Newspaper Page Text
Texas Oil Is flaking Millionaire tMT its I in 1 Kvcry i!2V people in all J pirts of the United .states are nuking hcrc i t.jfore unheard of prof- - a its iroiii tneir invot- inents in Texas Oil Stucks, in the world- famous Uurkburnett t'icM. i Live Agents Wanted W't want immediate connec t:in with live local agents in ocry community ti c:vc u rithcr a!! or part of their time, r xccl'cr.t coinirJkiionf and a proposition you will be Ld m o:Ter jour friends. Write Lr our proposition, giving references in first letter. 8URK-01VIDE CIL CO. 703 ' Smtk. icaita Falls, Tern Gear Yccr Skin WitBCuticura AH (!at-.i S-j -z. Oim-Tv-tt Si A. i. Il eum 13 Srr e e. f-c of "Cat tear a. DC E. Bin." r i r Hair balsam 1 - A tu. tri rn- i cf t-rr v. J, T J P. t-a, f'Aijrt.rv. -5 Ter Rotnt Ck- u4 f V s"3ty totT rir!iUtr L - . .-. -i t- t -. . - -. HINDERCORNS -- Don't Suffer With Piles !. - l'i , Or'rr'r.t. w : r. r.n-!- r-t"S. r.rr.t- !...? rt. rf " ir.ltam. I ...!. f ;--.--. r- It s.-t:.-t a'i h : J ir:., r-!.ee wn. ir. i rr :.:' . S '3 tr all !r..K.;. t-r :! f harnural I re. J -via Co. K - i. It A, for fre arrj a. OLD RELIC OF REVOLUTION :Tn Statehoute. Now Fully Re-r.:-ed. Is One cf t-e Moat Inter, eitir. 3 in te Country. ". 1 .'d 'atrlem- in IV,.--.-n u '.-I in 1711. In -:tr!v .!.iv the fii"-t w ;i u-.I as the Mi r h.-ints e fi j.-. r.r.'l the pi'I --..ry as tli -til j !!.! of tin- -i ir 'f ! i ni!,iT :iii.J Iii- ryal o"ir"i!. A fow t frm Ii eautt-ru j--rh :ct-!rr-l Ur.rn ii.avii-r" 4.11 Mart !i 17T'. Iti 17v" W.tluriiT.;i rilfivt"! fn-ii ihU h'iiM nc a i-r-"-ion In lii h..r,or. ar..l ir h".' Wlüiarn! ;.irr;.i-i t'W r f':."-- tlir tt -aj, frni !! itvl il,..t l.a! ln-ii-n tli fl:nTT t.'-tluz. nn! tl reaTen! lif In !;iT"r y' th ua t'ir.l !?: iHi-'in-' ffi-- anl . riii ii :i'trt-. Ii.hJo r.nI o'jtf J. a n?rn -t to J-tnj- t! r!;t:.I a r !.!? rural ff'-'t. In lvl it wa rtoril I. j !?:f 1 itr at tlie r-i : vt -f tli f t:: -l.-I !rittl riTirni. r-l I low in !!.! .f th I-.toiiIan f..-i:T. whi'Ii M'-t: 5 ! ir. Tl.f rr.. ir.tlu'l i'.i tii" o!. r..i;i.r.J I.atii1.-r an l l.all f r iTf-iit:.ti -fi'ain a rl!- t!"n f rli-H anl .a:tit::.s 'f revoltiti' arT tin.-v. Sanopaper. S.-ri'Tpar-r l.mM ! jart "f rvrry k t 1 -r --i:pi:i T;f. It ! . nanj tiv. a j 4 f r.n.- .J; r wl r -l-t'v i-ij.ot- tlx v.t.r.-!.-I ;--rti"n frt.u .rt-il. t- ari'l l-:.4- a rt'-t-!y ::ith 'tlr:. 'CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Lock at tongue! Remove poiion from itomach, liver and bowe's. ft Aripj.t "fallfi'rr.ia Fynifi rf I'irs nl jr l- k f r tl.i Liitdo I''iforn.a or. tlj -a-k:i ir--. linn ar- Mire 'jr i l.avS:itf t!.f -t ami n:' liann .r li-U f.-r lb'' tt.r.:;n !.. Iivr v.irl l-'ls. t'hil Ir n 1" !!:.. ai- fruity lull !!r- ii--!.- f r f ! I'.- i!". on u h tnit tJ. low It wii!."UT four.! Y-d rr.ut tay -California." Ads-. ( ) 0"t Test of a Vacation. A s t t i a -t if :- Htl- to-ni-T .!. (:o k Willi o.iiv n.ii- r ;!.;it wi.rk 1 in :. !. Most Likely. ""II. fro .!! serious i :io ' ! floar imi.t." ""I ii ii.:. 11 tl,r (kiIoiI to .urf. c.:ir-l ttitli !..;,'. M.rt. -r.ll.ij l,N u If.- V.l. r...r ." " "K.-itl.T :i.;r..j.r;;.t.'. I v!i..r;M vnr. S:i-' . !..(:. I. Ij t.,. i!;:ifr :ir In f..!-.:iV." ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Narr.e "Bayer" is on Genuir.s A5p:r;a sa Bayer Just M sed the Custer. P.:o ..n i.r- ll.- " :1 t r-" v, r,i;;.!. a'-.- .t fii I lie 0 u -i,'t r i...-.t :i;i v. f.'l-.rf Ii.!i.i .oi nit'? U !. r .. I ! 1: ' 'i:r ! If voiiM l .-'a !u ro ! 11 :n:n- u 'i.' l I..r- vi-.-ii 1. !! J -i-t .''.).; .. 1,1 tr ! !l 'ii,' ii . .r,K.."- V..;.l. -r S; .1 '--M'.ii.. Only Popularity Worth While. I I " . !, 1 m . .tilt t iry ; , ut ii Is tliht r ! ' t . 1 ; Ii follow 4, not tl.nt S I I'll i Mill .iff.T it I- 1 1 ) : 1 1 potMI- lur.t v . hi. li so.. 11 t r l:tiT in''r t: to .1" to -ho J.iirllit of III, I,'.' Ii'! I lio! li.c;if. I.or'l M.lll-!io''l. , Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On r.-injr atrl rt I rlnjr Kntly smear the fare with Cutiura Ointtnt-nt. Wnsri IT Ointment In five minutes with futicurti Soap and hot water. It is wr nirful sonie'inx s what Cutlrura will d j for poor complexions, dandruff, itthln;; end red rougt. Lands. Adr. J After Thlrty Four Years. A I'ntti nun litis. 1ut r.'-i'l II 1 I li'-cU from hotiic slinri's f a 1 1 r iniiie sv Iti I h" Ixiii'Iit "M -:lr :U'o iiinl liii'l foitott.-ii nil iiWoiit. A fiii-inl s ! r. in-nil. io. tho ;u r-ltnt loll Mm of 11 h'liii-o in stun.. ji:imt that tlio tniiio vas :iliouf lo iy : fir-t li I'I' ii'l mi I lio l.oun to t ut fO'l o s. (I; It. Airy Persiflage. "An nxiator l:cs iilli." 1 )h. I ! u't liio ; only $100 reward. $100 Catarrh la leal diaoase lai'lr Ii;f1' n, cti by roimt.t jilotial cii'1iiiis It thaiafor rnj':trt a coniiliutli.rial (rat nlnt. IfALL'H CATaIUIII MEDICI NU ta takan Internally anl a ( tlnouKh tho Itloui on lha Hucoua Surfftrot of r, Hya tern. HAI.L'H CATAIUIII MKI'ICINU ditroy rhe foundation of tn Iik.ih, trtvra tti patient atrr.gth by Irr.piuvlntc tha Kfiiaral health an1 asatala natura In ,'olnu iia work. lfii0 fr ar.y cim of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MKDICIND fall to cur. Pruggmta ",lc. Tentlmonlala fra. r. J. Chaney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. '1 1 it I,. Iron j.t t Ii. r M.llH-IIH'-t In ti Tl np. I.lut t la A 1: :iti'! .!.,! fair Had a Different N-'ire. 1 iii'loi-.'.irlfii I. a li r ha. I lol.l ail'i.'ill fairy story ;il.i th- i ! highly OM jl.'.l oM'T lilt- Mll- f lairit-v I.iulo .M.ui.- rai-..! f:o"l. ,-oi. I ihinU tlnTf an- I . ; 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 fairios idnt i ..m.- -il Vfiy iiiht ai.'l play 'M our .' lo' l oa-f oil. M ..-rrj-"s little li:lHl Wollt "We yxlne too." u suii! y. oiily t It-v ioi"t t"p on ur 'I I. ey ootiio ri-lit into our hotis,. I i ay ji r ii i i 1 on t h- fl.Mir. lnl :iKs tin III ro.irhes ili-ti'ilil of up r.litish Mleiitlsttt nie fll'!it (run's .f IIM niort i under water. hilVt' lftitil llllin :'H feet T Lift off Corns! Doesn't hu;t a bit and Freeione t a few cents. Tho Effects of Opiates. HAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and ita varioui preparations, all of which are narcotic, it veil known. Even in tho ruallent does, if continued, these Opiat caute changes in the func tions and growth of the cells which are likely to become permanent, causing iratecilitj. mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotk- in later life. Nervous diseases, such on intractable nervous dyppeMia and lark of n taring powere are a reault cf doainir with opiates or narcotic, to keep children quiet In their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never receive opiate in the smallest Uotxvs for more than a day at a time, and only then if unavoidable. The administration of Anodyne, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Byrur and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too ttronglr decried, and the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill need the attention'' of a physician, and it is nothing; leas than a crixno to doee them willfully with narcotics. CaBtoria contains no narcotics if it Lean the simatureof Chas. II. Hetcher. (en aloe Castoria always bean the signature iiVfy -ooccAite n j it ! -o HER ONE PRECIOUS MEMORY It Wat Net Dread of Influenza That Led Sentier to Dell on Kitting Episode. Tt -e s;.;i;.,-r w:iit.-.l trr. .r tlirt to !.. a,!titifHl to the presence of tl.e t:i!n who il'.d tl..-ir town ofi a lii..!:lt r. raii nd if alid his oun j roj ri. tjry in !;:. to r:.-4.p. At -! was a.!:n:,?.,. 'Ve. e." s.ild I'.f l-n;s.ji;,- tl-'or. I war t. !,i; o if it fin. i;,m tan l. rrnit.?:. : I ki. 'ii:V' "iVV'ti'l a !!.'. tna!at:t." a i. a:, witli a proti:in.'rd ras. ,.f f : ;-!.za k:".! ine. "So! II-'A i..,' :is-. . s Tili?' -YV (j ? I s-f. 1 t! .l.k It vrs aN'iit two i:.-.i h n:" 'WI.t, ria i i:-! ' N- I r.rri .m r..tne to you tl. -;-o -i:r-. It is J 'J r t foo"-.'' "I Vr.v if." ... "ti:t I jut N.f to ta'k aS-.-it if."- l'hüadflpMa Ltilser. " I :i-:i ( l.r. ii.- .-'.if! I ' o-:li: h:- - I- a s ft. to l.ll- '! .-'.:. ) ,A J... r;.- ; l.OIt.'" Pretty Sn-all Ficjjre? "il .-. m r. !. I . 'l J a t ! nN 'r wK-ii a 4-r- i.-'l";" " r f .i it i t : ii-- 'f. my .1. ar." - ' a! I" Vt.! li: : :" .-iK.i M - !. ryii-.ri i.o.v iiMa-h M i ii4- -.i;:. w imt.iir ii-- i- 'v.. Ith f.. v ' i-el I p.ii'J it." The Only Difference. "If ..'i ot ' 1 ad ail t!f i i.-i .y y.'l hai- a-tay on t!,o rai-.' -aid,- M -. Torkin- wish a -Ich. -e!l. Ml, at th.-nV '!. l o'h.t.c I. in-I.. "harl.j. 'i-:ir. I -i.pjH.-f tl.- otily .h:T.-r. mo- w..u'd b" t!i:tf von ak- tit- lu:i.p -Utn mid it 1".it. r i'l l.ic-.-r bets." the mm WAY, In all casts of Distemper, Pinkeye, Influ enza, Colds, etc. I cf all horses, brood mares, colts, I stallions, is to "SPOHK THEM 39 On their Ir-nru or In the fred put h'j,ohi; ' Lt'iUiJ Compound. Uive th n in, 4; to all of ti.. ai It acta on the at;j i.nJs. It routs the dlase by 4-xt triiinff t he dls.-a.Mo crma. It wards off the trouble no r.iut'-r Low they are "cmi.s-i1" Ahanlut. ly tr-r from any. tliinp Irjtirlmia. A cliiljran fafely take It. So!J t-y .Iruifrlta. harnt-s delr. or tit fjtrf paid by t!i manu facturtrs. S I I .t:rn(ii Wanted. as Jffi' ' f V."i'!t yotir finders! Yo;i can lift off any hard oorri. .-..ft corn, or ctrn I.e. iit ;i t!io es. an.l the bai l skin ia! lus fr,.:n !! t:n of feet. A t.ny l.ottl.- .f "I re-zone" ota little ;i any dm;; store; aj ly a few drops iipon lio- .rii or eal'ns. In tiii.tly it htirtiii. tin n -hmtly j.'U lift il .it l'..ihers..!ue corn or al'm rlzVt ..ff. r.- t and all. w ithout one hit f j.air- -r .-oreni . Truly! No mitu--Z 'Adv. SPOHM MEDICAL CO., COSHEM, IND., U.S. A. Getting Together. "Il'.w lo j ni no : Hi.- I. ich '- of !.itcV" "V.Ol lift' I'l't -Kppos.ll to ia. . ft. Jr t.Mt ti'kt - ii." Wes'eyan College the Oldest. WY- aii roll.-e tit Maioii. (in., whs found. -l in aiid is therefor- ohS-r t hau f Itnx ra .-.dlf . hai ter'd in It is t!.- olde-t woliiMfs (i.ll.-o in tl. fti'-. St:lt'-. Fresh, iweet. white, dainty clothes for baby, if you um- Ii-1 Cross Hall Blue. Never streaks or Injures them. All good jrrtM-ers s ll it. n p;n.kuge. Use for Fat Ones. "Ami Mat st,,iit son ef soin-s. What i- ho 'l.-inV" Pi. ho s ii Iin iiinotk ts tor." i Reflections ct Flatterer. Old that we -loi;! I a!l it a .''::..!-vv.iitt-r when it fro- hat ('HT) ! in tl- l.o't is ta'kit. aln.iit. I'rf.-ton Traf 'Tr f. r I i In wl.r-tlinj N forbidden r.s a hrea h .f l.sine law. I' tfie i:i..:l.i al-.tavs h.i an ex in.- f..r tfif j':v t.i' tiT.r. Coffee Costs Too Much Usually in Money Frequently in Health ksta Postal is a delicious drink, of coffce-Iike flavor, made instantly in die cup. lusTAirr O f PtserniiU pjfy wav Economical Healthful No Raise in Price 50-cup tins 30c 100-cup tins SCc Madely POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY Battle Creek, Mich. Sold by Grocer and General Store TM A TvVCH OF HKAI-JSM Mr Hattlcrry My rlu! has ak-'I i! to t.i part in the paw-ran' of ti e that they're HUinJ-Wh.n do thy an' u to do, lmperscn.tte the lv;l War? Queer Men. 7-v mu)t h n.ert t artou t l S Ii. jtr not i.te T' Star ami FT i T "CARRY ON"! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Ta t)rl Oat UIrl And llnlM I p The Pr.tetn TiV. t tie 0:1 fundar-t i;r.tVKS TASTK LEsS chi:t TONIC You kn..w whit jrou art. takinr. a th formula I rrtntrd on vry labtl. howin; It l QI.'IMXK and II'.ON In tail. oca form. The julnln. drlvr r: the malaria, the Iron tullila up the ja'tr. Prlc (Cc. Tha rcosonajvauasmC Fifty-Fifty. I'ir-t ec'C -.Mon' i- plentiful. S'-iid Vi-c-S" is cops; so wof' !. lis..' AOI-.NT.s iKitlor in) .-II ur tuii. I r. lii.-.ll mi.l loll-l f r- I ,.r..l ,',n II I r.,( lt.. if.,,.l r' hf.'in l.t,.-r. l tfriii A-bo-. K A 1 1, .'I In.. I i I '. IihI . ill.-, l.'t. Ion (an Make fl,IM0.(H on an lnve-.u-i.nt ul I lull Ljr t.uylu tuwn lota n,l oil .,i Momma Hi. intnl hu',hur 1-1.1,1 in tha W',.rll ar.nt mntfit Write la ttrl.AN IKL A U 1LUIAM5. MAT CITT. 1KX.U Kliie( -ul.tirl..o. I'mhImiii In H.,rit.l. It aor-. ..t Ti.tur. n'-r tr.ill- t.,ii In a n ..ii' in it half I! k v IUP. Ii I rn I . .r.'l I muh 'n!..-r. Inlrrl.ay. Tni l K'a. Pruder.t Precaution. "vVh are jt.ii nllii. up Ned tiow to n.ake the n pjN i 11 1 tiielil IieVt w 04 k T' p.- ;.U-f If I l'g:n u I tuny c'' bl i.nti.iw-r by tl. n." Early. "Mary, while ju -t.l i:i the .rr wny tfllins: tint yours nuiii L".Nl-rilcl't. did tt t'aw t. ii von that " "NY toon-. Keel grand! I efTiCient! Don't ?tay j s k. biluuis. headachy, constipated. IU4 move the liver and bowel poison which 1 keeping jour be ad dizzy, your toneue coated, your hreath had und your stom al h sour. Why i.ot get a small box of I'aseams nnd enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever expvrt 'iioed? Cflscarot nver gripe, vlcken or inconvenience one like Salr, Oil, t'alornel or harsh pills. Cabaret hring sunshine to clo-uIy n)ind and liulf-fick .dies. They w ork while you sleep. Adv. Other things are as sen reo lis th t.t-tfi .f a hen 11 rooster's f r in-lniii-e. THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES Jo pffsna ef th human brly are so Important t. health and long life as the kidceTi. When they slow up sod com mence to lag in their duties, look out! Iar;er ia in tight. Kind out whst the trouble Is with out deity. Whenever jou feel cervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from aleeplcssnets, or have pains in the bark, wake up at once. Your kidneys need help. These are s;gni to wsrn you that vour kidneys are not performing their functions properly. Tbey are only half doing their work and are allowing impurities to accumulate and be converted into uric arid and other poim'tis. .js'bica sre csufcicg you distress and will de stroy yoi unless they are driven fron your system. Get some GOLD MFDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. They are tn old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain only olJ-fashioDed, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleans-iDg herbs, well known aad used by phy sicians in their daily practice. GOLD Mil DAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im ported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They are convenient to take, and will either give prompt relief or your money will he refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be sure to net the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no subttitutes. Ia sealed packages. Three sixes. it v .i-n"t tl at la f ."--Cur Naturally. "Tl.ero wi- a I i? rrou.l il.i morn ing aroin.d the iH-rfiiü:-ry harc'nln co r." t f i.'ii'-o. p rfntn ry would m'ti m'lv le the -. enter f attrai tion." Straps, of Course. Piiti.t:' I s-o a NY-w- Vrk man sUCC'-"' that otfo side if tho street cars I- rvsrv.-' for w--i-.n. l'atrh -1 k ho moan Iho sents on one side or tl..- strap? And to Spare. there hot air In that hoi!e afci. h Joi.-s v. ait to sell?" "I ts of I; wlo ii l.o lo gins to talk'lt lt.- H. Let. "Are j'U a fired hu-inosa man? "No. Jti-: a tuai t.f'turer worn oat f trjln to pay the h lp more iu.n y." Nothing in A Name. Are von st ill ii iio-inhor of the ls.n t W. rty C ih 'bat was ran lze! jf.irs aco?" Ves. Afd th r'"s sonn t?:n n or to worry nlxaU. I i't'i-t be terribly In anvnrs !n lay .! ses." A Jumble. "Th" .i 'li-t rn,i r cot 'hitigs In rati .T n inll.tary rnlx-ip." ,.w S t?" I!.- .v:d - neml at ail y n tho ker nel of tho pia'tor ves to bl.itno foe he Major ptrrt "f ?he orruption." Si. ATTKMJ Sick Women To do your duty during these trying t)i via r. times your health should De your nrsr, consideration. These two women tell how they found health. rjcllim, ra. MI took Lydia E. rinkhgm'g Vef?. ctable Compound for female troubles and a dis placement. I felt all rundown and wasTery weak. I had been treated tj a physician wunoui results, so decided to give Lydia E. rinkham'i Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house since last April and doin? all my housework, where before I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege v,i. rmrvoid I rertalnlvthe best medicine a woman can take when in this condition. Igiveyouirjcissiontopublish this letter." Mrs. E. IL CncaLLva, IL No. 1, Ilcilam, l'a, ... i Lowell, Mich. "I juffered from cramrs and drag-jnnif down pains, was Irregular and had female weakness and displacement. I began to take Lydia E. rinkham'i Vege table Compound which gare me relief at once and restored my health. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's rcmedifs to all Buffering women who are troubled In a ninnl. Ur way." Mrs. Elise Heim.ILNo., Box83,LowelLiIich. Why Not Try DfBIA E. PINKHAS E-i 4.71 .' T . i ii M-n-i li a - 'ABIE v. J-r V j y I 77 . es . Til 11 1 m : my i : v- i I T Iii I sJ I r H CN. aSaTaaSBBBattBaavvaaiBiBiM ÄtataiBiBaBBMaaaBaBaSkT I LYDIA C.PINKHAM MtDICINE CO. LYN H. MASS. ; i f i tt 1 "'"'a I i littariif "-'Ttf'" s 'T.''cr,T,'MrT,";lw I a ii iiia i a an atan ti i i tau.., tutn't