, .:Alexandrsiz'a Advertzser.
TU-ESDAY, anlwAnY 3.
" , NAV 27 . . _ _
1.' " Since the establishment of our navy, she
captures made by it amounc to _74. _in num
ber, and the repapcures exceed eighty.
The Supreme Court of sstbA Uniccd
States, met yesterday in the Capitol at the
, Cicy'of Washington, ;md adjoumed With
out transactingany business. a
Thutjsa'g [qst ashlendia' ente rtai/m'ertt e'wa: ss
gkvrt'sitynt'Sfill': Hate], C'ityqf Wq/bisstg- '
ton, 5)- tbefideral-memben ofbatb bous. 7
(: of Coitgfiysif, to Oliver Woleott, latessss
secretary oftbe Trenszery, to express} their ]
si qffectionfar his person, t/zeir "respect for ]
bis character, amI—tbeir htgb stggse of
Bi; important ctbub/icstr—viees. The Isifeactssf:
of Desiartmeut: and the judges qs tbe
. Suprme Court now in !actwu avere [fire
sent. The compare)! carg/fsisssted of" about
73 persom—Asr. Rqfi' qf the Seuate in
the Cbair—afler dinner l/JC' _f'0l/uwing
taqsts fwere drank:
1." The United Statcs—Union and Li
siz'. The memory ofssWashing ton—Bright
asdary and durablc as time.
3. The Prcfident of the Unitcd States. ]
The befl reward of virtuous actions and ct
important public serviccs—the conscious.
ncss of having performed them.
4. Charles Coteswbrth Piuckney. The
man who would not do a dishonorableacsit,
to be President of the Uuiccd States.
5'. Our future Presldcnr. Niay he be—
z_l-e man equal to the government of.:z na
non. _
6. _ The ]udiciary of the siUni-tcd Scttates
independem of party, 'indcpcndcnx of pow
er, and independent of popularity.
_'7. The Navy—a safe pafl'a'ge over
" the tempestuous sea of ]ibcrtyct'
8. The Army and Militia—fthcir due
combination, our best defence.
9. Timothy Pickering and ]ixmcs
_ 19. The thirteen Senators of Pennsyl
Vsimfl—fl S artan Band. . '
n. Agrlculture, Commerce and Manu
sacturesj—the three pillars of National
12. T he Clergy—may every dcnomi- !
nation support she government, kind _the
government protect sievcrsiy denomznanon.
: 3. Public Credit—thc result of talents
zfiiduoufiy and uprightly exerted. _
. 14. The true friends of the people, who
. . o (
consult then interests and not thetr prqu
sidnCCB. . , 1
15. Mrs, VVashing'cn—ct". Taught by ss
_tze great exam le so long before US, we
will never oppo e our wishes to the pubhc
_ will".co_nffitutionally expressed.
16. The American fair—the liberty
ostbesipress, withOut licentiousness.
' following coast was then given by
,, :. Wolcoct.
_ The Senate and House of Representa.
. uvcs of the Uniced Staces—By wise coun
* measures, 'may they continue to
and preserve to the American peo
—. Ple the blesiingz of Lx :: n.".
By Mr. Speaker, after Mr. Wolcott
had rgcir
; the esteem
si- . God men, and the ' grieicude Of his
Ommtry. ( . , '
sin .
'The following voluntccu were then
'Kdrank. ,
Bsiv Majot: Pinck-nqy—Otiumcum digni
tate to retlrmg merit. - - ct
By judge Li-vsiermare—The true repub
,.licans of America, who hold law, religion,
'and order cssential to liberty. ' ; _
)Wr. Harper—The fcderal party; ,pub
lic spirit its guide, 'honorable feelings its
cemcut, andrpublic good its object.
! General.Lee--E>gperimental sagacity in
' preference to speculative reveries.
I Mr. Otis—The 1"! th of Fcbruary ; on
that day may factionsibe entanglcd in the
net which she has spread for the friends of
the constitution .
Air. Bayard—The national constituti
: on, may its friends rally round it, resolved
to live under it, or to be buried under its
' ruins.
Extract of a letter from an intelligent A
mm'isan gentleman, at A/Iadras, dated
37:th lo.
" The ifland of Ceylon is garrisoned by
the King's troops, consisting of some Bri
tish and a number ofssnative seapoy regi
ments. 'l'he honourable Frcderick Noxth
si' is its Governon. The King seems ap
gprehenfive that the India dominions are
? growing too potent in their company mi
; litary establishments. He has forbidden
! the company to raise'a single recruit, and
ss will, undoubtedly, annex every new terri.
ss teria] acquisition, exclusively, to the imss.
perial domains. Should the company feel
disposed to set up for themselves, and play
]ohn Bull a Yankee trick, their two ar
mies would in a few years, by continual
si increase, be able to effect the brilliant at
chievement. 'l'he British Ministry, aware
of the posiibility of the event, have tho't
necessary to check the growing power of
the India company, while the eans re
main in their hands. Everyship from En
g!and brings out officers of all ranks, who
bear the King's commisiions, and supernu
meraries to sin up vacanci'es in the different
corps as they occur;
" At Madras we found a squadron of
ships of the line and friga tes, commanded
by admiral Ranier, which,. with a large
body of troops now ready for emba—rkation,
are defiined t') operate in—afecsiet expedition
Other ships, transports, &c. are ordered to
join this armament, and the whole are to
rendezvous at Puisio Pinang, or the Prince
of 'VValesct Ifland, with all posiible dis
.patch. Conjecture is busy in assigning tl e ;
[place on which the meditated blow will ;
. sail. ;
i " The Ifle ofFrance, Batavia, and Ma
nilla are mentioned; but the best inform
ed people say, that T ernate, the principal
of the Molucca or Spice Iflands, is defii
ned vobecome subject to the British crown,
by force of British prowess and arms.
Success, is anticipated to await the project.
ed enterprize, and that England will soon
be in posseflion of all the spiceries of the
Ioriental world, seems an Opinion sanction
ed by reason end beyond the reach of
doubt. " '
Extract gf a letter from Nefw-Tor}, dated '
s Yarmar ] 7.
I I have seen C01.Burr repeatedly since I
have been here, and knowing that much
had been said to the southward relative to
his Opposition to the Federal city, I was
determined to ascertain what his true sen
timeuts on the subject were. I therefore
informed him of the reports which I under
stood to be' in circulation on that subject.
He declared them' in the most unequivocal
manner to be without truth or foundation,
. &! ct
'sictatding um in his (: iuimW .
ss'govcrnmen't was pledpged to remain there.
You are, at perfect liberty to assure your
friends that he hassimade these declarations
to me, and for my own part-that I fully
, confide in the fineerity of them.
si,[-Tbe following is an extract fromcta "letter
si' yf areceut date, received by a gentle
. ssman in this city from afrieud it:..Paris.
I t is the production qf a li-veþ- imagi
mztiou ; and *'we have translated it is: the
hope that it will be read fwitb tlvejilme
good humour in which it appears to be
[N. Y. Mercantile Adv._]
" I had the pleasure os breaksasting
yesterday With some of the herocs of Ivla
ringo; what they have to relatc bordcrs
so much on the marvellous that they are
obliged every moment to invokc the con
fidence—of their hearers when their recitals
become so extraordinary as to appear th
bulous. The details reflmtiing tsine pus.
sage of the mountains, which cxhibit dan
gerszincxpreflz'siicss, and altogether new to
the army, make those who have as aged
then, sna ddcr.
" 'lhc CX} reflions of regret for the
death of the brave, modest and virtuous
Dcsaix are not appes {ed. 'lhat hemight
join Buonaparte, he had the day preccd
ing the battle of Mixringo trmeiied ..se
veral miles on foot by cross- ways. Buo
napartcwas with the adxanced guard—
aitcr having embraced him, the first care
of the General in Chicf was to omer a
bovse for his lieutenant-general. This
trait represents Desaix such as he was.
" I just now met the Austrian general
Zagg, prisoner cf war. He walks about
with his sword, his cross, his uniform, and
his cockade : he seeme extremely pleas
ed with the Parzlians, who follow him
at the public waiks with a laudable
" Rad'iations continue. I supped &
few evenings ago with seven or eight
emigrants tor Chouans. They are not
thirty years of age, and they have made
sevenoreight campaigns againsi the re.
ptsishlic, with which the) have made their
peace. 'lhcy are very agreeable, and
appear to be totally reformed: but our
aunies ere every where vicrorious. Buo
naparte, with much reason, has said
" France doe: afar): 'well to olzmiu victo
ries." It is in ease she should be "beat,
that a preper Opportunity would present
itseif to judge of the fidelity of the per
sons in question. I was the only patriot
at their supper—my neighbours gave for
a coast their ancient regiment, and in
vited me to drink it with them. I did so
without the least hesitation, out of respect
for the dead. A little while afterwards
I gave for my toast the 181st dcmi.bri
gade, which was "also my regimcnt, and it
was in the like manner drank with stank.
ness truly chivalric. There is now no ap
parent dgnger on that side.
" Amtdst all this Parisss is cmbeflish
ing astonishingly. The plans of the
council of ancient: respecting the , 'shuiL
]eries are carried on and progressmg ; it
is imppfiible to fancy any thing more fact
- perb than that garden. _ The place de la
ssrevolution is unencumbcred, and the
departmental column is elevating in the
sicentre. ,
" The women, I believe, are growing
handsomer every year in this exrrassordi
nary city-I mean, that eve _retum of
spring seems to bring along With it a new
si si ' ?sifi si- ss
; the preceding year, and: 'ho all (is a sud- 'si
;den, _-shine with a, brilliansscy before un
;knowsin. Their dress is beautiful, not:? si
withstanding what angry women (wh'ss
may have good cause) may say _ to the
contrary.. The .indecency which'they
pretend to find in it, exists only among
the indelicate women, who, in .every
dress, are always the same. But the ,pre
sent dress seems to have been drawn up by
a Grecian painter, Land 'We have here
Graces made to be clothed with .it.
"" Our youn mqnarequite the reverse.
Their dress is t 1e most ridiculous and in.
convenient.——The present fashion is a"
short coat (resembling a spencer) ;—-—the
collar .is as .long as the coat itself; the
pan'sialoonsareayard wide. Those gen
tlemen have in fact adopted the pecti
sscoats. They have the madness to wear
black coctckades. Government appears
to take no notice of it. In eight days
none will be seen. If it was forbidden,
the tresses and black coilanwar wouhl
begin anew. But this ridiculous combac
of a government against taylors is, thank
God, out osfashion. Buonaparte, in speak
ing ot'somc: theutrical pieces that were for
mcsly prohibited, has said, that " [36
ji'an-d not the King: of t/Ze Singe."
Sch'r Franklin, Pcnny Charicston.
Br 0 oLucy Ann, Richardson, Falmouthss
"de mmgm
YVhereas a Commission of
bankrup tcy is awarded and issued sotth a
gaitlst ltlisha Cullen Dick, of the town
of Alexandria, and he havizig surrendcrcd
himself to the major part of the commisii
oncrs named in the said commisiion, at
tsihe VVashington tavern in Alexandria, on
the ztst day of januarynlast, when and
where he underwent his second examina
tion; he is therefore required aga': 0 to at.
tend at the said tavern, on Friday the.
19th day of this present month, at 1 l
0 clock in the soienoon, to undergo his
final examination, when and where the
creditors of the said Elisha Cullen Dick,
either in his separate capacity oras one of
the firm of ]ames Measc M' Rea and Com
pany, may attend to prove their dcbts—
at which time and place tl c cxeditors &.
Focesaid me to assent to or disscnt from the
illowancc ofhis certificate—and to choose
" amgnecs.
All persons indebted to the said bank
rupt, or who may have any of his effects,
are nor to pay or dcliv er the same but to
whom the Commisiioners may appoint,
but 'to give notice to
Secretmjy to the Cammifflom
Fehruary 3. d
Mec/zamc Rclzgf Soczety
'IHE members will please to take no..
fice, that a quartefly mectin of the So
ciety will be held on Wedneglay evening
next, the 4th February, ac 6 0 'clock, ac
M'Cleod's 'savcm.
February 3.
Foardingsi anfl Lodgingh
May be had for five or six gentlemen,
applying to
]OHN son DOkass-ug Strm.
Decembcr 16. ,"