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zv.TJgr -sgEW- - Fi IV ' ' I rt THE BROAD AX. 3 zZjj jj,jWMfc?tltS:.ifliBP Sprmylnc With Hermese. Insect pests which suck their food, such as plant lice and pear psylla, are not affected by poisons applied to the surface of plants. Against these insects kerosene emulsion is commonly used, which kills bv contact. Professor Weed of the Mississippi ex- EAGLE BLOCK, periment station Rives in a bulletin an ' illustrated description 01 a aenceiar POWERS, STRAUP AND L1PPMAN, Attorneys and Counselors. SALT LAKE CITY. i W, i I Business Cards and all hinds of Job Printing done at tJie office of the Broad Ax, 66 Main St. If you want clean cool and large lamps that will barn into ashes and leave no clinkers buy the Diamond Coal and save one third on con sumption from J. W. Whitehead, Jr., 38 West, Second South Street, Telephone 608. A. N. CHERRY. J. VT. CHERRY. CHERRY & CHERRY, LAWYERS, Rooms 9 and 10, Walker Bros. Bank Bldg. , Salt Lake City. Antl-ComblDe Coal OSTee. The only dealer in Salt Lake City who is outside of the coal combine is J. W. Whitehead, Jr., 38 West, second sonth street. Telephone 608. For FIRST-CLASS WORK And where all customers will re ceive courteous treatment, go to 0. L. LeiaoDs' Barbr Shop 63 W. FIRST SOUTE. The Broad Ax will be for sale there. KKRTKEXE ATTACHMENT FOR SPRAYEB. mixing kerosene and water without making an emnlinu of the former. To the side of au ordinary knapsack sprayer is fastened a square can to hold the kerosene. The kerosene runs through a small tube to the bottom of the pump in the larger tank, bo that whenever the pump is worked a certain proportion of kerosene runs in with the water and is forced out through the nozzle. Under pressure the water and the oil form a mechanical mixture which kills the in sects and does away with the bother of preparing an emulsion. The great point is to reguhre the flow of kerosene so as to get an exact proportion in the water. A bent rod connects with the tube un der the kerosene can and plays up and down on a notched gauge at the side of the larger tank. By working this up or down the drip from the kerosene can is regulated mid the notches determine the exact proportion of oil to water. For example, in spraying for plant lice, wa are advised to use one part of kerosene to 20 parts of water. For lice on hoga we would use one part of kerosene to two Darts cf water and so on. rollco In Tiawla The Bussian godovoy (policeman) is usually a very small policemai. indeed. He makes up in deportment and dignity what he lacks in size. His countenance bears evidence tf unbending severity; he is never seen to smile: ho is minute, but majestic; dirly, but dignified. His dress is a long kaftan, which the ignorant v.uuld uuhpsitatingly pro nounce to be a dressing gown. A sword ornaments the left side, while his legs are incased m huge Wellington boots. On his head he wears a small military cap. The policeman lives in his own little house, about the size of a moderately large deg kennel, one of winch is plant ed at the corner r.f each principal thor onghfaie. Hero the little gcdovoy sleeps and cats his meals and disposes of the sparo time upni his hands. Buffalo Times. Lorrd Rer Horse. Clement ticott, the London dramatic critic, ssiys that he was once threatened with a hl.el suit for saying" that a cer tain actress w ho caracoled on the stage on a seedy looking, circus bred quadru ped "rode a hore with pink eyes." "Abuse mo as much as you like," said the fair litigant, "but don't say that my horse has pink eyes. " The Storm Center. The great lakes and the St. Lawrence valley have more storms per imiw than any other portions of this country. This is due to the fact that storms orig inating west of this district move di rectly cast, while many originating farther south move to the northeast. GREAT SALE- Every citizen in Salt Lake City should buy their coal from J. "W. Whitehead, Jr., 38 West, Second South Street, Telephone. 608, as he is the dealer who brought the' com bine off their perch. Thb Diahonb Coal is the best in the market, lets soot, no clinkers sore heat, J. W. Whitehead, Jr., asent,38West,Second South Street, Telephone 606. FOR TEN DMYS One lot'men's brown or fast black seamless Sox, cheap at 15c, go this sale at H'c One lot boys' dark outing flannel Waists, 20c One lot boys' dark, heavy Pants, this sale 25c One lot boys' fancy front outing Shirts, 25c One.lot gents' 5'c Balbripgan Underwear, 35c One lot boys' dark long'Fants go at - 75c All our boys' 40c and 50c straw Hats go at 25c Our entire stock of $1.40 and $1.75 ladies' silk Umbrellas, cut to $1-20 Ladies Calico Wrappers, cut from 85 to OHc 25 doziadies'last black seamless Hose,go at mc All our ladies' 25c fine Jersey Vests, go at 17c 5c 35c 40c 5rc COc One lot Tndigo Blue Calico, so at Ladies' 50c Jersey Vests, cut to One lot line 6i c Corsets, cut to One lot line 75c summer Corsets, cut to One lot J Chenille Table-Covers, go at AH our black India Linen, cut from 15 and 20c to - " " 1Vc One lot ladies'tan Oxfords.cut Irom $1.20 to 85c nn int. Indies' black Oxfords, cut from $1.40 to - SL05 One lot children's cloth top Dongola Shoes 8 to 12, cut to 95c Two white and black metal Belt Pins for 5c Ladies' bicycle Stick Pins - - 10c Litest syle Side Combs - 35 and 20c Ladies' Belt Buckles, white metal, at - 10c Ladies' black silk ottoman Belts 25c Ladies' line silk Neckties - - 30c Crochet Cotton, all colors, per box - 45c Ladies' and children's silk Windsor Ties 35c Ladies' fine shell Hair Pins, per doz. 10 and 15c Ladies' Hand Bags, large size, at Fine KnittingJSilk, large size, per ball Cocoanut oil Toilet Soap, 2 cekes Fine white Castile Soap, 3 cakes Six cakes iinej Yucca root Soap for " This is entirely free Irom grease. Call for sample. Fancy paper Lamp Shades One dozen ladies' Hat Pins for - Large cabinet Hair Pins, Any size Hair Curlers, - 2 oz. bottle; sperm Machine Oil, Kirk's Duskj Diamond Tar Soap, 25 best quality Envelopes for Children's Pencil Boxes, leck and key, Children's largeTablets for 35c 15c 5c 15c 26c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c' 5c 5c New York Cash Store, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, T ' WE BARTLING; Proprietor. A- ''-!?. ." It- -jT ! t V . . rtersi ,.i.-CS aT-r v .eSVjrCt";" -,g. ' tmaetffe..-