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cranoai .'. .' j s ST. . -. feft ft' .-j- r W-SJJ-gg - - -7SS3rHBW.-S-'-- i-.,js2-.t v ,- - , X9ffi5 . "P - " Hew to the Line. Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SEPTEMBER 14, 1895. 3STo. 3. JOHN T. Caine THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF UTAH. THE .DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. It was the good fortune o the editor of the Broad Ax to attend the recent State Democratic con vention held at Ogden, Sept. Slav ing left this city the evening before, and in an hour afterward was hos pitably entertained at the Reed hotel, where a large number of the prominent leaders were already quartered. The city of Ogden was completely captured on convention day; 'the attendance was immense, and the enthusiasm unbounded. With our limited space, we cannot enter into details, or incidents which attended this great gather ing; suffice it to say they were in spiring and earnest in every regard. We desire more particularly to speak of the results at this time. The Republicans who went there to see a Democratic fight, were disap pointed, as harmony and good feel ing pervaded the entire body. The platform of principles adopted, is a concise and truthful statement of "up to date" issues, and in com parison with the Republican plat form, with its coarse and libelous parts, it is a new suit of clothes, to "the rags and tatters of a beggar. The candidates chosen are all strong men, aa'd the peers of any ob oar oppooeBf s ticket. The Hoa. B. H. Hoberta, who ire predicted wewM be noaiaated, and of whom we spoke last ree k, is one of the most eloquent ami lo gical speakers in the West. He will be an honor to the new state in the halls of Congress, and the only question now is, how big his majority over Allen will be. A happy solution of the gubernatorial question was reached when the Hon. John T. Caine was named for governor. A clean, careful and conscientious man, familiar with public affairs, possessing a large de gree of moral courage and an un tarnished official record, togethef with his wide acquaintance in Utah makes him the very strongest can didate that could have been named. He will add strength to the ticket all over the state, and will come in under the wire 2000 votes ahead of the"bicycle rider in knee breeches." With John T. Caine as governor all classes of our people will be protected, and the law executed to the rich and poor alike: Bankers and Shylockslook well on a "bike," or kicking up their heels on the stage, but the people of Utah will want a man of experience and judg ment for their first governor, which they will have in the Democratic nominee. The judical portion of the ticket shows the excellent judgment of the convention, in its geographical distribution, as well as in the personal candidates. Mr. Maloaey, ;Mr. Yoang, and Mr. Thuraaa, are,all experienced trial lawyers, pure and honorable in their professions, of high moral character as citizens, and all talent-; ed and brainy men. They will fill the high and dignified positions of supreme justices, with credit to the state and satisfaction to all who come, before the bar of justice. Neither of these men will be owned or controlled by corporate influence, or swayed by paternal favor to lend a helping hand to an upstart off spring. Nor can it be said of either of the Democratic nomi nees, that their name never appear ed as attorney in a single case in a court of record. The old fossils on the Republican ticket will be snowed under so deep next Novem ber that they will never be heard of again. We want pure men on the bench, and men who have made a study of the law, and we have them by the grace of the Ogden conven tion. The residue of the ticket is well distributed over the state, thereby exhibiting a fairness to the outside portions which was sadly wanting in the Republican deal, which acted as though Salt Lake City was the only spot from which a candidate could be obtained. Fisher S. Harris, for secretary of state, a brilliant young business man, and a lively campaigner, will make it hot for' his opponent and will be elected easy, as will the en tire ticket The work of the con vention was well done, and the people of Utah will ratify its action this fall by electing every man. We feel like saying a word in clos ing, as to the consideration and kindness shown to the editor of the BaoAD Ax, by all we met. There was no color-line at this great con vention, but on the contrary espe cial pains were taken to make us feel at home, and to realize that among Democrats the negro finds his best and truest friends. eyes opened, for in the last number of the Plain Dealer he has a whining letter in which he shows he has been brought to light by our efforts, as the whole idea and part of the language was borrowed .from the Broad Ax. We are glad the gen tleman reads our paper; it will do him good, and we hope to be able to cause him to see the error of his ways, and bring political salvation to him and his crowd. We notice that when the said "resolution of censure" was under discussion W. W. Taylor did not want to go on record as opposing the Nelson resolution. Poor fellow; he is' afraid of losing his job. He and Lindell, Griffin, Lucas & Co., of the P lain Deafer, would like to straddle the fence. They want to be in a position to say "good Lord and good Devil." In other words, to soft soap the Democratic candidates for lucre, and then milk the Repub lican heifers for campaign money. Change the name, gentlemen, and call your paper the Doubts Dealer instead of the Plain Dealer. All this effort to crush out the Broad Ax will be futile. It is a wrqng spirit, and shows a narrow ness and a smallcess unworthy of the spirit of the age. It is one of the strongest arguments in favor of the colored man breaking loose from the Republican party, which has for years appealed to his preju dices, and kept him bound to an idea of hate and bigotry." The THE KU KLUX IN SALT LAKE. At a recent meeting of the Lin--coin Club, an attempt was made by P. W. Nelson, a member of that club, to pass a resolution of cen sure upon the editor of the Broad Ax, for the grave offence of having the courage of his convictions, and for striving to liberate the minds of the colored people from a tradition al servitude. The good judgment and "horse sense" of the majority prevailed, however, and the gentle man's resolution was laid on the table, or consigned to the waste' basket, as it should have been. The gentleman evidently hp been reading the Broad Ax,and he has got his blood ieated, and forsooth, his i Oft rHOKAS HAIOJTKT. Broad Ax will continue to "hew to the line," let the chips fall where they may. We will not be deterd from our duty by threats of cen sure or "running us out etc. This is an age of thought and liberty of conscience, and we pro pose to continue to enlighten our fellow man to the best of our skill and ability. We have always known that "wounded birds Mutter," aad we take it that some of pur shot have hit this crowd of would-be leaders. , t