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INTELLIG ct-NCER. LVOL. I.] . - ss ' .. ,_ _ss , RSDAY, JANUARY_ 22, 1801 _ _ _ . - . __ si A - si A _ si .. (No. gan. . _ 7 ct ss FRIDAY nen, ct 'ss Amq () 'clocssk, will be Said at the Ven. due Store, siBROWN SUGAR 'Jn_ hbds. tierces and barrels—au :: Credit ' asimssifar C'qsh. \ Tenerzff? s/Vz'ne m pipes and caflmz Cdtalorsiictia do. in pipes, French Brandy do. ssiWhiikey m bls. (COssc'e m begs, . H) son and Bohca Tea in chests, Raisins m kcgs, . So ap and Candlcs mss ssboxes, _ Tobacco, ss Nails, Hardwarc, &c. _L sijY/sa, a quantigy yf .— .' DKYsi G-O 01) 3, ' ' ssss : . ct' -Cozg/isting qf . Cloths, Coatings, Wsiech Plancs, Flamsi .iclz; Itiih Li—nens and Sheeting, Ozctnasiss burZS, Silks and Sattinsss, Calicoes, boqk' And ctjacsonet muflids, taxhboin'ed and þldi'fi; 'Ishneads, . Hats, Paper, &c. _- " ct P. G. MARSTELLER, si January sil7si. '- " Auctictmeerss ss Sales siby AuQZZo-n. ] On SATURDAY,si The 24tcthss'ir5' 1sio o'clock , will be fold at our Auction Robm, Malagsia Wlsine m plpes, - French Brandy inct do. Sugar in barrels, Bacon' in lots, Soal Leather in lots, Soap in boxes, Nails in c'ask's. _ Together ctwit/z a mariegy o A ).— DRYGOODS, sidvctwnsig which are j Broaddoths, ksserseymcres, coatings, swin downs, plains, duffils, flannels, Ikish li "fflSz humh'ums, German and British os. naburgs, chin'tzeS, calicoes, jaconet, book { and'tamboured mu'flins, and a number Of Other articlects. " HENRY es- THOS. MOOR'E, _ _ , Ahctior'tctss'rl. ' January 7. " Wl-LLIAM OXLEY &? CO. . ss Kiqg-street', _ ' H-AVE 'FOR SALE, SWtfinc, flecox'rd \ and csso'arch' Bread and naffow "elvish, kerseym'efe's, si'ffifdbwm, "wakings, swanflcins; bish Us, flannels, fafsindy 'cssalic'oes actnd chi'fltied, b} . _ , , siihba'ze'ts, Cutdnks', russestssztt's, 1. 3 fish huma- Barch asid- pqsiim ha'fi'du kfichfessssxmegsiaga 'usigffis' cdt'k'on Side! —- ; si ji Lips?! ; ..3- 5 "ay sh'ctfks "&c- &cz' HWZFVZUZLZZW law ss nexed fbffifl'urbi fbsaf'ct). De . lo ' wis si FURTHER EXTRACTS, From "London Paþen, . recez'fvedctssssbctv .tlze; .puie of Clarerzce Packet, arri—ved at! ctssNectsidv-T ork— 3 5 day: from Falmoutþ. FIRST REPORT or THE-COMMXTTEE APPOINTED TO CON ,smesin OF THE PRESENT uxcu rgx—cz OF PROVIZIONS. _ [Cozzclrzdedfrom aut-Iq/f.) si . It has been stated to your compi'ctttee, by..several of the principal impftsiiitersof perry, that the w heat of the present yea, in ghe North of Europe, -is by all accou'nsim far superior in quality to that of last year; in ; Germanysi it! is " represented as abundant ; ssand though some less favorable accounts L—of later datcs have been received from ss other parts, yet it is stated, that little ssreliu ance is to be placed upon them, as thev have only become less fav orable since the deficiency of the crop in this country has been the subject of speculation abroad ; all grain (except Rye) has been uncommonly abundant in most parts of Europe. __ The ctharveft in Amer'ctica borh ofwhezit andrice has been unusuully plentishl; The indem nisyinsig bounty , now proposed to be given, is considered by those ctimporters whom yourcommittct have examined as much] more satisfactory thanctwhat was granted in the last scffion, and as likely to assordstill more effectual cncouragemcnt; ct There seems therefore no reason tsso_ doubt, as far as depends upon the state of the hassrvcst abroad, and the probable ex ertions of forcign and British importers, that the supply may be fully equal to that of la" Year in wheat and flour, and_ in eats and rice will considcr-ably exceed i t ; and that in other articles, to which enconmge ment may now be 'extended, particuIery in barley and indian corn, a'largc addition al supply may be expected. Amongit the!" yOur committee wish. particularly to direct theattention of the house and country to, the article of rice. ' - The quantity of food to be derived from equal quantitics siof rice and ofwhcat is in a very great proportionsissin favor of the for mer ; the quality "of this species ofGrain is undoubtedly excellent; and, wherever -it has been introduced,, it appears to have been highly- acceptable : the encoura'ge :meptnow held out to the importation osit, will probably bring into GreatBritain all 3 that can be {pared from every art of A.- ? m'erica, and considerable supph'fis may be Lexpected from our East India possession, insisi :consequence of orders sent over land in [ Aug'ust and Septembcr, and of the liberal Lss'tcrms whi'Ch pa'rliament, with the con jcu'rrence, of the East Indiass company, ap pears disposed to grant to adventurero now fittin out ships from he'ncc. , Digthe remaining" stock of the ptc'ceed ringhssasimqst octf'ci'chn - Amcrica, some will ss [arrix'esiþssesiforesichristmh ,.in consequence of mdctg-plreadx given, Md- ctsithc produce of thectsast crop may begin to reach this edun. Khjanuary and the succeeding mouths. ss ] -' (apply from the East India. will un; ! > 'dsioubtedly be later, but may be expected in pjtrt at a period of the summer, when it ] ,, . . _ sict dost be eminently usetul, and the rematn. j der previous to the time,_ when the sshdr vest of 18'01, according to the ordinary course of things, can be brought into ge neral use. , si _ There "are .a'siso other .articles of whole— some soosid to which the attention of your committee has been directed, and they en- ; tertain considerable hopes, that'arrange ments may be made, by which large quan. tities of fish, and other salted provisions, may beaddessd to the supply of the market at such reasonably rates as may afford a material- shurce of relief.- Your commit tee mean to proceed immediately in this pa'rt of their cnquiry, and will as early as possible state thesiresult to the house. _ _ The sto'þsspsiage of the distilleries 'it) Eng. 'hnd, at this early season, will prove equi valent t'o the importation of at least 2 50,ooo quarters of ba'rley—In Scotland it is statedas likely to be productive Of a 'tavmg of the same article to a still greater amount, and the prohibition of the use of wheat in stareth, may save about 4o,ooo quarters. By these measures, large'qusidn tities osgrain are left.— appiicabie to the food e-sman, Which have nsiotin other years been so employed; and your committce have. therefore thought preper to class them under the same head with importa tion. " Your committee think themselves au thorised to place a considerable reliance upon the effect of the various measures -—_—_.—-—.—__ above referred to, in increasing the gcnc- ss ral smsizpiy. Of these the encouragement offlzred by parliament for the importation of forcign grain, is undobtedly the most important -, but, Whatever expectations may be rea—sonahly formed, of the great extensit to which that encouragemcnt com bined with the high price in this country may carry it , your committee think it their duty to state their decided opinion, and to ss endeavour to impress that opinion, in the strongest manner Upon the house ; that it ; wouldbe unwise and unsafe to place their ; sole reliatȝee upon resout'ces of this descrip- ss ' ttcn. Auowmg for the probability that the account: before. stated rcspecting the produce of the last harvest, may berather below than above the truth; yet the ex. hausted state of the old stock, and the un usually early period at which the late crop came into consumptisson, make it not only highly adviscablc, but indispen'siblsiy. necessary, as the most effectual means of securing an adequate (apply at a rcasdha ble rate, to have recourse to the greatest teconomy, in every Part of the country,- ? in the Me of those artlcles of grain, 'upon which- th'c subsifience of each respective diflrict prssincipplly depend. Your cdmshittee entertain the erngest expectation, that : recommendacion, from ;the highest authority, painting out the advant es which dee desinvessd under the prdactcgm circumstances, from the gene nl practice of mcommy and fmgality 'in . . AA-ll-si .. . ,..— -' those articlbs, could not fail to produce esix r r—W 'ten'sive a'nd bsicnejficial ossectz. In'order to give sthessgkfiht'estjyeight and solemnity to such ' cc'ommcndation yofirsioommittee shbmic to the h'o'u'se, Whether; it msiay not be proper to desire the concurrencc of the other house of parliament., in an humble address to his majesty, requesting that his ._:f.'ajefsi"ty would be gracioufly plcdscd to issue : procla'mation for. this purpose ?— The effect of such a prosscl'amqtiou might, undoubtedly,'be extesilsi dedby the universal Circulation which mightbc given to it, through 'thc magistrates and clergy, in every district and in every parish; and "as. sociations might be entered into by every )description of pei'sons to whom it might be addressed for czirryin'g it into cxecm. tion intheir respective: neighbourhoods.-— ss The. general. adoption ok' such a measure by dimshishing t 16 consmnption os_gsirsiain and particularly of wheat, amongst those who are able to procure other arci'cles of food_, would leavesisor the use of those who part : by decteasing the de arc uuame w procure them _ _ ct , a larger pro portion of what is necessar y_ for their sup. , mand, the price Would. probably be reduced; and it may well be expected , from the past conduct of the more: opulent classeszsifthzt ctrtmssdr of what might be saved by the reductsi'lon of their own consumption, would be applied to the reliefos their indi -cnt neighbors. Your co'mmittee having thus suggested the means by which they conceive thatzt great reductibn in the conspmptioti of corn, and particularly of wheat, may be produced by the practice Of txzco'nomy :t mong a large proportion of the compmni ty, proceed to ezctllfthe attention of the house to another measure, by which ;: si. milareffect- may 'he produced to a great extent, among the laborious classes, with out in any degree, dinfihishinsig their neces. sary subsistencc; for which .on the con trary, it is the great object of the plana proposed essectually to provide. It is evi dent, t'ha't Under the present high price, a very large pr0portion of the poorer classes derive, froth parish relief, sia considera ble _ part Of the susibsistence necessary for mcxr xamuxes: excraordinary relief xssmdcr such circumstances, to & teat amsiount, siia , indispcnsib'lc; and it is oped that it has ? been general]? extended thropgh mofl: I parts of the kingdom, On the most liberal principle,ii1 due [importion to the extra cosist of (God, to ,the nhr'hjzsie'r os afamily, the qcssm—ntity ndcefsary for their shbsistbnpc, qrid the fair arboudt bf_ their e'siarnings. But it is evfdimt that, is the whole of this re lief it givvn in money, it wi'slsibc asiip lied ) to_ the þurchd'sc bf bread tc') Jhectuctsssualctictl. mount, Add Will thc'iessb'y cpuntqract that Ifrctco'nomy, Which is so esscmia'ljbssr the . poor r'ticnl'afly, cpct shtro'dussce. _ ctItiseems ; ther " 2", 'of the nimate 'isssfiþorsicttapCCsi go 3 PTQVidCo that as lar e a poxjciqn 'le'poictfible fof th'trclies shoufg b'c gfflrd hþirher in i Wind: in rhesm-t 'o's bread usually cofi. -' sumcd in each parish, but in_ shine other {wholesome substitute; "such an your com- .