Newspaper Page Text
Airplane and Wireless 'Phone Figure in Worlds First Aerial Wedding hx itirssÄ-r? . xix4 H C .. . . mnr ir i i i "r- i ft J! Columns, Water and Other Methods by Which Ancients Kept Track of the Time J rviVi. !) to iiiivthaii; Iii' a hhI pvrn aiK'nt tisiiH im-rwirvr. IsnlaU , "j'iHks i.f tho !;:il if Alias which wvnt fii i!.'r.- s haikwuiil anl tliN dial. It Iris lu't ii onJccturiHl. a a tall aul h'!i'!r wli ch rust a shadow d a si-tit's of steps with which It was ruircli-'l. Tin Kcyptintis lo, ur Ti-iiitcil with haviii; ussl tl. Ir inono liili. such h I'hopatru's iitHl! t tiui"' inc-aT.rtTS. i Th I'haliloanH had tl t met hod f iiifaMtriiii; timo. 'I hoy, s well as the sinTe!!ihirary Hindoos, and very likely the Kc.vptlan". were ac(ualntel ulih the water lo k, ir clepsydra, whl.h Pleasured time after the fash ion of the hour i;!as. water taking the place f s-jind. It Is helleyed that the !!;) ptl:.ns ai tually had hour glasses," fir upon one .f the has-rw liefs which hae nn t liht after t!;eir l interment of years or niori' is an olJect which those leartiel it) such matters us can h noth ing ls. than a sand jrlass. In pt i:i ip!e the lepsydra was noth- iii: fnt a ro l Moat 'in; upon water. which was slowly dropping fro;n an iritice ii) the v-sv.'l in which It was obtained. t'ertain ilivlsins wre niar'xcd i!p..ii the rod. ainl a l:ed (inter serxeil the purpose of a clock hand. CHOOSING BEST BREED OF HOGS Whichever One the Farmer De cides Upon He Should Develop to Highest Standard. LARD TYPE MOST POPULAR RETROSPECT For the first time in the history of aviation a couple have been married by wireless telephone, the minister flying in one plane and the happy couple in another. Before a crod ef 300.000 people at the Sheepshead Bay speedway Lieutenant Burgess was united in holy matrimony to M:ss Millie K. Shaeffer, a charming Brooklyn girl. At an altitude cf 1.50O feet the question was asked through the wireless phone, and the answer came back "yes," In another plane flying near by. the min ster. Rev. Alexander Wouters, pronounced them man and wife, and all few down to the congratulations of their core of friends. Tho photo s.hoB the "aerial coup'e" ready for the flight, the bride with wireless 'phone adjusted and lieutenant Buigeis making sure he has the ring. Be Americans First, Last and Always Advice ot Seotof Lcxle to Americas People Do not fori;'i that having vision is one thirii. while hem;; a viiniiiiry, es periatl) a isioiciry whose id''iiis Mfil ioas Mre stai.'" properties, is quite another. What truuhh-s me most. riles Senator I." lire In l.e-lie . alout the hooks und articles mnl -pThf.- l.j oir iiiosl M'UaiH i-d thitikers sett it:;; ihm new panaceas ani sysieias inr an the 'vils is tliHt th'' IT1 Koiienilly mi very old. fact iipparentl.v IIrei;ar. isl hy Iheir imihors, who very properly h pMst ln h 1 1 ! y risi-s up trouhles4iini'. IPissaui lioNhev isai prevents a war-nai; to Aim rim in i'l mful results i( a sclnnn- ulmli it itl.ors prett tnli'l ii in I tlifir dupes Ileed would mal.e all men iaph in moment. In letters of tin' lids Uu"citi Mini Kays t us; '"'I'li's way lies riiiti." lie Aitierienns ti r-t. Americans last :iitd American always. Agriculture Is the Chief Occupation of Finlanders in sj.ite i,f its nur' ln-rly pos;;i,,M :iM Its oir soil, arii ul I ure is Hi the itio-f oaciipatioii ui I iiil.iii'l. evt ii ttmu; ti th" cull i!i;.-d arc'i nurn only per tent of the I. ml. The co-op-erutive ininitnl. ti e iiitr"x:icti ii ami ll-M- of modem ar.'ii ii! tliral niai Itiliery and improved iiicih.nls nf -tiltivat i"ii have (t'leitly helped in the develop ment, led there is ample opportunity for further development, (ntle r:ti iu ii'id dairy iu nKo lue frown iti hiderahly ilurins the la.-t deca lcs. The liimher imiijsiry ranUs seeonl in im-portHnc-e, w it Ii hont Ol p-r cent of the p.rea rf the eounirv forest hmU. Twenty-Five Years After Death. Boone's Bcdy Was Re-Interred in Kentucky "With Keiit ky h mi I'..)o:.e fo-iml 1 that, hy otie of th" txists of law, the plot of ground lo thoiuiit was his was not Lis at all," ays William Ileylier, in cnneliiilin an article n "laiiiel l'.o'iie" in I'.ovs" Life, the otl.cial maa- :nc of the l.oy scout organization. "Alinnst like ,i penniless oiit-at he inoMil to Virginia, hm when lah s cati;e t him nf luli'l lo the west of the Mississippi, then railed l.ouisj. ; I ana, his ix!-ojie years .lid iiot deter1 j him front risking a fresh start. In i IT'.'" he 't:ihlishei hitiiseif near the I I t ity of St. Louis and took w liat he thought was a deil to late!; hut In lsjir:, when this; territory passed front Spain to the Tinti-d States, he found this claim worthless. "Iltlt lloV ihr Amrriratl people Wer-'; a e. 'akeniiu; to a rc.tllr.atioti of w lo.t I'.. m.)i.'w h'ndership in Kennnky had meant to the nation. niire granted hint K"ii airis of hind. Tlnre In the W'rsi, frs' from want, he pasi Lis, last day-. Tsentjdie leafs after his, dentli his remains Men- hfoimhi h.n k "t in i'lerins ro-t. them The v. hol.' wort. J at Ihv f-?t. U " .it ljurel-KurUr. !.s i i.'wn thy past! 1 not the present stet? rOHT. "Td flir? w.iy mv crown of bay. Lose It t(i"iit one tlirvX. Tf fwl hf.i.le my on tojav Thu ter.ilcr heart I Dr tc away Lome, lot ; ago'." " t.itf-srnan. thou thst euiht tl.ln?s Wttlt todUk? strf-ntjt'i of will. Tliou art m re r. -ral tlian rarth'n kings. 'l!iey h-jr th. and tr- mil." s'T.TI-:?M AN :-n..i!:y, " I ii t? t- norl J , I lav ;t inonjr. t An. I ri I'd Kivf t'.e T' e .lead eve jo-i.! I n;. loj.j; af " .r t. s f 'nilf-d at At Present Time Animals Weighing From 175 t 250 Pounds Command Highest Price Bacon Hog It Not Raised Extensively. (Prepared hy the I'nitfsl Ftts Depart ment of Agriculture ) There Is no best hreed of swine. Some hrwds are .suj-rlor to others in certain resjss-ts und one hrsetl may W Letter Hdapttsl titan atuther to t tain liK'al nwidltlons. The essentia! point Is that after the fanner has onee decided upon the kind of hoc to raise he should stick to this decision and develop the chosen Lrod to its highest possihle standard. It Is not feasih!: f..r one individual to raise several dif ferent hr"sjs and hrlnr thctu to per fection. In inakim; his choice, too, the farmer sdiouM he piided hy the kind of Precis already esiahlished in his locality. If he selects one of theso he is not likely to make a inis ake. Two Types of Swine. There are two distinct type of swine, namely, the lard and the I. aeon types. Svvit.e of the lard tyie fnreut iiumher those of the hacon typo in the I'nlted States. The lard type is pre ferred hy the people of this country. consepn-ntly the majority of feeders produce a rapid-fattening, heavy t'.eshed lard tjp'. The hn.-nn type is n t raiseil extensively in the L'nit.-d States. The production of choice ha con Is more general in those warrior, thmi that carrifjt h'Rh Thy trey vs toriin.i hen.. Wlut ..ic ins " tio t t.- Fky At thy jr-hurso tre-tJ!" WARRIOIC. "I heed tem rot. I rg tn hear Tt.- chil 1'h v-p a, Hr.ft uml low, usej tt ..und von my mr. So s-t. so pure, so er-clear. Many ar.d i?iany and mar.y a year xd! J-tk Urlo. Mother's Cook Book GRAIN CONSUMPTION VARIES DURING YEAR Feeding of. Oats Is More Uniform Than That of Corn. Barley, Wheat and Rye Approach Monthly Uniformity In Degree Less Than Oats Silage Reaches High Point in February. (Trcpured hy the t'ntt State Depart ment of Arrlrulture ) Vther the Mipposttlon I that th cotisiiniptlon of com hy live stock on farms' in the I'nltitl State varies little from month to month, or that the Ummer consumption Is relatively small, the fact, as ascertained hy the bureau of crop est'mates. l'nlte! States department of nsrrirulture. is that during the six months frota May to Octoher nearly three-eighths of the yar"s corn ration Is eaten, and from Novemher to April five-vljrh'h.. The m unn-wenther fraction will seem Inrpe or small according to tlie size of the ir'iess. Oats, more than corn, is the fi-o.l from April to Sep'emher. and the laotithlv coiistnnptioti ef oats Is mor i:nif.r..i tl.rot:hoit th" year than that of corn, ltarley. wheat and rye up proa h monthly uniformity In dreo less ttian that of eats throughout the year and a ceiwent ration of ciiisi)t:ip t ion In the colder month is found In hay. silage and inl'l feis;!, as In the case of corn. Of the year's entire consumption of corn hy live Mock on farms the hii.Ii est consumption In r.e month Is ll..ri p.-r I'eut in Ieceiither. and the lowest 4.15 per ce;it in AUs'tist. For oats the hit:!. est is 0.S jr cent In April and the holest fi.s; jT cent In I emhT ; hur ley, hiclo'st lit.fl cent in an I lowest 0 st cent in June nnd also In July; rye, highest ln.ri p-r cent In OctolM-r and low est 7.1 jm r ent In July; wheat, hljrlust 11.4 per cent hi Novemh.T and lowest per cent In July. ; Mill fed consumption sa;s to 4 ; per cent in July and rises to 11.JJ ht cnt in February and iu::ln In March. , More unequal et Is tiay consumption. ;wi h its rai.fe from the J I i. 14. ! st e. tit in Fehrunry and also in Mar. fi t .VJ p.-r cent in Aiunist; and j another decree Is ieahd hy silage, the -oiiumpt i"!t 'f ih.h rise to li per it of the year's total In IVlTU ary and falls to 1 j r cent in July and fete iul, TO) She Had a Heart. "I never ripcctcd to ice iL" What r Tiio suhtirhiinites f.jhtins over a cMk. "Which vi, mr "The smaller of the two i o:nh.-it .:. The cook i ouMu't Hand ' s-e Jn r :.. j man Kettin the worst ,f it, s., i j signed up en ihe sM.t for thr. l weeks." Spared. Tid ;et an interview w it!t tl. for kn celehrity ? "Vcs." s.tiil the star rcp-irter. "A: '. he sli-M.k hands with lue ..fd.;i.. wh.-n I l.-ft." ' What did he do that f.-rT " I st:p-ct he was tratefnl ! s.. I didn't ask him nlut he thought America. Not His Business. "Have von covered that tdory of IVnman. the novelist?" ask.-I the eI ltor. "I have t.or. sir," was the reikorter's rt pi i. "Were ou not oh! to cner ItT' "Ye. sjr. hut It was not my husl- Bess to cov-r his stories. I'm not a lookLin!er. sir." A HANDICAP. hen men .rieak i:l .f tl . , , );Ve tht ttotimly will !-hif thfm l'i:o A FEW PLAIN CAKES. One-Egg Cake. IVnt the white of n ej stiff; add the yolk ami when well mixed sradu aily stir in one cupful of suzar. mixed iNith four tahU spoonfuls of I. utter. three ouar.ers of a cunful of milk, one to Kcntccki. And. in the land he cave a1( ,..., !f ,.yi,f,,B ,.f fl,,r. one teu fo c;vili.:iti..n. he sl i ps, this man ivh.i s, nfnl of cream of tartar and oio- half teasji.Miijfu) of j.k1:i iftcd with tho 'lour. '.irri.'d the t.ita h f civ ili.atioii union:; a saiiitio j.i'...t' and hated his host t the shock of hattio that its flame nil :ht nt he extitiU'.tished." Nut Cake. C'rean half cupftt' of Icr'er: one and ot:e-half euptu's .if scar add add Theory May Be Everything But Production of Sound T heory may he d. lined n erery t hi ti hut the actual nr.xluctlnii of sound. For example, the performer .should know the following items con nected with the masic to inter preted. The key It Is In, time, mark of expression, relative values of note, pitch f notes. IniriKlii'iioii of nc-cl-leniaU. interval, accent, plirnsinp, si to ooatiott. directions refcrrinc t d. slurs, siM-cinl Otarks for entplia-si- on certain note. InlorvaN nnd Many other things too numerous to mention. A knowledge of theory i4 c s.-t lial to the proper interpr tiition of an- i iistc worthy of the name. Origin and Design of Great Seal of the United States 7 r"',fnN "f f,";,r :t:u:"f"! tl.ree pnirlers ii M ei;j ful of milk. S;ft mill a ieapoon -ii i.i si.,i;t witj na t-uHMinfiil of team of i. rtar; fold in th- Stitlly l'!''eti whites of four c?s and tlaior tu taste. Add r.e cupful nut meats, t;..';!cd. The gron' of the Fniteil Si:ie w a s a'loMfeil liv congress years j-uo. 'I he design ivi.s suire-tcd hy Sir John 1'restvi i h. hii eminent F.nglish anti qu.'iry. to John Adatns. tlo-n I'nitedi States tulnister to ('real I'.riiain. and! was formally iiccepted hy coitgress inj June lisj. it h comtHco-ii .r a spread -:tgle, lo-nrini; oi lis l.reut urn e ttti lieoii with 1.". siritrt-s. and In it talons holding an olive hrnncl, and l.'l i '' ,w" ai"' """' 'ipfuls of arrows, -i.uholic of hotl, ,., and tl"nr s,,,,h W,h t'! of soda ,.r ti ..u. th.. sn.-,.s-tioi. ..r !ltl 'i:,", '-"soiifiils of i ream of tar- l'nglishtiian. has iter since h.-n the French Loaf Cake. Huh to a cream one and one-half ciipfuls of sweet fat; n!d two and on.- half cupfuls .f sugar, three well heat- Purebred Poland-China Barrows. where the feed of the hog Is more varied and where corn U nrt relied upon j.. the iriio Ipal grain for hog. The principal hreed-i of the lard type are the Poland t'hinu. I'.erkMiire. Chester White, 1 unc-Jersey and Hampshire. The lard tip'' "f hog Is low t and compact, with a very w ld and deep h!y. The shoulders shou'.d he full although n ojpn, with full hind quarters and hams car ried out straight to the tail and thick ly t1eh-d hont to the .m k. The t1eh should t e thick and evenly tllstrihure! throughout the hodr. The size and weight are l.irg.-ly de tertnitosl hy market conditions. At present pigs weighing from 1T." to 2." jiounds ordinarily ummand th high est pri's. Best Bacon Types. The principal l.r--s .f the haeon fj"l are the Tamworth and hirge Yorkshire. I.oih of I'.ritish origin. Tlie ha .ii tipe is n rv different from the lard ty. lrein longer in lejj and, with less width of hack and lighter hi the shoulders and neck. The firt Imprcssinti that this tie conveys Is one of hatntiess and laliklness. Much emphasis is laid on the eveloj-iio-nt of side, localise it is the ide of the hog lhat is used for the pr.xluc tioti of ha on. On the r hand, large, heavy hams are not desirahh' on n I ueoti t'.g. COMMUNITY LIME SPREADER Farmers of Otsego County, N. Y Solve Problem of Spreading Lime at Proper Time. (Prep-!-'.! ,y xhe l'riif.1 Stit "Deart tner.t cf Mernhers of the farm hurenn In one of the i -ouiniUllitie of Otsego NiUtltT, New York, have comhined and pur- h.i.I a htne sj, reader, and have thus taken a long step in soiling their prohlem of applying lime at the proper time of the year and in suthcieut quan tities t get results. The spreader is ML c: "I wouldn't have my I-y taught prarnnwr t all. If I had my way." "That's a sträng Idea. Why not?" T intend that he shall ! a writer. . I opular" SHIP EGGS BY PARCEL POST ".-SSj if4 u V- - Overwhelming Erudition, t'r.'.. a ml trr I ct ce WiMt utrett t.n j j-t.ent t.Ar.-t Th- tn'T I try to rl the U r T! e irr I ur Jrmlat.d. Uncertain. "Vo-.i haven't s.ngrsittita'e-f e-r friend i Uing el.s-t-.J to th- legis lature." "lo-tng . .- ;.l to the leti. :!. " snid S' r Sorgfium. "is in..- . -en. rtain. i;t my w?y it i'h.-r a g.H-l sart in life . ' h ; f CM,." Ten Hens to a Home. Ity keeping a haikyard ku! try flock the family v.ould not only ludp in redti ing the cost of living hilt would have eggs of a quality and freslmi ss- in h ill.' often lilhcuit tool. tarn. Fach Iomi in her ,tillet ye:.r sho'iM produce ten dozen eggs The average size of the hin h vard Hock should he id least t n hens. Thus each Ilm k would produce In a year I'M dozem .f eggs, whl. h, nt the nmserintiv value of PI cents a dmo n. wuuhl he worth .'s 10. national hird of the Fnitisj States. Should Apply Slogan "Do It Now," in Letter Writing tor. three otnirters of H cupful of sweet milk, one mnl otto half nutmeg, trnfed. two nnd onehnlf cuiifuW l(f flour agim; one half cuj ful of milk; mix in the older gilen. 1'ilide into halves and t one part add r:iinis, citron and jinis; the o;h.-r hake in a plain haf- Tlie .ocr.f of htter-writing ns well1'! his will give yo:i a fruit cake and u as of other w nting for most of ns Is plain cako with ne niixins and one the open Kccret of using the odds and j loiking, wit ti ;kx1 keeping qut'll ends of tltne. If we wait for an liour ti' H. or a day r a week or a month .vhen lie rao sit down and write uninter ruptedly, we shall prohahly wait in vain or else ntutre such n htthlt of Mailing; that v In n tt lyt tlie timr ar rives ivo s-1 1 . 1 1 1 waste It waiting for some nmre. Ii. p i.oiv. If there Is time for a lino writ" line If for a tage, utile a pa Re, if for a viotil. v. rite Iii: worl. were dairy Dairy Cows In China. In Clinton 2 years ago there prnciicully no cattle u-.d f..r piirMise. Today lhe".. are a'.out .ViU tows of foreign hrc'ds nnd ahoiit fifty hiiR'aloos kept xcluslv ly f'-r iniik. The Ilorigi.oiig l.iiry faun and other dairies Iti Vhtorhi und Koni. on. ujth i tutitl .f 1."iw) cons, !cp. i .) hugely on the ('hlncie r""id'rt in tJtose places for 'he sale of their milk. Daily Thought. Minds vidi h have nothing to cm. ft-r nnd little- to pTccivc. Wordsivortli. Chocolate Cake. Cream a tal.L spoonful f hutter ; add oie cupful of Mlgar. Otie f 11 .ful of fWeet milk, tllo epgs and HVo ciipfuls nf Hour, sifted x.ith two tensj.o..i:fuN of haking piwder; (",..tai- with vanilla. To half It cake ,,r p.. ,,f j;rate i,ikii- li'te add half a ciptttl of iiii; ; hoil. re move from ih.. hcitt :.nd ;..!1 ..,. ei; fiil f siigjir and ih- yolk of one egg; s i r into th" cake I'.ak.- in lajcr and tie a hoi'i'd fr.e ting for tilling. Simple Chocolate Layer Cake. Tak- one cupful of hrown sugar, one . j tart. r of n cnj.ful .f hutter. one quarter of a ctiptu! of M'ur milk. on t.-aHotifu1 of .so hi. one 'asMHinfur of vtiniil.i. one egg nnd one mid om qtiarter cupfuls of th.ur. iMssuive two m I ua res of chocoiate in half a cupful of hot water und stir Into the cake tho hist thing. Hake In lan-rs uid put to gether with boiled frost "rij. Weight of Single Dozen of Egga Will Run From 2 to 3 Pounds. De pending on Packing. Prepared t.y the CrUM SMte Ieprt ment rf Agriculture) Average liens" -gg will weigh altout I'i Mtutils to the dozen, or '2 oums Uph'cc. The weight of il single doetl of eggs in a carton properly pack! i:nd vvrupfwd for mailing will r'in from "J to .'I jM.uiuls, (h jH tt.hng mi th' fiafur' f th" particular container, th" ir. ,f the eggs. ;iml the packing and wrap ping ucd. If he i.ii'aiti.T he a very light one :tn I the ggs .small, th" er c l may fall Mithin the J ijfid limif. and th" postage, therefore, within the t.rsf und iw-oiiil zones, or l"n-talle lim it, would he (I cents. Mn-t parcels ron taircng a d-.cit -ggs "ill cTcel '' pounds hut will not rea h "i: ther-fore the;g. oil them will he 7 letlfs within the first and second zones. . parc.1 fotitnimng - dor.en eggs will add lerhaps 2 cents to the psta?'. tlno'.zii sofiief lines onlv 1 -'nt. ileju-tid-Ir.g on tin nature of the entailer and the packing and wrapp'tig. j Community Ownership cf a Lime I j t n . . , l oprrjoer is rrjtxitdi ana rejuoie. to he rofati tnioiig th' tnen.lwrs. NniirifinU-r may also use it hy pav ing cents an acre. In Ihe early stiieei of the use of lime In a cum "iiunify, e;i iul's, in a ftnall way, hpreaders are often not avaih.hle Ih canse single land owners hesitate to purchase them. Kven nftT the use of lime Is estahlishcd a single madune Kill often meet the iit-esls of several fanners. Great Practice. " Where did yon learn sudi n c:r," ""Throwing paper wads arour ' girl's .ea,l to reach a hoy sitting : "" in front." Couldnt Stand It. t Mr. Sphh!,ih Ik you knon j fMi.tioniy Is ' Mrs. S-clem lloraee, wher" n ! nrth did y.u hear iioh a vulgar ft (ressjori? I..n't ever let me hear that word again. It gaie me quite a hor k : HOW TO INTRODUCE QUEENS It Is Necessary to Remove Old and De fective Ones and Replace Them With Younger Stock. A Considerate Man. Ani.t (angrily) Why did you sly my "portrait of a ientleman? Hanging Committeeman He h-'s'-d like the .ort of fK-rson who would f' ttmre comfort ahle Up there than !. n on a level with ordinary icople. PREVENT DISEASE OUTBREAKS Use Every Preventive Measure and Set That Proper Precaution Are) Taken. (Prepared hy the irn.ted state Depart ment of Arl.Mluf ) Sometimes we cannot prevent out hrcaks of live stock diseases on our farms, hut we can nnd sh.-ul I always u every preventive nie sure and sse that projer precautions are taken when Uie dinens flrt makes its appearance. Kvery lM-.keep-r who Is really car lag f-r his h-es should know how to intr.s!t:e po-ens, .-rai!s it Is it-'s-sary to remove old nnl defective I'l.-ens and replace tlnin hy voting vig rois .ret. tju",ns may lie Introliiel In tells or after they haie -mrrgl from cells, while Mill unfertilized, or after they l.aie hegun t lay. TROUBLE IN FIGHTING WEEDS Sheep and Goats Will Be Found Effi cient in Eradication ef Many Noxious Plants. Some of the trotihle and exi-erue or ditt trily evi- rietieetl In fighting th might he Uisp. iiM I with hy ki ping si p and goats to graze the noxiott plants. At present prices for w.m.I. mohair ami mutt on these animals ontht to le profit aide. Too Young for a Naene. "Name, please." asked lrel R. Akin, hpntv city comptroller, of a colored woman who wn retting a dog license. "Why. I haven't named him jet." .red the woman. "He's only a Generous Admiration. "Von haic ' ft"" sirh-in steak." "jV." r'Tliis1 the leiiU-r; "renisrs nhly foe. Shall I cut you a !ice" (h. no. I taerely st..j.M-d in t eon yrntul.tte yon." Shareless. "1 fear Cilthirs I a trlci Mer." ''Iii cncicne d.ent feetn Pother til.ii any." prohahly not." "At least, he ha no ohjeri'on to le Ing known ns a practical man." Driwing It Pretty Fine. P.i Why these t;si- tlol gs. s'L h an attd si. on? Why not My "new" in plain Kn'i-di? Iix I'cfUiomy of spac, ny Wt. An "o" Is nt wiile ai a "w."