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JASPER Wim MM Ov DEN ED HO A VF.. Resolutions, f 4 Neu? IJear'o Lore 0 0 0 6 6 Ö Hymn fgrjhe car Ktl. lJtl.l COIUTT, IJIDlAlf 0 0 Hey I Hit- re f rondcl ottW at Jmpr Inn March 1, lv7 .nr.. r Chi ri 2 0 P Y .trl rvn1iirlv . )0 Itinera Jifferent onr hrnM l.r 4 rn&d sdfitibl. FRIDAY DECEMBER 30. 1921 t m ! lala!?tfl Goo, our 27li?rr. ? ttjnm$h tljr ronlng rjrar. v tt U tl?rr or rrk. for nalhsnxf. (or ptftrr. for s nppnrt Ureit? tu amis ti?f tumuli of lift tn frrl prrarttrr blitll ling breiig ens joy. As tar prrr Into tijr fntnrr. Lrt tlfl natrs mil bark nnb cljan tu farr tn farr otlif anr 27atlrr. As or gait at tfjr carlo, no trroblr beforr Ua otaljj kauern forrra anb tta tmblaroarrrb mmta. and aa or fcrraa iijr ciyntrn anb tijr big nraa of tljtnnB. lrt tffr rloobs folb vp anb btarloar Üttt http b$ oalr!? oboar Ulnr enm! Amis tljrrati of biaaatrr anb trrror of tijr nnknocm anb for btbbln0. or Donlb Ijrar &lju volrr. aajjtna, " Jt la 3. br not afralo," Clakr tta nxrr at Ijoctr cstti CThrr. atnlb tijr rlamora of mm. tljr turmoil of rotnl. o: thr raying of tijr http, anb amlb aÜ our orbrala fit atrunglr anb pain. $tor 21 r una (CljirUl'a aakr. Anun. !.H' us jrirU form llttlo club an boycott ill rnp top Iialr cut. Let's break up th practice o' wearin cloth top shot's with broken arches. New Yearfo Ghost Party ft Let's nil rosolv t' spend our money st hoiut. Wik, Jf Mothers, ket-p :i closer surveillance on .Vinn ilflushle; s in 1021!. Ahe Martin. IKW YEAR'S night qolet an! clear indicates a prosperous year. . On New Tear's eve while Ieat three times: iio.l St. Anne, good SL Anne, send me a man as fast as you can, and you will be en apcd within the year. Spend on New Year, spend all the year. The Chinese say that If a man sits up for ten years in succession and sees the new year come In he will have a long life. It Is unlucky to refuse a beggar any thing on New Year's day, or to refuse "a request of any kind. It Is lucky to rise early on New Year's morning. If the first carol singer who comes to the door on New Year's morning Is brought in at the front door, taken all through the house, and let out at the back door. It will bring luck to the house forji year. When the wind blows on New Year's night. It is a sign of pestilence. If your tlrst caller on New Year's Jny Is a male, you will have good luck und many friends ; if a . female, bad luck ami few friends. The Chinese think New Year's day Is tiie luckiest of the year. If you wash clothes on New Year's day. You'll be sure to wash a friend away. Turn your pillow at midnight of the 81st of December and you will dream of the one you are to marry. It brings good luck to place a p!ece of money on the window on New Year's eve. If the first man you speak to on New Year's morning has his hands in Iiis pockets, you will have a hard time get ting what money you want during the year. It is an old Hutch superstition that if you want to marry the fcirl you love, your voice must be the (irst one sh nears ami ymir race tne lirst she 'ers on New Year's morning. I .Superstitious folk consider It impor- A bright New Year and a sunny track tant to notice whom vou meet the first I. Along an upward way, thing on New Year s day. If it Is u And a song of praise on man. you will have good luck. If :i Ccs, let o izr Ad kt ft säs4 sl3 fl t Kaier xttr IBs ai$n& 3 -Id B(U7fci3. Ad err tiittls c$me fa tz?t u i streaa, Q&s twiT iwiy, Ad tt fcrrc zzzzX refcei U thy. Tie jjtiw b tjyrk j Tm c:td b itzt: Tb c2e& jc2f j Okbteidbtj ' 1 Of Hi Kit cjy uj, "I hit Uzi cy wiy tirarra: I I bTt fcfi tbt vtri Tba iil pre c 1 U , 0 tbt tti frca, ka UH -X ! Hxi rtdre 6t id wJyS j -rix .i im in V ST.- j it fti: v Seven Sentence ii Sermons MEAN to be something with your mIght.P(hllllp8 Brooks. all Doing what can't, be done Is the glory of living. General Armstrong. - a u rf.aaouaah viu u inri! jKMstilion that jollity in a 'VI.S.J I.. i..f-. - -i a . . n4y I 52 wQ pleasure and happiness to -Vii-' f lloUSr iluring the first week 'AJ f the New' Y'ear brines that household during the entire year. There are many Interest ing ways of entertaining a Nw Year's party, but the favorite of all ln. th masked dance or imrty, und the must Interesting way of having this sort of entertainment If to give a ghost parly The invitations read In this mannr Our food eld Father Time Ilaa promised to convene Th shades of many notables ! To nieel you New Year's 'en. We'll look for you. you know. To help to make things go. And Im'ioVi. tally to meet scorns ghosts you're sure to know. Ther should he Ji or more nies;, -aud after the invitations have ouc Mut, the hostess has a little prlva:' 'chat with her guests oer the tele phone. She requests them to come Iresetl to represent some famous per ,oirnw dead. pHiitomlmf, words, i,es ftnrs and costume being used to carry ''ut the Impersonation. Dressed in a misty black robe cov ered with stars cut from gold paper, the htes will rece.'ve her guests in 9 rMin 1 raped all in white. Sheets or e4eccloth -n b useo for this. No wOr4 is spkeu until a tittle red imp -dldiibules card.s and encils to the assembled gue!. Then each in iutm speaks aoiiH word or docs Mme stun to suit his or her character. The 'Hrsoi guessing the greatest number correctly receive a pretty copy of the book. "(Ihosts I Have Met." I:thH-. contests and dancing will follow, and the supper or refresh ment table will be tilled with things tempting enough to attract een the naM ghostly appetite. The table dec ration should correspond with the festivities f the season. A New Year's le made ;;f crepe paper over a deep pan is tilled with dainty little lnvors for the ;uets r cards upon which me fanny rhyme -Is written for each Individual si:et. Part of the entertainment fr ihe evening Iodine Stains. Iodine stains will disappear over night If left in water to which bn been added common dry mustard The New Year a f -J woman, bad luck;vff a priest, you will die within a year; If a policeman, you will have litigation. - The first person of the opposite set you meet on New Year's day will bear the Christian name of your future partner. If Ice melts on January 1 It' will freeze on April 1. -Feed the birds well on New Year's morning by. placing a sheaf of wheat or barley or some bread outside your house, then good luck will attend you. ami good crops and prosperity come to w. - IMP ,1. a -'7 "Vj 1 " t n wniriins; i uritting ot snows VS Comes breathless the wild New Year; While bitter north wind blows. O'er the fields that lie stark a:il drear. Yet Lope is alight in her rys As she looks from l".e t o rt of th storm, "Earth sleeps in her shroud,' '.: cries, y "But the life in her heart Ts w;r. "Death is but m dream of ths nijht And the hymn of joy is begun, For slowly seeking the light The great (lobe turns to the sun. "Behold, I will bring delight In place of dirUness and coli; Sofe under the meadows so white Is hiding the buttercup gold. "And summer's iplenJor tball rein In place of tha winter's dearth. Her color and mure a;a n Shall (ladden the patient earth." Hark to the New Year's Voice Through the murk of winter drear! Oh, children of men, rejoicel At the tidings of hope and cheer. CelU 'iliuNie! t.t v Y ING THE MEN W..;.mmi m- ditlicult to understand. iMs the l'oitJ;r:d Oregoidati. Kipling wt.'te n greai !eal on the subject ;nd lt gien in his readers some sup ma ipiM :!jtinn!i- information. . ioe le tb telling of fortune, informing j wo., en friends were visiting. The e:o-h gnevt of their fate for the com ing e:r. Whatever )h u, don't let miyotie shelter piur faith In New Year's reso lution. Tlie Hie the best things ever If voit ki.ow bow to handle them, und 1 tie liiot do:) I. li(iiuiii; lis lliiui;- If you reeliit.ti she- relatcil her tale: "I'm a vn-k." familiar word, that. sh said. I ve been sliopping all da trylnu to a t together some kind t a wardrobe. I haven't a decent Lin to my iiaiii.' And she proved il hv illsptay'hg to her friend a closet full of tuorninir. afternoon and evening Mpji::ieJ. 'Wouliln'; it be wonderful to be ; man." was her closing statement. "All lie i- order a couple of -nit -ii.'l i i an o e:iiot.;.l haircut. lit an other home the woman of the house eines 'tau. cd her e;'!!er thus, as he s:U sliMo'-ed in a rocker: "i'ni eli:tusifd. One.hutnlred and eighty-eight Am-ri-can coUcgcs and universities favor the adoption of the metric sxstent. accord ing to an Inquiry n entl n.aIe by a committer the American Chemien.! clety, of vbU-h e.cmnlttee Prof, lhi ene '. Hlngham I.afaette ndlege i the head. In hi report, printed in v'peU the entire d;?y cleaning tid mi- the Journal of Industrial and Fn- erahle hotj.. i i 1 n't have a clean g Inhering "hetu.Niry, Frofesor Hing- cbs,-t ai;d I hud to get In anil dig." ham asy it seems clear that an over- And she exhibited row after row of h helming majoril of American cob s.j...;les lrass and glass and beautl- leges will in a short time be purchas- ful ciiina in her white kitchen and her Ing supplies in metric units, lie ulo whole house radiated cleanliness such submits the written statemeut of fs could never have bevn the result of different manufacturers and dealers tw tut one day's work. "I wish I were a the effect that it ey are prepared to man." she groaned. Just go to the upply Chemical on metric pe InVa- office, do a little figuring and come Ct&u ... .. bogie aubx'; . looking back, When the year has, passed away; And golden sheaves, nor small, nor few I ; This Is ray New Year'a wish for you I Anon. If you tell the truth, you have In finite power supporting you; but If not, you have Infinite power against you.--Charle8 George Gordon. And let the peace of Christ rule In your hearts, to the which also ye were called Mo one body; and be ye thankful. Col. 2, 15. you during the whole vear. I . On New Year's eve take your hymn-. I'""! the New Year for some mes- book to your bedroom", blow out the ' ia 8uüt lamp, open your book, and mark a Some rule of Ilfe whIcL to 5uJde mj hymn (in Ihe dark), put it under your 1 Ieei pillow, and sleep on It. Next morning rend the hymn, and it will indicate the events of the year. It Is unlucky to h:;ve clothes hang ing on the line when the New Year is hoin. Cook cabbage on New Year's day and you will have good luck all the year. Decorate! apples stuck on three skewers are exchanged for luck on New Year's day in Great Britn.n. P.urn :i!l the, i!ting can Is that have been received throughout- the year on January 1. If you keep rhem from jear to year you will have bad ttiek. If ou have i-ot provided yourself with a calendar Vefore the New Year oMies in you will be behind hand in your undertakings during th yenr. In .hiMjin oranges are hung up o,i New Year's day as m charm to insure the loun life of the family. The Chinese believe it bad hick to la II f outstanding accounts on the fast of the jear stid begin fresh and straight on New Year's day. lust before midnight on New Year's eve the Chinese put on ivew or clean garments. to enter the new yenr purely. ad thus jjaln irood fortune' to ihcinselves. On New Year's nti;ht it was Xn od Welsh custom with the wise and cour ageous old men of the .parish to sit tip all night In the church porch. On that night. It was said, a voice, eman ating from benvath the altar table. pronounced the names of those who ! should die within the coming year. Your conduct on New Year's dav Is a forerunner of your conduct nil the ! year. I aaked, and passed; he answered, toft, and low, "God'e will to know." Anon. What thou hast In store This coming year, I do not stop to ask; Enough. If day by day there dawus before me &!y appointed task; seek not great things, For I have learned how vala such seeking Is, But let me seek Thy will. O King of kings. And find therein my bliss. O. C. Fuller. BEGINNING A NEW YEAR. j ' Though we are apt to think that , fNew Year's has been observed sin- -t the year one. such Is not the case. ! In fact, there Is., no mention of the day as a Christian festival until the : nftb century, and even now the He brews celebrate their New Year's tu ! September, for their calendar Is ar ranged according to the new nioon. which mnkes New. Year's a moveable holiday. Today, however, there la scarcely a nation but observes this sen sou of the year In some mnLr or other, though customs differ In tnost localities. , NOT STINGY. "No, Genevieve, I ain't got tlnoy, out I made a resolution that all me penrvies goes to the heathens thla ' fear Feanut Butter Taffy. 2 cupful molasses. 1 cupful peanut 'utter. . P.oil the molasses und-peanut butter to ti e crack stage, and then pour Into pans. When partly cool pull like any taffy. Cut off "into two-Inch pieces witi sharp scissor. TTö) br patrtut. nttijrr tfjan partlnartfl; to bin tiff prarr by rminUtg ti?r lürallBtn mijlrl? mon fijr mar: tu bronom aar outlook anb nsrrosi usr ant mnsUtrs; to nirry tnto national anb tntrnxathrnal affalra tijr ntaxtaB hixli öaüu? rjmtlrnirn snb mtlrm'omrtt tn tl?rtr balig ronburt: tu pnirtlxr thrift tit nr marj br abU to pnntlrr rtnirttu: to rrrngitlir tl?al raxb; of tu Is anb aktaga mttst br t;la bnrtljrT'a krrirr: to Dork torll tijat Üirrr mag br pltvOy of goobj tn li?r ocrlb cnb tbnk crli tiptt tb,rg mag br rüstig 4 bUtribtxtrb: to no fxxmsrb rarb; bag to ainjpr Irwl of ncrnoar anb rffrrtftnuf. snb . ltur sj car sfralb of tta man, anb of nljsn no nx! era la afralb. "Cl?txsnfl UcsnzzX . - The Gubscription price of the rcrdl edition of Indiana's Foremost Newspaper BJd w $4 M a Yeair Instead of $5.00 Only people living on rural routes and in other remote localities in Indiana where THE NEWS is not represented by an agent or carrier who makes delivery to homes and business places, can be served at this rate The farmers are among: the heavy sufferer from tho shrinkage of valuea. Much of the pending legisla tion relates to agriculture, and the welfare of tho farmer is essential to the welfare of tho nation It is important that he be supplied with all tho news of the day, and in the hope and expectation of meeting all-his requirements in this direction this reduction in price is made to him THE NEWS, with its Associated, United and Con solidated Press dispatches, its Washington News Bureau, and its other facilities for collecting tho news and discussing it intelligently, will thereforo be available to rural route subscribers at $4.00 O year, notwithstand' ig that postage rates and news print paper are still 100 above pre-war prices. THE NEWS, in line vith its long established policy, desires to be one ' e the first metropolitan news papers of the cou to bring rural subscription prices back to normal. The opportunity you may have bean waiting for is at hand. Subscribe now. SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT THS INDIANAPOLIS NEWS '.'The Great Hoosicr Daily" INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 1 l urn.1 By BEN ED DOACJE FAIR, FRANK. FEARLESS and FREE. Tne only paper ii Dabois county with a genuine editor who knows his business and is onto to his job. Fifty vears of continued success proves that fact. THE COURIER tfants your name on its subscription list. It will cost you $2 per year. Now is the time to subscribe. Do it now. f inked to Subscribe to , I THt JOT HER A I 1 La FS W2 ii Tv;t7v i .1