II ^ wh'd1 l“""'^b>n'se,r fc“! > bc.n* ha^ r« p' ‘,: K‘:' f Tice Ejii^e couduct lie ^r»irif. said 10 ljC i:0x Paris, dated jj sa rc<>*t klse a:‘rt character a!,(1 Tn, the American |jr.sj become uc it;,lltraan, «u,!n£ a jpne in F«anc*t, *nd :a the 'Jisrhi^e ot e, at well as i*1 Prl* % i .t .k • U Ikrsu-'-*cu ' ' |k end faithful *er t-ovcmoieiit abroad ■ min living tn ntiy L-ti^n of thisabser Cilv appeal to Copt. |Co2i;i:ttm frigate, 1* i went ovei to EgBiistfit t»> the O - Ijinsiii at Paris* 2nd Ifii, ir.cn first Lieut. Lgclwith Mr. Wor ld every day at his tyn Par s of near U these gentle the a tofP.r. Warden in t^t»«rd;am! I know Idfvtiitfldj respected Lt every America t Lvstabiiity in Paris, Ifci’.n as an honest, I a ’.lot thy man, who pot his office, witu | M politeness, l^rceivc the drift of vi of impotent ma t'jitr.jusly circulated i Vales: nor would it pine author* • it. But to owi. character and t wav be brought in 7«i to his count ry hplace them in the it of hen or and fair dot Mr. Warden** :cv. ci Consul at •te most violent and l'*• t*oin certain per ■: vcl. so veil per wnneent of in$ iiy ‘i-.lcncc, in the div ,nf office, which : re tiinfc, r .; ' p. • : . * .v?s b> t;.c Srir;*c. r,*‘ t-r svi i'V/is L •' i:, < m) '• C: :$a( ( ’.m?. ’.('V'VK OCMi '.iiC OM\ ; 'e that title, ^'■■•.ol.tetl right by ‘J-‘ l hs I {-Jc nescient to ;1 atui sujei inter. and rights of < n.Hetl State*, in 8 ‘ ?nch Empire— ttbw »i»o have had - jyrlF *«*1 or cap •" their claims m ‘1 ls* It is pi.rticu "^c^rresp ^d with, ? Ccit*»la in the cl if L^p-^lt-tecui.e fasc* Su. HrT’cUtion of Arne ®^eir koDMicd-re_ '** rcP°«ed in him bv. . * super?*.r dutieii ixr;ir'1 than those of '* the reports, who ' ••crcial agents iw ,,kKa * ,'«t claim ,o . , ' UD^ 5» SUr.h '*,enC(. jfovem i s ^ wn the MRh< st ■ ’ 8 i M i I'., tv >!• K • I-fU-ai: L"s-' J (h >'■ iu H.,w. • H,, v 1i'c: *> ' “ "I'Ui'Mi the Is - st prt;.,,(«.,! ,e. v n^uru.P,. ThJiic should know something. In the first place it is well known that the United States, neither has at present, nor has had for maDy years past, any secretary of lega tion abroad whatever. Certain Ameri can gentlemen, who were desirous of making a more distinguished appearauce in society, or of travelling to advantage in Europe, have ot late years, occasion ally been dubbed Secretaries of Legation by the complaisance and politeness o, the American mini-ters ; hut they had no legitimate title to that office, nor did they ever perform the duties of it. One of the persons alluded to in the letter in question, was a clerk in Mr. Barlow’s office, a Frenchman, who had resided for some time in America, but who, pre vious to Mr. Barlow's arrival in France, was employed in a police office in one of the northern dopartmems—the other is an American, who some years ago was consul at Havre, but had for some time patt been displaced from that office, aud never since held an appointment under the United States. This gentleman was left in Paiis by Mr. Barlow when ho went to Wtlna, to assist his clerk in the business »f bis office. And these a. e the persons whom the writer of this letter would have entrust ed with the papers and the functions of the American legation in France—Nei ther of them enjoying the confidence, or holding any office under the government of the United State*. But Mr. Warden is an United Irish - reari) ami this, in the opinion of this stur dv advocate of American honor, is a great crime. I have heard that.Mr. Waiden is an Irishman by birth, but that he came very young to this country, ami resided for many years in this state, pre viously to his accompanying General Armstrong to France. I know not whe ther he w as one of that brave and patri otic band who nobly dared, like the saint ed heroes of American independence, to attempt the emancipation of their coun try, but who, alas ! were not like them successful in their galhnt and virtuous efforts. The charge of not attending the meet inc: of the American* to address Mrs. Barlow, and to wear mourning, is too ridiculous to deserve an answer;—and with respect to the allusion to some pieces published in one of the Is. York pipers, more is meant than meets the eye. That cortain consul alluded to, now appears very desirous of giving a sop to Cerberus, but he shall not clip it in another’s dish. 1 can confidently af firm, that Mr Warden is perfectly in nocent of the ba*e accusation. He is incapable of so mean and despicable a trick. It would be indelica'e to enter more particularly into an investigation of that natter, a3 it might revive a personal controversy now entirely ai rest. The writer of this defence of Mr. Wurd »o, has I. ft his name with the prin ters of the Nctv-York. Gazette, and he trusts ttio^o printers who have publish* «d the u extract of a letter from Paris,” in which Mr. Warden is attacked in so unmanly a manner, will have the gene rosity and the justice to give publicity to this answer. R. J^rom the Boston Ccntinch April 21. From Bermuda* April 7.—“ I hate just arrived here from the C-he sapeak, which we left the SOth uit. in rompotiy with seven other prizes, under convoy of the Junon frigate. My shin wins cut out of James’ River, lev i\\9 boats ot* the British blockad ing squadron;and has been sent here forjtrial. I have not been Allowed to land yet: but learn, that a large force is shortly expected from England; with all the vessels and apparatus for the bombardment of places—Some of the ketches arc already here. We have just heard that the Hornet has de stroyed an English brig of war.— 'While or board the Mnrihorough, 74b guns, in the Chesapeake, I jvns treat ed with great politeness and atten tion hy the Commander* Admiral < ockhurn, who unites the gentleman with the seaman.” CHARLESTON, April 20 . Extract of a Inter from St. J\Iarys} da ted 10M instant, received by yester day's Southern MaU* %i1 suspect a new o*d“r of things will l: ke place at Amelia shortly ; the patri otic war, I presume, is finished—Gen 1jixcknky is expected here to-morrow, < to atone for the misdeeds of Gen. Mat thews, and to restore order.** " W I - --1 !-IJ^ 7 o be bold at Public Vendue, On the 19th of the next month, at *3 c*c! v k, at the Coflee House, a va uab!e Water Lot, Next be c-.v John Hunter*:* ShipYard exterding i;cm the errner ol Water out AV U< * i cct eastward to the river . *; uttiwr'd tut- full breadth ol hall >n'i »e •< <: h»urth of the nurchase tm : v *o b*. pVid !*• h- nd ami the tc ••*«»»*»vO it*, payments,at six,ni**c ,1 n.on*ns vt » interest oin ,w“ day «*r sAe, and security giver i«-*- :sf;, ; he Directors ol the Bank o Alexandra. John janney, Trustee, tor W m Hamtshokne. £pril -‘9 iawts ALEXANDRIA. '■» " — - - FRIDAY, April 30. u TO SKEW THE TTSRT AGE k BODT <)? THE TIM* KIS FORM AND PRESSURE-” .IMPORTANT. We learn, from credible authority, that the Post-Master-Cenefal at Wash ington, received a letter on Wednesday last, from the Post-Master at Warren, in the state of Ohio, informing him, that the inhabitants of that town were in great consternation, in consequence of the in telligence whieh had just reached that place, of the total destruction, by the In dians, of a detachment of 250 Americans, on their march from Fort Defiance to join the army at Fort Meigs. It is ad ded, that Gen, Nftrrbon was with this detachment, and shared their melancho ly fate If this painful event has happened, we may expect to hear some confirmatory account of it in a few days. THE CONTRAST. In looking over some old papers we accidentally met with the following ex tract from Mr. Jefferson’s Inaugural Speech of 1805, which a conspicuous democratic paper of that day presents to its readers, with several very comforta ble reflections, as will be hereafter seen. extract. 4< At home, fellow citizens, vou best know whether we have done well or ill. The suppression of unnecessary offices of useless establishments anti expenses, enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes. These covering our land with officers and opening our doors to their intrusions, had already begun that pro cess of domiciliary vexatian which, mice entered is scarcely to be restrained from reaching successively every article of produce and property.” Here the Editor, filled with rapture and astonishment at this picture of na tional p>osperitv, exekims: u What a contiast ! The American repubiie happy, prosperous, 8cgr>win : into mighty imp aiar-ee ; while destruc tion, bankruptcy, ar.d oppressive bur thens, threaten the annihilation of the British nation. Tax upon tax is levied upon all classes of pooplc—they must be paid, and the payment robs them oi that which thousands want t« procure the necessaries of iife. But in America it is very different. We msy use the language bf our worthy President, and ask, ‘‘ what farmer, what mechanic, what laborer sees a tux-gatherer oi the United States” ? Our wise and economical in ternal and external regulations havr en abled government to discontinue all in ternal taxes, and at tl»e same time rapid ly to diminish tho national debt. But in G Britain, with a revenue oi 23,000,0001. sterling, u loan of r.errfy that amount js required to defray the extraordinny ex penses of government. O prodigality where is thy blush 1” These at e precious morccaus, and de serve a little chewing. The President Jefferson rests his claim to the approba* tion of his fellow citizens, upon the tufi fircssion of u nnecessary offices, usds** establishments 'of rxfiences, end Che d:sy continuance of internal taxes. Now, as the servant is not greater than his mas ter, it is fair to put the claims of the present Chief Magistrate upon the same footing, k to test his conduct uy the same criteria. But alas! how far short does he Cali of the glory which his predecessor has on this occasion se modestly taken to himself. A fatal war has multiplied be yond example unnecessary r ffices, ti6e less establishments, < normoes ixprnces, and oppressive, internal taxes A host of officers, placeman and contractors swarm over the land and fetrcn upon the labors of the people. An army of sixty thousand men is to be raised, and jour thousand officers are to ccrrrVnand it. Each man of this imroensoanny in cluding the officers, must be pan], :c«ordingto the ex pence of the mi litary establishment for the last ye;»r, the sum of nine hundred dollars—-fif ty millionSs should this vast army be brought into ttie field, will scarce ly defray its necessary expenccs. In stead of diminishing the national debt? the government has already increased it by thirty millions of dollars borrowed u relieve its immediate exigencies ; and to discharge the inirr«/ of this sum, Tax *s of the most oppressive kind are to be levied upon “ all classes of the people.*’ These taxes must be paid, and every »< Farmer” every Mechanic** every k Laborer” must prepare to meet “the A S ’ . \ tax gatherer at his door.” Instead of that -happy -exemption from “ Domi* cilary vexatious,” of which Mr. Joffer' son Bpeaks with so much satisfaction* private and public sanctuaries have been alike violated with impunity—ihe per sons and property of American citizens forcibly seized and carried off to distant places—and a system of military ropaci ty begun ; which will “ successively reach every article of produce atari pro perty.” “ What a contrast” 1 Verily, the adversary bath written a book. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. courjvvtD. Cen. Hungerford is elected from the district tately represented by Mr. Talia ferro, by a majority of 24 votes. In Westmoreland, Messrs. Bailey and Carmichael, federalists, are elected to the Assembly; and John Campbell, Esq federalist, is eleated to the Senate, by majority of 154 votes. WASHINGTON CITY, April 29 We have seen letters from Fort Meigs, tht Head Quarters of the North Western Army, dated the 1 Sth inst. at which time all was well. They v.ero in ; hourly expectation cf an attack fro w the British forces, and were prepared to give them a warm reception. Jambs Rush, of Pennsylvania, ha? been appointed by the President Trcn sorer of tli® Mint of tnc Unhed State?, vice Benjamin Rush, deceased. Capt. DaGres, late of the Guerrier, has bern appointed to be governor of the British Noval Asylum-=-to a very lucra tive situation —/t»«ton Ccntintl. The Blscksmiths-of Philadelphia have advet tised that Stone Coal is now selling in that Chy, for owe dollar and twenty Jive rents a bushel l ! This scarcity must arise from the stoppage of com munication with England, and with the rivers of Virginia. Philadelphia used to be supplied with coal irom Liverpool, and James River. \ letter from Pinckney villc, Missis sippi Territory. dated 14th March; states that the revolutionary troops in New-. Mexico, were ai Labadie, surrounded by a host of Spanish troops, and it was sup posed the former would be taken arid aunt to work in the mines. Col. M’Gee, their commander, was dead. A loiter datod RockhaN, Md. April 19, says—“ The order of requisition was issued by Lieutenant Coi. Reed, on Thursday last, about 11 o’clock A M. (the enemy having made his fmt appear mice off Annapolis, at 9 o’clock) and sent express to the adjutant of the Low. «r Regiment. The adjutant .nad left home for th« upper parr of the county— notwithstanding this disappointment, 4 full companies*, with their baggage, were a' Rockhail by 9 o'clock at night, two of them for Cbestertown on foot ; and early on Fr iday, the whole regiment was mustered and equipped and placed on active duty. The troops are all well organised, and stationed along the shore from Eastern Neels. Island to Farlce Point; head quarters here : camp in the woods at Harris’ Cross Roads. The staff officers have had incessant labor & fatigue. The men are fast recovering r _ .i _:_ r_.:_ _ u:._u _ 11 v/11 v uiou iti ,v’ and will fight, if they offer a chance. The barges have been constant in mo tion up and down tbe'shores from Swan Island, (which the seem to have Uken pnssesrion ®f) as far up as Worton Point. One of the ship* lay off GlanvilP*.—The light ships arc mostly shifting about the ship. They fir*d a few shots at on.* guards on the bank on Saturday. The balls were picked up. Thre* men de serted and came on shore last night near Hine’s from one of the brigs, in the captain’s gig ; and are now under guard They report, that four of them were in the boat, that when the painter was cut one gave the alarm and they hove him overboard, and made their escape ” JVatioxal Intelligencer. From a London paper. bonapartf.’s return from Russia. From the moment that the great Ns polion, the tutelary genius of Europe, and the father of the hum in race, loft Moscow, the whole of hi* attention wa* bent on bis own personal safety—for the attainment of this base and cowardly ob ject one hundred thousand men have died a thousand different deaths !—-Re peatedly his situation wa* critical in the extreme, even from the rengeance of i is own starved follower*——they cursed him as the author of t>.eir miseries— For a long time he rode in a close car riage, sui rounded by his half famished r.r.d dispirited troops. At length the men, indignant at seeing him sitting at case a»<’ feeling no part of the calamities he had so wantonly brought upon them, cried aloud, **c has la voiture /** This , call was not to be slighted : Bonaparte instantly quitted the vehicle, and mount ed his horse, covered with his cloak and muffled with fur. This condescension did not however, appease his fellowers, half naked,-and famish ng with cold they again eritdtout “ a baa le manleau/’» The great Napoleon, in compHar»C# with the mandate of his soldiery, imme diately threw off his cloak and fur, and in conufikon with his men, exposed hi* ' person to, all the inclemencies *f th* K■•oson. However, profiting by exp^rieue* th* sagred squadron was immediately form ed to protect the great emperor fro u the rising it donation of his afriny, ttti a 1 c. ppertunuy should be afforded of male* in? his final escape. Since h's arrival at Paris, the same spirit of disaffectio * has broken out among hit wretched sub -cis. Y hen his bust was broken in lha theatre, the cry was 44 a bat Ic scelerat!** The watchword throughout Europe will speedily be the same ! TO MY AULD COAT. Farewell1 farewell 1 long hast thou wont, Tho’thread-bare, clouted now, and torn, A trusty servant* e’en and morn. To me thou’st been ; And gratefu* still I winna scorn. My guid auld frien** A bield thou wast in stormy weather, And mony a blast we’ve brav’d tog«« thcr ; And mony a time did I consider, With dowie mane, What may I wad procure anither. When thou wast gane. f 4 I ne’er iras fend of being braw, And Poets maun na often sa* To cast their duddy cUUe awa* When they twin bare; Their thraldrom aften is na sma’ Fro they get mair. ! Ancf on a day I was right vain To countenance thee as my ain, Ann to protect ince frae the rain, Wi* jci kin blue, That stormy weather might na stain Thv srlossv hue. Corroding Time ! thy tooth deTOtuti The brazen walls of massy towers, And levels potentates and powers To low est8to ; Nor strength nor beauty here insures A belter fate. Sine# the best things decay ar.d rot, Need I repine that my auld coat Is doom'd to share the common lot, And yield to time ? Like it I soon shall he forgot— For a'my rhyme. NEW SHAD. 2£>o bbls. extra size, prime SHAD, No. 1. fom sale nr jos ph Mandeville. Corner •/ King If Fairfax Strt Apr! SO M j - - - • - ■ ■ ■■ -■* • aurcl Grove for Sale. BY virtue of a d:ed of trust to me, ji’em Bustirod \V: snington, jun. I vii i .tispove of the above estate to any person inclined