -o"r Children Cry for FEetcEicr"- -'..;-,A:-ry "N. i4 AS - ft! :i:ii:f;i: . ti.s t nr. J ri -. . i r.-' rr ikf.i: t. ' vi.jr :roal;f v ..tor 1". o". :t.:e of v;. r t : t'r.j: r-.. v t fi'! t! ir 1 i 'r.'x a I.-...'"! vrl- ! '.. 1 a" 1 i f t- ' ' .f ' - t- '0 j! a mli;i- i i;r. pilnt of hih v race cars, will t. pe-'n In nction with the rtmi t f th wtu Id's great est automohile racing classic over the historic In'liJnaiicUs ;t'dwuy. May 31st. Cliff Ptjrar.t Is the only nil!: n- alrj art'Kill. racinc cars i n t.h- U 1 Fpc.Mlvvay in th ft.jte.i Stati-u to,! iv. crank oa tLo E cf iuUrual iau- in onltr that he mnv hi "V . - ci.1 t M w -i' """" 1 ' v- &Ki&Zf' WO eeh-V-iteci race nriirs nr. 4 I T v'.y I ?r.t l'ch-'nl the r!r V..fc. w I . ft Th !"r,fj You Kpv? Alvayrj Dou-jht :z i, ;. ;i or1' : s : 1 ... .(. , r . , f : i r; ; ' V; ' ' This v i l i -r c if ii f t. i' !. is aro iTr ltat'on. PUT CHE TelN Tie T triU nr..! CATARRH char.ces of v.-intiing tho In.ljar.apoiis classic and the f .it j ur?f t hat c. os to the winner. Infant has sec:;rl the strvices of that stfrlirg pilot, V. ! !i? feerlns wheel of I k rne r "STri'lnt; Itnl; 'i a Mvl-'-rJ is Known ;'.;"oüs t f,-a-temity. ' j;'k,i::'.' syrut:;; h:.i f.ü.ie '; s the UKir of a lzitr. wi-.tilns t: 1'Jlo road nii insr charm - :h!r . ith this t j-r m cf car. ar. t ea-turliiR the Var.i!eii!t I'ujj race the foilowl::R year. He also was the runner up in the firm Indianapolis C'C uille race, tlvlmr. ITay Harroun. the winner, a n-ul bit t Je for first money. .Y;..tV. rl was fori od to c hange a the n. ar tho r;n!ri or lie j Tonally v.ould Lave won ha 1 this not occurred. Ah a race driver. MullVril drlayed most oi hin f' ill In the his road rru whn that You 1 ti .i . coll in hort'. iln-'i-l ,.,.'t,Ij c-ill orwn. Ih- Hit viw"i-1 var hr, fl,--.r anl r,illen a,s0 t Tr.nta im I'-':4 - a i '"Itiri Li ' tones to his credit. th mot no''l . of which Is tho world's road racing i In the FTlcln road racos in 1f'll. 1912,f.rin of automoMle rjn In was i-oj.-j-t r..rord of ST.? miles r?r hour, which and I'M?.. Pullen with his m :4.!inaire I la r In An. erica. With the Iftrhtly con-, - ne fstatlis.ied hn he w-on thot'rand , employer, will drhe a C'heroltt i-'on- rut v.ct 1 and ?pe Jv Prentt-nac. Me 1 e-,. r i, ii- ...... cial in the Indianapolis r. :"". If.i.l may snirprl- th do. ps'.vr I VViLMAV: c ? 1 Ks ate V 3 -to V A.. . . i 1. Ir:'e t the of n Merw car tlilkll if in in- -vi Toy can hrciti.-; r-clr Iif, hcadc ' ' - i mnooti' di- " I'lintf for I '- tt. Till xcv.T !" U.ttk c f 1 lyr i ; ' . little d V '' ' in yur r."-' ri4. . ' every air j n- c nd heal tl" i vre dull- . u trug- - ..'i s nall Aj.t.'y a t crnm th- li.'b ; lid (-'th iri.-.'n.e. 'noa ovi-r the Fanta Morion course in l:lt iid id 1115. a eO Ll .!, j t,.r 1 t '1 1 i o ' f I - :';ke Nhj Knl;.h Mulfonl. who 1. FM.t-ine In the ttfr pr!i." i. no the Lil.crijr ir'.vt "pstakea clatiic the if st popular dtvt.s th. l ever V.i) il. f ' ' r ( J ! - Ili-llr lfre, ! j OLD-TUni COLD CURE DRINK HOT. TEA! V'r!) Ht Eettea. Get a Email pnclia of ITamburj? inml.rAni pb1v'j :" e-" iiir..ntly. lireant Tea at any pharmacy, lake a It i jut . h a r t rr .-'il l ar l rafarrt tahl-poouful of the tt:i. j'if a c ip of eu(Ter r nee is. L'-u't st.-y ntutTol uf boiling water iijujn it, jMiur through a nJ mifcrnMe. " sieve and drink a tear up full at any time during the !.iy of licfure retiring Jt is the most elective v-ay to hri-uk a cold and cure rip, a. it opn tho jires of the skin, rfliev jn coiie.etinn. i-o looseim the bowels, thus ufeakinj . ' i odL i ry it the next tim yo i u!Tir from a cold or th- grip. It j" inexM.'nsi and entirely vig..'taL'c, tLvrctwr kaCi; and LarmlcM. ti , M . - . .efin.t. j,. 'nt. , 'irjijni ... " : i y i riipreent JC P 116 2. I i ii Ml' i ' "-t Afeif t,,;"T Trovounrlurl natural I MJ, UliU!.-' . ' M - f,M I v'-::n.- a tlicnter oppo.-it . T ?" ' Ml wli'.li tir, i?io,it inn ws ncrei'e-l. 1 .V I STOP A MOMENT! I LISTEN TO THIS i You recklesi wen cr.d woman who are rt rcsl with corn and h . at least once a wk invit-tl an awful i.ath from lockjaw or l poi.n arc Cincinnati man ttdis ho". to hft cfVfany com without hurtir.2 tit RUB RHEUMATISM FROM wmwm mum STIFF AOHiNG JOINTS I'.'f If - . t Is the locerit : i ,u ic t f'r l.fa. 0 '. i 7t.' wli.'h ir.)po.ition aocer'c-i. There w.i- n yli "lit fro in tho thea ter. vhT-:i,M,!i tn youri; iorci wai amor. .' t!iM :',r-t to bolt. "lik a n! L:r.' o"t !' t!.e .ni!ilirt. Uetnrri in r lei- .i ;v . the i luh. Mr. Wil-liarr.-s f.f-ti! t' .t Iii voun frier;.! n'.;it !v v. !; n ' a c; :ar. "Wlial u frtli n.r.'le bolt '.I nf vi Vi' ; f-rrynoil f rr i."h tet e i ESTABLISHEW84 7 L14V Ho. To !' -.r i ii ' i 60W toil oy a V men:'. i i " i 1 1 1 j iuu iiiitJi in .-i j ... - Uiiu i.l ..S'.lt J . ,., ' . I f' t it rrii-t 1. lTil."IT F .11 . '.I I 1 1 . r II JI II.. -. , hiJ-ini'-; bojy f-tci . ; i.M'. nr-! then o'.4 t r ; " : 1. 1 : ' r at I ' a ' e- v ;: a.eckert, proprictor u a lru-' caJlcd f i - " i" . tf otiicnt a few drej s apj.'.'k-1 to any eorn, tie aorene i- r-..f' l bi l s e n the entire corn, rot uui uU, JiiU ov:t vith tie nrpers. It is a ftitky fultanre wl.icli ltV r the moment It it api!i 1 an.l I tail Id simply thrive! tin- cm without In- n nr' t n r rlaming eir evvii irntatin.' the tuirrounJ- 1.. t ! tunc ; t v in tin-tie or ekia. It i clairn'-d that t ti j. a quarter cf n onnce f fr-ne will .'.'- Ys J.i:,Si,,.-iit" roi-t very liHle at any f the dmp flirts r :v' -: .' v !.' hut 1 (.ufl'n-Utt to" rid one's fet ol t ; -tt I in vry lard or "ft corn ct callu. You are furthfr med that cut tic J atYatcornlis a suieidal hahit with a srr.a!! trial b :t!e cf o!l Et. Jaco'-: Li.iir.-.eiit i i i p "i';i i 'I'.'" I 1 .1" t r, '. . ia. . .... : - rr... 1 ' i ii. , - i .tit- i in i , . ... . i l -i . i .... . .,, ,, !., ii,ri. .! i ;,tt t. im, , Macliiaxe'... Ah.en nri.1 other prcit; je h t JO.lJOO a jcar fx '"'ri .' 'rs i.ia;- 1 Italians aro enti::!-il. Consen - ... ; ii-. r n j n r. ... i i trnfeir.-i to the t iiitrii ol the f.,. . Ho! Pr" J i. l'irt c it v. where tl c te--. ti nr. '! 1 -r yti, but Wie of (i.'.'Üei, lliil.rlanut!" m. i've iVt jti.-t -ii'-ieeileil hv pr wheat ' yor'irv.i.; ucd grains 0' I Ml' , II, i . vt I' t h:- '!( f, s (Ml DRINK ME WATER ii IF KIDNEYS BOTHER IM J. i.i''i. :v J h : i -, I'ii'i-i'. ' - I 1 1 1- , h .:--( f-;,-i : , Cr ; i'i' i - U Ft if' "'S. I V ; tit rr a n v. t.. hi . . v in r t Eat leas meat ari ls 3ilt: f jr Ih'c ache or Eladüjr tr- u'. h Katrolue a i J.-.. LADIES! SECRET TO DAHKLfJ GRAY Hi I was received iroin ttic nr:n:c:p.'uu; c rm-j acc. i but the rrr.' trI a wiuow, I)o';a r.;. .. . . . fur . '.f--yt tritrt- Olympia, -v ;M consent to t!ic tt-.v d 1 r-r.-it trn-t rnnv ! ' translation only on condition that c - . . - .!' v.i r notnin?- when her tit'ie cr.T.e her boj ehe w.' . ,v Knulit-i tti!t be p'ui'fi rext to that of her writer. 'I '.".. v -eu r-; rr. in. jrrcat ' husbats'l. Tili- ri'T'.est wai bluntly alarm, run t' hi mini-tor to tell deninh f r the rea-on tlif.t orly him he m-iM .:nts on ihe gua Italinr- "-.ho h;il adiievf 'l ereat- and thnch 4 . th" wt l.l oit'-t k -ot)- tc-s" oi .! ret there. In the in? t hn e:jil..'M Hi, il n't b nfniid," widow .;. 1 hp.'I h f .re her eh-utb paid th- ro.x! Tr.ititcr, "it nothing ronrcntiv1 n v. i ii;?. ' t, the removal but n pi---..-. r;vior;a." "Is that of her l.i.. band's bly to Horem-e, ell'" ;! . fn ! t'Tiei1, man. and rirovii'ed her b iy he placed in th thn H? n,- r -i-.-v rc'ioveil. grave ffoni wlri-'h Im-j would be tak- A v,t ;irf 'aver fm time en in I're 1 n-bi'-e, and after a since t J . mi f o; lie to ! a s .teat C'iia " 4luDf. eo nr.. Wo a'.wa. 't m.rUet ri amu:kw V Kckert Trop-. Til fe0W under lonz "TV:?. 't UOli. f BrLis Back its Color and Lustre with Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. r Lic-;:ucration uus re ;r.r i c;-eM v ? ,-.u ovr.-v rea-, eon to ext t ! ' TN- r'nt, a rdain o'd frrii r. to :ndf-el by A Uaty Chill. ),. . , nf n, h:i.-tening The , t t'u .h-rkv hti a rreat to th- ln-ver' oili, e. -aid. "I adimr. ft!.! p res-M PrTe Hd in T-pat e-rrtt.-s U,' v, thry hvnnv crrw-f rk ; b'.i.."V, aol.e, and f.1 Itkp lumr- I'.vl. i'l.e urinfl lxvomen clouty; i' b "l-i- t ii ir:i tatl, anl yo'jir.ay et- o' ii ' 'o re k lief two or thti Cm. ,luri -.j. V i n.j:.. hn thi kidneys el.-isj you" ljat help them f!ud off the lx '.,' uri nci v a-to cr you'll be a real i;"ic pen- . : -At fint you fel a d.i'! m ery in t 1 ; I.oy rfjrin, you f T-t f.r -r. , ick l.e-ihvche, i . 4 , i 1 Otir, t :..rU0 Cent- 1 ') . .1 r ,. artw.tfi.ii frrn;iMHnn lmnrnil lil;.V ' 1 ' '1 "' : HI ......of Old f'r r' ' 1 ' in-.Mc t-J-.r.-' win n in . .- r !i . .L by th addition of other ingredlente Iv eiilh "'1 . . ! to ' ,fi ..o-1 H ' . 1 i ' . ' '- ' : 1 liit 1-sa Eieat, !rink 1' cf 44".Vr; a larxe buttle, at little coat, at druc t'lh" ' ' '. I I, ,r i t r- T -: . ..- kfl,i., alio pet from any i!.a-Ui:;c; funr. ;i etorca. known aa "W'yath's 8a ra and " ' ' ,, , ', 4i' ' " ' cf Jad Salt-- ta'. e a t-.'der 0 Hulj.hur Compound.4' thus avoiding a 110 " '" 1 ' ': ' M l or v . a,4i- rvir- ie. in a pla-a cf -,hr be e '"V-v,, . , ; M '4 ! .n- tr.ot,o s:. k lift mm 1 C immon rnrden .-10 brewed Into a heavy tea, with nulj'hur and alcohol tie-- 1 addid, III turn rray, streaked and ' fmlfit hnlr lio.iutif ullv dirk an.l Iiit. ' urlar.t. Mtxlns the F.ifre Ta and Sul- r,"n' ' " ' " phur reelpa at home, thouKh, la Qtie i I it, .: ,m irouoie-irinie. jn paf"i'r w:i y is 10 fnl'v n li 1 .1 . 1 . .... .........:.. 1 . 1 il.V 111 t wiw 1 i.iujin"iiu i'ii-jmiiiuuu iinprMwn ' 1 "t " !i ki;inilir-w ordi thotj.'?:f t-y. f.i'.J uo e -bou'd cer- " II'1 rl.-o a b-c-p tainiv, n t!, P. Mi v' So I did,"' : to ;n v :. V i t'10 liolj. ft TV e red th." - ! w vor.. ,4T" t . vol i 'lion-; f ri'tch when ! br.f'ht 'f. v; tio'-e l4'l'ore '' " 1 M : i i;.M'' i'n ha' the j:r're t - it v.e- a 'joo- ' i.ii !.'.',.." said rtiw 4d . "".'" !. if vv -n'd r r .i ;o ne I'l.'t mw Ike BesX If It a few ,1,,1 3oi.r ki.I ,y, w,i 'VertrV t." n-iVm one Vouth üi " ' ' " -1. n' Moad 1 1 . . 'i"-i'U;'"'W"'i m uppearanee and nttraetlvenens. Ity oh nr v ' in re 1 t -t 1 hor hb-ikire inok like hhe " r'4 frcm tho aci 1 tf CTr" ar l 1. iron juie, rtarkenlnir your h 1 tr with W'yetha Ci 1 ,,l .1, 1 . ontiiintHl with lit urn, and hi3 l.-n v e l Kaue and Sulphur Compound, no one , . . ' , for ITnerationa to ch ia clon"' 1 ki 'iie, can tell, because It does It wo natural- ''Hd r e it " r. siinc ; A h. :h most folks was ill. an4 Btimulate them to portnal activitr. ' evenly. You Just dampen a world cjo . ' ,it f iir' m voj fc alflo to neutraliw the cid in urin 't0 "n or "1ft bn,f l'h It and draw thla through your hair, takln one in ,r t.-cd ?' ',)S titv. He .vi ! V... ii .i i rrnau rirnrni n. a lime xy mornlnif faun ending bhvldr weakneaa. . n v.i-- ,.. vli ------ -i ,--, ' iiuvuri iijjiuiiiiiiii ir iwo yonr naif i! '.:,,' ! Vir-t oil U ii O !'OM A . ,.. I . . i 1 fie ohl mon'i " '""r . ", ; i from the- ironin-board. .' " ' 'r. f Jure; makes a Uel,cUful eile., ., .t becomes beautifully dakrioUr .oft "Ho .. ,i she M o,irli', an fish l0"P4 r !u -"rr.,, v,! ; lithia-watcr dra V which f.frvo'11 Kho'i and luxuriant and you appaar years pur, ' ifj ,; f ,m' -ir ' I ain't onhv that it wh mi mprv for the, Uke now a d tUa to k, tt,, k,.r V younger. Wyeth'i Bare and; Sulphur ' .' " t .. Va-tliVcmntn rerr.oval of rrea'e. This waihis1 r eaa ; v . tg h Mf Compound I. a del ghtful tollet requl fvVüe l lt b VroPQ- ..Soak , poft doth in rao- khey aell loi of Jai S.. to U. t wl.j ",t"- 11 ,a not Intended for thfc cure, tu-. HTe in . oTemuiim' kiiav liy4!a Baittlon or proventlon of dlieaaa. ansrtr: "Soak a soft cloth in craso- lin and rub geutlj till the greaM ii amdicatdr ' I Head t!ic- T ! ! 1 COÜR1KK V