Newspaper Page Text
ssss - " ,sict ., _ . ss_ ass :si'SssAiTE. 'sisi 5" .- f-sizof. GRGUND ' si corner of Queen and'FairFazsissiþgiecttsctsi. __ te'nding' ict-Ltz 'fect- : inchcssion Qfidenf "Greek, T45- "feet 8 inches onsi Fairfax' flrectsir-si this' property is liable-sito no incumbrance. —-silsi-:Eor terms apply to Mr. John Green, A" ct hxandria, or .Mr..l-lezekiah Price, Old". Town, Baltimore'. ' ' ' _' sszsiw Libess'ral 'm'edit-xirill'be allowed fcr '_ ""the" 'pz'ymcssnusi ' ss 1 .}anuarY'z- eorS]; I fist;", si'sleþ: SUBLCsiRIBER 1 .i'fRdjct-"bectsisully 'Wssossrmsis the {mb- \ ctsiBMf lhdfffinding it' indispcfrsabI—y necessa- ' ry Xdþlisiblve the bsidpartnership of O'N E .: :. and 'WAR v,_ in the Globe Tav'ern,-os this ;-'-town-, 'hect'ssiritehdsfin fu'usiu'c t'o cbnduct that house dn his oWn atcounr,ss- under thc-siname of the GOLDEN BALL, and declares "no sic'ksiertion on'ss'his þart' shall be {vantissng to ugssxssvesszsictety' person who may favor him xv'i'th'f their" " ctcdmmandsss- entire satisfaction; 'He-'requests all perso'ns ixideþffld to the _ Above firm to'be spccdy i'n settling their '"Bcroflnts with him, "ctas hsic alonsie is asiutho. rifijsito give & 'vulid discharge for money ' due, or make a'ny kind ofscttlcmcnt with ;" \ them. ss 'He also reqUefls th: favor of all -f pirzsons holding dema'nds ,against O'—Ne*il - andsWird-ctm render him-thcir several de '- 'ma'ndg, as\ he wishes ('a-have thcm adjust ('A-'a: soontsiassssspofiiblc. ' ss ' " - ENOCl-I WARD. si ] 15. ' ct (16) zavco Valzgq-Me, Proþergfl'er. Belle.w ct _' ct-sictSEVEN hufigjrcd and eigbtyssegght acres - linsithe ss'councyfsbfsifsihmpshctire, on "the _wa "ters ofsiGrea-t Cssape .Qapon, about 20 miles fi'mm, the, siWarm Springs, and 30 from WYincbester. T his land ssctis—si-full of wood, "oak and pihe timber.- Two excellentjfarms - "may be msiadc,siwixhss 30 to 50" abrcs of'b'Qt ' 'e'om; and "rich high 12";an to each; and in ' 'thehcctakt of the timber there "is; a fine seat forssa saw-mill. Capt. Daniel Rice will shew she lands. ' ' 'Fhrdc't'housnnd eight sihssundrcd and for. Fctwsive acres in she ssc0untysi'ssos Ohio, osin whe'watsiers -' of Grayc and Fish Greeks, ctnear the" river tho, anssd aboctut So miles 'b'clo'wssPitttbui'g. siSOmesi of these landsctare very. good, With considerable.qnantities 'of r'rch bortom, and plenty o£ excellent tim ber. Robcten Wooda, Esq. the Surveyor -' Of that caunty, wiflzshew' these lands. 'si -'One,*hundted _shsivqxzt7-six and three 'fozssicttths' acrc's,' within three miles of ghc ! —- Wgcmfiprinasssss upon Grsseuss Cape Capon, nearzqmosspth,"qod within & ipsa mile ' ssthe Riverctpotomak-sssi'l'lpgct And has . ALA'AL —— -—-* " si ..wuss lo Us oo acrea ot rictch bottom, 'simoflly m culcivation, wnh 274. fine Sugar Trm on it , from Which I am informed, there may be' made zosioolb. of good sugar 'annually'. Thsiersse are also a sent for grist and saw milk on it, equal to any in that neighborhood, and upon a never sailing fimm of. water. The. upland :: rich, mchssplomy of timber, axjd part under cal. si Linnen; This [arm is well improved -si, wit.]; a good orczlctxa'o'd,sor house: and sencing, ss ' a'nssd renwd lull Mmr uce equal to , ., parent). formal! rjoseyb Bmler, * , 1 hrm'Qprssings, willshewu. I will gay;, or my of the lssbove lind- sot 'cash , ._ cmdh, (it an in exchange for " KWUW Furfu ty, or lot: of '. WY !bssess 0in Qf Ale leundr in, or the \ Wom n. T. "noon. W s—LsiPss Am! - o essianss. Lived irnmdjate1)*qsie—- -ss_'ct _ zAsiztwofflsiZrYsihwgsectjndzgmden on Duke? . Feet," ctssahbdsisstsiwq {Mary. talke eaasiwud ss'Of the;. stdsinesbridge; 'sisi — " - ,. ": l.).ss _ ." ' - W. I—I RTSHORNE.ssss _ A number of valuabctz'silots? in different sisicuafi'ons,' 'tosibc sdld—z'flsqsi'f'a. br'ick- bode in Kingfireet, in the tesi' ss'sse of Thomas Crusc ;—-a part of the purchase -moncy will be taken in Alexandria BZznk sharcs at per,.and for some of the lots, A lexandria Insurance sharesis at a price to be agreed on. ' For pz'r-t of the purchase mo : ney oselt'her,sia1iberal credit maysibe-had. ' sixfi Month .7th. si 63 J u , N 0 T 1 6 15. THE siockholders of thy: Had: of— AIFJE andria, are hereby informed, that a "duu si dend of five pcr-cm! on the c—apital— {foe}: . of said Bank, for the halsycar ending thxs ---day, is declared, and will-bc ready to be i ! ? paid to them, or'cheir r'cpresentativcs on 'l'hursday next. - By order qft/Je president and direflors, - GURDEN QHAPIN, Cashier. January ;. COW4. mickctts, Ncwton &? Go. : _H.z-ve jctfst received and __for Salesi, at the ; - torucrstare, oppq/itrsi 70/27: ]aumy's, t/Je fiz/lctsiqvil/g GOODS—WþQ/cj/Zale and re — tasii], for Cast) am] Praduce : --Supm:fine and 2d Cloths Blue Plaius do. Frizcs 'do. Kerscys White, yellow and green F—lanncls !} do. ' do do; Baizes : Rose. and duffil Blankets . I' Durams, Camblcts and Wildbores ; _-Russelsis and Antilo'o'ns ? Corton and sinen Cheeks Kerseymeres and Swansidowns " .Vclvcts, Thicksetts and quds si .A handsome assortmcnc of Dimities ; Meizssiand Womens' cotton Hcse ' 'do. fill: do. xBlack Crape si White and black silk and beaver Cloves " . ! Modes, Sattins and Persians Sewing Silks : Calic'O'es and Chintzes ; Ruffia Sheeting and Irish Lincnsz _ T/Jctgyss' lyactvess a_I/'a,_ , si Brown Sugar. by the hhd. 'afld barrel, lOaifand lamp do. and a'quan. tity of Plaister of Paris. si They give Cash for .W/zeat, Rye and "Com. _ I:? Left b . capt. Mortimore, of the Balt'imore' pac et,, at their waresshouse, sun dry Mill _Irom'-—Thc owner is requested totakb them away. ' ct si , January 3-1. ct d ct % T For" Salc, By the substrfbtr, veartbe Counl awlmff, COLOGNE Mill. stones, ofydisserenc sizes, late from Amsterdam, German, London,'b1il*cer and Crowley steel - Sugar m hosigsheads mid barrels Cofl'ec, her and rod Iron, Cafling : Templatc sighed, complete for use, osdis. farem sizesss Clom seed m'd plafflsse'r of Paris Beef and Pork of the first quality, by the barrel si si Fihc And cogrsesi Salt fine ind Rosin. * We WLINGSWORTH. , jammy 27.- sung _ SaZes by_ Ausiflz'sion. On WEDNESDAY next, . At- ten 'o'blodctk, will he fold at the Auc. .-ss-,--..siss msiRoom 91! UW- Strect, r in blls. si-' 'Cqfl es in boxes, Tabkcco m k'egs, . ssCbsissc'c' m bags, - Sakpctre m ags, Raisins m boxes, (Grapes m jars, Almonds m blls. Orangeg m boxes, And ov is in kcgs and boxes, To getber fwitb a' fvan'et of 1)le GOODS Among fubic/J are XsiVilton and Scotch Carpetss mg, sh-ipcd and plain Coatissngs, KErseYS, Plains, Flannels, rose Blankets, Broad Cloths, Kcrscymercs, worstcd Hose, Du mnts, mcns' fine -Hats, Irish a'nd Ger sifman Lincns, Humhums, Mufl: ns, &c. HENRY {7 THOS. IVXOORE, ]anuary 29. Auctzomsiers. U Agreeable to a Deed qf' T/ust, from Capt. ja/m llrlfwb'm, of" Fasi-u ynz'er Cuunt}, ta t/Jesubscribers, WlL'Z BE SOLD 'on' the premgses, to live bzsigþ q/Z Eidder, for ready'mongr, 02: 19" edf/ejs day the 251}; cffFebruary next, The Plantation wheron the 'said Hawkins now lives: containing aþout 670 acres, lying—within 30 miles of -F se derkkshm'g, Falmouth and Dumfries, and within about 40 of- Alexandria, George Town and the'Federal City. . 'It is thought unnecqssary to be partieu lar ' as to the quality and improvements, as a person inclined to purchase will no doubt view the same bdsore the day (is salc. . I ] DUNBAR' {? VASS. , -Fa maut ), Vir im'a, ss 4 70". 2'0, 1si850. * } dct'fssl) ANTHONY SAWYERT 4 - ]Iair Drgfflsir am! Petfizmer, ( late} y from Baltimore) Royal street, between King and" Prince] streets, fourth door south ofssthe Print- ' ing Office of the Time:_;, . ! Begs leave to mform -'-- the Ladies ef'Alexandria, and the cessuntrysi, ; generally, that havin received the new- ! ! est fashion of Ladies' Vllsigssiand Filetssi, he: Fwill be thanksnl to recetVe their or'dcrs': for the above articles, actnd will warrant] ssthem equal tb any mandfacture'd on the ,contssinent. ss N. B. *Any Lady wishing to see his; si-Pattems, may be acco'mmodated by scndsi f ing a servant to his shoP. 02? Hesihas for sale, everyssarticle in he 'Pershmcry line, on the most rcasona. ble terms. ' Cashsi'wil! be given for heir by' the large or small quantity. . ' Alex. 'Dec. 8. (! A Housekeeper wanted. 'LIBERAL wages will bessgiven to_ : discreet Woman; -_ , puble off managing the' White of my family' as :: Hargselw er.-*-—-* A middle aged woman of a mild'sidsisi'posil.i tionctand regulard "ortment will be re- * (cruel,. as part of er attention wi] be sct necessary in superintcuding : notsery of YWUS Children. ctss . , _ sssi " ss ct ' cmntzm me. si Dcccmbesi: !},1800. . LOdtf , _ Public Sale. \ On :BKISIX'Ynexr, At m o'clsiock, willctbe Sold at the Ven. ss _ - due State, - = - BsiROWN ScUGsiAct-R In- hbds. ssztiercesi' and 'barrels—m a . Crct ass,] aizdfar Casish'. Tgnctsii .e Wine .z'n pipes and Catalonia ,"do. in pipes , French Brandy . 'do. VVhilkey in his. Cqssee in bags, - si - -Hyson_and Bohea Tea in chests, Raifins in kegs, . Soap and Csiandles in bozzes , -Tobacco, , . Nails, Hardware, &c, .Also, a Quarttigy {if ct-ctssD R. Y G 0 01) 8, ' si Catctsisting 'bf ' caiksct. Clotth-siCoathgS, VVclch Planes, Flan. nels, Irish Linens and'S'heeting, Ozna. burgs, Siiks and Sattins, (laiicoes, book and jaconetss muflins, tambourcd and plain, Threads, Hats, Paper, &c. P. G'. si-MARSTELLER, . January 17. Auctiorzmr. '1si/zcte Sc/wassnsscssr Nsissmcy, - Burthen 3 50 barers, . Capt. Slevcns, ?! Will- take FREIGHT to any ? port in the U. Scales. for terms apply to the master on board at ];Vlcrchants' wharf, or to ROBERTS ssa'nd ,GRIFFITH. January 29. d 5teo _ far Live-rþo'ol. " The Ship POLLY, Capt. SAM. siI—IANCOCK, & will take FREIGHT sor li. sisiss Terms may be 52. VSfPPOL .. --ssxnown ny ctcnquzrmg 01 R. T. HCOE 53" Co. . d ]qnuarv "16, A....A . si _ "07" Kent, Thc— subscsiribcr Will least: or rent his corn modious fire-}:root' , si'Bak-e and D'Wclhng House, on Tomeoint, where he now lives, with ssthrce Ovens, a good Store-house and Sta ble for two horses, witha well endoscsii Wood-erd, and every other conveni ence for carrying on the baking business —. toff-advan tagc. _ ]ssAMES- DICKINSON. *Norfol/}, jan. 8. dzzi(30) n 'Lz'ver'þob'l Sal! for si'SaZe. Just landing from on_ board the ship Suc CCsi': Cgpt. King, STOVED siSALT-ss in sacks*and bulk. fAlso, _a sew hundred bushels of leerpool Coal. ' Wm. ' I. HALL: . Msicsitrclsilantsf Wbars, ]an. 29. d 0? T-ctwa 'actI-ve Lads, about !4jld" ? age, andof reputable tounexiom, two:! ? idle)! (13 'siApprnzctclL at sithe qffice of fl'f Ad-vertffer. .d-—d------i-----m:: ___ PK1NTBD BY 'S.- ct-SNOWDEN {3 Co 'Klnc.s'mur, : scsiw doors 'above t]! W'Asmxcrofl ssTAvnN. 4. . ,..J