Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY COURIER BEN CD. DOANE, Publlahor JASPER .... INDIANA The prevailing epidemic Ih strlk Itls. ' Watery hutter cnn never take the phsre of crcrunery butter. A palntloss ilny for the iclrls might conifrvc something or other. The fuel of controversy warms no homes and drives no engines. It Is dllllcult to persuade some men that their views are utdmportant. Deportation Is much more hitter medicine than Jail to nn alien Heri. Scrutinize your small bills carefully. Kous 5."o ones are reported In circu lation. Tin basement used to hold some thing else besides coal, but even that Is one. Th" full dinner pail now gleam with smiling enthusiasm on the full coal Seattle. One thln to Im snld for the "wnr nfter the war" Is that Its poison gas Is merely verbal. The older the? automobile gets the more careless some of their drivers Fcem to become. Shipping bolshevik! back to Russia may keep the government transports busy for a while. Won! that the wholesale price has dropped must come to the retail meat dealer by mall. Federal Investigators say prices should decline this winter. They should, but will they? Fruit, like grapes, a doctor says, gives vigor to old age. Yes, and old age gives vigor to grapes. In football yon can pad the players, but not the returns; in the game of politics It's just the opposite. Agitators talk so much it ought to be a comparatively simple matter for the government to catch them. A strike is threatened In Mexico. A complete tie-up of the brigand business would be a most desirable incident. Nor is it much comfort to know that the colder you keep the house the less ashes you'll have to carry to the curb. Diamonds are reported to be grow ing more expensive. Carbon Is a con sistent performer wherever it appears. According ta a headline, "Huss Ked:i Aim at U. S.." probably In the belief that we are the International easy mark. An Kugllsh doctor suggests airships as health resorts. He means, prob ably, that the patients would be able to he up. It Is possible that assistance rendered In getting rid of the kaiser has caused many Cermans to regard the war as a great success. Is the shortage of leather In this perverse world responsible for the vast number of leather coats that young persons are wearing? The Irreverent wag who invented the term "sky pilot" never suspected that 'Parson" Maynard would lend it such literal slgnllieance. Ho Is one of many inen to demonstrate that Chris tianity and courage go hand in hand. Americans do a lot of their worrying about the war debt, not In sackcloth nnd ashes, but In fur coats and dia monds. American dollars are somewhat run down, but one appreciates them when one realizes how much foreign ex change they will buy. Farmers who used to complain be- r:niM their stock ate so much fiO cent mm now grumble because their eight cylinder cars consume so much lJ-cent proline. Cannot some one Invent n practica ble muzzle for people who drink wood idcohol? As long n last year's article holds out tin price of winter overcoats and suits will remain, for many of us, a nurclv academic question. 1 The (lerman marks have certainly shrunk to a shadow, but not one whit more than the easy marks In the Fid teil States who tlgurcd that they need ed only to invest $Uh) in oil stock? to make a million. The mot striking thing that could happen right now would be for every body to go to work. A college professor says "foot ball Is a part of the course ami benefits the students as a change." It has. you recall, four quartern. Twelve thousand applicants for a French bonus for families of nine or over Implies 10S.OO0 Interested. Not m bad a showing for a iooplo whose population has been supposed to be h i:idi!i ;. 'S EIEfJIS CEST OF THE NEWS BOILED DOWN TO LIMIT. ARRANGED FOR BUSY PEOPLE Notes Covering Moat Important Hap penings of the World Compiled In Briefest and Most Succinct Form for Quick Consumption Washington Ueforo announcing n recess the Supreme court at Washington ordered the government to show cause, on January o, why original proceedings fhould not be Instituted by the state of Ithodo Island ami the New Jersey re tall üipior dealers to have determined the constitutionality of the national prohibition amendment. Admiral William S. Sims, comman der of the lighting forces of the Ameri can navy In the war with (Jermany, has declined to accept the distin guished service medal recently award ed him by President Wilson upon rec ommendation of Secretary of the Navy Daniels at Washington. The Supreme court at Washington recessed until January r, without hand Ing down an opinion on the constitu tionality of sections of the Volstead prohibition enforcement act affecting the alcoholic content of her. Attorney General Palmer has Issued a statement at Washington scoring the coal operators for denying that they had agreed to accept the president's plan for adjusting the coal strike trou bles. Legislation continuing federal con trol of sugar through 10'JO but limit ing the licensing power of the United States sugar equalization hoard to the period that ends June HO was complet ed by congress at Washington and sent to the White House. A petition requesting government ownership of the railroads, which has traveled through IIS states and bears thousands of signatures, has been pro- sented to the house of representatives at Washington. The immigration committee's bill providing for the deportation of all aliens atliliated with anarchistic or ganizations was passed by the house at Washington. The vote was unani mous. John Skelton Williams was again nominated by President Wilson at Washington, to be comptroller of the currency. Domestic "Knforcement of prohibition will have to run the gantlet of court attack for at least ten years," says Kniest IL Chorrlngton at Columbus, secretary of the executive committee. Anti-Saloon league. Snarling bitter curses at the United States government and United States ofliclals, 217 rabid "reds" dolled Amer ica as they were deported from New York for an unknown port on board the United States transport Buford. Ten civilian clerks and a physician have been arrested at San Antonio, Tex., on charges of conspiracy to do fraud the government of army sup plies, and $1.."00 worth of army goods have been recovered. 'Virgo killed my daughter by per forming an operation on her. from the effects of which she died. He took her away In a car. They were gone tr reo days. She came home sick and died In my arms, as I said she did." Thus Mrs.' Sarah I. Tabor, eighty, mother of Maud Tabor, whose body was found In a trunk In the basement of their home, cleared up the mystery at Lawton, Mich. Henry Ford, automobile manufac turer, N planning to Increase the pay of his ,.r more employees to ?S a day minimum, according to persist ent reports In tlnanclal circles at Po ind!. Mich. t Twenty passengers were hurt when an extra work train on the Cotton licit railroad plunged Into the rear of pas- senger train No. KU, near Pine muff, ( Ark. The accident was lue to a heavy fog. Adam Shank, a wealthy fanner, hi wife and three young children were murdered on their farm near (liierest, Colo. The authorities are looking for an employee of Shank's. The United States hospital ship. Re lief, believed to be the ilrst of Its kind ever constructed for that purpose, was launched at the Philadelphia navy Kleven members of the crew of the United States transport America were brought ashore In Irons when the transport docked at lloboken. John J. Pershing, general, laid n!do military formality end visited In La clede, Mo., his birthplace and boyhood home. D SHORT 01 Howard Hogardus, confessed slayer of Roy W. Sltton nt Winona Thanks giving day, vvns convicted at Spring field, Mo., of second degree murder and sentenced to thirty-five yearn In the penitentiary. Two bandits with revolvers held up tin? oMices of the E. K. Pond Packing company at Chicago, shortly after three o'clock In the afternoon, and es caped with the pay roll of $2,000. After looting the First National bank of Sparland. 111., of $1,000, four rol bers. after escaping, were halted and later caught following a pistol battle with the posse pursuing them. While scores of Christmas shoppers looked on, Mrs. Andrew Ott shot and killed her husband, a salesman, on a downtown street at Pallas, Tex! He was twenty-four; she Is rwenty-one years old. The ilrst cargo of the new crop of Cuban sugar, consisting of IM.OOO bags, reached New York on the steamship Mntanzas. The sugar Is consigned to American reiiners. m Mrs. Lucy M. Mullenax. thirty-four, wife of a farmer, was arrested at Coeur d'Alcnc. Idaho, on the charge of murdering her three infant children and of having murderously attacked her mother-in-law. Victor L Herger of Milwaukee, So cialist candidate for congress from the Fifth district, won the election by 4, S(m; over Ilodcnstnb, Ids fusion oppo Foreign Nicolai Lenine believes China is the next big country to become bolshevlst, according to advices received at Paris. From Warsaw comes a report that Trotzky plans to invade Poland next spring with a huge Chinese army. Lady Hamsay, formerly Princess Patricia of Connaught, gave birth to a son at London. Princess Patricia was married to Commander Alexander Rob ert Maule F.amsay of the royal navy in February. Tin? Itusshtn soviet government is offering prices of from fifty thousand to four hundred and fifty thousand ru bles ($'20,000 to Ji:r0,000) for plans for the construction of military tanks, say reports received at Washington. Police authorities at St. Navalre have arrested French, Spanish and American robbers who have been stealing American army stocks and carrying them away In automobiles, ac cording to the Paris Matin. Seven hundred sohllers of the army commanded by Admiral Kolchak have been found frozen to death in a hos pital near Omsk, according to a wire less dispatch received here from Mos cow. Forty-live U-boats awarded to Franco by the supreme council have ar rived In French ports. Most of them are in such bad condition that they cannot be repaired, according to a Paris dispatch. Dispatches from Vienna report riot ous scenes around the railway sta tions in consequence of the govern ment's announcement trallic had been suspended in Austria during the holi days. Many were Injured. The last elements of the forces of Colonel Avaloff-Permond evacuated Lithuania on Pecember 11. It is learned at Itlga that the retirement was accompanied by widespread loot ing and other outrages. Technical oflicers who have been considering modification of the mili tary law to be submitted to the gov ernment at Paris have agreed upon a hill fixing the duration of military sen ice at two years. A complete line of attractive five room houses was ottered the English public by London largest department store, the establishment of Self ridge, former Chicago merchant. o A band of armed men raided the railway works at Llsduff. County Cav an, Ireland, taking the sentries by sur prise. Thi stock of explosive gelig nite at the works was seized by the raider.. The historic mirror factory estab lished at Chauny, France, by Jean P.aptlste Colbert, famous minister of Louis XIV, which gave employment before the war to Ü.00O employees, will resume operations. Lieut. Norrls Ihilley of Worcester, Mass., was instantly killed, and Lieut. F. W. Itrnnrienstctn was injured In the collision of their airplanes at Arcadia, Fla. tat The Nation P.elge prints a minor at Prügels that a secret treaty has been signed by (Jreat Prltaln and Holland by which th Integrity of Putch terri tory Is guaranteed. The house of commons at London was prorogued until February 10. The session was formally closed by the king's speech of prorogation. The house of representatives at Pos ten passed a bill granting a salary In crease of $:iSl to every 1'ostou school teacher. I nd Jana r (Jary. East Gary, a town seven miles southeast of this city, wishes to be annexed to Gary. East Gary has :i population of 2,rO0. Logansport. The Cass County Chamber of Commerce will have a sur vey made of the Wabash river at this point with a view of using power of the river for an electric power and light plant. Goshen. Five regular army olllcers arrived here from Kansas City to in spect IMK) horses purchased in this vi cinity for the government. Demand for army horses is so large that this territory has been about depleted of all surplus stock. Tipton. It is predicted there will be a decided reduction in the amount of meat produced In this county next year. Several well-known feeders say they will cease raising stork because of the high price of corn and the un certainty of hog and cattle prices. Scottsburg. The P.aker overall fac tory, a new company here, began op orations the past week. Overalls, shirts, waists and coats are being made. Another new industry planned for the city Is being backed by local capital und has been incorporated for $100,(KM). The company will manufac ture automobile tires. Gary. Charles E. Greenwald, Judge of the Lake county superior court here, decided that the new Indiana statt tax law is invalid insofar as It purports to give authority to the state board of tax commissioners to revise or cut down tax levies made by coun ties, eitles, school governments, library boards and other taxing bodies. Wabash. Wheat in Wabash county has been damaged to such an extent by the Hessian lly, according to re ports received at the county agent's otlice, that the V.V20 wheat yield will be the smallest in years. Fields in which grass has started to grow will not be touched until spring, but those in which the wheat has been killed and which are barren will be plowed. Teno Haut. Seventeen coal mines along the Chicago, Tern Haute & Southeastern railroad were idle one day the past week on account of lack of cars. This is one-half of the total number on that line that had resumed operations since the recent ending of a nation-wide strikt? in the industry and included some of the largest find producers In Indiana. Failure of Chi cago roads to return empties was as signed as the reason for the shortage. Indianapolis. The state board of tax commissioners, at its fourth ses sion, recently ended, reduced by sev eral millions of dollars previous tax assessments fixed by township, county and state assessing officers. In Marion county the board changed 1M." out of LIS.", appealed assessments fixed by lo cal assessing officers. The board soon will mail out to auditors of each of the counties the changes It has made in each of the other counties from which appeals were made. South Henri. A northern Indiana industrial baseball league, playing Sat urday and holiday games only. Is pro posed for 1$'J0. The promoters expect to use South Henri and Mishawaka as a nucleus for the organk'.atioj , build ing the league around the Studebaker. Singer and South Ilond Lathe works clubs of South Pond and the Podge Manufacturing company and Misha waka Woolen Manufacturing company teams of Mishawaka. Laporte and Michigan City and Puehanan. Mich, will be expected to supply the other three teams. Indianapolis. The state board of tax commissioners approved the fol lowing bond issues: Starke county Wayne and Railroad townships, Slansky road, S7.000; Center township, Shanks road, $7,noo. Greenfield Civil, light plant bends, d,000. Floyd coun ty Georgetown township, New Albany and Jasper road No. II, 15 ; New Albany township, Speckert road, SL OOP. Vigo county Otter Creek town ship, maintenance of road machinery, $7,ooo. Aurora School, real estate purchase, $7,000. White county Mo tion township, school, Evans villi' School city, building and re pairs, $150.000. Attica Water and power plant. S'JO.OOO. Indianapolis. The Farmers Nation al council and. other farm organiza tions whose officers recently sent a letter to President Wilson urging gov ernment ownership of railroads, do lad represent Indiana fanners, according to officials of the Indiana Federation of Farmers' Association s. 'I do not even know what this Fanners' Nation al council is," said Lewis Taylor, sec retary of the Indiana Federation of Farmers, "but I ri know that it does not represent Indiana fanners. We are represented at Washington. P. C, only by the American Fann Pureuu, of which J. U. Howard of Clemens, la., is president. And we have Informed i.ur congressmen and senators of this fact. South llond. South Pend Is no place for loaters. Following orders from Peter Kline, chief of police, pa trolmen are rounding up Idle men and bringing them before Frank Gllmore, Judge. In the city court, where they receive heavy sentences under the va grancy act. Newcastle. Th city council has passed an ordinance compelling motor bus drivers to come to a stop before crossing railway tracks. The ordi nance follows c!oe on an uccldcnt, when a motorbus aud a passenger train were in collision, resulting In the (Ki Injury of one person. Evnnsvllle. Pulldlng permits total ing $'JGO,000 were issued here one day recently. The permits were for the Crown Chair company, $00.000; Im perial Desk company. $50,(XX); Moni tor Furniture company, $110.000. Indianapolls. Thomas U. Marshall, vice president of the United States, wlib Is in Indianapolis for the hollduys. said positively that he is not a candi date for any office, and under no cir cumstances would he run for United States senator from Indiana. Indianapolis. The state board of pardons at the conclusion of Its De cember session recommended to Gov ernor Goodrich that he parole LS pris oners, commute the sentences of six and refuse clemency to 'S. It recom mended a temporary parole for one. Goshen. Elkhart county fanners met here and formed a federation to affiliate with the Indiana Federation of Farmers, Frank Cast of Oseola town ship was elected chairman. Each of the 1( townships of Elkhart county has been organized. Alexandria. Truck drivers say ship ments of hogs to Indianapolis markets are exceptionally heavy this season. One driver who operates three trucks between this city and Indianapolis says that he has booked shipments far into the month of January. Auburn. Pan M. Link, judge of the Pekalb circuit court, overruled a de murrer filed by the state board of tax commissioners in Injunction proceed ings brought by the Pekalb County Farmers' Federation to prevent a -10 per cent horizontal Increase In assess ment of personal property in town ships of the county as ordered by the state board. Washington, P. C President Wil Fon sent to the senate the nomination of Frederick Van Nuys of Indianapo lis to be United States attorney for Indiana, to succeed L. Ert Slack, whose term of office will, expire January 10. Mr. Van Nuys is now assisting in the work of the district attorney's office under a temporary appointment made by District Attorney Slack. Warsaw. Dredging and cleaning the Tippecanoe river from Warsaw west to the Marshall county line is proposed In a drainage petition heard in the Kosciusko circuit court by S. N. Stevens of Plymouth, special judge. MM 1 .1....!. l.l - 4 j ne piopuseu urniuagc uoum cost $100.000 or more and benefits would be assessed against thousands of land owners In Kosciusko county and against many in Whitley county. A remonstrance has been filed. Indianapolls. I. L. Miller, acting state food and drug commissioner, has received a number of samples of dirty sugar, which, it Is reported to the di vision, is becoming a common article in Hoosler markets. Mr. Miller point ed out that persons who pay present day fancy prices for sugar are en titled to clean, pure sugar and that they are being Imposed on when they must pay for a quantity of dirt at sugar prhos. The state chemists be lieve the sugar has been only partly refined. Indianapolis. Harry I. Smith, nd-Juti'.iit-general of Indiana, recently put In the malls 500 checks for Indiana soldiers who at the beginning of the war bought their own clothing or parts of equipment and who had not been reimbursed by the government. The last legislature appropriated $.TJ,000 for the purpose of reimbursing and the federal government, It is expected, later will reimburse the state. The state department Is havlni: trouble? finding the soldiers, who made the ex penditures of from .$10 to $12 each. Two-thirds of the soldiers never have petitioned for reimbursement.?. Indianapolis. Doens of telegrams from nurses throughout Indiana are going to Senators Harry S. Now and James E. Watson, asking their support of a movement undertaken by the Na tional Nurses association to obtain military rank for army nurses. The war has shown clearly how imperative it is for such a change in the general scheme of military nursing, according to Mary A. Meyers, president of the Indiana (iraduato Nurses' association, who is assisting other agencies in forming an organization of all nurses iti the state to assist In Influencing congress to enact legislation to bcnclU the army nurse. Indianapolis. .Maintenance cost.i, per capita figures, unpaid Pills, unused balances, number of Inmates and com parative statistics with the preceding year are contained In a statement Amos W. Putler, secretary of the board of state charities, has prepared in summarizing the conditions at the IS state benevolent and correctional institutions fot- the state fiscal year Just ended. "Tile maintenance cost of the 10 Institutions under the supervi sion of the board," reads Mr. Hutler's summary, "amounted to $;i;jtMj,LS7.rl, ami S2.M.7.:U2.07 was spent for new buildings and permanent Improve ments, a total of $.V i:i.d20.o.S. The In stitutions cared for lS.fiss Inmates during the year. The dally average attendance was 11.010 and there were ll.OS'l present at the close of the year. The average number of htsoiis on the pay roll was l.OJd.SO. Logansport. James A.' West, city Judge, has ruled that the city ordi nance recently passed prohibiting the playing of cards In public places Is Invalid. He said that the city has no power to pass such nn ordinance. Seymour. Despite the high cost of building materials, the Improvement record for December has set a new high mark In this city. Much building and remodeling Is in progress In the business district and new bouses are being erected in all parts of the city. Persons who intended to build In the spring have dltliculty in finding con tractors who will accept the work. GOLD on GUEST AND SO HE THROAT ENDED OVEBKlOilT You Get Action with Muitarinelt Drives Out faln In Half the Tim It Takes other Remedies It's the Quickest Pain Killer on Earth. fitops couKhlnj; nlmoiit Instantly; ndt ore thrc-U arul client otM.i rvr nl;!it Nothing like It for neuralgia, lumbago, neuritt nnd to rf.lU' UrU uwav rheu matic pains nnd rcluce swollen Joint. Mustarlno 1. th nnn-MlMertn f'resorlptlon that tnkei the plar bat li 0 times na rfTlelcnt ns (fr;in!mott.f r'a old fashioned mutnrl planter. f It for sprains, fttralna. truic". r muscle, Jtirr nerk. swolllni;, -.ore. painful or frosted feet an! rhllMatnn. lie miv IVm Uetry'a Mustarln tn the y.-llow Nix. S Well A Co . I Hoy. N. T. 17 hen Tongue Is Coated Drink Gelery King Take It yourself an! kIv u to the chil dren for It's a purely vegetable l.ixatlv tea that iicts promptly on the bowels and never causes the least distress. It puts you rlRht over night and when you catch cold and become feverish you mustn't fall to drink a cupful hot before trolng to IhmI. For sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, disordered stomach and rIukkIMi liver there is nothing that will do the work so well. Every druKtfst has it A generous package costs only a few cents. S. C. Wells & Co., I.e Hoy. N V. TO SHINE A COLD STOVE nlck and Easy Ueo E-Z STOVE POLISH Ueadjr Mlzt Iteady to Shine MUIT1M A ILUITLN. CUC1G0 1 SIMPLE MATTER OF ECONOMY French Merchant Easily Proved Why It Would Pay Customer to Pur chase the Chair. A man wrnt to one of the hl fur niture dealers to buy a writing table. Chooslns one of the least pretentious pieces, he nskeri the price. It wan 800 francs, which secmctl rather high. Tho shopman, however, aride! : "We will arid this little armchair. It isn't dear. Only 50 francs." "No. I don't want It. I have quite enough chairs.' "Kxctise me," said the seller. MIf you buy the desk alone, I shall have to ask you to pay the luxury tax, which comes to 80 francs. Hut if you take the chair ns well, I shall be able to put down your purchases as n suite olllce furniture. For this the tax limit is l,r00 francs, and I do not have to charge you on a purchase of 8.V) francs. Thus, If you take the chair, you save 110 francs and have an extra piece into the bargain." As n matter of economy tho chair was bought. -Lo Figaro (Paris). Cutlcura for PimpTy Faces. To remove pimples and blackhcnda linear them with Cutlcura Ointment. "Wash off in live minutes with Cutl cura Sonp and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clenr by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to In clude Cutlcura Talcum. Ad?, Record Pecan Crop. San Sab.'i, Texas, has won national reputation as the homo of the paior Rhcll pecan. This season has been par tlcularly adapted to this Kpecies of food nnri 1011) will go down In history as the banner year for Han Saba pecans. A conservative estimate gives the present crop as CO or GO carloads. The product from a ringle tree U selling for $1. per tret? unthrnshed, while the retail value Is from 17 cents to 25 cents per pound. Many of the trees have nn average of 800 pounds, Ono buyer has contracted for UoO.GOO pounds. The course of true love has too many side tracks. 112 Million used last year' to KILL COLDS JILL'S 1 Standard cold rratdr for 20 yw in tablet toro aie, aur. b cplates breakt up a to:i tn zt bourf renevea crp caya. Money tack it it fail. The renulna fco rat a l!ej . a top wicn ur. lima picture. At Alt Dm St Fhoroa30ri Sett 25 ? Bo: X XIf.7n:rll X X Vnl 1 1 L I Mil X X v.' i x. x WJ J7 X X III LH X X 2 1 1 111 r 107 Ml r I A" , II "'.Ol, - rm ß I V