OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette, commercial and political. [volume] (Alexandria [Va.]) 1812-1817, July 10, 1813, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024014/1813-07-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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for Salt bp 4da*s< Herbert & Co.
13,000 los. Prune Stmihfirld Bacon,
loO barrels Louf apil Lump Sugar,
3,000 wt. CavendtA Chewing Tobacco
p[ superior quality.
in Store,
44 casks Hibberi's Brown Stout, in
excellent order.
1,300 bushels Corn.
June 4
ATR ACT of LAND, lying in the
County of Fairfax, six miles from
Alexandria, and adjoining the estate oI
Gen. Thomson Mason, containing Yl*
acres. The soil is good, and very sus
reptile or improvement by the Clover
end Plaister system. The proximity
of.this property to market, and the fa
cility with which its produce may be
curried (Hunting-Creek by which it is
bounded being navigable a bn oat to the
door) would render it extremciv valu
able to a person disposed to pay sufli-*
cie»U \ttemion to its cultivation.
App'y to lames H H me, or to
Francis Adams, jun.
M iy 32
r * 4 ~
. A sovereign ten eoy for colds, obsti
nate coughs, cataraghs, asthmas, sor
thro- ts and approaching consumptions
Michael Lcey & Co.
You are at liberty to use my namt
in the recommendation of Lee's Fdixir
as from repe \tcd trials 1 have found it
an excellent remedy for colds, coughs
« _ T_on I • lA
Messrs. Michael Lee & Co.
I was attacked with a most violent
cotd, a severe cough and pain in the
breast, which continued to grow worst
— during which my appetite l .i’.edam
my voice altered to much that it was
with the utmost exertion l couid pro
nounce a single sentence louder then
my breath. Home ot* my Iriends hav
ing observed to me that much good
h id been done by the use oi Lee’s F
lixtr advi.ed me to procure a bottle
fr*m Messrs Warner and Hanna,
which I accordingly did—snd to those
persons unacquainted with the merit."
of this medicine, it will appear asto
nishing that three doses should remove
tne pains in my breast, ano the use o
one nottle only restored me to perfect
Market Street, F. Pointt
Genuine Essence Sc Extract of Mustard
A safe and effectual remedy lor A.
cute and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout
PaLv. Lumbago, Numbness. White
Swelling*, Chilblains, Sprains,Bruises.
Pam in the Fa^.e and Neck, etc.
Extract of a letter from Mr Nebemial
Gregorv, agent lor the Proprietors
dated Norfolk, (Va.) July 24, 1S32,
Messes. Michael JLce if Co.
Your essence of Mustard is highly
rpproved of by a number of persons ot
thi* • ity, who have nad occasion to ap
plv it in cases ot Bruises, Sprains Ac
You may send me a further »ipp!y ;
also, send me some mere ot your Anti
Bilious Pills, as they sell well ; the
whole of your Medicines are in consi
derable demand. Yours truly,
T_A - Uilie f/SV th^ lU'f*
•vcotion ofbiHous fevers, &c.
Lee\ Elixir for violent c«ids, coughs,
Lee’s Infallible Ague and P«vcr
Lee's Worm destroying Lozenges,
Lee’s Itch Ointment, warranted to
cure by one application, (without Mer
cu T-) ’ ' .
Lee’* Grand Restorative for nerv
ous disorders, inwrnrd weakness, etc.
Lee's Indian Vegetable Specific, tor
„ the Venereal. i
Lee’s Persian Lotion, for fetters
and Eruptions.
Lee's Essence and Extract of Mus
tard, for the Rheumatism* etc.
Lse’s pve Water
Lee's leoth-Arhe Drops.
Lee's D.tnask Lip Salve.
Lee's Corn Plaster
Lee’s Anodyne Elixir, for the cure
of head-a ches.
Lee’s Tooth Powder.
The above Celebrated Medicine*
continue to be faith billy prepared, and
Sold by the Proprietors, No. 95, Pitt
Strect, Baltimore.
And bv their appointment in A! x
athltio* by
R. GR AY* bookseller, King-street,
and N H1NGSTON, 1-airfax-street.
To country merchants and others,
who purchase to sell again, a liberal
d»-count will be given by the proprie
„ To detect counterfeits, observe eueh
article has. on the ouUide wrapper, the
signature of
N, B. At the places of sale may be
had (gratis) pamphlets combining ca
se* of* cures whose length prevents
their being herewith inserted.
O ,
Five Dollars Reward.
BROKE fronkthe subscriber’s stable
on Saturday last, a sorrel HORSE,
about U 1-2 or 15 hands high, shod all
round, his left hind foot white below the
foot lock, and the lower part of his shoul
ders marked with the collar, long mane
and switch tail. He earned off a piece
ol a rope hahcr about his neck. He was I
last seen, back of Sheron’s meadow
The above reward will be given for
bringing him home*
Opposite the Washington Tavern.
June 1.
And Possession given immediately f
A Two Story Framed HOUSE with
half an acre of ground, at the upper end
of King street. Also, a convenient
* Dwelling-House with two acres ol
ground at the lower end of Water street.
Apply to
Robert Patton, jr.
January* 20
Paul's Patent
4 S the virtues of the Columbian
A Oil h ive been sufficiently exem
plified in the lengthy advertisement
wherein is detailed sufficient Certifi
cates to stamp its credit in all the vari
ous cases wherein it has performe*
such wonderful cures, as in Rheuma
tism. Cho»ic, Dysentery, or Bloo
dy Flux. Croup, Whoooing Cough,
Vlnmps, Scalds, Burns, Rin worm and
peUerw<)i m, all Eruptions, l»esh uts
,r Bruises, Tooth-Ache, txc It is
therefore only necessary to say that
the s-id Oil is constantly kept »>r sale
nv the following agents, where printed
u:m.. ....» .. 1 .u,,u K/» h wl lor the
i formation *>f those desirous to be in
formed respecting the Certificates
appointment of agency.
These are to certify, that I Thomas
Paul late of Philadelphia, now of the
city of Baltimore, state ol Maryland,
inventor and sole proprietor of a medi
cine known at present by the mine ol
Paul’s Patent Columbian Oil, have ap
pointed, and by these presents do here
by constitute and appoint Dr. John Love
of the city of Baltimore {druggist! my
sole agent fir the United States of A
merica and their dependencies, for the
purpose of selling or vending the afore
said Columbian Oil ; and that he is
hereby authorised to appoint an agent
or agents under him lor the purpose
aforesaid. This agency is to continue
oft he spice n tern* of seven ve.rs com
mencing this twenty third ot Apid, m
the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ten, to be fully compieut?
ed and entUd.
Given under mr hand and seal the d: y
and date first above written.
Signed sealed ar.d delivered in the
•■'rcsence of GEO. G. PRESBUR\
In consequence of the above authority
vested in me, arising from a contract
with Mr. T. Paul, I hereby appoint the
following persons the only agents tor the
sale of Paul’s Columbian Oil, in the city
*f Baltimore, viz. Dr. Ed me DncatUl,
sign <*/ the 6olden head, No. 26 Mar
ket-street. Messrs. Henry Kerr] Sc
Son, Druggists, sign of Celsus’s Head,
No. 233 Market-st. near the corner of
Howard-st. Duct. Jesse Talbott, Drug
gest, corner of Hanover and Market-sts
Mcs*rs Warner and Hanna, stationeis,
rni'n^r r»f Guv ailfl MiU'kCl St v McS?i S.
G. fc R. Wait’s Lottery Office, corner
of St. Paul’s Lane and Market-st. A.
Miltenberger, Stationer, No 10 sign
of Franklin, N. Iloward-st. Messrs.
T0hn Sc Thomas Vance, Stationers, No.
178 Markct-St,—it Fell's Point, by
Dr. Henry Dorrv, Druggist, No.^ 5
Market-st. and Nathaniel Knight Sta
tioner, Fell’s-street.—City of Hashing?
tov. Messrs. David Ott, Sc Co. Drug
gists._Philadelphia. Mr. Thomas Love
at Dr. Edwin A. Alice’s, No. 73 North
4th St. John Y. Bryant, Druggist,
Corner of 2d and Pine-Streets—Jere
miah Morris, Druggist, No. 293 Mar
ket-Street—Stephen North, Druggist.
No. 85 High st. between 2d and 3d
streets, Messrs. Crowl Sc Scgar, Drug
gists, Market st.—New York, Messrs.
John & Thomas L. Clark, Druggists,
Maiden Lane, Messrs. Laurence 8c
Kccse, Druggists, Pearl st. Messrs. G.
& R. Waiter’s. Nos. 38 and 64, Maiden
Lane.—For* Fown, Dr. John Fisher,
Drug. —JmKifiolis. Messrs. Childs 8c
Shaw.—*George Town. Dr. John Ot
Lrui]*.—Lancaster. Dr. Samuel Faht
nestock, Drug.—harrisburg. Dr. John
C. Wiestling, Drug.—Easton. D Tho
mas H. Dawson, Drug.—Petersburg
Virg. Messrs. Love and Cutler, Drug
y^ists.—Hagcrstovjn. Dr. Frederick Mil
ler,Druggist.—Prederick’town. Dr. John
S. MiUeriljruggist—Winchester. Mess
John Sc Abni. Miller, Dn»gpi?ts.'—Han
over. Messrs. Frederick Sc Wm.Sauer
mann, Druggists.—Carlixlt. Dr. John
Fahnestock, Druggist.— Brook lille.
(Montgomery co.) Mr. Brice Gassaway,
Also, wholesale or retail, at my Drug
and Patent Medicine Store, No. 16/
sign of the Mortar, Centre Market
Space, Baltimore.
March 38 law3m
. . . ’ * r \‘* ' ' '
Land for Sale.
THE subscriber often for sale, be
tween 140 and 180 acres of wood
Land, on ^he right hand *-ide of the old
Hoad leading from the 1 own of Cen
terville to Alexandria.
This land adjoin* the lands ot Messrs.
David Lane, Bernard Brian, Presley
Carr Lane, George Ad >nis and John
Henning. The soil of this land is suit
ed to the culture ot Wheat, & is with
in half a mile of the Turnpike ; and
will be shewn k the terms made known
by application to Messrs. David Lane,
- er Gc«rge Lane, jun. residing near the
premises, or to the subscriber living in
Stafford county.
Geo: Lane,
Executor oi J* H. Lane, dec d.
Jamiary 18 law6m
A cure forCoughs,Colds,&c.
A sovereign remedy for Colds, obsti
nate Coughs, Asthmas, SoreThroats,
and approaching Consumptions, and
most disorders of the breast and
I^HE celebrity acquired by this me
dicine through the United States,
for speedily removing coughs, colds,
hoarseness. 8cr. exceeds all former ex
amples- The following recommenda
tion, selected from a vciy numerous
list, will fuily confirm what has been
said of its unparalleled excellence.
Being desirous to mahe public, for
the good ol oi»iers, the excellent cjuuli
tv of Hamilton’s Elixir, prepared by
the lute Mr. Lee, 1 have sent you the |
following account of the ben slit 1 have
received from it, which I hope will in- ;
duce otliers to *Tive it a trial* In con
sequence a bruise on tne breast, re
ceived. from a lull, my health grew
bad, rr.y breathing became very tliiTi
cult, and ircquentiy i »au
suddenly to rise up m my bed with all
the horrors of immediate snfiocution.
Add to these a constant pain in my
breast, and a cough, a great loss of
strength and flesh, and you may con
ceive that my symptoms evidently in
dicated an approaching consumption.
The advice of a most eminent physi
cian was resorted to, aru\ afterwards a
second called m, but witliout giving
m* anv relict. Another Physician who
knew me, and the circumstances of my
c.as*. advised me to give Hamilton’s Iv
lixir a tri al, saying he had used ic in
his practice, and always found it to do
much good. A bottle was pioi.uicd
frofh Mr. Birch’s and 1 found relict be
fore I hod take* half of it I continu
ed to use it, and was soon strong e
nough to attend to business. On tak
ing cold, sonic of my forrrcr symp
toms return, hut are always remove'1
by a d"vsc or tw > ol the l*.l v»r.
GEORGE UKNNl’dl j’inr.
No. 21, Budd-strcct, Philadelphia.
Hamilton’s Ei.imik
Will prove a valuable acquisition to
public speakers, who may be subject
to temporary hoarseness, thic&ness of
speech, &c. In bug confirmed Asth*
amatic complain s where a cure can
scarcely he expected, this medicine at*
fords immediate relict, moderating the
fts of coughing, end rendering their
lccurrericc less frequent. On children
afflicted with the hooping cough, the
like beneficial effects may confidently
be «ex peeled.
Itch Ointment,
Warranted to cure by once nsinp;, &
^ f,--/* h >m Mevcurv or anv uer
nicious or offensive ingicdicni, &c.
may with perfect sulciy be applied to
the youngest inlant.
Worm Destroying Lozenges
Halm’s true and genui e
German Corn Plaister,
An infallible remedy lorCorns,spee
dily removing them, root and branch,
without giving pair*.
The Genuine Persian Lotion.
The Restorative Powder,
For the Teeth and Gums.
Haim’s Genuine Eye Wr.ter,
sovereign remedy for all diseases
of the eyes.
Hahn's Anti Billions Pills,
Ole >r.»!ed for the mildness of their
operation, Lc- for being the Lest known
remedy for cleansing the stomach and
Hamilton’s Essence Sc Extract ol
For Rheumatism, Gout, Palsy.
Swelling, Numbness, Sec.
Tooth-Ache Drops,
The only remedy vet discovered,
which gives immediate and lasting
relief in the most severe instances*.
The Anodyne Elixer,
For the cure of every kind of head- j
The Damask Lip Salve.
Hamilton's Grand Restorative,
For debilitated cons notions.
Th above gchuim* Medicines,* are
•prepared Sc so id, wholesale and lelail.
ll Lee’s Patent and Family Medicine
Store, No. 56, Maiden-Lane, New
York—and by particular appointment,
by JAMES KENNEDY & Son, Book
sellers, Alexandria.
Hannah Lee.
Fibrnary l aw 11
A HOUSE of Entertainment i» open
ed by Mrs. Susannah Stheit, in
Winchester, near the house long occu
pied as a Tavern by the deeeased M -
Phillip Bush—where Genteel Familu-a
and Travellers will meet with the most
comfortable accommodations.
June 21 3mlaw
THE subscriber offers for sale his
Fvrm, lying on Mattox Creek, in
the county of Westmoreland and state
of Vir ;tni3; «oAiaming about 200 acres
of prime bottom land; there are ortthe
premises a large two story frame dweF
ling house, with all necessary out hous
ei; a fine yqung thriving apple aiul
peach orchard j the land abounds w'itn
springs of excellent water—the house
is situate on the banks of the Creek* in
which there is always a plenty of the
best kinds of flili m their season, and
oysters may be had in abundance with
in a half mile of the house. Vessels
of 60 to 100 tons burthen can come
within twenty yards of the landing.—
160 acres of the above land is cleared
and fit fur culture, and the residue well
One other tract situate at the upper
part of what is called the Irish neck, &
about two and cue half miles trom the
above described property, contuiniug
262 1-2 res, one hundred of which is
cleared and the remainder heavily tim
bered—there is on this farm a comfort
able dwelling bouse, containing four
rQOiyn* on 3 floor, a kitchen, a good ap
ple orchard, and excellent water. The
above proper y will be sold on good
terms for cash, or stock in any of the
H^nk« within t lie District of Columbia.
—or a reasonable credit will be given
for a part of the purchase mousy, by
the payment being well secured’ by
deed of trust or otherwise. Anply to
Eliot Muse.
Red Hill* Fairfax cy. April 8. eo
Recently received, and for Sale by
James Kennedy & Son,
SCO IT's Family Bible with copious
No<es, marginal References and
practical Observations,
Brown’s Family Bible, with do do
Quarto. OcUvo, and Duodecimo, do.
i in various Andings,
i Common Frayer Books of various sizer
and bindings, seme very eegmt,
Wall’s P»aims and Hymns, do do.
Ditro do. by Dwight,
Doddridge's Family Expositor, 6 vols
Owen on the Hebrews,4 vols
C .unpbeli on the Gospel, 4 vols
M - gee on the Atonement of Christ,
Orton’s Exposition of the Old Testa,
ment 0 \ols
1 Jamieson’s Use of Sacred History,
The wh'.le works ot the Kcv. John
Newton, 6 vols best edi ion
Scott’s Theological Works-, 5 vols
Campbell on Miracles/
Do Lectures.
Caves' Lives oi the Apostles and Evan
gclis s,
Buttcrworti *s Concordance,
Whole Duty cl Man,
Complete do do
auracr & uncniai i..usiems, a vma
Hurd cn the Prophecies, 2 do.
Euvrards on Redemption,
Hook of Martyrs,
Blair’s, Davies’, Walt's, Saurin’s,
Smith’s and Jay’s Sermons,
Fuchanan’s Researches in Asia, •
Melli h’s Travels in the U. States, See. I
Clarke’s Travels in Russia, Tartary 5c
Stoddard’s Sketches of Louisiana,
Lee’s Memoirs 4ii the War in the
Southern States, 2 vols
Ramsay’s History of the American Re
volution, a new and elegant edition,
in 2 vols
Ramsay's Life of Washington,
Marshall’s do clo 5 vols
Robertson’s History ol America, 2 vols
of Scotland, 2 vols
of Charles 5th
Hume, Smollct and Bissetl’s History of
England, 15 vols
Bozman’s History of Maryland,
Goldsmith’* Histoiy of Greece and
uomaj 4 vols. very elegant,
.Works do. 6 vols. do
Hampton’s Polybius, 3 volj. do.
•The British Cicero, 3 vols
The Work* of St Pierre, 3 vols
Hay's Fcm.-.le Biography, 3 vols
I Elegant Extracts, in verse and prose,
2 vols
Addison’s Miscellaneous Works.fi vols
Dr. Smith’s Lectures, corrected and
improved, new edition,
Hoyt's Military Instructor,
Steuben’s Exercises for the Troops of
the‘United States,
Duane’s Hand Book for do do
English, Latin and GrcekSch.oolBooks
and Classics of every kind,
Variety of the best Stationary Articles,
Blink Books and Record Books, made
at the shortest notice and of the best
materials, with Patent Ruling end
June 5 to
t /
District of Columbia, to wit,
County of Alexandria,
April Term, Ifiij,
Evan P. T ay lor, Compkdn.iu, ^
A'g ainstj ( In
David Chadwick and Joseph
Chadwick ai d bib anus j ccr^.
Smith. Dcicuoiri^s. J
; ; 't he Dekndaius David
Chadwich and Joseph CiiA<|*Kn
having entered tneir flppca.an. c art J
ven security, according to me »tuiui.
and the rules of this couit. cue lt .
pearing to the sa isUction oi tut Co^
uponaflktevit that the s.iha li«vlo t j-h(.‘
wick and Josiph Cnut.vi k are not fo.
habitants of this oisiri t, cn motion (f
the Complainant by i.is counsel it j,
ordered, that tuc said Defendants Da\;,j
Chadwick and Joseph Chadwick, d0
appear here on the first da> of Noun;,
ber Term next and enter their app*.
anev to the suit, and give sreurh for
performing thr. decrees of the court k
that the other Defendant Siivyr us Smith
do not pay ay convey or secrc.e the
debts hy him owing to or the esran« or
effects in his hands, belonging to ti«
said absent Defendants Davi Chadwj ;,
and Joseph Chadwich, until the further
order or de* rcc ol this c.ou’t. and thy
a copy of this order be forthwith pub
lished foe two months successive’? it
one of the pub*! newspapers public,
ed in this count?, neci 11»:-tt another co*
py be Tmsic.d at the front door of tbc
Court Hoir.Q'of said ('ounty.
A Cop'. Test.
G. Dereale, c.
July jf, law. m.
Distiic of Columbia to wit;
Vou.it; ci Alexandria,
April Term, Ml3.
ftetijamij; C.wgnan, Administra-") M
tor of Alexander lfurot
^__I Ci
Jcdediali Leeds, Thomas Swann { 2
and George Dejicale, | ^
The Defendant, Jedediah ;
Leed», not having entered his appear. •
ance and given security according bf
tlie statute ami the rules o? this Com
and it appearing to the satisfaction &
the Court upon affidavit, trat the sa;:
Defendant Jedcdiah Leeds, »s net x
inhabit nt o!This District—Or no ?io
of the Compl«inart by his Council, :
is ordered that the said Defendant L
dediah Leeds do appear here on tin
first day of November Term next, rri
ent*r his appearance to the suit, -]
give security for performing tlie tit |
crees of the Court, and that the otht/p
DcfendantsThomas Swarn and Gco-gt
Denealc, do no* pvy away, convey c
sen etc the debts by them owing to t
the estate in their hands belonging t j
the said absent Defendant Jededia
Le"d*,‘until the furl, er order or de
cree of this Coert. and that a copyoi
this order he for hwith published f«,
two pnontln su cf^siv-d' in one of the
public newsp orrs published ip thill
cou.ity, r.nd tnrt'nnothcr copy he pcit
ed at the front dooi of the court-houtf
of said cou-dy.
A cop-. : Test,
G. Deneale, C.
.Time 2R |
district of Coiumbia, to wit
County of Alexandria,
A p n< I 'I’rtriVi . 1 R 1
John Rea and Evan P. Taylor,"! £
x under the firm of Rea and j £
Taylor, Complainant* !
Against I 5
John Gadshy Sc Tho*s. Tr'p- j m
Irtt, Defendants, j y
The defendant John Gads
by, not having entered hi* appenran<;
and given security according to l j.
sta'ute and the rules of this Court, -r
it appearing to the satisfaction ol ? J
court that the said defendant J
Gadsby is not an inhabitant of tr f
district, on motion of the complain*1 ’
lay their counsel, it is ordered, thati
said defendant John Gad«bv do t<ppf
here on the first day of Novem
term next and enter hrs appesr-r.'c
the suit and give security for perlo r
ing tlic decrees of the court, and i
the other defendant Thomas i fir
do not pay away, convey or scjretc*.
debts by him owing to, or the enc- f
in his hands Iv longing to the said ■
sent defendant John Gwdsby, until
further order or decree of the court*
and that a copy of this order be fo1
with published in one of the p1'
newspapers published in this co:
for two months successively, ?nu ^
another copy b.c posted at the
doer of the court ouse of said conn
A Copy Teste.
G. Lcnca?e, C. !
June 28 law2m
—-" \
Ky Schooner Melinda, from
Sc/.r. Regulator, Jrovi Aew ’
A complete oiisovrinent ol SriOt
all descriptions and fashion6* '
In Store, ,, j,
Cotton, Window Glass, R3'en* 1
Fine Soaps, Spanish Horse *>
E. Gilman-' <
July 92 eoSt !■>■> \
i ■

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