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being contraband, being : Vessel calculated sor fighting, but notwnhstandmg she was cleasdd: but appealed for by the captors, she Propercy remams here no\_v in pofieflion ofshe agents unnl further mal. The next was the brig T artar, of Phi ;zdelphia, from C. Francois to jamaica— she was sent in here-by his majesty's ship Susprize, and libelled on suspicion and ac quitted, but appealed for by the captors. The property remains in the same way that "the Hannah's does. ' The Nestor, of your port, was sent in here by. his excellency F. VVatkins, of his majesty's ship Neriede, off C urracoa , where she was libelled for having light duck on board; what is called white rolls in Ame- _ ries, but given up, each paying their own costs. 1 he AnnactMaria, of your port, was sent "in here by a prissvateer belonging to this _ lace, having Russla sheeting on board and libelled for light duck. Immediately afte: she arrived here the captain and peolzle were turned out, and the vesse1 suffered to . sink. along-side the wharf. She was cried here last court and condemned because the mare had charge of her when she was cap tured, the capaaiu having died on the pus. sage. sl'he Elcanor, of your port, was takex bound to Curracoa, and sent in there b} one of his majesisiy's ship's renders,— om hundred barrels of flour taken out then. and sent down here for adjudication, ? great part of her cargo embezzled, fl'z was ]ibelled here for having light ducL on board, what is called brown oznaburg— in America. She was tried here last court and ten bales of the oznaburgs condemn ed; the- vessel and the best of the carge acquitted, the claimants paying all costs. 4 'Brig Sukey, -0f.Salem, was taken bound to Laguira and sent imo-Curracoa, where ct they gave her up and ox'dered . the caprain. to sea, but consideang & little longer a bout the business sent him down here, where he was ]siibclled on suspicion, she was tricd here last court and the cargt' condemned, because the captain hzct-d thc consignment of a valuable cargo, there fore condemned as being enemies' proper ty covered. . - _ 'I he Dolphin, of Baltimore, was sent in'here bound to St. Thomas, laden wit] szour and libelled, and cried here last court hot acquitted, the ciaimaints paying all cofls. _ - The Rubjct', ctos Phila—deiph'xa, was taken by his majelty's ship Tisiphone, John Da vie, esquirc, commander, bound to Port Republic, laden with provisions, &c. Cap tain and all the people taken out except the mate; during the time she was in pos sesszon of the man of war they experienced a heavy gale ofwind, and let three feet Qua (er get in the hold, which damaged two tie: of her flour; immediately after her at. sfval here the cargo was libclled and sold, cing perishahLe property. She was cried here last court, and condemnedw'essel and Cargo for not having a sea letter, though esea letter was in the court house the me time and filed among the other pa [si'm- Some business having called the Jfldfiimmediately aster paffing sentence, 32 !! as he returned the attorney begged X! honor would alter his sentence, as the ea letter was {mon the rest of the pa Ffls and he had ma e & miiiake; his an swer wan he had passed his sentence and that was the only reason for condemning ?.Id Antetican vessel falling into their I C'Pfflin Davie labors under a great dis 'advantage, as he cruiscs for nothing but * Americans, he takes but 5 men; the first fone he captutes he mans with his own . people, and sends her down here, the next i one he takes he iends the first Americans. ;he took down with her. So he always ,has an American crew ready to put on The Hiram, of Mount Pleasant, has bound to Charleston, South-Carolina, with loaded. Ship Carolina, os Baltimore, was sent in here the other day for adjudication by the admiral, the captain turned out of her; she is waiting for her trial. Thx -si ship Cleopatra,, of New-York, fro;: New-Orleans bound to New-York, sin Ln here for adjudication—having, as I an informed, about zosiooo dollars in specie on board. sent in hete also, from New-Orlcans.-— Schooner Tirzah, of Bosron, capt. Clark, fell in with & British srigare, who prefled fvery one ofhis men out of him and allow ed him to proceed on his voyage, asterbe- : zng five days in a distressed situation, onl} himself and mate on board, concluded 1 siut into the nearest port, but fell in wizf another British cruizer, who tent him l'si siiais port for adjudication. The schooner Jerusha, of New Hamp hire, sent in here because the captaix .vould not pav salvage at Curmcna been sent in here from Port Republican, : cossee, where she waits for triai, being un- 1 Iboard any American vessels he may take ; ss he takes Americans and puts an American ss prizmmaster and crew on board of them to } take them to ,]amaica. * 1ss lss 4 3 The sischocner I—IarrZ-ot, of New-York, ] ( In all cases they mZke it a point to dis ss ss-harge the vessels immediately, and get a: >rder from the honorable judges to sell th aerishabie part osthe ca rgo, which amonm very often to the whole; especially if'th . goods should be in demand here or on th 1 ":,panish main, where they carry on a gresi-t ] sradc, which, I believe, is the only reasox 1 they have for sending in American vesst-Iss ; simund there. They have three causes her. br libclling ; one for light duck on board- ", 'he other sulþicion of being enemies' pro. — perty ; and the other for being enemies' property. As for light duck they havsi- ," two or three gentlemen here who W'il'sii swear that any lincn ,stouter than Irifl !hirting is light duck! and for enemies" proPerty, they have found a man at Curra . ct 'tssroa that will swear to any person's birth ;. — , as was the case in the Sukey ; they got zsi. *nan to swear that the captain of her was ' 'iorn in Teneriffi: and brought up in sht' < T-lavanna, though he never saw either of the places in his life! As for suspicion of 1 :nemies' property, that is left to his ho- ] ' nor the judge. So in fact they can do just as they please to the condemned, or let it alone. :] i After your vessel is discharged, she is ct hauled off and moored. Sometimes they ' allow the captain and peop!e to stay on , board, iftctheydo not they put a new negro on board to mind her, who never misses " (leasing every thing ,he can lay his hands on : If your vessel is given up, your rig- - ging, light fails, provisiom, &c. .are all _ stolen. The bottom of the vessel eaten up by the worms ; for they have but one court : month, and they as often keep a vessel two Courts as one, so that whatsoever falls in their hands might as well fall in the hand: of any other nation. If they .don't lunder Amerieans of their cloathing, I elieve it is because they do not happen to sit. 1 expect they thl- appeal for all Amcricans acquitted this court. His excellency F . Watkins, governor .of ' Curracoa, Amba, uair, Avea and Roco, and the dependencies of Curracoa, cut s uch : dash while he was there alone, that the admiral, as soon as he arrived at Cur racoa, ordered him to sea immediately, ?n consequence of which he resigned his com misiion—ctas captain of his majesty 's Nercidc, and is gone home in the pucket. Two American Guiucamen sent iuhcrc, one of them given up, the other condemn ed ; and a great numbc-r of Danes, Bre. meneres, Hamburghcrs, &c. are coming in daily. . By publishing the above in ' you uscful paper you will oblige ( besidsses your cor respondent) a number of . - AMERTCANS. ss F.. "S. It is thought here us soon as the} treaty between France and Amezsiica is rati- ct rtied, they will send in every Amc-rican ves-ct sel they come athwart at sea. ? The schrf Little ]ohn, of 'Ba'sitimorc, ss was upset a few days before I left King Ztsson, off the east end of jamaica—she. jristed to St. Ann's Bay. Part of her cargo and all the people except the cook, ' saved. ss ! 'SAMUEL COLD. —*——-*—— LUNUUN, Novem'oer 16. \ The emperor Paul, fully appz'ized of the 'mportance of Malta (the compiete key ot' "He Levant) and anxious for its attainmessnt, \s the most essential means to create :: (tom *;1'crce, and to augment that naval greatsi ct-ss-ifs which ought c—o have long since awak- ' -ncd the jealousy of Britain ; appointed he prince Wolkou'shy, governor of that' !land, and by the fleet of'admiral Ouseha- ' ss iOffS, dispatched him with a strong and ss hosen body of grenasidiers, which was to ss zrm its garrison. 'l'his fleet came to an si sinchor in the Bosphorus, at Boyook-Dereh, ' where it was joined by the division from ne Baltic, commanded by viceadmira: larzofs, for what particular purpose thur ;ugmented, is not stated ; but the account t' the surrender of Malta to the English 'eached them the 28th Scptem'ncr, whenss : was stated they were about to returnsssi ss .mmediately do Sebailogol. The Hamburgh mail received on Fri- - \ !ay, brought the Vienna Court Gazette. \ \t 23d ult. which mentions the appointsiss nent by the Emperor, of count de Lehr- ss siach, to be minister of state. The court of Sweden, on the zzd Oct., 'etumed an answer to the Spanish rescript )f Sept. ! 7, in which complaint was madc ct-s the capture by the Engiish ostwo Spa- _ wish srigates, in the harbour os Bareelo .a, by putting a number of men on board .1Swedish vessel. In this answer, the Spa nish government. is informed that his Swe :iish majesty will rcmonstrate to the court :)isiLoudon, to which he is equally induc ed by his friendly connections with the ' Spanish court, and the violation of the neu trality of his flag. But that in doing so, he shallconceive himself the principal par. ty. " justice requires, that what has been obtained in an unjustitiablc manner,— shall be restored. His majesty will de mand, but without answering for the con sequences of this measure." The paper, after instancing the cases in which Swe dish ships had been taken or phmdered by English and by French vessels in the ports of dpain, says " His majesty would have been happy to have seen the court of Spain manifcft in his iavor the same enctgy with which it now makes complaint. - I N D 1 A. ( B} ofverland Dffpatcb. ) All apprehcnsions of & rupturc with the Wahrztmo has subsided ; they have acce 'ded to the 'ari'hn " _ Company, and: __ si ct andttrengthen thegsssictss sizs', - siss . . pily existing betweehctthe'o si-si'We' before stated, and althoughthe Mahrattas sustained no doubt of the expence or haza'td. of thejatsie war, yet, to give them an in. , tercst in the new Sectlcmeht, it was deten mined to aller to them a portion o'sthe conquests :——the Peshwa required an equal division with the Nizam, embracing I a strong line of sortressee on our fromtiers; , this was declined by the Supremc Covern ! ent, and the Court of Puonah withheld '- its consent to the partition and the corn. mercial conditions attached to it; bu t probably- intimidated by the decided ar rangcments_ making .by sithe Company, they, immediately previous to the depar þture of the dispatch, xatified the treaty, '-& ascribed the delay to the changes which had taken place in their Cabinet. A vessel arrived in the HOOgley from Queda, reports, that the hosiile pre ara tions at Siam _ were wholly suspend , in consequence of the following circumt ance, ' which "had involved the whole em te in constemation and alarm. " - .;s-w ' The great royal Elephant wfficlss is sup posed by the credulous people to . be im mortal, is here held in estate osictdoiatry, .and on occasions of importance, is lead in proceffion with extreordinary parade and ceremony. In order to excite p0pulari-ty to the war against Ava, and ctdirect the shperstitious prejudices of the nitives to its active ,prosecutiosin, the great Elephant was led forth; but in the midst of the rites, and within the greedy obFervance of thou sands the animal fell down and instantly expired—sear and amazcment prevailed every bosom they regarded the event as the. persage of some dire calamity and as an unequivocal condemnation of the war, which notwithstanding all the persuafion of the Priestssi, and the influence of the court, they considered impious. Should the king 0f*Ava take advantage of this event, the conquest os Siam must he the consequence. M-WW1WM Alexandria Advertzser. FRlDAYTj-anuary 23. By : gentleman who passcsisid through this town yesterday, from the City of Washington, on his way to Norristown, in Montgomcry county, we are informed, that he is the bearcr Os ; general pardon, granted by the P-residcnt of the Unitcd .ssjzates, to all the remaining unfortunate Germans, who were sentefnced to fine and Zmprisonmcnts, for misdemeanors in the: Northampton inshrrection. Lancaster ] nttl . Accnr'ding to the officia] account of the siege of Malta, provisions-had riflm to the following enormous price before the capi culation took place :-—-- si A fowl, '60 {ranks ; apair ofpidgcons, 24. sranks ; a hare., 12 (ranks ; an egg, 16 sous; a letcuce, 18 sous ; a pound of horse flesh, : franks ; a- sat, : stank: ; a pound of fish 2 franks. I'ORT OF ALEXANDRM. ARRlVED, 'ss Sbip Hannah, Stevens, ]amaica. Schooner Thetis, White, Norsolk. Pssrzntz'ng in all zsits vanety executed with neatng/sis and .dfflzatc/z. A