Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY COURIER BEN CD. DOANE. Publlahr JASPER .... INDIANA It 1 t::..e t Ju.t off the "S.vat tL Fly" slopan. The l;fo ( f a ho!hevit lenW 1. likt !y t 1 e short ainl tv i.o lai-an- r.u rry. It i:mt he it.r.i.itely rai r to not ticiumlly on the Ma tf-re a sMiity irn'.n!ioa. A ImKhcvIk may n-t krmu- what he nr.ts, hut he knows it Is not what anybK"y -I wants. Never mini hvl:;j T:lt oh! nlt , ri-ssi. Civ it t th F.-.; Cr-- for soin war victim hmI l uv a i..w ;.. PEACE TERMS FOR GERMANY Enemy Is Shorn cf AJ! Military Power by the Stem Document i ! uinu cDnTC iu DCirc ! 1 I IIUII gl VS I w lit I UrtWb. . . I TREATY GIVEN GERMANY S ! of Alsace Lor. V I FIRST PAYMENT 5 BILtlCIl i v Ret oration A rim. Temporary internation alua- V i V - - . . i ion or aiir coal CJun. Permanent mte rnatonatza tion of Danzig. A Territorial changes toward ' V Belgium and Denmark. A , Cedes .lesa to Poland. V Removes all territorial an i ,, pol. teal rights outside Eurcpe. Vj 4 A I Hoosier State j j Happenings j l.iHO . I :i Worn, n of Jo i-frY.-t.-.J a .r--!!:..i.:M ir:..u the -.;:!.;. .rti of f.'.'.i 1.1,-1 u '! the irwi"iare of i.u:;4 it. l.ti.-:i to Must A j re to Restoration of Alsace; Agree to Trial of E Kaiter; Approves League; Cut Army to 100,000. and Reduc the Navy. Faris. May S. Folk-wir.j i the of ficial brief summary f the jvaev ! A treaty a jroec'eJ t the V pleui'vU-utiarie at a i:u ia. -mMe a- ! K?zii! !::;f it Vt-rsj.;!!.' on Wtiii.exiay ' V aftrmoon. atyri I-U ly th lid. .-ga:" ! X There is always th ioil "'.ty that I of the t :. s--u ':i:la LicL ar j v a little C.-niiiin jTopacatala may t o . 1 srt;.- tu the x-eac la-t: A mlil in tt" seare stories atut Yuuz :h r-rvazaMe and ilr-.- V JajiaiH's. I sit I. n uf i't-r m::. th' cuv.ii"t f-:itn cf the tra:y. Tlie frt. :. f Jtnary lu K r ; aiv I-f.r.e.-l lr. tL - ":; I --c- Renounces "especially" rer . I .nU-m.l: . rij.ts In Morocco, Ejypt and AI v i. V 1'.'k ; : via. 1 O.'uii. !-:. Ti e vl trweTS of I l..t ! . -. . . . . i I Ä i 1 1 1 1 . -ii 1 i her terntones. i irTü.. n: H ;. I y detailed provisions as ; Ar:iv tf i , J;, to prewar debts. A f i"i f tfo- U I. Provistons as to unfair cem- V' itv. 1 : !. . .i. . . r. ta 1. petition, intemat oralization of A ' :. tot ; '. f...- i. t j. ur"- la.t-ii:.. reads and rivers and other eco- V j !.:...;. ";:.. u I i.r. ;.u l. i t'. nomc and f nanc a! subjects. :;-! th.-.t :'. .. : t.-r of j. ;. ;:.-,:i..r of i::i .!i-:. r .f tl..' :r.,i..l frt In Ii,.! ..;t. i ; t. I..' I "f tl.f r:-v lr-;.a:i4 rtl.J.!,')l:ntt o tll- :k : ..: .i-!iT !:iiJ. :i law. !i ;.utl.rut- tfi n j I"' ::'UT- i f f;;:..! f..r t! ;- "a ':.!! ..I.. I ::.jt i. c.aii. t -f a lo-l -ns-; ! -:.!:.-:.t sr,--- ; i.-l f..r Aa'e-es to trial of the ex- A kj tcr ty an internatlora! hgi court for a supreme offense rrus.!an nÜii-iaN liavo n-t!f.."l strife- j rrs that tt.-f who ijoift rk !i:.ll not eat. which ha ltn known to than-re j iii'n"s iun..l. i A - - A zsatrst international and eustcrrs of war. moraity :.n .;;., .! i. " : :ir I'.:. ' :. I i . i . I :!a- I.:.! tati il ili t !r. V I 4,r rf:,r Holland to be asked ts e- K'l.f-. r. Tl I'l"' ot;i ?v s'as- l'4.o.i il'. Id al ,u U- l ... I. HMVS , , . i tlr t r:;. a fl vTi-a f 4. lilt 1 1 1 f i ix u Mctiv ii on j rN'r r war ui.'i trai te the former kaiser. Accepts league of nations In v f r:., 1! ':.!; l.- ur th. priHc'p!. tut w.thcut mcmrer- ) ( .! t j r. :.:..t!o;i . f, rp. V I :i ( -i ;o:1 r,.-:, i. ':.:t. : Cm'! ! Cermany reco;r::'z-s tstal in- ", .-. " :., ..;:, jn it !. . j J . J . . ' ' s . . , ... it :i::;!...r;t.. at V;,h;i.-!oru I. ith a i.-u to i r t tit in rh t ' n:j . f tl. I'l; T-l Mi'liii nm.r tl .. ..--I :tri..-t f 'ol. Arth ir V. N. .: ,:i. in tf. --r'r::ry .f v ' i- ri i :!y ;h-: ! uu .:r.-e lt i.anl ar.'I Csecho-SIaakia and Poland. German army reduced to 00 V COO men, including cfr.c?r. A Ccrscription v.ithin German A V terrtcHes abol shed. V A i v ; 1 A r.T i.. -Ii-!'. S. ii hrij your :! r,.?Mrii to tl e uf- f.rin. !. a! roa'l i v;.v. f r ! u.:'.:r:.ry cm a n-ei.i! v-d r.- ; A A;! Cerr-an forts for 53 kilo .!.. Ii t .l;,T:-s. fi P""1 l't'. of CjHill thf U;:!iT. Ml''. fro... U"t,:.t m fkirt It i :h tho. r- .: i.o . : .-. r nr! ai ! t jt!i" 'Ictn- t.r: arc - v -r-l sr .- r.r. :.. the ri::s! r. a jTiir.i: .t -. a: mi -a ::, i ty i:t i t..u::-: t if a rc-al iuta h uevk. Kv.'n U':i:-ti;.-vit that in tl-i fr- lui-.-l r.-.y i t i Ti n..iy k l.:!i ot;;. o ly all f th. in .1... r-. . .r- Alsace-Lorraine Restored. i V ;r:-:.r.v. 5v th t'n.. .-f the trt;.t. A r: r A'sr-IvrriiiL- to I ra:. -. V . to ri 's th- iiit.-r: at'.or.allzation f A it u; ;-r -. :a to i". .a:.:. ,.i ! r I.I.UM--, a.i ti rr-.t- r n! ; 'liti.-al V Haft! r.'-' '.-tor: .-1 !.. . p. ttit.s o it of ! I an l.o-:r irr. ii:.. y r.'toTri'' to ti...,. hat mtio:, 'j;. a !:"t' l:. . -y t ; :. i on- ' straw v .- :. r i' :i : .. ll-l-r . t . :.o- Th. re i ,i fa rf ll ::ij: ry' ho" Ki:r;. I- l,;'s n Iii: i,:M:;o of th th ::t:i t.t. t!o:i vi -T .1 n f o I ! r. IV i ':.-..: tit... -! of -r. ro!Tti ir- i.o v.- o .rnriK in nt:!a thtit they ar- n.iT. 'y r i .-l f. r th." li:n-rl. r..-t t - - : r 1 1 t. nij.- h. at: ::l..o;t u.-:.r.i;j a s i :.! !; ar. l -otV.a. ' ly f M .- an-! a!v. r- .:o-.;ik.8 :.:.! I'-'..: 1. II r ;.T!..y . r-! 1 : ; i-.! ;-; :c . -rv -..-r ;-i--s in t I 1 a!--:. !..-!. . . - A'i f.r.. ." k::. r -at -f tl." S -r !."a- 1 l.i. r-.' r.- to ra?"!. l..-?y i r All l:i.r--r-u'.. r.. !; r'a'i r; er. '. r-: : . i.. .;r.y a.. i-r-lU' '..t. .iir t:..ttr::.: ;, r i I l-h i A i.-r.T!t r. :!:.!. r Ofnran avy is Kea-cea. j ,.;.-. .f.; r,.r Alii -J o'u; ti'.o;i of j r: f (-r- , ..;..., ir -r- meters east of the Rnine razed. A i All irrpcrtaticn. exportation V j r;:i and nearly a!! prcducto;n of war A -:aterials strpped. V ' . ),.., Ceia "y accects any aj'ee ntnt reached with its former 3.:. es. Allied oc:upat.:n cf psrts cf Cem-a-y to ccnt.nue x.rX,l rep-z-z. on is raae. Ay German v option cf cor- A d;t ori pertaining to tn Rhme V zor-e const. tutes an act of war. A Gem-any ravy reduced to six V tatt!sn;p;. sx i;ht cruise.s v and t2 tcrped beats. wt no A sfcn-anei. V Ccnjn nivy perscf"el to cms rt cf ret ove- 15 000. V c:'.'l.-r;'.' Io !..'.:. r-.:;.--' ,. j;f - '-:.' r-.., t ... t att, :. :.-!-- ,, i-.i .r L r. t ! . - . ri. -:: f I- rl of :.n 1 : " f wo'k . f tl - l' l V0I.WS NERVES MADE STRONS By Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound Wisooa, Mina.M I suffered for thaa a year from Bcrrousneta, azi u so t4 I exil rxt rast at night fet so ßerroj i wooli baTe t ft up a4 walk a ar j in th o-v . vooki be a'l trrj Xit I read LydiaCIlrihi-, Vegetable C -rourxi aai ti'..,. t 1 wocii try it. yj berrocs&esa s : c left nc I weü arj feel r ia the rryrrir? EMe to ct work. I f sJi t r- - eci LycU E. Ptrliaca a Vetuu Cotcpccäi to Disks weak trrm trorg." Ura. AuotT StXTTE, 6.1 OlrrateaJ St., Wiaoca, lima. How cftea do we bear the eipmc-a ajücrfr worsen. "I tura so uerret. 1 rot aleep." cr "it seems aa tbeen ahcnzli f.y. " Stich women aiocki jrtt by Mrs. Salts' expehece aad this famous root asi herb rerse-r Lji L. I-cktaa'i Vegetate Ui pocrxl. atrial Fcr forty fears it fcas ta cTerrr izg och senoca ccciibccs as tiispl. Beat, inflivrcatico, dceratk-o. Irr r claritie, periodic paJa. backache. c lisess, aci terrccs rrostratxio cf women, aal ia oow cocrtered tie au darJ remedy fcr rzch aiirx-eau. of r a t V A ... - - ' n il i: V r - :al : 1 a Kill All Flics! "tT-Z?5 . . i , amr. t 4I5T I LT S.LLXB cw-. .4 o. - !' al.t 'ia. j Utli f - i.Ma. Mw,)ti r-..f- .!..! :..r- that ! TvTT T'iii''JT f V riT ntiri ' : - It r:h.. ... ?:-r .. r. .: r .. . .1 troi:- 1 -"1 1 ry. ..ll Ki t . 1 T! ; t : ' .1 I.- (.. ; : I: V I 'h- ? 1 -: I M .1 .V i J w . I N'.-.t ,y A ; , ;! -..! to i. r i. v ..r t'.. - I . ?..:..:...; r. r ..r r.-..-i. hi.' r i'.i to r- . r- (-.? rVHI .. PARKER S MA, BALSAM 'i U.f Wriw ure S V i F ar RtMt CW taJ IT. r :.r. 5 'j n"y h -r r.r f .- 1 rr. " . f t . ..'. f IV. " t:: t ir.' ;- a:.-1 y a '.';.-. J .c.v-r. a 'y I .vy ;:i j r Tl- ! -r-h't' i :r.rv:--o!.a! h.'-T r. a:.r;':ai . i- t.-t. A T. -r'"T ' ; j - -? h th-r. :t A'.'-.; v-rl: I.- . ! . . lr -r. T t: : : . -! t.. v r. . : ' v . r r A If iti' r.ot alr.'i'.'.v "fI rn li-torr. Mr Thorau L'; ton. tho V'-tii .I mi. I c'!'-"i.. I C'i.!-: to hin-l us aiioth. r throoh M yr"T .i.-l tf.v tla!!i,.v f.r the Atr.-r:.' fir.. ir.'-rr nr.. I f r .I - I: 1::. . 1 whl t::i r j-tn.t..-n I t. r nr I'V. ti rn tr.e .ar If Th.- f".!.-t !'k. sr rr n . r,.'l". i'h-vit i:.a lv ia l.'T winTi'. Tf,. r r.i'ii.tri. huNo tin lüar.u'a'tur U. at.'l tral. ns k;:i that w la.k. I-. r t i.r.. t nr. 1 l-i-rnu j (i-' I iJ.t.'.':r.s b-r I !: ja!-;., j Any '. :atlD ty ;r: !..:. if :!. ci-c lit!, r. a t"th- z t.. k:lo::i-t.-r i t j at of th- Ithine i;i l r r. .rl-l a j ! an act cf ar. ! 1 n.n 1; 1. t Tl- 1. 1' h i ;!:- ;! 1 1..-M 1" y--ir ;r:.r.l 1 '. ":.t !, , -! to a-t.-::.' h -v ; i j ; in At '' l r: - '; ! ' ' ?i 1 ! -a : ', lr- . ... : : 1- 1 y . f t' . iv- . ! : 1 . Irr.T.ed.ate Act on Necessary. Ki.I r.t:.-r:.arj "Lit irt- . cijir f. r. tiy livtV nin l 'i y Tt:tl-I can't th.r.k cf 1 c-r:.o ft r ilat p--y. K. c. (j. An: why h-ull It i..c.iry f. r y j to 1. At.'l f a r. n.y I.ttlf flu.j.? T. T. Y. r n.uMVt k tLr.t :f ;-r I ar-i th.- 1. a!'..- ti-. t! .. ?' ... 1 1 ' 1 .l t: r v : ! r M - . :r. rr, 1 . r.-r f IV. r Th jrr..a:i r.r.vj- i r! j.-l to ; tatti six l.;ht em:.- h:,1 ' rri;a ar It I now fhar-l that J.";:in kt fli'.wi fv.t f t tin- war for thr- ear Tili f,).'Ti; tip a r.. lin- "'"j'a- t t'ilv tf.r;--ij In.atv without s,:h ; nisrln.. iu 2 1 ; r ;.n-l "f Lut ov,r lö.. rt ... . a:; 'tr!r v.--t i:::.t t urrn-I'T-il (ir ii-- t r i -'1. : 1 f r. A:a--r.c th- e..r.rr:.ior. to curry ':'. t!. .-a-tr.ity nr.- th. rxara- ':.:.: I". . . I..- v. :. ( "".. r t i'i : : r - of AU M i l - f.r ! rr r ' -! t- f t- -.t f c.ut.t'.- viiM ..:. r j r. t..:-:w- f : " r- the !:.;:. ' lr.-:-:.t '.;..'.. l.. .- -t or-!. o : :r.t.v T .- r. M . . . i K ! ; f I"! .1 -, ; Il.-nry. Kanl -'j-h. J. .- 1- r-1 -' Catarrh Cannot Ii Cured ty LvAAi. AtiUv-A.i.Ns. . :rT Cjt fü - .1 f ti. l:frii . !o i -l:--.!. s:ri-j t ! t - i...t.t i u wj-j : IAi AT..1.KM i4..1': 1st .'1 ttir cir.-. 1? 1 i.trn .:.:--r . : i:.rv.rt r. ir; .! f. i' - .' .rji- . '. : Srm ü.'-LlTS i' ATAi'.HM V.l.l I 'ZSK . rr.;.! .f kv tf tr i.r Ik.r.- Jl-1 ;r. .r. T r-r'-. i.t!U'i f t?-- :-r-, : tt a HAIX'S CATAhK ; Jin I; ;n;: i tit r-.-:j .-.. :- drf.l rj !r -' xrz? U !:iijrs f". J. cT-t"y i .o . Irti. T ? -t C. a:r -. r . f Crcss-Exani"aVon. j. u ar.- th I ? He.- or ly !n-tl.r? FRECKLES St I ti T t uCMfUJ TW t'i'y SVj cot;rv y t l l . r- In Aü-':- tii.- -I il'i'ary. ratal, air. f.r. an .. 1 an! ' '' .; c.rr:mii'r.u th ir t rr.a- I fi--ro Ji,..r I. t: j r-,n : H I V.'j '... i-' I',rt W.-'vr. I !;. " ! i.-".. ' I". li.' i .... . . i --...-. fr. . - - . i i. .. i . . :...! - . ' ..'..1 - ' - - t;on to t'.'l in sjiriro hottr after w hav ih'iM.'l who i!ra'-l th.- r. -t r.f u in. ;ri: hr i . f Th,;.!. n to tulhi f.-n i t;- l.i.-h curt rti'l n.lHfary tri- , "Ilirz th r.a'.tic. rr."t -:N!l:fi- cnl a s II I .al. I-n fen 1 t.iar.i rd! :. . cat l.HX- i. n.. 'ary fr ra-nl Ti.'-nt is or.o who 1 wat:-iz h' ticie vniitins f.-r oi,.;.-,i r. to . . r arour.-l to tl..- joint !.i r- h- :.n r f. Iy rrnko u Y.'.z in tl- v.l SU- 1. !:. fita.r i. a i r. ... ' i. r i ' r n,rJ T i Responsibis foe All Darrage a'.r forces xrt ! ur.a n::e.l -I lar-. until M ,r 1 to n...:sh i -.-.a'.- t fx r-; f K.-l to ; r'.? 1--1! f r th- r..ntr i f lr.t. r- i r.a'' :. .' r'.v.-rv. Certain ir. '.!.-: r 5. ft f -r -!-tl.-n t'-v.n h .-.I,!--1 an 1 a-ia,.-I ;.w-r. n-'t.iMy !.::! of th .:r-if-lon th '..rTT.ari f. t .-!.! rt'-. th f -r:..r ;.-r; ..Ti r.,i. .:.! ar. th a': ;:.;-l in r-: a ration. "r'nln -h'-r IT"! !e:n. :!. n th !.i . rir sir. : tf. "t rjni. : r.'l Io lr. ;.'.-e--i' r. can. .1 lr.!l at-l that th.- a; :.!, v ill ill 1 tak. n t:r..;. r ! . hatl-'t c :.! thr.t i;'.l- th o-.i.'t .!.;' in tl tf.att.-r f T.y!r.s '- I r - J-" I . t- I : 1 It-' n : '. Th i V'" .- i l-.' civilian hi':.a -; r.:r z v ;-h j,n !n- i itlal ; ytn. nt i f '.n "i i.i i ;,rV lta!y Premised Fiu-e. A a :: .f r-itrt"rz ;-f. r'.-: r tlon Frit j'j.-r.t i ajtn.-?jt. fi l ir.-I ly , jr .,.. r c Ir.-:.)1r r- ' ' ' t.. I -"i. t" a. rvt ',,- ; ?-. .,...... .. ......... I , T..I.- I ' r: a r. 1- ti, h l.-njri of un:i I'-Cl. nft.r vhl-h Fi-.n will r't.rt t- It.! :m "- i -rr';''.f . 1 !.. a Ik l.--k.rk -f Fa of. l.--i.-rat. f- r.1 of "i.'r.l. -.-... -r r itI !'.--' r-:r-r-'-1.-. r.n ! lln!. S. ;ii,. t.-v ' F- '! -f i: il : I- ;',' sj.-l nth. r art'., ul: :.-f i f-.."ur. that It Vii j rola'.'y u.!l ic.j- 1! I- t . v.- th- 1"-: nh' A 1 -a' ':r-y - ':--fair :1 i .-r. j.-l .'..rir.- f... 1. -t : v -.;. in th I- ,' -r ...' What .atf-nr to I ''-! I f i'rr-t :ht r ; ' - faT tf : r. th ',!"! !..V r- n T -' t- i- l. I' - f. - : ! h ,r th c!.-l- ,1., ., r- ...j .. . t . . -, f ... ,. , . a- j ... . . , r- . 1 ' . . I . . I .1 . ...... - ' - If-. tVf W.B wT trvUjr . rri -"U t i ,ij-t- i i-s t .-.rj- It I tfct bw ti " U r -! t rw .V tfc- ! ' " -i-lfc3 fVr r ; V t rr is -f r . -.i ' &7 I?,. r rat in In 1 ar.a I c. r.'ln.-I in ' '!. r!r ar. I th oj ia'n. -tr-m t"'w" ''' 'I"-'-" of i J arr-- t.'.-l Ith i':--r trat!'.., ar lh. r a;r.-.-d to! tl t :!". .-rvl.- i-oi:. a. --'.-( ty th .il or -t f.r .-ar'v in. ri-t;..nal ! S.'i'h.-rt. T-l- - h- cr tary .f In-I.- r.ra. a ! art f the Ii- !1 y.-ra. Th I. r r ty th- t. '. !.- n-- -.. ,j any : 1 J- ;- r tl , j S-pe-f ciahty. , -Thre are iv .-.:. to every q-- t tt r.. ht. -Yr-- r-: '.-! S r;l,-::. y th- :-v n r i: i EOSCHEE'S SYRUP .hi r f ,.4 - K' '.'. rn I:-h : I'urir. th fo-ir tinr f.f Itih-n r1- ! !" , th-n. '.ml to h'' tr -.H.n..r:.i.'- r- rnir.Stn-.'ion a tirf--r f--r th J: Our "lir.ury tax" uoiM riot a j 1 , to th- Iti--ian pro'.ftjirhit. t-v.-n tto-ih iiir-i.l at th- tonr-.-ol--i. In 1 1 ii ! .i th- ii'i-i-.-a r'..- of lift- ar tixurl-. Kourcc to th-' r-tu!Mlr.jt i f rtvva--ta'i-l j Sla wl'I t I u:l rt a r n a fw ret-lon, I r:.:i-- lower !o-n tt A-lriath c. (lorrr.'ir.y acr-' to return to the 1 The hnrl-r will tit ral'r. a! ro-nrnn- th- f -h n.: t '.; ! i-j rat.r z r-!. . rl.-v-.Ti. ha .'ir.-. in ra'- !r '! - in Ir 1 at in :. ar ha h; -.:. y. -r- th.iTi ' r. It- v "...:t ' a !.-.! -o ! to t' 1 ,-.- T- : .r I. !:- I : r 1 S I t.f, r.ily s. '.' F. ' . T' I-V - i r. i;-! I r.. r-:. r.- . .. i .... . . )." t tl t:t:ir.-r. .. t Mill ct'(t ycur cr-ichi. ?.! tLe la- ' """" J ft'n Irritation ia the r..L:al tah-e?. , " " I-iurirx a r"l n!z!-t's rr-t. fr fror. 1 :.!). i i C... fl It!- '-:. tl.-r. h r.- ,.ilai ,.-;t t tili -a ! -town iv;ii..n j öt:.. , r. r . ti n - ? ' I ... ,r of t .n th -r A. -".T. rn l-'-s-ht t-r I.. .in sit. Ia the nnmlrr. Jli le anl fol ! '- T' At.x-rira f'-r f.ftT-ft. T-'-ar. A r. . f -r whi.-h j dcrfa! r,rescr1;ti. a. t-kt:nc Ns-- Ja Mr.h. .II j i.u'-j'r rn rtr.eral te-h a io . . . 7 .-. .! --issa'--'BB.ia'ii iai 1.. j a "ii'i i '. . , ,- v i r f v. 'A' i u;ii ii nil - mi. lij ai- 3 - -o'l a. - - a. u . a r.r.'.ii - i .... m - - -- .- - ; If tint i-rotnls-.! o..I Mir,l-i .1 ,,w "-"' ur -ocla-e.l llati-.r.als t.ot on,(. ,. tho marV.t atnl r-lu-e j ttr..t:rs h.-r t.r-!- rrin s M-r'n-r Inmt mat rr,l c.'ton to -"' h'.-hly 4tall-l st:t.titiite rin .. for t In Ir "i-toiaa.ry ot- j 'r.z f. taak nacrirlc of .-!;.. of !,, r o-hr c!),;rr. oi th I'a'raaflMi cn--t. Italiars Back at Peace Tsbte. I rer.. .tt- no orlar. i tr J-f tlir. it.p,:. r r r t f".r..r. si r -.--. ir(.t!.in. as ro-Air .l.-t!!i. ur.fjir V.-.r-i. of '.I... ? !.!!. -r I .1 . t. ti - .. inatil!p 1 ;-,!:' 1 Ir. Far! : .-...! j on tli th i-ry 'h:.f !t I 1 to niata! a proat i'.t a! ti th toj... ,,f tt'ii so:ai'thi:,ir. . c..;!I--t:tain. Ir.t ! unl t.t.:it;iisi ! :.-. '.aizt!on Aft r nil. It soen fl at evi r !.lt I for a I-: C'.i of ii.-.'i m. "if.- t;it" or "en coti l,tlo-i that." cr. Yon ran t.-M a man that he tin jrain. 'l v.i i-hf. t it It I w 11 to t nir of your pro,,;,,J .tf,.re ti ll n otium. Th army trMc from oti-r th .- ar viry fw in Tirtion to th troop cemlnir tnrk. jrovln? thst. a far iii the avrrae Arnrlcnn soI !lr"s loynlty Is coiirtmc-l, Ms luart Is true to Foil. St ali an t th trf.".l f tf... ex kai-rhy .an in'.-mftt '.ul li'ch ctun fr a s-in tT- off. r. a'.tlr. i-.ti-r-riati. nal im rah'y nt,.l f othr n-. t Ion- fr -n I! '. 1- it in tlin to l- j r.-- r.t at th- r-'rtRtl"n of t- i-- tr ate -o th . man at Vir.:,;i;. Tl, Italian trrrl--r arrivl at th F.-?r: Vhi- II n. j(;,t a th can als tor t !.. t. on ..r th !.-. ::.! c - j f.f f. -,r r-w.rr..J-i and n-suraid tolas of wt.r. Il -llar.-i tu 1 a-k'-l to !.;, Kat In th council. U. S. AIDIf-iG THE RED CROSS i fn ,,,,sn'1 r,f ityt:in th en- . i;t!on f th "IrW r-fUfc im f?l trr fr-m A!a M'ncr Ct year nri Relief Wo'k in the Greek Islands Has Active Co-operation of the American Navy. Aibt-n. In its alrrn!y extnlte ao-1 pmwiac work In the;re ti l-ilan'ls th Amcrinin r.-l Crt r.a. th co Iratln ot the Unltel State naTy. Six titmar'.rie rtaers l.ave rm plartv! st tb disrjil of the Ile-1 Cress for tmn-rportlnp and auipUes to the rartoos Islaoda f-r '-. t.. .,. r.l.H. .A li lir.f, II- l.--a-I th Ni fi-ft'l J a t - t. of r. '-in..-! M-nI.e m. n fn.m ly in th tat.'! ' ' 'h-,-v. rv t..i-i. n of tie tate iurticijat-4"n. ti- f-r ! t... 1 . r ..f th i in or trat rf- . --i ti'.l.-ry. S."oli Fr.l t.-rh t i ,.'-,, v. t .-I .-in o" i-j a-.i. j.i .. I, .' , r. r.-ü. 'it of th Fall t-v I .--un't 1 c- r r. ,'; I.s.n. l u'.l.-l int.. I:i;.-n- ;-.ii in j tr wl! 1 th'. i rain. With tht.- Ii a-l. -I . th- !y m l l .fti.'li ar:i- tl. r.' t.-l -. a . .' . t ..t. la l..-flt:l No. r- rtio I-." I'fl : t. . , - M-l t I. ft a.r ( l .. v r. :v -. ' i i .: t . I UTo .. . . v.. iK. v n i t ! I 1 . - I Ivati Iii. J.fa- F.'.. tf. as I I ;?. n Ii.-.'" th:rtt-f i: J.-l.n F.. -.-'t. ; twir.'y- ! .T;t I ' : .!.. at v .-: i r.t -f -!. Th- c.r'n- i .y ? : -t I :, i f h h. '''".- ft t :r ..f f- r-r --'I I" Ihir:;: t ' . h r.- l t '. ' : - i:. : -ov.l y thro ir.; off the ii.a. oful in lucj trruM. athroa. cro-?. bn-nr hi I, -tc For wie la all dTil ized ci A'lr. -"I tl r ';.;'f:t th' i:r. :-n!l . t a1 J a- I four, troth, rs; J -ha Ii nr.-l a i t ,m v fan r -.till tv-t 1 .t -lan'. Fa I--cm !f-rate. K1 f"rs .rki-r are rpilHrIy vltitlnz nil the ynur.z woar-n t I... l-ira t. t !..: '-f.-r '3 - latter rt o! -M.:j. ire "w lf. rn-1 Al::h M.- :y ;! r ar- a'. f r y ar. Ys - -' L;.'-e !-" rt 3i r f .-I !. it z a rni'i t tl.- i- lio- . : r 'l fruit. n alli-r-l cur.vrfct.-r. ih n. I I r.-lla'-at -h. An t -n u Mar ..:?. A; j I en the islan!. ar.d lthlns l.i t tl - i' 'i- s.-ri-- ct. .:i. n ty t-n nl to alnjTjt 2-".if f tri r.2 rf ic. At the f.uttreak of th war th f'revk were Jritrn cnt uf A:a Minor. TT.ere were alout rt. !. ,f thra tb.r before the war. Xbre thaa .Wt e.-sr-d to the l.lan ! la the Aej-sn. TbotjanJs wer massacr!. h ! rion ar. 1 I'.!nrTt..a T.-.i-tior. Ilr.. for th t h!ih:n-r;t f it.'.rür. ti r ilnr,t.' f! j.atIi ruf from i-'.irs on th lit. t i-'lr.t on othr trctl'n r.r- Ir. In li ;:ia. anl for rn-l',t'3iit ef thr rat Mn'ien any tv j-rt ca J.e ct- .rur.j.' rccL . -rv -" ir, r. , i-,. i,.-r i -rr n r:.-.on ,o ,,Vlt.on 3 f' V a W . -rlth :..- ia'loi. "'' -1 : l', ro:.n l-t.-l y a si--lal , n.n.ltt.e a'i-.t.-.t 1 1 the trin'tal cnfi rrce cf hIih ofT-r. Ir. J. X. H irty. c n'zrj f t the state NkM f I'alth. I terc;-rary cbalruta f ttc ct airtee. None 9at fiff.eer r-at s;My .". a r I" o alr. have little to rrj-'ala a!-'it- M;r.;ti.n Ma.-,atc h. I 1--kr.ow. Tie rnilti-air. -nilr- trt c like f ttui-h i!rt . L- n Vn V5 Shave Wrth Cu-cura Sczp And d.uVle ycr razor efS.iccT ' well a frw? - Ia r'r5r. ,c- fort ecd skia bralth. No r.tsr. co jcHray f ?. co Frr3 o wate. c Irritatlca etn wLcn s'jiTed twice dally. Oe .-,-, for all cv siarl-i. bittiajr and sls-.rx-lzz. Adr. Alway lo-k oa tb 1 rieht : tf.lnp an4 If y-fl are brjyinr tr--l,--'k on t-tb sele. Wvsssts- Cranclafed Eyelids, W ar to Ss. Va sr-J tl r-kkl rrUeml by "twt I Ft Cosafort. At Your Draaopits or by maJ Cc p Bott". Foe lMk 1 taw ty frrt writ- Maria ty Berfy c-.