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||| wammmt liimwi 1 1 11,1111 11 ” — ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, COMMERCIAL AND POLITICAL. ! PtrBMSHKl) (WLlhY) BY S. SNOWDEN « J. D SIMMS, BOM..STRBKT, AI.eX.WDRU. V0L XIjL] ~ IwNDA^ July 12. 1813. _ [No. 3995 SALES AT VENDUE. On every Tuesday and Friday, WILL BE SOLD, At the Vendue Store, corner of Prince and Water streets, A Variety of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, &c. Particulars of which will be expressed in the bills ol the day. All kind of goods which are on li mitation ;.n'd the pric?s of which are established, can ** **** timc and purchased atthe lowest limitation and prices. O. Mar (teller. For Freight , The elegant fast sailing staunch Ship Ap AWAM. roxR YRjR old,) Burthen about ?»00 Barrels Flour, now in perfect readiness for reception ol a G. Ladd. October 29. _1 To the Public. IX order to prevent deception, the public are cautioned not to purchase anv OIL that nnv be offered as Paul s patent Columbian Oil, that do not bear the true characteristics as published by mv sole principal agent, Doctor JOHN LOVE, of Baltimore. Thomas Paul. Baltimore, March 31, 1 ^ 1 2—-Feb. 13. 7*Sohlby RICHARD H. LITLE, Drpggist, Alexandria, agent for the pro [ wrieior * _ Lots on Centre street. For sale or to be let on ground rent forever Sundry Vacant Lots, situate on cer*re street, the new street lptrlv laid olf and gravelled leading from Simpsons corner at the turnpike mud m to King St. at Hoofs meadow Some of those lot* are in tne county of Alenan d. ia, and others in the county ofFr.irfax, t offering a choice to persons inclining to touv or lease. .._t - For terms, apply ti» thc subscriber *! his oftVce in Alexandria. CHARLES LEE. December 24 —lawrason a fowle HJVK FOR SJLK THE Cargo of Schooner I raveller, Capt. Morrow, from Portland, of AOQO feet merchantable and clear Lumber, .:LSO. I.4XDIXG, 4500 lbs. Seine and Sewing Twine. 100 boxes mould and dipt Candles. 30 cases awed Oil. 10 barrels taonevs’ Oil. February l __ “ PUBLIC NALL. ON the 2d day of August Court next, will be exposed ’o s^ie in Leesburg, at Peers'^ Tavern, if no* previously disposed ul—t tract nt Limit containing upward* of o('0 Acres, nw Goshen, in the County of Loudoun.— This land lies convenient to the J urn pike tvoau 10 uic . --- • ns susceptible of improvement ,ron» Plaister of Paris, =s any Land in the Countv : a large portion ol vrcorf and meadow land, and is well waterec. The improvements are tolerably com fortable. , fl ,. From the increasing value o, land in \ the neighborhood, * is worthy the at 1 .tsMioo of purchasers. It may be seen by applying to Mr. C. Stewart who lives on the p'emtsei Terms o sale one third in hand, »’«1 the balance in * I and li months, with approved securt l> Apply to-Geo. N. Balls, or in his absence to J. l.Bsmsav. Anr=t « COlTOrV 200 bales Georgia prime Cotton Wool, For sale bv J, G. Ladd. June 1___ 1 wish to dispose ct, on feajopable terms a Young Aegro H o jnan of unexceptionable character. She is a good servant and excellent nurse. ALSO TO HIKE, J A'groe Boy, about 14 or 15 years ol 9«t, who can be recommended as a. hou-se servant. Jane H. Slacum. Mav 31 _1_ Aoticc to Foreign Stove buyer*, FOR SALE, AT the Jail of Fairfax county, a very [likely Young Man, who has been accus* Itemed to house service, but is capable Fct almost any thing. Apply to Joh*j I Parks, Jr. at Sully, on the Little Rif ct Turnpike, near gate No. 5. lone U Sawtf TO RENT, A Commodious Brick DWELLING HOUSE, on a Spacious Lot, upper end of Cameron Street. Apply to John G. Ladd, Who hat for Salcy ju*t come to hand, One Box, yard wide Irish LINEN, assorted. December 2 _ _ Yeaton & Conway, Have just received from New-Yor*, 20 barrels prime Pork 20 do. cargo do. 20 do. prime Beef. /A STORE, 10 hhds. first quality Sugar 3f) pieces first do. Russia Sheeting 10 do. Russia Duck. I Ship Chandlery and Groceries, as usual. ! October 14 __ _ For New-York or Boston The fast sailing schvoner Betfey Ann, J. Brockway< master ; will take 400 barrels freight, on reasonable terms Apply to Wheelwright Ilf KettelL Who have for sale I SO bbls. Tanners Oil t 20 do. No. 1 Beef 4000 yards Russia Crash 40 pieces do. Sheetings 1 case do. Quills 40 bushels Clover Seed 50 boxes Herrings January 29 Pi.Al6i\fc.K PAR16, dfcc. FOR SALE, tl. r< A V*rir\ _;__ e * V IS VJ V/ o / 9UIVVIM.I V»W J V V 90 ton# Piaister Paris 75 boxes Herrings 10U boxes Mould Candles 12 boxes Windsor Soap; for" boston, Said Schooner | SPECIE, Josiah FurrvxVi Master ; To sail next week; will receive freight on reasonable terms. Apply f0 b JOHN G. LADD. Jmuarv 28. _d rm FOR BOS TOS, The stout & fast sailing VENUS, will take 500 bags freight. Apply to 6 JOHN G. LADD, Who has for Sale, 100 barrels best black Pepper. January 2 8._d ioo Dollar* Reward. THI LOPED from the coun fc 4 tyolFrederick and Commonwealth of Virginia, on or about the 7th day of March last, a negro slave named AN THONY the property of the late Wil liam Q Page deceased. Anthony is a beut 5 feet 9 inches in height, ot a sub f ubstantiai form, a light yellow cotnplec tion, and rather of an nflfeminate voice. He is about 23 years of age, was brought up a house servant and has been accus fmmvl tn that course of employment all his life. He is a slave of great capacity and considerable ingenuity—be reads— he plays the fiddle—and possesses a great mechanical turn—he can do rough carpenters* work and make combs. I he above rewatd will be given if Anthony should be apprehended at the distance of 100 miles from Fairfield, and brought to the subscribers living in Alexandria. But if apprehended at the distance of less than 100 miles, Fifty Dollars will be given if he is seeured in goal, and no tice given to the subscribers. Tho. Swann, Edmd. I. Lee, ddmrit. of iVm. B. Paget dec d Mav 3 The Editors of the Federal Republi can, Natio/ial Intelligencer and Gazette of the United States, will publish the a bove in their papers, and send their ac counts to this office._ For Boston The schooner ELIZA, George Stodder, master ; For Freight of 200 barrels, Apply to JACKSON & RUMNEY. 'January SO. ____ Lawrason & Fowle, Have just received—and for Sale, 220 Boxes fresh RAISINS. May 24___ J. i>. SIMM* VJJILL continue the practice of the \y law in the Circuit Court for the County of Alexandria. His Office ii I tbove the Printing-Office of the Alex andria Gaacttq. FOR %Al4.Rr THE BRH3 INDUSTRY, Carrie* I3f>0 barrel* ilour, irwo years and a half °'d* a ! very superior built vessel, nrrti can be sent to sea at a small expence. Apply to LAWRAS0N & FOWLE. January 27 John Gardner L,add J HJS FOR SALE, w Muscovado Sugars ill hhds. tierces and lib's. West India Rum in puncheons, Coffee and Pepper in bags, Imperial, Gunpowder. Young Hyson Skin, and Hyson Tcas.o! the lat est importations, in quarter chests and boxes, Russia Hemp ani Tron, Swedes I mo assorted, Russia Sheetings, Duck and Ravens Duck, bale Spanish Wool, by 10.Tbv9.9by II, and 10 by U Bristol Glass, in whole and hall box es Soap’Candles and Codfish in box Fig8,es, Lisbon Floor Mats, Whiskey and Apple Brandy in tierces 8c bblse % Few qr casks old Sherry, Lonc.on Par ticular Madeira and Stfeights Red , , Wine, Cordage and Lines of various sorts, Writing and Wrapping P-ncr, Men’s, Women's an : Children’s Shoe* in'barrcls and boxes, Bottle *Corks in bales, Sole Leather, ' * Few sacks Liverpool Blown Salt* Chalk and Plaister of Paris. AUo, PLQUGHS of the most approved construction. and one pair French Burr Mill Stones. October Artilicial Mineral vVaters. - - - \ THE subscriber has re-commenced running for the season, Sodp and Seltzer Waters. Rochelle and other Water! kept in bottles, or prepared ex tern pornneously for those who maychoose to drink them at the Fountains. Richard H. L:tle. Apothecary and Druggist. March 20 FRESH FRUIT. Wow Landing and for Sale by A^ams, Herbert & Co. 175 Boxes fresh Bloom and Muscatel Raisins. 62 Casks do. do. 5(> Quintals beat Soft Shelled Al monds. 10 Boxes Lemmons. 15 Kegs fresh Olives. March 4. _____ NEW SHAD. 200 bbls. extra size, prime SHAD, No. l. fOn SALE BT Joseph Mandevillc. Corner of King Fairfax Sts• A_: 1 *>r\ • I ■ *» I 14 • 1 Removal. JOSEPH SPEAR, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, THAT he has removed his shop to Roval-strcct to the one lately occupied j by Mr. B. Adamson near the Coffee | House, where lie carries on the CA BINET BUSINF SS in all its vaiious branches—lie also makes and re purrs oil kinds of Musical Instruments, such as Piano Fortes, Bass Viols, Violins, Guitars, Sec. and will also furnish Ma hogany Coffins for grown persons for | fifteen dollars. He hopes the quality I of his materials, the soundness of his ; work and the strict attention he in I tends paying to his business, will en : Kure him encouragement from a gene rous public. All the above branches of business will be executed at the shortest notice.', November 28. law i •. . BU__ . action ot this city, and about eighteen hun dred acres ot Land on the eastern branch of the Potomac, immediately opposite \ the City, ait offered for sale, foi cash, or on credit with security.-—Also, Lands in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky. Ap ply to the subscriber, at Tomlinson's Hotel, Washington, if before 10th June next, and afterwards at his residence in Allentown, Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, or at his office in Philadelphia. James Greenleaf. i Citjr of W«*binfton, M»jr 38. Stowtf I Planter Pans, &c. | 10 Ttr*»w FUister Paris, j 125 (irindstoiies. assorted sizes, 20 Barrels Prime BeeX, 20 do Prime Pork, Now landing front Schr. Catherine, Capiau.*K«lbrook, from N. York, and for [ Sale by Jackson & Rumney. j November 14 For Bofton. 300 Barrels can be taken on board the schooner Catharine, Capt Holbrook. Apply as above. Clover .Seed, i>alt, &c. John G. LADD HAS FOR SALE, Landing from Schooner Leader, 2000 bushels Liverpool coarse Salt, A few Tierces fn&li red Clover Seed, Sooo lbs. excellent Cheese, loo bushels Potatoes. February 16_ FOR CADIZ, THE SHIP LORENZO, f Washy Master i ior vessel, having perform ed nut one voyage- She is daily ex pected from an eastern port, and a con siderable part of her carpo <mg g“. — the remainder will be taken on reason able warns. . For Freight, The co/ifi-red Brig ELIZ v Rlifihalct (ircily, Master * Burthen about 2000 ‘Uriels—is in __- u n vp.«U> 1 VCiy 4 *- -- ALSO. —THE BRIO m BETSEY, Joel Prince, Matter ; Burthen about 3000 bar rel. nearly a new vessel, in complete order* FOR SALE, THE BRIG LOYD, ien 1800 barrels, a r® superior vessel, in complete fip order. FOR BOSTON, 7’Ae ilnfgr • Elder Snow, J. Stetson, Master, ’i 1$ Ready to receive a cargo, i% a considerable part of which is engaged. A IVtw barrels will be-taken on fi eight at a moderate price. Lawrafon & Fowle. Jnnunrv 26 Ft 'R i i. L On board the tloofi Priscilla, now lying at Merchants Wharf.. 4 Hhds. retailing Molasses 200 Bushels liverpool Salt 30 blown do. 50 Palatoes Vnup>mKpr 1 A d N oil C E. HE Partnership of CO l TOM b* STEWARl was Dissolved or the 1st instant bv mutual co sent. 'i\>ose having claims against the firm wil please present them for payment— and tho»e indebted call and settle their accounts with John A. Stiwaht, who is fully authorised to settle the same. Peter Cottom. John A. Stewart. April 8 The Public are respect fully informed that the Business will be continued and conducted by JOHN A. STEWART, who thankful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the I same. Superfine Yellow Bark, DR.SANFORD'S improved POW* DER of the BARK, having been used and highly approved by many physi 1 cimsof distinguished character in diffe | rent parts of the United Slates ; the 1 proprietor i* now encouraged to offer ! it to the faculty in general, under the persuasion, that no practitioner of taste, in the choice of his means, can fail to be gratified in the use of this elegnnt preparation.—In strength, fineness and certainty ol oprfation, it,greatly sur passes the bark in common use. ALSO, The ESSEN TIAL SALT \ Ol DARK ptepared by the same. The above articles are put up i« par cels ol different sizes, to accommodate the usual wants of not only physicians, but of retail druggists, country mer chants and private fatbilie* —Sold by James Kennedy, sen. Bookseller* and no other *ienon Alexandria. Land jor babe. I will tell threat bargain in a small FARM, containing one Iuiiufrerl and fort* :h res, lying in the county of Fair fax. adjoining the lands of the late Dr* Henry Rose and Mrs CatharineBrown, about mx miles from the town ot Alex andria and the same distance firm the Citjr of Washington and Georgetown. There is on said Farm a small Dwell ing House, Kitchen, fcc a plenty of timber for its support, about ten aerd* of excellent meadow land, and abound* with good water. Any person wishing to purchase will apply to the subscri ber who lives rear said Farm, and will shew the premises and make known the terms oi sale* Joseph Powell. June 8 dtf ..... . .. .. Boot and bhoe Blacking. JOHNSON RESPECTFULLY inform* the Ren. tlcmcn of Ah xandris, that he has taken a s»and n ar the corner^of Royal, on Kins: street, under Mr Giiffuh’s store, where h intends carrying on the bull ii«.*sh «.f Blacking Boots and Shoes, and Ch min* Fair Tops. Having •inllowed the business in tho nor*.hern cities, j,>r some time past, ho flatters buns. If he shall be able to giwo entire saislfccicn to his employers, in espect to matacss, despatch and tho i xc- llc-n quality of his blacking. H® w til Muit on gentlemen in the morning lor their boots and slices, which he will return in the course of the day, or im mediately to those who desire it. Hi* mode of cleaning preserves the shape of the boot, and his blacking softens and enriches the leather. May 18 Merino Wool. Otf* Bale first quality Merino Wool) for sale by J. G. Ladd. June 21 ___________ Bank of Alexandria, July 5, 1813. THE Stockholders in this institution are hereby notified, that a dividend of 4 per cent, for the last half year, is this day declared, and will be paid to them or their legal representatives on Thursday the 8th inst. By order of the Board, Jas. L. M'Kenna. July 6; Cashier, eo3vr. ENTERTAINMENT. HOUSE of Entertainment ic open ed by Mrs. Susannah Stkeit, in Winchester, neur the h^usc long occu pies as a Ta^nn by »he deceived Mr. Ph ilip Bu*h—Gentee; Families duc 1 raveller* will rii^et with the most con sior tabic ucconmioduiions June 21 2mlaw jackson & Rimmev, Have jws< Received and b>r Rv,lc, yy *■ s * uj,< ih e Cotton CARDS N-.'s 8. 9 and 10. July i e«,3w jgsl i ecc*vi:d lor sale Anthony rhgLEs, 3 B >xes of Domestic Goods, con taining Bidlicking, SU mbrays Gin g iams, Plaids and Stripes, Shawls Cotton Threads, a few pieces of fine quality Satinetts mixed colors, black and drab colored superfine Cloth,/cot ton Shirting. IN STORE. Cotton Twi*t white and colored Mens' and Women's fine and coarse Shoes Mens'fine and coarse Hats. Saddles aad Trunks 20 kegs of first quality Chewing To bacco, long Twist 20 kegs of Pearl-Ash 40 pieces blue India Cotton Cotton, Candles and Groceries at usual. June 22 RUSSIA SHEETINGS. i 20 pieces P ussia Sheeti ngs just received and fer bale by Lawrason & Fowle. ALSO Iff STORE, 220 boxes fresh Raisins* 300 boxes mould and dipt Candlei* 300 boxes brown Soap. July 9 j - ■—. . 63* 3000 lbs. Smithfield Hams, just received arid for sale by Wm. GARNER. July 9, 6t«