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. trandzmsict ct' _ AND COsiMctM-ERC IA L ] si dine used INTELLIGENCER TTVT SA TURDAY, JAA UAAY l M.-. A. . .J— -_'__ l\ -._*-I'l [IVO- 36) Pusslzlctzc Sole. _ ' _ ' On TULÞDAY next. si . ctjiwsi' osi'csilssock, wffl bewsidac she Vm: due StOf", sissB-ROWN SUG AR [n' hhds. tierces and barrels—on a Crea'z': awdfar C'qsh. Tene'rffe l/Vzne in þzþcs and cafks, - Cataloma do. in pipes, ' French Brandy do. Whishey in ble. Cosissec m bags, , Hyson and Bohca Ten in chests, Raisins' m kegs, Soap and Candles m boxes, To'bacco, ss. Nails, Hardwarc, &c; Flsa, (! quantifys o D R Y G 0 0 D S, ct Cor-sistmg qf Cloths, Coatings, Wclch Plancs, Flan rsi-els, Irish Lincns and Sheeting, Ozna Lurgsic, Siiks and Sattins, Ca'1;coes, book and ]aconet muflins, tamboured and plain, Threads, Hare, Paper, &c. ' P. G. MARS'IELLER, January 17 Auctzon'fer. : ?— Sales by ALLCZZTo—ctnsi The 281h lo o'clock, will be fold at our Auction Room, Malaga TNine in pxpes, French Brandy in do. Sugar in barrels, Bacon in lots, Soal Leather in lots Sea? in bossx—es, Nails in caflcS. Together fwz'z'lz it ran?!)- a DRYGQODQ Among fwlsir'c/J are Broadcloths, kerseymeres, coatings, swan. owns, plains, duffik, flannels, Irish li "W: humhums, German and British as. siflbUsgs, chintzes, calicoes, jaconet, book afld tamboured musi-ins, and a number of Other articlcs. , HENRY {? THOS. IvTOOREz Juctiofles r: . January 7, WLLMM O.,XLEY ?; w. - King-fireet, . , HAVE FOR SALE, Superfine, second and coarse de 'and narrow clothe, kersejrmferes, Pinsdowm, 'ceacings, swanskins,"þlmsi. 'W- siznnels, fancy calicccs msid think zsssiesv, .ctc _ az'ets, 'dfuranssts; iuffektitis, 'I. "si" , 'Bmsidona and pulficat- fund. _ , "womens'ind mena' (gotten ssand 3, - We, dimictties', cheeks, si'fiflctcs, "3; ctÞsi-sikzsi which will besssolact—lbw '1'0r.' _'.'ss Dec. to w fother OFZÞW ? 'TC ksixoM ctrm: commz-ncmx. 'c-A'zzrfe. ss _ 'Mcflfrs: Russcll {F.Qtssxsitsilcr, ct - - If): iiijctfflvss and MMM! jZ-rg/m qf fly yew; when the fountain; of ictt-ct-llzgmz 'are 'nm'rZy dried up, and the {emwrd am] ingenious appear to have wholly 'tssw'tlct'u'rrszn, or at least to have cir "(zing/(filled f/ch'r is: bent zT-z tl': palifssicassl am! lct'tct'rmy mimynrd, pzsi-r/zajbs a su't'c's as Effizr, m/si'ul-chsssi-l ' _ _To catch the iiving manners as they "rise," dun} na: (Be-tbcugsilst rmirzter.;/Zi*zg, cctsr .ct'ct— applicable to The time:. 1)! suchshing the member: rw'bisb [praffia/E ss/ZsinJi-zg lo ' your pray}, -[ -sha}l depend more on my selectiam from rare, [mt astprovedssvrit en, ibmt an orgifml commtmic'afirsim; fit t/Je-ssfarme—r I can j'zzagre fwitlssout par. tial!!!)- ar Prcssijtlrlic'e. From the piece, which is rzafw fzsizm/ss-edz and which will form ilt-e Is} ]Va. oj't/Je " THE R-EFLECTUR," jam- readers ma) form some judgment qf fly: talent: and fru dit-ictz (- a fizfvar-ffe author, from ewlmst composition: ] s/Sa/l masse mazjy dmfls. - . HOR/ITIO. : . Tsiz REFLECTORsi—No. 1. 1 5 4 1 \ 4 1 l \ " {mer hearch block/zeaa's fwlym tlnjsiv 1 [ze/þ intend, si " P/ag/sse rwlvc'le t/fcjystrfz'e, aua'L'm-t qur'zil'e t/Jzsisiy' !)...ctsz-ie>ct—zl " I AM of the qinion that peoPle sus cttain more inconvex. icnce thro thei igno rance andssfolly y, than they do thro' the malice and treachery of those with whom they are concerned. It is much easier to ] si counterwork the actions of bad men, than of weak ones. Knaves may be feecrai n.. ; - ed by a variety of cheeks, from doing "the mischief which they meditate, and may be pqnished for the crimes they actually com {! mit. The whole world is, as it were, arm. ss [ed against their cnormiticsis. But there scan be no effectual precaution against the mismanageme—nt of fools. Their mistake: indie—a-te no pervcsscness of heart, And can neither deserve punishment or excite te sentmem. How can we reproach a man whehhe meant us no harm ? How can we guardagainst his crrors when he has not disqei'hmcnt to escape 'shcm himsesifls ?_ It-tooss often happens, shirt we impute smiscarriagcs to the b'ad intentions; of those we emPloy.- "We dossnot so mdily suspect " due men judge or calctflarc wrong, as that they infiendmrong. But -the'sactis other. wiss ; and it will besz'vnd, Upon : cssrffi cal examinaticn, ihat error of _ judgement is sithe imi'n- some of publicsixs well assipria vatc &sorders. 'There is Mardly— 'a more siocmmn character si'in' society than :thue" of & M'rplon This shrt of le arc she .,me dangenousss'a: they ( dom ctaftcmpt ;to do a good tdsim, rwh'ic'h ddesnot ,tcrmi'. nate in 'a-reil difcdvmmge. Their zeasil tQ si'_ sevvesius- Mek'os accept ditbeif Tei'vica; [and when they have committed one mist. .v— [die, sshcysiare so sorry for it, that We let ,, m' run into more blunders to atonc for [Wax m-pafh . - - __ , — ct-Kctctmctarploc's most— vdxat'ioussi isinss public thznshctions; because}: then is more isih-his pqwectr to betray stupidity without incur rihgf'sicontcmpt, siand propagate error with osusst' risquing detcctiom In public assairs tsh'ere is a great dwersity otsi opinion ; and in questiOns of a spcculative nature, de clasiimers of folly scrcen their impoteficy underproshffions of pacriotism. The apsi pearance of putriotic zeal is too fascinating not to give popularity to the man who dis. covers N. - Thusit happens that Wcak man, who are a perpetual marplot upon the plans of the prudent and knowing, insinuatc them selves into the public confldence. This is an inconvenience that all countries And ages have Experienced. There is do pofflble i'emed-y against it. People will listen tothosc whom they sup pose to be their friends; and it is pecu liarly the character of a mnrplot to be of; sicions'in offering his good services. He must be employed because he m .:ms well, and he will'do hurt because be'has not dis. cernment enogghsixo do good. It would -.'-be :! fortunate circumstance in thcmanage'. ment ofpub'lic assairs if mankind looked ,more to the qualifi carious of khose to whOm they committed their concerns. ]fmen have ! understanding they will seek the public prosperity , besscause it is their interest to do i it ; but if they are destitute ofcapacitctv they IWill counteract the public weal, because I'rhsieey can never know in what it consists. , A wrong bended man, however honest he 'ss may be, cannot be suppofizd to concert pro : per measures, since it is obvious that reason [ and propriety can never affimi—late wish r'his caracter. Whatever he sixggsiests will si, he tinged with the quality "Of the fountaimss & from which it flows. Wife men only can , conceive wise instructions. , om— FRQMss THE PALADlUMa Tne PROJECTOR. [ (wish to have it umlrrstaoal that ] claim not tin- banor qf bring tbe-t'n-sivrntcf 'zsixf' mrmy 'siofctm Prqject: qvl-ic/J me): be mew tf'alttd. flzy principal zif/{gfl is to cx/Ji. bit stir.!) 03 s dram rwortlyaf peculiar noise?! and nsictþrsssil-atiov, and, at the same time, to pain! out llvctssir ab-L-i-zm ad. Vuamm ". ' JFHE ' F. is an ancient, precept, " 17 4 Mflfmfty that at) one v/m-t, tf/m to him !}.sie other also." This pecept was navcr gmar-ct ctl' 'respcctrd, even by those who ado ted tgesimosifl latitudinarian constmction w sigh Zf'it could'bear, and in modern tithes; it but 'fsibecomc a dead letter. Priyate -c0nccnti. .acm cxist, and fierce and dxflructive oak, : rcls diffiubss'and destroy tcth'e peassce. of si amisi ;-1ics,'ncighboorhoodc and --larger socieries. ;-'Co'mbssat'£,' uponctthc old fashioned phrijdre troublesome,si and sometimes " painshlj and (always unsatissactolss'y to lofty spiritu— v v - —' M . * J' " ' ' J'A 'si C. _, si . - "— si.— si _ ., v Lawsuit; pr0ducesslit'tfe goOd, except to th: ss lawyers, and to this class pfmcssn, suxely no "exsitfaordihdry aid should be given ;"asind, ! besidegsi lawspits fire procractcd to such 31; ss efionssbue tengWTsh-e, mar ass themes} . etberialpart of the passion hssas cmporated, fand nothing remains but plain common place anger, which is possessed by every down in the'country, in common, with gentlemen. . _ __ My Paostcsi'r is, that instead 'osis'regard ing the stale precept, above quoted, instead. of the dull and stupid method "now and then practiscd, of refcring to arbitration—— instead of the vulgar plan of submitting to the laws of our co'untry——and in dc-si. ancc of the tri/e mam'm, that it isour duty to forgive: injuries, every difference shoukl be adjusitrd by swoan and PHTOL; For example, is an osscnm be given either by word or action, and whether it be an oil scnce shall be determined by the xi.-es? and most delicate rusiles of honor, the: path otsi duty is to send a cbalct'mgr—Joad a ,ctjsial, and to fight :! .sz'uel, or to speak more cor rectly, a jzzel. If no in jnry happen, the (Line? controctveisisv is five]! scttk-cL The & eombatants are both mcnctosis how?; Just now they were implaqable irreconcilxsi ahlc cncmics—si-now bzsm friend;; The eioquent entreatses of" friends were una_ vailing to productc that which powder and lead, wish a fair opportunity to kill, have. speedily effected. If they are more skin.. sul gnd/Z'ct'cctcqssfizl, and death c'nshe, .tha ct'survivoris'a sirzfflct—edgchleman, and hence 'forth the happy subject of the pure :md um Zssalloyfed sclicit'ypf having palz'tely killed "his friend. Is, what now and thcnsormmzfe ]} happens, they are borh so dextrous and experienced, and have such asiirssg/e,{yesi tf) , their true and lasting honor, as to kichach ' other, then the pinac—le osgreatncss ctand va. lour is reached—-the triumph of bravcry S.: heroism is complete --—no hcsitation oi'suspi . cion rospecting their courage sircmainsss—z wreaths of sameare placed around their. heads -——th-ss-ir names and cxPloits resosiund to eve— ry _qunrfcr of the country—ncwsiu'fpccs tccm with their, glorious atchievmc—mtp—j and nothing man the brilliancy-and dig— mity of the. cransaction, 'excepti'qg. the Tap. vz *. L circumstance, that agcdct payems ex. claim, " Of), my, son," brothers and sisters are c'r'yshg, 'ss". Alas ! o'ur Ltfssatbers'f "children m mauming the kiss of :! father] A lovely women is bewailing the hushansil ofher youth ! Andtwo une'mbodiedsi spirits arehurried intoche presence of an infinite God! sisiIIsi - . si .siAsiA . - si ' v—w— JX. . Washxngton 'lsiavcr-xi. - — Peter Hez'steell - "Ac naintc his farmer cusiomcrs and (21: .sipub ic in general, that he has remove.) from Sl—auxlsim and established an Isinp in Alexandrif, _ as ? SADDL. and .CHAIÞ. RZEZWWZW he will ago." ' Dec. : 8. si Am