Newspaper Page Text
"aS ) POLITICAL. PUBLISHED y DAILY) BY S. SNOWDEN & J• D. SIMMS, ROYAL-STREET, ALEXANDRIA._ VOL- XIII.] _FRIDAY, July 9, 1813. _ , _3993 SALES AT VENDUE. On every Tuesday and Friday, WTLL B£ SOLD, A; the Vendue Store, corner of Prince and Water itreets, A Variety of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, &c. Particulars of which will be expressed in the bills ol the day. \\\ hind of goods which are on li lfnit.ition tful the prices of which nrc ■^rAdished, can *t an* time he viewed Ivn.’ purchased atthe lowest limitation end prices. P. O. Marfteller. For Freight The elegant fast sailing staunch Ship AGAWAM, (OXF. YF.1K OLD.) Burthen about 5800 Barrels Flour, row ir> peifeet readiness lor reception of a cargo.—Apply to . , John G. Ladd. October 29. _ To the Public. •rr\ order to prevent deception, the 1 public arc cautioned no: to purchase anv OIL that nny he offered as Paul’s patent Columbian Oil, that do not bear (the true chwtotwislics as published by ,> v s d,c principal agent, Doctor JOHN , LOVL, of Baltimore. Thomas Paul. Baltimore,March 21, 1*12—Feb. IS. Sold by RICHARD H. LITLc., i Druggist, Alexandria,agent for the pro- | r^Z._—_— (Lots oil Centre sueei. For sale or to be let on ground rent forever Sundry Vacant Lots, situate on centre street, the new street lately bid off and gravelled leading from Kim peons corner at the turnpike roed in to King St. at Hoof9 meadow. Some of lhesc lots are in tne county of Alenan ilria, and others in the county of Fairfax, offering a choice to persons inclining to buy or lease. For terms, apply to the snbscnber at 1 his office in Alexandria. CHARLES LEE. December 2-1 ont^ -LAAVRASON 7c fowle HAVE FOR SALE THE Cargo of Schooner Traveller, CTr.’U. Morrow, from Portland, of 400j feet merchantable and clear Lumber. ALSO, LA YDIA'G, , 4^oo ibs. Seine and Sewing Twine. I O boxes mould and dipt Candles. 30 cases sweet Oil. 10 barrels tenners’ Oil. TVbt rury L _ _ PUBLIC SALE. CWthc 2d day of August Court J next, will be cx; ,ccd to s*’.e in j Leosbufg» at Peers * 1 <%ve,’n, if not | previously disposed o!-— a tract <•» I.mhI j cotUuiah&vj upwards oi 3C0 A«res. ne : Goshen, in the County rf l.oudoun.— | This land lies convenient to the Turn |pike Read to the Alexandria niarxei } | is as susceptible cd improvement irom Flutter of Paris, ** any Land in the County : h it a large pm-tion o!’wno* and meadow land, ?nd is v. »li v.atciet - Tl c improvements are tolerably com fort tide. From the inrrca*irg value of land ;n thr neighborhood, it is worthy the at Iwticii ofpHrrhusrrs. It mav be n by applying to Mr. C. Stewait v*hn lives ^.n tiic premises. Terms o! st»lr rne third in hand, and the b.lance in 6 end U months, with approved securi ty. . . Apple to Grr>. N. Ralls, cr in his absence to J T. Ran.>uy• ArrilRUw'* " co i tonT 200 bales Georgia prime Cotton Wool. ' . For sale bv J. G. Ladd. June 1 _ l wish to dispose cf, on ■casonable terms a Young J\egro J.'9 n*'n of unexceptionable character. Sue s a j»«»od servant and excellent uujsc. ALSO TO HIRE) A 'Sgroe /?cy, about 11 or 15 years c. ige. v; ho car. be recommended as a house tcrvatit. Jane 1L Slacum. M.v31__,r VoitCir to Foreign Stove buyers. FOR SALE, AT the Jail cf Fairfax county, a very :k« !y Young ?»lao, who has bcenaccu> h.nrd to house service, hut is capable ►1 almost any thing. Apply to ^?us ).\Rxr Jr. at SuHy, on the Liule River but npikc, near v^au Nv>* 5» Juiie U TO RENT, A Commodious Brick DWELLING HOUSE, oa a Spacious Lot, upper cud of Cameron Street. Apply to John G. Ladd, Who has for Sale, just coins io hand, One Box, yard wide Irish LINEN, asserted. December 2 Yeaton & Conway, i Have just resewed from AfrwYbrrf, 20 barrels piime Pork 20 do. cargo do. 20 do. prime Beef. /A STORE, I 10 hhds. first quality Sugar | 30 pieces first do. Russia Sheeting | 10 do. Russia Duck. , Ship Chandlery and Groceries, as usual, j October 14 I For New-York or Boston The fast sailing schooner Betfey Ann, J. Bruckway, master ; will take 400 barrels freight, on reasonable terms Apply to l Vh eclwright & ' Ket, ell. Who have for sale [ 30 bbls. Tanners Oil I 20 do. No. I Beef 4000 yards Russia Crash 40 pieces do. Sheetings 1 case do. Quills 40 bushels Clover Seed 50 boxes Herrings January 29 1jjl,aI5 jl ilk FARid, &c\ FOK SALK, The CARGO of schooner S/iccie, viz 92 tons Piaster Paris 75 bo .:os Herrings 100 boxes Mould Cc.nulcs 12 boxes Windsor Soap: ip.xp for* BOSTON, £r*i Siid Schooner SPECIE, ^ Joiiuh Farrow, Master ; To sail next week; will receive freight on reasonable terms. Apply f0 JOHN G. LADD. Jmnarv 28. d ~ = FOR hOSI UA, 4 Vi The stout « fast sailing Wsch'r VENUS, will take 500 bjrt*6 freight. Apply to JOHN G. LADD, U'ho has for Sale, 100 barrels ocst black Pepper. Jauucrv 28. d ioo Dollars Reward. LOPKD from Fail field,in the cmin '4 ty ofl'iederick atid Commonwealth of Virginia, on or about the 7th day ol M rch last, a negro slave named AN THONY the property of the late Wil liam B. Page deceased. Anthony is a bout 5 feet 9 inches in height, ot a sub subsiantiui form, a light yellow comp’.cc tton, and rather of an sffermnate voice. He is about 28 years of age, was brought nn .» Knncc nnrl h‘>S Seen aCCUS turned to that course of employment all his life. He is a slave of great capacity a».d considerable ingenuity—he reads— he plays the fiddle—and possesses a great mechanical turn—he can do rough carpenters* work and make combs. 1 he above rewaid will be given it Anthony should be apprehende d a; the distance of 100 miles from Fairfield, and. brought to the subscribers living in Alexandria, j But if apprehended at tiie distance of • less than 100 miles. Fifty Dollars will be } given if he is secured in goal, and no- j lice given to the subscribers. Tho. Swann, Edmd. I. Lee, j Admra. of lEin. B. Page, dec'd ; May 3. . { The Editors of the Federal Republi- | can, Nati-mal Intelligencer and Gazette of the United States, will publish the a bore in their papers, and send their ac- , counts to this office._ . ; For Boston The schooner ELIZA, . George Stodder, master ; For Freight of 200 barrels, *■*’ Apply w> JACKSON 8c RUMNEY. January 30.__ Lawrason & Fowle, Have just received—and for Sale, 220 Boxes fresh RAISINS. May ?4 __ J. D. SIMMS jlj„ continue the practice of the 1} V law in the Circuit Court for (He County of Alexandria. Hi, 9*f? “ above the Printing-Office of the Alsx iudria Gwcttc* ^ / for sale, the brig industry, tarried 1300 barrels flour, l two years and a half old, a ** very superior built vessel, und can be sent to sea at a smf.ll ex pence. Apply to LAWRAS0N Sc FOWLF. January 27 John Gardner Ladd JUS FOR SJLE, 4 Muscovado Sugars in hhds. ti^ices ant, bbls. „ Wosl India Rum in puncheons, Co flee and Pepper in bags, Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson Skin, and Hyson Teas, of the lat est importations, in quarter chests and bo*e$, Russia He rap and Iron, Swedes Iron assorted, Russia Sheeting*, Duck and Ravens Duck, bale Spanish Wool, by 10. 7 by 9, 9 by 11, and 10 by 12 Bristol Glass, in whole and hail boxes, Soap, Candles and Codfish in box Figs,c Lisbon Floor Mats, Whiskey and Apple Brandy in ticrccs Sc bbls. Few tji* casks old Sherry, Lennon dar. j ticuhr Madeira and Streights Rad , Wine, Cordage and Lines of various sorts, Writing and Wrapping Paper, *vlun*s, Women's and Children** Shoes iVbarreh and b >, Bottle’Cork* in hairs, Sole Lea’hsr. *'© w sacks Liverpool Blown Sait* Chalk and Pl/utei of Paris. Also, PLOUGHS of Ine most approved construction and one pair French Burr Mill Stones. October 6 _ Artificial Mineral Waters. TIIE subscriber has re-commenced running (or the season, Soda and Seltzer Waters. Rochelle and other Waters kept in botties, or prepared ex temporaneously for those who maychoose to drink them at the Fountains. Richard H. Litle. Apothecary and Drujgist. March 20 FRESH FRUI1'. Jt\.zu Landing and for Sale by Adams, Herbert & Co. 175 Boxes fresh Bloom and Muscatel Raisins. 62 Casks do. do. 50 (Quintals best Soft Shelled Al monds. 10 Boxes Lffmmons. 15 Ke^s fresh Olives. March 4. AW SNA 1). 200 bbls. extra size, prime SHAD, Mo. i. hOk SALE f.Y Joseph Mandeville. Corner of King & fairfux Sts. April 30. Removui. JOSEPH SPEAR, Respectfully informs nix friends and the , public, TH AT he has removed his shop to ! Uoyal-strcet to the one lately occupied I by Mr. B. Adamson, near the Ccfi'ee j House , where he chirics on the CA- , BINET BUSINESS in sli it* various j branches—he also makes and repairs I all kinds of'Musical, >u< h j r.s riirr.o Tories Cass Viois, Violins, Guitars. Ice. and will *!*o furnish Ma- j hotrvny Coffins for grown persons for ' fifteen doliara. He hope* the quality of his materials. Cue soundness of his ] work and the strict attention he in tends paying to his business, will en fure him encouragement from a gene rous public. All the above branches of business will be executed at t!>e shortest notice. Novcmbe r 2 3. 12 w LGTS AND LANDS. GILDING Lots in every section of I this city, and about eighteen Hun dred acres ol Land on the cavern branch of the Potomac, immediately opposite the City, arc offered for sale, !<>- cu>h, or on credit with secuiitv —ALo, I^i».*.»tn the states of New York, Pcnnsyivanis, Maryland, Virginia, North and Sou'h Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky. Ap ply to the subscriber, at Tomlinson’s Hotel, Washington, if before 10th June next, and afterwards at hi* residence in Allentown,Lehigh county,Pennsylvania, or at his office in Philadelphia. James Greenleaf. City of Washington, May 58. 3uwlf_ J Piaister Paris, &c. 10 Tons Piaister Paris, 125 Grindstones, assorted sizes, 20 Barrels Prime Beef, 20 do. Prime Pork, Now landing from Schr. Catherine, CaptainvH&lbrook, front N. York, and for Sale by Jackson & Rumney. November 14 For Bolton. 300 Barrels can be taken on board the schooner Catharine, Capt Holbrook. Apply as above. Clover Seed, Salt, &c. John G. LADD WAS FOIt SALE, Landing from Schooner Leader, 2000 bushels Liverpool coarse Suit, A few Th^es fresh red Clover Seed. Sooo lbs. excellent Cheese, loo bushels Potatoes. February 16 _ FOR CADIZ, I I-, a superior vessel, having perform ed hut one voyage. Site is daily ex pected from an eastern port, and a con siderable part of her cargo engaged— the remainder will be taken on reason able terms. For Freight, i *i ouriiieii am ui *» very respect a first rate vessel. ^7. .VO, r*-r THE *BIO &$&. B E T S E Y, Joel Prince, Master ; Bui then about 30U0 bar* rcia, nearly a new \cssei, in complctt order* FOR SALE, THE HR!G L L O Y D, Burthen 1800 barrels, y superior vessel, in complete FOR BOSTON, m'i he Prig Elder Snow, . r J. Stetson, Master, E«.n<h to receive a cargo, a considerable pail of which js engagid. A tVw barrels will be taken on freight at u moderate price. Lawrafon & Fowle. Jnnuarv 26 r i. • R S \ il, L On board the sloop Priscilla, now It/ing at Merchants Wharf\ 4 Hhds. reti ilhig Molasses 200 Bushel* liverpool Salt 3o Blown do. 50 Putatocs November 14 d N O T I C E. }'tHE Partnership of CO I’TOM Bj* STEWART was Dssolved or. the 1st instant by mutual consent. Those having claims against the firm/ wil please present them for pay men •— and iho*e indebted call and «c"le ihrir accounts with John A. Stp.wakt, who isiully authorised to settle :i e same. Peter Cottom. John A. Stewart. April 8 'ihe Public are respect fully iuformco that the liu >inc‘ « wt|i oe continued and conducted by Jof'N STEWART, who liiankful lor past favors, solicits a continuance of the same. 55$- Superfine Yellow Sark, I) k. SA.YJ'OItb' S \v: ps o’, ed PO U DLR fit ihe BARK, luting been used and hi rh!y apoiovec! by many physi cians of distinguished character in difl’c rent parts of the United States ; the propru .or U now encouraged to offer it to lb a faculty in general, under the 1 persuasion, th t no practitioner of taste, in the choice of his me-ns. can fail to be gratified in the use of »I % i *. eirg:nt preparation.— lit strength, fi/cnoss and cerminty ol operation, it g<cat!y sur passes the bark in common me. a 1. s o, The ESS EAT I :L SALT 0/ BARK by the same. The above articles are put up is par cels ot different sizes, to sreommodate the usual wants of not only physicians, but of retail druggists, country mer chants and private familirx—Sold by James Kennedy, sen. Bookseller, and no alher *ur9<m Alexandria. ■ Land jor Sale. I will sell a great bargain in a small FARM, containing one hundred and forty acres, lying in the county of Fair fax, adjoining the lands ok the late Dr« Henry Rose and Mrs CatharireBrown* • about six miles from'thc town of Alex andria and the same distance from the City of Washington *nd Georgetown. There is or. said Farm a small Dwell ing House, Kitchen, &c a plenty of ^ timber for its support, about ten acres of excellent meadow land, and abounds with good water. Any person wishing to purchase will apply to the subscri ber who live i near said Farm, and will shew the premises and make known the terms pj sale. Joseph Powell. Jure 8 dtf Boot and Shoe Blacking. JOHNSON RESPECTFULLY inform, the gen tlemen of Alexandria, that he has taken a stand near the corner of Royal* on King street, under Mr. G**a store, where he intends carrying on the busi ness of Blacking Boots and Shoes, and Cleaning Fair Tops. Having followed the business In th© northern cities, for some time past, he flatters himself he shall be able to give entire satisfaction to his employers, in respect to neatness, despatch and th© excellent quality of his blacking. He will wait on gentlemen in the morning lor their biota and shoes, which he will return in ihe course'of the day, or im mediately tu those who desire it. Hi* inode of preserves the shape of • he hoot, anti ins Masking soitens ana enriches the leather. May 19 Robert Oray, Opposite the IVushinglon Tavefity King street, Alexandria, HAS JUST RECEIVED FOR SALK, Melish’s Travel-in the.United State* anc‘ U pper Canada, illustrated by 8 V*s»ps, 2 vote. octavo be und, $5 50. Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, 1 vol. octavo bound, $2 75. Life and Administration of the hono» rable Mpencer Perceval. Erskirie's Speeche* on Miscellaneous subjects at the bar. Constitution of the United States. Grant on Education, Pej cted Addresses# W tern's Life of Washington, Young Mother, ^nnto Sebastiano,* Oab's Tales, Child's Monitor, Goldsmith's Greece. A n et iran Preceptor, Columbian Orator, llollin's Antient History, Campbell's Rhetoric, Modern Geography, History of Air,erica, Walker's Dictionary, Goldsmith's Ceogi a phr>. Fnltnci>n,( 11 i. • li r\ _ ^ r 1/ 1V1 th Wslkei* Pronunciation, Guthrie's Gc^ graphy, new edition, Simpson’s l;ur lid, Cary's Family Pible, assorted, S“iiool liildes, School Testaments, P icket lii’-les, Common Prayer Books, Adgate's. Smith's, Little's and Cole'f Music Books, WoV.ier'*, Price’s, Tcmly's and Co* lumbian Sprlling Books, A Lrgc -»o k of fine Vellum Foolscap an i Letter Typer Playing Curds, blatvs, Quills, Blank Looks &c Sec. Ledgers, Journals, Cash and Invoice Bo ks, snei Blank Books of every de* s* nnrior Hirer: arm Bound to any given puitern at a ihort notice. On hand a constant supply of large \V:i‘ing Paper, suitable for Record Books. April 10 i he Alexandria Museum, IS open for the rectpiron of visitors, ever;, day, (Sunday excepted) from 10 A. M. to 2 P M. Those, vino esteem it a pleasure, to pc.** an hour, in viewing an assem*. b’.agc ol the works of Nature and Art, may heir be gratified. Admittance fori/ro^n persons, 25 cents, each visit—Children, 12 1*9 cents. lackson & Rumney, H<»ve just Received and for Sale, 22 Cases Superfine Colton CARDS, Nos. 8, 9 and 10. July *_ eojw Merino Wool. Or* Bale first quality Merino Wool, for sale by J. G. Ladd. June 21