Newspaper Page Text
I th i ac J 1 1 .I is! i 'o it 'if ,..iiJ he County Agent Notes. Oitioe, Vpstairs in the Court House at. If Ja.ier. I will be in th oi.irt? all day hi s .Jnr.lAv an, I Monday uiorain and t other times when not buy iu the lield. Oiliiv hjun: s t 1-' A. M. and 1 t 6 1. M. Tbone l'-'ü. Let little pigs nuke hogs of tut nselves. The use of self -feeders for feed ing is gaining in popularity all the time. No what is a self feeder? It is simply a devise for noldinff feeds and so constructed wachinn.nn HUJ mmtm IWfeäSHAII W0ÖESWIT8 HIlllUUIl U. W. iww. imuuut uu. v.-- lirUIII I I'MI-MICrf some horn . verlas ami were aw; vkiiuhl I vlUUIl ; wearing uniforms Th. yir . 'scouts ir KnaKi unuenrs anu The Courier edito.'s o!Jet about :10 ,000 other mer . anJ wo- daughter vv: s an eve witness ta nennuamu.u u.unu , th ad letter to h,-r broths Ifcrtrarn. Pe; ana 0 amn other word i prM PA.,r maii loiio.v unuuiiiij i'v. ciiyi uk. 11 u.attij in. uunu uniu limn 27, 1919. ie Washington D. C. peace par ies and rsanizatiow The negro Icon Feb 27. I9i. and in a ;;omen iurehaw a and and they tter to hjr broths Ikrtratn. pl-yol and mrrchai in the par Woman Says He Chose New Way Because Pistol Was Too Noil v. FRIDAY, MARCH 12 1019. t UUb iUI UJU.Ul,'il ' v. - - , - - . I y..v w . ! L. I. .v',l 1 - i.w- fMl Ol' criD..-Mi of th 11 p '?. e par ;v,un unKiu'u.'"! - tht;r ap-i" -r ' c "V.Y. V , . . V.,.,. i ...,... Hiprl m-Pr them, tarrvintr banners Licarueri: u - - , . -L-.v, ni! -,!nnt the- hi? Dir -like this: Wo col Id not go we that they are available all tne;y "y7v vv nnn ,h-too. Liit in ie came . - -:: :.l ä. . e - ... i . . Oldiers. ,13C parcn.s ci uiu suuus v. uu cnicago Man Shows Steadfastness of themselves whenever p.tites call for it. rne little pig, from tne uay u AT Kuny k t-i' l.r da iMiri wr. 1,vi 21-' li'l miu notice it?; bom is sdi-fted, that is when, ehe pre s:dent a"nJ the! Every soldier saluted the Pres d ;in,Mts mother The of t,a ... A to run mm. but I liked the cavalry best. t,l ih .X at home when peace was declur -Evtry hcrse swas ahtce and it was .y.;; satisfy their .in.;i..ts. f ,j secn i:ne to seethe cavalry men salute, i r.c ho of today seem- vri J Ve out flt 12 0-cIock-They turned their horses at the ltL .spiforthidiy to see it. The weath-1 same time, and all kept in step . v.i in. iiv.ik-' """ ;.,.f f.-,. -i mri fip una saiu tu anu iiiirciieu un. t't .ni he umiu v. nt M he m: it. Whir iri.v sti.iii vc us-- m. in- s i i t t n r . v jrii us iiiu wi. h ir : - ar.c .'hould bo iwnc ever avails b!e Shelled co'i, St'Ü C0iTlpU'3:Jn s fo ! uy .Var Sivi-... r iv i u er s r: r f !r f.-r t P'i !.--io! i i n- so'f i-i; firl,l V. I'lK w h " a not o t . to ar. :i - - .. ; tr;p" "u ou c' i . A - ; TO.'iS v; i 't'i a t).t 'c wart1" t ein 1 t: is wailed los b .-flf-fetv.j.-.,,: nu't.'i .'-OS thart wh i t ar r iix'i. Some or 'f a ir in .-ul iV . i:ioni i- it'i , ed d i- t. tt.T tliari -h" ris. :i .1 illcal. VVltf.e mil" Kujh j'oi it" "i do iiw-cu Vt'iy uu:j:. t t ;i iin&t'ta tc .;. J r:i; ; :i. JSC . . .-fit l."Jt r l u . i ' . ' oi uimal v. milk or I n- i . III! .1' i I.i . t. ie sivies were Clear ana juumw u. u.nija m. juldsee nd hear everything swords and they would just gleam i -hat was KOinij or., mere were, i" ine bunntii.. it vsa a oairsniis nyi. aiuunu a.iu i"'t nv .wi v.. ime seemed to be not more than for it to pass, i lit a ht'le above our heads.! In front of the White House ".hey made so much r.oie. it a!-! were solders from every country, mon made one deaf. There we; e France, England. Scotland, Del several eitleren: kinds of plane. ! pium and Ita! .-, with Uncle Sam Vhnv had a srveKl rov.ewiniriin the center tlyinpjthe U. S Hap. srun.l twprl i..r the President a r.d The other soldiers had their own his wife and members of the Cabinet. Right to the east cf flags. When the parade was over we were ritfht by the Presi dents stand and saw him and i tie later :e fit' lvJtT. i 1 lo Rasume z-ceit Leiler fmli to aa .: ..t ' r f.i n. f iv j1.' '.'."- v.'l; '.' i uiicaüy. m 1! Yor : h r- tan: Uv nr .'u y cent into ani kiTcnJu , of coa .- t a'-I (V ; ' I l ii . t,.j -)i"L.V .it 1 -'i.-ie-.-.t s?o in ica sjrui. U iL ft, f.. i i: Win? the pJ!s 1. "Vf will e us'.' 1'in and tw j been i-i e.T : ;..;' iij-ii-'a , tit:''"' c'lit r et VMT; Oc!-. I t .v . ? i cor. i ne a seif -f'.'t .er coat lining an l hoiis wil. r.e'p t i 1 U;'f ;::tisi. . v.l. it-tii.-r 'o ! -e..n raica .i. . ÜPD35 sauce. K tl CriM Cl:tliiii nrivi' 31 .u f i VII "IS!. An Hp;)' il b is th' Anvr cv Nifi to ai: 1. -'i ' - C ec'l "to ; " '1 ' the T' ; t i ? i i '.'-'. vt'n - . , - by t:: ji ;' 5 r a rr: i S;iri;j cl- ;v-. rnanv H-fi'. . valj-j t t.'. . f er.vrgt r.-.y. as 'ho.-;'. Mi'"t -in for . ' be :w p-ib .e t re::'4 u v s indfliv," ; wh v. p.,1- . ! i ccrvi' c Any : ' -. WCtK 'iu . t : th- il-i C:.s Sat :J.) f -)v. A n rtr! io- !.. -jit a TV tb: r .; .(. an i :io .; rci-" v. i Y I a , r will v . as h retaf'):- O -.ri I)) , i t al Re' C" . for I e 't:i nsr r t ' . 1 ;v " . 't..a ri.. . Vi . - a !ii ire .1 1" Ii .-. 1 ;' tv 1. ' ii i-.t -y ii -lit. t.t.ui. A oa'i.'n "1 p..'. xi' ui !i 'a i ; ir to- inar;'it -o j i ; i:d w ti -ess i e- 1. Va'.t r i ihoeii apis: h ttni. vVhri tili' I Ois cm drink a: ta y .vant vh'-i tnr'. r.tu it, i -J t i.';'ir.,f t.) ÜJ It -p f.' 'J t:e '" - :. :. u ll. (!. m. ' . -v.; ii j .-a (t s i. C'r. a r." . ii i'..' i c i .. eo 'C : .. : .:. hi cfm w.i a nlare roped ell, for athrasand simrers and you' Mrs. Wilson come out ar.d we -icould oi. -v get in there if you had hung or.tothe White House fence la special ticket to sincr. Vcj and wa: chtd them go into the didn't realize what a concert nite Mouse, .as soon as me ä nger 1 was at home, but I got,rope3 were unfastened thous a ticket to sir g here. There was andsof people cam over and room enough tix:d for 3J peo-j thought they could g.'t a glimpse nip hut thev onlv let 1000 in so of them yet but ihey were too j'we had plntj o room to see the late for they had already gone iirade- iri s was just in irori:m. the White Rous-1 Straight) Taik abxit a crowd, when that ---o-s the street were -00 wound-, mob was turned lose, I believe ' . ;lr e i soldiers from the Walker Reed their were about a million people ,. :;.'jP.ia; arU JU'J UUUk IJ n, jjawrvcu 'ine aar 'Mem stand at attention and sa-, dines in a box. all the wcy from jre whenever the fla? went Dy.jthe capitol to 3y past the White i. tt'e trir s went over to them House. I think all the people w th bi: baskets of tl wers a d from Washington, Maryland and '!di ;:ribrd them amsnz the sol-i Virginia were there and thtn rs. Tne President ma:ch d s:me. Maybe -ou read a whole it the head of the parade and I lot about this parade, tut no !.( fit r. look at hiir. beire: matter how much you read or n 1 : or- For its one big parade, if I never see another, but I hope it isn't the last. I had better quit now v,. rev v i nrv qrp;riv!:; l) it f S -.tin Ii M - ; t ii. w-. an i .1 n iv i tn? ironi ro . ine c::i nearu; u wasn t iiKe seeing it. r - t i j .r.n i 1 C T .. T l aa r v '!.-, a a .Marine uanu wiiaweu pi muKiaa i vv da iiere iu see it. an ita-. this band came into wn.v e were singing ana play ed Ta re were aboat 31) band: -n .1 I T nil & 1.1-1 n 1 1 piraae ine:i came me or i wui nave tenu mis Dy par otficcf? aad men rrturned from; eel post. Write me a long letter ran ; aoojt 30) soldiers all j -nJ t--ll me ali the news. With ke tii . r .tep in tiie lin. Tne love and best wishes, your sis , . mlmarin.'S were rlong t;r Kachel. 'n. overseas men carried TeU mama to take the interest jjnsand other equipment coupon on my Liberty bond to :.i--m just 33 in Fra-'C-?. jbank and get the interest and . oame me exa.o. o me, use iu pay un ray insurance r u 1 1 1 1 . i t t al : - v ire ,;i-t' . i- 'g of b vs i I . j.j so'i 4 i. iti r;y. la o.t )k '' jiT- 'it lo i: .nt .aisi otb hy. ; ilu r. I believe thit h all for this time Yours R. M. D- NICKED TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE t H.jr 1 1 i. . i. r. :rif! l ' 'fi ir s -i rll 'v ...-) t pr'.-.L j r; m: i' ".': tim.j i .ii i i o 1 1 . : i ; .-u I.- .. ; .' .a i. I i ;. 1 S ai'C : i ",. ' ; '.n Engineers who just return d from France a few week3 ago. Ill J ' I .n ; r , V- r nvlnik' VT'flf n Q 4V .11.11 .1 U.'w -.Mil." b T.l. u nairof big search lights; ih? sind thy u.-ed fcr campaign vvork in ranee. Then came a pontoon train ar.d showed how steams were bridged during the actua'.ii 'hting After this cim? an exh oitof the ordinance de: virtm nt. There wer- ditferenf f,f:rth Dakota Kan Goes L nokina r,iz zun?, tink--. etc, many of f Piv-r inH 1 " ' ;! . urn cimDuili-.J. itripei and, Icr r--C.Ct and i;.iint d iKo tre.s ocks anJi MHCS him. , -rourt'l in yello.v, brown and !reen. Tnro vcro blacksmith 1 '?t, I :iops on trucks with . . 'e.'i o orKing. Tne kit2hen Soldiers' ,u ot lu"- H"' r'n-r. a fartn-r liv and all I r-r ri",r ')-,''',. N. I' . came to Minn- t as if they were marching I M'l', rr? "i dtenuin- ru France Foüowint? the men lJ," V 1 . J;' k'f'orket wri ,"ad viiw i ji t at tit vivi igot OLD GAG WORKS IN ST. LOUIS Man Puts Up Security fcr Hotel Job, Then Findi He Hr.a Nsi'.her Money Nor Job. St. I."u . "llow urniM vnii MV: tu l(ir l.i eppr of tlio ;i vi !!-. nt Hotel J f,Vr.f.n?" ;i sinner Conilc Sii f. n, ii flrvet. d :. "Fine," ( :i ;: u-.l St "Thtn t'.o J.,h lit y0!:rj. Tnr n'i civt' frniilty?" Sl. f'. n (,!:! l- r M l .I T the tr:.t.;r ?l.r.T-. v.; if !i li from tin- Ii:;;1.'-. A (ru)i' .i,--I'caro! iitrl t;.'i:hr,-v n v i. ; ; stalls. e. il'. -'i" i ( wi rn an1 '.-..o 'sn preferable (in !cgurnimusor ssm iar fasturi-i. f. (io d k.cja.:ai which rn; " bine t tr. .. . t-t t. ? at hand; t li l. ir.ü ing of hi ' mit. Mi v eterans of the "ivil War wear-; ill S .,'i'.t!it' ir-r K a: Li IU Jl Ul', Uw rkli-J t i-gray. between every t:-if. Mr. Iliii.i-rt.f-r2 met tlie thief hi the ffjrne ka!.n where the previous "pleJilnf ' lad tka I'ace. fln1. ae-cor-l.'tj to the Hory he afterward dilTtr ' I. . . . t . I . iu, I .itrt.-ive t r ri "i r a T iC 1 .,...1 , v, . t: . . . . i iv iuiv ui iji'i ts.jic.uw jo c ( i" in i-oiicr, ir. I'lrikporhei ronni'u .ret?J l.vlig-' l.r-irt Than iirr. t K r m.-n nf klin !-'-i ll'c in.... i . . 4 1 1 . ...... v... V . I . ... x.-. ...... . . . .. . . . Ml iri 1 n i'j, I f t ie men of the Span;sh America:. tn'-''J,). ronsisttt of J200 in mh War- There was plenty of noUe tr' dr't for on an oukei a I during the parad-3 but the hr;c cro.vd was still when the banner . tnM the police of ir, i:.:.-r in conversation wnlle ri.'ht ti'.' riht . b'r'PPV T -.t,:rb t- liH.ngt mert nr. . ; i "S a'l :.lo j. o . ... t.' , d n in i i t 'l li :gv. ' ..n if ab .10 )N, .1 1 Vrii .-ui'.urai V'.i: 4.':1V.' i:r. 1 . : il 'in t. 'with. . b'ac': iot th. .4 ' ... . ?! I . t- ca-riers came along with a beau-' tifui big white satin banner with ' g :d cords and one b g gold star in tt rvnt'T with tnese word? .t: "The Roys W0 Left R:ght behind this .i r isket o ered with : i-aui !';! tli.vers. Then i a .:? -y-r on a horse and .i . s a ravalry hor52 't. 'r, a'l draped in l : ne saj ir-st part , - (very onlooker, i ' tor the parent- nir.toa boys v h i ai'lr.c nn i-ppoptunlty t remoTe hi P" ff. Tfie man m-l-i nly left ri.1. I-:'.- . i, AN INSPIRED POST. ' Ilarkrr Rcribblea th riot ia oer , Udrdy a gen hi. ' rarkirIIii work doean't a-Tn U .indicate it. V" :. :r,v nt u ! rn.7.- tr ' 'h-n li fre.;;.:! i n f. ill . .t -' rtr;a bat saü 1' cf tlio "iiu W; fell in itttv . e Hi.-.: of th tri-, i r "-; -".v. iT. t! ..t ' .:: '- 'I- I 1 ure wer il i I Liys ia ur.i- Vr.'. il I ! i l v ;i GRosvirra navv v. "A finii 1 l.i .I. i ; f, , tilt!tI III I S-'l . V. , 'J v , lrn'itis n;nl I T i . . t r. . ',, .;,.. t.! :" lorrn, . rv r y u. with bin is.' an l - .:. A!... it the midu'l of; t.'.. ,n; ui -. . r:. h1 peace that - ;:m'. iv a Victory This ll ;.t v.-1- d .i.. h :, our h: hiv In front . -as a big trlob .representing th worid, with ad 'of the continents marked. ar,d t.. ii ' i' . 4 ; ,.;., .aruana it sat i a, girls, repre ii ! v.;!!;senting the 5 States, Eng u' trance a d Italv. C I, MW mm t !, ill ii n,l i", r. fi 1 Ii-, -i . i . ! Barker No, but the fact that b tinl fn t.r- in u v, ;, t " rw. ...! : . .1 . riii .. . ... . -v ..... b unuiwi W1U4 I. .i-.i-ni :. i.i;:, cutli.iri. !k . . :-l .,t v. In tt.1. v.,iun ;.!4n. ;Wic.ua5-,w tt 1,r Pin ?s Joan. "--uiv n f A r In rr vm U - ll . i ihvii vault; ,445 EnCa;ed the Thief In Conversation, tim standtn at the tsr. IIomertvr : i i e -On- WaiSPfltP fin ; t l.rnn,. .! V;- :.! Khfirtlw fri. .r.l I .i. . I UIM 4C ' ' Mr i.f - - i 'Tn smw fnrv .! hv hör ui.l t. i el thit h!i OWn Ullllt li A ft fflcnT. tfod ptjiixg btuhaeu doaa. t'lanted bv M iv 2 . Women j Purpose With Women That Smacke of Delightful Daye of Stone Age. Chicago. There is a eerteln tad ftHtnesi of puriione lu t be of Morris 1'artlo with wotiu n thut smack of tbe delightful old days .f tbe Moiie age. und makes liiiu quite Irresistible as a Aooer. Mrs. Kl.'aimr Cajton, who leurued about cuveiiu'ii frmu him. 1 now coiivuküdnz tt the couuty Iioh I'ltul. Mr. 1'arr.lo coiuhicL! it meat market at 1143 West Harrison street, wlier occurred their fir,t meeting- In De cember of 1016. Mr. la ton came lit a customer, bnt the business unt'iil- ties rajtldly rlpenl Into ucqualiitanc, j Mr. l arzio flrLi-sini; her and remohij; her to a hou t S.mtli lbic!n itt en ue, n!ie says. At that tine sh. was IS nml single. Later he nu t u;nl l.ieil John nj tii. They were nurrie.l. The but' li-r l.och- DLbUbi UHI IL IN WATCH TB! Two Men Stage Fight ;. drcds Stand He'plcs DROP FROM WEAK Bodie of Men Wee Mat nackfd in Almeit Unbel Faihion, and Their Clc I rig Was In Shreds. Chicago. Mikf Smith, climbed tbe Udder Wu1.1jz ro;tu inwi-r ut i.rie arid K streets to reliere I VnninUk Italiaa. The men watch Injf over toany track hu run ioer uim r;iite ine git There hns been hostility tnem fur fnmc time. M:L Muck his liead In. -Id.', taw tliat fired his an.-r. He sai-1 "Who drove that j.ike l,..:,- that ts'ahnnlzed tiucket?" 6cene of the Battle Hot wonJs followed, a:,. I sfjunred ofT. The ite hr.s.-; hattlV was In a little r...:n fo feet. It wns i; Jn h. tlk'ht and tri ton of a tower fet hli;h. I Mike an Iron hnr an piece of hain. J Mninick 1 I cover f..r a shield ai.d a beav I key fr a wea;...n. With oath ' ler;ili o flht. r.:.1 f!eV u:i ilo were .lemi.iii.y . il. People b:.n t. c;.tti.-r. ' swelled to hut '!r .v. invt:r wh 'cee!;iit''y etiraI. she aid. ar.d told Icr 'Til get vou yet." Carried Off in Auto. It wa Iau Mornbiy nKbt. .Mrs. Cay. ton. win) In s.;.:iriited from her hu l'iind. w s 4 at the home of her ulster. Mr. r'rU l'alzuian. 3'J4i South Wells PThap a thousand -r r ... street. She s,,x . I' seUed her i lmr T'ned for tin polier. While She w fi 4 entering h.mi.v cr- I 8VSC' "n, biltth wel.t or rled h. r to an automobile and tn-' s,,,,z,'I,,,rr- , !-i, f of !'r ri veyed hff ?n l is home, over the butcher ,,r'- fi",, J"!''' "' rt ihn 11 i t u-..w iin-ri.., 'rn.-,. t. i '"'nuiin, were soon on u asked : Will you marry me?" Xo." -All right. I'll kill you." she qtnteH Mm as aaylnf. lie drew a revolver, and then snld : 'No. If I shoot you It will make too i v linriii f Jf Ä trass MMJm rf Pointed It at Her. The Battle Went 0 I were hdrile, for the butt! much noi,. I think I'll Just rap yotj ,,n ,n 1h, fow.r up a , over tin' bend, or bow tSo you lsa to die?" Mie fprt-ied a reference for pa- S. he mixed a turuper of blcUor- j,aeS(.,j der. and to stick a head probable d m th. The ruen . wcaved a. ! jiil. Mor 1'iiM'd was every'',! der the tiows thiy train i Beth Fighters Collap ' Finally they eoTlüpd nt lice reserves arriving, low.' i'!e of mercury and forced her to drink it, she .iys. She became 111. He fro- fnril. f.-e. regret and jmve Ler olive oil av n atitibte. Then he asked her "Now, will you marry tne." .irs. . ton was too wear to repiy. ,on n. At the 1jis1 Chict; He sun.tnoned a physlclaa who bad ue station einrnir.Btlon fhowcl ent to tlie county hospital. men's bodie were mauled ui Parzl Under Arrest. iu nn almost unbelievable Peteetivc Sergeanta Will lata Leglei Their clothinn wa la shred ord Jvhn Adam of the Deerlng tU Smith hai a wife and four t;..u arretted Farzlo last nlfht. He U '".lirontl, a widower, alao has heiru held. I'cndiDf Mrs. Gay ton's r- dren. n.i ,7. He denied fordo; the womart to drink poison or threatening her with b-- a revolver. Will yoa marry Llml" a reporter asked her last night, -No." r " P Boy Fatally Burned ia Boiler cf Water as Jjttfilly scalded when he ; j lftfna boiler cf water -ahlle s was fell 1 Ms other was enrafd In do Ini th family washlnir. Mrs. Tes'.a had placed the boiler on the floor while her hnsband was rejiairln n stove pll. Makes Plans for Buri Before She Takes Tn'ton. ra. Ml -Arna r.T w.r,,re ernü.-.c her II f1 ' ifns route, hil t out n hf ' lnS In v.M.h t.urlM. tu-cl Pr I" the r!ow.l .!.H.r frames -- r., ters fi her n'eces nn 1 thct ten,,! em end her nouth by a linen l..'l- s-hc had mad" for ths-t pi Politeness la Cleveland. (.-Solomon rreen I coln to be about unrein, nrrsin In these I thlj time on. Grnen'n nr Ms iifotnoblle when s ; rnninr a e, t Fea's Curtjlarr. Shoots at Caller. Atlantn. lis. 1 be mere fact that he I m l.lle.l t't .,. tifsit Hilt Sillfl tnUinjf few he nllchted. Ms revolver nn shots one nlfht recently at what he tsld he tbotltht were btiriilnrs. but really wa? a nejrr) womnn cnller. The hots, however, went wild. So did the necress, who jelled frantically for the police. 1 - m Earn $1,003 on Vacation. Clarence Mairoon and Joseph Curtln declde(! to take a Vacation In the Is tienr (jreenfleld, N. If. In month's time they trapped 37 foxes. 11 cofins. 44 skunks, li minks, and llcht mu.krat. Th'i catch netted them over $1,000, Its holster, and (Jra screen, life, atooped and rlckel It c officer. In dolna: the we discharged and nraffr-n throiiRh the right bard. Use Van to Haul Away Chlenpn. pcpleted of all tapestries, linens, silver and houe of A. F. Smith was f tually empty une-n the famll from the theater. Ilurglar with a movlrf Tan. had bus lelTes dorlnf tha hours of th ab erne.