t. - . ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, COMMERCIAL AND J PUBLISHED (DAILY) BY S. SNOWDEN & J. D. SIMMS, ROYAL-STREET, ALEXANDRIA. . —————« ■■ i ■;■■»■■■ ■■ >1 ■ ■■ . ' ~ ( ; VOL A7//.J ■ S.47mZL4y, July 10, 1813._L' SALES AT VENDUE. On, every Tuetd&vand Friday, WILL BL SOL!), A.tthe Vendue Store, comer of Prince r,rd Water -tracts, A Variety oj Dry Goods, Gro ceriesf &c. Particul ars of which will l>e expressed , it* the biHs ot the day. Ail ki ul of $°n'ls which v.rc on li- I miration *nd the prices of which ere jst .blished, ran it any time he viewed i in l pur'based at the iowest limitation p»J nrices. i P. O. Marfteller. For Freight The elegant fast sailing staunch Shin AGWVAM, COVE YRJR OLDJ Burthen abort S800 Ban els Flour, now ; in pc. feet readiness for reception ol a . cargo.—Apply to _ j j , john G. Lidd. October 29. _ To the Public. -nr\$ order to ivevent deception, the i ' i>i|i>lio are c .'m-oocl m* to purchase „,.v OIF that nliy be offered as Pan. s pa.ent Columbian Oil, that do not hear tv,e **-u'5 ciicM*actori*»tics as published by rrFsole principal agont, Doctor JOHN LOVE, of Baltimore. Thomas Paul. Baltimore, March 21, 1812—Feb. IS. jrSold by RICH ARD H. LITLF., Drug^i»t, Alexandria,agent ior the pro p*ictor _ l.ois on unuc vicu. 1'^r anle or to !>e let on ground rent forever Sundry Vacant Lots, situate on ciuitre street* the new streci lau.lv laid off and graveded leading from I Shnpsous corner at the turnpike road in lo Kin^ St. at llool $ meadow. Some of f these lots are in me county of Alenan * tlria, and others in the county oCFairlax, offerir * ii choice to persons inclining to buv or Jea*e. T,.r terms, apply t-* the subscriber ar his oHkc iij Alexandria. CHARLES LEE. December 2d _en^[_ L \ WU VSO\ k FoWiiis have for sale • 'I'lJp. C -..rgo of Schooner Traveller, C^)t. Morrow, from Portland, of 4000 feet merchantable and clear Lumber. ALSO, LA.YDIX(,\ 450-j lbs. Some and Sewing Twine. I JO boxes mould and dipt Candles. 30 cases s^ect Oil. l*> barrels tonneiV Oil. Vrh -n.»rv 1 __ ' FUBl.iO .sALh.. ' 0\ t!ic 3d 'da* ol August f o\ni next, will he exposed to Mils in Leesbu g» at Peer* ' Icvcrn. il **o. ; previously disp *» dv —i trsut of Lr-nc ^ containing upward, of ot 0 Acres, nc ' j Caxmn, mthwCiUintv of Lomlcim.— j 1 Ins land lies convenient to the Turn- j pike Road to the Alexandria market ; j is js susceptible of iminuvt mriit i.ont j J'laistcr of Pans, any L-ncl in the County: ha* * large portion of wood chi meadow land* j*iui is wkII \^;itcicf. The improvements are tolerably com fort* hi?. . ' From the increasing value ofland m tin: m*»i;ht>oi boo d, it is worthy the at- j t«*t!->no! »urc!i*s,-ra. It mav be seen by applying to Mr. C‘. Stewart "ho lives n the premises Term? ol sale, one third i i h-ouh and t^e M-mcc it * c: d 12 mottle, with approved -ccuri* tv ,. \poIv to C*»rto, or in ubsenre to J T. isamsay. Ar»r5*’ * 1^’* ~~ CO i i on! 2CO bales Georgia prime Cotlon Wool. For sale bv J. G. Ladd. Jnn? 1 ___ i wish io dsposc of, rra*oiui>lc term? a Yar.g AY$ro //'o i:.^n ut uoexceptiruvjbb character. She i> a g >od servant and excellent nurse. also ro mr.F» .>Wror /by, about 14 *»r 15 years of c»e. who can be recommended*»s A house servant. Tane H. Slacum. M r 21_,f _ J\'§tice ro 6favc buyers. FOR SALE, AT the Jail of Fairfax county, a very Fhelv Young Man, who has been accus v mrd to house service, but is capable rd almost Any thing. Apply to Johx i5AJ*xx, Jr. at Sully, on the Utile Hirer 1 urn pike, near gate No* *• ' Jync 11 5*"lf i ~ - T.O RENT, A Commodious Brick DWELLING HOUSE, oh a Spacious Lot, uppor end of Camerun Street. Apply to John G* Ladd, Who has for Sale, just come to hand, One Box, yard wide Irish LINEN, assorted. December 2 Yeaton & Conway, Have just received from New- Yor<, 20 barrels prime Pork 20 do. cargo do. 20 do. prime Beef. STORE, 10 hhds.-first quality Sugar 30 pieces first do. Rus>ia Sheeting 10 do. Russia Duck. Ship Chandlery and Groceries, as usual. October 14' For New-York or Boston. The fast sailing schwoner Betfey Ann, J. Brockway, master ; will take 400 barrels freight, on reasonable terms | ; Apply to Wheelwright Isf Kettcll. Who have for sale SO bbls. Tenners Oil 20 do. No. 1 Beef 4000 yards Russia Crash 40 pieces do. Sheetings 1 case do. Quills 40 bushels Clover Seed 50 boxes Herrings January 29 i'jLAJL&ilLK rAKli,- cNC. FOR SALE, The C.4RGQ of schooner Sjiecie, viz 90 ion* PUist-r Paris 75 boxes Herrings 100 boxes Mould Candles 12 boxes \Viinlsor Soap: g'v r - FUlT BOSTON, . - * \ S-id Schooner : SPECIE, ' t Josiuh furrow, Master ; To sail next week j will receive !’*ciivht o‘i reasonable terms. Apply o ’ JOHN G. LADD. Jmnary 4 ; FOi< ii'JS iu.\, ^ V The stout & last mailing ^S*^»nhV VF.NU >, will take 500 bugs freight. Apply to JOHN (k LADD, Who has for «&Wr, 100 barrels best 1'efper. January *;8. 4 ioo Dollar* Reward. "g^ LOPED from F m Bobbin the conn tyolFrederick, and Commonwealth o» Virginia, on or about the 7th day ot Mirch last, a negro slave named AN THONY the property of the late Wil liam II Page deceased. Anthony is a b M»t 5 fee t 9 inches in height, ot a sub substantial form, a light yellow compac tion, and rather «f *n ufleminate voice. He is tiom.t 28 years of age, was brought up a house servant and has been accus tomed to that course of employment all his life. He is a slave of great capacity and considerable ingenoiiv—nc leaus— he plays ttie fiddle—and possesses a great mechanical turn—-he con do rough carpenters* wotk and make combs. 1 he above rewaid will be given if Anthony should be apprehended at the distance of 100 miles from Fairfield, and brought to the subscribers living in Alexandria. But if apprehended at the distance of less than 100 miles, Fiftv Dollars will he g:vcn if he is secured in goal, and no tice given to the subscribers. I ho. Swann, Fdmd. I. Lee, Jdmr*. of Hrw. B. Page, dcc'd May 3. The Editors of the Federal Republi- J can, National Intelligencer and Gazette j of the United States, will publish the a hove in their papers, and send their ac counts to this office._j For Boston tooner ELIZA, | Stockier, master ; ht jof 200 barrels, Apply to ; JACKSON Sc RUMNEY. January 30. __ Lawrason & Fowle, ( Have just received—and for Sale, 220 Boxes fresh RAISINS. May 24_! j. D. SIMMS WILL continue the practice of the law in the Circuit Court for the County of Alexandra. Hi* Office is above the Printing-Office of the Alwc indria Gazette. for sale, the brig industry, Can irs 1 :JGQ barrels flour, [two years and a half old, a very superior built vessel, and can be sent to sea at a .small expence. Apply to LAWRAS0N Sc FOWLE. January 27 John Gardner Ladd HJS lOil SJLEy v Muscovado Sugars in hhds. tierces and Mis. Wool India Rum in puncheons, Coffee and Pepper in bags. Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson Skin, and Hyecn Teas, of ihc lat est importations, in quarter chests and bones, Russia Hemp and Iron, Swedes Iron assorted, Rus-ia Sheeting*, Duck and Ravens Duck, v bale Spanish Wool, by 10,7 by 9f 9 by lLandlOby 12 Bristol Glass, in whole and half b(*xes, Sofj), Candles and Codfish in l»x* FigR,ev, Lisbon Floor Mats, Whiskey and Appie Brandy in tierces St bols. Few qr casks old Sherry, London Pur. ticuLr Madeira and Streights Red j Wine, Cordage and L:ncs of various sorts, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Men»s, Women's and Children s Shoes in’barrcL and boxes, P.nvkc 1U hniCB. S »!e Leather. Few Racks Liverpool Blown Salt, Chalk and Planter of Paris. Ahy, PLOUGHS of the most approved construction and one pair 1't ench Burr Mill Stones. October 6 Artificial Mineral Waters. TMIE subset iber has re-corwmencecl running for the season, Soda and Seltzer Waters. Rochelle and other Waters kept in bottles, or prepared ex* temporaneously for those who maychoose to drink them at the Fountains. Richard H. Litle. Apothecary and Druggist. March 20 A*9W Landing and for Side by Adams, Herbert Sc Co. 175 Boxes fresh Bloom and Muscatel Raisins. 62 Casks do. do. 50 Quintals best Soft Shelled Al monds. 10 Boxes Lemmons. 1 5 kt’jjs fresh Olives. March 4 - NLIV SHAD. 200 bbls. extra size, prime SHAD, No. i. ton sale nr Joseph Mandevilie. Corner of King & Fairfax Sts'. April 50.# ________ l\tl)iOUUb. JOSEPH SPEAR, RebficCl fitly i.Jbrwa hiafriend* and the frM>liCy THAT he has removed his shop to RovaLstvret lo the one latelv occupied by Mr. B. Adamson, near the Coffee House, where be carries o-i the CA BlN'hf BUSINESS in ali its vaiious branches—he also makes ami repairs all kinds of YluTcal Instruments. *u..h • as Pi.i u ! ones, B.-ss V io!s, Violins, j Guitars, :ce mui will slso furnish Ma- j hogv.ny Coffius for grown persons Mr j fifteen dollars. He hopes the quality j of his materials, the soundness of Ms j work and the strict attention he in- j tends paying to his business, will en- | sure him encouragement from ft gene rous public. All the above branches , of business will be executed at the j shortest notice November28. law . ! lots and lands. BUILDING Lots in every section of this cilr. and about eighteen hun dred acres of Land cn the eastern braneh of the Potomac, immediately opposite the Citv, ai e offered for sale, for cash, or on credit with security.—Also, Lands in the stales of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky. Ap ply to the subscriber, at Tomlinson s Hotel, Washington, if before 10th June next, and afterwards at his residence in Allentown,Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, or at his office in Philadelphia. James Greenleaf. City of WoobwigUMb May Stewtf j( Plaister Pans, &c. 10 Tons Plaister Pans, 125 Grindstones, assorted sizes, 20 Barrels Prime Beef, 20 do Prime Pork, Now landing from Sc hr. Catherine, Capiain^H&lbrook, from N. York, and for Sale by Jadcson & Rumney. November 14 For Bofton, 300 Barrels can be taken on board the schooner Catharine, (.'apt Holbrook. Apply as above. Clover Seed, Salt, &c. John G. LADD HAS FOK 8AI.F, Landing from Schooner Leader, 2000 bushels Liverpool coarse Sait, A few Tierces fresh red Clover Seed, 3ooo lbs. excellent Cheese, loo bushels Potatoes. February 16 l'OR CADIZ, THK su,p $8% LORENZO, Sgfe&K- J »’««*, Mutter; Is a superior vessel, having perform ed but one voyage. She is daily ex pected from an eastern port, and a con siderable part of her cargo engaged— the remainder will be taken on reason able terms. For Freight, The co/i/iered Brig ELIZA 9 Rl\/ihalei Urcehj, Master ; Burthen about 2000- barrels—is li very respect a first rate vessel. jILSOu THE RRIO B E T S E Y, Joel Prince, Master ; Burthen about 3000 bat re’s, nearly a new vessel, in Cumplet* order* FOR SA! E, THi: h->!G Id? _ LLOYD, \ Burthen 1800 barrels, a superior vcs-cl, in complete Wt^7 order. FOR BOSTON, The Prig Elder Snow, ./. Cldson, M«stcr, 5 Reach to receive a cargo, a r.onsider&U part of which is engaged. A IVw barrels •vill be taken on freight at a moderate price. Lawrafon & Fowle. January 26. T R 8 ALL On board the stcofi Priscilla, now lying at Merchants ll'liuf/> 4 Hhds. retailing Molasses 200 Bubhcls Liverpool Suit 30 Blown do. 50 Potatoes November 14 d vr rwr" T~r* v i X Y W JL JL V-V JLJ* HD Partnership of COTTOM £3* STKWAK1 was Dissolved on the 1st instant by mutual consent. Those having claims against the firm wil please precept them for payment— ami those indebted call and settle their accounts with John A. Stv.waht, who is fully authorised to settle the same. Peter Gottorn. John A. Stewart. April 8 '1 he Public are respect fully informed that the Business will be continued and conducted by JOHN A. STEWART, who thankful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the same. £»5» Superfine Yellow Bark, DR. SANFORD’S improved POW DER of the BARE, having been used and highly approved bv many aphrst ep n* of distinguished character in diffe rent parts of the United States ; the proprietor is now encouraged to offer it to the faculty in general, under the permission, that no pructiiionei of taste, in tilt* choice of ids me-,ns. can fail to he gratified in the use of this elegtni preparation.— in strength* five’ e .* and certainty oi operation, it greatly sur passes the Urk in common use. A I. S O, The ESSEM'IaL MET 0/ BARK, pie pared by the same. The above articles arc put up in par cels of different sizes, to accommodate the usual wants of not only physicians, but of retail druggists, country mer chants and private families.—bold by James Kennedy, sen. Bookseller, and no other *ieroon Alexandria. Land for Sale. I will sell a great bargain in a small FARM, containing one hundred and forty acres, lying in the countv ol Fair fax, adjoining the lands of the late Dr# Henry Rose and Mm Cath arm* Brown, about six mile's from ihc town ol Alex andria and the same distance from the City ol Washington vnd Gecre town; There is on s d - Farm a sma!: Dwell ing Housf. Kitchen be * p’enty of t* b-r for i s support, about ten acres of ercr-denfc ireatnw Lnd and abounds wilt gooti water. Any person wishing to mrciose will »pph to tee subscri ber vvt4o ivc.» i-f-r s id Farm, vnd will shew t! e pro bes nnd nuke known the terms of side. Joseph Powell. Jim* 8 rtf Boot and Shoe Blacking. JOHNSON RESPEC FFCLLY informs the gen tlemen of A1 xatidria, that he has taken a stand mar the coiner of Royal, on King street, under Mr. Giiffith’s store, where he intends carrying on the busi ness of Blacking Boots and Shoes, and Cleaning Fair Tops. Having followed the business in the northern cities, for some time past, he Hatters himself he shsll be able to give entire satisfaction to his employers, in respect to neatness, despatch and the excellent quality of his blacking. He will wait on gentlemen in the morning for their boots and shoes, which he will return in the course of the day, or im mediately to those who desire it. His inode of cleaning preserves the shape of the boot, and his blacking softens and enriches the leather. Mav A 9 Robert Gray, 0///iosite the Washington Tavern, King street, Alexandria, HAS JUST RECEIVED FOR SALE, .Wellall’* TaveUin the United State* anc Upper Cancel-, illustrated by 8 Maps, 2 vois. octavo b« und, $5 50. Chateaubriand’s Travels in Greece, Palestine, lig)pt -tid Barbery, 1vol. octavo bound, hi 7a. Lite and Administration of the hono** table Spencer rcicovH c.Kkiiu.\ bpeeche on Miscellantoua subjects i*t tt.e bar. Consti'.uticn ol the United States. Gram on h'dimaimn, Rejced du;e*. *es. VV . en»G Lite o. Washington, Lou ■ Mother. v .nt1' Sebastian©/ Crab's Talc-, Livid** Monitor, Goid&iuith’s Greece. Ameiian Preceptor, (Columbian Orator, Robin’s Antienh.iiatory, Campbell’s Rhetoric, Modern Geography, History of America, tV»ltcer*s Dictionai y# Goldsmith’s Geography, Johnson’* Dictionary with Walker* Pronunciation, n< b r i ( 1 ^r\ r>l*M fill \f . r# W nrllilrtfl. ... -. | Simpson’s Luclid, Cary’s Family Eible, assorted, ! School bibtes, School Testament!, Pocket Bibles, Common Prayer Books, Ad.gate’s. Smith’s, Lillie's ?nd Ccle’» Music Book*, Webster**, Pearce’s, Ccmly’s and Co lumbian Spelling Books, A large stock of fine Vellum Foolscap and Letter Paper, Playing Cards, Slates, Quills, Blank Books- &.c &c. Ledgers, Journal*, Cash and Invoice Bo'ks, and Plank Books of every de scription Ruled and Bound to any given pattern at a vhnrt notice. On hand a constant supply of large Writing Paper, suitable for Record Books. April 10 1 he Alexandria Museum, IS open for the reccp»fon of visitor!, every day, (Sunday excepted) from 10 A. M. taS P \I. Those, who esteem it a pleasure, to pa;* an hour, in 'if vine’ an assem blage of the works of Nature and Art, may here be gratified. Admittance for^rown persons, ?5 cents, each vi^it—Children, 12 1-2 cents. Jackson & Rumney, Hate just Rtcciscd and for Sole, 22 Cases superfine CottoA CARDS, Nos. 8, 9 and 10. July 5 eo3w Merino Wool. Orfe Bale first quality Merino Wool, for sale by J. G. Ladd. June 21