{will take Fuch'r for Li..
verpool.-—-——Terma mav be
nown' By yenquiring of '
' R. T. HVOE &? CO.
_J.si=n,uar_vct16.. .d
sslctbr Neiuss-Yor/Z.
The' Schooner PHILIP,
. To fail to all next week.
Fish For FRElGHT apply to the
master on board, dr to " '
January 16. eo4t
Fmssct Fresiz g/ztsi or C/zarsite'r.
To any of the Lceward West- lndsiia I "mark
- The fashsaifihgifisgssctss
s , :" FAME,
Burthen sevsien' huddi'cted'barrels,
now lying at Lawrason's
si vvsinan. _. For terms apply to ' .
_ or the Captsiain on board.
si ' January 14. si eo
(Labourers wanted. .
si] gwgsh to hire for the prg/entjeanfour
or five statue: to silabazzr on my fizrm near
Alexandria. Mr. Samml Lzlgszfssot-lvifving
on the [and will sicrmtractsor them.
jmmary ! 5". . dgti
A small Cargo of
]ames Rlver COAL S.,
At Fizgcraldzs wsiharf, .
To be- fold on moderate—sssiterms, if appli-ss
- ed fox; immediately. '"ss'
PhlladeIPhla loaf and lumpi
sugar; hard oap by the box ; 'also a few
ossxes of crown or shaving soap; hay in
usindles of about two hundred weight;
Flour, Bran and Shopts by the quantity;;
C'ash given for Wbeat or Carn. '
: : mo.si 24. -eo -
A si-si)
- A Housekeeper- wanted.
LIBERAL wages will be given to a
iscreec Woman, capable of managing the
ssairs of my family as a quffekee er.—
middle aged woman of & 'mild cfisposi
ion: and regular'depo'rtment will be pre
erred, as part of her attention will be
ccesi'ary in sisupcrintending a nursery'bf
oungssctchildren. si
December ! 3, : 800. eodts
y the schooner Eliza,_ Capt. Ward, from
New-York, and for sale by -
Robert: _ &? Grgffith,
0 11th muscovado sugar -
siast India sugar in bags- '
as afid l'ump sugar in hhdc. and bbls.
ossee in barrel: and bag: "
ep'per and pisimento
sey pipes London particular Madeira
wme .
herry, Malaga and Tenerisi'e wine in
qua'rfilrcashe ss
i'rits, French brabdy and Hollsmd gin
ss ton in balca
"si ld and dipt candle:
lin'- i'u kectgo' and bsioxec
" iflklfasilmmds; &c'b. {:c. fice. lnl
sue , his ezpefl ythc chodnc'rP ' .
fro;: Nesissr. ork, zo pupcheom An.
tum. ss
sisslmeyssxz; , co3uzwjt '
] M P 0 R' T E D
And for sale by the subscriber at the Cdun.
tysiWhars, : general assortment of Cdlþgn'e
Mil_l-stones, from Amlterdam, with hand
ss Mill-Ptones and German steel._ , " si
Baltitnore, December 27. zassvYStlg
Ereih Ralhns. '
Justctreceived a few boxes of excellent Rai;
sins, and for Sale, "
December 24. ' eo
SECOND NO'sffiE._' - _
Whereas & Commlfllon of
Bankruptcy .is awarded and issued forth
a ainst El'sha Collen Dick, of the Town
o Alexan ria, andsihe having surrendered
himself to the major part of the Commis.
sioners named in the said Commisiion, at
the VVashington Tavern, in Alexandria,
'on the seventeenth day --of this month,
when and where he underwent his first ex
amination—m-he is therefore required again
to attend,siat the said Tavern, on Satur
day the 31st day of this month, to under
go his second examination, when and where
the Creditors of the said Elisha Cullen
Dick,_either insihis separate capacity, or
at; one of the Firm osjames Mease IVI'Rca
'-and Company, may attend to provecttheir
debts. At the last fitting of the Com
misiioncrs the said Bankrupt is to finish
his examination, and the Creditors qfore
said to-choose Asiignees ; of which last sit
ting due notice will be given, and the
Crcditors are to assent tosor dissent from,
the allowanccssof his Cersitisxcate. All per
sons indebted to the'said Bankrupt, or who
have any ot'his effects, are not to pay or
deliver the same, but to whom the Com
misiioners shall appoint, but to__ ivc no
tgice- to .HENRY siMOORE,
'si'Clbrk to the-siCommisiion.
January zo,_ 1801. A d
! _ F- O R_ 8 _A .L.—E,si ss
; Genulne Madelra VV me m
, pipes, hhds. and quarter caflcs, for approv
7 ed notes, or exchanged for Tobacco or
The Store I have oc'cupied for .many
" years past,ss si-cuated on Prince-Street, Op
pofite Col. Hooe's. No stand in Town ;
more eligible, or beþter accommodations I
for caxrying on an extensive-wholesale, wet ?
or dry good business. The cellar perfect- l
ly dry, with a door at -each end, will
hold one thousand barrels of flour ; 2 500.
barrels may be stowedsi on the premises
without any inconvenience to the occu.
Those desirious osholding it will apply
to me on Merchants' Wharf, where I shall
.in future do business.
" W,m Io HALL.
_ December 22. d
To be Rente,d .
Aud pqffZ-fflorzgictvm immediately— -
- A two story house and garden on Duke.
street, about two squares to the eastward
of the stone bridge.
A number qfssvaluablc lots
in dissessrent situatia'm, 'to be {old—also, a
brick'ss house in King-Rreet, in the tsienure'
of Thomas Crufe ;-_-si-a part of the purchase
money will be taken'in Alexandna Banksi
share: at par, and for som'evf the -10ts,"A- _
lexandria Insunnce share: at? : price to be
agreedo'n. siFdr ' siofthe purchase- mo-ss
ney of either, efflux] credir may be had.
na Month 7ch. eo
On.- 'tbe !st day of Februaqy next, on the
premg'scs, to the highest bidder, for the
term 'of two year:, "
Atss'the Point, en Saint Elictiabfeth, here
tofqre' "fished by _c'ap'tain Middletonsi-si—the
' time for [fisishing to be the" usual season.
Aþptdifed security will be required. ,
City of VVashington, ]an. 20. 6t
Valuable Proctberq'sor Sale.
" SEVEN hundred and eightzneight asscres
in the "county of Hampshire, on the wa
ssss.ters of Great Cape Casipon, about 20 miles
from the Warm Sprtngs, and 30 from
Winchester. This land is ful-l-of wood,
, oak and pine timber. Two excellent farms
' may be made, with 30 to 50 acres-ofbot:
tom, and rich high lands to each; and in
the. heart of the timber there is a fine seat
for a saw-mill. ssCapt. Daniel Rice Will
shew the lands. _
T hree thousand eight "hundred and fsisor
ty-five acres in 'the county of ()hio, on___
the waters "of Grave and Fish Greeks;
near the river' Ohio, and— about 80 miles
below Pittshurg. Some of these lands are?
very good, with considerable quantities ofct
rich bottom, and plenty of excellent tim
ber. Robert VVoods, Esq. the Surveyor-.
of that county, will shew these lands.
. Une hundred seventyJix and three
fourths acres, within three miles of the
Warm Springs, upon Great Cape siCapon,-ss
near its mouth, and within {— of a mile
of the River Potomak. This land hassict
about 70 or 80 acres of rich bottom,ss
mostly in cultivation, with 274 sine Sugar
Tree: on it; from which I am informed,
there may be made zooolb. of good sugar'
annually. There are also a seat for grifl "3
and saw milk on it, equal to any in that
neighborhood, and upon a never sailing
and rentedsi last year for produce equal to
sixty pounds per ann. Mr. ]oseph Butler,
at the Warm Springs, Willshew it. I will:
stream \water'. The upland is rich,
wsiirth p n'ty-ss f timber, and part under cul
. si 'sshfs. farm is well improved .
with a froo orchard, houses and fencing, "
sell all, or any of the above lands for cashct
or upon credit, or take in exchange for
them lands in Fairfax County, or lots otsi
land in the City of Alexandria, or the
City of- Washington.
.ssR. T., Hooz.
]annary ty. A ss eo
For the shrfvice of the Potomac Companyusi
for the mstzifzg year, to work at the
A number of actlve, able
bodied NEGRO MEN, for whom libe._.
ral wages will be given. They will be
Well fed, clothed and lodged, humanelyct
treatcctd, and in cases of sickness taken good
care ofsiat the ex cncc of the Company—
Their wages W1ll be paid quarterly, and
if desirablc to the owners, agcnts will be
appointed at different places to pay at the
expiratision ofeach quarter, as may be most
convenient to the parties. Farther parti
culan may be had by application to Mr'.
Alexander Rcid', siat the Great-Falls, or
to the subscriber in Geor e- Town.
By order' of the Pteifdcnt and Direc
Treasurer of the Potomac Compargyoss
George-Town, Dec. 29. 30:
.qornish planec, and several smaller siz
' xmprove his vacant property.
lee Susib c—rz'ber
Begs leave, this: pub icly to im ress t
min'ds of" those 'who' hnsi've heretogore bolr,
rowed Tools of sivarious descriptions df
him," with :: sense that it is high time they
were returned—particularly, two stor
saws, of vation: descriptions, heads anssii'
bench planes: they are mostly brande'd'
with the dwners naictnc, -
He wishes to Rent,
.. A- t—sswostory Hozgs'e 53 Lot,
with a large and convenient Warehouse,
in good stand for business. He has several
.Dwellz-ng Hozzses for Sale,
in different situations, which willbe dis.
Posed of sias bargains, as he is_anxious to
For parti;
culars apply to
_Jasinuary :"6. d6t __
[fair chsszr tmd Peijszzmer,
( late] y from Baltimore) ,
Royal sish'eer, between King and Prince
streets, fourth door south of the Prinsst.
ing Office of the Times,
Begs leave to mform the
Ladies of Alexandria, and the country
generally, that having received the new.
est fashion-of Ladics' VVigs and Filcts, he
Will be thankfnl to receive their orders
for the above articles, and will warrant
them equal to any manuihctured on the
- TN. B. AnyctLady wishing to see his
Pattcrns, maybe accommodated by send.
ing a servant to his shop. ct
&? He has for salc, every articlc in
he Perfumeryline, on the most reasona
ble terms.
Cash will be, given for hair by the large
or small quantity.
Alcx. Dec. 8. (1
N O T I C E.
All persons havmg claims
against the estate of the late THOMAS
PORTER, are requefled to bring them for
ward on or before the-first of March next,
and those indebted to him are rcspectisiully
requestcd to make paymcnt to
]an—. !. ( z)eo
; On the corner of" Queen and Fairssrx strccts,
extending 123 feet 2 inches on Queen
street, 45 feet 8 inches on Fairfax street:
this property is liable to no incumbrance.
ct For terms apply to Mr. ]ohn Grecn, A..
lexandria, or Mr. Hezekiah Price, Old
' Town, Ba—ltimOte. .
63' Liberal cred-it'will be allowed for
the payment.
]anuary siz. 00181
siN .0 T I C E.
THE st0ckholdcrs of the Blnk of Alezf
andrisia, are hereby informed, that a dm.
dend of si-vesier rent on the capital stock
of said Bank, for the halfyear ending this
day, is declared, and will be ready to be
patd to them, or their representauves on
Thutfday next.
By order qftb: prgffldmt and directgrt,
January ;. eovu.
Ptumsim our '
charnn, a few doors above the
annc'rou TAvnN.