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WITH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT Freezor.e is rz:' Corns anJ ci-urcs lit tiaV.t cr": Dcesn't fc-:t a tit USE ARSENIC TO DESTROY TREES Often Desirable to Some Method Surer Than That cf Girdling. AUSTRALIAN FLAN IS GOOD Useful Directions for Making Poises Solution for Quick ad Elective Werk i.n All Kinds cf Tirrfcsr Are Gven. j IPrerirM hy tr- I'r.-tl 5- ' WjAn- v.: Afr. .t,re J la cl-UEl! - up pii-rjre lar:1 ' 'jr !r. tv Ir. ! f-r (r ; it i .fT.-n ; d.-;-u 1 r. k!!I if' r !y -T;e tr.. -h-! SELLING FUEL WOOD ! Fß y NEW FABRICS BY WEIGHT IS URGED! -1 V X V v A ajivhao I No Distinct Changes in Materials Heating Va'ue D:?ends Upon ! for cDnin Wear. i By Twrirj to Weed Fuel Supply Wsald Ee Conserved and Trajpcr taticn Rel.eved Wocdranä Wcw.'d Be lr-p"crd. the r . Arr f r fuel sh e : . a T -' Z v :. . u e J ! U k ! the t s.i r-y -! n.-a-'ire. r.-s u;a t:;. :i its I i-r ne Gatardme, Tricot, Sfrges, Tricctine, Tweed. Homespun and Broadcloth) and Variety of Silks. As social hfe returns to it- normal --.r more .nid v.i 'TV thought Is civt-n LATE FASHION FROM PARIS mm A few r-i. ts buys a tiny !! t of the magic I"r v.T r.i- at ?:y ilrug st, re. Apply a few of ire, u; ia n tt-nd-r. :i I i . I ; C rem rr :i ;i.i'.-. Ir -h'j'itly t!;..t tr uf l--'!i! .n; r ; I .r ji-, hurtii.s. then sVrtly y.j lift it ut. riHit mi I :d wltt.. .iiT sr; ..:.. h..rcii .r irri:.iti.n. Th. -e l.rti.' l -lies f L" ri':.i'i ju-t r. '..:! T rid the f. .-t .f v.-ry h.:r ! rr.. irii. (v.rn li?f.n t'i f' r J Tf' :i t"t!i:u f f--t. S' siy ! sirii'!.-. Why N.. ! ! i:rr a:. ri i f tr r l 1:1 sr. Im ! u h - t.1. .1 r. .!y if . r j ; ;. - !... u- !t v..::-I j '.;:. s a i-- :r l t-f t: v :h.r r - j 11 : ' . f v , 'r f.. r ! . .. - - r -'11 -. -i I- 1 t:. : ! - v ' t .-:. ' i .':. . - -1 st ! t v ; : . r. r.. . It i." ti arly iu th au ur.y vi ry ra l.oal chutist la fah- i : . t ! t-Nt'it'li-hfl. hut it i iat tr.:-r::tii t v. atfli the JeveliifUt i t!.e ia!Ivih:::l h!un tf the ti.siu- T. Th re will r. !;stinct rhanee In, since ts jtt v.-ry few new r; h t tM--n i:ia!.. A little f evt-rirhin i vCi. tridf. . tj.. tncvt:a. tI. h :fj.uri ati-1 t r.;.'J. .'ttu Af!nti thf su .jie n t-s : ir : a varetv aa l a! ;;!ns of !.. rt nt j A:i! ri.-an ti.uVf t.'.at are oxr; j...-J f - 1 tr..- r ';-r f, w . f:- a ; a fe.v j r , "Ah. fx No Inducement. 1 inuw li '. !i. ;t' .'' A n- tr lr Ki! H sa ! !!. t:U -' r"l r:ifir-r "M in 1 Silllk. h I li h "-.Ii '(!' If. i! fMi)'Ms iiyf:i:i;i lures (nicht at -Ii' Ktuühf- ih x- in l.-T-t- j wixil it h a rf!i!:.irmriv of j&aiij urn nui'i nui i:uiki- iiivtr ; rvr.ra :.e thi riri. thre will !- a vi.!-r variety to i h.i' fr.rn tlau iu r-. ;.t . ;:.:is. TL- .lh :.tte is a matter thr.t l u: ; -rva.-? In the :::::.-ls .f the tU ."i.r. : at t i.i. rn- ht. It i i-re l:.-'. .! I y :i few tte.-. ia a iti'r t nte he tr-r.! .f he ti:u. th it tlie H.LI jr.:'I j:ii:y re fn-tti the x-tr- iie :::: '.it itv il.e Iat f.-w VIMIÜHTV 1 !y i-lai:i 1 Ay is I'm , r. I lee :,r, l I-i-h- s Fcrr-u'a Fcu"d Coed. CeiM-u 'S ii? h.-en ha!l at f.f'y ret,'. njriiK-iii. iitxl afterwar ! tmN ilea I. rii;ht tlar yu wer. l r i." eje! "In rue t j.r-M-T!tnt? y w :! :ie o v.wU tin n !:.!!. sah. ati l 'n Vress (Je h(ie I it " "Humph ! " ii.terr,ii'.'-1 fil r.-. -r- r S zy. "V' ka i:;"t ! 1 ine. sah tilik;ie vhy; 1 mi' wives l.iir.fl, rirn! te rriei I Ir.iI.T t r;i hft ri!it Kntisas jt St;ir. rs 1!..: ::. r y n : " ' I Jey :e . ' . y : . y t a: "' I 'h' i:. : tJ.e :..rrLuia : a ; -.e S j . 1 a 1 i '.r.J. or riuju: fo-ia S.r.e h" -r' t " r.;! Thi er- ns . !e 1 f -i r: r- e , t.. t 'u' le in v.h'it t' ;::y ''.r-. - -Ii hs n ii 1 : r t! e r.:r;-..-. . V. h a l-.r;. a..- :.-!. s if th- ; .--e .r w a w I r.- r- r. l-':t for :.. :! .."-'.- :.i :Ih.u-tte v:!! t- :-..var S r.s a;i C'-lte-J r. i'. :;. a of this , ! r --. ity 'f th t:.;I. re.; s . ! 1 ;! are I ui!t r; l, LS th..-- of this haes. ar 5 '.r.i;: , wir.t- r. Tr.e i .i-t. f.-r in-tan.-.-, may ! j !;: with-ur the -li.hte-t curve a! the i wal-r er. I the fri-nt l. f: -;rn t- j -h'.v.- a hr.z sw e-iter-!',ke walstr.-! h:- h ha n vi-;' !.' fasrer.Inc. Th. 1.S4 If.,! ' ar. I s'.mi. cri'I Net Cn!y Is Well-Arrajf d Farm I while there i a at the h:s k to tive Its wur- r more 0-n.f -rt hi walking th- tht the is material -r--e- ov.-r U)t vi-.Me. Very A 1 DO, TT DRUG KIDNEYS RUB BACKACHE AWAY Instant relief! Rub pam, soreness ard stiffness from your back with "St. Jacobs t-inirrent." Kidney rau larkarhe? Thy hav no nerv-s. therefore en tot cause p:iin. Li.-tti! Ti':r I a V nche is cau.-eil hy lutr.haco. .-in' ;, cr a strain, tind the quick -t r. !: f i f-H.thir?. ix-netratin "St. Jac hs I. ni metit." Huh It rieht 00 the nch.- r teP'ler srxit. and instantly V r-in. foorene?. ftifTnewi and lamenes. d. appears. lHn't stay crippl.d' Oft a s-ronll trial little of "."-t. Jari.Ss Lini mont,, from your druzdt and I.fiher up. A moment after it is appli.-d y. :i ll vnniPr wat l-eriT.i cf the hakah". liclntica or Inmhaco jain. St. Jact. I.iniment" steps any pain at onr. It I harmless and d'X-sn't burn nr dl-l' f the skin. It's the only application to ruh on a wMk, lame or painful l'rk or f-r lunihaco. sriatle. ne-ira!tria. rheyxa tlm. sprains or a .train. Adv. To J r T r- re - ! ; . !. f - at. 3 - f; w : a h. h- t:. ail The i.r. 1 l..w it ha'.f an h.e;r: -iir tr-": t;-..e to :: n-id ! -reful to -tar. ! : the . av-y from tr.e f-.r-D i p.. t::; oM-.'I-'. th-y are ' t :--J-e "'' t..-' Wb- n ! e r.:.- is t!.-r jch Th.' whitit.c i " I t f !!.- .;T1.--.T If w. .- t to 1 tr. at Improved Surgical Device. Tli Ircntmeiit of l-rok n ririd :h.r w ls in jn r.-l :irms li.-i- I-. 11 -it:o w fejitar'-' hy the iriwii!'-!i f :i r.w f-p'it. Mhictl Is a t:. ll'i fiicril r.ndy for instant 11-0 in any n-- :-h-uf ri-trnrd to p cliafe-. r. It i ia th'- ev.-Tit .if w:ir. where n cr;it t.'IT,-i-r . cae- ;ire to ! treft-.! a jii1 W ly Hili!e, thid tliis ni'v d'-vl. w ! of Iho t'ri -ifi Ht valM". H is a ! to ttil IhmIv if ttif- I'Ml'iOit. It ati he ise, in 'iitor urni and nny he 'ljvt .I to any iM.-iiloti iti wJ.i h !t nnr t" d ir.-il To lm!.I the iii'Mr .1 ai:i. It I n r.itnhin.'it in of 11iet.1l r.!. with -tl'':llle Joint- HI"! lones. s" il. at the rrm K proM-r!y M'p"ri-.i a;-. j pr t'le at all times. rre f.n ir !1 : t r f the tr-- s I. a it tt;rr.s whiv n irrir-r. Winter Bist Seascr.. The h -t tim.- f r rarryinz "t) th cprtfi-n f ! vhn th tree I- iVrrt ,r.T. r I"r:r.r The -iaT.-r -..r. I . T'. s w.ll r- - -;:r-'y rr- y. ar. In n-.p'jlr.s th- p - n. the tr-e Is f.r-T r.ii-l y a - - -f heavy ! r. r.k. of r.. t.x thr .'-h -J.-t; rv 2 iv,:; ir.-.. t! e vr. h I-r.vias th..- hip- 1 r. 'ru oct .var ! in ? ire rriie-l to- :t r- jar 1 . th- j r pr-..- : :- t .0 .i f-r.- r:.:-r. r.:y. f.r th- .-ir:;e f a- r.-: .1 !.--. Th- -;.jr- ar.1 lz - TM-y a j-- rr-at ;!.- t! av. ;:.: ? -. at. S th r f.,-- of fu-I. . v r,.-a':"--. th -re- . h.t;e tr.-! -ize r s: : out-l r : .' : ::f". rtT.ce. r .M l the vv.--! w-re th' r"?:;hly -.'. r..-h It w.-!,j - r..-. -:.r". Loset r, t x r'a'.r. -'.it. i; r-I & to tir e cf Tr,. re U c-rp.;.rtir.:tj' f-T M i;r;. at l t:..- lak.- Mate-. 'h- re there i - a r".ral p pulat. -n arut v. h. -1 -te. ta u : Tu.illy 1 . t' t.s ..f '--K.L A -;..-. i.-rr.' pr-;r;-n 1 these fu." u r- wi-J t.ri l -! avai!-ih tl" 1 H.'.u.ti t i.:i r.e !.'t,r fre.srht hau - u:. Ii f;r:.i: t" w. they w ; r.-.-rve ::.e ful t iy a tr:-:.:-rt:it;. n. 1 - -it arv . tr." -,.te To the i-r-!r::y f th . :nt:r:t.:-y. l"..r . t..- th.t..- h j tut.i'y t- .-l w .- t.. r;-.-e rr.; r -v. An .r.' :: -) r ark-; f-r v. -'. I .;!. . -I n rrt'.-- of 't.rt.-!.'-r :.!. -.1 i:-?. . -r l.r- hate V r.'-. r;- t. . ' "- ; h '. r 1 !-:r:rs ili- .-in..-. t-rcttr rf r-iik. tr.'T::.e or weight an-I ia Iiht c - h are n-e.-L A sn art l:t!e i.i vj.-l r.e-j :.-". f rix ks w.h.I in ii-ht ! r s er i!.::.- W:'S f;i fr.-'ra vejy. . f: ir-.-rr-.y v. hit- t.p.e with larje Whit S.Ik. The ..1 r f r . k V;; tv 1 !-.ior-I 1 ar ::Ts :" .ht in aaw av aK . - , This is a straw hat entirely covered with fimbriated satin ribbon, with black velvet ribbon around the crown, and is regarded as an exquisite creation. rihfvotis, these havin? the Imh!j- nnl !.: ihff.-r.r.t witfi rieli mm-ts. II.-ri.J-.'tne l.r-.a'l ni.taliie rit h-.r-s are ri h ;i!id h.-avy. Made t v h"I -..le ut a l"It .-f t. r y; A riMM. f...t ti v t!ii year, hut ilet-p anI ri h it i.!.t t.d i!'-.-i.-u. the lat ter Koptlan. Is the ('l.-opatnt. und a ritr-ou Mtre-tiiii: mhii art In clor an.I de-ijrn as wi ll as the war Is uvla ti.'M. nihl:is ia ih Jii-ate -.,hrs and soft hro--i Vs Jn !!?: are for the troi-se!ni. APRON IS A BECOMING AFFAIR I.-.-!v nr the w e r l whi.-a ti.-i at the h.e t- r. !- I tatf 'he -kirt h nh ir..- f::.ih. t".- 1 w . Sil; at.d -t.e e-vl-Th- hack f the . . . :rr was t.. w .th f .':r d. Is sather.-l ia Kot.rn.-e rf- feCt. Th-re are riUm.?r. u rape m!el$ of Weight W. -.'..a Shown t"T th- t--:.T.t .f the x.r.'hera tr:: !--. They r re r. 1 ! in v.-iri .-j -yl- s :n-l of va-ri.-'is n .tt- ri.i'-. INDIAfi DESIGNS IN RIBBOPJ Cc'c's Are Delicate and Su;;est a Beautiful Panama Hat; Deeper Tones for Cting Hats. Sm-ift r:hh..r. Y rt t-s-n'isht ont I 1 lr..' th-l.-is f r ".' . f..r u n. Wh.'e the ile;.r.s are Ia i. ::i. the .,:. r ar d.-li.t'.- arid su a U-::-i:f ::I I'unatTia Laf. In the :-e. r t"t..s t- r ::'. 1 z hats th--re tre r'T-.r.s .f rT.-.-r. The ...: i-; z-"-l f -r hut trirTim'nr. and in larger la the wi-J. r ritt.ns. each I"t as t.i an r.r :!. There ar-- !.. -"j-.f ;j t.;rj jn t'." tT.e r.ti-'is. or.e , ; ,.;.. -i!..r an-l Tricksy Thing of Pink Striped Ging ham Donned by Maiy of the Happy Little Brides. An apr'-ti is ri-: :iy a rr"Uy nr.d a harrv.ini thir. w h.-n ! nrti-tlr p..--- hlliti.-s ure 1. .--:!. r !. uti'l it may ! n'a'le a l ee, .-n;-.. ;.:Ta!r. I'strilly I: i the little I rhle who aff.-cts apron--t :.i t l.uve ham : her morning rpmn- ::r. tr:'k-y afairs i-f pi-k strip.-il I c r-cririta, with a tv-.rt t' ire la th -kirr p-rt and a ..-p:. -tti-h little hil ;.tm t!i- w.ti-t Une and v.-ry cr!-j tr;r.s ttnt tie in a hi t"v l..lunl. An eM- rly h-.1;-. k . p r wouhl feel it h:T f. !ih in h nn apr.-n v. n ih.'üh v-h a -he to a matinee .-he nin.-s a d.iirity l!u-e quite a youth f :l :i any the little t ride -w ould m- ler-t. Th h--4. apr.n cf the average :; " 1 honst-k'n-per is mnde of che'k-l z'.r. -h.ini with a narrow- h.-lt hand that fin- :it t!i. l-aek. This juil.. auMful hut -Ttfremely pra. tieal afTiilr i (!-nn.-.I a h.-n h'.:: h"hl !ahrs deman.l pnfe t: n of trie c"wn t uf y oi never catch the hoii- k.-. per :t the front !.r in !t. a sorn.-tirües yo-t catch th litth tiri'I in h r hew :!d. rinly l-. eoiti !n? i-ink print apron. Then !etn f. fie n ft'! r-a n whv every hu-e :prn s. ..:'. I rnt have the qii iMti.s of z" e.- and l.ffnRiin:!' . Why w.-ar l.-rkfl l.rown citi'.rm !f pale h!-i-e.-.! r.hrny riiihes one's t-yes; ,r l.!ii 1 k.-l rir.jhata if s.r.iothirir in pink 5 r at wiil s t off one's t-ornpN-xinQ ? An-l why n strnicht. sharndev- ajiron when a rial!; smart cr;. with rlrcu Inr h:ip'.l -kirt with a hih with ' t. n-i. ns that l'!tfn at the hack of the i, k can he ohtained at invlet pr!c nn'ifacture.I In nn hour or two In the home svwin-t r"n" NOW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or. ganic Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. Orrjron. I!!." I took Lydia E. Pink ham ' Vegetable Compound for an or ganic trouble which pulled me down un til I could not put my foot to the) floor an i j couid acarcely do my worn, ana as 1 live on a small farm and raise six hundred chickens every year it made it very hari for me. "I saw th Com pound advertised in our paper, and tried iL It has restored my health so I can do all my work an J I am so frrateful that I am recommend ing it to my friends." Mm. D. M. Alters, R. R. 4, Oregon. I!l. Only women whohave suffered the tor tures of such trouble and have drafted alontr from day to day can realize the relief which thi famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. I .nkham'a Vegetable Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters' condition should profit by her recom mendation, and if there are ary com- (lication9 write Lydia E. Pinkham's ledicine Co., Lynn. Mass., f r advio. The result of their 4J years expenenc is at your service. i i PI THEMES FOR THE NOVELIST RUFFLES ARE MUCH IN USE Lives 200 Years! For mere than 5 yem. IIir!ra Oil. be f.tDiout r.-vtioa! remedy ti Ho.'.ißJ, t.u been. re.CDi7el a inflhl'ie rl. ; fioia 11 f.-rm .( kidn-y tod iUlier di- ' r.l(r. Itt very ace is prfc tLt it cot , Iwive unu'ual tuen. It T7U are troubled with piai or ab' ' n tbe lck. el t:rei in the uion.o ; ; lieJvche, ind ftiin. inionia, pvirtui cr Us) freuer.t pesape of urin. irntatiun cr 'mt) in the hUdd.-r, vi ill al-'t cett.mly find in (;)LI) Mr. DAL ; II. iira thl f'pt.ule. Th a i trje tr od ; 1I reirejy thit h t'd tl) t -t for . I wilreil . v ar. preprd in the proper ', .-u..ntity and cotivmitnt forrn to ijne. ! I I it in.portM dmrt Irm H'.'ünd lib- ! orator and )ou cm gt it at any : lrug atore. It m a tttniird. oM t:a.c j li- me ren-.e'jr nd needt no i.r."lut.nn. j I'jrb capsule contain one d.e ,f I 'r p and is pUamnt and ay to t .ke. j 1 will quickly relieve the tiff.-ri J irit, thit tiarkvh. rneur., jt!n. i':-r-l wiatir- pail tone. praTtl. "hnck u-t " rif. 'our rioney prouiftiv refi.nd- i it th-r do nt rrheve T"'i H it I fare t t,t the renmne tiOI.fl MEDAL traad. In boxes, tbre A!t. j:.- r !.-.; it .. i rV '. ! tet.d j t. r;-.e th rr.t r -v . . : :ar:j M .'!..' r Z e,, 'V ' - ' in .. t ..-.. I . ; ...v. i- V r. r.- t... :' - ra u.i.; ;. . : ','-; ir.- 51 KiCTLY TAILORED SUIT to .-.-.Ti rr.e th-"' wiVjj' t VVy. ' Ar." ' TQ C0VBAT OMOK DISEASES JA serv. v.-i! the p.;-.... ..f y -..ri--' p.n-,y:var..a Groe-s Prepa-.-; to A withoi' r.e !.-- v-...te ,.- -r.r. r-; C:".".' as Rr.jit cf fZ ' li ,,,,un ,' t- i j Two O re-at cn X- ' !i low- :.'n ard th- j- apt ':--! x l cv. r 'he :t .-:-k. If i . I r(:r J ly f - . t S-- j A V w i ! th' i- w h. ii ') v -. .;. n r-f- A:r r - I Jlf i'A. f U , tie tree will 1 MH.i.i.:- , - :. r-.nrr ef M f J I' ' -ir-k.-rin i rev.-.'.-! ' IV'.r;; . r i : ; r ; . r.r t. ' "jX f ! itn- .,..-.t, ::. s j ;:r :!a r.. j 'S S ' : INCREASE HAY 25 PER CENT V, - ' :" 1 ' t K Recorrmend-d by Departrr;rt cf A;ri- T, - '' : :'" t - y; , H . f f ? . j culture to Ma.etin and In- ', 1 v t : t h ..en: It 1 ; " ': Is i create Live Stock, ' " ,! -r. . i f.-rr-:-. --'u-i--a II , ;-Vt . 3 rr.'r.t cf Ar. .,i-.r- i '"' e .J, '. . ".".' '.' I I7 ; the hlp. nn 1 at the .:tni of the skirt A -jr. p.r ..t.t ivr,-v in the t r-v ',' ',' f 1 " " fc " r7 f I ' ' V.'j ' f -4 an-I l u-! forth- vested. hi' ti:j ,.f j.,-,-. in or.1. r t . ra-ir.' in i ;,j ' , ."..,' ' . , I H I . ' V rhm!stf es In white hatlst. turked f i. r.--i . i. : -1 I v h - , T" , " .' ' "' !,"' r' '' c l j! I Vi1'' "S n. lene nn tnffta. satin or.d faille silk I "" "" J"-'-"'- I ' f , ,. ? Cv froek.. For the mot part the fhetal- I .-. p-ri-r. . i Jt.-- - L - - "r 1 Ii na; u.- -. i - - :... ..i'i an ü r. I - - I I. V ...... I. . , .: . ... I t- -m-mrmT . 1 tt.,Twas r,. .... . r 4.,, ?.n.K. ; j I h'- - 1 r"-; I ; ' ;o art-, st.-! . -i t.Ve otr. a'..i o-'v il A " V "t ltri.'T t er ci t.J th Good Material Might Be Fcund in the Per&oral "Ads" Inserted in London Times. For th- in advertising the ol'iiiitis i.f tl;.. I.oiidnti Times are nl laost ifiriv ah-d. Wh::t pictures tni.dif h. nhire! up hy the following ad: "It is h.p..l that the irate in.l wh-. metaphorically -I'.-akii;. sat en un tstiof.eiidins -lihalt.-iti i:i a We-t etil tMl.e train a day or two a-. Un now .li.-. -. r. .l hi- tiilstak' and n.ake .'are with the third party." And what o--ihiiit ies for a pres-ent-.lay Diekens nr.- cintaln.-d in this: "Itank of En-land rmte rec iv-.I. We ih.itik laikriown friend. vh-e -ift re liev. rati, ti anxiety." In lighter vein, tint of serious pur poe Is ih- following: -Notice If the pet tforit left with me o.t.l..r h'-t hy Mr. II. I is ;.ot hiim.-'l within seven days, it vlll he dd t' lefray epell-'S." And h re is something that E. Phil lips ppeiiheiin .oiht to look Into: -Will the oilier who-e clmiapritiie -!.i-- was overturned at Cafe Koval ' .Jti. s.lay veiiin. .I.innary 22, com muni, ate at Savoy hotel with ntle tnati wli"-.- card he ha-?' Trimming Used to Ed;e Girdles. Col lars, Sash Ends, to Trim Tunics and Other Ways. Th eitens've u of fine plaited ruf fle. t'V the way. is an interest iriz fea-tur- of the new seasfin. This trimmintr Is from on.-half inch wide to thr.- in.he and is us.-d to ed?. t'Irdles. collars, si-h t-nds and Is apph'l In ways to trim npr.n tun'ut I and )vrskirs. An i-ff.--tive and extremely new trlmmi:..' is orpandy. which Is niu h U--.1 on ilks. A larce fittr-d fo-ilard In navy blue and white has a soft shawl collar of hirk Idue orprindy. an 1 the flowiiiff cuffs and sah are of it. Navy Idue nrjrnndy Is als. attrac tively aipüe! on oyfer white crepe d chin in r.izr.iz Inch wide rows at Useful Hint. "If I can - ure a stiitaMo audi Mri'iai I .., template itivinc in the near future a -..-le.-t r.-.i linr of my .v. n po. ins." -aid T.-nny-on J. Iift. "Can you favor to- with nny hint that tr-iuht aid in making the -v'iit a sui---.-- ?" "I -. rmitily an." replied .1. Fuller r'!..oin. St . ure your h ill, -irculut the ii. 'ws widely that a'nils-lon will he free Mi l .1 s't of silverware given to the hohler of the lucky numher. and then when the audience as. nit. I.s, don't re-id." Kansas City Star. Food for Thought. jo "I am poing tonight to oe a min I render." She "What will 1o Voti?" The Great Art. There Is hut one art 1 omit! oh. If I know how to omit I would n no oiler kiiowl-lit'. A man who knew li.iw to .tnit would make i ti "Iliad" of a laily pa;wr. Ituhert Ittii Stvenoo, A lady dvlm-s Kiris never to marry m tnnii who talks loud that ad Ice la CTt In I V tnnnl , m : low- round r ova! f the frock. '-STT.l I "sometimes the frock Is Iashl sev- Ttil s In fri-nf vvh-r th- hetni sett sh.ovs throiuh. E:ahroihre i:iNnr'tte and repe le chine are also uel f r the chetni-ette. MTe Hervest ng Hay Ocp Rake. With a Push t' stales i'ejvart:-!. nt of arrinil tu rv. ir- pn-Pjti;o:i .f ,-Ay n the I't lt.1 S'atei' i: 1 11 wji- ri'y ..- ' t"t. us coiiiparcl with ',noiiitn In I'.'IT. :.nd 11 1.tart.ias in l'.'lik Th! fallir c .ff was lue to unfavorable fens and to plowing op tucadow laadj for other crops. ho?;ey will replace sugar SncrU;e Prttlern Can Bt Solved by Raising More Bees Little Needed. Th i:2r s! .r-;u-e l.a ca-i-. I rai h fho-.-hf t - a t. h v we ru iy this (!:rT: ti!fy t.r.d - far the f -t Mirii--i..a s.vtns to l th n-n- .f ra;ir.r he- and pt l!t : tiM-r I. r..y. It jtald that h..rvy -jn I ii-.-I i tnt r--ij- where --.k-ar is car.H-i f,.r. and it is rlainM that the a-e f lvs la Ies work thsri any other cL-re C' Netted with the farm. SOME FASHION NOTES. I II l4 I Tho new- v-st e..!!ar. are mad of I ri V V V f I j pir,... R Ä I A. ill Tnlhrmale suits are almost clasl- f; j iV;. V - : ; IrMese. nt cnihrold-red tulle pop- i S ; -k-'--si I ; ; r.lar for evening r.l. s. If 1 J J 1 ' Th" N-rir hats dhplay l-rlms wld "VW-je 'i' X '''"'-iiJ I Th he-t wnistt have their collt -intrij -. . . r - ' - Indications are that this styl of strictly tailored suit cf mode shade will be decidedly popular among the Careful dressers this spring. wide collar Id. a repeated In t?i ir cuffs. Tl said the new sk'rts will hnnj? alt Inchcj from the ground. For sport wear are the rtustcr Krown walts developed In voile. Lonsf tight sleeve are usually seen on the simpler woolen frocks. fmwk Delicious Mixture ofWheat Barley ISr health value, sound nourish ment and a sweet nut-like flavor impos sible in a pro duct made of -wheat alone, eat Grapetits